
The Corporate Media’s Coronavirus Propaganda For China Is Finally Catching Up With Them


Category:  Op/Ed

Via:  heartland-american  •  5 years ago  •  7 comments

By:   Christopher Bedford

The Corporate Media’s Coronavirus Propaganda For China Is Finally Catching Up With Them
Even before reports on incinerators “working around the clock,” massive orders for urns, government bribes to keep mourners quiet, and total government censorship, China’s lies were obvious. Even before China concealed the outbreak, blamed the U.S. military, and expelled foreign reporters, their lies were obvious. Their lies were so obvious because China is an authoritarian regime that history plainly documents killing and starving millions while lying about it to this day.

deleted, sweeping generalization SP

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Now that news of China's lies is beginning to seep out, will it make a difference? Will there even be corrections? Don't count on it.

Beijing has lied about the coronavirus from the start, while here in the West our corporate media has actively and enthusiastically spread its lies to households across the free world. But now that news of China’s lies is beginning to seep out, will it make a difference? Will there even be corrections? Don’t count on it.

Even before  reports  on incinerators “working around the clock,” massive orders for urns, government bribes to keep mourners quiet, and total government censorship, China’s lies were obvious. Even before China concealed the outbreak, blamed the U.S. military, and expelled foreign reporters, their lies were obvious.

Their lies were so obvious because China is an authoritarian regime that history plainly documents killing and starving millions while lying about it to this day. The press should know this, and they do know this, yet still corporate news outlets  unquestioningly repeat  Beijing’s line.

Then it all got a little confusing Wednesday, when Bloomberg reported both that the United States leads China in coronavirus cases and  that China is concealing cases and deaths  inside the country.

“China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country,” the latter story reads, “under-reporting both total cases and deaths it’s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House.”

And there it is. The news certainly checks out with what reporters could have confirmed if they’d actually been reporting this past month.

“We have people sending us a lot of material originating in Wuhan, especially, and also other places in China,” Marion Smith, executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, told The Federalist. “Based on eyewitness accounts of situations in the hospitals and situations at the crematoria, and based on the evidence coming in, there’s many, many, many times the number of deaths than the official number. This is why last week, when China announced no new cases in Wuhan, we knew that was not true. … We have reports of folks in hospitals in Wuhan being told that they are not allowed to admit new coronavirus patients, and we have accounts that the individuals who pass away with coronavirus are not being tested prior to being sent to the crematorium.”

Wednesday’s corporate revelation appears to travel slow, though. Hours and multiple updates after its publication, Bloomberg’s  coronavirus guide  still claims in the opening paragraph that “cases in the United States now exceed those in China.” Two weeks ago, Bloomberg reported that Europe also had exceeded China’s cases.

No correction or editor’s note is attached to either article. No “without evidence” line — the one editors and reporters like to tack on to  President  Donald  Trump’s every  utterance  to demonstrate their pious skepticism. Not even an asterisk. Think about that: Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa get harsher treatment than China’s dictator.

Bloomberg News, notably, has  a history of covering for Beijing  and was  allowed to keep its reporters in China  when government authorities expelled The New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal in March. Maybe the government was confident those reporters wouldn’t start checking in on their numbers, preferring to wait for their U.S. government sources to spoon feed it to them. No surprise. Michael Bloomberg’s fortune is  deeply entangled with China ( and he knows it ).

But his company is not alone. CNN  uncritically  repeats China’s false statistics  over  and  over again NBC MSNBC BBC The New York Times  — the list goes on, all without corrections or updates.

The corporate media’s trumpeting of foreign propaganda is especially eager when it hurts the president they don’t like. Outlets  like Vox and BuzzFeed relentlessly attack Trump for not taking the coronavirus seriously enough early enough, but rushed to edit their past coverage that had authoritatively declared coronavirus less dangerous than the common flu.  Vox,   The New York Times  and their television peers declare the president’s use of “Wuhan coronavirus” racist, while editing and forgetting past coverage that  used  “ Wuhan coronavirus ” or  explained why so many pandemics come from that country.

It’s not shocking. As the virus spread across the planet, and as Americans worked furiously to stave off a global depression, the corporate media made clear  their top concern  was that Trump was mean to their friend Peter. It’s a self-obsession thing: The story must be about them. But now the story really is about them. Will they have the guts to admit it?


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Senior Guide
1  seeder  XXJefferson51    5 years ago

“China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country,” the latter story reads, “under-reporting both total cases and deaths it’s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House.”

And there it is. The news certainly checks out with what reporters could have confirmed if they’d actually been reporting this past month.

“We have people sending us a lot of material originating in Wuhan, especially, and also other places in China,” Marion Smith, executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, told The Federalist. “Based on eyewitness accounts of situations in the hospitals and situations at the crematoria, and based on the evidence coming in, there’s many, many, many times the number of deaths than the official number. This is why last week, when China announced no new cases in Wuhan, we knew that was not true. … We have reports of folks in hospitals in Wuhan being told that they are not allowed to admit new coronavirus patients, and we have accounts that the individuals who pass away with coronavirus are not being tested prior to being sent to the crematorium.”  

Professor Quiet
2  cjcold    5 years ago

Fox is now corporate media above all others. Only 80 year old fools don't get it.

Senior Guide
2.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  cjcold @2    5 years ago

The best thing about Fox News is that MBFC almost rated them as “questionable” just a couple of weeks ago.  So close and yet no cigar for you.  Long live the alternative media from Fox to World Net Daily to Breitbart and Big League Politics.  The mainstream old line media is dead to us.  I haven’t watched a big 3 nightly news program since 2000 when our local cable outfit added Fox News Channel to their lineup.  If Fox didn’t report it, it didn’t happen.  

Senior Guide
2.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  cjcold @2    5 years ago

Do you want to blame Fox for this too?  

  • Richard H. Ebright, a molecular biologist who has been quoted as a coronavirus expert by The Washington Post and MSNBC, said Thursday that it’s possible that COVID-19 leaked from a Wuhan lab.
  • Shi Zhengli, China’s leading virologist on bat-borne viruses, said in March that she lost sleep worrying that the virus could have leaked from her lab in Wuhan after she first learned of the virus in December.
  • Shi now tells those who share the concerns she once had to “shut their stinking mouths.”

A molecular biologist who has been quoted as a coronavirus expert by The Washington Post and MSNBC said Thursday in no uncertain terms that the novel coronavirus could have been unleashed due to a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

China’s top virologist on bat-borne viruses, Shi Zhengli, has sworn on her life that the virus did not leak from her Wuhan lab, saying that its spread was “nature punishing the human race for keeping uncivilized living habits.”   But Richard H. Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, told the Daily Caller News Foundation on Thursday that there is a real possibility that the virus entered the human population due to a laboratory accident.

When asked specifically if he believes the virus could have leaked from Shi’s lab in Wuhan, Ebright said: “Yes.”

“A denial is not a refutation,” Ebright said. “Especially not a denial based on ‘nature punishing the human race for keeping uncivilized living habits.'”

And while Shi now tells those who question whether her lab could be connected to the release of the coronavirus to “shut their stinking mouths,” she previously said she lost sleep worrying about the possibility that her lab in Wuhan could have been responsible for the virus’s release.  Shi, known by her colleagues as the “bat woman” because of the 16 years she has spent hunting for viruses in bat caves, told  Scientific American  in March that she frantically searched for any evidence that her laboratory’s records were mishandled upon learning of the virus’s outbreak in Wuhan in late December.

“Could they have come from our lab?” Shi recalled thinking.

“I had never expected this kind of thing to happen in Wuhan, in central China,” she noted, saying that her studies had shown that southern China posed the greatest risk of coronaviruses jumping from animals to humans.

Shi said she breathed a sigh of relief when results came back showing that the sequences of the coronavirus did not match the viruses she and her team had sampled from bat caves.  “That really took a load off my mind,” Shi said. “I had not slept a wink for days.”

Shi and her colleagues at the Wuhan Institute of Virology reported in  early 2017  that after five years of surveying they had discovered 11 new strains of SARS-related viruses in horseshoe bats from China’s Yunnan Province. The virologist said at the time that the 11 strains contained all the genes to make a SARS coronavirus similar to that of the 2003 outbreak.

Shi contributed to a  study  published in February reporting that the novel coronavirus is 96.2% identical to a viral strain that was detected in horseshoe bats from the Yunnan Province.

However, two Chinese researchers noted in a  separate paper  in February that the horseshoe bats that are known to carry the nearly-identical viral strain live 600 miles away from Wuhan. The researchers also cited testimonies from nearly 60 people who lived in or visited Wuhan saying that the bat “was never a food source in the city, and no bat was traded in the market.”

“The killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan,” the two Chinese researchers noted in their paper, which was uploaded to  Research Gate  on Feb. 6.

The paper was removed from Research Gate on Feb. 14 or 15, according to  internet archives .

“The content was uploaded to ResearchGate by a user who later removed it from the platform. Beyond this, we cannot disclose information about individuals who use our platform,” Research Gate spokesman Dan Noyes told the DCNF.

The paper’s lead researcher, Botao Xiao, didn’t return the DCNF’s emails on Thursday seeking comment.

Ebright, the Rutgers University molecular biologist, told Beijing-based news outlet  Caixin Global  in February that while there is “no basis to suspect the virus was engineered,” the available data indicates that the virus’s introduction into human populations could be attributed to either natural causes or to a laboratory mishap.

The Washington Post  and  MSNBC  have quoted Ebright saying that theories about the virus being a bioweapon should be “firmly excluded,” but neither outlet included  his belief  that the possibility that the virus entered the human population through a lab accident “cannot–and should not–be dismissed.”


A person wearing a protective suit rides a bike on a Wuhan street. (HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP via Getty Images)

Shi has furiously denied that the novel coronavirus could have leaked from her lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

“The novel 2019 coronavirus is nature punishing the human race for keeping uncivilized living habits. I, Shi Zhengli, swear on my life that it has nothing to do with our laboratory,” she wrote on a Chinese social messaging app in early February, according to Caixin Global. “I advise those who believe and spread rumors from harmful media sources … to shut their stinking mouths.”

Deadly viruses have a history of escaping from Chinese laboratories.

The SARS virus  escaped twice  from the Chinese Institute of Virology in Beijing in 2004, one year after the virus was initially contained.

The Chinese government has been widely criticized for misleading the world about the novel coronavirus outbreak from its earliest stages.

One of the first doctors in Wuhan to raise the alarm about the spread of a SARS-like virus in the city was detained by police in December and told to “stop making false comments.”

That doctor,  Li Wenliang , died from coronavirus in February.

Another Chinese doctor, Ai Fen, claimed she was silenced by her bosses when she tried to warn about the virus during its early stages. Ai’s whereabouts as of Sunday are currently unknown, according to  60 Minutes Australia , sparking fears that she has been detained.

And on Wednesday a top Chinese health official announced that the country will begin counting coronavirus cases from patients that show no symptoms, a tactic acknowledgment that Beijing had underreported its official tally of known coronavirus cases since the start of the pandemic.  (RELATED: Chinese Government Finally Acknowledges Underreporting Coronavirus Cases)

Republican Sen.  Tom Cotton  of Arkansas told the DCNF on Wednesday it is wholly appropriate to question whether the coronavirus outbreak originated from labs in Wuhan that were studying coronaviruses.

“The reason I have raised these questions from the very beginning is because of China’s statements and their actions,”  Cotton  told the DCNF. “After concealing the virus for many weeks in December and then minimizing its severity for most of January, they then peddle an origin story about the food market in Wuhan.”

“Given their dishonesty and the proximity of these labs, which we know were working with coronaviruses, it is only reasonable and responsible for us to ask the question and demand the answers.”

This post has been updated with comments from Research Gate.  

Senior Guide
3  seeder  XXJefferson51    5 years ago

Bloomberg News, notably, has   a history of covering for Beijing   and was   allowed to keep its reporters in China   when government authorities expelled The New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal in March. Maybe the government was confident those reporters wouldn’t start checking in on their numbers, preferring to wait for their U.S. government sources to spoon feed it to them. No surprise. Michael Bloomberg’s fortune is   deeply entangled  with China (  and he knows it  ).

But his company is not alone. CNN  uncritically   repeats China’s false statistics   over   and   over again  .   NBC  ,  MSNBC  ,   BBC  ,   The New York Times   — the list goes on, all without corrections or updates.

The corporate media’s trumpeting of foreign propaganda is especially eager when it hurts the president they don’t like. Outlets   like Vox and BuzzFeed relentlessly attack Trump for not taking the coronavirus seriously enough early enough, but rushed to edit their past coverage that had authoritatively declared coronavirus less dangerous than the common flu.   Vox,     The New York Times   and their television peers declare the president’s use of “Wuhan coronavirus” racist, while editing and forgetting past coverage that   used   “ Wuhan coronavirus  ” or   explained  why so many pandemics come from that country. 

Senior Guide
4  seeder  XXJefferson51    5 years ago

The apparent alliance of convenience between the  mainstream media, the top brass of the democrat party, and communist Chinese propaganda is a clear and present danger to the United States.  

Senior Guide
5  seeder  XXJefferson51    5 years ago

And now there are reports out of China that deaths in Wuhan are 16 times what’s been reported and a  2nd wave of covid-19 in another province there.


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