OMG Just Watch: Trump Shuts Down Partisan Reporter During COVID-19 Briefing

That was funny watching Trump take her stupid gotcha question and give her nothing she was trying to nail him. He totally demolished the premise of her partisan biased question

Trump absolutely DESTROYED Weijia Jiang from CBS when she asked him the most useless, unimaginative “gotcha” question to have ever been asked.
“Yesterday, Jared Kushner said, ‘the notion of the federal stockpile was it’s supposed to be our stockpile, it’s not supposed to be state’s stockpiles that they then use,’” Jiang said. “What did he mean by ‘our’ given the fact that taxpayers from every state pays for it?”
Now, anyone with sense that can see past their own prejudices would infer that Kushner was indicating that the stockpiling of supplies is supposed to be the responsibility of the federal government to then distribute to states, rather than the responsibility of individual states. We could spend some meaningful time and effort discussing whether that’s the best idea, but interpreting his comment took literally .01248 seconds and barely more than 0 units of brain energy.
Jiang, however, is evidently not representative of the aforementioned group, and thought she could somehow trick President Trump into admitting that his family was hoarding all the supplies for themselves, I guess? I don’t know what she possibly thought she would gain by parsing the semantics of the OBVIOUSLY patriotic “our,” but whatever it was, she didn’t get it.
“Oh, why are you asking? What’s that, a gotcha, I gotcha, you used the word ‘our,’” Trump fired back. “You know what ‘our’ means? United States of America, that’s what it means. It means United States of America, and then we take that ‘our’ and we distribute it to the states.” “He’s talking about the federal government,” Trump continued. “I mean, it’s such a basic, simple question, and you try to make it sound so bad. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, you know what, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. It’s such a simple question. He said, ‘our,’ and ‘our’ means for the country, and ‘our’ means for the states because the states are a part of the country. Don’t make it sound bad.”
Instead of accepting her ass that Trump neatly handed back to her, Jiang continued to interrupt and derail the briefing. When the President moved on to another reporter, she continued to push her nonsense question, and when Trump said, “You asked your question,” she had either the sheer audacity or utter stupidity to say he didn’t answer her question.
This is the state of journalism in America and I for one am thrilled that Trump is handling it the way he is.
Bonus video moment: At the very end, watch Trump’s face when the next reporter starts his question, “To f
O. M. G you guys just watch:
I'm beginning to wonder which kind of exposure risk is really worse for americans. covid-19 or watching POS/POTUS performing fellatio upon himself every day with his made for TV political rally disguised as a pandemic update.
... unbelievable... amazing... fabulous... never been seen before....... pffft, what a f'n moron.
2% covid19 information + 98% partisan bullshit, deflection, and reassignment of blame.
[Deleted. Please check the format of C&Ps before posting.]
Did you get a load of the part where he said the federal government is a back up to state governments?? BRA-FREAKING-VO to that, and a hearty AMEN.
Also the rest of it is delicious snarky and Trumpian and I am TOTALLY HERE FOR IT.
Every question for trump is a "gotcha" question. And when he speaks ?
It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.
Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 5)
The link in 1.6 has the tweet that was President Trumps letter to Schumer that was deleted in 1.5
Letter from President Donald J. Trump to Senator Charles E. Schumer
Senator Charles E. Schumer
United States Senator
Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Senator Schumer:
Thank you for your Democrat public relations letter and incorrect sound bites, which are wrong in every way.
If you spent less time on your ridiculous impeachment hoax, which went haplessly on forever and ended up going nowhere (except increasing my poll numbers), and instead focused on helping the people of New York, then New York would not have been so completely unprepared for the “invisible enemy.” No wonder AOC and others are thinking about running against you in the primary. If they did, they would likely win.
Fortunately, we have been working with your state and city governments, Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill DeBlasio, to get the job done. You have been missing in action, except when it comes to the “press.” While you have stated that you don’t like Andrew Cuomo, you ought to start working alongside him for the good of all New Yorkers.
I’ve known you for many years, but I never knew how bad a Senator you are for the state of New York, until I became President.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Or, in the alternative, call Rear Admiral Polowczyk.
Sincerely yours,
Donald J. Trump
DOWNLOAD THE LETTERCrooked donnie the WORST president in the history of this country can't answer a simple was not a gotcha question, most Americans would like to hear the answer to that question.
He answered her question perfectly while ripping her a new one
If they need a answer to that question they are probably a TDS sufferer and no matter what President Trump says they would still piss and moan like the triggered snowflakes they are.
That wasn't a "simple" question. It was a STUPID question and you know it.
He did answer the question. You may have been in freak out mode because he called out a f$cking moron while he answered it.
It’s hard to believe that some refuse to get it.
I don't it's that they refuse to get it. I don't think they have the ability to get it.
"Just a follow-up on that..."
That shit is endless.
There was a similar question during todays press briefing so soon there will be another msm lunacy to mock here
It’s like when ever a CNN or NBC reporter gets called on an idiotic and or gotcha question ensues...
I don't know much about the source to this opinion piece. Can someone tell me about Chicks on the Right so I can make my own informed opinion?
It's really just a video. You can watch the video and form your opinion.
Exactly! The video is of a hard news event.
hard enough for what most of trumpski's sycophants were doing while he busy was blowing his own horn
Quit describing Obama and his leading guys.
I seen the actual briefing, President Trump did make this woman look like a total fool and in the same briefing Jim Acosta got the same treatment asking a ignorant question.
I haven't caught the TDS sufferers go to Rachel Madcows talking points on what Jarred was supposed to mean when he called medical supplies 'ours', But what the actual Fuck do they think he was talking about?
Follow the link to their site and inform your self.
Chicks on the Right are a group of women funded by the FSB who are against birth control for everyone except them.
Chicks on the Right are a group of women funded by the FSB
Yeah, I know. I just wanted to draw attention to the ridiculous source without being immediately deleted.
Well here is what you would have found out by looking for yourself instead of hearsay from others:
The website launched on February 27, 2009, their social media pages soon after, and ever since, the Chicks’ mission has been to advance the cause of conservatism through data-driven and opinion-driven commentary in an informal and entertaining way. They neither profess nor intend to be political experts or journalists, but rather offer a fun alternative to traditional news outlets and provide a forum for everyday people to have a voice (and a place to poke fun) about their country’s leaders, policies, and political and cultural direction. The site is lighthearted and sarcastic in nature, and the Chicks present commentary about the latest political stories and cultural happenings in a way that’s far more miniskirt than business suit.
In 2013, after an explosion of growth, the Chicks were offered a Saturday afternoon radio show on Indianapolis’ 93WIBC FM station. A few months went by, and they auditioned for and “won” the afternoon drive-time weekday timeslot, which led them to leave the corporate world and become full-time Chicks on the Right. A few short months later, they landed a book deal, and in October of 2014, Right for a Reason: Life, Liberty, and a Crapload of Common Sense hit bookshelves everywhere.
In early 2015, the Chicks realized that their website and social media presence had grown enough that they were able to add talented writers to their team, who continued to carry the conservative torch in the same voice and tone that the Chicks on the Right brand is known for. In 2019, as their full time writers moved on to other career opportunities, the Chicks began offering internship writing opportunities to other women to cast the conservative chick net even wider.
After two years of drive-time radio-ing, the Chicks asked for a time-switch so that they’d be able to enjoy after school activities and dinner with their families, and moved to their current spot – 9-11 am weekdays. In addition to managing the continued growth of their brand, and mentoring their “chickterns”, they continue to write for their website, and also do local and national speaking engagements. They’ve also appeared as guests on such TV programs as Fox and Friends, Varney & Company, CNN Tonight, and various syndicated radio programs as well.
Currently, she resides primarily in Indiana with her husband, young daughter (the original “Chicklet”), four dogs, and flock of chickens when not visiting her part-time residence in Texas, where she one day hopes to retire with a herd of Longhorn cattle. She’s also a proud stepmama to two wonderful stepchildren.
When Daisy’s not co-running the Chick empire or doing an impression of Bernie Sanders on the radio at WIBC, she’s most likely mommin’, enjoying her family and friends, adopting another animal, reading something about health or nutrition, exercising her second amendment rights with her husband in their backyard range, indoor or outdoor cycling, junkin’, upcycling vintage furniture, making jewelry, or listening to the Foos, Zeppelin, or trap music (yep, you read that right). She used to believe that Chuck E Cheese was the portal to Hell, but is now certain that it’s most definitely Twitter, and she’s currently seeking out a 12-step program for her boot and throw pillow addictions.
Mock is the proud mom of two (preemie!) boys, the eldest of which has severe cerebral palsy and the ability to melt even the coldest heart with his smile. Her youngest son is setting her up to be the worst mother-in-law ever, because no girl will ever be good enough for him, what with his total brilliance and killer good looks and incredibly charming personality and whatnot.
Mock is infatuated beyond description with pop star Robbie Williams, but her heart belongs completely to her husband, who she insists is so good at understanding women he should teach a master class. She lives with her family in Indiana, and when she’s not cuddling her two dogs, she enjoys Zumba, poring over house plans and interior design pics to get ideas for her future home in Low Country, and dreaming of a world devoid of progressive feminists who wear pussy hats.
Please show proof or link to back up your sweeping generalization that the Russians FSB funds Chicks on the right.
A confession of trying to pretend that your meta was honest inquiry?
Follow the money. You really believe the Koch or Mercer Foundations would finance this?
It would seem they financed it themselves since it’s the career they are supporting themselves on after leaving good jobs in other places to do this.
Still waiting on that one....😂
Just the fact that two middle age women refer to themselves as "chicks" should tell you all you need to know.
or their age? Not to mention that they’ve been dong this for around 12 years. Not to mention that the criticism was gender based.
Yes. The Court of The Supreme Beings, once this Corona Thing is over are going to take up that very issue of CHOICE.
No, the criticism is word based. No human female should refer to herself as a "chick", aka baby bird. That's fecking stupid.
And if a couple of men were dudes on the left would you criticize them calling themselves dudes if they were middle aged?
I am a guy so my opinion doesn't mean much, but....
I think it is like women calling each other whores.
Some may think it is in jest yet words do hurt after a while.
Actually I think dude can be gender neutral.
So why not just totally derail the seed by going after the source and making fun of their name instead of discussing the topic the article brought up? Oh wait, that’s already happened repeatedly here. Get back on the topic of the question and answer by the reporter and the President
Now you are going to call off topic?
A little late for that I think.
Actually, contrary to the belief of the right wing on this whole seed, it was a very pertinent question to ask. How can he say that he didn't want to give it to states and say 'Ours' then they, as always, walk back what was said.
donald the clown didn't like the question being asked so he attacked. And of course the conservative faction here has to do the same.
I have never in my life seen such a follow the leader attitude in a bunch of people.
And if a couple of men were dudes on the left would you criticize them calling themselves dudes if they were middle aged?
"dudes" is a term for male humans last time I checked.
I kinda disagree in a way.
Yes people think male yet it is more of a generic term. I could even say it to a woman, like dude, that happened.
You have forgotten Obama and his servile followers already?
I’d never heard of that before either. A female dude? Lol 😂
Well, there are those out there that WANT to be dudes, like lesbians and liberal males, but sometimes you just can't know...two genders and all.
And there are guys pretending to be chicks as well so that they can get into girls locker rooms and showers and women’s bathrooms.
Not only is that absurd, it is also absurd.
Do you want to mock these conservative women for what they do as well?
Is there a question of the reality of the video?
Not questioning the reality of the video.
Trump said, "We've done a job like nobody else." That is the reality.
A job like nobody else alright...
No there isn’t but the responses on the left here had nothing to do what was actually said on the video.
And today, Trump said, "We can see the light at the end of the tunnel." Yes, he really said that.
I'd love to give her the benefit of the doubt, but she got a legitimate answer and then acted like she hadn't. So, we know what she's really about - exactly what the president said.
The president couldn't answer the question because he couldn't understand the question. What Kushner inferred is puzzling. There also the likelihood that the 'alleged' government stockpiles may not exist to the extent The Administration believes.
The president should have told Jaing that he wasn't informed on all of the details concerning her questions and would look into it and get back with her. Instead he became combative. That accomplishes nothing.
He answered the question and only became combative when she refused to accept his reasonable explanation
No. You always defend the indefensible. Why?
I never defend the secular progressive left so no I don’t defend the indefensible
That makes no sense. What in the hell are you talking about?
All of this crap is happening because of a virus and the best you can do is put a 'political label' on it. Get a life.
Still amazes me that no matter what they say, or don't say, the conservatives jump on the bandwagon without question.
If Obama had said something like Kushner said, the right wing would have had a meltdown.
Except Obama would never say that. A thought or ideology of that sort is simply not in his genetic makeup.
Imo a main right wing ideology seems to be, mine..mine..mine...
Trump didn’t say it either now did he?
He doesn't have to. He lives it.
Trump lives as a great American President of the United States who is doing a great job. I’m so comforted everyday he holds a press briefing that he and not Hillary is our President and leader we the American people are rallying around during this pandemic.
Come out of freak out mode and listen carefully to his answer. If the audio is hard for you there is a transcript of it in the seeded article. If that is hard for you, there are other suggestions that I have that would probably result in you crying and me suspended.