Wuhan And The Perfect Commie Storm

America’s Socialist party, also known as the Democrat party, has been given the prize of their lives by the Communists in China.
Barack Obama had his fantasies of the “fundamental transformation of America”, and now the Wuhan Virus seems to be the delivery vehicle for Obama‘s dream. It’s a cinch that Nancy Pelosi, she of the Green New Deal and the global warming money all cynically packed into one scandalous coronavirus financial recovery, House of Representatives bill, would not delay one minute to extend stay-at-home, shelter-in-place and other counter-productive rules issued by big, intrusive, government. The things Nancy Pelosi wants will make America’s recovery from the coronavirus more difficult, if not impossible, thereby destroying our economy and setting big government up as absolute ruler over our great nation.
Even at this early date, and having passed only a single trillion-dollar recovery bill so far, America is beginning to resemble a third world nation with an out-of-work workforce and a suffering economy. It doesn’t have to be this way, but Democrats, intent on “not letting a crisis go to waste”, are searching for more trillion-dollar bills into which to pack more of their far left wish list of taxpayer money and economy destroying debt. Socialism has already failed all over the world, but American Democrats have to try it their way, which will fail like all of the other poverty-stricken nations, and allow themselves to run the nation with an iron fist.
Barack Obama had his fantasies of the “fundamental transformation of America”, and now the Wuhan Virus seems to be the delivery vehicle for Obama‘s dream. It’s a cinch that Nancy Pelosi, she of the Green New Deal and the global warming money all cynically packed into one scandalous coronavirus financial recovery, House of Representatives bill, would not delay one minute to extend stay-at-home, shelter-in-place and other counter-productive rules issued by big, intrusive, government. .... Socialism has already failed all over the world, but American Democrats have to try it their way, which will fail like all of the other poverty-stricken nations, and allow themselves to run the nation with an iron fist.
trump will never sign that kind of crap into law and the left does not have a veto proof majority.
pelosi and crew has no wins on the schedule. = every attempt will fail
I’m worried that they will use the virus to sabotage the economy to the extent it can’t recover near like it was and then blame him and succeed in stopping his re-election. Then all that crap 💩 could happen.
after the past decade, people are no longer stupid enough to fall for the dems bs anymore.
with people being stuck at home watching what's going on now? not going to help the left in any way shape or form.
all we are watching now is the left going for broke because they know they can't win in the next election.
if hillary had won in 2016 and the dems had both the house and senate, all your fears and then some would have been true enough.
the house leadership will not pass it and even if they did, trump will never sign their bs into law.
obviously I meant the senate will not pass it.... but ya know c'est la vie
They could create separate bills and then go to conference where horse trading happens. Hopefully the White House and Senate can keep concessions to the House to a minimum.