Donald Trump Says He Has To Make The Most Important Decision Of His Lifetime. I Am Expecting Him To Kick The Can Down The Road.

President Trump was quoted the other day saying that the decision when to "open" the economy again will possibly be the most important decision of his life.
The possibilities relate to extreme outcomes. If his timing is right the economy will roar back, and if he is wrong the virus pandemic will reinvigorate and we will set back to the beginning, and weeks of "stay at home" will have been wasted.
Although there would be gray areas in either result , there is likely a real either/or element to the outcome.
I don't think Trump likes those odds. As much as Trump talks about "opening" the economy "in a very short time", I think he is going to keep repeating that phrase for .......weeks. Numerous weeks. He will be willing to string the prospect of action along, without acting, because there is one elemental truth that I believe appeals to Trump , in this situation.
As long as he hasnt announced and implemented a decision he can't be blamed.
And avoiding blame is one of the defining aspects of his term as president of the United States. He avoids blame more constantly than he uses his pet words, "strongly" and "incredible". I think he'd kiss Nancy Pelosi on the mouth if it would get him out of blame or responsibility for something that went wrong in his administration and presidency.
We are 2 1/2 weeks from the end of the latest "social distancing" recommendation from the federal government. I think that in about a week we will see Trump extend that deadline for two or three additional weeks, or into mid May, for the vast majority of the country. He may have some token areas of re-opening in less populated states in order to keep the base more happy, but I think in general he is going to string this thing along until the trends from the scientists get more clear.
I was talking to a friend today who is a teacher in the Chicago public schools. I said it doesnt look like there will be classes for the rest of this school year and told her that NYC was going to end school until the fall ( Cuomo later put that in some question) , and she told me that 12 states have already canceled classes for the rest of the school year. If thats true, it is highly likely the rest of the large states will follow suit.
The governor of Illinois has hinted he will not allow any large gatherings, suchas the Lollapalooza music festival held in downtown Chicago every August , to take place this year. It is not settled yet, but it doesnt look good for the festival.
Trump wants a win win for himself. He will open, if he can find a way to blame any subsequent disappointment on other people. Since that would be uncertain, I expect him to "shelter" his directives in place for now.
Trump is no Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis, thats for sure.
500,000 plus citizens infected; PPEs off. 22,000 plus deaths; Goggles off. 9000 plus New York City brethren dead; Gloves off.
President Trump goes to virtual church this Easter day. The most important decision of the Trump Administration was made the day he did not stop COVID-19 from ravaging our people.
And yet the news this morning is talking about how New York and 6 other neighboring States are trying to reopen businesses, and 6 more including California on the West Coast! Two of the biggest critics of his policy of not shutting down sooner???
Meanwhile, I feel we should do the whole "herd immunity" program where the healthy go back to work while those most susceptible (and their care givers) should be allowed to stay home indefinitely until a vaccine is released. This seems like it would do the least damage via deaths while getting the country back to work.
What does that have to do with the assessment of how we arrived here? Of course, the whole of the nation can not stand at any one or several or multitude of gravesides keeping vigil. I repeat:
The most important decision of the Trump Administration was made the day he did not stop COVID-19 from ravaging our people.
583 Thousand cases of a novel coronavirus in the United States on this day.
No one should distract me, us, from recognizing and analyzing how we got to this point in the story!
Shameful. Just ignore the sick, dying, and freezers of dead loved ones encompassing your comment on every side, there Muva! Do you have enough room to continue now?
I direct you to @2.2.1.
My point is obvious. I will allow you as much time as you require to "unbind" your loyalties to a single man and political party to think about how I can appreciate the good in an after action while still holding leaders accountable for the sick, dead, and dying caused by past policy negligence.
ok, I can understand that thought process. but I would request that MSM is also excluded from the process as they are biased in their approach. The list provided out of CNN also misses a few positive points in that same timeframe as well as actions by other parties that led to the decision making process of this administration. By only presenting that biased list you give the appearance that your argument is also biased rather than process based.
Prove your data sources are not biased. Yes, folks do traffic in counter-narratives. Facts are facts—nonetheless.
For my part, I 'traffic' in conservative sites and publications and can see obvious flaws in their reporting as you apparently see in liberal or moderate sites. The biggest difference being that moderate sites (like CNN) are not known for holding out extremist points of view.
Therefore, I question your premise of a lack of proper facts on the CNN network. Keep in mind, CNN speaks to the world and not just a select population in our country.
Trump is not all bad, though his flaws are on display in the agendized news conferences he holds. No one has to recriminate or charge Trump with anything more or less than he does willingly of himself when addressing the public. After all, it is a fact that he delves in self-interest throughout everything he puts forward to our nation as interesting and purposeful. If you differ on that last point, produce a series of issues and policies where Trump has not had the final say in how republicans and conservatives morph to his views.
Now on a prescient point: How this nation began this coronavirus procession is being discussed. It is not enough and it does nothing to the sick, dying, and dead to sweep all their agony and that of their families to the side. There is a tangible question about what happened in the lead up to the Trump Task Force taking shape. For in that period, the stage was set for the virus to enter our country and proliferate asymptomatically.
Trump is attempting to set the parameters of where to look for the start of the virus. That is not a point of privilege investigative reporters and document researchers can allow him.
We need the hard facts of why this virus was not stopped in time at our water's edge or better, overseas. Because once it landed here, death of many citizens was and continues to be assured.
Stalling tactic and loud cymbals 'banging' noted. This is way to serious for this conduct you are displaying.
I mentioned CNN because your Covid-19 timeline in 2.2.1 was courtesy of Dr Sanjay Gupta of CNN.
I tend to read Fox, CBS, CNN, BBC and a few others, and they are all biased. In 1987 the FCC abandoned the Fairness Doctrine which required media to present both sides opinions in the event they weren't just reporting straight news. A Democrat controlled Congress passed a bill to re-instate the Fairness Doctrine later in 1987 but President Reagan vetoed the bill.
With the requirement of balance in broadcast reporting removed, nightly news was no longer driving the national conversation based on commonly shared facts, arrived at through professional journalism and held to account by multi-sourced and fact-checked information. Shortly after that cable TV expands and talk radio expands on AM to push emotional buttons rather than professionally report the news. Then the 2010 Citizens United decision allowed unlimited corporate spending on political ads. From that point intentional misrepresentation ruled the airwaves.
I'm sorry, Snuffy? What is your point? Is it because a network has a worldview that you consider it imperceptible to facts? Is it that because one side has a counter-narrative that it should be equally valid and hold sway as truth? What is truth and how shall you and I 'pursue and reckon with it'? Are cable networks not allowed to have an audience sufficient to support its survival, growth, and development? What exactly is the point of all this plain-talk about the in-outs of news broadcasting as a business model?
What about the 'ear-gate' and the 'eye-gate' and the 'mind-gate' attached to our heads? We have an ability to discern facts from error when we pursue truth. Not everyone who listens to cable news show is infatuated or swept away with every anchor or every news story. That is a 'given' though. It really does not need elaborating on. I do not 'disqualify' every statement made on any airway (Fox included). However, I have a discerning spirit which is pretty keen at detecting specious arguments, non-sequitars, talking points, and points in discussion which need deeper research—for which I labor in following through on.
I do not simply study the Trump presidency through the eyes and words of cable news anchors. Trump is on television or media daily since before, during, and today, nevertheless. I read books published by conservatives who are not in service to the man; enthalled by him, or swooning as yes-men and women. Trump continues to be the mega-mouth that over-shares to his own discredit, nonetheless.
What is the problem you have with Dr. Sanjay Gupta and his oath?
wow, we are really going down a rabbit hole here. You asked me to prove that my data sources are not biased, and then you asked me why I pointed out CNN. so I brought up that your list about the Covid-19 timeline came from CNN AND I said that all news sources are biased.
Now you ask what problem I have with Dr Gupta. It just seems like you want to argue. All I did was respond with a counter-point to one of your original commends, you asked for further explaination and I did what you asked. I guess we're done as I'm not trying to argue, I wanted to point out that ALL news sources are biased and IMO main-streamed media should be excluded from a review of who did what right or wrong.
Good luck with that, Snuffy. (Smile.)
yeah, thanks. I know, both sides are so embedded with their beliefs and some will go out of their way to find data points to support their beliefs. I can remember getting into an argument quite a while back that truth is subjective. I was lambasted for saying that and was told that the truth is the truth... Rather difficult to discuss that when one party is so tied to the snippets of information they get from a biased source as the total truth. In a perfect world people would look at the underlying data but we almost never have access to the underlying data and must rely on what interpretation of data that MSM presents.
And now I've set myself up for another member of this site to lambast me for not trusting main stream media... oh well, some times we just can't win. Hope you and your family stay safe and healthy.
God bless you and yours too, Snuffy.
The problem is we can have these large philosophical discussion about truth (Jesus was asked by Pilate, "What is truth?") or we can establish a baseline of facts and move forward adding to our knowledge daily.
Sources are not equal. Degrees are measurable. As with anything in life, you can pull the facts off the branch - rake off the propaganda - take the good stuff and throw the rest in the trashbin of life.
This is what I do. Trying to classify whole swaths of society as opposers of what is true, right, decent, and wholesome ultimately will be an exhaustive odyssey and in the end futile. We all must accept something real about the world or fall into gross delusion.
One last thing: I am not deeply embedded in anything. Exception: my faith in God. I was changed to belief in it. The worldly aspects and the political aspects around who I am are not set in stone. That said, I am not a republican, conservative, or liberal extremist or purist. I believe in treating all people, and by this I do mean all people right and with decency. Why? Because I know what it feels like and have a lifetime of questioning myself based on what I look like and what I act like to not want to wish suppression or repression upon anybody else!
I hope you can understand me. I am not against anybody just to be against someone. I don't have the luxury of doing so in this life! Moreover, as the catastrophes in life seem to be more prolific these years as the crow flies we all should want to do our level-headed best toward one another.
Again, God bless you, Snuffy.
Well if you are laughing; it is a distraction. Unless you can do it while paying attention too! People are sick, sicker, dying, and in laying as bodies in freezers and that is all you can 'muster' is 'a funny'?
Should I consider that none of this emergency crisis occurring widespread across this country is happening or of any particular interest to you (relief check are going out too)?
If you want to engage the issue:
How this nation began this coronavirus procession is being discussed. It is not enough and it does nothing to the sick, dying, and dead to sweep all their agony and that of their families to the side. There is a tangible question about what happened in the lead up to the Trump Task Force taking shape. For in that period, the stage was set for the virus to enter our country and proliferate asymptomatically.
Trump is attempting to set the parameters of where to look for the start of the virus. That is not a point of privilege investigative reporters and document researchers can allow him.
We need the hard facts of why this virus was not stopped in time at our water's edge or better, overseas. Because once it landed here, death of many citizens was and continues to be assured.
Covid-19 has nothing on Influenza influenced Deaths or Total infected evils.
Not so funny thing ……. No one "Forces" shutdowns during "Influenza" months. It's just the Norm !
Covid-19 is just the new "center piece" on the "News" is abound with...…."New"...…."News" ! They're ecstatic about it.
When has influenza sent the country in a spiral down? Your comment is so highbrow. Conscientious lately? Not lost anyone—yet? So silliness is on display.
An unchallenged respiratory virus being indiscriminately exchanged from person to person; a microbe with takes away the ability to breath in a short set of days is not something subject to comparison with treatable diseases. This coronavirus is rampant and uncorralled. Your comparison is 'apples to oranges' . . . and, I will stop there before I say something about your flippant display. . . unhelpful.
Whom is it that "Caused" the Economic Spiral down in this country again ?
Influenza caused Deaths are so "Main Stream" any more, no one thinks twice about it. Like Automobile Deaths. It just ……"IS" !
I guess "NEW" with less deaths …… scares folks more ?
That is not the issue; is it? Why are you so desperate to ignore the novel coronavirus diseased sick, dying, and dead bodies in freezer trailers across the country right now?
Yes....Yes It IS !
"Why are you so desperate to ignore the novel coronavirus diseased sick, dying, and dead bodies in freezer trailers across the country right now?"
Wow !
The "Black Plague" is upon us.
What should have Trump done to stop the virus? Name it, come on if it is that damn easy why haven't you or the Democrats come up with one damn plan on how this could have been prevented; and what actions need to be taken to stop its spread w/o wreaking the economy beyond all repair?
When Trump limited travel from China the Democrats freaked out and called him a racist. Just imagine their outrage if he had done a full shut down on everything to and from China. Even the Republicans would have called him out then; as the WHO and CDC didn't even consider the threat a pandemic at that point.
China lied about the dangers of the virus. China did nothing to contain the virus within their borders. China is to blame for the pandemic.
Not one damn country anywhere was prepared for this. WHO and CDC both failed in their jobs because they believed China's lies.
But Trruuummmmpppppp!!!!!! No, but the damn Democrats and their fucking media sycophants. They are part of the problem now. Freaking hypocrites that can't do anything outside of criticize those that won't march in lock step with them; and taking advantage of the current crisis to push their BS platform, and start impeachment attempt #3 against Trump. "Never let a good crisis go to waste!" is the Democratic motto.
We aren't going to learn from this pandemic any more than we learned from the H1N1 and SARs pandemics. Maybe the next one, and there will be a next one, will wipe out enough people for the assholes in charge on all sides across the planet to make sure this doesn't happen again.
But Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!! Tell that drooling demented moron Biden that he had better get started on his plan for dealing with next pandemic now. That is if can remember that there is a pandemic going on now; and can come up with anything more that stating he would do exactly what Trump is doing. We know, we know, the plan would work if only someone with a D behind their name was in charge./S
That comment is completely beneath the dignity of this discussion.
See @2.2.1 —that's what I have for you.
Trump's most important decisions were 'paying off' Clifford, McDougal and the others we don't know about yet.
That and to order extra cheese on his Big Mac.
Another correct prediction. After blustering he was going to order this or that, Trump kicked it all to the governors. If the governors do well, Trump will claim credit for giving them "guidance". If the governors have problems Trump will say he has nothing to do with it.
I know Trump.