As protests rage, more Democrats want Biden to pick woman of color as VP
Category: News & Politics
Via: it-is-me • 5 years ago • 153 commentsBy: By Christopher Cadelago and Maya King 8 hrs ago
Can Democrats "Pander" to a certain GROUP of people, anymore than this ?
As protests over racism and police brutality roil the country, Democrats are putting more importance in Joe Biden choosing a woman of color as his running mate — with the number now approaching a majority, according to a POLITICO/Morning Consult poll released Wednesday.
With the focus turning to police reform, Demings, a former metropolitan police chief, and Harris, a former district attorney and state attorney general, have leaned on their personal experiences despite the potential for backlash. Both argue that their careers, which became a burden for Harris in the primary, are an asset in their efforts to overhaul law enforcement.
“Their experiences and their qualifications each connect to a piece of the work that we need to do,” Glynda Carr, president and chief executive of Higher Heights, said in assessing Demings and Harris in the moment.
"The two contenders that actually have law enforcement and prosecutor backgrounds have a piece of experience that uniquely provides perspective and potentially a vision around reimagining how we create an America where black lives matter."
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We already know Harris had a mess as a "Black" attorney General, but did you know that Demmings, as Police Chief of Orange County Florida, had a mess too ?
The growing focus on police misconduct highlights less agreeable aspects of Demings’s time helming the Orlando Police Department from 2007 to 2011.
The department has a long record of excessive-force allegations, and a lack of transparency on the subject, dating back at least as far as Demings’s time as chief. From 2010 to 2014, the department paid out more than $3.3 million in damages following at least 47 lawsuits alleging false arrest, excessive force, and other complaints against the department’s officers, according to WFTV. (Records about these cases and other allegations of police misconduct in Orlando are not centrally housed or publicized, and some lawsuits are still outstanding.)
“This has been a problem for a while, through her administration and others. The problem is the leadership of the department,” said Lawanna Gelzer, president of the National Action Network’s Central Florida chapter. “… She’s not going to get my vote.”
Demings declined to comment on her record as police chief. Her campaign referred questions to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which also did not comment.
Demings has not spoken out about criminal justice since she announced her 2016 congressional run.
But they're both "Black", so ……. what the heck …… who really cares about the past anyway !
"Democrats are putting more importance in Joe Biden choosing a woman of color as his running mate"
See I told ya !
[ Deleted ]
[Deleted. The comment you keep reposting was not the comment that was originally deleted. That comment was a sweeping generalization, and a pretty nasty one.]
Democrats don't want Joe to be a "Slave" to their whims ?
Slave: NOUN
1. a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.
That word isn't locked in to just someones "Color" !
Democrats in Congress will OWN Joe if he becomes President.
You are correct and right to be persistent in making your fine point.
I say it's Stacey Abrams.
Notice how she has been uncharacteristically quiet through most of this protesting and rioting ....
Can't upset the apple cart.
She's on Biden campaign lock down like shotgun Joe
No one is really running against Joe, but he's "Almost" got the nomination locked up.
I would choose the mayor that told Trump "FU!"
The one with Record Deaths the last few days, of folks she's supposedly "Protecting" ?
LE there is stretched so thin right now that I am surprised that there weren't even more.
Dems as usual are pandering for votes instead of looking for the most qualified whatever their ethnicity or gender may be.
Source: AP Photo/File
There’s no way Joe Biden could outdo himself with black voters after he told those who don’t support him aren’t really black, right?
“Hold my beer,” except Joe Biden said this to himself. He’s so gone he’s talking to himself and landing in more hot water. Yes, it seems like he outdid himself regarding these rather tone-deaf remarks about Martin Luther King, Jr. Apparently, the death of George Floyd has created more of a worldwide impact than the assassination of the revered civil rights leader back in 1968. Is this a serious statement? Joe made it but talk about being historically illiterate. There is simply no comparison here. None. Was Floyd a Nobel Peace Prize winner who fought for the end of Jim Crow laws in the South? I mean this is Twilight Zone stuff here (via Fox News):
After he picks her, they can both dress up in African clothes and we can all celebrate their wokeness.
WTF is wokeness?
Downing a pot of strong coffee ?
How aware and concerned a person is for perceived social injustices. It's very important for social and political cachet to be publicly seen as being "woke." Thus, we had the stunt the other day with members of Congress kneeling in their African scarves.
Ahhh, ty. I thought maybe it was a covfefe moment.
giving a person a job based on color is racist.
so, yepp, not surprised one bit.
the shoe fits.... will he wear it?.
Anyone that is affect my this moronic decision to literally give the protesters a section of Seattle they live or work in, should sue the protest organizers; any protesters that hinder their movement or extort money from them; the mayor; the city; the governor; and the state. WTF are they paying taxes for?
Democrats have lost their damn collective minds! You don't turn the keys of asylum over to the inmates!
Thankfully Biden has indicated that he intends to pick the person who can most competently carry out the duties and requirements of POTUS rather than just a "symbol". In his case, at his vulnerable age, it is the only sensible thing to do. IMO those who put "symbol" ahead of competence are fools. I hope he doesn't bow to a lesser choice because of pressure brought upon him. It could be his first test of his suitableness for the job. If he loses votes because he makes an intelligent decision rather than bowing to pressure, and loses to Trump because of it, then those who pressured him will deserve what they have wrought.
Biden is our Manchurian candidate.
More conspiracy theories.
So Perrie, sincere question.
Are you not concerned about Biden’s mental state? I’m seeing some of the same type communications from him that I get from my father who has a bad case of dementia
Not at all. He's a life long stutter and that only gets worse with age. They have to regain their "rhythm" so to speak.
Btw, to Trump when he was younger and listen to him now. He had a larger vocabulary and better flow. As we age, all of this happens to all of us.
Dementia has a load of other stuff that goes along with it, like not knowing where you are, the day of the week, people they know. Neither of these guys shows that. Remember, it's not forgetting where you left your keys, it's forgetting what keys are used for.
You have it backwards. Trump is the one with a mental state. He is a malignant narcissist , which is a severe personality disorder. He is a serial liar.
On what planet is Biden more disturbed or mentally afflicted than Trump?
Trump supporters live in a cocoon of misinformation.
These are the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder. They virtually describe Donald Trump to a tee.
Common symptoms of NPD include:
There are people with mental problems running around but Biden isnt one of them. Check the ones with the MAGA hats.
That is your opinion, and given that you are not a neurologist, or have any skills in identifying learning disabilities, I'm not persuaded by your usual annoying comment that has no real content.
Not from what I’m seeing and I don’t need a lecture about dementia. I’m dealing with it daily, for the second time now.
So I disagree and bet you will soon as well. You’ll have no choice the way Biden going.
It’s only a matter of time.
opinions do vary .....
Funny how when some of the online psychiatrists and psychologists here and within the media say that Trump has lost his mind, not a peep from you questioning their "qualifications".
Neither is JR. The second part of the sentence is correct.
Trump has EVERY ONE of the 8 symptoms of malignant narcissism that I posted. Perfect score !
Nice deflection there JR. The topic is Biden not Trump. But hey, why pass up a good opportunity to dump on your president....
Because we were not talking about Trump, were we? And I would tell them the same thing.
Again, you are not a psychologist or a psychiatrist. You have zero qualifications to make that call.
When you get your degree in the field then you can make that DX. Until then you are playing online shrink.
Then you should join the ranks of John. Neither of you have the qualifications to make these DX's. They are complicated and take personal sessions to determine, and not Web MD or some personal experience.
If many psychiatrists say he is a narcissist, and they have, I will go with them over you. But thanks anyway.
One doesn’t need a medical degree to see he is struggling. Have never seen a candidate being “handled” like this five months before a presidential election.
That said if everyone here needed to have a degree related to the topic being discussed, to be “qualified” to respond, you’d have a helluva lot less posts that’s for sure.
Personally, I bet the good doctor is a lifelong leftist liberal Democrat who hated Trump to begin with starting from the day he won the election fair and square. It would make sense.
You mean a "retired" associate clinical professor of head shrinking at Harvard Medical School might be biased?
Say it ain't so Joe!
I respectfully disagree. I see Biden as pandering for the black vote he so desperately needs, rather than choosing the most qualified individual regardless of gender or ethnicity. If said individual is a female African-American fine, but choose them because they are the most qualified, not simply because of their gender and skin color.
I wasn't aware he had already made the choice. Perhaps he has only stated what his options could be. I guess that's worth being damned.
Stacey Abrams all day long. That’s my prediction.
My hunch is Susan Rice, whose name has suddenly surfaced. She is probably the most ready to step in if something happened to Biden.
Elizabeth Warren has the most ability to bring in people left of center who are hesitant about Biden, and wouldnt rule her out. She would also love to go at it with Trump.
Should be interesting to watch regardless
No one has answered the question of "What is a woman of color"? Yellow - Red - Black - Brown - White?
Better yet, no one has answered the question of "Why choose a woman of color"??? What specific qualifications do they have to have to be selected as the Presidential VP's candidate - other than being a "woman of color"?
That's what I was trying to state above, but you did it much more eloquently than I did.
Come on 1st, you know what a woman of color is. Red, Black, Yellow, Brown...White is not generally considered a woman of color.
They are a number of women of color that he could choose for the VP position. It's quite easy to research their background and qualifications. There are also a few women that are not of color that could be the choice. Match up their qualifications against woman of color.
I'm not sure what the qualifications for VP position are. Or for that matter what the qualifications for president are.
Is there a list somewhere that could serve as a template?
"White is generally not considered as a woman of color" - immediately eliminates Warren, doesn't it - but she is still high on the list of selectee's.
"There are also a few women that are not of color that could be the choice. Match up their qualifications against woman of color."
Hence the question - The Dems, I believe, are pushing for a candidate for VP to be a female of Color. Why? What specific qualifications would a woman of color have that other females would't have?
So is Amy K. so what is your point?
Until you research their qualifications you'll never know, will you? What qualifications would a white woman have to make her a VP pick?
I said that I didn't know what qualifications are needed for the VP position or for that matter for the President position.
I asked if there was a template.
When you answer those questions then at least if you might know what qualifications are needed for the position.
BTW, what if he picked an American Indian women, they are women of color. How about that or Harris black and east Asian. That could be the trifecta.
I'll answer with a question. Do you believe that Native Americans should have representation in the US government? I mean representatives who actually are Native Americans. If so, why? Do you think a white person of entirely European ancestry wouldn't represent you and advocate for you just as well?
If not, then there's your answer. Representation.
I don't necessarily think Biden should choose a running mate based on race or sex, but I can see how some groups would want representation.
What qualifies someone to be VP of the United States?
To serve as Vice President, you only need to meet the same eligibility requirements to serve as President:
Other than that there are no other requirements to be Vice President.
My concern and that of others is that this election from the Dem side (?) is throwing race into the equation and pretty much eliminating qualifications. Why is race the issue/concern?
I concur with Perrie - if the person is qualified by whatever standards are acceptable to all, then that person should be added to the Presidential ticket.
One reason is that, originally from the Continental Congress, Native Americans "were" going to be allowed to be representatives. In fact, there are a few treaties that specifically state that the Tribes/Nations "can be" representatives in Congress "without voting powers". The Cherokee recently sent their representative to Congress.
Do I think a white person of entirely Euro ancestry would represent me??? Maybe, but not very well as has been shown by past Presidents/Vice-Presidents, including the sitting ones.
Where does such nonsense come from?
By the way, saying that someone only got the job because of the color of their skin can be seen as a form of racism itself. No one is going to be nominated for vice - president of the United States that does not have qualifications that go beyond their skin color.
And there you have your answer. Many black people and women feel that one of their own will represent them better than a white man.
Your question is answered, they all have the qualifications to be VP
I find that question simply mind boggling, 1st. Don't you think that VP candidates have been chosen because they can bring it a certain demographic? Why in the hell do you think Pence was chosen?
For Christ's sake, minorities have been underrepresented in the US for centuries. I see no problem with choosing a minority to be a VP running mate, in fact, I applaud it and I'm hopeful that before I kick the bucket or my kids do that we see a NATIVE as president or VP.
Bullshit! We got a president who was elected solely because he was a well spoken black dude. He had no qualifications, experience, skills, or expertise in any type of foreign or domestic policy.
He turned out to be a total disaster as a president and leader for all the people.
Yea, and look how he was EXTREMELY WELL RESPECTED AROUND THHE WORLD, by the ENTIRE WORLD, As Don the Con has made US the laughing stock. Obama had intelligence and studied all the intel, Trump has arrogant ignorance, and draws pictures like flies.
actually 1st , there is one more requirement for VP, they can not be from the same state as the presidential candidate , ie cheney using Wyoming as his state of residence though he did most of his business dealings in texas , home state of bush.
Nooottt! Other countries were laughing their asses off at what Obama letting them get away with, especially Russia, China, North Korea, and the Middle East!
Yep and you missed Iran, who is still laughing their way to the bank and the bomb from Obama admin. policy.
Vert true, thank you. I loved Obama's red lines in the sand. They may as well as have been painted with red water colors in a surf line!
we see a NATIVE as president or VP.
Charles Curtis (On his mother's side, Curtis was a descendant of chief White Plume of the Kaw Nation and chief Pawhuska of the Osage) ran for vice president with Herbert Hoover as President in 1928. They won a landslide victory.
One that I know of has already run for president.
Tulsi Gabbert.
Democrats didn’t want her.
With the present xenophobia in the USA, especially caused by Trump himself, it's not likely to be a "yellow" person.
The US congress and government is as diverse as it's ever been.
China on the other hand can not say the same thing. Not even close actually.
You're right with that. In China there are no non-racial Chinese citizens, and for sure only racial Chinese serve in government positions, from municipal to national. China is an ancient uni-racial civilization, not one made up of immigrants like the USA. It would be nice to see more indigenous people serving in American governmental positions.
They are free to do so if they so choose.
And like i said, most minorities are already rather well represented right now in our our government. In numbers relatively close to the percentage of the US population they represent.
It's no where near as bad as some in the media and elsewhere try to make it.
Since I am not a democrat, I can only offer an opinion. I think the most qualified person should be picked as Veep. I am not hung up on sex or color, just can they do the job.
"just doing the job" is not the make or break qualification it used to be. Not since 2016.
I disagree. The job is all important. Everything else is secondary.
Well I agree, but we have someone in the office of president now who can't do the job, but millions of Americans want him to run for re-election. Just doing the job is no longer an iron clad requirement.
My understanding is that the women of color being considered for VP are Sen. Kamala Harris , Sen. Tammy Duckworth, and Congresswoman Val Demmings. Also Georgia politician Stacy Abrams. Any of them would be a vast improvement over Mike Pence, the groveler.
I agree completely, but some are still dead set on the idea that it just has to be a woman of color, whatever ones definition of that may be. Qualification for the job is most important, not gender or ethnicity. If the best qualified person is a woman of color so be it, but don't make that the number one deciding factor just to pander for votes.
To me it is, and just because we lowered the standard once, shouldn't mean that is the status quo.
"If the best qualified person is a woman of color so be it, but don't make that the number one deciding factor just to pander for votes."
Ed, you've hit the head of the nail square.
Per the Constitution, you CAN NOT discriminate based on race nor sex. PUSHING for a "woman of color" does both. The best qualified person should be selected - period.
He's doing the job just fine, just not the way you want.
Over 60 million people were not wrong in electing him.
sure they were
Did you lose a bunch ?
Spot on .... if only it worked that way for all our elected officials
Since all of the women mentioned have the required qualifications it seems that they indeed are qualified. And just what makes them more or less qualified for the position? Those invisible qualifications are simply in the eye of the beholder.
But.... "Qualification" isn't the Flavor of the day for "Liberal Types". It's all about "Race" and "Gender", so it seems.
Indeed. It doesn't matter to some. So what if people want a person of colour. What is the big deal? Why are some acting like it is wrong to want something.
All the sudden it is about 'qualification' when that didn't mean a damn thing to them when they elected the idiot in office now.
What qualifications are you talking about. They all qualified per our laws.
So, BFD if you don't like it don't vote for them, simple as that.
But that's not ….. "The Chant" !
The "Chant" is all about "Race" and "Gender".
"Democrats are putting more importance in Joe Biden choosing a woman of color as his running mate" !
Would you like to see a WOMEN of COLOR as VP ?
If so....why ?
I'm interested in examining the biological differences between the sexes their brain and how it affects what jobs they are better qualified to do.
"Democrats are putting more importance in Joe Biden choosing a woman of color as his running mate"
So, BFD as I said before don't like it don't vote for them.
Vive la "Color" and "Gender"...…. is all you need to vote for someone ?
That article does not discuss quality.
The female brain can handle more incoming information and can multi task. The male brain is more partitioned which allows them to focus more. This evolved due to what we were doing when we were living in primitive times.
That seems hard to believe when sitting behind a female driver going through a toll booth.
I've seen that study before. It is what each gender has evolved to based on the time frame of tens of thousands of years ago.
I don't see any quality in it.
No kidding. Amazing how some get so triggered at the thought of it.
That's a fairly ignorant question but not unexpected. Because they are qualified and represent a very large portion of our society that has been excluded and underserved for centuries.
So you're just looking for a "FLAG" to raise, since "Qualification" requirements are so Minimal ?
I love it when you play the sea lion...You should be looking for a fish or pool anytime soon.
ooooohhhh !
Use a Cliché word (Sea lion), 'cause you really can't answer the question.
Got it !
Good Job !
Naw, you haven't gotten at all, but you keep on trying.
That's your BEST ?
" Naw, you haven't gotten at all"
Ya gotta do better than just raising a "Color/Gender Flag", to "Enlighten" me on why "Color" and "Gender" are sooooo important for VP to Democrats !
Maybe They can ask Joe that question, and I'll get a better answer ?
Do "Rainbow Colors" make you want to vote for someone ?
You know, if the black population formed their own political party it wouldn't be necessary to demand that either the Democratic or Republican Parties pander to their expectations.
Democrats had an opportunity to nominate a black woman. Instead, Democrats chose the old white guy with name recognition. The Democratic primary process did not fulfill expectations. The expectations didn't change. The demands to select a black woman as Vice President will only prompt the Democratic Party to pander to those expectations. The whole process is to consolidate political power for the Democratic Party. But the results of the primaries should show that consolidated power isn't fulfilling expectations.
The Democratic Party is using race as a bargaining chip to consolidate and obtain political power that is still being controlled by an old, white vanguard. Black representation is only one caucus, one faction within the Democratic Party. The black population will always be a minority group with diluted political power within either the Democratic or Republican Parties.
If the black population want their expectations to be fulfilled then the black population needs to assert their political power on their own behalf. Black people have held elected (and appointed) positions at all levels of government. The black population has demonstrated they are capable of governing on equal terms. The black population can speak for themselves, can represent themselves, and can assert their own political power on equal terms. The black population no longer needs either the Democratic or Republican Parties to speak for them.
Tripartisan government would actually represent minority expectations better than bipartisan government. Under bipartisan government minority expectations have only served as bargaining chips in a political competition between the Democratic and Republican Parties. And that bipartisan government has not proven effective in fulfilling minority expectations. Now is the time for the black population to change that political dynamic and form their own party that prioritizes fulfilling their expectations.
Political rallies and asserting political power in government would be more effective than the repeating cycle of demonstrations and demands that those holding power pander to minority expectations.
But ….we have "The Black Caucus" in congress already.
What Happened ?
Is this pandering? Yes, but no more so than Pence was picked to pander to White Evangelicals, or Palin to the ultra conservatives. Consider that 84% of African Americans self identify as Democrats it's a no brainer in this current political climate they would like to see representation at the highest levels of government. Also consider that Biden wasn't picked because he was universally loved, but because a majority of Democrats felt he was the best candidate available to beat Trump. He's going to want to be very careful in his pick. There are only a few more weeks before it has to be announced.
Yup, that's how the game is played by both sides
This is know. LOL!
No surprise the racist party would make race a determining qualification for the office of VP.
There is racism in both parties.
Let's not try to "both sides" this. Only one party thinks the flag of traitors, racists, and slavery is cool.