Leftists infiltrate U.S. Army, write handout calling Trump white supremacist
Category: News & Politics
Via: sparty-on • 5 years ago • 102 commentsBy: David Kamioner (LifeZette)

The Army needs to clean house.

An official Army handout defamed the president.
By David Kamioner
July 10, 2020

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Heads better roll on this one.
Whose? The author who makes an unproven claim about "Leftists" infiltrating the Army? I read the article and there is absolutely zero evidence this was from "leftists" or whether it was as they said an simply an error copied from a non-government website, yet the inflammatory author wants the poorly educated Trump sycophants to get even more scared of some "leftists" invasion of our military.
Nothing get's the 'rightists' more triggered than fantasy 'leftists' infiltrators, but when it's proven rightist groups like Boogaloos infiltrating peaceful protests those on the right just wallow in denial because they want to believe the lies being told by right wing instigators.
Whose what?
That's the article, deal with it or don't bother posting here
Nah and here comes the TDS ridden snowflakes
Off topic, stop it please.
"heads" should fly as you were anxious for in the comment I was replying to.
Ah, so you like seeding things with unfounded opinions you can't defend and want to just "throw it out there" then expect anyone who calls it out as the bullshit it is you tell them to not bother posting here. You'd rather the lie just get left sitting there like a giant pile of shit on your doorstep. When it's truth posted about 'rightists' the conservative Republicans here circle their wagons in defense, but if anyone dares defend the so-called 'left' they are told they're not welcome.
And can anyone provide a copy of the handout in question? Till then we'll leave the sources of this article as suspect.
The Army responded, “On July 6, 2020, a Project Inclusion listening tour handout included two unapproved pages that were sent out in error and immediately recalled. The slides – copied from a non-government website – included a word cloud with phrases that were intended to spark conversation; however, the document was pre-decisional and inappropriate for the discussion. The unapproved pages were in no way used as part of the ‘Your Voice Matters’ listening tour sessions… As soon as Department of the Army leaders were made aware of these products the Army initiated a 15-6 investigation to determine how this happened… The Army does not condone the use of phrases that indicate political support. The Army is and will continue to remain an apolitical organization.”
So it looks as though the Army did what it needed to do to correct the situation.....
As it should be
The military certainly is supposed to be. The described documentation could not have been included without the consent of a officer. Find out which officer and deal with him or her thusly.
I remember in the early 80's when I was stationed at Camp Pendelton in CA, a group of Marines that were KKK went on a rampage in the 22 Area of the base and were attacking African American Marines and other minorities. MP's came in and put a stop to it quick. The Marine Corps came down very hard on those KKK Marines. Many were tried and convicted by general court martial and given Dishonorable Discharges. Sad thing is today they would probably just get slaps on the wrists.
Yeah, shit like that would never fly back then. Doubt it would today either mood being what it is.
And your point would be...? Based upon the article itself, it looks like the Army is handling the situation.
Leaving the handout aside, one could argue that the flag officers for the military are starting to look, for the first time, like they have a political bent - a progressive one at that!. Gee, I wonder how that started? It wasn't that long ago that the left called those who served this nation "baby killers." We no longer hear the left deriding the military. Interesting!
That was the 1960s..... Did you just wake up Rip?
As far as a political bent, from your far right Qanon point of view Vic, I'm sure everything including our military has a progressive bent to you.
Can you imagine what the military of this country will devolve into in case Biden wins?
And the 70's and the 80's ..... hell, it wasn't cool again to be in the military until after Desert Storm one. It still isn't for many on the left.
They just pay it positive lip service because it's currently the politically correct thing to do. Those pricks are easy to spot.
And lets keep the personal attacks to yourself please
Oh, they changed right after that, did they?
As far as a political bent, from your far right Qanon point of view Vic, I'm sure everything including our military has a progressive bent to you.
Every time a flag officer give a political opinion, I get to say that. Miley was part right on that one.
Did it ever occur to you that those flag officers wouldn't be making their statements if they didn't think that this administration wasn't as much a threat to the US Constitution as it is? These are people that have served within this administration at one time or another after having faithfully this country for decades. They know the enemy when they see it.
The military has become increase liberal and tolerant of extremist views over the last several years.
Anyone remember the Fort Hood Massacre and how much leeway was given to Major Hasan's radical views? Any reasonably intelligent person could see that coming way ahead of time.
All lefty generals and other flag officers need to be weeded out of all the US military services...
Trump is not the enemy of the American people, but several rogue nations like China, Russia, NK, Iran...etc...are
Radical leftists are the primary security threat to our country right now, as the recent progressively approved riots have proven
Biden was part of that administration that tried so hard to transform the military. Remember when they scrubbed the terms "Jihad" and "Islam" from counterterrorism manuals? Or when the former trainer to the U.S. Army’s Asymmetric Warfare Group asserted that the Obama administration gave in to the pressure of Islamic advocacy groups because they did not want to be considered “Islamaphobic.”
Why wasn't the military able to identify Nidal Hasan for what he was?
Why didn't Obama call that act an act of terrorism?
It's not hard to see how we got here!
Nah, to the idiot Obama it was simply "work place violence". I could not believe my ears when he labeled it as such.
That is not how our Republic works!!!
From Gen Miley:
“As senior leaders, everything you do will be closely watched and I am not immune,” Milley said during a remote video speech to graduates at National Defense University.
“As many of you saw, the result of the photograph of me at Lafayette Square last week. That sparked a national debate about the role of the military in civil society,” Milley continued. “I should not have been there. My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.”
He added: “As a commissioned uniformed officer, it was a mistake that I have learned from, and I sincerely hope we all can learn from it.”
And from retired Gen Jack Keane:
“Any member of the United States military, a soldier, a sergeant, an officer or a general is prohibited from participating in political events or political venues in uniform”
And as far as which leader poses a threat to the nation - we all have opinions on that and that is why we don't let Generals or FBI agents decide!
Can you imagine what some military leaders thought of him? How is it they could manage to keep their mouths shut and Mattis and others cannot?
Oh yes, there was a college deferment back then, wasn't there?
Just like the pricks that state they support the troops, while always seeing that veterans benefits get shafted..... That lip service?
And if you do your research even the VFW, and American Legion agree that the Dems have always provided better help to veterans.....
It sure has. I am concerned.
Anyone remember the Fort Hood Massacre and how much leeway was given to Major Hasan's radical views?
Who would dare risk being called Islamaphobic during those Obama years? Don't you think people were aware of his views?
All lefty generals and other flag officers need to be weeded out of all the US military services...
If I was president for only 1 day, I'd do a lot of weeding - in all directions!
Trump is not the enemy of the American people, but several rogue nations like China, Russia, NK, Iran...etc...are
Not just in foreign affairs. Right now he stands between us (the American people) and those vicious mobs.
Radical leftists are the primary security threat to our country right now, as the recent progressively approved riots have proven
Otherwise that award would go to China.
And what the hell do you consider Qanon.... Friggen patriots?
So exactly what are far right white supremacist's doing in our military
I have and that's not my VFW or American Legion. Nor is it most others i've been in.
That is not true. Don't you remember the most iconic example we all learned in school? That would involve the General whom president Truman referred to as "His Majesty."
Do you actually think they could give a whit about Pelosi, Schumer or any other partisan bogeyman that has come along during their tenure?
I really don't know what's in their hearts, but I do know that officers don't move up the chain of command strictly on the basis of merit. Obama's Secretary of the Navy was not a military man and had an awful lot to do with transforming the Navy & Marines. His term was extremely political starting with his ideas on naming ships IE John Lewis, Harvey Milk and Cesar Chavez. Then you had the Navy Yard shootings which took place via lax security. He also increased back office workers to the level of those serving in the active military! He also integrated women into the hallowed ground of Marine Corps training camps. How much damage do you think such politicization of the military did?
At the highest level, dealing with the pols is part of their job. That so many prominent military officials, active or retired, have raised concerns about this administration should give us all pause.
Can you name them all?
The military oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic supersedes any oath to the commander-in-chief and the UCMJ.
The fact that both active duty and retired flag officers are speaking out in the numbers that they are should have you considering their point of view as having a basis in fact. Of course Qanon is telling you that only General Flynn is worth trusting, right Vic?
Don't worry, Trump's authoritarian regime will nip any dissent in the butt.
Did you notice that the article implies that the right would never considering calling out white supremacists? Only the left has problems with them apparently.
And in your opinion it's Trump and in mine it was Obama. Are you sure you want to go down that road?
The fact that both active duty and retired flag officers are speaking out in the numbers that they are should have you considering their point of view as having a basis in fact.
Bad precedent. Of course, when they go ballistic should we ever have a president Biden, you'll still be saying this?
Of course Qanon is telling you that only General Flynn is worth trusting, right Vic?
Is that the new line from the left? Sort of like "are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist party". I have a great idea - why don't you try and defend your position on flag officers expressing political opinions rather than trying to smear me?
Maybe he will finally prosecute leakers the way Obama did!
As out cities burn, that's become our great fear - "white supremacists"/s
From his whitehouse? We don't have enough courts for all of them.
So where is the outcry for Gen. Milley's head to roll?
Oh and BTFW, Trump doesn't give a shit about Hatch Act violations as long as the "political activity' is to his benefit.
Our cities aren't burning.
FBI Announces That Racist Violence Is Now Equal Priority To Foreign Terrorism
Racially-motivated violent extremists elevated to "national threat priority," FBI director says
Truth hurts, huh? They are designated a growing national threat.
.....should we ever have a president Biden
Why don't we deal with the known threat in the WH today Vic....
What, pointing out the conspiracy theories that both you and the Qanon support is a smear tactic? Who knew...!
I think what we suffered under Obama will be dwarfed.
"Domestic right-wing terrorist groups often adhere to the principles of racial supremacy and embrace antigovernment, antiregulatory beliefs. Generally, extremist right-wing groups engage in activity that is protected by constitutional guarantees of free speech and assembly. Law enforcement becomes involved when the volatile talk of these groups transgresses into unlawful action."
"Right-wing groups continue to represent a serious terrorist threat."
"The second category of domestic terrorists, left-wing groups, generally profess a revolutionary socialist doctrine and view themselves as protectors of the people against the “dehumanizing effects” of capitalism and imperialism. They aim to bring about change in the United States and believe that this change can be realized through revolution rather than through the established political process. From the 1960s to the 1980s, leftist-oriented extremist groups posed the most serious domestic terrorist threat to the United States . In the 1980s, however, the fortunes of the leftist movement changed dramatically as law enforcement dismantled the infrastructure of many of these groups, and the fall of communism in Eastern Europe deprived the movement of its ideological foundation and patronage."
Perhaps you're still living in the 1980's but today, based on the actual facts, right wing extremists represent the biggest threat to America and our citizens.
Some of us have really long memories. We never forgive and never forget.
If you're an active duty pilot, that means you're an officer. Take a close look at post 2.1.
A very very close look.
Do you really think that people protesting the Vietnam war are/would be the same today?
Why do some think protesting is against the people themselves. It is about institutionalism.
Just like the protests going on right now are about institutionalism. No matter how some try to frame them.
Protesting against the Afghanistan war or the Iraq war is not against the military. It is against what our military is doing. Not the people that happen to be in uniform.
As much as some were spit upon, there were some putting flowers in the barrels of their rifles.
I was and always will be a kid that grew up with free love.
Does not mean I hate nor would want any harm to come to our people in uniform.
I distinctly remember being kicked and spit on and called a "war mongering baby killer" in 1974 at LAX upon coming home from overseas. And I had my Navy dress blues on with a medical caduceus emblem on my upper right sleeve!
Yeah, how quick some forget or don't even know about shit like that. Doubtful they teach that it in US history these days because it makes liberals look bad, which many clearly were to the military back then.
Back on campus in the late 70's with a freshly shaved head compliments of the US Marine Corps. Never got spit on but lots of jeers and insults were tossed. They got two free strikes if it was bad enough. Third strike they were out, knocked on their ass. Most stopped at one or two after being warned ..... some didn't, those all paid the piper and never did it again.
Article 88 was explained and drilled into us in basic. That was 1981.
Those in the military must be seeing the same thing.... a domestic enemy of the Constitution IN THE WH.... which their oath to defend the constitution supersedes the UCMJ. Do you honestly think that retired flag officers would speak out if things were normal, or just a little out of kilter? These admirals and generals, whom have always remained in line throughout their careers must really be seeing a danger in the WH. What the hell else explains it?
Now then.... I suggest YOU take a real good look at the constitutional enemy occupying the Oval Office. If others that have defended this country for decades can see it, why can't you?
I served and i don't see it that way. Your mistake. Trying to inject partisan politics into military justice but by all means encourage it. Any person currently serving that is dumb enough to follow your advise can get court-martialed, charged, found guilty and begin a new career path making little rocks out of big rocks at Leavenworth.
Not "can't", "won't".
a jotted something down in regards to this last week My reply to one scared of Joe Biden: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, compared to a mentally impaired devoted deviant and Diva of deprivation , a social sycophant without the need or want, to put anything or anyone above self , especially our once great nation, Biden is a true Red White and Blue Inspiration, to our purposefully Divided United States Nation, as Trump has proven to be the ultimate loser, as the only thing we lead on is Corona infections as the dereliction of the delusional deity, directs US down that make America Sewer Grate, Draining and dragging those who pray along side those who don't prey on the fears, that Trump continually attempts while shopping at/to sears no skin in the blame game, as he burns Americans. He's burnt our citizens out of the truth on a containable virus, all while treasonously trying to try US, on the charge of First Degree IGNORANCE, another projection from the projector in chief who projects Dis Belief, as he LIES again and again, tweets to NO END. Racist White Power tweets, and it'seasy to read between the WHITE Sheets , for the Liter that should have been ousted by the Quarts, but for the R's, and that R does not stand for Retorts, as they have aloud what the herd has bought, for the benefit of what only a disgusting excuse of a party sought, cause heard mentality has been hear, sounding from all proximity around, a failure of a President, another useless puppet cast and on words he can't spell, more LIES he can't sell, as his denial and silence on the REAL PROBLEMS facing our country do tell. Trump spews racist spouts, talks of whatabouts like how that Corona is again gonna disappear as sure asz his fat asz isn't his rear,
and due to a mental midget with too much time to golf and tweet, to criticise and cheat, as he is the picture of De Feat, that walks in the footsteps of the one that Putin wear he never fit, to do things to benefit Russia non stop is BULLSHIT, to not condemn and take action on his Mother Russia is the ultimate insult to ALL PATRIOTIC AMERICANS, ESPECIALLY OUR TROOPS, as bounties were laid and paid, like Trump's women, but our Troops are not his playmate porno collection, they are our sons, brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers, that Trump feels are not worthy of his time to read of dire warnings, and or do a damn thing about it for them, besides blame others, cause he IS NO LEADER OF MEN. He is of the elected and infected pervy infection brought forth by the last mislead election, that a sleeping sleepy Joe Biden , could surpass while FAST ASLEEP and California dreaming , ASZ Trump is RUSSIAN AWAKE and screamin, BLACKS, IN THE USSR better than those of the US of A whole lot wrong , as a treasonous POS potUS that the GOP could have solved, is and will be, a problem till the day he Dies, and all those DEATHS and Violations of a NATION, fall back upon the Republicans and one ignorant Nation, where as we all see, even FOOLS, Ignorance continues to rulez. There is probably NOT a person that the Democratic pity party could run, that would/could not chase out Trump like the Father blaming the Altered Boy HE violated, for Raping the NUN, cause when it comes to pussies, Trump just GRABS HIM SOME
they can start with the White House
I'd prefer they start with the thugs rampaging in the streets!
as long as the army waits until all the other fine people join the fray with the proud boys and [[deleted] rioters and looters]
And when do you expect that to happen? It's only been about 2 months.
That's another false narrative, isn't it?
There aren't any, as far as we can tell. But there were lots and lots of BLM, Antifa, and guilt driven white kiddys rioting, burning, and in some cases killing innocent civiians.
(Prohibited word in quote removed for context by charger)
Government proclamations aside, there is no doubt that those two groups are in effect the top domestic terror groups!
Many on the left have an ongoing problem with reality. Evidence doesn't matter to them.
Michael Brown, Covington, Steele dossier, "Russia collusion, "white supremacists looting" etc... It doesn't matter how much evidence exist proving them wrong, they project their own wishes into reality.
As a tweet from a former Sanders/Warren guy I saw talked about, he knew he had to leave the left when he was watching a video of the Covington confrontation with the true believers and they kept saying the kid was attacking the old man even as they watched the video proving otherwise. When the actual video of events doesn't matter to the narrative, you know you are dealing with cult like tendencies.
And Qanon IS a domestic terrorism goup......
.....whereas BLM in your mind is "in effect the top domestic terror group.
So many are terrified of anything that challenges their white privilege world. Powerful women that can serve in combat must make many of them catatonic.
We should take a national poll on how many people have ever heard of this "Qanon" you are so obsessed with. I wonder how many fear Qanon? How many have been murdered by Qanon? How many statues have been toppled by Qanon? How many streets renamed Qanon?
The FBI declared this comical entity a terror group? In that case Christopher Wray and all his assistants should be fired immediately.
So many are terrified of anything that challenges their white privilege world.
Now there is a logical statement/s
Powerful women that can serve in combat must make many of them catatonic.
All members of the military must be qualified to defend this nation - man or woman.
Obsessed with Qanon..... If you call trying to rid the government of these far right-wing nuts an obsession.... By all means, call me obsessed Vic.
BTW..... Here are a number of Qanon types funning for congress on the republican ticket this November:
Do you think it odd that they are all republicans?
These people should be kept as far from the levers of government as possible. Trump hasn’t explicitly endorsed QAnon, but he seems aware that its adherents align with his base. He has retweeted QAnon supporters, and there has been a growth of “Q” signs at his rallies.
All members of the military must be qualified to defend this nation - man or woman.
But Vic.... you posted this comment in 2.2.19
He also integrated women into the hallowed ground of Marine Corps training camps. How much damage do you think such politicization of the military did?
Last chance to stop taking this thread off the rails ...
Got it...
You don't really believe that do you? [ Deleted ]
"An officer was gunned down. The killer was a ‘boogaloo boy’ using nearby peaceful protests as cover, feds say."
I get that some right wing extremists and 'rightists' are desperately trying to hide and obfuscate the fact that the real violence and fires came from right wing infil'traitors', but to just blindly reject the facts simply because they are inconvenient for some desired fantasy right wing narrative is just beyond dishonest.
A Marine on a rooftop in Beirut, 1983. Yeah, he's a lefty pretty much blows holes in the stupid ass lefty comments.
that's the face of an American warrior unafraid to stand between the US Constitution and those that would seek to destroy it.
That's how some try to win a debate.
It doesn't work that way. Most of us had family in the military.
Looks like a squared away Marine.
Doubtful if he was worried of such things then ......
That squared away Marine is my son and no he wasn't concerned about it. It's your article and it's about left and right as are some of the comments. There are many that are left that are veterans and patriots. It's not exclusive to the right. Simple as that.
I know who is and his situation. We've discussed him before
Not sure what you point is. I never said there wasn't. Simple as that.
My point is crystal clear and it was you that commented that ''Vote Vets'' (on another article) was another left wing group.
That's how simple it is.
And my point has been clean air clear the entire way so take the bone you have to pick somewhere else. Personal notes if you really want to talk about that.
Otherwise, start your own thread but stay on topic here
And I know your'e going to give us proof that he was briefed on that!
Give a plausible explanation for how he wasn't!
From your link:
Reports by the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal, quoting unnamed US officials,
Those are called allegations!
As to the plausible reason why he wouldn't be briefed - the most obvious - that the intelligence had yet to be verified.
my nephew is a security contractor in afghanistan and his team was briefed about this issue last fall.
From that article:
former intelligence officials who served in the Trump administration told Just Security.
I need to see some facts!
If that is true then the military knew. That's really what is important.
Okay, stop this shit.
This article isn't about who's most righteous in the military. The military i served in it didn't matter in the least. In fact for the most part i had no idea who was a Dem or Rep. Doubtful any of you who served did either and if you did it didn't matter. If it did matter, you were a shitbird
Keep doing it and i'll start carpet bombing OT's
So you post an article that says leftist people need to be purged from the military then try to say it is not about right and left?
It's not about left or right. It's about people trying to take a purposely apolitical organization ..... political.
And you're damn right, the heads who do attempt that should roll. Regardless if they are left or right.
Feel free to talk about that. Otherwise keep the usual, unrelated partisan bickering to yourselves.
The title of the article itself is about 'leftists'. Of course it is about that.
Of course it is. It's just not and left and right. And i repeat:
Those people just happen to be leftists. Sorry, that's what the article is about. So take that derailing BS somewhere else please.
No.... you made the decision to post from a far right rag bitching about "Leftists" in the military.
And if you think this moderate democrat is going to let a bunch of [deleted]s denigrate those in uniform, you better hang on tight.
There is another choice?
Keep playing word games. [deleted]
Don't like it? Don't read it, don't participate in the discussion.
But if you think i'm going let you derail the discussion, you better buckle up .....
Got it.... you post shit, then want to limit things to post that only support what you post, being inflammatory of progressives that served, and not allowing them to call you on your bullshit..... That's what you call discussion?
It's pretty simple really and you know how it works so don't act like you don't. Respond to the content of the article not to the inflammation Trumps election caused your nether regions. And whine somewhere else more sympathetic to that gambit.
Here you'll find the word "sympathy" for that type of nonsense in the dictionary between shit and syphilis. Right where it belongs.
So then you admit you aren't really looking for discussion..... just a platform to circulate right-wing bullshit without having to defend it.
I'm sure that's exactly what you've convinced yourself of in your head but not even close. Discuss the article content or don't participate. It's not that hard. And this is the last time i will indulge your TDS centric ramblings. There are plenty of "anti Trump" articles here for you to spew your hate in. Go dump your venom there. It won't stand here, Last chance
So you admit to losing the argument so you are taking you ball and bat home..... My work is done here.
End comment.
That needs to start with society. The military is a model of the US population. Many issues that are pointed out in the military exist within our society on a larger scale. But those get ignored and the problem relegated to an "institutional" problem.
Yeah, i would submit to you that they are not as bad in the military as they are out in the public but i hear you and agree.