Trump Falsely Claims Much of U.S. ‘Corona Free’ as 21 States Face ‘Red Zone’ Outbreaks

President Trump arriving at his coronavirus news conference on Tuesday.Credit...Doug Mills/The New York Times
Here’s what you need to know:
- Trump defends sharing video on discredited drug and falsely claims much of U.S. is ‘corona free.’
- As Trump called on states to reopen, a federal report urged 21 ‘red zone’ states to impose more restrictions.
- A national teachers’ union says its members can strike to ensure schools reopen safely.
- Baseball’s new schedule is upended by more cases among the Marlins.
- A front-line doctor in Baltimore died of the enemy he was battling against.
President Trump returned to defending a discredited drug at a White House briefing Tuesday evening in which he also made claims about the trajectory of the virus that clash with his own administration’s assessments and bemoaned his low approval ratings.
The president defended sharing a version of a video promoting the use of the drug hydroxychloroquine that was deleted Monday night by Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, which all said that the video had violated their policies on sharing misinformation about the virus.
And he lamented that health officials in his administration, including Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, were more popular than he is. “He’s got this high approval rating,” Mr. Trump said. “Why don’t I have a high approval rating — and the administration — with respect to the virus?”
Mr. Trump was asked about one of the speakers in the video, who identified herself as Dr. Stella Immanuel. She claimed “you don’t need masks” to prevent the spread of the virus and spoke of treating hundreds of virus patients with hydroxychloroquine. He called her “impressive.”
Dr. Immanuel has drawn scrutiny for a series of religious sermons posted on her YouTube channel, in which she linked medical conditions to sex with demons and witches, as well as making references to alien DNA.
At the briefing Mr. Trump was asked about one of the speakers in the video, who identified herself as Dr. Stella Immanuel. She claimed “you don’t need masks” to prevent the spread of the virus and spoke of treating hundreds of virus patients with hydroxychloroquine. He called her “impressive.”
Dr. Immanuel has drawn scrutiny for a series of religious sermons posted on her YouTube channel, in which she linked medical conditions to sex with demons and witches, as well as making references to alien DNA.
When a reporter mentioned Dr. Immanuel’s background to the president, including comments attributed to her that “doctors make medicine using DNA from aliens,” Mr. Trump responded, “I know nothing about her,” and abruptly ended the briefing moments later.
That's why many wise people steadfastly refuse to have sex with demons and witches!
(Now you know!!!)
That's why many wise people steadfastly refuse to have sex with demons and witches!
Maybe Milania can make it a national program for her to champion....
If I have alien DNA am I safe having sex with a succubus?
She claims that scientists are making cures for disease with alien DNA and are trying to produce a vaccine that makes people non-religious.
Just where did she get her MD? And who gave her a license to practice medicine?
She is an idiot so of course Trump hangs on her every word.
Now you tell me.
But just because something is not wise does not mean it is not memorable.
refuse to have sex with demons and witches
I guess Darren Stevens didn't get that memo.
He claimed that “you can look at large portions of our country — it’s corona-free,” even as federal officials distributed a new report finding that 21 states had outbreaks so severe that they were in the “red zone.
A new federal report found that the number of states with outbreaks serious enough to place them in the “red zone” had grown to 21, and urged officials in them to impose more restrictions.
The 21 states now in the “red zone” — Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin — were designated as such because they had more than 100 new cases per 100,000 people in the past week.
The president defended sharing a version of a video promoting the use of the drug hydroxychloroquine that was deleted Monday night by Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, which all said that the video had violated their policies on sharing misinformation about the virus.
Mr. Trump continued to promote the use of hydroxychloroquine, which several major studies have concluded is not effective in treating the virus.
Federal health officials have warned of dangers.
In June the Food and Drug Administration revoked an emergency use authorization for the use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of Covid-19.
In a July 1 update, the F.D.A. said there were reports of serious heart rhythm problems and other safety issues, including blood and lymph system disorders, kidney injuries and liver problems and failure.
He meant that in much of America Covid-19 is free!
Well that's just another of his many accomplishments-- yet another campaign promise fulfilled!
We're in this situation now with this virus out of control..... Wait and watch what happens when we have kids in school, and the weather turns cooler....
I have yet to meet anyone with school aged kids that is going to send them to school right now.
Trump is now bitching that Fauci's approval rating is higher than his. "It can only be my personality." It is more than just his personality that has his rating in the toilet.
Well, if he wasn't for his personality, he probably would have gotten a handle on this virus and his approval ratings might not be in the shitter.
If a person knows they have a crappy personality, why run for POTUS?
His personality defect is extreme narcissism. His fondest desire is to be King of the World.
Even though it is unlikely that he could pass a basic civil servant exam.
Doubt he could even pass a citizenship test.
Y'all. One thing I assure you, some folkwriter will write of this virus and this president and all the pain he has caused us. It will not be the mark on history Donald Trump wants, but he has made an impression, an indentation, in all our lives! History will remember the man not suited for an inescapable virus in our country and how we languished in sores and tears over months while our president 'fought us' for all he was worth. And what, and all, we really wanted was a president who could be a friend. (-:
More like it is he has no validity (a lousy reputation) with the general public. No need obsessing on Fauci, now! Sweep around his own front door!
4,366,924 cases in the US. 330,000,000 people in the US. So it stands to reason, most of the US is still Corona free. Let me know when we hit 165,000,000
How do you know that they are corona free? Do you have access to the total number of tests given in the US? Just for your information, over 4.5 million tests have had positive results and of that, the death rate is 153,438.
At the rate we're going we should reach 165,000 in a couple of weeks.
Oh, BTW Florida, where I live, the last two days have had the highest death rate from the virus since March. 191 and 217.
Amazing how well the US is doing containing the virus..../s
As you know Kavika, virus deaths in Florida are reported as Corona "related" deaths, not death by Corona. That means that many of those counted by Corona deaths probably has underlying conditions and probably died from those causes, just a coincidence they had Corona. It also means that there are those that died in car accidents either had minor symptoms or were asymptomatic. The same goes for most other causes of death, including Alzheimer's, COPD, emphysema, CHF, etc.
If anyone died FROM Corona, more than likely the count is much smaller. This goes for most other states as well. Unfortunately, politics and money talks.
Look, if these people never got Corna, they would not have died. That makes the cause of death the virus.
Let me put this another way. If you had stage 4 cancer and crossed the street and were hit by a car and died, your cause of death would be vehicular, not cancer.
Yes, because no one has ever died from COPD, Heart failure, Alzheimer's, cancer or simply old age.
Come on bugsy, if corona caused the death no matter the underlying conditions it wouldn't be from Corona?
That dog doesn't hunt.
Of course they do, but they can also live for many years with those conditions. But then they got COVID and oops... dead.
I'm the one smh (notice I don't need the "d" in there to make my point). Apparently those lives are just numbers to you that don't count.
The problem is, Corona may not have caused the death. The underlying cause could have been the culprit. Just because someone catches Corona does not mean that will be the cause of death.
JFYI, if you want to respond, I won't be back on until late tomorrow. Going to pick up the wife from work and going dark afterward.
Have a good night.
How do you know those people were not in the end of life stage, or stage 4 (the last stage in many cases)? You don't.
They may have had a "six month to live" diagnosis and 5.5 months have already gone by when they contract corona.
There are people who die FROM corona, but not everyone that is counted as such.
And you do realize that every day doctors tell people they have X amount of time to live and live on for years? It goes both ways. But if the thing that tips you over the edge is a virus, then you have died from that virus. There is not a doctor out there who would not put that down as cause of death.
Btw... being old is not a cause of death. My dad is 86 and very active. If he gets covid and dies, he's didn't die from old age. He died from Covid.
bugsy, I'm 80 years old and in very good health. I'm 6' 1'' and weight between170 and 175. I still do push up and situps and walk a couple of miles a day. I have one problem, I have asthma and that would be an underlying condition for me and it puts me in a very dangerous zone if I contact COVID. If I did and died from it, it's shouldn't be counted as a corona death...That is not going to fly my friend.
BTW my asthma is well under control and without COVID I expect to live to be 100.
P.S. I still have a full head of hair, it's an Indian thing..LOL
Stay safe.
You are shouldn't. If, God forbid, you catch COVID and you pass away, the cause of death would probably be respiratory failure, not COVID. I also hope you live well past 100. You seen to be taking very good care of yourself.
I wish you all the greatest of health for many years to come.
Not necessarily primarily from the virus, but virus related. If you have CHF and catch COVID, There is avery good chance you get heart congestion, then maybe heart failure, then you died from heart failure, not COVID.
I wish your father a very long life and great health, but if he has a potential life threatening comorbidity and catches COVID, more than likely aggravations from that comorbidity would be the cause of death. COVID would be a contributing factor, not the primary cause.
Herman Cain passed today and it is suggested (in the media) that he had some issue with cancer in his life. His stated cause of death: "Complications due to Covid-19." Hope that clarifies this for you.
No bugsy, that isn't what I was saying. There should have been an ? after it shouldn't be counted as a corona death? My next sentence made it clear what I was saying..''That is not going to fly my friend.''
My apologies for the poorly worded sentence.
It would be a death by respiratory failure caused by COVID.
Hopefully, it won't happen cuz I have a lot of things left on by ''Bucket List''.
Stay safe and thank you for the good wishes.
I already know what it means. It means he had underlying conditions, I believe he had cancer, and with the complications of COVID piling on, the cancer unfortunately got the best of him.
He was a stage 4 colon cancer survivor and was cancer free and tested annually since 2006.
He didn't just die of colon cancer four weeks after contracting the COVID curse.
The respiratory failure had nothing to do with his old cancers.
OK, I stand corrected here, however, I never said NO ONE dies from COVID, I said that many who have had COVID have died primarily from other comorbidities. COVID was a complication, much like when someone dies from dementia, a complication of Alzheimers.
My understanding of a "complication due to ______" scenario is one where some future destructive disease is acting to worsen an impaired disease in the body which was never completely resolved, or where the body was left weakened and susceptible (vulnerable) due to drugs taken to maintain status, and a new malady arrives on the scene breaking down and destroying the body's defenses.That is, Covid-19 took advantage of a compromised state causing death.
From your lips to Mother Earth's ears.
Rock on, Chief!
I too, still have too many things left on my To Do list, one of them is dusting. Gads I hate dusting.
I still have a full head of hair, it's an Indian thing
It must be as I have never seen a bald or balding Indian.
Bugsy doesn't even believe in anthropogenic global warming or evolution as a few here obviously don't. How do we trust folk who have never studied any science to have a rational opinion on scientific matters?
So by your criteria, NO deadly disease should worry Americans. Less than 50% of the population is effected by any one disease after all.
Didn't say that oh " I put words in people's mouths to divert"
Read the headline again.
So it's NOT false to claim that much of the US is Corona free. The majority of the populace does not have the virus. I mark this claim as true..
And so do those with a brain.
There have been 4.6 million people in the US over the past 5 months that have contracted COVID. No one really knows how many of that 4.6 million have recovered, however, it can probably be assured that nowhere near 4.63 million are infected right now.
Having said that, even if 4.63 million did have it right now, that is about 1.4 percent of the total population of the US.
Therefore, Trump is right. FAR less than 50 percent of the population is affected with COVID.
Now, I'm interested in how the expert internet (fill in the blank) spins this.
You sure as hell implied it.
That was you right?
Trump said “you can look at large portions of our country — it’s corona-free,” so he wasn't talking about the POPULACE, he was talking about the AREA. So yours is a false equivalency.
They're spinning, because they don't give a damn. It's disgusting. It's not a matter of how many people survive this pandemic in our country, but how many people are loss to it. And what we can do about it.
It is the conservative version of "Save us!" when red states are in crisis, but ignoring the cries of blue states in crisis. It is why Trump is going down. People do care about the sick, dying, and human casualites. Specious arguments damn those who bring them! For "best practices" mean we must look back upon the "large empty gaps" left in our society by those being crippled, physically and mentally compromised, and gone forever from their communities.
Their (Covid-19) lives matter!
Your amazing lack of concern for the lives of your fellow human beings is indeed underwhelming.
To put things in perspective, the U.S. now has more cases than any other country in the world.
Also the highest number of new cases in the last 7 days of any country in the world.And by far the largest number of deaths in the entire world...
Which has me wondering-- why are you so obsessively (and constantly!) trying to downplay the significance of the virus...? Do you actually believe that-- or is it perhaps part of some bizarre political agenda?
What's worse is that the CDC reported that in some areas, the cases are 13Xs higher. If that follows across the board, that's over 60 MILLION. I wonder how high the number has to be to 'impress' them?
And yet the healthcare, child care, school, supply chain, etc. systems are being strained to the breaking point. 1.4% of 320,000,000 is not a small number, and apparently 1.4% is enough to bring the country to its knees. This is a big fucking deal and getting this shit under control needs to be our government's top priority. But of course we have a president who isn't worried about 1.4% and who habitually does everything he can to avoid actually leading, because that means taking responsibility if shit goes south.
So even if his claim is "true", the situation is still the same.
Look who his idol is. Lack of concern for people is par for the course when you support Trump.
So, stating a fact is lack of concern?
Maybe if you knew what I do for a living you would change your mind dramatically.
Only because WHO would not dare report the true cases and deaths in China. WHO is paid and bought for by them.
We have a population of over 330 million people in this country. There are only 2 that have more than us, China and India. We already know China is probably seriously downplaying their cases, but for some reason, liberals seem to want to back communists like the Chinese and what used to be the USSR.
Show me where I am downplaying anything. I only state the facts..
Just another "I hate Trump and will blame him for anything and everything.".
Why did you not blame Obama for 8 years of up to 20 percent of the population contracting the flu each year of his presidency. Did he avoid actually leading? Seems like we had a president who did not give a shit about up to 20 percent of the population each year for 8 years. It also seems like his admin failed to fulfill what you believe is the government's biggest priority, "getting this shit under control".
Before you say..."show proof"
My idol is my dad. He has been gone for 15 years. Are you saying COVID is my dad's fault.
That seems pretty stupid of you to say that.
Oh I absolutely hate Trump, as a human being, I have made that plainly obvious for 4 years now. That has never been any sort of mystery, in fact I have probably expressed my hatred for "russian cocksucking whore" more openly and plainly than anyone else here.
Because the flu is an annual event, it always happens, we know it happens, and the federal government preps for it. Oh, and Obama never said we shouldn't worry about it, its no big deal, and it will disappear because of magic.
No, because there wasn't much to lead. Flu season was flu season, same shit different day. His predecessors created a system and he didn't fix what wasn't broken.
Seriously? [Deleted]
....fucking seriously? [Deleted]
Let me help, Thrawn31 and it's a new month beginning today! Save yourself. Steady on.
The flu has a vaccine, and an annual vaccine is the best humanity (the world over) can do against it now. No president is expected to perform "miracles," but we do want them to save us, protect us and our loved ones, don't give us 'over' to the grave as a matter of doing business. It is called displaying good morality. A display of "best practices."
Coronavirus has no cure, but time and taking the measure of its inhabitants. There is nothing to present against it immediately. We do not charge President Trump for the virus. We do hold him responsible for nonchalance and looking past the disease ravaging us. We are angry when Trump tells us to "suck it up" and let it take your loved ones whom you will not even get to say a proper/traditional goodbye to. We are disappointed that he won't fight the virus anymore, and still he won't get out of the way and let the professionals alone at their "best practices."
Trump, dishonestly, was talking square miles and counting desert, mountain, agricultural, pasture and badlands terrain where there are few folk as equally as he was spinning cities.
I guess it's any port in the storm when one is grasping at straws; as is Trump.
Is the following what you are claiming to be a fact?
Because if it is, you made the false equivalency as your buddy Jim and y'all are the ones desperately spinning.
Yup. All these deaths are no big deal, eh Just Jim?
This video is Corona-virus related and it breaks my heart. All this fighting from the president being combative to people dying over mask wearing or lack thereof to this:
Nurse Fights Man On Subway For Blaming Health Care Workers For Coronavirus (Chicago)
The last thing either of these guys need (and I am sure the nurse did not need it) is to be breathing in each other's face and 'grunting' it out during a pandemic! This pains me to watch and makes me so sad. The stress and strain is just getting to people, I guess.
You have no idea. Our University is planning on opening in a couple weeks, and we are not ready. I am pretty sure my white and gray hairs have doubled in the last 3 months trying to come up with some fucking way our department can make this work. My honest assessment, we're fucked. We do not have the equipment, the PPE, the manpower, or the space in general to prevent an outbreak on the campus that forces us to shut down again (students aren't even really back and we have already had multiple positive cases among the athletes and student workers). And when that happens, here comes another round of layoffs and furloughs because the university will not be able to handle the revenue loss. I will be okay, but the situation is not good.
I have actually started testing the waters for another job...
As I am reading your comment CNN's Ana Carrera is reporting that Rep. Raúl Grijalva of Arizona has tested positive after attending a congressional hearing where Rep. Gohmert of Louisiana, who tested positive earlier this week, was in attendance. CDC is projecting 20,000 COVID deaths in the next three weeks. Carnidals - Brewers game postponed due to positive tests.
I think you should seriously think about it. . . .
Here's the bitch... the health insurance is the best you will find in the state, and during a pandemic when both myself and my wife are essential workers I almost cannot take the chance. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
Lol, I am not so fortunate. I can do some work from home, but a lot I have to be physically present for. A lot of that has to do with the fact that I cannot trust much of anyone in my department to competently handle much. The 11 and 12 hour days, plus emails/phone calls and texts after hours, are starting to get old. Fuck pandemics.
Oh wow! Damn.
I hear you on the 'up-side" of it all. But, and there is always a "but," you, we, have societal responsibilities to end alien germs intent on our utter destruction! So I want to count you all-in on getting rid of this invisible 'kracken' churning around the country! We need to feel comfortable providing hugs and love and touching support to our worried, sick, suffering (not just Coronavirus/COVID-19), dying, and dead family members and friends. Too many funerals under the 'new normal' where few if any are in attendance.
I feel like I have aged 10 years in 4 months.
My hands. They show signs of this 'era.' I can barely bring myself to name it (the era this is, that is). So many sanitizing regimens undertaken. So many trials and testings. Like a tree with its rings, if nothing else, my hands will tell the story of what happened in 2020 (to me).
I am so sorry for what you must be experiencing without describing it in relief. "The times they are a'changing us." A song goes. This pandemic came in like a 'bogartin' monster and it will leave us with other songs marking its passing (and those beautiful people we have lost to it).
Note: Some days I feel the weigh of this song on the years I now carry.
Ya, I know a professor in Fresno that said that she was working 14-16 hour days before the semester ended. She said that students were much more 'needy' and didn't seem to care if she had a life.
Spent a few years teaching to help pay for my student loans.
Glad that was long ago and not now.
All I want now is to be far away from folk.
Was invited to a going-away party today.
Drove by and nobody was wearing a mask or social distancing.
I drove by, honked, and drove home.
Too damn old and have survived so much to contract this from fools.
This is the kinda shit that makes a bullet to the brain sound like a good idea.
Have survived much. Plan on surviving this by sheltering in place, masking, gloving and wearing safety glasses on the rare occasion I make it into town.