Coronavirus Masks Trigger Bloody Brawl After Woman Throws Hot Coffee on Customer

CoronavirusMasks Trigger Bloody Brawl... Woman Throws Hot Coffee in Customer's Face
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8/1/2020 6:24 AM PT Play video contentStoryful
A couple in a SoCal beach town decided it was a good idea to trade in the chill vibe for some hot coffee that the woman hurled in a man's face, and all hell broke loose.
It went down in Manhattan Beach, when 2 guys were sitting outside a coffee joint ... about to eat their meal. A couple walked by and made a point to call out the 2 guys for not wearing masks.
It started out friendly ... the 2 guys ignorantly said they don't believe in wearing masks, and it went from cordial to a fast boil in less than a minute.
The woman then hurls a cup of hot coffee at one of the unmasked guys, and so begins the brawl. The guy beelines it for the couple and punches the guy, causing him to bleed from his nose.
You gotta see and hear what comes next. The guy calls the cops, saying he was assaulted, but never mentions his cohort threw hot coffee at the guy, which by the way, is a crime.
They jawbone back and forth, and at the end of the video, you hear the roar of police sirens as cops arrive. That's where the video ends.
Manhattan Beach requires everyone to wear masks at restaurants when they're not eating, so these guys violated the rules, and also basic decency for others. But, the woman who threw the coffee ... well, that's straight-up a criminal assault and battery.
We contacted the Manhattan PD on what they did ... so far, no response.

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Karen and her male counterpart Ken, decide to dish out some Karen justice and it backfires. Bigly
Doh! You're being recorded karen .....
Karen don't give a F ..... Karen don't give a F
Yup, no winners.
Tabloid fodder.
Hey it's TMZ but you can still believe your eyes can't you?
I know i can and karen got the karen going on ..... big time!
Karen don't give a F
The guy calls the cops, saying he was assaulted, but never mentions his cohort threw hot coffee at the guy, which by the way, is a crime.
That's become par for the course.
At that point i doubt he knew he was being recorded and was just doing the normal Ken/Karen thing ...... lying his ass off.
I gotta get me one of those recorders. Way too many Karens/Kens and crazy leftists in this world these days.
Remember the cell phone video's that used to go viral?
With the cell phone video's one gets to edit. It used to be standard practice to turn on the video after the cop or whoever got assaulted. Filming the response somehow became the objective. Police camera's brought that little era to an end.
Yeah, having a go-pro or other type of body cam would be pretty awesome. I wouldn't mind having a dash cam in my car when we do eventually go back into the office; although, I really don't mind working from home at all. My husband would always ask me why I was so exhausted when I got home; maybe if he witnessed the insane traffic and how stupid people are on the road, he might understand a little.
I'm getting one.
I might even try marketing one if i can find the right manufacturing situation.
I have the perfect name for it.
Did they really need to be wearing masks? It's hard to say. They were outside, which makes it somewhat less urgent for them to wear a mask. We can't tell how close they were, but based on the arrangement of their stuff, it looks like it might have been closer than six feet. However, we don't much about these guys. Maybe they already live together, so there is no point in them social distancing with each other.
I get the frustration this lady was feeling, but throwing drinks at people is probably not going to win many converts to her point of view.
I really don't.
She's nothing but a silly little Karen imo and Ken looks 100% soy boy. Ken lies to the cops and Karen don't give a F after she doused a fellow citizen with hot coffee.
A pair to draw to for sure.
You really got a fetish for the name thing, huh.
Nah, i've got a "if the shoe fits" fetish thing. Always have huh .....
Well ..... that makes it even worse. Karen and Ken stalked them as well.
What a couple losers
article even says there is an exemption to the mask order for those eating or drinking , karen should have minded her own Ps & Qs.
Karen needs decaf.
Why go after the guy? SHE threw the coffee, SHE gets punched in the face.
If they were waiting for their meal to be served and were not wearing masks, that's ONE thing, but the article said they were "about to eat" which makes me think that the food was in front of them and they were going to start eating it, in which case who the hell can eat a meal through their mask? However, once they said they don't believe in wearing masks, they were fair game to be abused for it.
Ridiculous sentiment Buzz.
Fair game for getting hot coffee thrown on them?
I should have said "VERBALLY" abused. I agree there is no excuse for throwing hot coffee on someone.
i prefer hot T myself.
They clearly said their piece in the coffee shop. Stalking them down the street was an over the top response, capped off with the physical assault with hot coffee. These two are clearly assholes.
That said, you verbally abuse someone, you open yourself up for abuse for it as well. That knife cuts both ways and they knew it. Why else do you think they didn't press charges.
They knew they had no high ground.
Yeah and she is lucky the guy didn't drill her as well. He comported himself very well in a high adrenaline situation by not doing so. Even after she tried to hit him with all she had.
Karen needs to spend more time at her Jiu Jitsu dojo ....
Again, didn't read the materials nor watch the video. She threw hot coffee on one of the guys.
Hell, she didn't even read the damn title of the article / seed!!! I mean COME ON!