William McRaven, former top special operations commander who oversaw bin Laden raid, says he voted for Biden
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 5 years ago • 75 commentsBy: Veronica Stracqualursi (CNN)

Washington (CNN)Retired Navy Adm. William McRaven, the former head of US Special Operations Command who oversaw the successful raid that killed Osama bin Laden, said he is voting for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
"Truth be told, I am a pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, small-government, strong-defense and a national-anthem-standing conservative," McRaven wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed published Monday. "But, I also believe that black lives matter, that the Dreamers deserve a path to citizenship, that diversity and inclusion are essential to our national success, that education is the great equalizer, that climate change is real and that the First Amendment is the cornerstone of our democracy."
McRaven did not mention President Donald Trump by name in his op-ed, but he has been critical of the President in the past. In his op-ed titled "Biden Will Make America Lead Again," McRaven warned that "the world no longer looks up to America" and that "without American leadership the world will indeed be transformed, just not in the way we hope." Read More Election 101 "They have been witness to our dismissiveness, our lack of respect and our transactional approach to global issues. They have seen us tear up our treaties, leave our allies on the battlefield and cozy up to despots and dictators," he wrote. "They have seen our incompetence in handling the pandemic and the wildfires. They have seen us struggle with social injustice. They no longer think we can lead, because they have seen an ineptness and a disdain for civility that is beyond anything in their memory."
McRaven, who said he went to the polls in Texas this week, argued that the US needs a president "who understands the importance of American leadership, at home and abroad." "We need a leader of integrity whose decency and sense of respect reflects the values we expect from our president. We need a president for all Americans, not just half of America," he wrote. McRaven last year wrote a scathing op-ed in The New York Times in which he argued that the US is under attack from Trump. He told CNN's Jake Tapper on "The Lead" that Trump is "undermining us from without."
Trump has previously dismissed criticism from McRaven, labeling him a Hillary Clinton supporter in 2018. Last week, the President promoted a baseless conspiracy theory about Seal Team 6 and the bin Laden raid, leading to a rebuke by one of the Navy SEAL members who took part in the operation.

Another important military man saying Trump has no integrity and no decency. What a shock ! /s
Biden (the placeholder) will be an acceptable president to only half the country, or less.
When and if Harris is sworn in, she will represent only a small fraction of American citizens
It was the same with Obama. The pendulum only swings so far in one direction before coming back.
So the VP should always be white because white people are the majority in America? Such a sad monochrome world some conservatives live.
Very telling comment don't you think DP.....?
Her race is irrelevant except to left wing racists. She's a far left radical extremist who is neither qualified nor fit to be president
In your ridiculous opinion.
Do you realize that as a country we have been reliving this shit from day one?
There were fistfights and threats over the Bill of Rights in Philadelphia
Dopes like Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, dueling with pistols in 1804 to Hamilton's demise.
Andrew Jackson killed one Charles Dickinson in 1806, one of several shooting incidents Jackson was involved with leaving him with bullets in his chest and shoulder.
Yay for old time politics where they called you every vile name you could think of, and your wife and children
over party politics and the need to feel superior.
Sad to see nothing has changed, one would think it's probably worse BECAUSE of the internet and social media.
But not really.
far left????
Did you really say that? Could you at least give us one example of Harris's far left policies??
(who ever woulda thunk that a far lefty would become a prosecutor....you know...law enforcement)
They attack her for being hard on crime as a prosecutor but then spin around their narrative and claim she's a soft on crime far left extremist.
You might think they can't have it both ways, but with their heads stuffed so far up Trumps ass I doubt many can tell what direction anything is, they just keep gobbling up the bullshit.
I don't think they know they are talking out of both sides of their mouths
We we sure as hell know they don't care about the truth....
Lol ... 20%? ..... I gotta see the link where you came up that number.
Prove it.
Yeah, it's pretty tough to prove something that's bullshit.
Another closet Democrat comes out. (Sarcasm there)
No, just someone who realizes that Trump is a piece of shit.
Glad you added the sarcasm tag. He's another republican sick of the way our country is going.
Exactly. There is now a long list of prominent life long Republicans who are coming out publicly to support Joe Biden. There's likely an even longer list who haven't come out publicly but feel the same way. Those who keep calling them "neverTrumpers" or secret Democrats are in total blind denial of reality.
Yes, I was careful to add the sarcasm tag, but with some people it makes absolutely no difference as shown above.
Not getting your point, Ed.
No biggie. I was not referring to you in any way. I most likely misworded myself anyway and if I go any further I will probably get a CoC violation. Sorry.
No biggie, Ed. I know you are not a full-on, party before country, kind of fella
So ? He has the right to be wrong.
Just like you have.....
Yes that's true. In this case however he is wrong and I am not.
The voters in less than two weeks will determine who the country believes is right and wrong in this matter. That's all that is really going to count.
One thing is for sure.
We will continue to be horribly divided as a country no matter who wins.
Where that stops, nobody knows. But i do have my opinion of where if it keeps going like this .....
No, I think we're better than that Sparty...... We can heal this country if we choose to put the rocks down long enough to try.
The biggest challenge: Agreeing on facts.
If the last four years is any indication of "how better we are" my confidence level is very low.
After that do you think conservatives are just going to sit back as say .... oh well .... you won fair and square. Lets get on with it. Not a chance in hell IMO.
The mass media/left have opened Pandora's box with their actions the last four years. Good luck closing it back up if you win. And if Trump wins do you think the media/left will be "better than that" and just stop resisting? You and i both know the answer to that and that answer is also not a chance in hell.
I wish you were right, with all my heart actually but i don't see it. And that is not a fatalistic view ...... imo it's a realistic one.
The left has provided the perfect "resist" template the last 4-5 year and can expect the same in return. They have absolutely zero high ground on this matter.
If Biden wins the haters gonna get hated on ..... bank on it.
If Trump wins the haters are gonna keep on hating on ..... bank on it.
Any other questions?
You just made my point about agreeing on facts Sparty.....
You seem to think the media/Pandora's box was opened just four years ago. Care to reflect about Fox, Rush, Beck and Breitbart, and when their drivel started?
How so? What point?
The Pandoras box that was opened was all out war against against a duly elected POTUS. Never in the history of this country has such an organized and intense opposition engaged in such a way. I don't expect you to agree with that but it's still true even though you probably refuse to see it and/or admit it.
I haven't forgotten the "resist" promises made immediately after Trump won. And they were true to their word, very true. Do you deny that?
Let's talk about The Tea Party, shall we?
And what was it McConnell said after Obama was elected?
Next up? All righty then .....
Lets talk about negative media coverage shall we?
And how many congressional, federal, state and local investigations were foisted on Obama?
Uh....It's my not so humble opinion that trmp brought that negative attention on his own damn self. How many lies are we up to today? What about all the name calling? The crazy and stupid stunts like throwing paper towels at hurricane survivors? Not wearing a mask in public? I could go on but I think you get the gist of it.
Obama got his share of negative coverage, too, especially from Fox News who likes to call themselves "fair and balanced"
Trout, Donald Trump has not been fit to hold office in the United States, ever, not even for one second. OF COURSE such a person was going to be "resisted". NO one has to make any explanations to Sparty or anyone else as to why Trump has been opposed every day of his term. I think Trump has gotten off easy. The "press" should have been much tougher on him.
More rationalizations. The data is clear to anyone willing to look at it with unbiased eyes
I don't know. How many lies about lies are we up to today? How many UAW workers has Biden told they were full of shit? I could go on but you get the gist of it.
Lol .... the data from NPR is clear. Need help interpreting the included bar graph?
Look, Sparty, if you're just going to be snarky and not really discuss this with any civility, I leave you to talk to yourself.
And why are deflecting from trmp's lies to Biden? You know, what? Never mind. I don't care to read what you think.
YOUR truth does not make it so. In fact, it rarely does.
Whatever chica ..... i'm unfuckwithable so do your worst. [Deleted]
I think you'd be better served to go back and read the NPR story Sparty.....
The gist of their piece is that:
1) People saw video clips of Trump doing/saying things that they didn't like.
2) People then found Fox and Rush Et al. reporting things that conflicted with what the people saw and heard, but found other outlets that were reporting accurately what the people saw and heard out of Trump.
3) People then tuned in to those outlets most frequently where the reporting tracked closely with the actual statements and actions of Trump, with fewer following the whitewashed reporting on Fox, Etc.
I didn't flag your comment
And the article even stated that the news coverage was heavy on personality and light on policy. When you have an arrogant, charmless horse's ass in the Oval Office, I can see why they spend more time on his personality and whose fault is that? Back in the day, I remember the news was more about a president's policies than his personality
If Trump had cared about making good policy for the country.... what the hell am I saying? It's always been about Trump for Trump.
How about some answers to 3.1.18 first there Navy?
That said, is all this why Fox news rating are soaring above all others during prime-time? Including network viewership? Because "people" are seeing video clips that they don't like about Trump?
I don't know about you but when i see something i don't like i stop watching it. Shouldn't Fox prime-time ratings be going down and all the others up?
Yeah, i guess that's about all you can say about that.
Stick with it though .... see how well it works ......
Thanks for being wrong again and again and again .....
They will never see or admit that. He is nasty and says nasty things and then they complain that any report about what he said was negative...
There is one cable outlet that caters to Trump and his minions. When you only have one, all the crazy is concentrated there.
I tune in to the Fox propaganda channel and Breitbart every now and then to get a feel for the level of disinformation being propagated there. I use it as a check when I hear something that I feel is too crazy from the other news outlets. Usually the truth is found in between when you get to Reuters, and the BBC.
I think this is far more common among the left and other rational Americans who want to hear both sides so they are better equipped to not only make up their own minds, but to understand where their opponents attacks are going to come from. I think this is why Fox often has high rating numbers because it has both the rabid right and the curious left watching, though both getting completely different reactions to the content. I doubt there are more than a handful on the right who ever tune into Rachel Maddow because I believe most on the right have made up their minds and hate hearing anything contradictory to their feed bag narrative from right wing media that they've willing strapped on their faces and refuse to consume anything else.
Go with that if it works for you. Worked well for Hillary .....
And i accidentally picked off the wrong post above with 3.1.18.
Any answers for 3.1.9 yet?
“If (Obama) was for it, we had to be against it, (McConnell) wanted everyone to hold the fort. All he cared about was making sure Obama could never have a clean victory.” - former Republican Senator George Voinovich
Very true. Never before had a President faced such opposition to their person and not their policies as President Obama faced.
They were no different than the "resist" promises made immediately after Obama won. Do you deny that?
As for dishonest Donald, the resistance he faced was based on his disastrous policies and decision to make his agenda one of simply dismantling the prior Presidents accomplishments, showing once again that Obama was attacked far more than Trump.
Trump wanted to ban people from entering the US based on their religion, so he faced resistance.
"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on" - DJT
Trump wanted to destroy the ACA without proposing any replacement that would kick millions off their health insurance and remove the protections for tens of millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions, so he faced resistance, even from his own party.
Trump wanted to drop the sanctions that had been placed on Russia but a supermajority in the house and Senate forced him to comply, but even then he dragged his feet and delayed implementation for months allowing those on the list to move their assets and money into different holdings, so he faced resistance, even from his own party.
Trump pulled us out of the TPP to the delight of China and Russia, so he faced resistance.
Trump pulled us out of the Paris agreement and denied the undeniable in regards to manmade climate change, so he faced resistance.
Trump reversed environmental protections for our air and water making us all less safe, so he faced resistance.
Trump gave a $6 trillion tax cut to corporations and the top 1% with just a pittance going to low income and middle income Americans, so he faced resistance.
Trump disrespected our ally nations and NATO while cuddling up to authoritarians and dictators, so he faced resistance.
Trump said he believed the word of a vile murderous former KGB agent with an axe to grind over the word of our intelligence agencies, so he faced resistance.
Trump has empowered white supremacists and Nazi's calling them "fine people" and telling white nationalist militia groups to "Stand back, stand by", so he faced resistance.
Trump refused to tell the American people the truth about Covid when he knew how dangerous it was in late January. Instead he downplayed the seriousness, lied about the danger and erroneously claimed it would just go away "like a miracle" which is advice that has directly led to tens of thousands of dead Americans, far more than would have died if he had only been honest, so he faces resistance.
The resistance Trump has faced is more than warranted. The resistance was not "unfair" as many of his brainless sycophants like to proclaim. Trumps record is clear and deserving of resistance and disrespect which is why the vast majority of Americans will be voting for Biden this year.
Good for him .... yawn