Republicans closely resemble autocratic parties in Hungary and Turkey – study
Republicans closely resemble autocratic parties in Hungary and Turkey – study
The Republican party has become dramatically more illiberal in the past two decades and now more closely resembles ruling parties in autocratic societies than its former centre-right equivalents in Europe, according to a new international study .
In a significant shift since 2000, the GOP has taken to demonising and encouraging violence against its opponents, adopting attitudes and tactics comparable to ruling nationalist parties in Hungary, India, Poland and Turkey.
The shift has both led to and been driven by the rise of Donald Trump .
By contrast the Democratic party has changed little in its attachment to democratic norms, and in that regard has remained similar to centre-right and centre-left parties in western Europe. Their principal difference is the approach to the economy.
The new study , the largest ever of its kind, was carried out by the V-Dem Institute at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, using newly developed methods to measure and quantify the health of the world’s democracies at a time when authoritarianism is on the rise.
Anna Lührmann, V-Dem’s deputy director, said the Republican transformation had been “certainly the most dramatic shift in an established democracy”.
V-Dem’s “illiberalism index” gauges the extent of commitment to democratic norms a party exhibits before an election. The institute calls it “the first comparative measure of the ‘litmus test’ for the loyalty to democracy”.
The study, published on Monday, shows the party has followed a similar trajectory to Fidesz, which under Viktor Orbán has evolved from a liberal youth movement into an authoritarian party that has made Hungary the first non-democracy in the European Union.
India’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has been transformed in similar ways under Narendra Modi, as has the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Turkey under Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the Law and Justice party in Poland. Trump and his administration have sought to cultivate close ties to the leadership of those countries.
The Republican party has remained relatively committed to pluralism, but it has gone a long way towards abandoning other democratic norms, becoming much more prone to disrespecting opponents and encouraging violence.
“We’ve seen similar shifts in parties in other countries where the quality of democracy has declined in recent years, where democracy has been eroding,” Lührmann said. “It fits very well into the pattern of parties that erode democracy once they’re in power.”
“The demonisation of opponents – that’s clearly a factor that has shifted a lot when it comes to the Republican party, as well as the encouragement of political violence,” she said, adding that the change has been driven in large part from the top.
“We have several quotes from Trump, that show how he has encouraged supporters to use violence against either journalists or political opponents.”
In western Europe, centre-right parties like Germany’s Christian Democratic Union and Spain’s People’s Party have stuck to their commitment to democratic norms. By the same measure, Britain’s Conservative party has moved some way along the liberal-illiberal spectrum but not to the Republicans’ extremes.
“The data shows that the Republican party in 2018 was far more illiberal than almost all other governing parties in democracies,” the V-Dem study found. “Only very few governing parties in democracies in this millennium (15%) were considered more illiberal than the Republican party in the US.”
The institute has found the decline in democratic traits has accelerated around the world and that for the first time this century, autocracies are in the majority – holding power in 92 countries, home to 54% of the global population.
According to V-Dem’s benchmark, almost 35% of the world’s population, 2.6 billion people, live in nations that are becoming more autocratic.
A study from a Swedish University?
Yawn .......... i could probably give you a study from the John Birch Society that will tell you the exact opposite.
Please provide a link...
The overview of the Swedish study at the center of the article looks pretty comprehensive to my untrained eyes.
Excerpted from the article.
V-Dem’s “illiberalism index” gauges the extent of commitment to democratic norms a party exhibits before an election. The institute calls it “the first comparative measure of the ‘litmus test’ for the loyalty to democracy”.
I know that two thirds of the Country had already suspected these study results but knowing that a third, (and shrinking), part of the Country will just ignore its results had me humming the old song, " She Blinded Me With Science", for some reason (smile)
It's nice to see you seeding, Sir. Great find!
How about a study that encumbers the Democrat parties tacit acceptance of the BLM/antifa violence, rioting and looting? How about their tendency towards a centralized, authoritarian government control
What totalitarian country/government do you think we can compare that to? I have a couple in mind ......
I'd be more interested in a study of the cause and effect relationship of lead contaminated water in michigan and the rise of neo-nazi themed, teabag rambo militias in the affected areas.
I can help you out with that.
A poorly run Flint, governed by Democrats for decades, was so far in debt that to save a couple bucks they switched their water to a cheaper source. Then they failed to to treat the new water source properly so lead from the old infrastructure did not leach out in high concentrations unlike from the previous "treated" water source.
Then you blame someone else for your own failed management decisions.
Classic Democrat move ......
Militias in Michigan ...... yawn ..... worry more about those antifa pussies .... those little pricks are an absolute waste of carbon.
Posting uninformed bullshit doesn't 'help' anyone Sparty.
An REPUBLICAN Governor appointed a REPUBLICAN 'Emergency Manager', whose authority superseded ALL of the elected officials in Flint. That 'Emergency Manager' is the one who switched Flint's water source and when the shit hit the fan, he and his staff LIED their asses off about the effects of their decision. Those LIES exacerbated and prolonged those effects on the citizens of Flint.
Note that unlike you, I did not attribute your false claim to your whole party.
Like i said, classic liberal approach. Blame someone else for your own fuck ups.
Where were the "elected" Democrats, shouting from the rooftops that changing the water without treating it will harm the people who elected them? I'll tell you where. They were where they usually are, standing out in left field with their heads up their butts. They said nothing. But yeah, blame the government that bailed the city out and saved their incompetent asses from having to file bankruptcy.
I agree with you on one thing though. The state should have let Flint fail and forced the filing. All the emergency manager did was give Democrats someone else to blame other than themselves. Where the blame really belongs.
Well gee Sparty, judging from you comments, you are more than willing to blame everyone BUT the GOP 'Emergency Manager' and the GOP Governor who BTFW are the ones that made the decisions.
What part of the Emergency Manager's authority didn't you fucking understand Sparty? The Emergency Manager eliminated the salary for the mayor and city council, laid off many city officials and shut down the ombudsman and civil service commission.
The elected officials of Flint had NOTHING to do with switching the water source to the river NOR was ANY information shared with them about the possible effects of the switch. The Emergency Manager was in control of the switch AND the water treatment plant. The state was informed to the issue BEFORE the switch yet that STATE Department of Environmental Quality failed to ensure that the water treatment plant was ready and able to add the anti corrosive BEFORE they mandated the switch over.
There is documentation for all of those facts, go look it up and get educated before you post any more unfounded bullshit.
Well golly Dulay i never said that did i so stop trying to put words in my mouth thank you very much. Snyder was great in his first term but sucked balls in his second. You won't hear me defending his second term.
You are on the other hand have never held the any Democrats, who were directly elected by the people of Flint, accountable have you?
the cause seems to be debatable to the willfully ignorant and unaccountable, but the effect is still permanent brain damage common among the teabag rambo militia members in the afflicted areas.
Very few Rambo types in Flint.
More like pants on the ground, hand out, food stamp types. Of course many of them were already brain damaged considering the dipsticks they kept electing who failed them so miserably for decades.
Tell you what Sparty, document ONE decision in reference to the water crisis that the Democrats of Flint made and should be held accountable for. I'll wait...
Militia in Flint join calls for justice in water crisis
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. The Emergency Manager in Flint was a Democrat from the damn area. And the Flint Council and Mayor voted to change the water over- all were present for the Flint water plant ground breaking; and opening. They lied at every level from the mayor and city council to the Democratic emergency manager.
As a Michigan resident, the only thing Snyder only did wrong was trying to fix Flint and Detroit instead of simply prosecuting any and all corruption that was found. He should have let both go bankrupt; instead he trusted Democrats to fix things- by appointing Democratic Emergency Managers from the area. Democrats fucked up at every level; and blamed Snyder for allowing them to be that damn stupid.
So look at the attached links- Mlive is definitely a left source. They don't even bother to deny the Democratic involvement at every level of the decision making process.
See links in post 4.1.2
You have been wrong about everything on the Flint water crisis; but keep digging.
LOL. the KING of "blame others for my incompetent mismanagement" is Trump, and as instructed to all Trumpsters in the O'Donnell Republican Playbook for the re-election of Trump. "Blame China, Criticize Biden, Support Trump".
Tell you what Dulay .... EVERY decision they did not fight that helped cause the problem. You see, that's how leadership really works. It's not just taking credit for the good things that happen. It's also accepting responsibility for the bad.
But i understand how that might be confusing since Democrats have such a hard time with the latter.
COVID 19 virus came from China .... check
We're going to support someone (Biden) we fundamentally disagree with on so many levels? Nope and ..... check
Lol .... see above
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.
There were 4 Emergency Managers for Flint. Michael Brown was the FIRST and he is a REPUBLICAN. Your own links state as much.
So while YOU may want to JUMP to Darnell Earley, there were TWO Emergency Managers before that and THEY are the ones that made the decision to switch the water source to the river.
Here's what Ed Kurtz said during the investigation:
He totally took responsibility....not!
As the city manager he has the ultimate responsibility for the drinking water
Maybe you can post a link from the John Birch Society study on that too.
Please do link where any Democrat has told ANTIFA to "stand back, stand by".
Democrats condemn any violence and vandalism regardless of who commits it. They support the idea of BLM because it is obvious that historically black lives haven't mattered like they should. They as a group have not committed any acts of violence or vandalism. Democrats support the idea of being anti-fascist, they do not support the anarchists and criminal opportunists who come out of the woodwork when their is an anti-fascist protest.
While I condemn the violence and vandalism caused in the name of the antifa movement, I also recognize that the far bigger threat to America are right wing extremists who murder dozens and dozens of American citizens each year. These right wing white supremacist groups are both vile in their actions and their sick twisted ideology and the fact that the non-extremist side of the right wing refuses to condemn them in any meaningful way is telling. Instead the right acts as if the right wing extremists either don't really exist or aren't as big a threat which is simply empowering them, and they do it because they either secretly agree with their sick right wing ideology or they know they can't win elections without them.
You better hunker down ..... sounds real scary!
You can play your word games all you want. The lefts silence, inaction and anti law enforcement stances this summer to the rioting/looting speaks for itself.
At least to anyone who is really listening ......
“The deadly violence we saw overnight in Portland is unacceptable […] as a country we must condemn the incitement of hate and resentment that led to this deadly clash. It is not a peaceful protest when you go out spoiling for a fight.” - Joe Biden
“There’s no place for violence, no place for looting or destroying property or burning churches or destroying businesses […] we need to distinguish between legitimate peaceful protest and opportunistic violent destruction” - Joe Biden
Perhaps you're only hearing silence because you are plugging your ears. The right wants to focus on the 5% of protests that turned violent instead of the 95% of them that didn't because they have a vested interest in protecting white supremacists and right wing extremists while they project their own failures on their opponents like most useless scum do.
Too little too late DP, too little too late. Or perhaps you have forgotten such show stoppers as the Democrat supported Seattle "chop zone" and all the bullshit that followed there and elsewhere? A 270% increase in gun violence in Portland alone so don't try to spin it any other way now.
So nah, it's too little too late DP!
Democrats are now reaping what they have sown in places like Seattle and Portland.
What was too little too late was Trumps response to the pandemic which has cost us tens of thousands of more American lives than should have died.
Your opinion on Democrats response to the few protests that turned violent (5% of the protests, 100% of FOX news coverage) matters less than the insane rantings of some mentally deficient Qanon conspiracy theorist. The facts show that you were WRONG about the left being silent so you had to fall back on "too little too late" instead.
Spin baby, spin. Redirect and spin it like a whirling dervish ...... lol!
It knocks me out that Trump's team can be SO PROUD of 200,000 deaths - AND CLIMBING.
It knocks me out that China can be so dismissive of being the root cause of it.
Look squirrel...
Orban, the Hungarian autocrat, and Erdogan, the Turkish autocrat, are openly admired by Trump. Trump's slavish cultists would willingly and happily follow him into an autocracy in the U.S.
The results of the study are not surprising.
prove it, or can't you, asz usual ?
No, he's right, as usual
Aren’t you going to miss Trump’s sarcastic sense of humor though? Who else would use live media during the early stages of a deadly pandemic to sarcastically suggest putting bleach in your body? What a card!
And yet when he is accused of it to his face he claims he was being sarcastic. Which is it? A lie or Trump being sarcastic? Is Trump suffering from dementia?! I thought that was a Biden trait.
Are you aware that bleach is a disinfectant? You are pedaling in semantics here.
I don’t think you understand semantics. If someone says “eating tissues is good for you”, and someone later says “he told me to ingest Kleenex”, it is essentially the same thing. Dr. Birx understands this, as evidenced by the look on her face when he said what he said. Even Trump understands it, based on him not using your argument himself. Stop embarrassing yourself already.
On live tv Trump said that actual scientists were looking into injecting disinfectants into the lungs. No actual scientists ever did any such thing. It was a Trump brain fart from the most unintelligent armchair “scientist” on earth. Even he knows what he was saying, which is why he later claimed it was sarcasm, extremely poorly timed sarcasm. I don’t know why you are trying to defend him against something even he acknowledges he said.
Excellent article. As you said, many of us have noticed this sobering shift these past 12 years but the GOP completely lost it's identity and oath to the country under the leadership of McConnell and Trump. We cannot forget that it was done with full blessing from their followers.
Not surprised coming from the group whos tagline should be 'anti'.
Yeah but ... save the zygotes!!! You’ll have to pry my bump stock from my cold dead hands!!!