Coronavirus infections soared this week to record levels, hospitalizations are up in almost every state, and now — predictably, but slowly — deaths are rising, too.
Category: News & Politics
Via: krishna • 5 years ago • 116 commentsBy: Joel Achenbach, Brittany Shammas and Jacqueline Dupree
The nation passed another milestone Friday with 9 million confirmed cases since the start of the pandemic, including more than 98,000 new cases, a daily record. More than 1,000 deaths in the United States from the novel coronavirus were reported each day Wednesday and Thursday, continuing an upward trend that began two weeks ago.
All signs indicate that this isn’t a blip but rather a reflection of a massive surge in infections that, without a dramatic effort to reverse the trend, will drive up the death toll for weeks to come. At least 229,000 people in the United States have died of covid-19, the disease caused by the virus.
This remains a potentially deadly disease, and a large proportion of the population is still vulnerable to infection. With the number of infections hitting daily records, there is reason to expect that deaths will keeping rising until the spread of the virus is contained.
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The nation passed another milestone Friday with 9 million confirmed cases since the start of the pandemic, including more than 98,000 new cases, a daily record.
More than 1,000 deaths in the United States from the novel coronavirus were reported each day Wednesday and Thursday, continuing an upward trend that began two weeks ago.
So folk believing Trump saying "we have rounded the corner" and immediately burning their masks might have something to do with it?
Yes, that's why Europe is doing even worse than America right now. Trump really hoodwinked them.
Right, because comparing the US with ALL of Europe is so cogent. /s
Hmmm... I wonder?
Dulay it has occurred to me that many NT users may not be aware of the meaning of the word "cogent"-- and probably are forgetting this vital fact.
Or, given how obsessed he is with the spread of the Virus in Europe (he seems to bring it up on any possible occasion)-- perhaps he actually does care more about other countries than he cares about the U.S.?
(What do y'all think?)
[Krishna is not the topic]
The more NT users expand their vocabulary the better. Though I do wish that some could figure out the proper use of the term strawman before they throw it around.
My use of cogent is based on this definition: clear, logical, and convincing.
Do tell MUVA.
Do you have an example?
The people that believe him don't wear masks to begin with.
Trump really hoodwinked them.
(That's why so many people are calling it "The Trump Virus"!!
Thanks for your reply-- a very cogent one indeed!
Good question!
(Let's hope he doesn't start gaslighting by giving an example that's obtuse!)
This just shows how inept the leadership and response to Covid this country has been. It seems people do not care.
The Belgian leadership must be the worst the in the world.
It had the equivalent of America having 600,000 cases today alone. Why don't the Belgians care about covid, do you think?
So Belgium had 600,000 cases today?
Ask the Belgians. I'm more concerned about this country.
Yes, on a per capita basis, if it had the number of people America does.
I'm more concerned about this country.
Me too. That's why I object to emotional arguments premised on misinformation and provide context for those who aren't consumed by partisanship. An educated America is a better America.
Spare me that crap. Belgium had nearly 24,000 new cases. The US had nearly 90,000 cases.
Then stick to facts and this country. And the simple fact is, US cases and deaths are on the rise. So clearly the US leadership and people are not doing enough to contain it.
Calm down and think logically, rather than emotionally. America has about 30 times more people than Belgium. We use per capita basis to compare countries of disparate size to compare how prevalent the spread of covid is. Please don't tell me you think comparing the raw numbers of cases between countries with vastly different populations would yield useful information?
Then stick to facts and this country.
I know there's a certain segment of the American population that doesn't care about the rest of the world and their suffering and ignores it. I'm sorry, but I can't do that.
Again, I approach arguments logically. You claim the number of reported cases in America is a result of inept leadership. If that argument has any merit, it would withstand logical scrutiny and apply across situations, not only to one unique country.
So since the spread of the virus is much worse in Europe right now, if your argument is valid, then it must be because the leadership of Europe is more inept.
Why is almost anything that is said negative about how our own administration handles things the response is...look squirrel...
Why does context frighten you?
I know politicizing the virus is a big winner for the left, but wouldn't you like to make an honest argument instead?
Why does thinking about what could or can't be done in this country frighten you?
Instead it is, look at this country over here, look at this country over there...
Basically trying to avoid what is happening right here.
It doesn't. I just object to dishonest arguments that can't be defended.
Basically trying to avoid what is happening right here.
Not at all. It's the dishonest explanation of why it's happening here that's the issue. I get blaming the orange man is a quasi religious argument, impervious to reason, but it needs to be done.
Why can't you talk about what's happening here without making a politicized, easily refutable argument about why it's happening? Why not be honest?
Are you going to tell me having donald say and do things does not influence people?
Do you believe him when he says we are rounding the corner?
Do you believe him when he says deaths are down?
We will have a vaccine in two weeks?
That he is now immune? That it is nothing and people can fight it and get better?
That doctors are fudging the numbers to make money?
Basically insinuating that it would be better to get it then you would somehow be immune. Making fun of people wearing masks. Having large gatherings from where they are starting to trace people catching it. Saying don't be afraid, don't worry about it...
You are closing your eyes if you don't think people do as he says.
You can claim people on the left are making it political yet I don't see how saying things should be done is doing that.
You also seem to act like donald or the republicans are not using it as a political weapon themselves.
No, not really. For instance, Americans wear masks at comparable rates to Europeans. I think Trump is pretty far down the list on what influences people's behavior.
Do you believe him when he says we are rounding the corner?
Nope. But I also don't believe words cause the virus to spread. None of your other examples do either.
If Trump's failed leadership caused the spread in America, why is the spread worse in Europe with nine months to prepare? If the premise of the argument that political leadership is what determines the spread of the virus is correct, than European leaders are worse than Trump.
e on the left are making it political yet I don't see how saying things should be done is doing that.
Really? Posts calling it the Trump virus and claiming he's responsible for all the deaths in this country aren't political?
No matter what, what he says and does has an impact. Some people will act accordingly.
Europe was doing better and they opened back up. A lot of people expected that. And I hate to have any praise for Johnson in the UK yet after his hospital stay, his rhetoric changed.
I can show countries where they have kept the virus low. We are running amuck compared.
I will concede people on both sides make it political. Can you do the same?
There you go again, comparing the US to ALL of Europe. Why?
Great, and now they are doing worse than the US. So, if Trump is the cause of the virus spread here, than European leaders....?
can show countries where they have kept the virus low. We are running amuck compared
Of course you can. Belarus, for instance is doing much better than Denmark. The President of Belarus told his people to drink vodka and take saunas to defeat the virus. Since their reported numbers are better, I guess that makes him the better leader.
Or maybe you could admit that political leadership isn't the driving factor of how the virus spreads.
I will concede people on both sides make it political.
Sure. I agree.
Because Europe is made up of first world countries with a similar level of health care and to the USA and there's no reason to doubt they try to report the spread accurately. It's the best comparison.
My point is, yes. Leaders, policy and people in charge can make a difference. If anything, you are proving my point.
And again, there are some countries that have kept the virus low. I think there is one country where they only have like 700.
So yes, leadership, policy, sound advice, not sowing mistrust....can make a difference.
I am not saying any government is a cause, yet they can have a major influence on spread.
Much of Eastern Europe are NOT first world countries nor do the have similar levels of health care.
Comparing the US to the Czech Republic, Slovenia or Bulgaria is ridiculous.
You need to add all of Europe together in order for their cases to get anywhere near the US.
Well, I think some do-- some don't.
(And I can tell you this-- many of those who don't care tend to be Trump supporters, that I can tell you!)
And by the same token, while we're attempting to derail;the conversation (which is about the situation in the country in which we live)-- how come the people of New Zealand do?
Vietnam has reported zero deaths so far from COVID-19, while New Zealand has reported only 20
And, I can tell you this: Since you obviously care more about Covid-19 rates foreign countries than you do about those in our own country (as indicated by your attempts to draw attention away from the situation in your own country)-- what about Viet-Nam? Is that going to be the next subject of your obsessive attempts to draw attention away from what matters most to most Americans?
I always do!
Actually, I do. No matter which data set you want to use, it shows cases are only increasing in many places and the pandemic is not being brought under control.
For this discussion, I'm focused mostly on the facts surrounding this country. Trying to shift focus to other countries is more of a smokescreen.
That's one reason. Not the only one.
Quite possibly. But again, the discussion centers on this country.
The reason why it's happening here is because people are not following recommended guidelines and the leadership has done little about that.
No, it's placing blame where blame is due.
Apparently not, as there are plenty who support and follow him.
Does anyone actually believe he's so concerned about belgium...and even more than he cares about the spike in U.S. cases?
Its obviously just another failed tactic in an feeble attempt to derail the conversation!
Why don't you care more about our own country than those far away?
What does everyone think?
If you want to do comparisons why not compare the US to our neighbor to the north, Canada.
US covid cases per 1 million population, 28,351. Deaths per 1 million population, 712.
Canada covid cases per 1 million population 6,195. Deaths per 1 million population, 268.
One of the reasons is that other country's leaders take this seriously and won't accept the bs anti maskers are spewing. You don't comply with a mask mandate, you are dealt with, sometimes harshly. Recently (Australia I think), a woman was arrested and fined 20 grand for organizing an unlawful anti mask rally.
Why do you care about Europe? Don't you live in the USA?
do you care about Europe? Don't you live in the USA?
Oh.. so in your view the holocaust shouldn't be discussed since it took place in Europe. Even the American isolationists were okay talking about world events.....
I'd ask why are people so afraid to acknowledge the unfolding problem in Europe, but the answer is obvipis is isn't. It doesn't fit the orange man bad simple minded narrative they've been parroting, so, like ostriches, they have to stick their heads in the sand.
Why do you keep trying to derail the discussion by posting about irrelevant things?
And if ya can't hold water-- how are you gonna wash the damn Hog?
(That was just a test to see if I could compose a cogent reply...)
You seem to be under the illusion that an 'unfolding problem in Europe' reflects well on the job Trump is doing. It DOESN'T. No matter WHAT happens elsewhere, Trump STILL fucked up the US response. NOW, he's INTENTIONALLY giving up the 'fight' to save lives and is allowing himself to be guided by a charlatan.
So "orange man bad' isn't a narrative, it's a fact and it's getting worse every fucking day.
Not the same thing at all, Sean!
Well, supporters and members of the Cult of Trump have learned their debating skills mainly by watching Faux News!
So they most frequently resort to the debating techniques most used by those who realize thay are losing the argument-- derailling by use of the primitive "WHATTABOUTISM" technique.
Its also telltale sign of their rabid TDS ("Truth Derangement Syndrome" obsessive fear of telling the truth) . . .always a good indication of a loser!
98,000 new confirmed cases is MORE that China during the WHOLE pandemic.
But ya, Trump is doing a GREAT job. /s
Parroting Chinese propaganda. No surprise.
Posting obtuse comments. No surprise.
I see that you are once again Taunting fellow NT'ers.
No surprise there either!
Indeed-- some people never change
(Hopefully whomever is moderating this column won't allow that sort of Taunting
That's probably why more and more Americans are beginning to refer to it as "The Trump Virus"!
How about Tawian, Sean.
Um, Taiwan is an island. Fairly isolated. They can shut down their borders completely. We cannot.
Comparing these two is not very smart.
Well bugsy, you may think it's not very smart but facts say your comment isn't very smart.
Taiwan has extensive trade with China and have numerous factories in mainland China and are a huge trading partner with the US and China among other countries.. You can read this read this article and it may educate you on how Hong Kong/Taiwan/Vietnam have done so well controlling the virus. You can also goggle Thailand and how well they have done or Mayalsia or Singapore. None of them are islands.
BTW, can you explain how Canada is doing so much better than the US in controlling the virus. I posted the stats in another comment above to Sean.
It's not just Canada. Australia and New Zealand, among others, have also gotten it largely under control. And yet, the US is still struggling.
And what's really pretty amazing is that the U.S. is a world leader in technology-- yet we can't control the Virus!
Many far less developped countries are doing much, much better.
So what?
After all, Trump is Parroting Q Anon Propaganda.
And perhaps worse yet-- Faux News propaganda!
IMHO it's because fighting Covid really is a 'no brainer'. It's not technology, it's HYGIENE and even in what Trump calls 'shithole' countries, they can wear masks, clean their hands and social distance.
WTF are you blathering about?
Do you need me to connect the dots? Ask nicely and I'll help.
Nope. I'll take a pass Sean. It seems that some members are asking others to follow them down rabbit holes this week. Such fantasies don't pique my interest.
I am calling it that!
So is great Britain:
England will enter a second national lockdown in the coming days, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced.
The decision came hours after the UK passed the grim milestone of one million coronavirus cases
Um. There's an olde saying:
Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought to be an idiot . . . than to open it and remove all doubt!
Kathryn Hering Rikess, whose son Cole Hering died in Knoxville, Tenn., at the age of 36 after a lengthy battle with covid-19. She said she is frustrated by the politicization of the virus and the refusal of some people to follow simple health guidelines such as mask-wearing.
She keeps thinking her son is going to call on Sundays to talk football, to sign off with an “I love you, Mom.”
The number dipped in September but has risen steadily this month along with the arrival of colder weather and the accelerating spread of the virus.
Since Oct. 22, 13 states have reached their all-time high for average daily deaths: Alaska, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
And it's going to get a lot worse.
Bring on the dark winter and celebrate it!
So you think the increasing number of infections, cases, and deaths are something to celebrate? That says a lot about you.
His opinions on AGW to this day are indicative of his ignorance & low moral code.
That is one of the most ignorant comments I've seen in a long time, MAGA
Are you celebrating the virus and death from it?
And he claims to be a man of God. So much for that claim.
Yes-- celebrate America's increasing cases of the Virus!
(Golly gee-- if we didn't know better, after hearing a comment like that-- one could almost assume you are a Trump supporter! .)
But you seem like an intelligent fellow, so I myself personally, speaking just for myself, am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt assume that that comment was made in error (after all,the vast majority of people are only human! Doesn't everyone here agree???
Not to mention evolution too.
His true character is quite obvious...
But you seem like an intelligent fellow
I had the same reaction too.
I'm going snowboarding in the winter on bluebird days hopefully not the downer Joe Biden dark winter days.
Apparently you have no idea what the actual topic is.
.(Well, actually that shouldn't be surprising).
Here's a hint: its not about snowboarding-- nor about any other Winter sport.
So MUVA--...its now time for the NT Challenge!
1. Here's the question-- the test is to see how well you answer it:
If the actual topic here is not "Winter Sports"-- what general category of topics does it fall into? (Again, remember, its not about Winter Sports).
Hint #2: Nor is it about any other Sport-- including Bird Watching!
2. And here's Question 2 which you may find to be a bit more challenging:
If the topic of this Seed is no t Winter Sports-- what is it actually about?
(P.S. Using Google is cheating -- so don't do it!! !)
That graphic is what I got when Googled "Dancing Devils".
(Could it be that MAGA is an actual Pagan?)
We don't want him/her.
I can see why!!!
Thanks to Trumps continuing science denial, the US will suffer more than third world countries.
IIRC, despite us supposedly being so advanced in all sorts of modern technology-- the U.S. still has the largest number of cases in the entire world!
How could that be???)
To be fair, Trump isn't the only one denying or fighting science. There are many people who do so and are hostile to science.
Actually we should probably refer to it as "The trump Virus" from now on...given how he's main the major cause of its spread in the U.S.!
(Just a suggestion-- what do y'all think? Shall we all start referring to it as "the Trump Virus"?
But while that may be annoying, trumpis president-- and holds tremendous power to influence people....
I really don't think the president, any president, holds influence like you may think, deleted
President Trump for starters. Otherwise, all one has to do is look at the news to hear stories of people ignoring recommendations by not social distancing, throwing a fit about wearing masks, calling covid a hoax, ect..
Trump has turned the US into a 3d world country.
Not good.
Well, at least we kind be grateful for one thing:-- we are lucky that there aren't any of those of ignoramuses here on NT!
Name them?
Sure-- no problem.
Let's see...there Lazy, Bashful, Sleepy, Snoopy, Sneezy, Grumpy... . . .well, those are the only ones I can remember!
(Maybe...Rudolf? IIRC, wasn't he was the one with the Red Nose?)
Do you have a link (from a reliable source) to back up that claim, deleted?
Let's see...there Lazy, Bashful, Sleepy, Snoopy, Sneezy, Grumpy... . . .well, those are the only ones I can remember!
(Maybe...Rudolf? IIRC, wasn't he was the one with the Red Nose?)
And speaking of naming them, wasn't there a Lucy in there somewhere-- something about Diamonds above...wasn't she a friend of Sneezy?
He just brought the small pockets of 'third world country' we already had to the white house.
In many cases we already are...
(And our numbers are getting worse by the day).
A big Thank-you to everyone for their responses.
Shall I keep seeding videos from The Lincoln Project?
Why not? They also pass on good information.