BREAKING: Trump Fires Defense Secretary Mark Esper
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 5 years ago • 51 commentsBy: Aidan McLaughlin (Mediaite)

By Aidan McLaughlinNov 9th, 2020, 1:00 pm
President Donald Trump said he has fired Secretary of Defense Mark Esper in a tweet on Monday.
The first in what could be a series of high profile firings expected after Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 presidential election was foreshadowed: NBC News reported last week that Esper had prepared a letter of resignation ahead of the election.
Trump announced in his tweet that Christopher C. Miller, the Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, would be named acting Defense Secretary.
"Chris will do a GREAT job!" Trump wrote. "Mark Esper has been terminated. I would like to thank him for his service."
…Chris will do a GREAT job! Mark Esper has been terminated. I would like to thank him for his service.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2020
This story is breaking and will be updated.
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Christopher MillerDonald TrumpMark EsperWhite House Previous Post Previous PostAidan McLaughlin - Editor in Chief
Aidan McLaughlin is the Editor of Mediaite. Send tips via email: [email protected] Ask for Signal. Follow him on Twitter: @aidnmclaughlin
More Stories by Aidan McLaughlin

Esper's big crime ?
He wanted to rename military bases named after Confederate generals.
I think he also objected to the idea of using federal officers to quell urban unrest.
You are right Tacos, according to the NYT.
Did anyone that Trump has fired actually get fired for a legit reason? I cannot think of any off the top of my head...
Did Trump fire him via Twitter...again?
Seems kind of pointless with only 2 1/2 months to go.
Trump is bitter and he is letting it out on anyone he feels crossed him. But you are right... it is rather pointless.
Maybe Biden will hire him back?
Michele Flournoy looks to be Biden's pick.
Only seems that way when you're talking about adults.
I learned this past weekend that there is a procedure that allows previously released federal workers (wrongly fired) to be brought back to function in their former positions
Let's hope that's true. The 'brain drain' perpetrated by Trump is crippling all too many Agencies.
The worst being the DOJ. Being forced to stop legitimate investigations in order to start faux investigations of Trump's rivals. Can he be more an Authoritarian wannabe?
Not unexpected considering the 5 year old in the WH.
Chris Wray head of the FBI will probably be next along with Gina Haspel head of the CIA.
"Fired?!? I'm not fired! You're fired! Every cabinet member and administration peon serving me, look under your seats... that's right... You get to go get a new job, and you get to go get a new job and you get to go get new job! If I'm going down, you're all going with me!!"
This isn't unexpected and I've no doubt this is just the first in what will be a long list of unhinged tantrums and breaking things (like political norms) from this rejected impeached lame duck loser of the 2020 presidential election. I'm sure his upcoming pardon list is going to shock even some of his loyal base as he no longer has reason to hide his naked self interest using whatever power he has left to benefit himself, his family and those complicit in his schemes and likely crimes as much as possible.
Night of the Long Knives - Part Two - Coming Soon!
It is past time to invoke the 25th before this asshat can cause any more damage. If he is not reined in, he will try to cause as much dysfunction he can before Jan 20. Even his wife and Jarrod are advising him to basically get over it and concede.
Set that precedent. Biden will be's gonna be Harris for the majority of his term.
Do not say things like that .. I do not need any additional nightmares added to the ones I am already having and have been having for the past 4 years....!
Thank you in advance.. : )
P.s.... it is a lil late to apply the 25th anyways
It is never too late in this case. Trump needs his heels locked for the next two months.
Why .. what is the reasoning? Because he may fire more people? (think that is a given) .. any executive order Trump puts in place can be dismantled by the next president ... I do not think 'so called democracy' is in danger in the next 2 months .. if there is such a thing as 'democracy' in the United States, it has, even after all things Trump, remained intact for the past 4 years ..
Let the man lick his wounds .. he only has himself to blame for the loss he has suffered / is suffering. Trump cannot suddenly become a dictator by refusing to acknowledge defeat, it only serves to possibly break the tradition of a 'peaceful transition of power' .. which honestly should not surprise anyone, Trump has tossed tradition at the window since day one .. I certainly never expected Trump to go down without a fight - hahaha had Trump readily conceded, half of his detractors would have dropped dead instantly and the other half would have been committed to a psych ward : )
Hope you are well Paula ....
Let the man lick his wounds....????
How about having him act like every other president or presidential contender in our history.... admit he lost the election, allow the transition to the president elect to start, and do things that benefit the American people. It's called being an adult.
Show me where he ever has acted presidential ... think that has been a major bitch from his detractors
Sure, whatever...
This whole thing is just silly to me .. Trump will eventually concede - he has to, he is just not doing it as those before have done.... which if you are honest with yourself, ya knew he was not going to admit defeat, and if you did think he was going to admit defeat and readily concede, I must ask WHERE have you been for the past 4 years?
Biden is moving forward with his agenda .. regarding COVID and today he is set to defend the ACA - if hopes on saving the legislation. Which I think needs to 'fixed' not gutted...
There is a HUGE difference between 537 votes in ONE state and over 300,000 in 5 states Kathleen. Trump hasn't filed any evidence of voter fraud that would effect the outcome in ANY state as of today. He's got NOTHING.
I guess we have different standards out of how we expect children to act.
We must also have different standards for how we expect our highest elected official to act when faced with the truth of over 300,000 votes telling him he lost the electoral college.
Maybe he'll find the answer on one of his golf courses.
Trump and his sycophants are like a football coach whose team lost by three touchdowns but is still whining and complaining and refusing to accept defeat because he's disputing a single rightly called fumble back in the first quarter.
"We demand that every play get re-reviewed and every opponent touchdown should get re-scrutinized because we declared before the game that we wouldn't lose, so we're not just giving in simply because we ended up with a lower score!"...
My comment wasn't an answer, it was a statement.
And no thoughts to how transitions should be handled in the future?
I guess if there is ever a republican president elect down the road, the current occupant can tell them to piss up a rope regarding cooperation.
I guess there is no end to the level of danger Trump and his supporters are willing to subject this country to just so they don't have to acknowledge a lost election. We are talking national security level dangers here.
As a matter of fact, yes they legally can.
So you're all and good with putting the safety of the country in the backseat....? Got it.
Legal vs moral....... Now that is what is wrong with today's republicans. They could give a shit about doing the right thing.....
So you're another one that thinks that a 527 vote difference in one state equates to a 300,000 vote difference in five states. Isn't that special!
More bullshit from you...... and as usual, nothing supportable with facts.
You must be a real star over at Breitbart....
Who said that I was a republican?
Nope, Trump would have had to win a LOT more states and votes to get anywhere near Al Gore.
I'm trying to figure out if that is good or bad. Please clarify.
The Biden people don't get a government paycheck until they are actually working for the government.
What does that dildo have to do with anything?
I guess if you want to leave the option open for a coup to hold onto power, it's a good idea to get rid of the guy who opposed using the military against civilians.