The Presidential Stress Test Failure Project

This is our singular moment, or term of presidency, for the Senate to 'take down' what is left of our own 'tyrant-President.' We should convict and forbid former President Donald J. Trump any future public office to fashion into a weapon that could end our democratic form of governance.
There is a reason why U.S. presidents serve their four year terms without "stress-testing" the American presidency.
We are the exceptional model of democracy that the world looks up to (or, we used to be so). As such an entity for this world's people we have a stewardship to maintain a high(er) standard of rule of law, efficiency, and impeccability.
A direct effort to commit to striving for a more perfect union. Instead, we were forced to have put on display to the international community, an American President's 'murderous' and treasonous tendencies.
Moreover, for all intents and purposes Donald Trump is committed and "promised" to get away with it. All due to a Republican Party disarming itself and our nation before one solitary man who would be our King.
Today, our nation is caught in a web of Republican Party advocacy that will not 'repair the breach' blown into our national ship of state. Nor will our government be allowed "self-correction" of the harm done it by its 45th president: Donald J. Trump.
How can the republicans find fault with any other political party? The Republican Party and its supporters can not criticize democrats! Their own hypocrisy stinks and smells (like trash) to the highest levels and across our planet.
As such, this hypocrisy will aid in the removal of many decent foreign governments and freed people who fight tyrannical outlaw regimes the world over.
All because the United States Republican Party is too short-sighted and greedy for its own embellishment to see the danger one man, Donald J. Trump has and continues to cause our great country.
There is a reason why U.S. presidents serve their four year terms without "stress-testing" the American presidency.
We are the exceptional model of democracy that the world looks up to (or, we used to be so). As such an entity for this world's people we have a stewardship to maintain a high(er) standard of rule of law, efficiency, and impeccability.
Yes, there are compelling political arguments for the impeachment and conviction of Trump. I hope everyone realizes that impeaching Trump only confirms the Qanon Deep State conspiracy theories. Convicting Trump won't achieve what everyone seems to think it will achieve.
Striking a match really can start a wild fire that can't be stopped. And, right now, Democrats are playing with matches.
How can there be "compelling arguments" to impeach, convict, and forbid future public office to Donald Trump and it be a democratic party problem? Do tell.
Or, can it be you can not bring yourself to a position where a former president who refused to stop 'punching this nation in its political face' you can criticize? Tell me is liking Donald Trump's ideology worth all the "H" unleashed upon innocent citizens of this country? How about the open "H" being taken advantaged of by repulsive dictators and tyrants (like Putin) who will point to our republican party who shelter this man from his proper comeuppance under our (political) authority?
Because Democrats (along with the press) have twisted what occurred into a much larger political narrative for political advantage. Impeachment isn't the only avenue to address Trump's role in the riot. The justifications expressed for impeachment haven't been apolitical or non-partisan. The rather obvious coordination between Democrats and the press only feeds the Deep State conspiracy.
In the Qanon world, the riot was an attack on the Deep State. The rioters did not attack anything other than a symbol of Deep State hidden agendas with rather obvious intent to intimidate those holding political power over the Deep State. The riot was an attack specifically targeted at a specific political function of government; not an attack on the government itself and not an attack on society at large.
In Qanon world, the impeachment is being conducted by the Deep State to protect the Deep State. The political theater of impeachment provides its own evidence of a Deep State conspiracy.
What does any of that (true or suspect) have to do with anything? Not a thing. The issue you are desperately attempting to avoid is this:
President Donald Trump is being impeached (he is the only official who can be in this) because of his behavior, conduct, and involvement in an attack on the first branch of our federal system of governance.
STOP! Ask yourself: Why don't you want Donald Trump 'prosecuted' for activities and (mis)deeds related to after November election?
All the peripherals (Q-ANON and Others) will stand up and take their prosecutions accordingly. The 'deep-state' bull-patty will be dealt with also.
Our presidents should not 'over-stress' the office. For all the reasons that have bubbled/bubbling to the fore now.
Would it help you display more depth? (Read the opinion at the top.)
Okay, what else? How can the republicans find fault with any other political party? The Republican Party and its supporters can not criticize democrats!
Okay, you're just consuming digits now. I will get back to you—maybe.
Don't you think that an AG being confirmed comes first?
How the fuck can an insurrection be twisted into a LARGER political narrative?
Impeachment is inherently a political act.
What does the documented coordination between the Republicans and Trump's defense attorneys feed?
Oh and BTFW, those who believe in the Deep State conspiracy feed off of just about every delusion one can name.
More argle-bargle.
The insurrectionists attacked the 'specific political function of government', codified in the Constitution, to count the votes of the American people and certify their choice for who leads 'the government itself' and therefore represents our 'society at large' to the rest of the world.
Why should we care about Qanon world machinations? Is it your posit that the US government or the society at large should give credence to that bat shit crazy crap?
If there was an insurrection then how was that insurrection put down? Insurrections don't end by people just walking away.
That's a political response to a political action. The prosecutors are members of the House and are politicians with a vested interest in using impeachment for political advantage.
Oddly there doesn't seem to be any video of how the so called insurrection ended. The House impeachment managers didn't produce evidence of how the insurrectionists were driven out of the Capitol and the insurrection put down.
So, where are those insurrectionists now? The crowd simply dispersing on its own doesn't seem to fit the political narrative of insurrection. The crowd walking away of its own accord doesn't even fit the new normal for protests.
OMG where have you been ? Under a rock ? Did you not see any of the footage of it in the last few days ?
I haven't seen any videos of how the so called insurrection was put down. The Senate reconvened the same day.
The videos being shown by the House impeachment managers is more sedate than what has transpired around the country since 2014. The Capitol building didn't become a smoldering ruin as has happened in many cities over the last six years.
I haven't seen any videos of how the so called insurrection was put down. T
So there wasn't 1,100 National Guard deployed ? Cause you didn't see it ? You must have slept through the whole thing.
If you can't even admit that there WAS an insurrection, discussing this WITH you is pointless.
Nerm, just because you have not seen it does not make it so. Tax yourself to look and see:
A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege | The New Yorker
Nerm, do not waste time comparing the wreckage of a street corner store with the sacking of the 200 year plus system of government dwelling. It simply won't hold up and you will be make suspect for the attempt. Degrees matter.
Moreover, I am not sure what point it serves to see the "put down" of the insurrectionists in our nation's center of democracy, since it is clear it occurred (no at that point no additional or excesses of blood was carried out.) As you stated, the Senate convened as a show and for the purposes of proper order amidst the discord, thefts of property, blood-letting, and piss and shit smeared indiscriminately.
And what the "H" is the deal with the big ASS Trump flags? Who does that?
U.S. Capitol Declared "Secure" After Law Enforcement Pushes Protesters Off Property
Nerm, it should get tiresome demonizing democrats and republicans who oppose the chaotic activities of Donald Trump. Yes or no? (I want to know.)
Well gee, if you didn't see it, it must not have happened. /s
Nerm, I have presumed you write into these discussion from a vantage point of having some news savvy. Today, I am questioning that. Can you explain how you have an open and unfulfilled question in your mind as to how the men and women dispersed widely inside the Capitol building surrendered and exited the building - still, at this point?!! That is, assuming Trump supporters entered the building, can you guesstimate that they were escorted out (they were rather politely even so) before the senate reconvened that disastrous evening?
Here's one from earlier:
Yes! Thank you! I wanted this one and could not locate it. I raise you one:
New video of Capitol rioter Qanon Shaman : 'Trump is still our president'
Aside: "Shaman" is precious. Ain't he, precious?
Because there wasn't an insurrection. Pointing out that the political left is exaggerating, embellishing, and outright lying about what occurred isn't the same thing as defending Trump or defending the rioters.
What happened was a protest that turned into a riot. And the rioters should be held accountable. That's no different than other riots that have happened over the last six years.
The political left appears to be upset because they don't hold the trademark on riots.
When in the last six years has anyone stormed the capitol, roamed the hallways creepily calling reps names and trying to hunt them down...
Do not attempt to transform politicians into an aristocracy. Senators and Representatives are just citizens of the United States. Nothing more but nothing less. If we're supposed to be working toward equality then it's necessary to understand that elected politicians are not above anyone. They're just people like anyone else; that's how equality is supposed to work isn't it?
Some have said the United States flag is just a rag. Well, the Capitol is just a building. If burning the flag is political speech and burning a building is political speech then what transpired at the Capitol was nothing more than political speech.
Center of democracy? I don't have vote on how Congress conducts itself. Do you?
After six years of vandalism and violence the political left's patriotic angst seems as phony as a $3 bill.
There most assuredly WAS an insurrection Nerm.
Well since I didn't say a fucking thing about defending ANYONE, your comment is moot.
Bullshit. It was a planned and targeted insurrection against one branch of the US government.
That false equivalency lacks all credibility.
That statement lacks all credibility.
The political left's credulity doesn't have anything to do with credibility.
I will not argue the point. I will leave it up to mutual commonsense.
Have you tried injuring or killing, or injuring and killing a flag recently? It can not happen. Of course, the Capitol is a building, a 'dwelling place,' a congregational place, for the leadership from 50 states and territories and all who has interest in the governance of our nation and beyond. Comparison to our flag is limited at best.
It is this kind of petty rhetoric that is the bane of cooperative ideas and unity. I beseech you, let it go. We can be something better if we can just surmount this hurdle and marry liberalism and conservatism to each other again. Political parties in our country are nothing, zilch, without the strength of the other citizenry. We're zig-zaging through time and space, like a staggering drunken individual, because of the 'baffle' towering over us.
The Colin Kaepernick brand of disrespectful patriotism espoused by the political left won't be easily forgotten. And the political left's politicians kneeled in the Capitol as a show of political disrespect for the United States; they weren't standing with the United States.
WT "H" are you writing about Nerm? The point is moot now anyway. The 2nd Impeachment vote has resulted in acquittal. Now what remains is what must be done about the festering chronic wound on the body politics.
If the political left throws salt in the wound then divisions will escalate.
Salt is a preservative, yes? When it rains it pours. . . .
That a juvenile practice Nerm. Try harder.
Everything Nerm says will be received with a long-handle 'spoon' from me. This is simply too much "all-in for Donald" to be acceptable. I have reached the limits of my rather long tether. In passing I caught a glimpse of something today: The long since forgotten limits of my patience with impossible people.
It seems to me that you would prefer that the arsonist be free to light the fires and fan the flames.
There wasn't any arson. What happened at the US Capitol was more peaceful than what happened in Hong Kong.
So, why didn't the House impeachment managers show videos of how the 'insurrection' at the Capitol ended. After all, the Senate reconvened the same day and finished its perfunctory business of validating the electoral votes.
Well I guess since the two pipe bombs didn't go off there was no arson, good grief !
So Hong Kong is the bar we set for our democracy ?
It's called a metaphor Nerm. Sheesh!
The capitol building can only be compared to other U.S. federal properties. Please equip your "speech" with some parameters.
Our nation is caught in a web of Republican Party advocacy that will not 'repair the breach' blown into our national ship of state. Nor will our government be allowed "self-correction" of the harm done it by its 45th president: Donald J. Trump.
Mature democracies should shun political personality cults, pope says
By Reuters Staff
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Mature democracies must shun the temptation to glorify an individual political personality and make sure that the rule of law prevails over partisan interests, Pope Francis said on Monday.
Without naming any country or specific incident in his speech to diplomats, he spoke of events in the past year “in countries with a long democratic tradition” that had shown the need for “inclusive, peaceful, constructive and respectful dialogue”.
“The development of a democratic consciousness demands that emphasis on individual personalities be overcome and that respect for the rule of law prevail,” he said, without naming any individual politician.
“Indeed, law is the indispensable prerequisite for the exercise of all power and must be guaranteed by the responsible governing bodies, regardless of dominant political interests,” he said.
Recent years have seen the rise of populist politicians in the United States, Latin America and some European countries.
Democracy demands the pursuit of “inclusive, peaceful, constructive and respectful dialogue among all the components of civil society in every city and nation”, the pope said.
Francis made his comments in a long speech at his yearly meeting with diplomats accredited to the Vatican, which has relations with more than 180 countries.
Reporting by Philip Pullella; Editing by Alison Williams
On Tuesday, Congress and its Senate is set for a governmental power reset! Long live the right to impeach an improper acting president!
The Senate Trial ICO Former President Donald J. Trump is open. We sat in 'judgement' of one another.
Is the United States Republican Party too short-sighted and greedy for its own embellishment to see the danger one man, Donald J. Trump has and continues to cause our great country?
Listening to the Senate trial of former president Donald J. Trump I am reminded that proceedings that sat in judgement should not allow the GUILTY to go free. Yes, the question comes up: Why give a senate trial the characteristics of a trial without any insistence on proper outcomes? After all, does the citizenry of this country deserve a proper political 'trial' and conclusions in order to access rights and wrongs?
It is clear why people have utter disgust for some lawyers and some politicians!
Donald Trump conspired to stay in office beyond the expiration of his term in office; the insurrectionists were his arm of "lieutenants" rallied and sent to persuade and rabble-rouse the House of Representatives and the Senate to take improper and impulsive acts to keep him in power.
Trump's defense lawyers are arguing it is perfectly okay for Trump to have worked to gaslight his Q-Anon lieutenants and other attackers.
The international community is watching republicans mess this country up! Doing it in horror too!
There is a reason why U.S. presidents serve their four year terms without "stress-testing" the American presidency.
We are the exceptional model of democracy that the world looks up to (or, we used to be so). As such an entity for this world's people we have a stewardship to maintain a high(er) standard of rule of law, efficiency, and impeccability.
Moreover, for all intents and purposes Donald Trump is committed and "promised" to get away with it. All due to a Republican Party disarming itself and our nation before one solitary man who would be our King.
Day Two of the actual trial is underway. Boy, what some conservatives will be; and privilege allows them to get away with is incredible. The same people expect Black Americans to be more mature (that is, guilty as charged).
SINCE IMPEACHMENT IS FIRST AND FOREMOST A POLITICAL ACTIVITY. . . . after the arguments on factual grounds what should come next are arguments on political grounds:
Well, it's conservative's lost opportunity to be rid of their 'butt hurt'—y'all still have it.
There is a reason why U.S. presidents serve their four year terms without "stress-testing" the American presidency.
We are the exceptional model of democracy that the world looks up to (or, we used to be so). As such an entity for this world's people we have a stewardship to maintain a high(er) standard of rule of law, efficiency, and impeccability.
Our national struggle continues with each hammer stroke and nail gripping in its own right. . . .
NT, for the love of boots and spurs, why won't the House and Senate re-define for the 21st century and the next 100 years are so a definition for the constitutional phrase: "High crimes and misdemeanors"?
The founders won't mind. . . .
This is the moment a woman was fatally shot amid US Capitol chaos
Goodnight, Ms. Ashli Babbitt. Rest In Peace.