
Eric Trump Claims His Dad 'Literally Saved Christianity' | HuffPost


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jbb  •  4 years ago  •  35 comments

By:   Josephine Harvey

Eric Trump Claims His Dad 'Literally Saved Christianity' | HuffPost

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Just like he's saving Christmas and Thanksgiving. By Josephine Harvey10/06/2020 11:37 PM ET

Eric Trump has added a new fake achievement to his dad's collection.

He claimed during a radio interview in North Dakota last week that his father, President Donald Trump, "literally saved Christianity."

"He literally saved Christianity. There's a full-out war on faith in this country by the other side," Eric Trump claimed on WZFG-AM on Friday. "I mean, the Democratic Party, the far left, has become the party of the quote-unquote atheist. They want to attack Christianity, they want to close churches, they want to ― they're totally fine keeping liquor stores open ― but they want to close churches all over the country."

Some Democrats pushed for churches ― along with schools, businesses and other nonessential spaces ― to be shuttered or opened at limited capacity while the deadly COVID-19 pandemic spread across the country.

The president, whose white evangelical Christian supporters have remained among his most loyal during his time in office, made an empty demand that places of worship be reopened in May. However, he had no power to do so, and the decision ultimately fell to governors and local officials.

Here's the audio of Eric Trump listing "he literally saved Christianity" as one of his father's accomplishments in office. pic.twitter.com/uJG6YUPAbq — andrew kaczynski (@KFILE) October 6, 2020

Beyond the churches claim, Eric Trump cited no other examples of what exactly Christianity was being attacked by or what Trump did to save it. He claimed Democrats are out to get the religion, even though the vast majority of Democratic lawmakers identify themselves as Christians.

The claim can be tallied up beside the Trump family's other baseless self-proclaimed achievements, which include saving Christmas and Thanksgiving from the nonexistent "wars" they claim are being waged against the holidays.

Josephine Harvey Reporter, HuffPost 


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JBB    4 years ago

And then, Christ cringed...

Professor Participates
1.1  FLYNAVY1  replied to  JBB @1    4 years ago

Man..... what a cracker!

Professor Principal
2  Kavika     4 years ago

How bizarre can they get?

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
3  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu     4 years ago

It seems the trump family and followers have found that if they distort the truth and vocalize it loud, brash and often enough they can convince their followers of damn near anything at this point. 

I call that a cult.

A very dangerious one. 

Professor Expert
4  CB    4 years ago

I no longer think that Trump has these people enthralled. I think they deserve each other! Remember, when I, we, maybe, thought the Trump family could not be down with all this? And then Eric speaks up! Who else is there left to speak and burst our bubbles about clear and present delusion: Baron Trump.

Yes, I have my suspicions that the boy is like his Dad too! Of course, I can't prove it, but the saying "The apple does not fall far from the tree" Melania and Donald are branches on the same (tree).

Professor Expert
5  CB    4 years ago

These "evangelicals" are just like Donald Trump in spirit and in purpose! Donald has shown them what he is about and they say, "Yeah, we know." Stop looking for a 'loophole' in the clause that will cause Donald supporters to opt-out. They are propping up Donald as he props them up!

Senior Guide
5.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  CB @5    4 years ago

Persuading the Opposition by Hating Them? Maybe Not the Best Approach …


One of the week’s most popular …

Surge Summary:  In the name of “politics”, it seems lots of people nowadays are justifying treating one another with viciousness and even hatred. Where is there any justification for this behavior. It is contrary to the spirit of Jesus and His teaching.

by  Michael L. Brown

Did you ever hear the  song  that begins with the words, “We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord”? The lyrics are very simple, with the repeated refrain, “And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, Yeah they’ll know we are Christians by our love.” Today, we might want to change that refrain to “they’ll know we are Christians by our hate, by our hate.” We have become terribly disfigured in recent years, in many ways, the opposite of God’s intent. How on earth did this happen?

If you don’t believe me, visit some of our personal, Bible-affirming, Jesus-believing, social media pages, where we savage each other and attack each other and spread hearsay and even lies about one another with reckless abandon. They are hate-filled pages, pages filled with venom and poison, yet pages that ultimately reflect what is in our own hearts. I ask again: how on earth did this happen?

To give one recent, case in point, when my younger colleague Jeremiah Johnson publicly apologized for wrongly prophesying Trump’s reelection, he received a torrent of hate mail of the basest sort, almost all of it from professing Christians.

This is the fruit of the Spirit? This is the result of our fellowship with God? This is what happens when we are changed into the likeness of Jesus? Obviously not.

Yet I see this every day. We are vile. We are vicious. We are mean-spirited. We treat each other with disrespect and disdain. There is little honor. Little humility. Little grace.

Perhaps worse still, we have been taught to hate and we have found justification for our hatred.
read more:
Professor Participates
5.1.1  FLYNAVY1  replied to  XXJefferson51 @5.1    4 years ago

You continue to support the lie/s, and are happy to worship a false idol....  How Christian of you!

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
7  Hal A. Lujah    4 years ago

Christianity and Donald Trump deserve one another.

Professor Expert
7.1  CB  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @7    4 years ago

Hal A Lujah, a blazen liar, cheater, and thief is a child of Satan, not a son of God. I am pretty sure I am clear on this one! (Smile.)

Professor Principal
8  Hallux    4 years ago

Eric the Idiot is the one to fear, not Junior.

Professor Participates
8.1  1stwarrior  replied to  Hallux @8    4 years ago

Not true - it's the 24/7/365 haters that we have to fear.  They just never quit with their conjecture/projection/theories/conspiracy crap to ruin everyone's day.

Professor Principal
8.1.1  Hallux  replied to  1stwarrior @8.1    4 years ago
" ... it's the 24/7/365 haters ... "

Who are they?

Professor Guide
8.1.2  Dulay  replied to  1stwarrior @8.1    4 years ago
it's the 24/7/365 haters that we have to fear. They just never quit with their conjecture/projection/theories/conspiracy crap to ruin everyone's day.

How does that description disqualify Eric or Jr.? They spew hate for profit and 'conjecture/projection/theories/conspiracy crap' every chance they get, just like daddy. 

Professor Expert
8.1.3  CB  replied to  Dulay @8.1.2    4 years ago

I will say this, however. MSNBC and CNN (at least) said they were going to drop coverage of Donald Trump after January 20th. Yet, both networks are "bigly" talking up CPAC and the coming attraction: Donald Trump at CPAC Sunday!

Of Course, the cable networks are going to air FORMER PRESIDENT Trump's CPAC speech LIVE after all their 'hard-work' and promotion.

It's sicking and incoherent! It's Trump pimpin' the networks!

And Donald will surely point to the back of the room and bombast the cameras arrayed there and the reporters too! Same as it ever was.

Professor Quiet
8.1.4  cjcold  replied to  1stwarrior @8.1    4 years ago

When the Trumps stop saying stupid things they'll stop getting press; The Trumps want press!

Senior Guide
8.2  XXJefferson51  replied to  Hallux @8    4 years ago

It’s Eric’s wife that is the one most likely to become the next elected member of the Trump family as a US Senator from North Carolina. 

Professor Principal
8.2.1  devangelical  replied to  XXJefferson51 @8.2    4 years ago

she'll be doing private lap dance$ in GOP circles when hubby and his dad end up in the can.

Professor Silent
9  SteevieGee    4 years ago

If he means he literally saved Christians by losing the election I'd say he's right.  A whole lot of Christians were following him down a rabbit hole to hell.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
10  Paula Bartholomew    4 years ago

How does a man who has broken way more than once the Ten Commandments save Christianity?

Professor Principal
10.1  TᵢG  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @10    4 years ago

You are going to give yourself a massive headache trying to find reason in political bullshit.

Professor Silent
10.2  mocowgirl  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @10    4 years ago
How does a man who has broken way more than once the Ten Commandments save Christianity?

Because I was a Christian for over 5 decades, I can easily answer that question.

Many sects of Christianity teach that everyone is born a sinner and Yahweh will "save" them in His own way in His own time.  This is considered a fact because of the documentation in the NT of Saul's conversion.  I will include the first part of an article that explains in part the "forgiveness" doctrine and why it was necessary in the first place.  This is abusive brainwashing that defies logic.  This is why it is important to instill these thoughts in young minds before they develop a healthy ego and sense of self.

3 things we can learn from Paul's conversion (christiantoday.com)

Paul's conversion from a persecutor of Christ to a true Christ-follower is one of the most eye-opening and most powerful conversions ever recorded in the Bible. Though all of our conversions are equally powerful and individually special in the sight of God, one cannot help but recognize the great things we can learn from Paul's salvation.

There are a lot of things we can learn from Paul's conversion, but for this article we will choose to zero-in on three things I consider the most important. Here they are:

1)   That God can save anyone, even the most antagonistic to the faith

We understand that Paul, then named Saul, was a fervent persecutor of those who followed the Lord Jesus Christ. We read in Acts 9 that he was on his way to another location in his crackdown against the "followers of the Way," but the Lord has another plan for him:
"As [Saul] journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?"" (Acts 9:3-4)
Such was Saul's famous antagonism towards the faith that even the church couldn't believe he would be saved! Acts 9:26 tells us,
"And when Saul had come to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples; but they were all afraid of him, and did not believe that he was a disciple."
Is there anyone we deem "un-save-able"? God is able to save anyone who draws near to Him. In this case, those who respond to Him when He calls them.
Professor Quiet
10.2.1  bbl-1  replied to  mocowgirl @10.2    4 years ago

I think not--therefore the circle argument that the first point of the same argument confirms the last point in that argument proves nothing.

"un-save-able?"  Saved from what?

Professor Guide
10.2.2  Dulay  replied to  mocowgirl @10.2    4 years ago

Yet repentance is required for salvation and Trump has admitted that he has never asked for forgiveness. 

Professor Expert
10.3  CB  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @10    4 years ago

Think of this as somewhat similar to Constantine the Great transitioning Rome to dominant Christianity religion for a win-win. Also, it has an added benefit that people like Eric can run around vocalizing how Trump "did Jesus" a solid! Preposterous! But, it can still be spoken!

Professor Guide
11  MrFrost    4 years ago

Talk about a sleazy way to slap yourself on the back... 

Make up a fake problem, assign Democrats as the oppressors, wait a month and claim victory in a war that never even existed.

Classic trump..

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
12  Larry Hampton    4 years ago

Kinda like Moby Dick saved Captain Ahab.

Interesting how close a parallel can be made.

Senior Guide
12.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  Larry Hampton @12    4 years ago

He protected religious liberty and religious values and beliefs better than any President since Reagan.  

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
12.1.1  Thrawn 31  replied to  XXJefferson51 @12.1    4 years ago

How exactly? Like what specifically did he do aside from blow smoke up your ass? 

Professor Quiet
13  bbl-1    4 years ago

Eric, the toothy one, has accepted the 'deity status' of the Chinese Trump Merchandise Industry as confirmation of The Family's divine destiny.

None the less, if I were a Trump I'd concentrate on acquiring good legal council in the immediate future.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
14  Thrawn 31    4 years ago

Lol I love this. Wonder exactly how the supposed followers of Jesus will square this one?

Professor Principal
14.1  TᵢG  replied to  Thrawn 31 @14    4 years ago

The Trumps hold their sycophants in contempt.   They see them as gullible followers to be used.   And the sycophants are apparently clueless that they are being exploited.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
14.1.1  Thrawn 31  replied to  TᵢG @14.1    4 years ago

It truly boggles the mind. They could watch Trump smoke an 8 ball while fondling a 12 year old and being blown by a hooker right before he goes into a church, and they would "oh, well the lord works in mysterious ways!"

I am kidding of course, Trump can barely walk down a ramp, there is no way he can do all 3 of those things at the same time. 

Professor Principal
14.2  seeder  JBB  replied to  Thrawn 31 @14    4 years ago

Trump's followers vow to the Golden Trump Troll...


Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
14.2.1  Thrawn 31  replied to  JBB @14.2    4 years ago

Oh I have seen it... such a piece of shit lol. I wouldn't I am a fan of the arts, more apathetic than anything, but holy fuck that thing is a pile. 


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