Newt Gingrich: Gay Pride Flag At U.S. Embassies Is 'Deliberately Anti-American'
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 4 years ago • 135 commentsBy: Ron Dicker (HuffPost)

The GOP former House speaker ranted on Fox News that the Biden administration is "attacking people of traditional values."
The politician-turned-right-wing commentator put his outrageous spin on Secretary of State Antony Blinken authorizing U.S. embassies to fly the gay pride rainbow flag. The flag would be on display for "the duration of the 2021 Pride season," which includes Pride Month in June, according to a State Department cable cited by news reports.
Gingrich said the Biden administration move "is attacking people of traditional values." In contrast, former President Donald Trumprejected embassy requests to fly the pride flag.
Egged on by Fox News host Jeanine Pirro, Gingrich launched an incendiary takedown of President Joe Biden's first 100 days in office.
"Look, I think that the left has decided they're going to try to push all the regular Americans into a corner where they either have to fight, in which case they'll be attacked by the news media, or they have to just cave and hide," Gingrich said.
Gingrich, who last month said "It's an America in which transgender dominates Christianity and Judaism," continued flailing at the LGBTQ community in his Fox News interview.
"If you listed every idiotic thing that the Biden administration has done in the first 100 days, you'd begin to realize whether it's threatening everybody who believes in the Second Amendment, or it's attacking everybody who believes in right to life, or it is attacking people of traditional values who are appalled that this administration would fly the gay flag at American embassies all over the world," he fussed.
"You just go down item by item and it's almost like they have a checklist of what can we do that will really truly infuriate traditional Americans. I have never seen anything like it and somebody asked me this afternoon, I told them I couldn't imagine any administration which has been this deliberately anti-American and this deliberately committed to infuriating the majority of American people. Literally, in over 200 years of history, I can't think of a single administration that has been this radical and this hostile."

Yet another example of a right wing crank becoming "infuriated" over something that does no harm to him .
Who exactly does the flying of a "gay pride" flag injure?
I don't recall Gingrich ever becoming incensed over the flying of this flag
I think to some dip shits and poorly educated bigoted Neanderthals a gay pride flag feels like an attack on their heterosexuality and masculinity just like they feel a "Black Lives Matter" banner or flag undermines their imagined white culture or somehow means that white lives don't matter. They don't seem to understand that up till recently it was pretty much a given that only white lives mattered and that only heterosexual pride was acceptable and that previously gays were closeted out of fear of reprisal, violence, losing their jobs or worse. To these bigots any sort of inclusion of the people they've traditionally excluded, mocked, ridiculed and discriminated against is somehow now an attack on them because they're now being told it was wrong to do those things. Perhaps it is also the feeling of inner guilt they are battling by lashing out and proclaiming gay pride flags or the BLM message must be resisted because by accepting it they would have to show humility and admit their wrongdoing which their hard little prejudiced hearts just can't do.
Old Newt is jealous of anybody who has liberty he and his do not approve of. Now Trump slamming women up against 'lockers and walls' vanquishing a woman's rights and privileges with a wall - timeless and priceless!
Never let these conservatives think for one sec you don't see their bull patty. Throw it squarely in their faces (figuratively) as often as you have 'breath.'
No comment comment.
Is he still pissed we don't have a base station on the moon named after him?
I think we should wait for a probe sent to Uranus.
It would be called the Gingrich/Limbaugh rover and be sent to explore the depths of Uranus...
That sounds like Monty Python.
"You just go down item by item and it's almost like they have a checklist of what can we do that will really truly infuriate traditional Americans."
I'm sure "That list" was easy to see considering that the fox news entertainment corporation already had it posted daily to let trumpericans know what being a true red blooded patriotic American "should be".
White, straight with a gun strapped on their hip.
Or white soy, pajama boy leftists whose leftist females are more masculine?
Newton Gingrich? Who cares what that nit says?
the POS poster boy for republican hypocrisy.
Yep, I remember quite clearly him throwing rocks at Clinton for getting the presidential pickle sucked while he himself was banging two skanks behind his wife's back and all the while screaming about, "Family Values".
Newt is a POS.
So Newt doesn't believe in gay marriage and equal rights? What kind of example is he to marriage and so-called family values with 3 wives in his wake
Why do underserved and underrepresented citizens have to pay taxes?! Newt loves eatin' from other people's storehouses. If some conservatives don't believe in equality why don't they just move out of the country? They and their 'ugly-ness' can just go away!
He's probably never done an honest day's work in his life
well, carrying all the hairspray to maintain his current wife's hair helmet is probably a full time job...
pictures with obvious sexual innuendos are hilarious...
The grift is to 'pop' up on FOX's platform, make outrages claims, publish an article, which leads to a new book (on the market)!
[deleted] president, a person that has never held a job outside politics.
Who exactly does the flying of a "gay pride" flag injure?
So, by that standard no one should be offended if I would choose to fly a "straight and proud" flag.
What if I added the word "White" to that description?
Would being proud of who I am make me a racist bigot?
Personally, I don't care who marries who, it's none of my business
You dont seem to know the difference between the majority groups and the minority groups
If you are in the majority you don't need to proclaim your status because you are not historically discriminated against.
How does proclaiming one's status improve it if such actions don't change hearts and minds?
You can fly it; it would be more than what is needed. People would look at you indifferently, because it is already taken for granted that White/Straight/Male/Christians are proud of themselves. (Who ever tried (really) to shame them for simply doing the right thing?)
But it does change hearts and minds. Because people began to realize that 'stuff' is happening all around them and not just in some mysteriously remote place in the country. Afterall: Gay marriage happened in 2015,—'Girls' got loud and acted up!
Because it will let others know where you stand, just like flying the US flag lets people know that you are proud to be an American. I think both would be appropriate to fly, along with a Black Lives Matter banner, right on the White House and Capitol building.
Complaining about how people are not supposed to fly "straight" flags is similar to complaining why isn't there a "Miss White America".
That's a lot of words for a non-response.
"Read." (Two snaps up, a cute butterfly landing on my finger, and here have my cigar!)
Some people just refuse to grow old gracefully.
Hey newt (what the hell kind of name is that anyway, I guess it fits, a lizard) shove it up our ass.
That he actually has the nerve to call Biden radical after the shit show we had to endure for the last four years.
He is so full of shit it seems to be oozing out his mouth when he opens it.
There they are.... The classic republican wedge issues/talking points used to scare their base.... Guns, God, Gays and Abortion.
The "gay pride" flag has no business flying at any government facility. It is not a governmental flag but one of a minority private group. How many here would approve of the Gadsden flag or the Blue Lives Matter flag were flown over government buildings?
What would be wrong with the flags flying (over government buildings) if properly constituted and barring any negative reason for flying? That is a red herring argument anyway. People want freedom and they want police protection in service of the communities they live in - not domination!
Liberties, Expressions, and Protections; not, Oppression, Repression, and Domination.
Moreover, I find it sad that you want to make liberties and police out to be a political 'side' when such matters and these departments are designed to serve all the citizenry (and guests to this country).
Who decides wat's a negative reason? You? Me? What criteria do we use. What it meant 150 years ago in a different time and way of thinking and standards or do we judge the past by today's standards.
So you think negative reasons have reconstituted themselves as positives over time. Wow. What kind of a 'defense' is that? Can we just do the right thing for the right reasons and call it a 'day'?
That's right since it was the flag flown by those who attacked American soldiers April 12th 1861, killed 110,000 American soldiers and fought to keep all heterosexuals as slaves to work their gay plantations...
Oh, wait, no, that was the confederate flag which was flown by over a dozen States at their State houses for over a century and is still flown at the Mississippi State house and represents those who wanted to keep black Americans as slaves to work their antebellum plantations. Funny how conservatives leap to defend the confederate flag regardless of the death, destruction and racism it represents but as soon as you fly a peaceful rainbow flag that represents love, diversity and acceptance conservatives start foaming at the mouth in rage.
Oh gee just where did I or anyone else on the article defend the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia? I certainly did not
You said "The "gay pride" flag has no business flying at any government facility". Did you raise such objections when virtually every former confederate State flew their flags of treason? Do you feel the same way towards Mississippi that still flies such a contentious and arguably racist symbol at their State house? The confederate flag is not a governmental flag but one of a minority private group of treasonous bigots and losers, yet I rarely hear anyone on the right condemning it and most often they're defending it or deflecting from it claiming it isn't what the majority of Americans know for a fact it is.
The Civil War was over around 150 years ago and the states that used it was their business and no issue until the political correct, there is a right to not be offended (there is no such right if you think there is please do show me) crowd cropped up. Now, answer the question I asked. How would you feel if the Gadsden flag or the Blue lives Matter flag was flown.
Why is there a "gay pride" anything? [Deleted]
Ironically you may have hit on something there. Menial ill people have been looked down on and been disrespected for as long as I can remember.
Often seen as second class and disposable.
Perhaps its time they made an effort to be recognized as a group as well.
IF the stigma was ever removed from what is usually a chemical imbalance that affects the mind then many more people may seek the medical attention needed for their recovery.
Good Idea arkpdx
Why not? Can you arrange the occasions? Psychotics might take issue with your presumption, nevertheless. But give it a try, why don't you.
Homosexuality isn't a mental disorder, period.
There is so much wrong with this comment. First of all you claim that the Civil War and the confederate flag were too long ago for people today to need to care about, but the same people who say that want everyone to emulate the founding fathers and 1776 because they represent "freedom". Well, the Civil War represents freedom too, and is more recent than 1776. If the Civil War is too long ago to care about so is 1776.
Second the confederate flag is not "their business" alone. It has been used by white racist groups and individuals, and represents racism.
If your neighbor hung a communist flag on his front porch, I bet it would draw a lot of negative attention from the neighborhood. As should the confederate flag.
So you believe homosexuality is a mental disorder. Got it.
Tessylo. I have a nephew that I love who is gay.
But I'm still not sure what homosexuality is. I have a hard time understanding it although I do believe it is a natural occurrence and nothing to put down, disrespect or certainly nothing to be made fun of or to hurt others about.
For myself though I really don't understand the attraction. But I have no problem with others sexual choice of partners. Live and let live and love and let love.
I just chalk it up to not understanding what women see in men. Whatever is behind that attraction, I would think, is also at play with gay men (and of course this would apply to homosexuality in general).
To wit, women are attracted to men (for whatever reason) and some men are attracted to other men (probably for the same reason). I doubt this can be understood by heterosexual males.
Children ? Motherhood ? Passing on their genes ? Multiplying ?
Somebody to mow the lawn
That's just sad.
I don't wanna do it
Just a hint, most men really don't want to either. lol
I started doing yard work by the time I was about 6 years old. I HATE yard work, its a never ending battle.
Now I hire people to do it.
I used to mow the grass when I was a kid. We had a push mower and 1.5 acres to cut. My job. And then I went off to college and dad broke down and bought a riding mower.
When we lived on base I used to cut the grass with the push mower and didn't mind it. Mr G stayed in the house and minded the rug rats while I got some alone time with the mower, Now that we have 3 acres we have a riding mower and he does the chore. I think he secretly likes it, tho, because the mower has a beer holder
LOL That is about the only way to do yard work.. Drunk.
My dad used to have a lawn chair and a beer at each end of the yard when he'd cut the grass, sadly us kids weren't allowed to.
NOPE! Like, that is NOT going to happen! Two men can 'bond' on a physical (sexual) level, but two men bond on a spiritual level. And nope, not every sexual attraction between two men is an attempt at spiritual bonding. When two men fall in love it is every bit as 'fast and hard' as a man and woman falling in love.
Which is why it irks me so deeply when some people, liberals and conservatives, males and females, detest what they are 'closed' off to understanding. Two males and two women can love just as deeply on a spiritual "bonding" level as any male-female relationship.
My wife mows the our 1/2 acre of lawn.
That would take hours! Poor little Trout. I have 1 acre of lawn to cut and with my John Deere tractor it takes me about 1 hour to do it.
It took 2 days. And when I got done with it was time to do it again
I am sitting here remembering the first time (only time I got to do it) I gave another guy a 'promise' ring. I was 17-ish, he was 16-ish (and knew who he was). It was doomed from the start, but 'boy oh boy' did electricity "sing" between us for that 'spell' of our lives.
Speaking of electricity: TiG, that "current" that passing between you and "Missus" through a touch or a brush against happens to two men or two women too. In our case, it was so long denied. . . and even yet, repressed by some of our citizen "friends" . . .
Springtime in Arkansas?
It's here because I'm sneezing and wheezing.
The yard has to get mowed because the water department mowed a patch around the meter so they could get to it. We're gonna get charged for that...
So did we! But it gets better. Mine was an electric push mower. Dragging that cord all over the place ruined yardwork for me. Still would rather pay a neighborhood kid to mow than do it myself.
We had one of those for a time. Glad to get back the gas powered one.
And maybe this is as good a place to leave this as anywhere (for now):
Regarding homosexuality: Walking away from any sexual sense of oneself-into abstinence on religious conviction is not an easy thing at all to do. Nuns and priests in service of God leave sex (and sex outside of marriage) behind.
In this one regard, religious faith, would have to be one pretty (and lifelong) strong delusion.
I assume you feel the same way about the Confederate flag?
Yet other flags that are not 'governmental flags' have flown over government facilities, including the WH.
How do you know they haven't?
Gingrich said the Biden administration move "is attacking people of traditional values
He is a Trumpturd so his traditional values are fucked up to begin with after his lips were glued to Trump's ass for four years.
Turditional Values.
Newt, do you really want to talk about "traditional values" ???
Throughout his congressional campaign in 1974, Gingrich was having an affair with a young volunteer. An aide who worked with Gingrich throughout the 1970s stated that "it was common knowledge that Newt was involved with other women during his marriage to Jackie." [241] [242] In the spring of 1980, Gingrich filed for divorce from Jackie after beginning an affair with Marianne Ginther. [243] [244] Jackie later said in 1984 that the divorce was a "complete surprise" to her. [245]
In September 1980, according to friends who knew them both, Gingrich visited Jackie in the hospital the day after she had undergone surgery to treat her uterine cancer ; once there, Gingrich began talking about the terms of their divorce, at which point Jackie threw him out of the room.
Gingrich said of Jackie: "She's not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of the President. And besides, she has cancer." [249] [250] Gingrich has denied saying it. [246] Following the divorce, Jackie had to raise money from friends in her congregation to help her and the children make ends meet; she later filed a petition in court stating that Gingrich had failed to properly provide for his family. [242] Gingrich submitted a financial statement to the judge, which showed that he had been "providing only $400 a month, plus $40 in allowances for his daughters.
Marianne Ginther [ edit ]
In 1981, six months after his divorce from Jackie was final, Gingrich wed Marianne Ginther. [252] [253] [254] [255] Marianne helped control their finances to get them out of debt. [256] She did not, however, want to have the public life of a politician's wife. [241] Gingrich's daughter Kathy described the marriage as "difficult". [257]
Callista Bisek [ edit ]
In 1993, while still married to Marianne, Gingrich began an affair with House of Representatives staffer Callista Bisek , more than two decades his junior. [258] Gingrich was having this affair even as he led the impeachment of Bill Clinton for perjury related to Clinton's own extramarital affair. [259] [117] Gingrich filed for divorce from Marianne in 1999, a few months after she had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis . [260]
In August 2000, Gingrich married Callista Bisek four months after his divorce from Marianne was finalized. [263] He and Callista live in McLean, Virginia . [264]
In a 2011 interview with David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network , Gingrich addressed his past infidelities by saying, "There's no question at times in my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate." [254] [255] In December 2011, after the group Iowans for Christian Leaders in Government requested that he sign their so-called "Marriage Vow", Gingrich sent a lengthy written response. It included his pledge to "uphold personal fidelity to my spouse". [265]
You can't make this shit up !
And the icing on the cake ? trump made Calista (Newt's number 2 whore) diplomat to the Vatican !
While I tend to think a government agency like an embassy should fly the US flag and possibly it's host nation's flag, it should not fly a gay pride (or any other such flag) as it is not a nation's flag. That said, I fail to see what exactly is "anti-American" about it.
The POW/MIA flag is not a national flag either. Do you have a problem with it being flown also?
Not at all.
I guess not everyone is allowed to have traditions, just straight folk ... according to Newt, one of the most immoral political cranks in existence.