Contractors looking for bamboo in ballots after unconfirmed claim they were shipped in from Asia
Category: News & Politics
Via: 321steve • 4 years ago • 98 commentsBy: AZFAMILY.COM NEWS STAFF

Imagination created OZ.. Not America

PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) - Volunteers working the Arizona state senate's audit of Maricopa County's ballots are looking for bamboo in the ballot paper, claiming some may have come from southeast Asia.
Contractors conducting the audit have offered no evidence to support their multiple claims of election fraud in Maricopa County, specifically surrounding former President Donald Trump's loss in the 2020 election.

What's next ? Aliens from another world interference ? Too many undocumented Bigfoots voted ? Elvis padded the ballot box ?
Don't give them more ideas.
Next thing the dumb asses will be looking for ballots in sticky rice.
that's if these braindead trumpster Q nuts are able to find their heads with both hands...
Well, I don't know about bamboo. But analyzing the substrate (paper) for consistency across ballots would be a valid test.
do you really think this is an exercise that will reap results?
Desperate sore losers will do anything and say anything if they think it will somehow justify their sour grapes.
Well, of course, the exercise will reap results. The results will either confirm the validity of the ballots or will reveal counterfeits.
Analyzing the substrate for consistency across ballots is a valid test that should be less prone to bias than counting hanging chads.
Well, as razing says below it should be done in all 50 states.
Do you think the election was stolen like trmp says?
Appears you are ready to be bamboozled.
Are you really still holding out hope for such a hilarious fantasy outcome that so far has exactly zero evidence? What's next, are Republicans going to demand all Biden voters come in to have their heads and asses scanned to make sure they weren't abducted by aliens, probed, mind controlled and forced to vote for Biden?
The inconsistency between party performance in the Presidential election and down ballot elections does raise questions. The Democratic Party rigged their own Presidential primaries so the idea that the Democratic Party rigged the Presidential election isn't far fetched.
The fact that political parties have so much influence over the election process doesn't promote trust in elections.
et tu, Nerm? I thought you were at least a little more reasonable
Then maybe it's time to reform the election system.
None of the questions raised are ones of election security or vote confidence, they are questions for the Republican party to answer as to why they put a candidate on the top of the ticket that many of their members didn't want to vote for.
The DNC is a private company and could hand pick its candidates if it wanted to, nothing they did during the 2016 primary was illegal. Did senior members push the primary towards Hillary over Sanders? Yes, they did so because they thought she had a better shot of winning. They were wrong and we ended up with four years of a witless moron sexual predator in the oval office, but nothing they did would be considered election fraud thus your claim that cheating in the national election wouldn't be "far fetched" is completely bogus and just plain ridiculous.
That cuts both ways, but the facts show that every investigation of past elections has found virtually no major election fraud or widespread voter fraud that would change any results. Your attempts to claim there is good reason for these further election inspections and scanning ballots for bamboo or with black lights looking for anything to overturn the 2020 election is without any merit.
Election reform is long overdue. But who will trust the political parties to reform the election system?
6 months ago Republican Governor Ducey was all over the airwaves here claiming the Arizona election process was sound, fair and secure.
BTW: The same election process that put him in power.
Isn't the purpose of the primary process to address that issue? If the party primaries aren't rigged then the majority of party affiliates nominate who they would vote for in the general election.
The party candidates must win two elections to become President. They must win the primary election that is completely controlled by the party and they must win the general election that is controlled by the two parties.. The two party control of the election process means that either a Democrat or Republican will win the election. So, don't blow off concerns that the elections are rigged to favor Democrats and Republicans.
That's where I draw the line at all this invasion of my privacy!
" The Republican National Committee (RNC) did not host any official primary debates. On May 3, 2018, the party voted to eliminate their debate committee, which, according to CNN, served as "a warning to would-be Republican rivals of President Donald Trump about his strong support among party loyalists"
" Debates among the challengers have been scheduled without the RNC's involvement."
" On September 6, both of Trump's main challengers at the time, Bill Weld and Joe Walsh, criticized these cancellations as undemocratic."
No, they don't. The RNC and the DNC have canceled primaries before in lieu of their incumbent running for a second time.
That's proven true so far.
If you're saying that because the two party system itself is effectively "rigged" meaning 3rd party candidates have virtually no chance of winning, then you are correct. That does not in any way mean there is any evidence of actual vote rigging or fraudulent ballots.
If Republicans could get away with it I'm sure they would try. In there minds just the fact that they lost is somehow proof that the other side must have cheated because they're so fucking full of themselves they can't imagine anyone else disagreeing with them on politics or policy.
I can only shake my head at the narrative being thrown around that just because donald had a bunch of people at his rallies, that means he should have won.
I honestly think they don't see how ridiculous they sound.
I wouldn't be surprised if nearly half of those who attended his rallies just followed him around the country in their cars attending every rally like some sort of bloated groupie. It's something that those with actual jobs wouldn't be able to do but for his buck tooth fan club living out of their El Caminos on the road it was no doubt second nature.
Just like the pied piper ...
You take a mortal man
And put him in control
Watch him become a god
Watch people's heads a'roll
A'roll, a' roll
Just like the Pied Piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the symphony
Of destruction
It’s the dumbest logic ever. It’s denying the concept that while some people may like you there could be MANY more that do not.
Remember to give credit to the performer of the songs you post.
Megadeath was outstanding for their social commentary, so is Body Count.
If he had lost, he would have said otherwise I am betting.
Duck seems you knew who got credit so did anyone else who saw these links I posted elsewhere. PS: Megadeth isn't lacking credit for their work anyway.
Picky picky picky .. satisfied now .. no ... O well.
If they were all from one batch of paper.
Are different types of ballots printed on different types of paper? Are they all printed in the same shop?
Hell we here in AZ can't even find out who is paying for this recount. All we know is part of it is coming from "dark" money" Set up legally so no one ever knows who it is.
True but only if the ballots were all of known to be produced having the same set of known of unique characteristics. Or if every characteristic from every source of the paper was known and compared.
Chances are all of the paper used did not come from the same exact source.
John Brakey, the co-founder of a group called AUDIT (an acronym for Americans United for Democracy, Integrity, and Transparency in Elections), told CBS reporter Dennis Welch that "5K cameras" were being used to take snapshots of the ballots and examine the folds in the ballots.
The far-fetched theory rests on the idea that tracings of bamboo would prove that the ballots were created abroad, despite the fact that not all paper made from bamboo is milled in Asia, and in fact, there are several bamboo forests in the US .
Additionally, while bamboo pulp paper does exist in China , not all paper produced in China contains traces of bamboo as the country continues to have a thriving wood pulp and timber industry.
"There are accusations that 40,000 ballots were flown into Arizona and it was stuffed into the box, and it came from the southeast part of the world - Asia -and what they're doing is to find out if there's bamboo in the paper," said Brakey, who is also an assistant to former Arizona secretary of state Ken Bennett, who is fronting the audit as its spokesman.
Biden won the county by more than 45,000 votes.
However, Brakey - who claims that he has been investigating elections for at least 16 years - clarified that he did not believe the theory about the bamboo ballots.
You actually think another country could ship in millions of ballots and people introduce them into the system and no one no where would never see or hear anything about it....
What caught my eye was the claim that it lasts twice as long....
Is it me or how many times can you use a piece of TP?
But is this the kind of paper you want on hand when you prepping for a colonoscopy? As a person who has been thru at least 4 of them, you want the softest TP you can find
Oh Lord, I am going for one on the 19th.
I am guessing the 18th won't be a great day for me.
Um...stay away from everybody that day. You can't really eat anything. Get some banana popsicles. They help especially after you have your dinner of chicken broth. And drink ginger ale after drinking the 3 gallons of salt-packed imitation Kool-Aid you have to drink. It will help your stomach.
They did give me some anti nausea pills to take. Said a lot of people get nauseous.
They are going to knock me out and scope both ends.
I guess I am going to be spit roasted...
I will have to get some popsicles.
Green or blue, red and orange can affect your exam. Same with Jello, no red or orange.
Good luck Ender look at the bright side at least they aren't going in one end and coming out the other.
Best wishes !!!
I hope I get anti-nausea pills next time, I always puke when I take that stuff.
So you're getting an endoscopy and a colonoscopy at the same time. I've had that done. The best part is you get knocked out and when you wake up they give some pop because you have to pass gas before they let you go. The only time it's not embarassing to pass gas.
As pat says below, stick with clear liquids but they probably already told you that. I was allowed to drink black coffee and tea on the prep day
And no beer. Mr Giggles asked the nurse the last time he had one and he was given an emphatic NO!
Hopefully they won't meet in the middle...
Damn. A day without beer...
My beer consumption is giving money to Mexico so they can pay for the wall...
They are supposed to call closer to the time and give me more details.
One thing they said is I have to wait after until I can talk to the doctor.
True !!
Yeah, you can't go anywhere until you do that. So they rudely wake you up from the best sleep you've had in years and then you can't remember anything anybody tells you
I do. I dred it. The last 2 times they have given me something that works in a smaller dose, but I have to get up at like 4 in the morning and do the second round.
They gave me something called Plenvu. From what I gather I am to take two doses. One at ten am and another at ten pm.
Then someone was talking about enemas, just to make sure you are clean. Not so sure about that. Might have to be a no...
True it's best to have someone with you to do the remembering.
I fasted the day before.
Might not be a bad idea. I can usually go for the day, it is at night that I get really hungry.
I did as well, I did have a couple of bites of something simple to curb the urge in the evening. A couple of bites. I figured that was still much better than eating a normal days worth of food though.
Good luck and hope the results are good
Thank you. I am not looking forward to it.
I'd say few do.
Ya never know...Haha
True although I've never seen a line leading to colonoscopies.
So I'm guessing they are not real popular. At least in America.
What do you do with the banana popsicles? I hope it isn't what I'm thinking.
What do you think you do with them?
You EAT them!
Well, you were talking about colonoscopies....
Folks used to use corn on the cob and then rinse it off ...
No...they ate the corn first. Cobs were plentiful, no need to reuse them
I wouldn't put it past Republicans to find a ballot that had been handled just after someone wiped with bamboo toilet paper and then claimed it proved China rigged the election.
Not having to find out is worth a celebration in and of itself, eh?
On a related note, back when toilet paper was scarce and even unmatched socks were beginning to look like an acceptable alternative, I happened upon a 12-pack roll of bamboo TP at the back of a somewhat obscure shelving area. I wasn't aware that such paper existed, and my first thought was 'ouch', but that didn't stop me. I quickly snagged it, much to the chagrin of the growing mob of plotting, conniving ne'er-do-wells behind me. It didn't take long to learn that 'ouch' was an understatement. We were glad to have it, though. We used the last two rolls as makeshift brillo pads to clean the bottom of the oven.
And if it turned out miraculously that the paper the ballots are printed on came from Southeast Asia, what exactly would this prove?
This is what happens when a whole section of the population gives their minds over to conspiracy nuttery. This is all a far far bigger problem for this society than most people realize.
So let me get this straight...
the republicans think that ballots were shipped in from another country to give Biden the win.
Ok, do they not think ballots match up to an actual person?
They think tens of thousands of votes can just be put into the system without an actual person attached to them?
There is zero validity in any of this and people trying to justify it are just as nuts as the conspiracy theorists in charge of this farce.
Stupider and stupider.
more and more desperate !!
I have two comments to make about this....
I have to wonder if these dumb asses realize that there are 10,000 species of Bamboo in the world.
Oh hell ya, let's trace it back that should prove entertaining.
But how many species of bamboo are from China ??? /s
I just got in contact with a couple of panda bears in China and they assured me that there are over 500 species in China alone.
If you don't believe a panda bear who are you going to believe?
Trust no one !
Could it be that we simply purchased and imported the bamboo paper from Asia to produce the ballots?