Holocaust survivor wishes TikTok Shabbat Shalom, gets hit with antisemitic hate

Attacks on Jews are on the rise in America. And many of the perps are still at large.
Recently there was a gang attack on a Jewish man in broad daylight in Times Square in New York.( LINK to video )
So far only one of the perps, Waseem Awawdeh, has been caught.
Waseem Awawdeh, 23, was held on $10,000 bail in the Thursday attack, in which he is
accused of beating Joseph Borgen, 29, with crutches and punching, kicking and pepper-spraying him.

Holocaust survivor Lily Ebert's TikTok account was hit with antisemitic messages. (Campaign Against Antisemitism via JTA)
JTA — Lily Ebert is 97. Her great-grandson, Dov Forman, helped her create a TikTok account so she could tell its youthful community about surviving Auschwitz.
On May 14, instead of one of her pithy recollections, Ebert had a simple message for 90,000 followers, delivered from her London home: “Wishing you a lovely, peaceful weekend,” she said, and repeated a similar wish in Hungarian, her native language. She added “Shabbat Shalom.”
Her account was flooded with hateful messages, many of them holding her responsible for the military conflict between Israel and Hamas that broke out May 9 and ended last week.
Her great-grandson, Dov Forman, helped her create a TikTok account so she could tell its youthful community about surviving Auschwitz.
On May 14, instead of one of her pithy recollections, Ebert had a simple message for 90,000 followers, delivered from her London home: “Wishing you a lovely, peaceful weekend,” she said, and repeated a similar wish in Hungarian, her native language. She added “Shabbat Shalom.”
Do you have the link to her Tic Tock account?
Lily Ebert's Tik Tok account.
I just noticed that she has a book on Amazon:
Lily's Promise: How I Survived Auschwitz and Found the Strength to Live Hardcover – 2 Sept. 2021
Thanks, Krish. I just went there. What a pip and a half she is!
Thanks, Krish. I just went there. What a pip and a half she is!
You're welcome!
Yes-- she got "a strong personality"...to say the least!
She would have had to be a strong person in every aspect to have survived what she did. Now the Naxis are torturing her AGAIN.
No one is exempt from ass-hattery on the internet. I hate it, but it's a fact of life these days.
I'm glad Ms. Ebert is around to tell her story. I very much would like to hear it.
There continues to be a considerable ''Jews for Trump'' contingent. (My sister is one.)
It disturbs me profoundly.
In the recent past, most Anti-Semitism & other forms of racism came from the Right. (from Naziism to Geroge Wallace to the Klan, etc)
But recently there's been an increasing amount coming from the Left as well.
So some naive people might assume that the Right-wing is less racist-- and more tolerant of Jews (?).
Actually I just realized that's not totally true-- it also came from the extreme Left-- for example, the Soviet Union.
So probably a more accurate way of describing it is that is comes from extremists-- whether Left or Right.
My sister is far to the right of Ronald Reagan.
I can see why you're upset...
People have differing political views, sometimes a bit extreme. But then there are some who are not all that "emotionally balanced".....
I don't recall any Soviet ''Final Solution''.
Jews tend to get involved in social action, which often brings them the hostility of the state (left or right). And perhaps the USSR inherited some of the ''habitual Eastern European pogrom reflex''.
I don't see any reasonable comparison to the Nazis, though.
I hoped January Sixth would break her out of her Trumpolatry, but she has produced all the same dissembling we've seen here on NT.
I don't recall any Soviet ''Final Solution''.
Russia has always been one of the more anti-Semitic countries in Europe. However that existed long before Communism...
So while there was no Holocaust of Jews on the scale of the German one, their history in that regard is frightening.
Not exactly a Jewish Holocaust like the German one. ..but most Americans are unaware of the Holodomor ( if anyone is interested, they can get smarter here: Holodomor.
I hoped January Sixth would break her out of her Trumpolatry, but she has produced all the same dissembling we've seen here on NT.
IMO, the most devout MAGA-Morons exhibit a particular type of stupidity-- a major aspect of which is denial.They stick to whatever bizarre beliefs they have,,,and no amount of actual facts will move them!
So arguing with them is a total waste of time.
(Although iroinicly, there's another type of person who's also totally out of touch with reality-- although to a much lesser extent. And unlike the MAGA crazies, many of them have good intentions. But they're just incredibly naive.
I am speaking, of course, of the thousands of people who spend hours a day on social media sites trying to convince die hard Trump supporters to become liberals (or at least stop their fanatical support of Trump's lies). Naive-- and slow learners to say the least.
Theirs a wise olde saying on the topic:
If you're going to push on a rock-- push on one that moves!
Good link. I've heard of the USSR's disastrous agricultural programs, but this is a new perspective.
What really hurts is that she is objectively very smart and very competent.
So seeing her bend reason like a pretzel is disturbing.
Perhaps it was more in the past - the pogroms. More recently Jews preferred to leave Russia if they could, like the Olim to Israel by the planeload - think of Sharansky.
Bothers me as well.
In the 60's I was a Civil Rights activist in the South. Civil Rights workers were both Black and White, as one would expect.
But what surprised me that a very, very high percentage of the Whites in the movement (in the South) were Jews, in some places more than 50%!!!
(And Southern racists were well aware of that fact...)
Shwerner and Goodman were Jews.
Yes, I remember that well.
Two of the three murdered civil rights workers were New York Jews-- the 3rd was a Black guy (from Mississippi).
Another horrific event in American history that many Americans are totally unaware of-- but should be.
And the blacks, like Farrakhan and others have really shown their appreciation for that, haven't they. (Do I really need to post a s/ after that?)
A sad commentary on the state of the human race.
In your opinion.... has the instant availability of data due to the internet made it better or worse K?
It's allowed the nuts cases/bigots and racists more open access and also a way to attack while remaining hidden behind their computer. IMO it's also made white supremacy more acceptable. So in that way I'd say yes that it's made it worse.
I agree.
There's always been partisanship in the U.S., but IMO the Internet made the gap wider, and made both sides more extreme.
In fact, I even wonder if Trump would've been elected in the first place if the Internet hadn't existed-- it provided a great platform to spew his hatred quickly..and to a YUGE number of people.
(Fox also did that, but to a much lesser degree IMO).
Basically, the Internet provides a quick, easy way for hate-mongers to disseminate their views in a way and to a degree that they never could before!
Absolutely so, which is one of the reasons why I keep begging Scotty to beam me back to the early 1950s.
The internet is a terrible place.