White Lives Matter | Anti-Defamation League
Category: News & Politics
Via: jbb • 4 years ago • 81 commentsBy: Anti-Defamation League

Hate Slogans/Slang Terms Alternate Names: WLM Hate Slogans/Slang Terms
"White Lives Matter" is a white supremacist phrase that originated in early 2015 as a racist response to the Black Lives Matter movement, which arose to protest against police brutality against African-Americans and garnered considerable publicity in 2014 for protests in Ferguson, Missouri, following the shooting death of Michael Brown at the hands of a Ferguson police officer.
Since 2015, white supremacists in several states, especially members of the Texas-based white supremacist group Aryan Renaissance Society, have promoted the slogan "White Lives Matter" with flyers and protests, forming a loose campaign to popularize the phrase.
By 2016 other white supremacist groups, including Ku Klux Klan groups, were also using the slogan, and it soon became a staple among white supremacist mantras, continuing even after the original campaigners ceased their activities.

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In case you didn't now, WLM is a racist organization.
So is BLM, by its very nature.
nope not bullshit. Who is it they concentrate their efforts on? Certainly no one of the white race.
Name one white person victim they got all worked up over.
So you can't answer. Figured. I don't know why you insist on painting yourself into a corner and then stop the debate with a childish post.
Not only does BLM no give a shit about white people, they also do not give a shit about the thousands of blacks shot and killed by other blacks every year, and ESPECIALLY they do not care about the millions of black babies aborted.
The only think BLM stands for is criminals and to make sure their leaders accumulate 3 million in homes around the country.
It's hilarious to observe two fascists chatting. They outbid each other in their search for the outrageous... and they always agree!
Really Greg? Since you insist on equating the two groups, how many POC are members of WLM?
You know Bob, you throw around terms of insult to most conservatives on here all the time, especially calling them fascists, all of whom you know nothing of. It is sickening to say the least. I bet you don't even know what the term means, but it is something that someone said to you one time, so you feel it is your duty to parrot it.
I am sure that if I were to call you a socialist or communist, you would be hemming and hawing to the mods crying that we are insulting you (but probably those terms are closer to the truth.
I am a 20 year veteran of the navy, protecting asses who want to insult people for zero reasons besides they do not agree with what they say. You have your First Amendment right to insult me...I have my First Amendment right to show you how stupid you are for doing so.
Really, here is proof.
That is untrue.
I have never said "so-and-so is a fascist". That would of course be true of quite a few members, here on NT, but saying it is forbidden. The CoC does not concern itself with truth, only with vocabulary. I have never named any of NT's many fascists.
I have said, repeatedly, that "a fascist is a xenophobe and an authoritarian". NT is a refuge for many such people, because Perrie protects them.
If you are identifying in your mind the many NT members who are xenophobe and authoritarian, and applying the very appropriate adjective "fascist" to them... then that is your doing, and you are quite right!
I have always taken care to give my definition of "fascist", when applying it. That's why you know what I mean when I use the word.
If you give a correct definition of "socialist", then it does kinda sorta apply to me. Back in the day, I was a card-carrying member of the French Socialist Party... which was often in power at the time. (Unlike a certain recent American fascist who was recently in power, the French Socialists were democrats: they ceded power when they lost elections.)
I can't imagine any definition of "communist" that would both apply to me and be of any use historically... but I'm quite willing to examine any suggestions.
... and I am a US Army combat veteran. Let's not go there...
Never. I may insult someone far saying something that I know they know is untrue. Hypocrisy bothers me. But simple disagreement? Never.
Re-read your post. You write "I bet you don't even know what the term means"... when I have consistently specified the definition I was applying. You don't seem to pay any attention to what I have actually been writing... but you're mad anyway.
If you'd really like to hold a conversation, I'm all for it. With very simple ground rules: We agree on a topic, and stick to it. No insults of any kind.
It's up to you.......
No that is very TRUE!!
"I have never said "so-and-so is a fascist"
Your 1.1.11 response to me is in direct response to my post 1.1.9 to Jim in NC.
So if you have never called anyone a fascist, who were you talking about in 1.1.11, Bob? Just because you did not name us by name still makes it very obvious who you were speaking about.
Are you going to pull a Jen Psaki and try and spin things or are you going to blame me for what YOU posted?
Because of your outright lie of a comment, I call bullshit on the rest of your post. Every bit of it.
Did I say, "bugsy is a fascist"? No. I can't say that because it would be a CoC violation.
But let's be clear: if it weren't for the CoC... I would use the "fascist" label for all members who are xenophobe and authoritarian.
Do I think those adjectives apply to you? The CoC doesn't allow me to say.
Well, at least you admit to calling me and Jim in NC fascists without calling us by name....just because of the CoC.
Are most leftists communist? Does that adjective apply to you? The CoC does not allow me to say.
It would be easier if the CoC let us tell the truth.
The CoC doesn't mind the truth............the real truth and not one driven strictly by feeeeelings or ideology.
I'm gonna tattle to Perrie!
White Lives do Matter, the gripe is not as much as they used to.
For the last thousand years or so in the majority of what's been considered the "civilized" world, white lives were the only lives that mattered. To make this proclamation today is like proclaiming "Water Is Wet!". Making a proclamation like "Black Lives Matter" when historically they have not, that is a message of hope and change in society, a proclamation that the discrimination, marginalization and the victimization of black lives is no longer acceptable. Such a claim need not be made of white lives because they've largely never been discriminated against, marginalized or victimized. Today many white Christians claim they're victims when others say "Happy Holidays" to them instead of "Merry Christmas" or claim victimhood when they're told they're not allowed to discriminate against lgtbq citizens or aren't allowed to force their religious views into our laws by banning abortion. If they had to live even a week in the shoes of the average black American they would be storming the capital (again) with "White Lives Matter" signs and demanding change and a dismantling of the systemic racism they'd experienced.
Too obvious.
Are you saying that blacks today are largely systematically discriminated against, marginalized, and victimized?
The facts don't bear that out.
And how can you speak of the lives of or walking in the shoes of the average black person today?
It's telling that you ask that question Greg. Claiming that 'facts don't bear that out' sure as hell sounds like YOU are speaking for the 'average black person'.
Post a link to these 'facts' that you are relying on for your posit so I can see whether the source has 'walked in the shoes of the average black'.
Largely? By the standards of who exactly? Maybe you should ask the early Irish immigrants. Maybe you should ask the people that worked years in slave conditions to pay off their passage to America.
Oh, just a heads up. My late first wife was a black woman, and my current wife is a legal immigrant from Columbia. So, if I'm a white supremacist as the pathetic morons of the left continually proclaim, what part of my children do I hate? The top half or bottom half? The right side or the left side? The front side or the back side? I really want to know so I can advise my children how they need to approach me. Oh, and should I visit the mother of my late wife when I return stateside or should I never see her or take her to visit the crypt holding the ashes of my late wife and youngest son?
I've never seen anyone here call you a white supremacist and i know I've never made that claim. I have said that white supremacists in America are almost all exclusively right wing, supported Donald Trump and vote Republican, but that doesn't mean all on the right, all trump supporters or all Republicans are white supremacists. Sure, they swim in the same circles, vote for the same candidates and watch much of the same right wing media that lies more often than it tells the truth, but that doesn't mean anyone here has claimed you're a white supremacist. However, just because someone marries someone who is of another race doesn't automatically mean they're not a bigot or white supremacist, just like many misogynists have still married women, it's how they treat others and who they defend ideologically that truly defines someone.
Not you, but others. Plus of course the ever popular racist. You can ask the poster at 3.3.1 about that if you desire.
And I love it when people say something and then say I didn't mean "all" of those people....
I always acknowledge that there are racists and white supremacists, much like there are black supremacists. I'm simply tired of people using race as some kind of bullshit yard stick.
Oh, and do you REALLY believe that a white man that marries a black woman and later a Latina is a racist or bigot? Seriously? I'll simply note that is absolute, one hundred percent, without a doubt insanity and worthy of a plea of Innocent by reason of insanity.
And that is why I find the use of the word "white" when describing race to be rather amusing. "White" as a race has change significantly as time has gone on. But I think the point being made is even when the Irish, Italians, Jews, Catholics, Germans, Eastern Europeans etc. were being shit on they were still considered superior to any black person in America.
If you have never heard this before, allow me to be the first.
I would like to post a family portrait with my two adult children and their spouses and children along with my current wife and step children and ask you to respond. However, in the environment of today and thinking of their security, [deleted]
Yes they were. And if you forget, people also used to think the world was flat.
The point being is that times and people change. People today are not the people of 100 or more years ago.
As a species we will never be able to eliminate hatred for others regardless of the reason for that hate, be it color, sex, or any other identifier people use to identify others. And while it might be abhorrent, I will also say it's exhilarating in that we are all individuals and not all automatons marching down the road we call life in lock step with each other. Were it like that, what would be the purpose of living? There would be no challenge, no sense of achievement, no satisfaction with an accomplishment, no hope for the unknown and little reason to improve either individually or collectively as there would be no reason to do so.
"Racism" has lost it's luster as the word has been so abused and overused, that's it's meaningless.
The hits just keep on coming.
That would depend entirely on what you said.
That comment is dismissive of concerns about white racism. You said it and it is on you, not anyone else.
There is not a single black supremacist that I have ever heard of that did not become that way except as a reaction to white supremacists.
Educate yourself.
Actually, from you it would probably be a badge of honor. [deleted]
But, as I previously said, racism is an individual issue and not systemic. [deleted]
And that's acceptable to you? That would make whomever you are speaking of a racist of sorts purely do to the fact he/she was done wrong by "whitey".
[deleted] Read my sentence and your response. [deleted]
What's dismissive? There ARE white racists, as well as black racists, Asian racists, and all races and ethnicities. It's not simply a TOTAL race issue, but an INDIVIDUAL issue.
A comment with no substance such as you've posted is just that empty posturing. There is no substantive or identifiable means for you to support your hypothesis. NONE.
I'm quite educated and fortunately my children and grandchildren have been educated by me, their parents and [deleted] They know to accept all people regardless of race, sex or ethnicity. If they find the INDIVIDUAL offensive then simply avoid the individual unless absolutely necessary for things like work. And guess what, they accept ALL PEOPLE unless they find them personally offensive.
Hey Mr. Russell,
I see you have your protection squad covering for you.
I'll take my leave now as I have more important thing to do.
I'm not interested in debating you. You lack understanding of the extent and depth of racism in this country.
You are not making any sense.
Don't you just love people that don't even live here claiming they know more.
Gaslighting other forums?
He taking his leave now JR. Seems that he has really important things to do and also he losing the battle.
Seems the right wing over there is buying into the same narratives as the right wing over here.
No, not systemic at all...
I want to know who John's Protection Squad is
I don't believe the British were all that kind to the people of India and China, either
Ha. I guess us.
Funny thing though, I have never known him to need one.
Yet according to some, everything is just fine and dandy.
I have seen a lot of double speak. Claiming little racism to claiming everyone is racist.
Can't even troll someone right huh? Wanna guess again, on the name at least, of who you THINK it is?
John, you are white.
By your standards, that makes you inherently racist..for no other reason than you are white.
What are you doing about your racist activities?
Depends on what part of the world you lived in during the last 1000 years. The Aztec, Mayan, Inca, and Toltec civilizations, who were considered "civilized" societies probably felt differently.
"WLM" is just another demonstration of the emptiness of
Republicanfascist thinking. Because they have no ideas of their own, they reproduce others' ideas with twists: BLM becomes WLM, and so on.An overdue conversation about black-on-Asian violence
I'm glad America's Asians and their supporters have not just copied others by starting an "Asian Lives Matter" movement, because although they are quite right about doing whatever can be done to end hatred of Asians (so explicitly fired up and made so much more difficult to do because of the rhetoric of Trump and his minions) I don't believe Asians consider themselves superior to or more deserving of respect than any other Americans.
Although I am supportive of the BLM principles concerning equality at home, BLM lost my support when they made it a tenet of their movement to support the Palestinians against the Israelis. They have foolishly watered down support for their core issues by supporting those that are none of their business.
...and have slapped the face of those who were most supportive of them during the time of the civil rights movement.