D.C. Police Officer Gonell Slams Trump's Comments: 'I'm Still Recovering From Those Hugs And Kisses'

Sgt. Aquilino Gonell criticizes Former President Trump for calling the rioters “a loving crowd,” saying “I’m still recovering from those hugs and kisses.”
Important related seeds:
1. Exclusive - January 6th Congressional Hearing Live
2. Trump Saw 'Love' And 'Kissing' During Violent Capitol Riot

When asked by Rep. Liz Cheney on his experiences during the January 6 riot, Capitol Police Officer Sgt. Aquilino Gonell criticizes Former President Trump for calling the rioters “a loving crowd,”
“I’m still recovering from those hugs and kisses.”
Officer Gonell forgot to use the /sarcasm tag-- should he be reported?
Reported to who?
Recently, someone seeded this on NT-- about some of the things Lyin' Trump actually said about the January 6th insurrection:
Trump Saw 'Love' And 'Kissing' During Violent Capitol Riot
I am hoping that the wife of the officer who died also testifies what those hugs and kisses have done to her and her family.
The front-line LEO's sure changed the RW narrative on nothing much happened. I love to see one of the useless Republicans go one up with one of these cops.
Although I fully decry the idiots that stormed the Capitol on Jan 6, and hope they get the justice they deserve, I am going to be honest and say this hearing today was nothing more than a scripted farce.
For instance, the guy second from the right kept referring to the rioters as terrorists. He said politics did not play a part in his testimony, but yet, he kept mentioning Trump flags and Confederate flags that were being flown and continuously blamed Trump for the riot, with no proof. Why, because leftists don't need proof. Their narrative was and will continue to be "it's Trump's fault". It is obvious that Pelosi had a hand in writing his statement, along with the big dude on the end, as he called the rioters insurrectionists. No officer in any other setting would refer to rioters in these manners. The second from the right had a hateful sneer on his face every time he said "terrorist". Totally scripted for affect.
The first guy, Gonell, said he compared that day to his time in Iraq. If that is the case, then he had a pretty easy time in Iraq. I didn't hear the guy with the beard, so I can't comment on what he said.
If you had a hard time at the office, went home and had a hard time there would it not be likely that you would find the latter to be worse?
If I was in Iraq and got shot at regularly, then went home and didn't, I sure as hell would not think the latter is worse.
Why would you?
I guess you need to talk to some veterans.
Not this veteran.
Well, you told me in another post that I need to talk to myself, so I am. I am talking to myself, a 20 yer veteran.
Are you trying to tell me you think coming home to a peaceful environment is worse that being in Iraq? That's what it looks like.
I think it’s clear that you had all this stuff queued up in your mind before you turned on the tv, then just applied it as needed.
No, but it is absolutely clear that you and your friends already had it cued up in your minds that Truuuuuump did it. You are not allowed to think any other way. There is no "apply as needed". It's required in all responses.
Your denial of reality is like the stuff of flat earthers.
My post stands as the truth.
Just because you don't like it is not my problem.
Subjective prejudice.
Never approach an elephant from the front, a horse from the rear, and a fool from any direction.
Even if it had legs, it could not stand.
bugsy, are you seriously claiming that there is no proof that the insurrectionists flew Trump and Confederate flags?
That's a pretty fucking ironic statement when a plethora of the GOP, INCLUDING Trump, have made utterly FALSE claims about 1/6. This isn't about a difference of OPINION, 'rightists' are LYING.
So YOU just proved that YOU don't need proof for YOUR statements bugsy.
The Capitol of the United States of America is a unique 'setting' since it is the seat of our government bugsy. Those who attacked THAT building with the intent to stop a Constitutionally mandated function of our government ARE insurrectionists.
Why do you have an issue with him calling a spade, a spade?
If you aren't speaking from experience, you have no standing to form an opinion on that issue bugsy.
Since most of your comment is based on unfounded 'opinion', why hold back now?
That officer earned the right to call them anything he wants.
For the first time ever in our history the US did not have a peaceful transfer of power ladt January...
How about that proof that ALL the rioters were Trump supporters?
Think I saw a couple Klingons, but they'd be illegal aliens.
So not even the self tapped " come to the rescue" guy has any proof. Why is no one not surprised?
EVERY SINGLE one of the insurrectionists that have been arrested ADMIT to being Trump supporters.
If YOU insist on polling ALL of the insurrectionists, I encourage YOU to encourage them to step forward and be interviewed by the FBI.
Because no one is going to respond to your amazingly inept "gotcha" question.
Why is no one not surprised?
If no one is not surprised...does that imply that someone is surprised?
Or is the opposite true?
(Grammatically, that's a double negative...a no-no for some people I know...but I'm not going to be petty and make a big deal about it)
But you did
For republicans in Congress, Capitol Hill Police officers' lives DON'T matter.
Trump tarnished the importance of the MOH by awarding them to the likes of Rush Limpballs and other of his toadies. It is time to bring back their true meaning by awarding them to these brave four officers who testified as well as every CPD member who put their lives on the line that day. Sadly though, one would have to be awarded posthumously.
Trump awarded the Medal of Freedom, not the Medal of Honor, to Limbaugh.
The Medal of Freedom is awarded and presented by the US President, to recognize those individuals who have made “an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.” People can argue over the merits of anyone who was awarded the Medal of Honor as it's at the discretion of the President.
Congress has a similar award for civilians called the Congressional Gold Medal. It is given out for the same reasons. As these police officers were protecting Congress I would suggest this would be a more appropriate honor if so awarded. I see the House has submitted a bill to award 3 Gold Medals, but to organizations rather than individuals. One to the US Capital Police, one to the DC Metropolitan Police Department and one for display at the Smithsonian.
The Medal of Honor is awarded by Congress for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. This is an award that is typically only given to members of the US Military for actions taken while on active duty. Only eight civilians have ever received the Medal of Honor, most of them were scouts during the Civil War. No civilian has been awarded the MOH since the Civil War.
I stand corrected. It was the MOF. Now foxtrot oscar.
Sometimes I have to wonder if all this is even necessary. The whole world heard what was said and watched what happened, I know I did even though I'm on the other side of the world from it. In my opinion, every human being with a brain in their head and not being a Trump*sucker who heard the words and saw the chaos knows why it happened and who caused it. And if the electorate lets the unprincipled money-grubbing politicians who are in denial get away with it at the midterms, I think the USA will have flushed itself down the toilet.
Buzz, we are in a country where a far too large percentage of people believe that NOT getting vaccinated is a way to 'stick it to the libs' and deny Biden a policy 'win'.
It's utter insanity!
I never knew people before who had a death wish, but judging from the daily gun violence killing others is just an every-day pastime there.
The thin blue line is back! And with a hearty defense of 'I feared for my life', no less.
The year of violence by BLM has all been wiped away; Democrats are clean once again. The history was successfully rewritten with a made for TV event.
Credit goes to the star attraction. These guys were better at following the script than is Joe Biden.
The guy lied about Officer Sicknick for partisan purposes.
Probably should be arrested for lying to Congress but that won't happen.
Whoops. My bad. IT was Officer Dunn who lied.
If what I just saw from MSNBC is true, Trump, Jr, Mo Brooks, and a dozen other congresspeople are so going down. They all had hour long meetings to discuss how they were going to overturn the EV while dining on pigs in a blanket. Brooks spoke prior to Trump at that rally saying to take names and kick ass. He even wore body armor under his windbreaker. He claimed that his actions were part of his job description. The DOJ basically said no fing way is fueling an insurrection in his job description as a congressman and as a federal employee. If Trump is disposed as it now seems likely, the TV ratings will be through the roof. He won't answer questions. He will instead push the big lie just as he always does. He will also lie his ass off as to his involvement.