America Returns To Masks As Biden Imports Covid Over The Southern Border

It is an outrage what the fascist Biden regime is doing. Using covid brought in by the illegals to perpetuate the police state and emergency controls upon actual citizens that the vaccine should have ended. 220,000 have died of covid under his watch and he’ll have the blood of many more on his hands because of his illegal alien super spreaders. We will resist mandatory lockdowns, mask orders, and vaccine passports.

America Returns To Masks As Biden Imports Covid Over The Southern Border

It seems there’s no sanctuary from draconian mask and vaccine mandates. You can’t get on a plane, go to school, work at a hospital, perform onstage, compete in sports, exercise at a gym, worship in church or walk outside without the long shadows of Big Pharma and the COVID-19 control freaks looming over every aspect of your lives. Every breath, every movement, every tweet, every Facebook post, every Instagram meme is being monitored for compliance.
There is one escape hatch, however. If you’re an illegal alien, congratulations! Privileged border trespassers have been handed special “Get out of COVID Tyranny” cards, while the Biden administration is poised to send vaccine squads door to door to harass law-abiding citizens. Immigration rules don’t apply to illegals, and neither do the invasive pandemic rules imposed on our citizenry.
Related Story: Tom Homan – Biden warning Americans about COVID while border ‘wide open’ for COVID-positive migrants
Fox News reporter Bill Melugin reported on Tuesday that “after an incident at a Whataburger, police in La Joya, (Texas,) say they’ve learned illegal immigrants who test positive for COVID-19 are being released from federal custody to a local Catholic charity in the (Rio Grande Valley,) which then places them in local hotels without notice.”
Border Report, a publication of Nexstar Media Group, also discovered that Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, or CCRGV, had placed illegal aliens at a local hotel that “reportedly did not contain them inside their rooms. The La Joya Police Department issued a public health warning citing reports that visibly sick migrants had been at a burger joint not wearing masks.” Border Report spoke to CCRGV executive director Sister Norma Pimentel, who told the outlet that the situation “has been corrected” and “a security guard was hired at the hotel to keep the migrants inside.”
It is unknown how many COVID-19-positive illegals have been housed at hotels in Texas, but the federal government’s outsourcing arrangement with Catholic Charities has been in place in the Rio Grande Valley since at least May 2014. I interviewed former U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement special agent Victor Avila in April about illegal alien-coddling activities at the CCRGV he observed, including routing untold numbers of border trespassers onto buses or planes without IDs (try doing that, my fellow Americans!). Avila also told me he saw envelopes being handed to the illegal aliens at the Catholic Charities facility, which he believed to be cash.
Catholic Charities certainly has money to burn. As I reported in my 2019 book, “Open Borders, Inc.,” Catholic Charities raked in an annual revenue of nearly $4 billion in 2016, $1.2 billion of which came from government sources. Taxpayer funding is the largest single source of funding for Catholic Charities, comprising more than one-third of its total funding.
Operating under the umbrella of the illegal alien amnesty-promoting U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Charities employs an estimated 65,000 employees engaged in affordable housing, health, welfare, employment, and immigration and refugee resettlement. In 2016 alone, Catholic Charities’ members served 413,050 immigrant and refugee clients. Immigrants (no distinction is made between legal and illegal) received help with “Dreamer” applications, detention and removal hearings, visa applications and citizenship services. Refugees received “interpreter services, job placement, employment training, outreach, counseling, legal services, and matched savings programs.”
As I warned in my book, what every Catholic who believes in a sovereign America needs to understand is that the radicalized leaders of Catholic Charities are using your collection-plate contributions to implement Marxist-inspired liberation theology principles; think of it as faith-based socialism for a borderless planet. What every taxpayer needs to know is how much of this Catholic largesse for open borders has actually been subsidized by you.
By one Washington Times estimate, some 57 government agencies now contract with the Catholic Church. From the federal Corporation for National and Community Service in 2016, for example, Catholic Charities agencies scooped up $14 million. That year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provided the largest infusion of tax dollars, followed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of Agriculture and other major agencies. The federal funding includes both direct government grants as well as “pass-through” money funneled through to Catholic agencies from federal grants to other state and local entities or nonprofit groups (including the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops).
Catholic Charities has also reaped unknown financial and in-kind contributions from governmental and intergovernmental agencies ranging from the European Union to the United Nations to the governments of Austria, Australia, Canada, Columbia, El Salvador, Germany, Honduras, Sweden, Switzerland, the U.K. and the World Bank.
It’s bad enough the multibillion-dollar illegal alien racket run by Catholic Charities puts “welcoming the (border-jumping) stranger” above America’s own homeless, jobless, veterans, Native Americans and poor. But for federally funded Catholic Charities and Biden officials to work together to undermine our borders and open our doors to hordes of maskless COVID-19-carrying trespassers flouting our laws — as we citizens suffer under unceasing pandemic oppression — is unholy treachery.
Michelle Malkin’s email address is To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
Rating: 5.0 /5.
Catholics just aren't the right type of Christian. /S
So you think illegals spreading Covid is funny?
That fact is indisputable.
Does NOT discount the fact that we have people coming over the southern border in record numbers from all over the world and we don't know what the hell they have got. Brings to mind the first "surge" in Covid I heard about. One Los Angeles County California. I'm sure it got started by a surfer who came in contact with beached whale......................./s
Where did I say that?
The non vaccinated rate is much higher among Hispanic and African Americans than among Republicans so why not single them out? Or is that the wrong narrative?
That's because MSM rarely or never report on anything that is negative to Biden or Democrats when it comes to the illegal alien border crisis, Covid, inflation, crime, etc.
The same happened with what happened to former senator Barbara Boxer this week.
It's also insignificant when compared to the problem of the unvaccinated, who are largely the result of Republicans and their media pushing vaccine hesitancy. For the last three months, less than 1% of the people who have died from the pandemic have been vaccinated. The amazing efficacy of the vaccine has recently caused Republicans and their media to tone down their vaccine hesitancy strategy. Apparently it’s no longer paying sufficient dividends in hurting Biden to justify the deaths in their base.
Has nothing to do with the church membership as a whole. The seed author is a Catholic. The issue is with the runaway associated charity.
Michelle has a hapless history of histrionic issues. She needs help.
Another uppity minority female being put down here for stepping out of her place….
Her ethnicity and gender have nothing to do with my post. Anyone from anywhere town can go over the deep end, myself and yourself included.
I’m proud of each and every single one of them that you think that about!
Roman Catholics and other Christians aren't the only people who run NGOs.
Yes, I know that.
It takes a special kind of stupid to blame President Biden for a surge in Covid among the unvaccinated.
Oh, this is from Michelle Malkin. I thought she died.
Why did you think that?
Preliminary comment from XX
Standard hysteria wrapped around a kernel of truth.
Context is so important.
So maybe 220,000 is a valid number year to date. However the trend was headed in the right direction under Biden.
Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.
Rather than saying Biden has blood on his hands, there seems to be quite a few people who should be thanking the current
Administration and all local governments for getting those willing, vaccinated in time to avoid the hospital.
My wife's office was back to in person working downtown at the law firm on different days.
Still a partially vaccinated person came down with COVID and did not follow the agreed to protocol even while being masked.
While HIPPA and and other rules prevent us from knowing the whole story, HR confirmed that my wife was exposed for at least two days.
The whole office is on lock down for at least two more weeks while the building disinfects the whole floor and all of the elevators
The offender was put on indefinite leave.
Already short staffed because of a flurry of retirements during the pandemic, the wife gets 6 more litigators added to her "team".
She just tendered her own resignation effective 12/31/2021.
I went to the dry cleaners, the doctors office and a supermarket in Fort Worth today.
Everyone had the same policy I willingly adhered to. "No Mask, No Entry".
This thing is air borne and affecting zoo animals, wild animals and pets alike.
Better to stop the blame game and play along to survive. Or pray if that's your thing.
I went to several offices non medical and stores and did not wear one in a single place or take it out of my car and no one asked asked and virtually no one was wearing one. Joe and Gavin have less than zero influence here.
Of course, over the last 14 days Shasta County confirmed Covid cases are up 1,311.1%.
Soon, the only people walking around Shasta County will be zombies.
I live in a fairly safe lace regarding their China virus.
read more:
That’s true. She wouldn’t even visit this part of the state when she was AG or Senator.
It isn't just Republicans. You're not helping.
They have to change the narrative away from all the covid positive illegals they brought in to prolong the crisis and their control. Also they don’t want to talk about vaccine hesitation in the African American community.
And I’m one of the Republicans who did voluntarily take the Trump vaccine at the very first opportunity. I will never again support any government mandates for this particular China virus. If people want to get the vaccine or carry a passport or wear a mask, or not leave their home except for important reasons on their own it’s fine by me as long as they leave everyone else alone and live and let live.
As usual the Babylon Bee nails it:
Covid cases 8-1-21 0
covid deaths 8-1-21. 0
covid hospitalizations total on 8-1-21
Kind of cherry-picking aren't you?
One good day does not tell the whole story.
Yep, picked the most recent day available here, yesterday. It went from 0-80 a day over the last 3+ weeks with 18 in our hospitals and no deaths at all. Well there’s always hope it could be an anomaly and turn for the worse just to prove me wrong I guess.
This strain elsewhere in the world hit and spiked for a 4 week period and then faded away. The UK being the most recent example. So the worst is or about to be past very soon. People are getting vaccinated in the harder hit areas so there’s no need for mandates or lockdowns or excuse for government control
Facts, man, form your conclusions from facts .
Are you truly completely unaware of what took place in India?
Hopefully you turn out to be correct on this one. If so, the restrictions will go away and we will again try to regain a new normal. Until then, we take precautions. That is logical, right?
Not the same. India is largely still unvaccinated and a lot who were vaccinated got that crappy Chinese one that’s almost worse than useless. The UK and Israel are the applicable models here. I think many on the far left in this country would be disappointed if it faded quickly here too. Using it for control over others is more important to them than managing it successfully, especially if we do it Neanderthal thinking style without their input.
Hopefully we can get though this fast enough that it will be over before government can implement its controls over our lives that it will be reluctant to surrender back to we the people.
Well, gee, you then should then realize how important it is for people to get vaccinated in the USA. We just now hit 70% of the adults vaccinated.
In contrast, 90% of the U.K. adult population has been vaccinated. That is a major league difference when it comes to herd immunity.
India demonstrated how aggressive the Delta variant is to the unvaccinated. I hope you are right, but I think your 4 week spike is naively overly optimistic.
"America Returns To Masks As Biden Imports Covid Over The Southern Border"
Canada may need to return to masks if the US exports Covid-D over the border.
When did you stop using them? You all are keeping people from attending church even outdoors.