DeSantis skewers president's 'Governor who?' snark: 'What else has Biden forgotten?'
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 4 years ago • 91 commentsBy: Andrew Miller (Fox News)

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis blasted President Biden Friday in response to the president pretending to not know who the he was when asked a question by a reporter.
"I guess I'm not surprised that Biden doesn't remember me," DeSantis said at a press conference. "I guess the question is what else has he forgotten?"
DeSantis continued, "Biden has forgotten about the crisis on our southern border I can tell you that. Biden has forgotten about the inflation that's biting the budget's of families all throughout our country. Biden has forgotten about the demonstrators who are fighting for freedom down in Cuba. Biden's even forgotten about the Constitution itself as we saw with what he did with this moratorium."
DeSantis added that he is "the governor who protects parents and their ability to make the right choices for their kids' education" as well as the governor who "answers to the people of Florida not to bureaucrats in Washington."
DeSantis was referencing a news story from the previous day where President Biden responded with "Governor who?" when asked a question related to the recent jabs the two have exchanged over the past few weeks.
Earlier this week, Biden told the governor to "get out of the way" and let the federal government battle the coronavirus, which prompted a response from DeSantis, who said he is doing what's best for Floridians.
"If you're coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I'm standing in your way," DeSantis said. "If you're trying to deny kids a proper in-person education, I'm gonna stand in your way and stand up for the kids in Florida. If you're trying to restrict people and impose mandates and ruin their jobs and livelihood, if you are trying to lock people down, I am standing in your way. I am standing for the people of Florida."

Biden got in a little above his head with DeSantis.
It may be the first shots fired in the 2024 campaign of DeSantis vs whoever replaces sleepy Joe.
DeathSantis is going to find that a lot of people are going to forget who he is at the next election.
Is it DeSantis or the man who let every covid variant on the planet come across our southern border?
Nah, he just let it fester.
I think most Americans know who is looking out for them.
Ron Desantis is now shitting on his chances...
FL is nowhere near the border. This bs is all on Deathsantis.
It doesn't have to be. Biden has the Air Force flying migrants out of Lockland AFB to all points throughout the country. One can only assume that the places that didn't vote for him would be key destinations.
Prove that Vic.
From YOUR link:
Thanks for documenting that your comment is false.
BTFW, the Trump DHS, ICE and CBP transported 'undocumented non-citizens' in EXACTLY the same way and not a peep out of you. Hypocrisy.
I am going to post this article.
Doesn't quite fit their narrative.
Oh and BTFW, I ALWAYS enjoy when you post links that refute your statements. Thanks for doing it so often.
And thank YOU for your interesting perspective. I recall one playing Poker with a women who declared "I have two pair - three's over Aces."
Have a nice weekend.
I didn't post a 'perspective' Vic, I posted a QUOTE from YOUR link that PROVES that your statement that the Air Force is flying migrants out of Lockland AFB is a LIE.
Thousands a day ? Hyperbole much?
The fact is that the Biden regime has placed illegal aliens in Florida in their resettlement schemes in the dead of night.
Without a doubt you are correct. Several red communities have complained about being on the receiving end of ther people.
Without a doubt!
Simple. Prove it with a decent source.
That 'fact' only exists in your mind Xx.
Please don't hold your breath.
The source is approved by MBFC.
That is our standard here.
Don't hold yours
The source is Xx's nether region.
That is NOT our standard here.
The source is the Daily Caller and you know it!
That IS the standard here!
You seem to be having an issue following the thread Vic.
Here, let me help.
Xx commented.
Xx did NOT provide a source of his assertion.
SP replied requesting a source of Xx's assertion.
Hope that helps.
What source to which comment, Vic?
Rumors reported by Tucker Carlson ?
Go Fish.
Rumors and opinions are not facts.
Who has been transporting illegal immigrants all over the US with no testing and no quarantines? That would be Biden.
Stop trying to downplay Biden's super spreader illegal immigrant surge event when he worked so damn hard to make it happen.
Ronin, you block quoted an article that states that they ARE tested.
Again, you have proven that you don't actually read what you link.
When proven lacking, no response from Vic will be forthcoming.
Since the seeder replied to my comment, that implies value.
Desantis is a pussy, won't make the hard, right decisions. Awful leader.
The right decision being what? Opening the southern border?
He is making all the right decisions. See 2.1.3
That's cool, but Desantis' approval rate is tanking...
You mean because it's Florida's turn on the Covid merry-go-round again? What will be in 2024 after Susan Rice, AOC and Bernie Sanders are done with America?
With Biden as President America is ascendant!
I thought dementia boy was going to crush the virus?
I doubt he will be up to running in 2024, if he is still alive. America is in serious right now, only 6 months into the extreme left's reign.
Well Biden had the Trump vaccine, but suddenly after all the mixed messages he found some resistance. So now he has to blame DeSantis.
I don’t see him running in 2024. In fact i see them keeping him around for the mid terms and then he’ll either quit, or they’ll force him out. He had dementia when he took office and it’s only getting worse. Just imagine what a babbling old buffoon he’ll be by ‘24.
Not only will he not last for 2024, but if Harris runs, other democrats will run against her. She is a weak candidate and has been nowhere as a VP. It is obvious this is government by handlers and they are the very worst thing in our society. I don't think it matters who runs. The dems are out in 2022 and 2024.
“So now he has to blame DeSantis.”
He won’t even remember who desantis is tomorrow.
Harris is terrible. She’s in way over her head. Didn’t the idiot that chose her look at her ugly, pathetic, campaign performance? Obviously not.
Remember the long article we once saw on here stating that although Trump didn't cause the pandemic, nor was it his idea for the shutdown, it was always the President who gets the blame? Remember the media trying to blame him right out of the box. Where are they now?
Now all we have is Biden blaming a governor, or all those who haven't gotten vaccinated, despite many of them being minorities. It's everyone else's fault and the media is silent.
He was only looking for a black woman. She must have been the only one in the room, or was it his basement?
She’s half indian too but i guess the indian side doesn’t matter as much. The black victim card must be stronger than the indian victim card. Since she’s a descendant of a slave owner i think she should be canceled and made to pay millions in reparations.
Yep, meanwhile the dumbass has allowed hundreds of thousands of illegals into the country, during a pandemic. It defies logic.
Must all your comments be smorgasbords of racist tropes?
What is racist about what i said?
jb, i knew you couldn’t answer. Thanks for playing, better luck next time. Maybe next time don’t post something so fucking stupid.
A federal Juge in CA now says Newsom can blame it all on Trump!
Nothing at all.
The covid situation in Florida is getting worse. Why anyone would choose right now to promote DeSantis as some great anti-Biden hero is inexplicable.
Do you believe the governor controls covid? Or only during the few months it’s worse in red states than in blue?
The national flare up is Biden’s fault too, right?
This 34 comment thread almost immediately became nothing but pointless attacks on Biden and Harris.
DeathSantis is a know-nothing and a complete waste of space. No wonder he ranks so high in Republican presidential polling. In Republican circles, dumbasses rule!
A dumb ass is the symbol of the democrat party.
The CCP has picked up on liberal propaganda about Florida to push their lie that the virus originated in America.
[ deleted ]
They have a lot of help in this country.
The interplay is amazing. From the left wing fever swamps straight to anti American ccp propaganda and vice versa
Like the Red Cross, the CDC, your WSJ, AP news and NPR?
One CDC study with 24,000 blood samples confirms SARS2 antibodies in American blood samples in December 2019.
The Red Cross study could only go back to 7,000 blood donation samples from 12/13/2019 and had 106 test positive for COVID
antibodies from 9 states, 3 west coast and 6 east coast.
What does it mean, you ask?
It's pre-Wuhan and upsets the China virus apple cart blame game.
But don't despair, we can still blame Chinese fruit bats from an old historical Chinese gold mine maintained as a tourist attraction.
In April 2012, 6 of 6 miners assigned to clean the bat guano fell ill and 3 died. WIV was among many of the investigating
agencies, but the bats were allowed to fly wherever, shit wherever and die wherever apparently spreading SARS2
while WIV held and studied the virus for 7 years. Maybe.
Remarkable that no one posted these articles 7 months ago...
Equally remarkable that except for one or two understandable political comments in the Global Times article from China,
it is remarkably accurate in the time line and interestingly
ties in the Rebekah Jones vs Ron DeSantis public relations debacle in Florida and the alteration of FL COVID data
about the elderly, early cases and cruise ships deaths not allowed to be counted.
The whole China blame game may have to be reeavaluated,
maybe it's just Nature fighting back.
And I'll say it again: Jane Fonda was so right when she said "I just think COVID is God's gift to the left." They have played it to the hilt even using it to change election laws to benefit the ever confused Joe Biden.
As You say, the interplay has been amazing. The best example was when the CCP used the BLM mantra during the China-US talks in Alaska. After all how can we criticize them if we are all "racists / s ?"
The China blame game, huh?
Don't look now, but you just made a point - OUR POINT!
Bullshit. The first recorded case Covid-19 is in Wuhan China. The first major outbreak as well. If there were markers of it pre Wuhan in the US we would have been ground zero. Or do you think US citizens were remarkably resistant to Covid 19; but suddenly lost that resistance defying all science.
Thanks for playing the we love CCCP China blame the US for Covid 19 game. China appreciates those US citizens continuing to carry water for them. It is all Trump's fault, that is all.
Here is one I want everyone to take note of:
“I think it’s really important for people to understand that this is not a benign disease compared to other diseases our kids see,” Walensky could be heard stating in a clip Carlson played (video below; relevant portion begins at 10:05). “If you look at the mortality rate of COVID, just this past year for children, it’s more than twice the mortality rate that we see in influenza in a given year.”... ....Rochelle Walensky
The Truth: “From 2019 to 2020, according to the CDC, a total of 124 children died of COVID. From 2020 to 2021, 213 children died of COVID. By comparison, influenza killed more than 400 children just last year,” Carlson related. “In fact, that was not an aberration. Influenza has killed far more children than COVID has in each of the past five years. It’s not even close.”
And another:
In other words the CDC director was contradicted by CDC data. So why did she make that false statement?
Most likely because the all powerful Teacher's union wants all the children masked up all day in school.
Well I confess that none of your comments or examples address the quote,
but it's your seed, knock your self out.
I have exhausted my attempts to be reasonable and gracious today.
Chinese propaganda is "remarkably accurate"
followed by
the Rebekah Jones vs Ron DeSantis public relations debacle in Florida and the alteration of FL COVID da
That hoax was debunked months ago.. There's no excuse to keep spreading that lie.
Really sad you are calling a trash article that suggests Covid was in Florida before China "remarkably accurate"
Let me conclude this by thanking "Scranton Joe" for helping to make Governor Ron DeSantis a nationally known public figure.
DeSantis is already nationally know and will be more so when he loses another lawsuit over masking
and Floridians start burying their children while DeSantis sues and attempts to de-fund school districts who mask.
He's just nationally known for the wrong reasons.