Why Marjorie Taylor Greene Just Championed Louis Farrakhan
Category: Op/Ed
Via: hallux • 4 years ago • 26 commentsBy: Yair Rosenberg - The Atlantic

GOP Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has seldom met a conspiracy theory she wouldn’t tweet. She’sshared9/11 myths,declaredthat Barack Obama was a secret Muslim, and evenlikeda tweet suggesting that Israel’s Mossad was behind the assassination of JFK. Most notoriously, however, sheclaimedthat the Jewish Rothschild banking dynasty was setting forest fires with a secret space laser.
It’s hard to top a track record like this. But today, Greene found a way. In a 17-tweet thread against COVID-19 vaccination and mandates, she cited an unusual authority in support of her position:infamousanti-Semitichate preacher Louis Farrakhan.
On the surface, this anti-vax alliance might appear confusing. What does a white Christian woman from Georgia have in common with the Black leader of the Nation of Islam? How did the two somehow end up on the same team? But the answer is simple: They are both conspiracy theorists, and as I’ve written, anti-Semitism is the ultimate conspiratorial glue that brings everyone together:
As long as there are conspiracy theorists seeking scapegoats to blame for the nation’s problems, there will be anti-Semites. That’s because anti-Semitism is the world’s biggest and most durable conspiracy theory. It constructs itself as the ultimate explanation for how the world works, and blames powerful shadowy Jewish figures for all problems…
The reason figures like the Rothschilds or the fictional Elders of Zion remain salient targets even today is that any conspiracy theorist seeking someone to blame for the world’s ills is just one Google search away from centuries of literature telling them that that someone is “the Jews.” In other words, you might start out as a free agent conspiracy theorist with no particular problem with Jews, but the deeper you dive into this world, the more likely you’ll ultimately land on Jewish people as the ultimate culprits. Many conspiracy theories have followed this trajectory to anti-Semitism, from David Icke’s bizarre ravings about Illuminati lizard people and “Rothschild Zionists” to QAnon today.
Simply put, once a person like Greene has decided that an invisible hand is behind the world’s problems, it’s only a matter of time before they decide it belongs to an invisible Jew.
This is equally true for Farrakhan, who, like Greene, hasrailedagainst the Rothschilds, and whose “anti-Semitism is more or less the same old anti-Jewish arguments and conspiracies, repurposed as a way to blame Jews as the architects of white supremacy,”in the wordsof my colleague Adam Serwer. As reactionary conspiracy theorists, Greene and Farrakhan see the world in remarkably similar ways.
What’s surprising is not that they’ve found common cause, but that it took them this long to find each other.
In any case, Greene’s continued forays into the anti-Semitic fever-swamp raise many questions, like: Will the Republicans who so loudly condemned the co-chairs of the Women’s March for theirwell-documentedFarrakhanfandomcondemn their own lawmaker for the same? Will those progressives who apologized for or ignored the conduct of the Women’s March co-chairs feel any shame when they suddenly assert that actually, Farrakhan is bad? And finally, why hasn’t Greene been zapped by the space laser yet?
I’m not optimistic about the answers to the first two questions, but this incident is a good reminder to the rest of us that the only way we are going to beat anti-Semitism is if we condemn itbased on principle, not partisanship.
To the last question, though, the answer is obvious: The Jews and their God have terrible aim. As the old joke goes:
A rabbi and a priest go golfing, but the rabbi keeps missing his shots. Whenever this happens, he angrily exclaims, “Goddammit, I missed!” At each hole, the rabbi swears, and at each hole, the priest shakes his head. Finally, on the final hole, the exasperated priest declares, “Rabbi, if you continue with this disrespect for the Lord’s name, so help me, may He strike you down right here on the green.” The rabbi swings, misses, and swears. Suddenly, a lightning bolt descends and incinerates the priest. A heavenly voice then cries out, “Goddammit, I missed!”
Even so, I wouldn’t stand too close to Greene on Capitol Hill. Just to be safe
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... and some of y'all think A.O.C. is the crazy one.
No, just one of the many....
She gives a whole new meaning to ''crazy''.
Marjorie Taylor Greene apologizes for 'offensive' Holocaust comparison after visiting Holocaust museum
This is one ignorant person.
Here is a woman who spends all her time spreading bs and trolling everyone Trump deems unworthy. What has she done for her constituents? My guess is absolutely nothing.
I'm willing to bet that she never dared to visit the Holocaust Museum.
And her 'apologies' are totally insincere. Her total gross mental instability is no excuse for what she has said in making those comparisons, she just thinks she is fooling everyone with her obvious meaningless 'apologies'. Just more lies pouring froth from her garbage mouth.
She may think she has redeemed herself, but, the Creator, like everyone with a brain that works, knows her true sick heart.
Amen sister.... And she will answer to him in his own due time....
I would have to agree with you sis, most of those that go off on rants like that after their election NEVER do what they promised they would do during their campaign...
At least AOC campaigned on being a shit stirrer, so you knew what you were getting before hand....
Candidate vetting on all sides needs a real upgrade....
Amen to that.
Ignorant doesn't even come close
She's a freak.
Absolutely disgusting. It takes a raging antisemite to love another raging antisemite. You know the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", philosophy.
But no moral outrage from our friends on the right. At least I've called out Omar for her comments, but the one thing you can't say about her is that she's crazy and she knows enough not to use Louis Farrakhan. He's that toxic and this is who MTJ agrees with. Makes me want to vomit.
None and I doubt if there will be, McCarthy is probably too busy defending the nut from AZ.
LOL, sad but true.
Agreed, but she is no worse than some of the crazies on the left side that make me sick as well...
We, as a nation, need to come up with a way to remove the crazies from office as soon as they reveal themselves...
The real problem is the crazies who vote them into office. They don't vote themselves into their position, so who is going to remove them from office?
The idiot is in her first term, and it remains to be seen if the voters in her district will vote her out in mid-terms. Surely there must be a more intelligent Republican who would be a better pick. Thus, it remains to be seen if the voters will vote in that more intelligent individual.
There we are in total agreement.
But like Raven said...it's the crazies in their district that vote them in. What can you do about that?
It will be interesting to see what happens when MTG stands for reelection, and what that will say for the character and intelligence of at least the Americans who are in her constituency. The fact that the Republican Party is not so embarrassed by her, and the possibility that the voters will think of her when they cast their votes at the midterms, that they don't shut her up boggles my mind. But then, maybe it's because she is considered a champion by Republican voters.
I can't believe that all the voters in her constituency are that brain dead. Maybe I am being too naive, but, someone that is as totally brain dead as she is, is all there is for them to choose from.
I think she remains popular in her district. It's terrible to realize that a freak like Greene is apparently now a mainstream Republican thought leader.
Well, maybe the Democrat who runs against her will bump her, as long as the Jewish Laser beam from outer space destroys all the Republican voted ballots.
Can you imagine the lawsuits that the Republicans would flood the courtrooms with if that happens?
Unfortunately, the Ark of the Covenant is long gone....
LOL, that is too funny. The sad thing is I bet if she loses, that will be what she thinks.
She disgusts me. That is all I have to say on the subject.