Lauren Boebert Poses with Her Small Children Holding Guns
Category: News & Politics
Via: john-russell • 4 years ago • 108 commentsBy: Jackson Richman (Mediaite)

By Jackson RichmanDec 7th, 2021, 11:14 pm Twitter share button <?php // Post Body ?>
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) tweeted a picture of her and her four young children posing with guns in front of a Christmas tree just days after fellow Republican Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) did the same with his family.
"The Boeberts have your six, @RepThomasMassie! (No spare ammo for you, though)," posted Boebert in a tweet with the picture that included her four children.
The Boeberts have your six, @RepThomasMassie!
(No spare ammo for you, though)
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) December 8, 2021
The similar photos by Massie and Boebert came just days and a week, respectively, after four students were killed in a shooting at Oxford High School in Michigan.
Boebert, a known gun enthusiast, pretended to carry her "glock to Congress" in a video in January. In March, she publicized a video of her walking around the fenced Capitol grounds that included gunshot sounds. Boebert has also been called out for telling an apparently false story about a man who was beaten outside her restaurant, Shooters Grill - an incident that she claimed caused her to allow her staff to possess a firearm on them.
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Filed Under: Lauren BoebertOxford High SchoolThomas Massie Previous PostNext Post Previous PostNext Post

"Where's the Black Lives Matter protest?"
He was sad there were no AR-15's for him to hold back then.
He will cheer up during the second coming- he will be able to get any weapon he wants.
I take it you are not a Christian.
There’s the Jesus argument - all the facts are gone?
The Nazi/Hitler accusations are soon to follow
But I support religious freedom. Just not by those that misuse it.
On the good news side, after Colorado redrew the districts, she will probably be back in the private sector after her next election.
She can perfect her ptomaine sliders with the extra time.
I say that the more liberals are triggered by this, the more congressional persons and others in the public eye should do it simply because they are. Time for the next one tomorrow.
Comment 1.3.1 is infantile and asinine. It well exemplifies the feeble-mindedness and cognitive dysfunction that are characteristic of many reactionary extremists.
How juvenile
Personally i think that picture is stupid in context with the season but i defend their right to do it.
It's hurting no one that isn't already triggered.
Pun intended ....
It’s the perfect time of the year to trigger the SP’s (secular progressives) out there. Pass the ammo!
Good. Not that I give a hoot what the progressives think about any issue at all. Thanks for the compliments!
The only ones bring triggered around here are the TFs (Trumpist-Fascists). That's why they spend so much time dreaming about sucking on Trump's tiny "gun".
Based on that, you must recognize yourself as having the characteristics mentioned in my comment. And you think they're compliments. Sort of proves my point.
Is it me or is that the same place as the other picture.
opposite side of the river valley, but she can still see the old trailer park she used to live in from there.
Okay, you hate Boebert, we get it but so what?
It's still the same free country as the last picture like this you put up.
As we wait for some intellectual giant to photoshop dildo's or butt plugs in for the evil black rifles
any photos of blowbert holding a giant dildo probably aren't photoshopped...
How nice!
You called Dev and intellectual giant! Don't say things like too much, he already has a huge ego
Comments removed for no value.
Sorry Sherlock, the other one about rwnj with gun love Christmas cards wasnt my seed.
Now, now John, no need for name calling ... tis the season now .....
The dildo one has already appeared with the other family. It would be way more inappropriate here with for minor children appearing to hold such things.
Meh, such is the hateful and sophomoric nature of some folks sense of humor ..... yadda, yadda, yadda .....
Nope, not even close
At least the tree's decorated nicely.
And...I have to say I feel sorry for her. Four boys???? My MIL had 5 and I'm surprised she has any hair left
My mother had four of us rapscallions.
She's the only one getting in for sure in the end.
No doubt about that.
Is that standard down there, hide the tree behind a tallyho-liday of trinkets, bibelots and tchotchkes?
yes and since I haven't mastered it I don't put up a tree
Don't be so jaded.
Ours have always been decorated largely with memories. Ornaments that commemorated some special event in family life and of course those nasty ornaments you/your kids had to make in grade school and your parents and you insisted on putting them up every year to embarrass kids as they got older.
Tradition .... it's a good thing.
I blame it on Melania and her over the top decoration desecrations. MDS alert /s.
Yeah, i didn't think you would "get it" ...... yawn ....
Notice, unlike the prosecution in the Kyle case, no ones finger is on the trigger. Good to see parents teaching their kids gun safety at such a young age.
Hopefully the safeties are on
... says almost nobody in colorado...
Glad to see that all four kids have been properly trained in gun safety.
How can you tell from one still photo? Can you see if the safeties are engaged?
Finger off the trigger is gun safety first rule. Not all guns even have mechanical safeties.
my 9mm glock doesn't.
I don't believe any glock does. They do have the trigger inside the trigger design in my glock 19 but many people think a mechanical safety can give the person a false sense of security and since it is mechanical it can fail.
Simple answer, Trout Giggles.
The photo clearly shows that the boys followed basic NRA gun safety rules:
Anything else?
Nope, just asked a question. You didn't have to make it personal and get snippy about it
Biggest kid...does anybody see where he has his trigger finger? Looks awfully close to the trigger. His finger is not lying along side the weapon like the other kids' are.
Whoop de doo.
Are those hunting rifles they are holding ?
Looks to me like he has his fingers wrapped around the handle by the trigger.
Clearly not. But I think they are just simple .22s like my kids have. They're just designed that way to make them look scary and make mama feel like a bad ass
Yeah...I don't think so. It's still not very safe if it is wrapped around the handle by the trigger. His trigger finger should be parallel to the weapon and laying along side the weapon.
Nope. Look closer
Show me one comment that I posted that was negative towards this photo. I even praised teh Xmas tree this time
The issue is not if kids who live in rural areas should have guns.
The issue is a US congressperson using her kids , and Christmas, to advance gun love as a political philosophy. In a country where tens of thousands of people die because of guns every year. It is appalling.
She's an idiot. I'm not opposed to guns and actually enjoy having the right to bear arms. I like to target shoot and some day I want to try trap shooting. I agree too many people die from senseless shootings, but I don't know the answer to that problem. Banning guns isn't the answer
I like making fun of her that's why I participated in this seed.
Did you not make that comment to me?
Are you now going to try and backtrack and say it wasn't about me because you know you can't find one comment I've made where I replied negatively.
NRA gun safety rules are "Whoop de doo"? Who knew?
I'll have to use that in my next range safety briefing.
If you interpreted my using your screen name and referring to NRA gun safety rules as "personal" and "snippy" ... I truly apologize for unintentionally offending you.
My eye always goes to people who do that on the range as well but if you look close his finger is not on the trigger.
If it was, with that type of weapon you would have space between the index and ring finger
No gap that i can see
If you saw that on the gun range would you tell him to get his finger up? I think I would. Wouldn't want an accidental firing if it can be avoidable
Yes i would.
Less confusing that way for a RSO's (Range Safety Officer) but i'm not going to get into argument about it as long as their finger stays off the trigger until ready to fire.
Ok. I defer to you. I always listen to the RSO. Always
Lol, you learned that in the military.
Mess up on a Marine Corps range and you are in world of hurt.
The shooting didn't bother me at all, the fear of F'g something up did .....
I was taught that the first rule is to ALWAYS assume that a weapon is loaded. Then to check for yourself that it wasn't.
Good thought but if you always have the weapon pointed in a safe direction, you can't hurt anything if the weapon is loaded and second if your finger is off the trigger AND the weapon is pointed in a safe direction you can't hurt anything if the weapon is loaded. Keeping the weapon unloaded until ready to shoot is a close third but the third priority nonetheless.
I used to manage an outdoor shooting range and I would definitely call someone out on it and have.
Thank-you. I thought I was right.
Good thought but one of my buddies celebrated the Cubs win by cracking off a couple of rounds from his 9mm, came inside, released the clip and racked the weapon to eject the round and shot his clothes dryer. It hit the thermostat and cost him almost 300 to replace the part.
Ya never know...
The don't, they have the trigger interlock as you describe, and you know the rigorous testing they went thru before the austrian army adopted them as their service weapon... Safest weapon ever made to carry loaded and locked.. (as long as you keep your finner off the trigger) My G-35 has the same interlock, but you have to be careful with the 4.5 lb pull... (lotsa double taps if your not practiced)
I suppose he had the weapon pointed in a safe direction (first rule) unless you were the dryer, thermostat or whatever was behind them but had he followed the the second rule as well, both would have been spared regardless of the weapons status.
Verifying the loaded status of a weapon is essential, not doubt about it, but it isn't the first thought that should come to mind while handling a weapon. Lest you flag someone with a loaded weapon while checking to see if it's loaded and/or shoot them because your finger was on the trigger .....
You don't seem to be concerned about the gun violence in Chicago.
It's all Indiana's fault
I would love to see Lauren Boebert grilled on how she justifies posing children in front of a Christmas tree holding 'assault' rifles.
Babbling would be raised to a new level.
Heard of "The Little Drummer Boy?" These are The Little Gunner Boys .
The Jesus that I see in the gospels would never approve of this.
her Q xtianity is all about saving the zygotes and killing the libs.
Contrary to popular belief, the use of evergreens isn't a religious symbol of Christianity, John.
Can you cook a xmas turkey by shoving 4 rifle nozzles up its butt? I hear it can be done with bacon.
The pencil barrel on my AR-15 gets very hot. I'll bet I could cook a slice or two of bacon after running through a 40 round magazine. With some dough and some tinfoil it might even make passable pigs in a blanket. Hmmmmm.
I play golf with a golf ball adapter on the AR, so cooking with it wouldn't be a stretch for me.
One of my customers at the shooting range secured a weenie wrapped in tin foil to the barrel of his 50 cal rifle. After it cooked nicely, he kicked back and had lunch.
I like the picture but where is Mom's AR-15?
I like the picture because it shows a family doing something they like at Christmas, it is hard to get 4 kids and their parents interested in the same thing.
It also shows support for the Second Amendment