Beto Surges To The Lead For Governor Of Texas In Poll Of Californians

CALIFORNIA—Beto O'Rourke has surged to the front of the Texas gubernatorial race according to a recent poll of Californians.
O'Rourke is polling at the front of the pack, being an incredibly popular candidate to become governor of Texas. Not, of course, among people who live in Texas, but he's very well liked in California. While he'd be at the back of the pack in Texas, over 60% of Californians say they would vote for him as governor of Texas if they lived in Texas.
"This is great news for Beto," said one CNN anchor. "I mean, it would be. If he were running for governor of California. He's not. He's running for governor of Texas. So. You know. It doesn't really help him there. But it must make him feel really good. So there's that."
At publishing time, Democrats had proposed allowing Californians to vote in Texas, a proposal that was wildly popular in California, but sadly, not in Texas, where the proposal will be voted on.
Of course Mr "I'm coming for your guns!" Beto O'Rourk is popular with the California crowd, but I don't see him having much luck with Texans! Too many Texans prefer to keep their guns.
He’s not at all popular in my part of California! Here we prefer Abbott to our own gun grabbing Newscum.
Beto is a laughing stock among the Hispanic community in my neck of the woods along the AZ/Mexico border, many of whom own and/or carry firearms.
Well if the Caifornianites move to Texas, and Texas pulls a New York and allows drifters to vote... then there's still a chance they could fuck up another state.
fuhgeddaboudit, nevah gonna happen...
I don’t know what our residency requirements are for governor, but I bet if this crazy MexiIrishman moved to California, he could get elected governor. No sweat.
All hail the fake Hispanic, who was "born to run!"
ABSOLUTLY GREAT SEED!!! I needed a good laugh!
This makes me think of posting a poll to see how many people in Liechtenstein would want me to be Prime Minister of Canada.