Biden finally credits Trump for the vaccine

It finally happened! Yesterday Joe Biden finally gave President Trump the credit he deserved for getting a vaccine within 9 months time.
“Thanks to the prior administration and our scientific community, America was one of the first countries to get the vaccine,” Biden had said.
“Thanks to my administration and the hard work of Americans, we led a rollout that made America among the world leaders in getting shots in arms,” added the president.
Trump’s administration helped develop the three US-approved COVID-19 vaccines by pouring billions into research and development through Operation Warp Speed.
Biden went on to praise Trump for getting a booster shot. I gotmy booster shot as soon as they were available, and just the other day, former President Trump announced that he had gotten his booster shot.”
Biden called for "calm" while he was frequently-coughing or clearing his throat. Believe it or not the Omicron variant now accounts for over 70% of COVID-19 cases in the United States. Thus the Biden administration plans to buy half a billion rapid tests which will be available in mid January. Some of the reporters on hand asked why he waited so long to get the tests?
When Trump heard it he told Fox News: “I’m very appreciative of that—I was surprised to hear it.” “I think it was a terrific thing and I think it makes a lot of people happy.”
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I think we have passed a milestone.
The one called unity.
A rare moment of sanity... I wouldn't count on anymore...
Unity of the sane, but were not the crazies dismayed that Trump announced his booster shot?
I wasn't.
Guess that proves me sane and not Qnon
LOL. Good for you.
Ya you betcha!
I don't know. I don't follow the handful of people that some do around here. If you want to check, one of them posted a seed on that. I'm much more concerned with the radical left.
He'd blow Trump to save his $2T.
He's capable of anything, I guess..
It’s about freakin time. In my seed today the former surgeon general of the United States said that the Biden administration has refused all help from former Trump administration officials and other GOP members in combatting vaccine hesitancy.
Thank you for posting a so easily refuted seed:
Remarks by President Biden on the Fight to Contain the COVID-19 Pandemic
"And so, I’ve — as I’ve said in the past, we want to give credit to everyone involved in this vaccine effort and the prior administration and the science community and the medical sphere for getting the program for getting the program off the ground. And that credit is absolutely due."
And leave it to you to try and twist it so that Trump was left out, as if he wasn't the leader of the prior administration.
Trump did nothing with getting the first vaccine out. The company refused any and all money from OWS. The researchers, scientists, and doctors got the vaccine to us NOT TRUMP!
He might have been POTUS, but he was no leader.
You posted a quote from Biden that you state ' finally credits Trump for the vaccine'.
That quote states:
Gee, looks like Trump was left out as if he wasn't the leader of the prior administration.
Yet what I post a quote from Biden on JANUARY 26, 2021, that states 'we want to give credit... to the prior administration ... And that credit is absolutely due. ', you claim that I am trying to 'twist' something.
Why insist that I meet a benchmark that YOU fail to meet Vic?
Is it because the date of the quote that I posted utterly eviscerates your BS seed?
Only if the old wordsmith tries to defy logic!
Trump thumped his chest and took credit for it, but the fact is that Pfizer didn't take US government funding to develop their vaccine. Oh, and Pfizer's is the vaccine that Trump was administered in January 2021.
But Pfizer did get approval thanks to Trump setting a fire under the normally slow moving FDA. AKA operation WARP SPEED!
Try again Dulay
Your obtuse attempt at dismissing the facts are what defy logic Vic.
BTFW, someday I'd love one of you and yours to explain to me why y'all chose to twist compliments into insults. It connotes desperation.
The prior administration = Donald Trump
Try again Dulay
Oh, so now you're equivocating by back peddling from 'Trump helped develop' to 'Trump got it approved faster'.
Plant a fucking goalpost Vic.
The posit of your seed is bullshit Vic. Biden credited 'the prior administration' in JANUARY of 2021. Just admit it and move on.
Exactly! It meant that in JANUARY of 2021 too Vic.
Stop trying Vic, you're posit is a failure.
Try again Dulay
What's your hurry, here's your head.
Remember what the Trumpster did...and said..way back when the first few cases were discovered?
One man...immune to information!
PANDUMBIC (Official Trailer)
Okay, good, glad we have clear acknowledgement of the obvious.
Whoever was PotUS during the development of the vaccine and initial distribution logistics gets the credit (or blame, if applicable) for those initiatives.
Whoever was PotUS during the distribution of the vaccine and addressing new variants gets the credit (or blame, if applicable) for those initiatives.
So easy to just acknowledge these basic truths.
By the way, Vic, political credit/blame does not mean individual fault. The two are distinct concepts even though they often work together. One can get political credit or blame for something and have nothing whatsoever to do with it in terms of actions the individual took or did not take within their power.
Given how well the Obamacare website went (it was a complete disaster), this initiative to mail 500 million Wuhan/China coronavirus tests is going to be interesting!
Are the China virus testing kits made in China?
Are American testing kits made in America?
REPORTER: “What’s your message to Americans who are not able to get tested and who are wondering what took so long to ramp up testing?”

BIDEN: “C’mon… What took so long? Well, what took so long is it didn’t take long at all!”
To be clear, for months, health experts have expected a winter surge of Covid, which would make sense given that we had a significant one last year. This was pretty clear well before Omicron.
Is this why Biden is polling below Jimmy Carter and Herbert Hoover?
He may be the Caligula of modern times!
Or the Nero of modern times or the worst aspect of both of them.
Stay tuned for Tucker Carlson tonight:
"Biden the 'Grinch' has permanently lost the support of America": Dan Patrick
Hi Vic!
Wishing you a very Merry Holiday (God willing!)
And you have a good one as well
Dan Patrick?????
"I'm not supposed to be doing this press conference."
I'd say it is a backhanded compliment, setting up future trash talking.
This is bullshit, and we know it. The vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. Further, the CDC guidelines screwed up tracking of breakthrough cases in the US, and we have turned this into a political football. The UK numbers are in stark contrast to the US numbers. For October, there was a 0.09% mortality rate among the vaccinated, and 0.06% for unvaccinated in the UK. Something really striking about the UK data. They have also broken the deaths down into non-covid related among the vaccinated and unvaccinated. According to the data, in October, there were 30,851 non-covid deaths among the 2,501,244 vaccinated population, or 1.23%. There were 1,416 non-covid deaths among the 609,332 unvaccinated population, or 0.23%. No inquiry into why such a large disparity in non-covid deaths, nor any mention that the percentage of covid deaths is higher among the vaccinated.
Has the CDC recognized natural immunity yet?
Outside of the opening three months of the "Emergency" no official government advisor has seriously mentioned it.. but the media talking heads were up until about two months ago when all of a sudden they quit bringing it up...
They still do not count recovered patients as having any immunity at all..
"Just get the vaccine" is their mantra!
Why don't you provide one that shows they do? Cause I have been unable to find one, not even one from the talking heads... If they are tracking it, then it is a secret held as close as the nuclear codes....
Then look harder and stop spreading bad information.
November 10 CDC recognizes that both people who have had COVID knowingly or not, have the same antigens as vacinated people.
First major stories appeared Nov 15.
First two Google searches....
However, there is no cure or vaccine for the common cold and they offer a new flu shot every year
so why expect a related virus to behave any differently?
The immunity is, apparently, like that of the common cold and seasonal flu, temporary.
The First several variants of COVID have been far more deadly than the seasonal flu.
Omicron might be a harmless cols, who knows.
Science Brief: SARS-CoV-2 Infection-induced and Vaccine-induced Immunity | CDC
Antibodies and COVID-19 | CDC
New CDC Study: Vaccination Offers Higher Protection than Previous COVID-19 Infection | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC
Wait, the Government Is Now Recognizing Natural Immunity? (
So many government articles, so much agreement without agreeing on all the details.
Funny how the "special websites" report the opposite?
January 26, 2021, roughly 11 months ago...
Lasting immunity found after recovery from COVID-19 | National Institutes of Health (NIH)
You know in all honesty, I haven't looked in the last three months or so, cause I gave up after 18 months of nothing... and as far as all the rest, when I was saying this 21 month ago, every one on your side of the aisle was calling me crazy and insane and wait for the scientists and all the pseudo-science being thrown about.. EVERYONE on the liberal side expressing as much hate as they could....
No biggie, late, admitting knowledge that any high school student from 50 years ago could have told them...
It may be months later, but I hate being proved right...
But youse guys treat it like it's the revelation of the century... or the culmination of decades of research compressed into months...
In reality, it's how fast they could build and mount the money train... and what the democrats hate the most, they were not in charge when it first broke so they couldn't grease the rails into their wallets...
If someone who really gave a damned about the American people were in charge, this would have been over 9 months ago...
That is the democrat legacy of Covid... Killing Americans so they and their cronies could get rich while laying the biggest guilt trip and biggest demonstration of political fear mongering in history..
Now Biden is refusing to lock down anything or mandate anything, that means that it is almost over, they have milked it for all they feel they can get...
The failure of BBB, was the final log falling, they know they can't milk the pandemic long enough to take another shot at filling their cronies pockets again...
"Oh no, the vaccine[s] work, but some people aren't taking them. The ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones who don't take their vaccine. But it's still their choice, and if you take the vaccine, you're protected. Look, the results of the vaccine are very good. And if you do get it, it's a very minor form. People aren't dying when they take the vaccine."
Donald Trump December 2021
I get it.
You know everything.
You've never been wrong, lol.
Do me a favor NWM, don't lump people into your preconceived political baskets.
The rest of your conspiracy nonsense is right at home on this seed,
unworthy of further response.
Merry Christmas.
Nope I've been wrong before, and when I am I will be the first to admit such...
But I also take note of when the conspiracy nonsense argument is presented by the opponent, it means they have nothing left to respond with... so it is an expression of "I'm right and your wrong" without having to establish a darned thing... Then claiming it is unworthy of response kinda caps that thought off, you can't so you won't is what it says...
You have a very Merry Christmas yourself my friend, and hopefully a better New Years...
President Biden on Africa travel ban: "Remember why I said we put the travel ban on is to see how much time we had before it hit here, so we can begin to decide what we needed by looking at what's happening in other countries. But we're past that now."

CDC chief on omicron cases: "There is no need to panic"
This out of China:
"The Chinese city of Xi’an on Wednesday ordered its 13 million residents to stay at home and avoid unnecessary outings in one of the biggest lockdowns in the country this year.
Since Dec. 9, the city in the northwest of China has confirmed more than 140 cases, city officials said at a briefing.
Of 57 cases reported nationwide for Tuesday, 52 were in Xi’an, according to the National Health Commission. Many recent cases found in other cities, including Beijing and Dongguan, were travelers from Xi’an."
Didn't somebody tell us what a great job China was doing?
Heads are gonna roll for the people who let this out
They might disappear.
Death wishing?
(Isn't that against the CoC?
LOL. It's been in the China Daily web site and on China's English language TV channel CGTN.(China Global Television Network).
China will use draconian methods, lockdowns, contact tracing, travel bans to maintain its "Zero Covid" policy, and will curb the outbreaks, and I agree with them on that. The Chinese people, who are much more concerned about the good of the community and health of their family, rather than selfishly demanding personal freedom and individual rights uber alles, so the outbreaks will be contained. How's the Omicron going over there, Vic?
Just who did he death wish?, no body I can read, but he did express an idea that the chinese government does on a regular basis...
It's spreading, as you know. Although it's more contagious than the Delta variant it is less severe. Please thank the CCP.
Now I have a question for you:
Where is Li Tiantian?
Lol! The only great that they are doing is cover ups and war mongering along with mass genocide. They are the face of evil among nations on earth now.
Now you just have to add two zeros to each of the quoted numbers of infections and it will be closer to the truth. China is pathological about lying even when it doesn't matter.
Yet they are for the most part accepted by the American media.
That is one thing the Chinese government excels at. Lying.
Because they are bought and paid for by that regime just like our current President is
Are you implying that President trump is bought ad paid for/
(He is currently the President-- I'm surprised you didn't know that! And ss I'm sure you're aware, the Election was stolen! But have no fear, Trump will soon be reinstated!)
LOL. Generations ago when I was a little kid my grandpappy told me not to believe anything I hear or read, and only half of what I see. I'm afraid that these days of photo-shopping, digital video editing, and the crap being spread on the internet you can't believe anything UNLESS YOU ARE THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF IT. I'm in China, zuksam, been here more than 15 years. How much time have you spent in China? As for the numbers I KNOW more about what the numbers could be and why, do YOU?
Are you stating that Trump is our legitimate current President?
We’re not ready for mass Covid-testing and don’t have the tools.
Biden says he was blindsided. The CDC says we knew!
So who gets the blame?
I think I am going to have to appoint you Group Fact Checker!
you pictured it above…
Let's blame Hillary.
The media of the masses has been feeding the hysteria and trying to incite a national panic about the Omicron variant. Related stories....
I think the female doctor in South Africa who first reported it feels some regret after seeing the way the Biden administration handled it.
If there was a way to eff it all over Brandon would find the way.
Wishing you a very merrie holiday, XXJefferson51 . . . God willing!