Changing Course .......Again

Once again the CDC has changed course on one of their "recommendations." The reason, of course is painfully obvious. Here in MA where I live, the National Guard has been called in to help man the hospitals. Thousands of flights have been cancelled this past weekend because of a lack of crews. It was obvious that the CDC was getting nervous about understaffed hospitals and airlines. Thus we have the CDC, as of yesterday officially announcing that Americans who test positive for the coronavirus can self-isolate for just five days, – down from the 10 days the agency previously recommended.
Here is the statement they released:
“The change is motivated by science demonstrating that the majority of SARS-CoV-2 transmission occurs early in the course of illness, generally in the 1-2 days prior to onset of symptoms and the 2-3 days after.”
“Not all of those cases are going to be severe,” CDC director Rochelle Walensky told the AP on Monday. “We want to make sure there is a mechanism by which we can safely continue to keep society functioning while following the science.”
Let's clearly differentiate panic from science. This was about getting desperately needed front-line workers back on the front line. It further calls into question the credibility of an organization that has been largely incompetent and political. Speaking of "the science," we later heard this nugget of truth: "If you are asymptotic and you are infected, we want to get people back to the jobs, especially those with essential jobs," ...from the self anointed Dr Fauci.
The best reversal of all came from the man who got elected because he wasn't Donald Trump. The same man that once said during his covert 2020 campaign that President Trump had to be held accountable for the pandemic. Yesterday Biden told us, to our complete shock, that "there is no federal solution!" Yup, Joe Biden now says that “This gets solved at a state level." Then he responded to the matter of the lack of tests:
“We went from no over-the-counter tests in January to 46 million in October, 100 million in November and almost 200 million in December. That’s not enough. It’s clearly not enough. If I - we’d known, we would have gone harder, quicker if we could have,” Biden said during a virtual meeting with state governors.
Gee, if only they had known.
What an absolute disaster the CDC has been!
Even worse for the country was the election of Biden.
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So much for "the science!"
Promises made. Promises broken. (Again)
Can we say, "vaccine hesitancy" majorly (running free and clear) in red states? It is hard to fulfill a promise to a collection of people who won't volunteer to participate in humanity's push to survive a pandemic. But carry on in hoisting a facade of participating in good governance. What have any obstructionists done to make America less pandemic (again) today?
No. It's hard to fulfill a promise when your an idiot and your "expert" is the root of the pandemic. He's the one, on several occasions, that stated he would end this pandemic. And here we are. 11 months later with a vaccine and more deaths than under the previous administration WITHOUT a vaccine. By Biden's own standards, he should resign.
I notice how you attempt to make this Red vs. Blue. Guess what [Deleted] - red and blue voters are vaccinated. There are blue voters who are unvaccinated just as there are red voters who are unvaccinated. Just because it doesn't meet the 100% mandated by der Fuhrer doesn't mean a damn thing. But you go right ahead and ignore that little tidbit and keep on with your bullshit.
I'm not the one who voted for an utter failure. My comment still stands. Promises made. Promises broken (again).
The anti-mask, anti-vax, anti-social distance right-wing fascists are why the pandemic has lasted as long as it has.
Yes he did indeed say that. He was of course speaking of the conditions as they were known to him at the time (before the variants and before it was known that 39% of the nation was going to engage in stubborn stupidity and NOT get vaccinated).
But politicians make mistakes like that all the time. Now, if one were being objective (LOL), one would look at what the Biden administration has done. Clearly they have encouraged people to get vaccinated, wear masks, social distance. Clearly they have provided the vaccines for everyone to get vaccinated. It is not as if they have dropped the ball on the critical factors.
So I have a hard time blaming the Biden administration for the emergence of potent variants and I surely do not blame them for the stubborn stupidity of so many citizens (most of which, by the way, are GOP or R leaning).
The Biden administration has its share of mistakes like underestimating test kits and of course failures in non-COVID issues like Afghanistan. But to call for Biden to resign based solely on his handling of the pandemic is simply emotional partisanship.
Promises made. Promises broken (again).
He doesn't know what's going on at any time. Then, NOW. The time doesn't matter. The man is a walking embarrassment.
And somehow, when certain politicians make mistakes it's overlooked while the others are crucified. Quite a double standard you have running there.
That's a very short list of items across the board. Their dealing with the pandemic isn't one of them.
He's the one that claimed he will end it.
Mistakes? Those are total failures. Nothing new to Biden. He's had 50 years to perfect that.
There's nothing emotional about it. He made the statement. He set the standard with his own words. I'm holding him to it. But, hey, no mean tweets right.
Promises made. Promises broken (again).
There is no point trying to reason with someone who takes such a position.
Yeah, partisan thinking is bad. Those who blamed Trump for everything are as guilty as those blaming Biden for everything. It is fair, for example, to blame Trump for failing to get Mexico to pay for the wall / downplaying the virus. If is fair to blame Biden for a clumsy withdrawal from Afghanistan / poor border security during a pandemic.
Yeah, Jeremy, I acknowledged that up front. Biden did say it. He was wrong because he did not know and did not anticipate the potent variants and did not know that 39% of the nation would be stubbornly stupid and not get vaccinated.
Again, not even going to attempt to reason with someone so utterly biased against Biden.
Your response has been purely emotional. Note how you cannot bring yourself to even acknowledge that the Biden administration did indeed encourage masking, social distancing and vaccines and did indeed ensure that everyone in the nation who was medically appropriate to get a vaccine could indeed do so. You focus exclusively on the factors that nobody knew when Biden made his promise. And, worse, you pretend that Biden is the only presidential candidate who has ever made a promise that he could not fully fulfill and thus he should resign. That is partisan emotion rather than rational, objective reasoning.
Maybe if he wasn't such a failure I wouldn't be biased against him.
Was it your friends that got on those C-130's and C-17's to go back to Kabul because this clown abandoned hundreds of US Citizens in Afghanistan? They were mine. I have 13 DEAD brothers and sisters because of, as you put it, a clumsy withdrawal from Afghanistan. That wasn't a "withdrawal". That was a fucking retreat.
He couldn't even have show respect when the deceased returned home.
I'll admit he encouraged it. Then went with mandates that didn't do a goddamn thing except add to the already existing problems. Mandates that were stopped by the courts as being unconstitutional. Now with his admission that "there is no federal solution", when is he going to sign an EO rescinding these illegal mandates?
You know you're right I have. To take a childish side to this, this is exactly what the left looked like from 2016 - 2020. The only difference is from 2016 - 2020 the issues were fiction. Russia Collusion, the "Pee Tapes", the clusterfuck the Democrats made of Justice Kavanaugh's and Amy Coney Barrett's confirmations, etc. . All fictitious bullshit.
Right now? These issues are REAL. FFS the day the man took office he had a stack of EO's to reverse what his predecessor did solely because of who his predecessor was. Half a Billion dollars in military equipment left to the enemy. Hundreds of US Citizens abandoned in a combat zone. Border security is a joke. Covid response, out of control inflation,
I introduced into this conversation Biden's mistake with Afghanistan and called it a clumsy withdrawal and you get bent out of shape because my label is not sufficiently emotive.
Yet those mandates were an attempt for Biden to help end the pandemic. Mistake or not, Biden was trying to get people vaccinated and to keep public areas (such as work spaces) safe.
Indeed. But you have moved into a very different discussion now.
Unless you served and served Honorably you wouldn't understand what Jeremy is saying Tig.
Bidens failure of leadership in the Afghanistan retreat was complete .... a complete clusterfuck.
And my brothers and sisters in arms died needlessly because he couldn't be bothered to keep the faith the US military has entrusted him with as POTUS.
Your damn right it was emotively bad for us, viscerally bad.
Always is, always will be.
That is utter bullshit Sparty. It is not necessary to make highly emotive characterizations to express a point. When criticizing Biden for his Afghanistan failure there is no need to force a particular emotive language; just acknowledge the criticism (or disagree if you think he should not be criticized).
Your and Jeremy's reaction to my criticism is eerily the same reaction that I got from a prominent opponent of Trump. I criticized Trump years ago on NT and this individual got bent out of shape because my language was not sufficiently bat-shit-crazy emotive.
Emotive refers to the language. I think everyone understands the emotions of leaving people behind. Brothers in arms, civilians alike. We all are human beings.
Bottom line, if someone makes a criticism of an individual and you agree with the criticism, don't diffuse the criticism by complaining that the language was not harsh enough for your liking. That is counterproductive and causes what was actually an agreement to be an argument.
You don't know what the fuck you are talking about here.
Not even close.
And in response to my explanation, you simply engage in trolling.
Not trolling, not trolling at all.
Just the facts.
That you don't like the facts presented, is not my problem.
Bottom line, Sparty, you, Jeremy and I all agree that Afghanistan was screwed up. You are making a big deal out of the fact that I did not use sufficiently emotive language to suit you.
And when I explain you just cry bullshit and go personal.
That is trolling, you are intentionally making a controversy on something that we all actually agreed on.
Never leave an opportunity to cause trouble untouched, eh?
True, not the first POTUS to screw up such a thing and unfortunately probably not the last. Just more reason to call it out each time it happens
I understand. You don't like being questioned. Got it.
Nope, i'm simply pointing out why you wouldn't understand how a Veteran might be put off by your "emotive" choices in this matter. Nothing controversial about that. As i've already noted, it's just the facts
Nope but you do seem to never miss a chance to take a differing opinion personal. That's for sure.
Just keep on doing what y'all are doing 'red-staters' (and you know who you are) in time SARS-2 will catch up to you and take it from there. "More power to y'all'! Sure "blue-staters" can be 'rocks' too. But, "greater" differs from "lesser" by degrees—right? At the end of the day: the cities have more people vaccinated that the farmlands and this matters even out into the plains and prairies.
I call "yawn" on maligning good people just because one can be 'hard and all that.' Promises made. Republicans and conservatives sat on their hands and do not make America great again (again).
And some conservatives know this! But, this is the 'state' we are in as a country. We are polarized and we have done it to ourselves. We don't want to listen to each other anymore. It's a tired, wretched, 'marriage' - and one or several members in it have - an "itch" to depart and find other people. EXCEPT THERE ARE NO OTHER PEOPLE TO FIND ON THIS CONTINENT besides each other!
We are as good as it gets for conservatives and liberals and all the rest! That is, conservatives can't make it without our help and well, VICE-VERSA!
Even clearer: Not everything a conservative wishes to see in this country is bad, but not everything a conservative wishes for this country is wholesome either and VICE-VERSA for liberals!
We're here. We're all we got. Let's try to heal our ownselves.
ON REFLECTION: I was watching the news accounting Wednesday evening, or was it Thursday morning (time flies when one is mentally tasked and preoccupied) as I watched the telling of how President Putin of Russia wants some additional meeting time (discussion) with President Biden of the United States. As I watched, it occurred to me that. . . President Putin would have 'adored' if the United States were already or near to ready to embroil itself in a civil war.
I mean, the resulting distraction of the United States fighting and pulling its own 'limbs' away internally; it would open the door for President Putin to just step right into Ukraine and take as much territory as he pleases to satisfy "the Russian appetite" for things made "Soviet."
And here we are making ready to please Putin in spite of ourselves!
I don't even know which 'end' is up in this discussion. Because service injury and death is not at issue here or in Afghanistan! It was time and treasure and weaknesses on the part of "faithless" Afghanistan that allows us to depart "casted down." The time was due for Afghans to 'cover us' and they simply did not have the right stuff to 'do it' or accept injury and death in the offing!
And just who didn't see this coming. Is this Mr. Biden's "down playing the virus" realization moment we have heard so much of about Mr. Trump?? You damned right it is. "I will end this" in-fucking-deed.
I guess President Biden will strive to end this virus (if feasible and time permits) after waiting for a systematic removal of all the flaking and dead "fodder" of unvaccinated obstructionists that are clogging up life and healing as we know it!
Omicron came and completely destroyed the Democrat narrative, "that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated".
Now they are backpedaling as fast as they can trying to get people in essential jobs back to work; and fix their mandate blunders.
Nothing will fix the human fuck up machine in the oval office; or his completely incompetent administration. Biden shouldn't even bother with travel bans from any country. Any new Covid variant will cross our southern border long before he gets a ban in place.
As for the Democrats "Blame Trump for the spread of Covid in the US" garbage; Brandon has done such a wonderful job since taking over. Infections are up; deaths are up; and misinformation, excuses, and Democrat fascism are off the charts.
What little campaigning Biden did was literally blaming Trump for the pandemic. Yet here he is with the vaccine Trump left him, telling us that there is no federal solution!
Did U happen to catch the little clkip wherevTRUMP ADMITTEDLY LIED, about the severity of the pandemic , and in this interview, it was quite apparent that he had been nheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasinghis way back IN to informing US he HAD LIED some more
English please...
There is no federal fix for obstructionists who don't want to succeed in ending the disease narrative. Obstructionists who prefer to snatch disaster from the jaws of success. Even "paternal survivalist" Donald Trump had the good sense not to let ignorant and delusional unvaccinated people narrow his chances of survival! I am pretty sure his children are not that delusional or ignorant, delusional, or arrogant to run around in sweeping social circles with UNVACCINATED loud-mouths hollering and yelling.
There is small "s" stupid. And then there is big "s" Stupid!
What success are you blathering about? In case you didn't notice Brandon's travel ban from eight African countries did absolutely nothing to slow the arrival of Omicron. Omicron was already here thanks to Brandon's wide open southern border with over 200,000 plus illegals entering the US monthly. This is the largest super spreader event on the planet. Even larger than Democrat politicians ignoring their own damn Covid rules and mandates.
When did Trump ever question the vaccines that he helped speed through red tape to get approved? Go on we can all wait. Now, if you want to know which individuals questioned the vaccines- and said they wouldn't take them- look to Brandon and Harris.
They sound like a couple of Darwin award winners; but anything to get elected. No matter who it hurts.
Prove where any of Trump's children have said anything about the vaccines, or refused to take them. We can all wait.
Yes, and big "S" stupid are those who are vaccinated not taking precautions and getting and transmitting Covid. The vaccine does not prevent you from getting the disease. It does not stop you from transmitting it to others, even those who are fully vaccinated. It may, repeat may, diminish the symptoms of Covid and prevent hospitalization. Now on to fully vaccinated people doing stupid things; and enabling the spread of Covid.
But keep blaming the unvaccinated for all of Brandon's fuck ups. See how well it works when mid terms arrive.
"Brandon" does not own a border and neither does 'Brandon' control all the airspace in the United States that all 'participants' in our national endeavors legal and illegal besides traverse. Enough arguing stupidly. Get on to the meatier matters of helping to actually fix what is broken in this world. The world gives not a damn about fake human games!
You know what? I am not going to waste any time 'finishing' with you. Believe whatsoever floats your damn boat. I have spent the better part of the day responding to comments and I just ran out of patience (you drained it all out of me) with this one comment. See ya, "dude." This ain't worth it the back and forth to me! Premature ending arrived at destination.
So many lies. Neither Biden nor Harris said any of those things.
Did you watch the video that his links go to? Imma guessing no if you don't believe they said those things.
Mine was like a bad cold. Low grade fever for less than a day, tested positive up to the 8th day. Never felt that bad at all, lost a little sense of smell and taste that slowly came back.
Of course, the brown shirts would say that was because i was fully vaccinated and i'm just not that sure of that.
The Omicron variant is very contagious, yet much milder than the Delta variant. It may be a blessing in disguise.
I guess the big question for the virtue signaling brown shirts is: If there’s no federal Covid solution, why is there a federal vaccine mandate?
I caught mine in October, well before the Omicron variant hit the US in force
One of my son-in-laws got it through work. They bowed out of participating in Christmas and we all went along with their wishes. They are still under self-quarantine two weeks later.
A good thing. I quarantined for two weeks because of a problem employee's bitch about catching COVID from me.
Interestingly she caught it five weeks after i was back ...... but expected to come back to work in five days ..... that was okay because it was her .....
That's the kind of messed up, narcissistic mentality we are dealing with in this pandemic unfortunately.
That's why I respect other people's decisions when dealing with this stuff.
It seems that with each variant it's less and less severe. Omicron is really just a cold at this point. But that won't stop the fear mongering and blame game that has been going on from day 1.
The one i had, not Omicron, was the same. Very mild.
I think preexisting conditions, which can make the infection worse, are the main cause of rough reactions.
A lot of those folks are already gone. Over 800k according to the CDC.
Wow. Vic, how do vaccines work anyway? Rhetorical.
What "pandemic"?! Are we in a Pandemic??!! I don't believe it. Prove it! /s
'They' are not all gone yet. More remains to go! We have to have 'efficiency' from these variants!!! /s
My neighbors were two of the first cases in The Bronx. Thinking they had natural immunity they did not bother being vaccinated. He has now suffered two relapses and has been given less than two years to live due to the organ and respiratory complications of Covid-19. Apparently Covid can become chronic for those unvaccinated...
Everyone i know who has had a bad reaction to COVID, everyone, vaccinated or otherwise, has had a existing condition the predisposed them to a worse reaction. Diabetes, asthma, lung issues, circulatory issues, etc. I have a friend in the hospital right now, fully vaccinated, caught COVID which turned into Pneumonia and he had to be hospitalized last week.
Covid turning chronic for the unvaccinated doesn't sound like a normal virus like this but who knows.
My point is that you can get it more than once and that vaccinations are our best defense...
And my point was, vaccinated or not, bad reactions have more to do with preexisting conditions than anything else.
That is what i've seen in my sphere of influence ....
and i believe JBB's point would be, n since i also agree underlying preexisting conditions to be the main cause for the most serious reactions and or death, vaccinate, to better avoid the risks, as the ones most hospitalized n or dying,
are the unvaccinated...
That "point" doesn't matter to the people who caught it from a vaccinated person and died. So your point isn't a point at all but only a rationalization .....
SOSDD considering
So what? Just in case some of us can't put two-and-two together: PSSST! A great many "freedom-lubbers" and "liberty hounds" don't take good medical care of themselves - leaving it up to the "good Lord" and nature to preserve them. And so, they don't know what the "he-" they are working with internally until it manifests on the outside where everybody can see it. Malignant and all.
Well you know what Sparty On, it is too late for you to unvaccinate so we can test your cavalier challenge to vaccination. Lucky for 'brown shirts," I guess, you are "infected" with science's best agent against SARS 2. Why not just accent the positive and be sure of that?
cause that would be admitting he was wrong, which like a bridge too far, is further than the oners who defended so bazaar, Trump, our leading LIAR CZAR...
Lots of panicked national hysteria about Omicron, which appears to be less lethal than the seasonal flu.
They revised last week's figure from 73% to 22%
I think we have to assume the CDC's method is crap and should be ignored going forward.
Naysayers are gleeful. Although the CDC is the only 'game' in town for the data we seek. It is hard to straighten out numbers I am sure. It looks "damnable" and accordingly some mock it! But, let's be clear. SCIENCE IS FACTUAL. IT IS CRITICAL. IT IS NOT OUR FRIEND ON EVEN OR ODD DAYS. And like the virus in a way, science does not care what humans think about facts and figures. Science simply is on any given day.
Politics (likes and dislikes) about scientific data be damned.
Skipping over the twenty times as virulent part?
What??? You use that word and I don't think you know what it means.
"Virulence" has all to do with the ability of a pathogen to invade and colonize its host...
You looked it up so you knew but lied anyway!
You said 20 times as virulent. I gave you the definition "extremely severe or harmful in its effects" and it isn't.
Here's another question that will go unanswered by the elephant in the room:
If Biden admits that the federal government can't stop COVID within the United States, how does he think he can stop global climate change?
Gee, if only they could bring themselves to answer!
What a silly question. The two problems have nothing to do with each other. It's like asking "Well if my mechanic wasn't able to fix my radiator, how is he ever going to get his wife pregnant?".
And besides, Biden no doubt isn't thinking "he" alone can stop global climate change but I'm sure "he", like any rational human, thinks we ought to be moving towards at least mitigating the damage that's already been done and attempt to slow the effects caused by humans by changing some of our worst climate changing behaviors.
I thought it was an appropriate question and it used the proper dimensions. If one can't control a pandemic with weapons like vaccines, new cutting edge therapeutics, masks of various degrees and test kits, how in the world can that same leader control something as complex as climate?
The mechanic's wife I can handle.
And besides, Biden no doubt isn't thinking "he" alone can stop global climate change but I'm sure "he", like any rational human, thinks we ought to be moving towards at least mitigating the damage that's already been done and attempt to slow the effects caused by humans by changing some of our worst climate changing behaviors.
If he thinks making gasoline super expensive is going to push people to buying super expensive electric cars which will need charging stations, he is in for another rude awakening.
Thanks for the courage in trying to answer my question. I won't tell a soul.
That is the sort of disconnected thinking you get when following a fundamentalist agenda.
There is no logic to it, ever.
The end will always justify the means.
The kind of thinking that is celebrated at Columbia & Cornell.
The end will always justify the means.
Especially when they reach the end of the line.
Just how much of the "damage" is coming from the US. How do we realistically mitigate it? The climate kooks can't seem come up with any workable solutions. Tell us again how the Paris Climate Accord would benefit the US
Education can be overrated. Especially an Ivy League education
Nope. You missed the mark. No president of our country is a communist leader who can round up antivaxxers and unvaccinated folks and INJECT them forcibly. Now that would be CONTROL for you. Or as we saw in 2020 in China:
Chinese officials forcefully locking people in their homes
So 'knuckleheads' in our country are allowed to run free and cause trouble for the rest of us vaccinated folks. But continue to ignore what's happening and keep to a fake narrative "as if" it will somehow make life better in the end! It won't!
The mantra of every high school dropout who just couldn't cut it.
Lol ..... i'll see your bet and raise you a masters in Engineering ..... try again ....
If Biden admits that the federal government can't stop COVID within the United States
i look forward to Biden and all the clowns who called trump a murderer, apologizing to Trump.
but it’s nice to see Biden catch up to what’s been obvious to many of us since pretty much the beginning.
It looks like he'll be catching up back in Delaware.......after a nap.
Mixing your metaphors.
Since you took Biden's statement out of context, I don't accept the predicate of your question Vic.
Perhaps you can post a link QUOTING Biden saying that he would STOP Covid.
How about "I will end this"? That work for ya?
What a moron
So when dipshit going to resign? He probably doesn’t even remember saying that. Hell, his brain is so rotted he probably doesn’t remember saying that 5 minutes after he said it.
Do you really want Biden to resign?
President Kamala Harris, the incumbent for 2024.
So you do not recognize that incumbency is one of the key positive factors for a candidate? If Harris is the incumbent, she has an excellent chance of being nominated and there goes the D side of the equation. (I am NOT a fan of Harris; the D party can do substantially better than that.) And then if the GOP puts up another crap candidate we are yet again faced with a lesser of two crap choices.
I for one prefer that the D party pick a quality candidate and that the GOP do likewise.
On top of this, in the meantime President Harris is calling the shots for the balance of Biden's term. You find her preferable to Biden?
I imagine he would try to at least wait a year so she could be reelected in 2028. It could be 10 years of President Harris.
Well, according to biden’s own words, he should resign.
Good point.
Thing is, Tacos!, with modern politics she actually could be elected PotUS and serve for two terms. So even though we (I think this is true) are speaking hypothetically with little expectation that it would happen, this actually could happen.
That is simply NOT the question. The question was:
Do you? Does such an action help or harm the nation? Does it help or harm the causes you personally have?
This does not surprise me a bit. It is pure partisan 'reasoning'. Disregard for everything other than a partisan win.
I have an entirely different view. I want our nation to be as successful as it can be during the balance of Biden's term. I do NOT see Harris as an improvement over Biden. Further, I want the D party to put forth a decent candidate for PotUS. V.P. Harris has a good chance to NOT get the nomination but Harris as the incumbent is very likely to be the nominee. If so, there goes the D side of the equation yet again.
And I want the GOP to put forth a decent candidate for PotUS. I want to see both major parties put forth individuals that rational human beings would want to vote FOR.
Ultimately I want what is best for our nation now and in the future.
Actually no Jim.
Ending a pandemic is different than 'stopping Covid'. Every pandemic has eventually ended, rarely have the viruses that caused them been 'stopped', they've merely been subdued for a time. Sometimes they come back with a vengeance, sometimes they're mild and local.
Yeah, i saw the question and gave the answer i did because i know, you should too, how our conversations usually end up.
I doubt anyone objectively reading what you wrote would find your position to NOT be pure partisan.
You state that Harris would be a disaster but do not care because that will help the GOP win the next presidential election.
If you are not going to answer a direct, simple question that flows perfectly from what you wrote, then why REPLY to me at all? It would be better then to simply not reply. I would have moved on.
Deflecting (now twice) from the most obvious follow-up to your statement accomplishes nothing other than to project to everyone reading that you really did not think through your position before broadcasting in a public forum.
I did ask, you answered, and now you are denying your answer. So what else is new?
Yeah, "perhaps". But you would prefer to have a President Harris than a President Biden because that (by your 'reasoning') would make it easier for the GOP to win.
So where did this strawman come from?
Maybe the smarter move is to seek a better candidate for PotUS in the D party AND the GOP. Better candidates in BOTH parties! What a concept! That ever cross your mind?
I don’t see your response as partisan. I see your response as wanting what’s best for country, and right now, you feel the republican party comes closest to what you think is best for the nation.
I would bet money that you have not voted straight republican in every election you have ever voted in. I know i haven’t, yet if we come out against a certain party at a certain time we are labeled partisan. If repubs and dems suddenly switched ideas on where to take the country i highly doubt if you would still favor repubs. I know i wouldn’t.
Alright, move along.
Dems have gone so far left the only candidate that will get the dem nomination is one who mirrors those far left positions. And maybe that person would normally be a good candidate, but with the party where they are today they will be pushed to fulfill the far left agenda. So hoping the dems can come up with a good candidate is akin to taking a walk past the lollipop tree down to the marmalade river.
Again, instead of answering a direct question or just staying silent and moving on, you spend effort deflecting. If you want to move on then just do so and I will reciprocate.
I hope they split into two parties. Far left and moderate. I can live with moderate dems, far left dems, no way.
Did you or did you not express that Harris would be a disaster but that would be good to help the GOP win the next presidential election?
Here you go:
Crystal clear.
You do not understand that when I am speaking of better candidates for the D party that I am speaking of people other than Biden and Harris?
Well if it had crossed your mind that it is best for both parties to have sound candidates then you clearly would not want to make it easy for Harris to be the nominee by being the incumbent. This should be obvious.
What is comical, everything you are describing, some on the left say the exact same things. Just switch from Dem to rep and it is exactly the same...
Only considering the GOP without knowing the candidates for either party is waaaaaay more than a 'little' partisanship.
I got it demonstrably right and you still pretend I did not. Do you really think readers are stupid and cannot see the equivalent meaning?:
And that is a purely partisan view. As I noted. You will only vote for a GOP because you see no value in D ideas. All D candidates are categorically rejected and the GOP candidate (regardless of the individual) you accept.
That pretty much is down the middle of the road partisan.
If you cannot defend your statement (which at this point is beyond obvious) the worst thing to do is to continue with lame retorts which simply broadcast to everyone reading that you do not know what you are talking about. The best thing to do is to move on.
“It may well come to that eventually.”
possibly. But for that to happen it probably has to happen to both parties, which i am not opposed to. If only one party splits their votes will be split making it difficult to win come election time. it’s a long shot but i’d like to see it happen.
Bottom line, you want Biden to resign. That would make Harris the PotUS which you believe would be a disaster for the nation. But you still want Biden to resign because a disastrous Harris would be good news for the GOP. Just forget about what might be good for the nation and concern yourself with getting an R elected to the presidency in 2024.
And you also are pleased that an incumbent President Harris would almost surely win the nomination because that would be a weak D candidate and thus make it easier for the GOP candidate (unknown) to win. You find this good because you only would categorically NOT vote for a D candidate but rather the GOP candidate whoever that might turn out to be.
But you are only ' a little ' partisan!!
I know, how unfair of me to ask the most obvious question:
You can engage in a series of deflection comments but somehow cannot answer the most natural, direct question per your statement.
You know what he is doing brother, most of us here do... it's really funny in a way, anyone who get into a discussion with him always winds up being accused of not being able to defend their statements... This after a pointless mile of twisting and turning semantical arguments that mean nothing...
Pointless... Hopeless... and Beneath You..
Here you go:
And now you claim that this does not mean a disaster for the nation, it means only a disaster to herself and her career.
Well okay, Texan, keep going at this rate and you will eventually walk back everything you wrote.
Let's check, do you still want Biden to resign and thus make Harris the PotUS?
Yeah so unfair.
'Biden should resign'
'Do you really want Harris to be PotUS'?
Nah, I learned my lesson, once was enough, you can't draw me into such a pointless exchange anymore...
Baiting me doesn't work..
Well hopefully people will understand that you are happy to put as PotUS an individual who you believe would be a disaster (oh, but now you say not to the nation, only to herself and her career
) because her failure (and of course her failure would not harm the nation) would ensure a GOP win (but you do not even know who is running). And in your mind a GOP win is critical because you would never vote for a D (regardless of who is running).
But you are only 'a little' partisan.
Well, Texan, my summary accurately captures what you have stated in this thread. I know it is a ridiculous read, but your argument was indeed ridiculous.
Note about Impasse:
You can only call an impasse after a long exchange.
Impasse and Agree to Disagree
An IMPASSE may be called between two parties during a heated discussion by stating 'IMPASSE', without making a statement either before or after when the 'IMPASSE' is called, by the person calling the 'IMPASSE'. This ends all discussion in that thread.
A call of ‘AGREE TO DISAGREE’ can be made between two members. Unlike impasse, which ceases all discussion, the two parties can still engage but not on that topic. As with impasse, the agree to disagree is a comment that contains one and only one phrase: ‘AGREE TO DISAGREE’.
I remind us that when President J. F. Kennedy ("the eternal flame") was assassinated President L. B. Johnson STEPPED UP TO THE JOB and did all things well. Critics will be critical per se, notwithstanding. When President R. M. Nixon was casted down, President G. R. Ford STEPPED UP TO THE JOB and did all things well for the duration.
At the end of the time, I want what is best for our nation now and in the future.
This comment has been written up as a violation of the impasse rule, but I am leaving it up for a discussion to follow as an example. [ph]
Indeed. Amazing that not everyone sees things that way.
This comment has been written up as a violation of the impasse rule, but I am leaving it up for a discussion to follow as an example. [ph]
The cold virus is illustrative of the point: Viruses are not ended. They simply are contained, where and how possible.
This comment has been written up as a violation of the impasse rule, but I am leaving it up for a discussion to follow as an example. [ph]
I know that these kinds of "continuances" are fraught with danger, but I don't know how else or where else to seek clarification. I will try to be as concise and curt as possible:
NOTE: I will accept answer without further comment in interest of ending this.
ok there, master...
don't you just love watching him attempt to explain how his very own quoted words, that state plain and simply how he feels and reflect his opinions ann mindset, are ALWAYS misunderstood by those such as you and i, so instead of asking Y, i'll just continue to parse his words while he continues to DENY,what EVERYONE just read stated by this Guy, who is possibly the most misunderstood on our soiled earth,, but only till before death, and after birth, for all that he and like others, will never be worth...
When will he rescind the mandates?
He'll keep going with the typical Democrat method of dealing with it by throwing money at it without actually doing anything.
Wow! Did anybody get the 'number' of the jet that when supersonic above us? /s
Vic, really?!! We can get a great more done in this country TOGETHER if some conservatives would get off the sidelines pitching such remote questions. We have a contender, a good man, a truthful player, in the WH and some conservatives are pitching into the dirt and crying over the foul issues!
I prefer the old Joe Biden. You know, the moderate he promised to be.
Still waiting for a link Vic.
Conversely, you could just admit that you pulled that claim out of your nether region.
You are?
Conversely, you could just admit that you pulled that claim out of your nether region.
My nether region? Lol. Actually I thought every American remembered the 2020 campaign. You do recall the media immediately blaming Trump for "his handling of the pandemic?" Or those few occasions when Joe Biden emerged from his cellar to do the same?
There were 12 times that candidate Biden told us he had a plan to shut down covid:
So, take your pick
I pick NONE since NONE of them support YOUR claim Vic.
But of course, you know that, yet posting deflection is all you've got.
Yes they do. Why are you so afraid to admit it? Strange..........very strange
Great Jim.
Post the quote from Vic's list where Biden said he would STOP Covid.
Not strange, it's S.O.P.
Here you go.
Again, as is the RW MO around here, Biden's statement is taken out of context.
What was the QUESTION Biden was replying to Jeremy?
You obviously don't actually give a fuck what Biden was saying he would end.
For those who DO care, here is the question:
So it was 'this crisis' that Biden was saying he would end.
So that's 3 FAILS.
Y'all struck out.
Nah, but y'alls spin sure is falling flat ..... flat on it's face.
SOSDD considering
Sounds like something for YOU to research. You ask where Biden said he would STOP Covid. I provided you the information you ask for.
What fucking crisis do you think the questioner was speaking of? FFS give it up.
I suggest you READ the rest of my comment Jeremy. I completed that research and posted the results 11 minutes after your post.
Yes I did.
Nope. I proved that to be false. Try to keep up.
You didn't provide a goddamn thing false. Not only does Biden announce a standard for when a president should resign due to Covid deaths (of which by that very standard, he should resign) he does state flat out what you claim he doesn't. It's apparent that you didn't watch the video.
I know what fucking crisis the questioner was asking about and if you and yours gave a fuck about what she was speaking of you would have reviewed the context before commenting.
Yet here y'all are, flapping your gums and insisting that Biden said that he would STOP Covid.
He didn't.
It took me a minute to find the context of the video but here, I'll hold your hand and post an excerpt of the transcript for CONTEXT:
So BOTH were asked about how they would lead the US out of the crisis. Note in RED what each said they would specifically DO.
Trump exclusively cited the vaccine. That was all he offered. BTW, the vaccine that he was talking about announcing was NOT part of Operation Warp Speed.
Oh and BTFW, Trump lied about the military distributing the vaccine. The same PRIVATE companies that distribute the flu vaccine were contracted to do so, which Trump well knew. [Or maybe he misunderstood the pictures they showed him about that.] Any use of the military was implemented by state Governors, NOT Trump.
Biden cited masking, testing, national standards for opening schools and businesses to get and stay open and funding to do so. And despite the fact that you and yours are desperate to deny it, that is what he DID.
FFS, give it up.
I READ the fucking transcript Jeremy.
Unlike you, I believe that CONTEXT matters.
FFS YOU give it up.
Look up the concept of CONTEXT Jim.
So in your world, accurately quoting a statement in CONTEXT is spin. Got ya.
Luckily, whether or not you and yours internalize the empirical facts presented to you isn't my motivation for posting them Sparty.
My participation here isn't based on garnering your acceptance.
In short, I couldn't care less.
In my world context is what really happened, not when someone on the internet tries to irrationally spin reality into something else entirely.
And yet you feel compelled to respond ..... the lady doth protest too much
, Biden's statement is taken out of context.
Lol. Who the do you think you are kidding with such dishonest b.s.?
How is QUOTING a statement spinning reality Sparty? Be specific.
Is your expectation that your comments go without response?
Responding to comments is how this shit works.
No protest, just facts. I REALLY could not care less WTF you think about me or my comments.
It's not dishonest Sean.
I note that instead of refuting my comment, you devolved to making an unfounded personal statement.
Yeah. And OF COURSE the annotaters back in the control room and think-tanks all underlined those words and put a 'target' on them to make it not so. So then, they could bloody hell yell: "Bloody hell - He will fail!
One of the things I understand, and don't understand, about politicians, is such moments as these when these men and women say that which professional experiences 'ought to' have taught each of them that an amorphous "spirit" inhabits and prowls open air spaces of this planet looking for words such as above in red—so as to make politicians eat them.
Or in the case of 'red-staters' they would just sit on their hands seeking to make President Biden "pay" for his care and concern by watching them gasp out last breaths and turning blue-in order to spite him personally (and OF COURSE say: "See, Biden couldn't save me or us from me, ourselves!"
Yeah some conservatives those dwindling numbers you 'behold' are covid counts rising into the stratosphere!
Of course it It's the dictionary definition of dishonesty.'
hat instead of refuting my comment, y
Reality refutes your comment. A basic understanding of the English language demonstrates that Biden's context was not 'taken out of context'.
That's dishonest.
I've posted reality Sean. All you've posted is personal statements.
Oh and BTFW, intentionally truncating my post is cowardly.
A basic understanding of the English language demonstrates that Biden's was a STATEMENT not a 'context' Sean.
The fact is that in the last year, Biden has done ALL of the things he said he would and more.
The irony of this seed is that Vic used ONE truncated statement from Biden's meeting with Governors. After being praised Biden for ' the White House team for being such great support to the governors' by Governor Hutchenson, [R] from Arkansas, and thanking him for 'de-politicize our COVID response Biden laid out the steps that his Administration has already taken.
For those who are actually interested in reality, here's a link:
Remarks by President Biden at COVID-19 Response Team's Regular Call With the National Governors Association | The White House
Nope, but keep doing your thing .... spinning.
'Nope' is your answer you were compelled to post to the 3 questions I asked, yet you claim I'm the one 'spinning'.
Do your thing Dulay, do your thing .....
This is turning into a 'Where's Waldo' comic strip. Although, the pop culture has changed it to 'Where's Brandon'.
Has anyone noticed the subtle shift in the political narrative of 'don't blame me'? The narrative has shifted from 'follow the science' toward 'follow the advice of experts'. Biden is pushing the bureaucrats in his own administration to be the scapegoats. So, it shouldn't be surprising if this becomes an every man for himself circle jerk. What has become glaringly obvious is that Biden does not provide any leadership for the bureaucracy. Biden is just a rubber stamp functionary doing what he is told to do; much like a Senator with a dedicated staff.
Without leadership the public is left to do what the public thinks best. Which is actually a more effective way to respond to the pandemic. The public is actually pretty good at figuring out how to do things if no one meddles. This constant bureaucratic meddling is hampering the response to the pandemic. But that is what administrative bureaucrats do best; meddle. Since Biden has stepped aside, the administrative bureaucrats have direct access to the public so can meddle more intrusively.
The complacency of leadership is the problem here. And believing that Biden will suddenly become a leader is just a flight of fancy.
Sometimes it's as simple as ask the bureaucrats and your wish may be granted:
Robert Gates knew it
So did many of us too
Turk 182
Help Wanted: New scientific advice needed on Covid
I have a problem with Brandon’s half-billion test kits. These instant, at-home tests are nothing but a green light to get out and mix it up with filthy doorknobs. They’ll prevent nothing.
I think the new guidance is good news. It’s always encouraging to see the people responsible for public health thinking about it in a holistic way. Here, they are not only thinking about limiting the spread of the virus, but also considering practical questions of how the rest of society functions. In a similar vein, we have seen more and more guidance over the past several months that looks for ways to allow people to gather safely and also, keep kids in school. Not everything is perfect, but these are positive signs.
Not if they just keep the virus moving into other sectors through mass gatherings.
Vaccinations, Masks, handwashing and social distancing are the only way/ways out of this.
I am a kid from the 50s and remember the polio vaccination mobilization. have the scar.
Back then the polio vaccine was mandatory, folk got behind it.......And polio went away. But not before a friend in my first grade class died from it.
It's time to put the far-right unvaccinated into barbwire surrounded FEMA camps.
This reminds me so so very much of the 2008 republican 'sit-in' whereupon the election of the first Black president - a group of 'sitting republicans' colluded in a D.C. restaurant to toast their 'pact' to obstruct President Barack Obama and damn his administration from its onset.
Politicians can be so damn stupid and petty.
Just today, after all the drought California has endured (and all the dry, dusty, 'smelly,' brownness that has vexxed us - we are green again for a spell - a time- a season or more. The land is blessed to heal and supply us not only with life-sustaining water, it will throw out its anesthetic beauty upon us as well. All I could think about looking at the hills stretching out before my front door. . . Ah God! The beauty and 'salvation' of it all!
Then, my thoughts were tinged by the pessimistic urgency of all the miserable people who simply want to screw up other people lives out of stubbornness, socio-pahtological tendencies, and other malignancies of d-evolution and it made me so so very much sad.
There is a set of verses in Ecclesiastes which have been 'haunting me' for months now:
We're better off together. All this pitiful pulling each other apart from institution to institution is expediently accomplishing little to nothing. Even Rush Limbaugh and a few other 'choice' dividers of people and truth are 'moved on' and yet disinformation, distrust, and the politics of personal destruction toils on with us!
I have concluded this: We are all here together and we have proven our VALUE TO THE WORLD time and time again through our TOGETHERNESS. We can and will be NOTHING APART AND STRETCHED TO OUR COHESIVE LIMITS!
Conservatives, Some Conservatives, Liberals, Progressives, and the groundswell of others - we're all in this together. Time we grow up and realize it!
Earth critically needs us, its human governments, to grow the HEAVEN & HELL UP!
I will now read through various threads and with the indulgence of you all add my 'worth' on the article's content. And yes, all of the above stems from the root of how I feel about this article. Which I will connect more to tomorrow.
Sadly they just emulate their constituents. And the reality is we have one side who sincerely want things to get better for America, want diversity, equality, accountability and who root for positive change while the other side roots for failure, cheers mistakes, prays for disaster and desperately hopes for the current administration to crash all because they know that's the best chance for their party to regain power. They are also the same party that doesn't care for diversity, thinks equality just means white conservative Christians are better than everyone else, doesn't believe anyone should be held accountable for what white conservative Christians have done to and robbed from black Americans and other minorities for the last several hundred years even though they know they are the ones who have most benefited from the mistreatment and discrimination which is why they are so desperate to regain power. Whenever liberals/progressives are in power white conservative Christians lose a little more of their old racist ground that they've been desperately trying to conserve.
You with this you have just demonstrated why the lament stated above by CB and restated here...
... will never come to pass... [Deleted]
The reason it won't happen is as I pointed out, the two sides are diametrically opposed and are seeking the exact opposite outcomes.
So says the descendants that benefited most from and whose ancestors built financial wealth and legacies on the back of discrimination and prejudice that are passed on to their descendants. Of course they want to reject any sort of responsibility. They see themselves as the good hearted hard working recipients of good ol' white conservative Christian Robin Hood who simply believe all the wealth he stole for them came from rich Prince John aka the federal government. But when it came to handing out the profits of those federal programs and aid that built the white middle class of today those white middle class folk ignore the fact that their fellow black and minority citizens never got a visit from white conservative Christian Robin Hood, they were left out of nearly every federal assistance program, left out of the GI bill benefits, left out of most housing markets and neighborhoods. And many of the white conservative Christian recipients of those benefits today just shrug their shoulders and say "Not my problem".
Thankfully there are some Americans with big hearts who are trying to at least make up for a tiny bit of what minorities lost over the last half century, obviously the debt going back hundreds of years is too difficult to even measure properly. Hopefully the new GI Bill Restoration Act will pass, but no doubt it will get resistance from the heartless white conservative Christian Republicans who seem to believe that if they have to share anything with minorities then their own white conservative Christian children won't have enough to get into private Christian schools or afford a McMansion in a white majority gated community.
"In honor of Veterans Day, congressional Democrats reintroduced legislation Thursday that would provide GI Bill benefits to descendants of Black World War II veterans.
"While the original GI Bill ushered in decades of prosperity for post-war America, access to this prosperity was limited for Black World War II veterans who were denied full access to these benefits by mostly-white state and local Veterans Administrations,".
The GI Bill Restoration Act was introduced in the House by Majority Whip Jim Clyburn of South Carolina and Democratic Rep. Seth Moulton of Massachusetts. Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia is set to introduce the legislation in the Senate.
Total nonsense. The claims of reverse racism being pushed by white conservative Christians is just a sad sack of bullshit. Equality is not a zero sum game where if one side is tilted to equality the other side loses, there shouldn't even be any racial "sides" but anyone with more than half a brain cannot deny that the last several hundred years in America has clearly defined those sides and the civil rights act and voting rights act are not capable of erasing that divide and its also blatantly obvious which side has benefited the most over that time. Liberals and progressives continue to fight for equal rights while white conservative Christians push back on any progress made.
Take the lgtbq community for example. Liberals and progressives fought for decades to legalize gay marriage before they were able to get it done, and what was the primary excuse from conservative Christians who were blocking it? That somehow it was taking something away from straight marriages as if there was some invisible zero sum game where gays are somehow being given "extra rights" by being allowed to do the same thing their fellow straight conservative Christians had been allowed to do for centuries. Giving GI Bill benefits to the descendants of black WWII veterans would simply be giving the same rights to those black families as the white families of WWII veterans have been enjoying since the GI benefits first became available over 70 years ago, they aren't getting any "extra rights" as white conservative Christians will no doubt argue. Even allowing for affirmative action in some cases is simply acknowledging the fact that we have had white affirmative action in America for hundreds of years so giving minorities a hand up isn't extra rights, its simply giving them similar aid whites enjoyed for centuries.
Based on YOUR statement. Is that what Biden is doing? Given he ran and won as a Democrat and is largely supported by the left, is he emulating his constituents?
" You can't go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts without hearing an Indian accent ." - Joe Biden
" Poor kids are just as talented as white kids " - Joe Biden
" If you have a problem figuring out if you're for me or Trump, you ain't black " - Joe Biden
You just described the left and Democrats from 2016 to 2020.
Gotta tell you. Most of us don't give a flying fuck about the color of somebody's skin or where they are from. How you act is more important. Act like an asshat, get treated like an asshat.
Now, exactly how do you expect us to correct any of that? Should we call Stewie Griffin and borrow his time machine? Steps have been taken to correct what was happening and to ensure it doesn't happen again. Are you suggesting some sort of reparations? And why did you need to separate black Americans from other minorities? Are you saying that black Americans are better than or below other minorities?
Now I believe you are referring to the Democrat party. With all the rewriting of history, many of us haven't forgotten that it was the southern Democrats that fought to keep their slaves. It was the Democrats that enacted Jim Crowe laws. So maybe you may want to rethink your stance.
Exactly but it doesn't fit the narrative and the ability to be perpetually offended. And the asshat part, you damned right Skippy.
As for the rest of your post..................
Well done my friend.
Most of these supposed equality initiatives are half-baked, idiotic, and don't begin to address anything more than white liberal "feelings".....which are absolutely not my problem.
You're going to rename a few schools, swap out a few statues, paint some banal slogan in the street and shout at the sky. None of that helps black people in any way whatsoever, but it certainly makes entitled white people feel better.
So after 5 years of taking a knee and making zero progress whatever, we have a GI Bill bill. That's your plan? Really?
Oh good grief.
If these tedious white liberals actually gave a fiddler's fuck about black people, there would be a plan, and they would have put some thought into it. But they don't, so there isn't, and they haven't.
What white liberals DO care about is their feelings of moral superiority. That's really convenient because the less effective they are at actually doing anything about a problem, the longer they can feel good about pretending to try to do something.
DP, SAY ON! When you come to discussion STRENGTH and WISDOM INCREASES! Be encouraged. HEAD OF THE CLASS!
And where are the White supremacist today, Jeremy Retired in NC (I am going to task all 'selective history' minds today!) Do you simply imagine you see supremacist and separatists standing shoulder to shoulder or on the shoulders of blacks and other people of color in the Democratic Party?
Furthermore, when southern democrats fought to keep their slaves it was in the white supremacy tradition to do so. Blacks were their physical property. Bought and paid. And when those southern democrats wanted those former slaves to work—they paid them beneath the wage floor or voted against the establishment of a wage scale.
And, when those southern democrats thought themselves smart and calculating they stop talking about separation and began talking about "character" and "freedom of association." And after all that failed to convince the public of their sincerity. . . southern democrats MIGRATED to the (southern) Republican Party where they are right now today!
One can hide a whole lot of phony under a cloak of "character." Just deny good character exist in some people and organizations and persist in demonizing all the same. Just pretend that freedom to 'do as one pleases' outranks all reasonable expectations of societal cohesion and call out "communist" where and where it does not exist! See? Easy-peasy. SSDD.
Oh wow. That helps Blacks how, Jack_TX? Let me make something clear to you: Liberal Blacks do not allow Whites, especially some conservative whites, to lecture us or our associates about what is good for us. You can 'collect' all the constituent "that-a-boys" you can and it means "jack-shit" to the larger picture of Blacks and other people of color.
You want to show us that some conservatives mean to do more than a 'fiddler's fuck' cut the bull patty in congress and do something CONSTITUTIONAL like fixing that stupid 'requirement' in congress that people need to rely on STATES RIGHTS to determine who can use the vote without jumping through local obstructionist hurdles.
When some conservatives stop RIGGING THE SYSTEM, blacks and other people of color with see the GOOD FAITH actions for what they are and call it out accordingly. Other than that tamp down on the patronizing. I, we, ain't buying any of it. In fact, we will turn it backward and let it bite some conservatives on the. . . cheek!
Exactly my point.
Did you even bother to read the comment?
Yes, I read your comment twice now. Exactly what area of my comment makes you consider that I did not read your comment Jack_TX? Because the question you 'glanced' without tackling, can't be your best work at a clarifying answer that furthers conversation. I brought up so much more to explain my POV.
I wouldn't characterize them in such a way, lots of Democrat backed programs have helped many black families open doors of opportunity into the middle and upper class. But even if it's as you say, it's still far better than the right wing white conservative approach which has been to deny any racism still exists, claim the outcomes shouldn't be used as any sort of measurement, and that even when they are forced to admit the inequity still exists they shrug their shoulders and say "So what are we supposed to do about it, build a fuckin time machine?" like any lazy callous bigot would.
There is a reason that over 80% of black Americans vote Democrat, and it's not because they're stupid or gullible as some moronic right wing conservatives imply. They do so because they have seen Democrats, liberals and progressives support them and their desire to be seen as equal, intelligent, creative, law abiding citizens who simply want the systemic inequality they've been aware of almost since birth recognized and their complaints believed. You can't work to fix something if you refuse to even acknowledge a problem exists. If nothing else, Democrats are at least willing to do that while conservative Republicans continue to resist because they know if they admit it exists then they'd be morally obligated to at least try to do something about it as Democrats have been doing for decades.
There are lots of things that Democrats, liberals, progressives and the black community have been working on to overcome the obvious inequity in our society. The GI Bill Restoration Act is just one such program that's being proposed by several black Democratic legislators. And even though they have very tough opponents in the right wing white conservative Christian Republicans who try to pretend that ignoring the inequity is really just being "color blind" thus not racist, they continue to push forward towards a more perfect union as our founders intended. I'm sure we would be able to actually make some serious headway if white conservative Christians got on board, then you wouldn't have to be so dismissive of what's been accomplished so far. The spotty record isn't for a lack of trying, the failures are often because white conservative Christian Republicans do everything in their power to prevent any progress towards equality being made and they come up with ridiculous bullshit arguments like "Well if those pushing for equality keep failing then what's the point? It's a losing battle, so just give up and go back to the way we like it where white conservative Christians are in charge and everyone else is just a second class citizen".
There have been lots of plans, but you act as if it's been the black Americans, Democrats, liberals and progressives who give up or sabotage the plans when anyone with more than half a brain can see it's been the white conservative Republicans who have been desperately trying to sink every plan for equality, equity and racial justice that their opponents come up with, using filibusters, excuses, flawed logic, lies and deceit to hold on to their desired white Christian patriarchy.
Sure, sure, which is why the Democratic party is the most diverse political party in America and most of the proposed bills addressing equity are coming from black legislators and supported by their fellow white progressives who accept what they are hearing from the black community. This issue sometimes reminds me of how women have had to suffer for centuries as well, not being believed when they claim someone assaulted them, not being believed when they point out gender discrimination, told to just get over it, be silent, don't rock the boat or you might lose your job or be called bossy, nasty, shrill, slut, whore or worse. With black Americans (and black women who often experience both race and gender discrimination) they would first like to be believed, because, like I said, you can't fix a problem until you accept a problem exists. They are the ones out trying to explain to their fellow white Americans all the different things they have to do to survive in America which is very different than how white Americans have to live. White liberals and progressives believe them, listen to them, support them and work with them on programs and plans to make things better.
Ignorant white conservatives who are too fucking lazy or weak to stand up for their fellow black Americans and refuse to believe them, refuse to believe there's any problem at all so they don't have to feel bad about not working towards fixing the problem. In my opinion they are far worse than any 'white liberal' who gets a sense of self satisfaction when they support their fellow black Americans and openly admit there are still many problems with systemic racism, racial injustice and inequality and pledge their willingness to work on fixes for those glaring problems.
You keep pretending like there isn't a large organized opposition to anything that black Americans, Democrats, liberals and progressives are trying to accomplish. Those trying to fix these inequities aren't being "less effective" because they want to, they aren't sabotaging their own proposals and laws that would address these problems so "they can feel good about pretending to try to do something", they are being attacked, maligned, shut down and opposed at every turn by dirty disgusting deplorable right wing conservative legislators who are desperately clinging to their constituents dream of a resurrected 'white conservative Christian patriarchy' power structure. It's why we saw so many white supremacists, KKK, Nazi's and white nationalists come out to support the Republican party, they share the exact same ideals whether some want to admit it or not, their white supremacist voters know who has their backs and it isn't liberals and progressive Democrats.
It's still firmly settled within the Democrat party. Just have a look at what you voted into the White House. He is emulating his constituents.
" You can't go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts without hearing an Indian accent ."
" Poor kids are just as talented as white kids "
" If you have a problem figuring out if you're for me or Trump, you ain't black "
But somehow you expect us to believe it's the Republicans. Biden has been railing against minorities his whole career. And yet you still voted for a racist because..... Oh, that's right. He wasn't Trump.
Yet not one of your examples qualifies as 'railing against minorities' Jeremy.
I find it ironic that you and yours decry Biden's alleged 'racism' after electing the most racist national candidate since Wallace.
Why pretend that you and yours care if a candidate is a racist?
I can provide you the information. Can't help you comprehend on this media.
If as you claim, state test scores are reliant on the race of the population, please explain why NJ has the 3rd HIGHEST test scores while also having the 3rd HIGHEST percentage of AA population.
I comprehend it just fine Jeremy.
You claimed that Biden has been 'railing against minorities' his whole career' yet you haven't and can't support your claim because it is a LIE.
I note that instead of trying to refute my comment, you devolved to posting a personal comment.
I also note that you didn't answer my question.
Ask joe Biden he thinks black kids drag scores down
Can't support your own opinion so you deflect it onto Biden.
Context dulay. Look up the concept.
the thread is about Biden’s racism.
pay attention.
Actually Sean, it ISN'T.
In FACT, CB never mentioned Biden.
Pay attention.
n FACT, CB never mentioned Biden
Do you not understand how to follow a thread? What confuses you?
I was responding to Jeremy and Biden's racism was the explicit topic.
Following the thread shouldn't be that difficult. Please pay attention.
What ridiculous bullshit. You think a few gaffes from Biden disprove the actions, words and votes of the white supremacists, KKK and Nazi's who clearly have been supporting their fellow right wing conservative Christian Republicans? That's beyond silly, it's fucking mental.
That's one of the most moronic statements I've ever seen here. Why not ask the millions and millions, 80%+ of black Americans who voted for Biden, they heard those gaffes, they've seen his "whole career" and they are not fucking stupid or gullible as you are effectively implying with your monumentally ignorant claims.
It's beyond obvious who the confederate flag waving, confederate monument defending, tiki torch marching white nationalists, white supremacist, Nazi, KKK bigots side with and vote for and it's clearly not the most diverse liberal and progressive political party in America. No, those fucking worthless bigots love, support, stand with and vote for white conservatives Christian Republicans as anyone with more than half a brain can see and as the bigots have said in their own words. Trying to reverse the facts and flip reality by quoting three times Biden has stuck his foot in his mouth is just beyond sad.
What a joke. The video I provided was your racist leader making the statement. You come along with this garbage? Nice try.
A few gaffes? He's been doing this his whole political career. Those aren't gaffes. That engrained in him.
Which ones specifically? Because I'm pretty sure the statistics don't support that.
We're not talking about extremists here. We're talking about mainstream American liberals...who've spent the last 60 years grasping at pathetic straws in a massive desperate attempt to convince themselves they're morally superior. They pretend you're better people because they think their "feelings" matter. Example:
Black people as a group vote for Democrats because LBJ was a good politician, and because they believe the same lie liberals have been telling themselves for decades about how their feelings are more important than results.
Keep comparing yourself to extremists. It will definitely help you feel like a better person. I noticed you threw in Nazi's and the KKK. Well done. I do love the use of "dirty", "disgusting" and everybody's favorite "deplorable".
Under no circumstances should you actually look at any of the data that shows how ineffective so many of these "feel good" programs have been.
There is generally lots of opposition to terrible ideas that won't work. There is also generally going to be lots of opposition to ideas that require people who don't share emotions to pretend they do so emotional people can feel validated.
It's you who keep pretending that the things they're trying to accomplish are going to matter, and trying to paint anybody who points out the obvious realities as some sort of racist white supremacist.
They're not "sabotaging" anything. They're doing exactly what they intend to do, which is address the thing they really care about, and they are marvelously effective at achieving their actual goal. If they happen to help any minorities along the way, that's a nice little bit of serendipity.
Why yes Sean, YES I do. That is why I know that the topic of this thread is NOT Biden's racism.
Not a fucking thing Sean.
No Sean, your responded to ME. Do you not understand how to follow a thread?
Yet you don't seem to be able to do so.
BTFW, it isn't that difficult to post a full block quote, yet you still can't seem to master it.
I've given quite enough attention to the blathering in your comments.
I repeat, not one of your examples qualifies as 'railing against minorities' Jeremy.
Merely rinsing and repeating the same lie doesn't make it any truer.
OK, how about making bigoted remarks about minorities over a lifetime?
Is that acceptable to you, or is the context you so desire not good enough for you?
N o Sean, your responded to ME. Do you not understand how to follow a threa
please learn to read a thread. I spend too much time walking you through simple tasks.
My first post on this thread was a response to Jeremy, as I said. See
You then responded to me. Who do you think you are fooling by ignoring what is plain for all to see?
That is why I know that the topic of this thread is NOT Biden's racism
You've screwed this up too many times already .The topic of the post I responded to is Biden's racism. Pretending otherwise is to deny reality.
It's been impossible to take the CDC and public health officials as anything other than politicized hacks since they flipped overnight and went from demonizing anyone for walking on the beach to endorsing people participating in mass gatherings to riot against racism.
That sort of blatant hypocrisy poisoned the well and ruined their credibility. And then they wonder why people don't trust them on vaccines...
Your comment is based on fabrications.
Oh and BTFW, you predicate your fabrication on actions you allege the CDC took in 2020. In short, you're blaming Trump's CDC for poisoning the well and ruining the CDC's credibility for all time. Let that sink in.
Look, it’s a brand new disease. Why do you think anyone should know all there is to know about a brand new disease from the very first day? Even worse: Why do regular lay people with no training in infectious diseases or real world experience in either treating those diseases or researching them think they know better than the experts what the right or wrong recommendations should be at a given moment?
I expect the CDC to change course when new information is revealed or as they see conditions develop. It’s perfectly reasonable that in the first few months or a year of pandemic we would take certain precautions that later turn out to not be as necessary as originally thought. That is partly because our understanding of the disease changes, but also because immunity and treatment have evolved.
CDC, FDA, the president or governors could always do things differently or better, and they are not above reasonable and fair criticism. I have found fault with them, for example, when they were not frank about the real reasons for not recommending masks early on. In that case, they were trying to conserve limited supply for health care workers - a sensible goal. But telling people that masks do nothing was not only dishonest, it was obviously so.
The reaction, though, of “Oh dear, they changed their minds on something. These people cannot ever be trusted!” to every change in guidance is kinda childish.
These people know it is stupid. However, what they do is attempt to win. Yes, there is the scientific method involved which is neither friend or foe to scientists or politicians or lay people. Science simply does not process or comprehend human reasoning, needs, or 'Wants.'
But what these people do-the ignorant and the informed among them, is stir up shit simply so they can win. That is, they take a small 'measure' of truth and mix it up with a large measure of lies, 'points,' and other mal-assorted intentions and voila: Serve it to the masses and watch the 'cocktail' go virally toxic as it takes hold!
May God save us from 'nother pandemic, because apparently those who speak evil of governments, no matter how just they are or work to be, simply are evil men, women, boys, and girls who will exploit a germ, a microbe, anything else for their self-serving causes.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Gives Away the Game During CNN Interview (
It may be time to fire everyone at the CDC and get a few real experts that aren't completely retarded.
no need to self-disqualify, many here certainly have what it takes to advise the entire right side of the aisle...
Thread @12.1 locked for slapfighting.