The Deranged Trump Speech In Texas
Spiro Agnew’s Ghost
He was the most desperately deranged I have ever seen. Flopsweat flowing non-stop. Totally unhinged. And millions of people worship the deranged lunatic like the Pied Piper.
George Conway
· 9h
He does seem quite worried about being indicted.
Ron Filipkowski
Next time a MAGA wants to talk about Biden’s speech, show them this teleprompter word salad.
video at link
During his speech before a Texas “Save America Rally” on Saturday night, Donald Trump’s mouth got far ahead of his brain and he struggled at times to produce a coherent sentence that led rallygoers and viewers at home wondering what he was trying to say.
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At one point Trump literally said this
" ... they censor , cancel and persecute ordinary citizens for seeking the truth, while they drown your endless torment of, I mean, what they do , they have an endless list of propaganda and propaganda methods.....
Trump suggested that if he is elected president in 2024 he will pardon the Jan 6 rioters and traitors who have been convicted.
Bizarre would be an understatement.
New poll says 80% of Republicans say they will vote for Trump in 2024 if the opponent is Joe Biden.
That says more about Biden
we will see the same if the nominee is Hillary, or Amy Klobuchar or Pete Buttigieg. It doesnt matter who the opponent is.
I would be more concerned about what the independents thing about that match up..
real independents or the f'n teabag morons that claim to be independents?
That would be real independents.
Reliable source of poll please?
I wonder how many would vote for Trump if the Democratic nominee was someone other than Biden?
What do you mean by the term "real independents"?
Someone that does not vote for a party but the individual. That would also mean that they would have to research the individual and not just say they vote for a person based on party platform. Maybe someone that splits votes between party.
She would be an excellent president.
I would love to see Senator Whitehouse run.
Too funny, and too confusing for too many, lol
Probably more accurate to say "New poll says 80% of 100 Republicans polled..."
Or 80% of Democrats polled say they think Republicans would vote for Trump in 2024 if the opponent is Joe Biden.
More TDS on display.
Trump still lives rent free in the triggered mind.
Your hero said that last night, into a microphone.
Sounds like Biden
[deleted] /susan-collins-donald-trump-2024/
Susan Collins can’t rule out supporting Trump in 2024 despite voting to convict him over Jan. 6
David Edwards 1-2 minutes 1/30/2022
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) on Sunday would not rule out supporting former President Donald Trump in 2024 even though she voted to convict him after the attack on Jan. 6, 2020.
During an interview on ABC's This Week , host George Stephanopoulos noted that Trump had supporters on Saturday that he could pardon the Jan. 6 defendants if he wins the presidency again in 2024.
"Given that, can you imagine any circumstance where you could support his election?" the ABC host asked.
"Well, we're a long ways from 2024," Collins replied. "But let me say this. I do not think the president -- President Trump should have made that pledge to do pardons. We should let the judicial process proceed."
"Jan. 6 was a dark day in our history," she added.
"It was and you voted to convict President Trump," Stephanopoulos pointed out. "Why can't you rule out supporting him in 2024?"
"Certainly, it's not likely," Collins insisted, "given the many other qualified candidates that we have that have expressed interest in running. So it's very unlikely."
Watch the video below from ABC.
Typical Republican bs.
Your hero said that last night, into a microphone.
Sounds like Biden
Are you accusing John of lying?
If he said Trump said that, I believe that Trump said that!
Susan Collins pretends to be an "Independent".
And often what she says are the words of a true independent.
But we should pay more attention to her actions-- in most cases what she does is support of the MAGA-Cult.
In some ways she reminds me iof a sleaze such as Lindsey "Macho Man" Graham (a true "Cracka" if there ever was one...)
It's very simple if it comes down to Trump vs Biden, we all have to vote for Trump!
Yeah, no!
We know the hard core left isn't going to do what's right for the country, but you'd be very surprised how much voter remorse is out there.
Spare me the partisan bias ad hom.
That doesn't equate to a Trump win, assuming he were to run again. It will probably depend more on what candidate the R party nominates.
No, no Gordy.....that equates to anybody winning over Biden. You have a problem.
Don't let it come down to that. Eject Trump so that the GOP necessarily must nominate someone else.
You don't know who might win over Biden. It comes down to whom the Rs nominate.
Agreed. While I haven't always supported GOP candidates, they have always had, (mostly), respectable people..those who embrace trump are helping destroy the GOP...what's left of it anyway.
Donald Trump has the 'wimp' support. Susan Collins is a fool. Why? Because in the same rally her 'barking dog' of a former president said he calls for the most massive of protests in Washington D.C. and across the country to bolster his megalomaniac and influence tendencies. Susan Collins does not deserve respect for talking like a fool.
I respect women. However, I can not accept this attitude from Ms. Collins. She is going to "enable" somebody or more getting killed in the future.
At least, we know where your head is. Thanks.
Trump in his own words was great!
By all means dictate to the opposing political party so that they can’t run our preferred candidate. That’s the kind of things fascist regimes do to their opposition
What a stupid comment. You deem this ...
... to be a dictate to the GOP and then (as if it is possible to be more ridiculous) deem it fascism.
Instead of an intelligent response you choose to offer truly stupid, witless hyperbole .
It's very simple if it comes down to Trump vs Biden, we all have to vote for Trump!
It looks much more like the state of the Republican Party is: “It's very simple if it comes down to Trump vs ______, we all have to vote for Trump!”. Fill in the blank, any word will do.
But Vic won't do that. He wants trmp to run again
I think Vic's position is that he would prefer someone else like DeSantis but that he would indeed vote for Trump if he were the nominee.
DeSanity would only be marginally better
Jaw-Dropping Poll Shows Only 17 Percent of Republicans Would Vote for Someone Who Believes Biden Won
L: Douglas P. DeFelice/Getty Images R: Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Belief in former President Donald Trump’s insurrection-fueling “Big Lie” has become a de facto requirement for Republican candidates, according to a jaw-dropping new poll.
More than a year after Trump’s rally to subvert the results of the 2020 presidential election culminated in a violent and deadly attack on the Capitol — which did not prevent President Joe Biden from taking his rightful office — adherence to the false article of faith that fueled it has only grown among Republicans.
Poll after poll shows overwhelming numbers of Republicans who falsely believe that the election was “stolen” from Trump, but a new Yahoo! News/ YouGov poll puts a disturbingly fine point on that.
According to Yahoo!, only 17 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said they “would consider voting for a candidate who accurately characterizes Biden’s victory as legitimate.”
And a whopping 59 percent said they definitely would not vote for any candidate who admits that Biden won the 2020 election “fair and square.”
The pollsters say this is already having an effect:
Another YouGov poll released this week found only 25 percent of Republicans believe “Biden legitimately won the election,” versus 62 percent of all Americans who said the same.
That poll is a ridiculous misrepresentation of the real truth. Of course it is just about what one expects from the Daily Kos ....... nonsense.
Yahoo, Daily Kos ...... potato, potahto .... the poll remains a ridiculous exaggeration of reality.
That poll is a ridiculous misrepresentation of the real truth.
Anything that goes against my rigid political biases is a "ridiculous misrepresentation of the truth"
Ugh. the Daily Kos...just to the right of Pravda.
Nope, no translation needed. No way that many feel the way.
I’d say the numbers are closer to the inverted percentages but I like it. The more out of touch the liberal narrative is, the worse they will get thumped in November.
Keep it up people!
Are you sure it’s at all to the right of them?
WTF does that mean?
Please explain, if possible, without using personal attacks on other NT member in your reply.
(If that's possible).
Some folks will never get past their hatred of Trump. He hasn’t been President for over year and the hate still burns red hot in their souls. He doesn’t have to do a damn thing and yet it’s still there, rent free and likely always will be.
Hard to believe you haven’t noticed it. Are you paying attention to detail?
What the hell is wrong with you? Trump is on right wing media every week, or more and he is having rallies and he is constantly in the news. He is running for president, and he is a criminal to tried to steal the last election.
Exactly my thought. The Trump comments are in response to the ever-present Trump 'news'. If the GOP would eject Trump and focus on another leader Trump would simply be a historical reference.
Nothing at all but then again I’m not triggered.
Biden is POTUS right now, babbles like an idiot almost every day and all y’all are just fine with that.
So please, save the self righteous indignation for someone who gives a shit what you think.
You could not be any clearer: You want Trump, and nobody but Trump, because YOU embody Trumpism.
Trump could not afford the rent to live in my mind.
And yet, there he still lives ..... rent free ....
Really? Then why do we see you in every one of John's seeds where he's hammering Trump? And it's mostly trolling comments about TDS, triggered snowflakes, etc.
Seems to me if you want to prove that you aren't the triggered one, you would stop trolling John's seeds
Amazing isn't it. donald puts himself in the news yet we are some how the bad guys for talking about it.
It is almost like they are saying we should just shut up and let him spout any nonsense he wants.
Classic left wing tactics.
First projection, try to project the accusation on the accuser. Next accuse them of trolling for simply having a difference of opinion.
Does that answer your question?
Why do you care what he says? I really don’t.
Now shotgun Joe on the other hand is currently POTUS. What he says has meaning today. At least when you can understand what he is saying that is.
Trump made the cardinal sin of beating the chosen one and many are STILL butthurt over it. It’s not really all that complicated.
If you think most left leaning people think Hillary was the chosen one, well.....
I know, right? Some of us weren't all that thrilled with Biden, either
Please. Know of what you speak of before you engage your tongue
Fair enough but if you think many aren’t .... well ....
Is that even possible?
Is this thread about us now?
I suppose I could tell you to work harder on your gaslighting technique if you expect it to work here but that would be off topic as well.
I am sure there are some that do think that yet no where near the numbers of donald faithful.
Opinions do vary. Mine is the percentages are closer than you would like to admit. Almost even IMO.
If you want to think it is, by all means, do. I'm not smart enough to engage in gaslighting.
So you be you, Sparty
Sometimes he makes sense .... sometimes.
Lol ..... alrighty then ....
When he's sleeping...maybe.
Trump lost.
Not to Hillary he didn’t .....
And yet he lives rent free in your head to the point that there are BS like this popping up every day. Looks like somebody has a crush on a former POTUS.
Did someone force you to this seed at gunpoint? No? Then what are you bitching about?
Reacting to some of the statements Donald Trump made at a rally in Conroe, Texas on Saturday night, where he called on his fans to launch protests if he is prosecuted, a CNN panel raised the red flag and warned it looked like he was encouraging another Jan 6th riot.
Joining hosts Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez, CNN's Brian Stelter said the former president left no doubt that he intends to run for president again in 2024 -- regardless of being the subject of multiple civil and criminal investigations.
The three grew visibly concerned after watching a clip of the former president stating, "If these radical, vicious, racist prosecutors do anything wrong or illegal, I hope we are going to have in this country the biggest protest we have ever had in Washington DC, in New York, in Atlanta and elsewhere because our country and our elections are corrupt," before the cheering Texas crowd.
"He's directly challenging the rule of law, a legitimate investigation and emboldening the very people who tried to undo the results of the 2020 election," host Sanchez remarked before adding, "This is incredibly dangerous."
RELATED: 'Endless word salad': Trump critics pile on his 'desperately deranged' Texas rally speech
"It's January 5th all over again," Stelter replied. "Remember January 5th when Trump was telling his fans to come to the capital for a Save America rally? He wasn't telling them to go up to the Capitol [building] and try to attack lawmakers, he was just telling them to come to a protest. That's exactly where we are again now."
"What happened in 2020, 2021 was a slow-motion coup, now we have this slow-motion erosion of the rule of law," he continued. "If you say to yourself, 'well, he is out of office, he is a loser, it doesn't matter,' I'll tell you why it does matter. His speeches are live on Newsmax and other channels and they reach millions of people. Last week -- two weekends ago --when they aired one of these rallies, it was the highest-rated program on cable that day, on cable news. There is an audience for this, not as big as it used to be, but there is a base that wants to hear this from Trump, that wants to be animated and that may listen to him that say 'If I'm wronged, protest for me.' In Trump-speak that means if they find me guilty or if they find any evidence -- that's what he means and he's already saying it every day. Seems to me it's January 5th all over again."
What? A CNN panel doesn't like Trump? That is like thinking it is a big deal with a Fox panel that doesn't like Joe.
Another embodiment of Trumpism.
Um, OK, sure
If these morons want to bring a knife to a gun fight, let them. They got off easy on J6, but it will be different next time.
Are you looking for a violent federal law enforcement attack on peaceful protesters?
If trmp keeps up with this kind of rhetoric, there will be armed guards at the Capitol when he gets prosecuted
I would like to see water cannons but they would not be filled with water.
Cow shit?
Chicken shit smells worse
Mace or tear gas. My first thought was urine as if saying piss on y'all, but decided against it.
I dunno...I like my idea of liquefied chicken shit
That is exactly what should happen if the democrat party persecutes Trump with bogus prosecutions. We know their intent and it needs to called out with massive peaceful protests.
If the trumpists attempt to interfere with the lawful prosecution of that miserable wretch not only will they be met with the full force of the law, they will be countered by the patriotic American people with the largest gatherings and counter-protests ever seen, well beyond the imaginations of feeble-minded trumpists to comprehend. Count on it.
So according to him, no one has ever heard of a supply chain before....
Yeah he said that too. Trump believes nothing exists until he gives its usage the ok.
Its been apparent for some time now that Trump believes he is some sort of a god.
Unfortunately most members of the MAGA Cult agree.
Although there's a change brewing in the Republican Party-- more and more Republicans are beginning to see through Trump's lies... as the overall stupidity of his views:
Night after night, the host of the top-rated show on Fox News repeats Vladimir Putin’s talking points justifying aggression against Ukraine and opposing U.S. aid to that threatened sovereign country. Tucker Carlson’s influence is felt across right-wing social media, where it is amplified by figures such as Steve Bannon, Mike Cernovich, Glenn Greenwald, and Mollie Hemingway. A highly visible coterie of socially conservative intellectuals also argues the case against helping Ukraine.
Meanwhile, day after day, Republican officeholders in the House and the Senate urge more support for Ukraine. That list includes not only traditionalists such as Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi , but also many legislators who got close to former President Donald Trump, such as Senators Tom Cotton , Ted Cruz , and Lindsey Graham . (LINK)
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The only supply chain Trump cares about are Big Macs, Diet Coke, and KFC.
That is definitely not true. Hunter Biden has known all about the supply chain for years.
Prove it.
Look at the pictures has has taken of himself. He has also admitted it. It's all out there if you are not too blind to see it.
Especially the supply chain of cash and cocaine from America’s adversaries and other foreigners.
So pictures and an admission don't count as proof? Interesting.