Fox News Abandons the GOP on Russia

About the Author: David Frum is a staff writer at The Atlantic and the author of Trumpocalypse: Restoring American Democracy (2020). In 2001 and 2002, he was a speechwriter for President George W. Bush.
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Russian Defence Ministry / Anadolu Agency / Getty; The Atlantic
Night after night, the host of the top-rated show on Fox News repeats Vladimir Putin’s talking points justifying aggression against Ukraine and opposing U.S. aid to that threatened sovereign country. Tucker Carlson’s influence is felt across right-wing social media, where it is amplified by figures such as Steve Bannon, Mike Cernovich, Glenn Greenwald, and Mollie Hemingway. A highly visible coterie of socially conservative intellectuals also argues the case against helping Ukraine.
Meanwhile, day after day, Republican officeholders in the House and the Senate urge more support for Ukraine. That list includes not only traditionalists such as Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi , but also many legislators who got close to former President Donald Trump, such as Senators Tom Cotton , Ted Cruz , and Lindsey Graham .
Night after night, the host of the top-rated show on Fox News repeats Vladimir Putin’s talking points justifying aggression against Ukraine and opposing U.S. aid to that threatened sovereign country.
Shouldn't be surprising, actually. When it comes to deciding upon whether to support a totalitarian regime (Putin's Russia) or a democracy, its no question as to which side Trump-- and his a$$kissers over at Fox News, will support.
Meanwhile, day after day, Republican officeholders in the House and the Senate urge more support for Ukraine. That list includes not only traditionalists such as Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi , but also many legislators who got close to former President Donald Trump, such as Senators Tom Cotton , Ted Cruz , and Lindsey Graham .
Some of the Republicans who are actual Conservatives, however, still oppose totalitarian, anti-American regimes such as Putin's.
But broadly, Republican elected officials and the think tanks that advise them are staunchly pro-Ukraine; Russia-Ukraine is becoming a trial of strength, not only between Putin and NATO, but between different parts of the conservative world.
Prediction about future elections is difficult, as events could totally change predicted outcomes.
Up until fairly recently I was pretty sure the Republicans would win the upcoming midterms, as well as the next presidential election. But fairly recently its become obvious to me that there's an ever-growing split in the Republican Party. A growing divide in the Repuiblican Party between the true Conservatives-- and the Maga Cult of Trump-Worship (who pretend to be Conservatives when in fact they are actually Populists ).
So my current view is now that the recent Trump caused split in the Republican Party is growing and IMO it seems the Dems will win the midterms, and a Democrat will be our next president.
(And since my views are driven by a desire to know "the true facts" rather being distorted by any political agenda*, I am aware that of course my current prediction of a Dem sweep could change as a lot could happen between now and election day).
* Unlike some people we know.
Over the past half-dozen years, such intra-conservative disputes have usually ended in abject defeat for Republican elected officials. In New York magazine this week, for example, Jonathan Chait details the long, slow yielding of Republican politicians to anti-vax delusions.
I'd love to know how much the arms manufacturers and their lobbyists finance the campaign accounts of the lawmakers who are hawks.
I'd love to know how much the arms manufacturers and their lobbyists finance the campaign accounts of the lawmakers who are hawks.
As I believe I've mentioned, I spend much of my waking day researching the stock market, and doing an occasional trade. And one of the things I've learned over many decades that amongst the "safest" stocks to own are defense stocks!
Simply because they have one of the strongest-- if not the strongest-- lobbies in Washington!
In fact there is this misconception amongst many that the Republicans are for more money going to defense and the Democrats want less money for defense. But in fact many Dems vote for money for defense as well.
Funny, I don’t remember many on the left being so hawkish when the Obama admin did basically nothing to stop the annexation of Crimea. Quite the opposite actually.
Equating opposition to another war, to support for Putin, is just one more crazy left wing dog whistle that is just as nuts as it’s adherents.
Equating opposition to another war, to support for Putin, is just one more crazy left wing dog whistle that is just as nuts as it’s adherents.
In fact, the reverse is true:
Night after night, the host of the top-rated show on Fox News repeats Vladimir Putin’s talking points justifying aggression against Ukraine and opposing U.S. aid to that threatened sovereign country.
Shouldn't be surprising, actually. When it comes to deciding upon whether to support a totalitarian regime (Putin's Russia) or a democracy, its no question as to which side Trump-- and his a$$kissers over at Fox News, will support.
Meanwhile, day after day, Republican officeholders in the House and the Senate urge more support for Ukraine. That list includes not only traditionalists such as Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi , but also many legislators who got close to former President Donald Trump, such as Senators Tom Cotton , Ted Cruz , and Lindsey Graham .
So there you have it:
So which Republican position do you consider to be a "crazy left wing dog whistle"?
That of Tucker Carlson (on Fox News) justifying Russian aggression towards The Ukraine..or the position of so many Republican Congressman who urge more support towards The Ukraine?
And BTW, the group supporting the Ukraine (and opposing Putin) does include the ultimate "Cracker" himself-- Lindsay Graham!
Gotta a link proving your supposition? I don’t watch much Fox News so prove It.
I have seen some chickenhawks in DC really hot and ready to send someone else’s kids to war again. You ready to send yours and/or go yourself?
Were you as ready when Obama did nothing as Putin annexed Crimea?
First of all Tucker Carlson is the lone voice downplaying Ukraine on Fox News. If you listen to Hannity and the rest they are still laser focused on Ukraine; and IMO just as wrong as the Democrats and Republicans that can't get past "Russia, Russia, Russia".
Secondly, the reason he is downplaying Ukraine, (if you actually bother to listen to his full show, and not just sound bytes from the leftist morons with an agenda), is that China is the main threat that we need to deal with. Protecting Taiwan should be our main concern. Taiwan is much more valuable to us than Ukraine that offers what again? Fascists, Nazis, and hard line nationalists that the Democrats and left rail against daily in the US.
Russia and China are taking full advantage of the simpleton in the White House. Russia can hold their troops there for as long as it takes. They can release false information to the west about invasion dates, coup attempts, and rebel terrorist hits within Ukraine. They can keep the pressure up on Ukraine until they crack and either start a war with Russia; or the US/NATO are forced to deploy troops to the former Soviet block countries that share a border to Ukraine. Once that is done China has a green light to take Taiwan. The US doesn't have the resources to defend both. Biden's jackass vaccine mandate for the military will further diminish the resources we have to deploy. China takes Ukraine and the US is forced to pull it's forces from around Ukraine to defend our allies in Asia and Pacific. Leaving NATO, who does nothing w/o the US doing all the heavy lifting, to face down Russia. As with Syria NATO forces will beat the US to the door.
Russia and China are in constant contact with each other. Years of poking the Russian bear flipping former Soviet border states; and US blocking China from it's world aspirations have forced the two one time enemies together. It doesn't matter which way this plays out. Taiwan and Ukraine are going to fall. The only question is which one goes first.
You're obviously so worried about China you made a little mistake there. But don't worry, Ronin2, I'm pretty sure China has no intention of invading the USA as well. There won't be a Chinese "Red Dawn" in America.
Prove it!