Why are we at each other's throats?

The question here is not one where both sides are to blame. We are at each other's throats because of this American Marxist movement that seeks to destroy our history, support for our country as it is today, in our classrooms, on the border and violating the separation of powers, or not enforcing the law, you name it, they have turned the culture inside out. The media, Hollywood, big tech and even American business have all either aligned willingly with the left or buckled under to it.
In a little remembered article on Marxism's influence in American colleges and universities, the New York Times education writer Felicity Baringer posted "The Mainstreaming of Marxism in US Colleges" (Oct 29, 1989). She explained how Karl Marx's ideological heirs in Communist nations struggle to transform his political legacy, while his heirs on American campuses have virtually completed their transformation from the outsiders of the late 60's to the academic insiders of today.
Why? Because of the election of 2020.
2021 was the year that those ideas arrived on Main Street America.
We now have a Commander-in-Chief who is obviously not up to the task. He has acted in behalf of the left. Our southern border is now wide open. Worker's have been encouraged not to work. He moved us away from energy independence in the name of "green energy" and presided over massive government spending which has led to runaway inflation. He is now endorsing a "voting rights Act" that has nothing to do with voting rights. If we had a real media in this country, most Americans would know what is going on.
These ideas the left governs us with won't be easily defeated. It will take decades, just as it took decades to indoctrinate so many. I believe the nation has had a good taste of it this past year and we should see the first results in November.
Our enemies understand it perfectly. That is why once the Olympic games are over, both Russia and China are very likely to move on the Ukraine and Taiwan respectively. You see, both countries have a very narrow window. They both need to do it within 3 years. For China it is even more imperative that it gets done soon. China is facing a major debt/economic crisis and annexing Taiwan would be a good temporary solution.
How much damage will this country endure within the next 3 years? It will be considerable.

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Biden's DOJ doesn't even want to defend the US Marshalls who fought to protect and save a federal courthouse in 2020.
It will probably lead us to Civil War 2.0....
If anyone doesn't think that they will not go to guns to make it happen, think again, that is historically where they have gone when they reach what they consider the "tipping " point...
Heck the last election we had the Hammer and Sickle spray painted on billboards with the statement "No elections! REVOLUTION!!!"
It's getting close... You used to see that crap in the eastern bloc nations or Cuba during the communist revolution in that country... Most recently seen in Venezuela...
We will be lucky if it doesn't come to war, historically it usually does ...
They are well aware of that and that is why the full force of the federal government is being used to intimidate people.
Tell us, what happened to those contentious school board meetings?
I haven't seen any since the DOJ has focused on American parents.
Easy, they went underground... That's the first thing that goes away, the invitation for public comment.... THEY make the decision they know better and we don't have a right to any say....
Oh, do I hope that's true. It's not easy for that to happen. The FBI is focused on mainstream Americans right now, Virtually any online post is open to them. Let's face it they aren't watching BLM, they are watching the muscular class.
Me, I'm just wondering how long it's going to be before the people start flexing their muscle again... Who needs a school board that doesn't listen?
The truly American way, is to ignore them and create another independent school board, When the government run school board says they don't have any schools to supervise, then create independent non-government schools... It's a process that has already started, but right now a lot of people don't fully understand the need...
And we haven't reached the point where the overriding control hasn't surpassed the fear they impose...
Laws can only be enforced on those willing to submit to the laws... And eventually the only way to fight is to write your own laws...
It's what this nation was founded upon.... They don't have enough cops to arrest everyone...
Public school children are largely concentrated in America's urban and suburban areas. People living in metropolitan settings dont want to start their own schools. Next.
They did a few years back in Huntersville NC just north of Charlotte.
And what will you and Vic be doing when this revolution takes place?
The problem with that is that we don't really vet school board candidates.
Do you ever remember a school board candidate campaigning?
Do you ever remember voting for a school board member?
That brings us right back to democrat primaries and who is getting candidates on the ballot?
Just arrest the Big Shit talkers. It sends the right message!
It is just as I suspected. Some conservatives are supporting systematic national rebellion , just because they can't cope with a self-adjusting reality of national diversity. As if you thought this could go on like this forever. Some conservatives, it would seem y'all think to highly of themselves.
No. It isn't.
Besides, nobody can intimidate you without your permission.
If you threaten elected officials....including school board members... the authorities will intervene.
Because the very few lunatics who were batshit enough to threaten people have learned just exactly how illegal that behavior is.
Yes they are, through local newspapers and social media.
Absolutely, but they generally don't "stump" they just show up at every school sporting event and make sure they introduce themselves.
Many, many, many times...
it has zero to with that smh
It won't.
"They" will not be the ones who go to guns.
Yes, they're full of shit. This doesn't surprise you, surely.
Look, we're basically re-living the 1970's. We're having a similar demographic shift, and we're seeing the inevitable results of it.
The thing is, we survived all that and came out stronger for it. We'll get through this, too.
All of your points are accurate. We did and will survive. But our nation has never dealt with a "Stop the Steal" and all of the flotsam surrounding it.
The featured article sounds like a 1950's or 1960's rant from The John Birch Society.
Such ideas will never be mainstreamed. This is basically the platform Trump ran on in 2020, "American carnage" and it was soundly defeated on a national basis.
These are the last vestiges of unearned white privilege trying to hold on, but America is headed towards a multicultural diverse society for once and for all.
Well John you have racism on the brain, please point our where the article mentions race?
I know the author.
"I know the author."
Big deal, and your point is? You still did answer Nowhere Man's question.
If you cant figure out what my point is its time for you to go back to the drawing board.
It’s guilt by association.
Something many on the left are every good at.
Especially the ones suffering from a bad case of white guilt.
"Conservatives" on Newstalkers are panicked over black crime. They should hide under their beds.
Lol ..... many liberals here have delicate little sensibilities..... it’s clearly a real problem for them these days... sad as it is ....
A usual retort from you when you cannot or do not have an answer.
My meaning was clear. If you dont get it too bad.
We have to operate under site rules which preclude being truthful about racism.
How do we overcome it, John? Should we go on HD so we can call each other names?
That may or may not be true, but not everyone sees all white people as racist and/or responsible for all wrongs of some white people 150 years plus ago.
It would be too crowded then because the leftist liberals who are already there would have to move over.
It is true.
Yet there is a white member here who clearly expressed the belief that blacks are responsible for all the ills in this country, and other members agree with him.
Notice your question was still never answered.
I've asked it of him many times before, he almost always ignores it...
Lol .... not sure who you think you’re bullshitting. No real thinking person that’s for sure.
My comment IS factual Sparty and every 'real thinking person' who read the tread knows it for sure.
OMG ..... a minority here has a radical view so stop the presses ..... let’s find the broadest brush we can and paint as many others, who don’t think that way with that same brush, simply because they don’t goose step in exact unison with your preferred narratives ... still yawning .....
Yes and still making up bullshit too I see.
I cited 'a white member' and 'others members' that agreed with him'. That's using a 00 fine brush Sparty and the proof is right here on NT for all to see.
That's a lie, but who gives a shit at this point. [Deleted]
[Do something about that.]
See, that didn't take long!
No it isn't and you know it.
Obviously YOU do since you're here whining.
No again Vic. Your own words prove that.
Again, WTF do you think I'm afraid of?
Oh and now that you've devolved to name calling, you sure can't complain about HD, come on over.
Like what Vic? Are you drawing a line in the dust for me to cross? Putting a log on your shoulder for me to knock off?
Isn't that your specialty Vic? I don't even have a phone # for a mod.
Unit then, your triggered comment stays up. I won't flag it.
Are both of you seeing things?
You just don't like hearing certain statistics.
Get ready, you are going to hear them over and over again!
Maybe not, but there are two others here that do [removed] [tm]
Rinse, repeat. Ad nauseam.
Yes Jasper. There is racism afoot in America right this moment! Just think about the phrase: "We're taking our country back!" -Yeah, on a deeper level it reverbrates! That is, its a racist taunt we can all perceive in light of that which is transpiring.
You think John Kerry and Chuck Schumer are racists?
It is interesting that we are headed toward a full expose of the authoritarian anti-democratic intentions and efforts of the previous president , an expose that will rock the nation when seen in its full force, but the local author of the seeded article acts as if the national problem is just too much Marxism and communism.
What century are we in again?
As Alex Jones said recently about the Jan 6th committee - "they have everything". Liz Cheney is going to clamp on to Donald Trump's leg like a mad dog going for the last scrap of meat. Which is a good thing.
Communism? Marxism? LOL. These are fringe concerns , if concerns at all. We have far bigger problems. Many many far right "conservatives" are literally out of touch with reality.
Couldn't help bringing him into it could you. But then again, that's the go to for you and others like you. When all else is failing, bring up Trump to distract from the train wreck you support.
Fringe? Those anti-American ideologies are being promulgated by the US government (including the WH, DHS, DoJ, DoD, CDC/NIH/NIAID, DoE - NEA and AFT).
That's amazing where is Tail Gunner Joe when you need him.
Communist, Marxist, is what some conservatives label those who oppose their ideology. History records, southern democrats (today deep in the republican/conservative party and "Goldwaterism") referred to Blacks and Others as communists simply because we will not stand for being their 'body-servants' for life. Giving our wealth creation to diseased-filled racists who wish to oppress:
This from a 'Wiki' link one of the some conservatives posted on another thread: Note the John E. Rankin (D- M)* use of a communist moniker and its thrust:
* Southern democrats left the Democratic Party over President L. B. Johnson passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Today, "southern democrats" are republican and conservative. (Just look at the red states on a map.)
We are at each others throats because far right populist bullshit posts like the above are ludicrous, defy reality and push idiots that believe it to do stupid things like storm the US Capital Building.
It’s pretty rich for the party that is currently banning books and making it illegal to make white kids uncomfortable by talking about slavery in school to make the claim that the other side is seeking to destroy our history.
Hypocritical POS.
Banned: Books on race and sexuality are disappearing from Texas schools in record numbers
"The Base" is just devoid of reason and enough of the rest are pandering to them. Either for money or votes or both. I read this morning that the AZ legislature hired another guy to look into the Maricopa County 2020 election at $500 an hour to report on whether the voting machines were hooked into the internet. Two previous investigations have already confirmed the vote counts and only a complete loon would think otherwise.
I was reading an article this morning about a coming backlash of non-conservative voters in FL who disapprove of DeSantis and the Populist state legislature.
It is pretty rich for the party that is seeking to do a complete historical rewrite to bitch about anyone else.
It is also hyper hypocritical of the party that demands safe spaces for their lemming followers to bitch about anyone protecting kids from anything.
It is pretty rich for the party that is seeking to do a complete historical rewrite to bitch about anyone else.
Complete historical rewrite? Hyperbole much?
It is also hyper hypocritical of the party that demands safe spaces for their lemming followers to bitch about anyone protecting kids from anything.
lf safe spaces were our thing that you bitched about incessantly, and then your side went and create safe spaces for your own political pandering purposes, wouldn’t that make you the hypocrite?
Coming from a devout leftist that is pure comedy.
So you equate fucking up children's minds with liberal driven garbage the same as college campuses carving out spaces for damaged liberal morons seeking to hide from the real world as hypocrisy?
Seems you need a refresher.
A devout leftist? Now that’s pure comedy. I’m the member here that points out bullshit when I see it, regardless of which party is spewing it (including the concept of safe spaces). At the moment it’s yours.
fucking up children's minds with liberal driven garbage
Had enough kool aid yet? CRT is just the right’s boogie man du jour. Taking a concept taught in law school and convincing the lemmings that it’s being taught in every grade school around is good for angry votes. Just ask Glenn Youngkin.
Agree 100%.
Forgetting two plus years of leftist lunatics rioting over anything and everything? That wasn't an assault on government? Throw in an assault on the very fabric of society from homes, to businesses, to police.
"Mostly peaceful protesters" the biggest load of shit in the US; and what emboldened those idiots on Jan 6th- because everyone else was getting away with it, why shouldn't they?
Hopefully, the government will remember its role to lead and start arresting 'gross inciters' in an operation they can name, "Operation Wet-blanket." When the FBI start pulling records and let these fools know they have been infiltrated, we can get back to normal. We know these fools think guns will save them. Word to the wise: The federal government has more guns and the authority to make more!
Now then, I just realized something. At this point, I am ASHAMED OF SOME CONSERVATIVES.
Exactly what all the great dictators did in real life once they gained power....
What else did those dictators do, call out the secret police to infiltrate an and arrest anyone that didn't go along with the program...
Right now, there has been estimated that there are as many as 400 million guns in the hands of the citizenry, does the government have that many? I wonder, do they have the people to use them? Well I guess a gun in each hand it would only take 200 million... And another thing, the military tends to side with the citizenry when it comes to government abusing it's powers like dictators do...
But thank you for letting us know where you stand, dictatorship, and abusing the citizens, something to be real proud of...
Good for you! We are embarrassed for the liberals...
I guess we will just have to see, eh? And some conservatives just proved they are not patriots. Not even pretend patriots. Some conservatives can have your version of the USA, if y'all can keep it. The government can make all the guns it need, plus. The military is a government function, not a 'ring' of Trump conservatives. Yes, nowhere man, I am ashamed of some conservatives.
Not too quick on the uptake huh?
You obviously think the military are a bunch of robots that just follow any order given, not the reality, but where does reality enter into it...
Yes they can buy as many guns as they want, money is no object cause they can print all they need... But reality check, they have to get someone to sell them the guns don't they? aren't they citizens also? and the military, aren't they citizens as well. and there are only about 1.4 million service members the last time I checked, how are they going to carry those millions and millions of guns?
Just in case you want some facts?
The US military shrinks under democrat presidents, and enlarges under republican presidents....
Size of the US Military 1985-2020 (but the data only goes to 2018)
During the Clinton administration, the military shrank by almost 27%... (1st year was planned shrinkage closing and realigning bases and such, totaling almost 10%, a third of the total loss.. the other 17% was over the other 7 years of his presidency)
During the Bush years, the military increased by 6%...
During the Obama years, a 9% decrease...
During the period covered by the two Trump years recorded, about a 2.4% increase... (probably more if we have the data for the full 4 years..
One year into the Biden administration, accurate data hasn't been released yet... (but I suspect it is going down as per recent historical trends)
I don't think the military is your go to for putting down the American people... Looks like democrat presidencies seems to effect the willingness of the citizens to serve...
But it is nice to know where you stand in your willingness to advocate using the military to suppress the citizens and that the government should be spying on it's citizens and telling them what to think and jailing them if they don't... Nice oppressive government there..
I thought you didn't like oppression?
And I thought for a long time some conservatives had good sense. Now I know that some conservatives are in fact, OPPRESSORS. People who will lie, cheat, and steal the rights and privileges from other citizens. Some Conservatives are not PATRIOTS.
And have you heard of the military draft? True patriotism. Also, I know the military is not to be used on US soil. All the more reason to round us IDIOT Racists AND affiliated sorts individually and in some groups. Throw. Away. The. Key.