Holocaust book ‘Maus’ sales soar after school board ban

A Tennessee school board banned “Maus,” a 30-year-old Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel series about
the Holocaust, over claims it included “unnecessary” violence, nudity and swearing. AFP via Getty Images
“Maus” — the decades-old series of graphic novels about the Holocaust that was banned by a Tennessee school board last week — has skyrocketed to the top of an Amazon bestsellers list.
More than $83,000 also has been raised so far to give free copies to students.
Art Spiegelman’s 30-year-old Pulitzer Prize-winning series was not even in Amazon’s top 1,000 at the beginning of last week, when news broke of McMinn County’s ban over what it deemed “unnecessary” violence, nudity and swearing in the novels.
But by Monday, the complete collection was at the top of the online giant’s “Best Sellers in Literary Graphic Novels” — with the first and second books individually rounding up the top three.
The demand for it is so great that Amazon warned that copies would not be available until the end of February.
“Maus” — the decades-old series of graphic novels about the Holocaust that was banned by a Tennessee school board last week — has skyrocketed to the top of an Amazon bestsellers list.
The demand for it is so great that Amazon warned that copies would not be available until the end of February.
So what? It's still not suitable reading for young people, who otherwise would have no interest in this subject
"Why wouldn't they have an interest in 'this subject'??????????????"'
Cuz they're kids....being indoctrinated by racist lefty agitators.
Have you read it Greg? It's available online here for free.
Have you read it? If so, why?
So I know what I'm talking about. It doesn't seem like something kids would be interested in but they all want to read it now. Most kids in that school district already have now that it's verbotten.
Then you should believe that Tom Sawyer and To Kill a Mockingbird should not have been banned by left wing school boards, both because of their "racial connotations"?
Good to know.
No. Tom Sawyer and To Kill a Mockingbird should not be banned.
Why should someone have to read a book-- or for that matter watch a video posted on NT-- before commenting on it?
Especially on a social media site....knowing about any subject before commenting on it?
Why that just isn't done!
More than $83,000 also has been raised so far to give free copies to students.
The "Law of Unintended Consequences" at work!
The Spiegelman family should send a thank-you note to the ignorant school board that has probably guaranteed that they will become millionaires, and the students will get free copies to read, and because of this they WILL read them. Those low-brow Tennesseans have provided the MAUS series with a million bucks worth of publicity.
I was just thinking that I'd love to be a fly on the wall of their meeting room when they have their next meeting having found out these things that have happened because of their decision being publicized.
We all know how to get a kid to do something...tell them it's forbidden. Tell them that something is good and they steer clear of it
Isn't that called Child Psychology?
Yes. Sometimes it works. It doesn't work if your child is a clever little beasty
If the right really wants to get Christianity back into the mainstream then maybe they should ban the Bible.
No need. The Bible is still the number 1 selling book of all time across the world.
No need to get Christianity back into the mainstream? Now that is refreshing - go tell all your friends on the right, please. Apparently they haven’t gotten the memo.
Do you find it strange that a book with stories about murdering the world with a flood, incest, slavery, rape, fratricide, etc etc is still held up as a bastion of morality and virtue, yet Maus is somehow too offensive for the delicate sensibilities of the right?
Well I was replying to your 'Ban the Bible' comment by saying that wasn't needed as the Bible is still the #1 selling book of all time across the entire world.
As far as Christianity in the mainstream, perhaps that's an individual opinion. From what I see, the worlds largest religion is still Christianity at 2.3B followers.
That may not remain true in the future but for now they still are. While there are those who wish their version of religion would be #1, I prefer that people find God in their own lives and in their own ways. That way it's more real and relatable to them. If that path leads them thru other faiths or atheism, who am I to say that is not the correct path for them.
As for the Bible being held up as a bastion of morality and virtue, those are your words and not mine. For me the bible is a group of lessons where I can find guidance on how to live my life. Humans find it very difficult to view anything as a whole, they tend to break it down into individual pieces and to me that's where the Bible starts to fall apart. Based on today's moral code there are horrible things found in the Bible, but you have to look at those things in the whole and how they related to life at that time, and then you have to try to understand it thru God's will. The last part is very difficult as humans can at best understand God's will as if looking thru a dark veil. There are many things that we will only know for certain after our deaths.
And what was the political leanings of the school board that banned the book? I don't know them personally so I cannot tell you. All I can find is that McMinn country is mostly Republican. But I try not to assume things that I don't have an answer to.
For me the bible is a group of lessons where I can find guidance on how to live my life.
Whether it’s intended as allegory or fact, any story where the entire world is murdered, minus a handful of humans and a boat full of animals, is inherently evil. It doesn’t take deep thought to imagine how innocent people on the other side of the world were mercilessly slaughtered for no good reason. What is your interpretation?
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Funny how they use impasse when they cannot answer your questions. Impasse is used so incorrectly.
You should appreciate this one:
I do appreciate that. Very very much.
I wish I could still sculpt for that would make a great subject to do.
Why isn't 5.1.4 also removed for the same violation?
Ah-- I see you're playing the "'Fifty Million Frenchmen Can't Be Wrong' card".
Ah, nostalgia....("from an old 1929-30 78 record")
Sophie Tucker "Fifty Million Frenchmen can't Be Wrong"
It's already on a banned book list. And it has been since the early 1960's.
It’s hard to call it banned when the Establishment Clause was written into the Constitution to keep it separated from government. Parents who want the Bible in their kids’ school know where to send their kids to school.
The kids can use the bible to fend off the priests by smacking them upside their heads with it.
Well, FWIW, the Bible is banned (or possession is severely persecuted) in some 50+ countries:
A list of 52 countries where the bible is illegal and/or severely persecuted:
Fair point. There are those who think the Bible should be required reading or teaching in the classroom.