Biden touts jobs report amid multiple crisis

He was over an hour late for his speech. His long awaited speech on anything positive. After delivering his prepared remarks he turned sharply and walked out as reporters shouted questions at him. Despite a better than expected jobs reports, Biden's domestic crisis continue to metastasize and his foreign policies have placed American allies in danger. The Ukraine and Taiwan are on the brink of invasion. Iran looms large, with Biden in need of a deal (another bad one) to bring to fruition the long-running talks with Tehran aimed at salvaging Obama's horrible 2015 "Iran Deal." The North Koreans, who were once tamed by President Trump are once again testing missiles. Fortunately, Biden has thus far continued Trump's hard line on China.
The Week:
Yesterday Biden met with NYC mayor Eric Adams and NY Gov. Kathy Hochul after the funeral of two young NYC cops who were murdered. Biden arrived after New Yorkers experienced a week of crime that has so far included at least eight murders since Sunday. Shootings struck 15 people in total. Biden did not discus his fellow democrats anti-cop rhetoric, calls from progressive leaders to defund the police, NYC's actual defunding of the police or Manhattan's pro criminal DA Alvin Bragg. Biden framed it around the democrats talking point of "guns."
Whoopi Goldberg got suspended from "the View" for anti-Semitic remarks, but not anti-White remarks. She said the Holocaust was about two white groups...let them have at it. That was the most egregious comment and has been all but scrubbed from social media. She got a 2 week suspension by the same network that fired Roseanne for an offensive tweet.
Biden is also crowing about the US Special Forces attempt to capture Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Quraishi, head of one of the world's most feared militant groups. Instead he blew himself up to evade capture, killing several family members and others in the blast. Quraishi took over the leadership of Islamic State following the death in 2019 of its founder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who also died during a raid by U.S. commandos when he detonated explosives.
In other stories:
Virginia's maskless students have been threatened with a tresspass warning.
The Olympics begin as the IOC is criticized for being a tool of China. Live coverage: Opening day of the Beijing Winter Olympics
BLM halts fundraising after California and Washington threaten legal action
AOC now says Facebook "should be broken up subject to anti-trust activity."
Go Fund Me steps in after the Freedom Convoy protestors raise $10 Million.
CNN's Jeff Zucker fired and others call for Brian Stelter to be fired as well.
Chuck Schumer forgot Thurgood Marshall was a Supreme Court Justice.
The Pentagon claimed that Russia was planning a hoax to start the Ukraine invasion, but refused to provide evidence.
What have we learned:
"A group led by the head of Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics analyzed studies from the first surge of the pandemic to investigate widely pushed claims that stringent restrictions would limit deaths. Instead, the meta-analysis concluded that lockdowns across the US and Europe had only “reduced COVID-19 mortality by 0.2% on average.”
Worse, some of the studies even suggested that limiting gatherings in safe outdoor spots may have been “counterproductive and increased” the death rate, the authors noted.
And then there is Corporate America which loves to virtue signal about "human rights" until the Olympic games move to China.
Here we learned, which I'll go into detail elsewhere, that the left's tactic of trying to destroy people they disagree with hasn't really diminished. We saw what happened with author & legal scholar Ilya Shapiro and podcaster-comedian Joe Rogan. I think most know that I don't tolerate it.
Cartoon of the week:
Honorable Mention:
Meghan McCain -
“I was lectured to thousands of times on ‘The View,’ there is a belief that ‘cancel culture’ is really ‘accountability culture’ among the woke left,” McCain wrote . “Which seems to be a belief that’s quickly forgotten whenever it’s Whoopi who has to be held to account.”
In her DailyMail column on Tuesday, McCain — who left “The View” in 2021 — recalled how she was treated after she called out the founders of the Women’s March during one show for claims that they were anti-semetic. McCain called the experience “a baptism by fire,” and argued that Whoopi is being handled far differently.
Biden thinks he created 6 Million jobs. Biden has not created 1 job. He killed MILLIONS of jobs.
Praising Biden on jobs is like praising a thief after tracking down a tiny fraction of what he stole.
Welcome back brother.
They still haven't explained how the Payroll Processors are reporting that actual payrolls have been reduced by 301,000 in January while the BLS is reporting an increase in jobs...
Somebody isn't telling the truth...
That's what you & I are here for!
If I remember correctly, those 300,000 jobs actually came back to an extent and a dollar to a doughnut a lot of them that did are in that number.
In two days brother? The report was released on the 2nd and today is the 4th....
If you don't mind could you provide a link cause if they did then there will be an explanation for the apparent discrepancy
Probably wrong but, with 300,000 jobs lost in January
And the 467,000 figure we see here, they either didn't count the lost jobs or.........wait for it, we actually gained 767,000 to cover the lost as well as add new. Ain't buying it. Something is fucked up somewhere.
That's what I said in the other article and was roundly criticized for it...
Someone is lying somewhere...
Thanks for the link...
And in other South Dakota news.
South Dakota Republicans Halt Kristi Noem's Abortion Bill, Shock Governor
You made that a big headline. How come?
Seems Ottowa isn't happy with the Freedom Convoy.
Frustrated Ottawa residents plan counter protest after 6 days of incessant noise
I don't see where that has any relevance to the article or Noem but if you insist READ THE LINK, THAT IS HOW IT'S PRINTED.
Protests are legal up there, right?
I just don't want to get a headache going from all the different print sizes.
They are and I can’t wait for them to come here on the way to Washington DC!
You might want to look at a map Xx. Ottawa in north of NY, not CA.
Avenatti found guilty!

The dems wanted him as a presidential candidate.
He said he would see Trump in jail. To be fair, he never did tell us from which side of the bars!
Michael Avenatti found guilty of stealing thousands from Stormy Daniels!
Isn't that funny...That's exactly what Tucker Carlson accused him of over a year ago!
Guess if he squints hard enough from inside the prison it will look like the rest of the world is actually imprisoned.
Hopefully he'll be joined by Marc Elias and they can both squint.
They deserve each other there
Conservative lawmakers in Iowa introduced a bill this week that would require cameras to be installed in nearly every K-12 school classroom across the state, allowing parents to see livestreams.