A Strange Defense of Spying on Trump
Category: Op/Ed
Via: vic-eldred • 3 years ago • 101 commentsBy: The Editorial Board (WSJ)

The press corps doesn't usually support government spying, but when it comes to Donald Trump they are making an exception. The journalists who gave themselves prizes for pressing the Russia collusion narrative that turned out be false are now dismissing news that their narrative was inflated with false information collected by eavesdropping on Mr. Trump.
A legal filing Friday by special counsel John Durham says a private contractor aided the Hillary Clinton campaign in concocting the false collusion tale. Tech executive Rodney Joffe worked with other researchers to mine proprietary internet data, including records from the White House. The filing says Mr. Joffe could access this data because his employer had a "sensitive arrangement" with the government to provide internet services, which Mr. Joffe "exploited" to help Team Clinton gather "derogatory information about Donald Trump."
Mr. Joffe’s response, in a Monday statement, is worth parsing. It describes Mr. Joffe as an “apolitical internet security expert” who “legally provided access” to the internet data from the White House.
“Under the terms of the contract, the data could be accessed to identify and analyze any security breaches or threats,” says the statement. And since there were “legitimate national security concerns about Russian attempts to infiltrate the 2016 election,” Mr. Joffe and “cyber-security researchers” prepared a “report of their findings,” which they gave to the CIA.
The Russians were a legitimate 2016 electoral threat, but Mr. Joffe’s statement doesn’t explain how or why he cooperated with Clinton representatives. If the contractor’s job was to monitor security threats to the U.S., then the responsibility was to report any suspicious activity to the government—immediately and in a classified manner.
But according to Mr. Durham’s filing, Mr. Joffe took his information to others—namely, lawyers for the Clinton campaign, who also brought in the oppo-research hit squad Fusion GPS. This partisan team spent months writing anti-Trump white papers full of unproven claims that they spread to the media. We doubt government contracts include: “In case of threats, first call Democrats.”
Mr. Joffe’s statement raises more questions than it answers. Who in government provided the contract that gave him such access to White House records? Why did he cooperate with Clinton campaign operatives? How did he come to hire the same lawyer who worked for the Clinton campaign?
We don’t apologize for thinking that all of this is news that readers might like to know about. The mystery is why the rest of the press corps wants everyone to ignore it.

The Durham memo is clear and it is being directed to Michael Sussman. The message is that Sussman's lawyers are not serving him. They are trying to protect others. Sussman should be cooperating.
Durham is building a larger conspiracy case. Sussman is a vital link in that case.
First, it's NOT a memo, it's a 'provocative and misleading' MOTION TO INQUIRE INTO POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.
Uttter bullshit.
Of special note is that not even Durham made that claim in his bullshit motion.
The message is that Durham fails to charge ANYONE for the conspiracy allegations he has made throughout his filings.
They WHO Vic?
Why would Sussman cooperate with a prosecutor that has done nothing but LIE?
Durham has alleged that he had evidence of a conspiracy since September of 2020 yet hasn't charged ANYONE.
BTFW, the statute of limitations has lapsed.
Well then Durham fucked himself by lying about Sussman since September.
Sussman's lawyers. Pay attention.
Oh, I am Vic. I read all of the machinations you post. They're a daily source of comic relief.
C'mon, folks, all of this involves the Clintons. The motivation for the Clintons doing anything ain't rocket science. Follow the money.
Yep, spot on. The closer it gets to the evil one, the harder all the Clinton sycophants fight it.
Its how worker drones roll ......
The fact that there was no report of any suspicious activity should tell everybody with half a brain that the Democrats wasted millions of taxpayer money and 4 years "investigating" something that wasn't there.
Even when the pure partisan investigation was expanded to look for ANY wrong doing, it come up empty. And yet here we are, almost 6 years later and we STILL have the left chirping that there was something criminal.
This is all to distract from Trump's financial crimes
That you think Durham gives a flying fuck about Trump's finances is comical as hell.
Didn't Meuller look into those during his "investigation" and come up with nothing?
No, it wasn't a part of his mandate.
Half of what he was looking into wasn't in the mandate.
Gee, that's what Hillary just said.
John, that time has come. A lot of people are going to be squirming.
Rodney is in deep doodoo. Two employees have already testified against him, and there will be more to come.
It may take some time but the truth will be forthcoming.
Who really cares about spying? We getting free crack pipes!
No, there will be new masks with holes to smoke your crack. LMAO
Could be but I doubt there will be any left after all the big fat white trash, can’t keep the Twinkies out of my pie hole, Biden supporters waddle down to get theirs.
Crack pipe?
I’m still waiting for my free Obama phone
That program was started under Reagan and was expanded to include cell phones under George W. Bush.
Lol ..... but, but, but Reagan ..... but, but Bush ..... what about but, but, but Clinton?
Wow, not a fan of facts I guess. You can look it up for yourself. Sorry to upset you.
Lol .... I’m not the one who is upset Frosty so stay frosty bro ..... you’ll live longer.
For comprehension purposes, I clearly wasn’t countering what you said but rather was only pointing out that you included Reagan and Bush but not Clinton. Clearly the act of an angry, triggered person but hey, that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Democrats butt hurt about 2016 tried to cheat, they got caught spying. Save your dignity democrat fan club pumpers, it's not a good look.
Hillary Clinton lashes out at Donald Trump, Fox News over Durham probe: ‘Spinning up a fake scandal’

She's upset!
Special counsel John Durham has accused Michael Sussman, a lawyer for the Democratic party, of sharing with the CIA internet data purporting to show Russian-made phones being used in the vicinity of the White House complex. Durham coached the accusation in vague technical language in a court filing on Friday, saying that his office had found nothing to support Sussman’s alleged claim that the information shared with the CIA “demonstrated that Trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare, Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations.”
BREAKING: Durham already responded to Sussmann's motion to strike. Filing here : https:// courtlistener.com/docket/6039058
That reads like a comedy skit.