"It's Russia's fault

Today, it is "Russia's fault" Before that, it was OPEC's fault Before that, it was "because of the virus."
Biden himself told New Hampshire voters in September 2019: “I guarantee you. "We're going to end fossil fuels!" He was obviously committed to the green energy fanatics on the left who helped him win the nomination.
In fewer than 11 months, this administration has:
Killed the Keystone XL pipeline.
Threatened to plug the Canada-to-Michigan Enbridge Line 5 pipeline.
Halted oil leases in a sliver of Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Stopped oil and gas leases on federal lands.
Proposed a methane tax that could cost this industry up to %10 Billion a year.
Encouraged left-wing activists to pressure financiers to defund oil companies.
Yesterday as gasoline prices reached a level higher that Americans had ever seen, Biden blamed it all on the Russians.
“Do you have a message for the American people on gas prices?” a reporter asked Biden as he arrived in Fort Worth, Texas, for an event about veterans health.
“They’re going to go up,” Biden said.
A reporter followed up, “What can you do about it?”
“Can’t do much right now… Russia is responsible,”
Jen Psaki when pressed by Fox's Peter Doocy responded with what has become the favorite false narrative of the left.
PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS: So, you say that you're going to do everything that you can to reduce the impact that high gas prices have on Americans. We're asking other countries to think about maybe pumping more oil. Why not just do it here?
JEN PSAKI: Well, to be very clear, federal policies are not limiting the supplies of oil and gas to the -- let me finish to the -- let me finish.
QUESTION: An executive order in his first week --
QUESTION: That halted new oil and gas [Inaudible]
JEN PSAKI: Let let me -- let me give you -- let me give you the facts here. And I know that can be inconvenient, but I think they're important in this moment. To the contrary, we have the -- we have been clear that in the short term, supply must keep up with the demand where we are -- and here and around the world when we make the shift to a secure clear -- clean energy future.
We are one of the largest producers, with a strong domestic oil and gas industry. We have actually produced more oil. It is at record numbers, and we will continue to produce more oil. There are 9,000 approved drilling permits that are not being used. So, the suggestion that we are not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate. The suggestion that that is what is hindering or preventing gas prices to come down is inaccurate.
QUESTION: Would President Biden rescind his executive order that halts new oil and natural gas leases on public lands?
JEN PSAKI: Well, 90 percent of them happened on private lands as I'm sure you know. And there are 9,000 unused approved drilling permits. So, I would suggest you ask the oil companies why they're not using those if there's a desire to drill more.
QUESTION: Would President Biden ever undo his executive order that stopped the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline?
JEN PSAKI: Are you suggesting that would solve the gas prices issue?
QUESTION: Well, do you think that that would maybe affect prices faster than getting the whole country off of fossil fuels?
JEN PSAKI: I actually don't think it would. The Keystone was not an oil field, it's a pipeline.
JEN PSAKI: Also, the oil is continuing to flow in just through other means. So, it actually would have nothing to do with the current supply imbalance.
QUESTION: So, gas prices are approaching an all-time high per gallon. How high would they have to get before President Biden would say, "I'm going to set aside my ambitious climate goals and just increase domestic oil production, get the producers to drill more here, and we can address the fossil fuel future later"?
JEN PSAKI: Well, again, Peter, the US produced more oil this past year than in President Trump's first year. Next year, according to the Department of Energy, we will produce more oil than every -- than ever before. Those are -- those are the facts in terms of oil production. And again, right now, there are nine thousand unused approved permits to drill onshore.
So, I think you're misidentifying what the actual issue is. But if we're looking to the future and what -- how -- what we can do to prevent this from being a challenge in future crises, the best thing we can do is reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and foreign oil because that will help us have a reliable source of energy so that we're not worried about gas prices going up because of the whims of a foreign dictator.
QUESTION: Right. And you guys think that asking Saudi Arabia or Venezuela or Iran is reducing our dependence on foreign oil?
JEN PSAKI: That's actually -- I just outlined each of those specific scenarios and the range of discussions that we're having with each of those countries. I don't think anybody is advocating for Iran to continue acquiring a nuclear weapon, perhaps, except for the former President who pulled us out of the deal. Go ahead."
Of course the truth is those 9,000 approved drilling permits either involve dried up wells or unprofitable (due to ridiculous royalty fees) ones. As to the record month for oil production, it came in December of 2019.
https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/crude-oil-production#:~:text=Crude%20Oil%20Production%20in%20the%20United%20States%20averaged,low%20of%203974%20BBL%2FD%2F1K%20in%20September%20of%202008 .
In the meantime Biden has attempted to woo the despotic leaders of Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela to pump more oil - as opposed to taking steps to boost domestic production. It was reported last night that the Saudi's did not even take his phone call due to his interest in another deal with the murderous mullahs of Iran.
Biden announced Tuesday morning that he would ban imports of Russian oil after two weeks of bipartisan pressure. Biden reportedly called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Monday night in a failed attempt to call off a vote on legislation that would force his hand.
Please post a link to support your claim Vic.
It's clear from the statements from CEO's like Darren Woods from Exxon, oil companies are focused on increased profits/dividends/stock buybacks, not increased production.
Exploration to obtain a drilling permit entails a goodly investment above and beyond the lease. Since oil companies are all about stockholder dividends ect., exactly how do CEOs justify wasting all that money on 'dried up or unprofitable' wells to those stockholders? Hell, they're whining about the lack of availability of workers and material. WHY would they waste BOTH on 'dried up or unprofitable' wells?
Of course, the truth is that gas/oil prices aren't controlled by any COUNTRY or by Biden. They are a commodity priced by supply and demand and the supply is controlled by the producers.
You cited December 2019 for record oil production. NONE of the things on the above list added ONE DROP of oil to US production in December 2019 and NOTHING was or is stopping US oil companies from ramping up production from the SAME fucking sources that enabled them to produce that record high.
EVERY country on the planet has higher gas prices right now Vic, most much higher than the US.
So, who is to blame for the high gas prices in the EU and Japan and Australia and the UK and South Africa?
BTFW, Darren Woods didn't express any worries about investors, citing 39 years in a row of INCREASED stockholder dividends. Woods even announce a $10 billion share repurchase.
I predict that this is just another Op/Ed full of BS proclamations that you have no intension of supporting.
I have to wonder what purpose you have in posting these ridiculous screeds ad nauseam. It surely can't be to fulfill your promise to teach since they rarely, if ever, contain anything worth learning and you've proven unwilling to discuss or support their content.
Answer my question from yesterday
Care to answer the questions Vic?
So still nothing Vic.
I hope you've kept your day job because this whole 'teaching' thing isn't working out for you...
Thank you for proving that my prediction was accurate; that this is just another Op/Ed full of BS proclamations that you have no intension of supporting.
Your silence nails home the fact that your Op/Ed seeds lack credibility, aren't posted in good faith and aren't offered to further discussion or debate on a topic. In short, they are utterly irrelevant to the purpose of this forum.
Class dismissed.
How stupid do they think we are? Russia's fault my ass. The only ones that are stupid enough to believe that voted for this coward. This is all on Biden.
As I always say, progressive propaganda is a step lower that silly Russian propaganda.
They do cater to what seems the lowest common denominator.
A pipeline to take Canadian oil to Houston to ship to China raw or refined to kerosene.
What did the threat do Vic? Change production? No. Is Line 5 still a danger, Yes.
Can you imagine if Line 5 leaked?
Please Vic, just fucking stop with the nonsense.
I believe you would have a cow if Biden forced them to increase production or utilize those leases against their wills?
We subsidize this stupid industry to the tune of $21 Billion a year, cry me a river if they have to start cleaning up their own
messes or god forbid their own wasteful production procedures.
Didn't cost a penny or change production did it?
The only ones stupid enough to believe that have their heads shoved up Trumps ass.
What does Trump have to do with this, Gas skyrocketed along with inflation before Putin did anything. Try explaining the policies of the Biden administration
Some folks are obsessed with Trump's ass. They even like to post their pics of it...lol.
Why deflect to Trump? He had nothing to do with this. Remember, Trump's out of office. EOs signed on January 20,2021 puts this all on the Biden Administration. Skyrocketing inflation, gas prices, deadly Afghanistan retreat - all under Biden's term as POTUS.
Not all on Biden. However, it is definitely on Biden and his cronies in US government that has been funding resurrection in the Ukraine for 30 years under the guise of spreading "democracy" which really means expanding consumer markets and wage slaves to profit the world's robber barons to the detriment of the citizens of Ukraine.
I have been puzzling on if the world leaders were truly inept clowns or coldly calculating psychopaths.
A very enlightening history of how the world's empire builders created today's situation.
oh oh, you will be accused of spreading Russian disinformation and being anti-America.
Only because I occasionally err and forget my #1 rule - ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY.
I am always disheartened by how easy it is for the narcissists/sociopaths/psychopaths in politics (and religion) to manipulate some people into mindless minion status.
Anything negative about Biden is Russian disinformation according to most comments.
Too true, and there is no better example than the right wing conservative Christian Reich who seem enamored with Putin as a white right wing conservative "strong man" pushing back against the supposed "excess" of Western Democracy. The truth is the real "excess" Putin is fighting against are the "excess" of individual freedoms Western Democracy protects. While it's true, the situation in Ukraine is far more complex than "Ukraine good, Russia bad", but listening to Russell Brand who is clearly off his fucking rocker as he tries to claim Russia has a reasonable beef with supposedly Nazi Ukrainians isn't going to provide any clarity.
Claiming it's okay for Putin to invade Ukraine because he was worried that "peripheral parts of the former Soviet Union" were moving towards European and Atlantic institutions" because Putin feared "their encroachment" on his "sphere of influence" is beyond stupid. Of course Ukraine was moving towards Europe and western Democracy and there's nothing wrong with that. Only fucking right wing fascists would proclaim Putin's actions warranted.
Of note:
"Russell Brand , an actor typically known for his more liberal political opinions, is starting to lean heavily into right-wing conspiracies on his YouTube"
"Russell Brand's views about voting aren't far off fascism"
"Russell Brand’s Revolution For Morons"
The movie star’s political manifesto is full of mistakes, misquotes, and is utterly misguided, unfunny, illogical, and unreadable. Watch the copies fly from the shelves.
So perhaps it would be wiser to look to reputable news sources like the BBC, the AP and Reuters for information on the unprovoked Russian war on Ukraine instead of listening to a has-been washed up moron actor.
I post for the people who care about facts and might really care about why our country is involved in endless wars regardless of whether there is a (D) or an (R) in the White House.
People, who worship politicians, exhibit the same type of critical thinking skills as the people who followed Jim Jones to Guyana. When the disciples found out the truth about their sainted leader, it cost them their lives.
I feel a level of sympathy for people with this mindset, but not enough to allow them to cost other people their lives by promoting the lies/actions of the robber barons who caused inflation and windfall profits for oil companies via warmongering. Haven't we already lived this scenario several times since the 1970s? How long will it take for people to realize that they are being played?
Attack facts instead of Russell Brand.
Has the US been meddling in Ukraine's politics for decades? Is this acceptable?
Has the world bank been funded by US and world capitalists buying or seeking to control world governments in order to control that country's commerce?
What are the facts, or do facts matter?
narcissists. Or better yet electing them to be POTUS regardless of their supposed (D) or (R) status.
When was the last time the citizens of the US had a POTUS who actually cared about the well-being of the citizens of the US?
Who was the last president who was not a narcissist?
You can't get blood out of a turnip. You can't get empathy or compassion from a narcissist.
Well Biden did blame US oil companies as well. Of course he isn't going to sit down and meet with them and find out why they aren't producing more; as he knows he will not like their answers- or their requests that will nullify his concessions to leftwing radicals.
It is far easier for the human fuck up machine in the Oval Office to blame everyone but himself; rather than actually talk to those he should be. Guess he likes dictators that hate us more than US oil companies.
Ronin, all Biden, or anyone else for that matter, needs do is READ the US oil companies earnings call transcripts if they want to know WHY they have NO plans to produce more. HINT: Profits.
While they gaslight average Americans about how bad things are, they tell a completely different story to their stockholders and investors. Check out their dividend payouts.
The sooner you and yours recognize that oil and gas are commodities priced based on supply and demands and that the producers control supply, the sooner y'all will stop sounding so obtuse.
So is that why Biden cancelled the needed permits for the Keystone Pipeline and put a pause on new oil and gas leasing? Profits?
No, twice.
Actually, your question is quite obtuse.
No. My question is obviously over your head.
Delusions of grandeur Jeremy.
BTFW, you linked the EO in which Biden revoked the XL pipeline and the reason is clearly stated therein. Hint: It has nothing to do with 'profits' to anything except the environment.
No really Dulay? US oil companies aren't pumping due to low profits? Why the fuck don't you tell the human fuck up machine that you put into office? Seriously, maybe he will listen to one of his simpering constituents for change; because he sure as shit isn't listening to anyone that has knowledge on the damn subject! Are you listening to him? He seriously thinks the US oil companies are price gouging.
So why don't you and yours do all of us a fucking favor and tell the human fuck up machine how things work. Maybe he can see what the price of a barrel of oil has to be for them to turn a profit with the taxes, regulations, and other BS being thrown at them. Or are you pretending those things don't impact their cost to do business?
Or just let Brandon continue to sell us out to his favorite dictator that happens to have oil in their country.
Who the fuck are you talking about Ronin?
I've never simpered in my whole fucking life Ronin.
He who Ronin. Would you like to have an adult discussion or remain in the school yard?
You obvious are not listening. Biden informed producers that watchdogs agencies will be watching.
Also heard last night that a lot of those 9,000 permits are possibly on dry supply. First, one must explore to see if there is indeed oil to be harvested on the site. If not, the damned permit is fucking worthless. Hell, I permit them to drill in my backyard. Good luck with that.
In a nutshell, they're not going go do a damn thing..
They want us to all go out and buy a $70,000 electric car and then find a place to charge it up.
didn't dumbass say that all government vehicles were to be electric? Wonder how they are going to change my government vehicle to electric when it's an M998 HMMWV.
No shit, that is how oil exploration works. And they are not going to find out if there is oil and how much until they do the exploration.
As for permits issued this is the latest count.
New Data: Biden’s First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trump’s By 34%
Thousands of Permits OK’d Despite President’s Authority to End Drilling by 2035
WASHINGTON— New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.
Nearly 2,000 of the drilling permits were approved on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management’s New Mexico office, followed by 843 in Wyoming, 285 in Montana and North Dakota, and 191 in Utah. In California, the Biden administration approved 187 permits — more than twice the 71 drilling permits Trump approved in that state in his first year.
Big fucking deal. They can issue a million but that means jack shit if they determine there is no oil to be harvested. Let's see some numbers of confirmed oil producing capabilities on those 9,000. The problem is, in the US it costs a lot more to drill than in other places in the world and until the price goes up enough to compensate for that, they won't go to the expense of opening old sites or developing new if all this bullshit subsides and the price goes back down under 75-100 dollars, they will quit again having spent a lot of money for short lived gains.
Gas prices are a proxy war for the battle over climate change measures. Conservatives want the world to rely on fossil fuels forever, and the current situation, they think, hands them a weapon in that "war".
Want to pay less for gas? Dont drive as much right now.
Today, everyone has to be picked up by a family member or friend, or take an uber, even to travel a couple blocks. When I was a kid our parents never picked us up at our friends house, we walked home. We walked to the store, we walked to the park to play baseball even though it was about a mile away. I have a nephew now who had 5 kids, all of whom are now leaving their teen years. These kids never went anywhere without a ride, or came home without a ride, and they live in the city. They would consider getting on a bus or rapid transit train like traveling to another planet. Their parents are not poor, so why should they ride the bus or god forbid walk a few blocks.
The same thing applies to adults. They will drive or take a uber to go somewhere which would be a 5 minute walk.
Seems that you have no idea how it works. Not unusual at all.
you might as well be talking to the sidewalk to people that still believe keystone would make a difference right now. anyone that doesn't believe there's some shenanigans going on in the corporate boardrooms of the major oil corporations is a fool. their past production statistics are publicly available and it definitely isn't all hands on deck when it comes to current domestic oil production. it's time to apply some aggressive motivational tactics to this GOP dark money campaign source. big oil sold out america long ago.
an EO needs to be issued to set time frames from lease award to oil production. past leases that big oil are sitting on need a time frame set to start production or receive a no refund loss of lease to then be re-auctioned. oil companies that are hesitant to cooperate, especially foreign owned companies, can be restricted from new lease bidding and have a special tax levied against their profits or having their leases cancelled. corporate welfare for excessive profiteering on a natural resource owned by all americans also needs to stop.
All they had to do was to listen to the interview with the CEO of Hess Oil yesterday. He laid it out perfectly that if you want more production then the government has to talk to Wall Street who would crush their stock if they increased the production and the shareholders would be very upset.
I've heard a reason some capped wells haven't come back online since COVID is a shortage of labor. I don't know how true that might be, but it's at least logical given the current job market.
it's time to determine the largest big oil offender and put them on the sacrificial alter of predatory capitalism.
I've got 3 nephews telling me that most of that is automated by satellite internet on modern wells.
I just don't have that knowledge... I'm sure CEOs are all full of excuses as to why they want to keep stock prices high though.
Jim, I encourage you to educate yourself and review the difference between an 'exploration' permit and a 'drilling' permit. Hint: The exploration thingy comes BEFORE the drilling thingy.
Oil companies have to invest in exploration and document results BEFORE they apply for and obtain a drilling permit.
You know that everything you just said PROVES that it isn't about Biden and IS all about profit margin for oil companies right Jim?
A barrel of oil producted in the US sells for the SAME amount as oil produced anywhere else in the world. So maybe breaking up OPEC et. al. is the answer, rather than lowballing the wages of US energy workers.
US oil compainies have gaslighted, insisting that they don't get to drill whereverthefuck they want while sitting on drilling permits that their own estimates are equivalent to 75 years of production.
If drilling in onshore or offshore in the US isn't profitable, WHY did they rush to get permits before the 2020 election, when oil prices were LOW? Don't you remember Trump touting issuing more permits at breakneck speeds?
Oh and are you actually advocating for repeal of the TRILLIONS in oil and gas subsides? If so, we've finally found something we can agree on.
Seriously, your comment makes no sense.
Yep, he said the 'quite' part out loud. Nothing to do with leasing, pipelines or regulations. All about stocks and dividends.
big oil is one of the last vestiges of robber baron mentality...
Just get the Democrats out of fucking office. That will go a long way to reducing the price of oil and gas. Takes Joe's regulations and other BS and throw them in the garbage.
No shit. That's all most of the comments on the site seems to be this morning around here.
And I thought it was just me that got trolled
Liberal Redneck - Gas Prices and Joe Biden
"Facts to a fuck you fight"
This seed is full of examples.
While it seems to be standard for a politician to blame others for any issues / failures, the Democrats do seem to take that to the extreme.
They are forgetting that this all started the day Biden took office and started signing EO's. Those EO's place all the blame on the Biden train wreck.
You've made a similar claim before and I asked you 3 DAYS ago:
Now I'll ask you a second question that you'll avoid:
Can you cite the Jan. 20th EO that resulted in one drop less US oil production TODAY?
I wait the silence.
Well, that's a fail Jeremy since that EO doesn't result in one drop LESS oil production TODAY.
Thanks for playing.
Maybe if you don't apply common sense.
I find that applying common sense is a good thing, so I'll take a pass on your suggestion.
Then do it.
Instead of posting snarky bullshit, I invite you to prove that I haven't Jeremy.
You've had plenty of opportunity, you could have started with answering the questions I asked or refuting even ONE statement that I have made.
Alas, silence ensues.
Get over yourself.
The proof you want, I posted. Don't like it? That's an issue for you. Not me.
Pithy. /s
The issue for you is that's bullshit Jeremy and you know it.
First of all, I didn't ask for proof of anything. I asked questions Jeremy, here are two of them:
All you had to do was support your posits Jeremy. You haven't and you can't. Nothing new.
If it's bullshit then take it up with the people how published it. Oh, wait...
No Jeremy. Your claim that the linked EO 'started all this and that the EO's [BTW, that means more than one] places the blame on 'the Biden train wreck' is bullshit Jeremy.
It didn't and it hasn't resulted in one drop less US oil production TODAY.
But hey Jeremy, maybe I missed something. So, I invite you to block quote from that EO, the SPECIFIC section that you think supports your claim that it 'started all this'.
I'll wait but I won't be holding my breath...
Put up or shut up. Show me something that proves I'm wrong. Your statement's aren't going to cut it.
Oh goody, another conservative that tries to set standards for others that they fail to meet themselves.
It drips with hypocrisy.
There we have it NT members.
Another example of a NT member who thinks that's how this shit works.
You think that YOUR statements are 'going to cut it' though don't you Jeremy?
Here's a clue: They don't.
YOU made the allegations about Biden's EOs Jeremy. That puts the burden of proof squarely in YOUR lap.
THEN you claimed that the EO you linked supported your allegations.
Here's another clue: It doesn't.
NOW, you try to deflect the burden of proof onto me.
You want me to show you something that proves you wrong Jeremy?
Here's the link:
Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis | The White House
READ the fucking EO you linked, it speaks for itself and it proves you wrong in black and white.
Instead of resorting to this juvenile bullshit, why not just adult and admit that your comments are MERELY unfounded personal opinions posted to dis Biden?
Says they guy that constantly posts snarky, narcissist bullshit.
It's not that he doesn't believe the proof you posted.
It's that the proof you posted does not meet the narrative they have been told to believe.
Jeremy didn't post any proof bugsy.
If you had actually READ the fucking EO, you'd know that.
Or maybe you did, and your post is merely illustrating that you don't actually give a fuck about facts.
Since silence ensues from Jeremy, how about YOU post a block quote from the linked EO that proves his claim.
That's it exactly. What's laughable is the link he provided is one I provided.
What's 'laughable' is your ad nauseam deflection Jeremy.
I posted the EO link because it PROVES YOU WRONG.
That's what you asked for isn't it?
It's pretty fucking clear at this point that you cannot support your allegations about Biden's EOs and that your comments are just bullshit posted to dis Biden. Own it.
Oh, do you want some more proof?
From YOUR DOI Factsheet link:
I so enjoy citing the content of links that prove the poster's own claim is WRONG.
The fact you are using my link tells me you didn't read either. When you do come back.
Your comment is just more projection and deflection Jeremy.
What my reposting of your link to the EO SHOULD tell you is that I encourage other members to review it for themselves and PROVE to themselves that your claim about it is BULLSHIT.
Sadly, YOU obviously have no intention of doing so since you've had ANOTHER day to post just ONE block quote from that EO that proves your assertion.
You haven't because you CAN'T. You've KNOWN that all along, yet instead of admitting it, you now insist it's on ME to prove it doesn't exist.
I gave you what you asked for. PERIOD, full stop.
Oh and BTFW Jeremy, I fucking block quoted from your second link. How the hell did I manage that without READING it?
Again, your comment makes no sense.
Again, you have all the opportunity in the world to post even ONE sentence from the EO that supports your claim.
You haven't because you can't.
As I said, I leave it to other members to review the EO and decide for themselves who comprehends the content of the EO and who is telling the truth.
Your statement's aren't going to cut it.
Reading and ignoring what they don't like is a trait of the leftist.
Underhanded comments about other members is a cowardly trait of the right.
I agree, but not of the right. Maybe you can take that advice.
No need, unlike your comment, mine was address to it's target.
As was mine, however....
yours missed
too bad
Says the guy who posts personal comments because he can't manage to reply to a comment cogently.
Find anything yet Jeremy? ANYTHING?
Believe I posted quite cogently.
Triggered you pretty hard.
You're entitled to your own opinion.
More delusions of grandeur.
If not triggered, then why go to a favorite tactic of trying to get the last word?
REAL delusion of grandeur, perhaps?
I'm replying to you bugsy. That's how this shit works.
You want the last word, be my fucking guest.
Again, NO.
You know that even idiom can be looked up on the internet right?
I posted the entire EO. Try reading it. [deleted]
That's an understatement.
Found and posted a while ago. You should keep up.
Rinsing and repeating bullshit doesn't make it any less bullshit.
Or maybe you could stop insisting that I haven't.
It's juvenile.
Now, can you post a block quote that supports your claim or not Jeremy?
If not, move on, your comments are an embarrassment to all members who post here in good faith.
I'm merely pointing out the obvious (and apparently that hurt somebody's feelings).
The mere fact you are asking for a block quote tells me YOU DIDN"T READ A FUCKNG THING and are being lazy (although not surprising). I provided you 2 links (and I'll even provide them again). One from the White House the other from the Department of the Interior. The items I'm referring to are both in bold print in both links.
No, you are actually posting unfounded bullshit.
Here, I'll block quote what you claimed:
I asked you a simple question:
You claim that the links you posted support your statement about Biden's EO.
The link you provided does NOT support your claim Jeremy. It contains NOTHING that has resulted in ONE DROP LESS US oil production TODAY.
I KNOW that because I DID READ the fucking EO.
I have asked you multiple times to block quote even ONE sentence that resulted in ONE DROP LESS US oil production TODAY.
You haven't because you can't.
You haven't because your claim about Biden's Jan. 20th EOs is a bullshit and you just can't manage to adult and admit it.
You aren't convincing anyone Jeremy. Any of our members can review the EO you linked and decide for themselves who is telling the truth.
Your incessant juvenile comments are boring.
So, stop with the pretense to save your own credibility if nothing else.
It’s the Democratic party’s fault. This is what 20 plus years of fighting domestic energy production yields.
Even if Biden asked US oil companies to drill or increase production, they won't invest the money to do it. They can't trust him. He cut shut it all down next month.
Sadly, those measures need to be taken immediately.
Domestic production has already ramped up...
Who believes that?
Ten to twelve people who are members of this forum who are afraid to tell the truth for fear of being cast out of the echo chambers by their only friends in the lonely world of the internet.
Meanwhile national polling across the board tells a very different story.
Some dizzy clod thinking this administration is on the right track.
And it's not Corn-Pop, that's for sure!
In fewer than 11 months, this administration has:
That was not providing a single drop of oil to the US and would created very few permanent jobs in US.
But didn't so no reduction in oil production there
None of which were actively being drilled so were providing zero current oil production.
They stopped issuing NEW oil and gas leases, they did not pull/kill any active oil production.
Another proposal that is not actually effecting our current production levels.
Oh, so you're blaming him for supporting the transition to green energy and encouraging Americans to decide with their own dollars who they want to support. I'm sure the fascist Dictator many conservatives seem to want in the white house would have just ordered his peons to buy more oil and gas and forced all banks to lend/invest in oil and gas operations.
Yes, Russia is the primary cause for gas price instability. Yes, there are other factors, some of which are based on oil futures which could be effected by future leases and drilling in the Arctic, but those minor effects pale in comparison to cutting off Russia which was providing about 10% of the worlds oil and about a third of Europe's oil.
Your half truths and misleading claims only prove this sad seed is nothing but a vehicle bash Biden and contains little to no actual evidence of incompetence or US oil and gas policy irresponsibility.
I have said the same things. It seems to go in one ear and out the other. Not stopping along the way.
Well, neoliberals always look for easy scapegoats. Gasoline prices are not influenced by domestic oil production as much as people have been led to believe.
According to the EIA the US has sufficient domestic oil production to supply domestic demand. The bulk of oil imported into the US is refined into finished product for export. That utilizes available refining capacity and lowers the cost of refining. The United States really is energy independent at current levels of domestic oil production.
The neoliberal gimmick is that international trade determines the price of oil and the price of finished product. The demand for oil in Europe really does determine the price of oil produced domestically in the US, even if that domestic oil is not sold to Europe. Now that the US is a net exporter of finished petroleum products, the demand for gasoline and diesel in Europe influences prices at the pumps in the US.
Neoliberalism reduces competition between producers while greatly increasing competition between consumers. Supply side economics is about eliminating deflation and protecting profits. The rising gas prices in the US isn't being caused by a shortage of oil and increasing domestic production will have minimal effect on the price of gasoline. US consumers are in direct competition with consumers around the world.
Since Psaki brought it up "clean energy future", I shouldn't be off topic with this observation.
The consensus of scientists claim that human produced gases such as CO2, methane, etc. is causing global warming. Now there was an article just recently on NT about being ready for a nuclear war someone mentioned the " nuclear winter " and I believe there is a consensus of scientists who also claim that as a fact and likely the same one's. Now both of these claims can't be right or they are both wrong, if burning fuels is warming the earth, how can burning cities producing more CO2, methane, etc. cause a winter? Or I just solved the global warming problem, we just need to burn in mass what would be the equivalent of what would burn from a nuclear war.
.... goddamnit.
Here is a crazy thought, it is nobody's fault. High oil/gas prices right now are a conflation of a various factors all coming together at once, topped off by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Drill baby drill in the US may be a very short term solution if other oil producing nations don't do the same, and definitely makes the long term outlook worse. Increase production to drop the price of oil, especially that that will be missed from Russia while their idiotic invasion continues, but at the same time ramp up investments in renewable energy across the board.
If anything these gas prices should be sending one message, fuck fossil fuels.
If Joe and his minions spent as much time and energy fixing the problems as they do looking for someone else to blame the problems on we would be in much better shape than we are now.