The left seeks to cancel Carlson

Leftist media organizations of all kinds are going after Fox News resident Libertarian and what may be one of the most watched an influential cable news shows: "Tucker Carlson Tonight."
Take for instance the radical co-hosts of ABC's "The View," who slammed Carlson for a number of comments he has made in recent weeks about Vladimir Putin and suggested the host be investigated by the Department of Justice (DOJ) over them. "I think DOJ, in the same way that is setting up a task force to investigate Russian oligarchs, should look into people who are Russian propagandists and shilling for Putin," Ana Navarro said. " If you are a foreign asset to a dictator it should be investigated."
Lead host Whoopie Goldberg , chimed in, saying, " they used to arrest people for doing stuff like this."
Meanwhile the leftist creator of narratives "Mother Jones," released this unverified hit piece:
As anyone can see it is a hit piece based on a reportedly leaked memo from the Kremlin that suggested it is "essential to use as much as possible fragments of broadcasts of the popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson," as part of its propaganda efforts during the invasion of Ukraine. Hum....What Hillary Clinton has started.....The Russia collusion lie that never dies.
We hear much the same from MSNBC and the all but gone CNN.
Those who have made appearances on Carlson's show have also faced criticism. Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has been on quite a bit lately. She has come under fire for questioning whether Ukraine is making chemical and biological weapons. Biden administration officials say Russian propagandists have used the theory as a pretext for a potential attack.
The Daily Beast story is lighting up sites like Salon with the news that an accused Russian agent gave money to only one politician: Tulsi Gabbard.
You have to read on to learn that this breathtaking scoop amounted to 59 bucks.
It seems to me that Carlson's view is not that far from Biden's. Carlson fears we are heading for war with Russia and he wants to know why? Biden absolutely fears war with Russia to the point of denying warplanes to the Ukraine and twice delaying arms shipments to the Ukraine out of fear of provoking Putin.
As somebody famous said to me, right here on NT, it's all about free speech.
It's for our readers to be the judge, whether you agree with Carlson or not, does he have the right to express his views?

oh yeah, it sure sounds like he's just joking...
What does Tucker expect as Putin's Puppet? A parade?
How cute. When all else fails......................Photoshop. SMMFH
Oh it's picture time for those without an argument!
That's right and I'm way ahead of her, as you can see.
This is how Putin's Appololgists are looking...
A parade?
I'm glad you said after.
Self awareness isn't expensive yet some still can't seem to afford it. LMAO
I'm still waiting for anyone to defend the Leaked Kremlin memo
Who cares unless they are inside the Kremlin?
I didn't think you cared.
Many of don't believe rumors.
No need to wait-- you can google it.
It's a good thing she had time to change it
I can't wait to meet them.
Correct away..........................
I'm sure other people make mistakes too!
No need to wait you can google them.
I'd say Carlson has them biting with little bait....they are in a frenzy....
You forgot to mention the bit about living rent free in their heads...
That would be quite droll...yes, so very droll!
The far hard American rightwing's parroting of Anti-American Russian war propaganda is blowing up in Fox New's guilty faces. The worldwide free press is agog that Tucker Carlson is all in as Vlad Putin's Puppet!
I say far hard right because they are on the fringes...
Rank-n-file Republican are repulsed by those tuckers!
I meant fuckers. Though they are now synonymous!
Carlson is a Libertarian and his views are his own.
Hillary Clinton once financed a lie. The feeble minded still believe it.
That is the, "Lamest Comment I Ever Read!
Lamest must be Latin for accurate.
Axis Annie had excuses too. She got 30 years!
She was just joking.
He's merely mimicking Putin.
Look, don't laugh at him.
He is only joking!
I think you are losing it Vic. I would suggest stopping the original articles and concentrate on seeding articles written by someone else. Its getting embarrassing.
Does Tuckio Rose Carlson deserve freedom of speech, you ask. He already has it.
The question is not freedom of speech, it is accountability for a traitorous media personality. He doesnt deserve to go prison, but he does deserve all the criticism America can muster.
Take a peek outside his bubble he'll see he bombed.
America's Putin Apologists are Modern Axis Annies.
What they are pushing would make Tokyo Rose gag!
So you've been saying.
I would suggest stopping the original articles and concentrate on seeding articles written by someone else.
Look what has come of it - we now have a very good writer starting to write articles - many of those articles promote your point of view.
Its getting embarrassing.
You mean for those who lack a reasoned response?
Does Tuckio Rose Carlson deserve freedom of speech, you ask. He already has it.
Is it in jeopardy? Honest answer.
The question is not freedom of speech, it is accountability for a traitorous media personality.
The only quisling I know of refused to give Ukraine the warplanes they requested.
What do Americans call liars spreading Putin's Russian war propaganda on social media?
..."Modern Day Tokyo Roses and Axis Annies"...
If you do not like it do not be it - Don Leo Nardo
Had that 'quisling' gave them planes you would be trashing him for having done so. You are on a quacking gosling mission after all.
Losing it?
What make you so certain he had it in the first place?
The premise of this article as written is kind of ridiculous. The article takes the position that Tuckio Rose Carlson is in danger of losing his freedom of speech because the "left" (The View is the left now evidently) is openly criticizing him and suggesting he should be investigated.
Lets get real, Tuckio Rose Carlson's existence as a right wing media star is predicated on him attacking his political opponents and calling for them to be investigated and punished.
All thats happening to him is he is reaping what he has sown for years. The panel of The View and Mother Jones have "freedom of speech" too.
It seems they have a good deal more than that. They represent the prevailing, majority view of America's dishonest media.
So now the "media" is living rent free in your head?
That's ridiculous Vic.
Just because of the majority doesn't share your POV doesn't mean you don't enjoy free speech.
That's proven by your daily seeds right here on NT.
American Axis Annie got 30 years in federal prison!
Tokyo Rose was "Most Hated Women in the World".
And what did Jane Fonda get?
The adoration of leftist loons everywhere.
It was all allowed!
She got vilified for the next sixty years, so far.
Tokyo Rose, don't confuse with Tuckyo Rose...
Same people hate Anti-American propaganda!
So? You being unsure is nothing new...
So what? Does that make you more special?
How could that comment could be lamer?
Don't even try. You already outdid yourself!
Keep trying...
How petty...
And for that matter, idiotic people would never make that sane mistake!
What's the point here, free speech for Carlson, but not for the other media personalities calling him out? Anyway this article confuses (on purpose?) how the 1st Amendment applies. The law says the GOVERNMENT can't curtail political speech and doesn't mention The View or The Daily Beast at all. Anyway these media entities listed including Carlson are nothing more than part of, what I call, the outrage machine. They exist only to piss people off. Obviously that's working.
Everyone would be better off if they turned all these shows off and went for a walk.
It wasn't so confined during the late 60's, was it?
We cannot yell fire in a crowded theater. Free speech has limits. Limits Carlson has crossed.
You'll have to be more specific to make a point here if you have one.
He has not crossed any free speech limits. There is no law saying Carlson can't be a dick and no law saying others can't call him one.
OMG! The hyperbolic nonsense on this article (both sides) is pretty high.
He is giving aid and comfort to our enemy.
He is giving Putin excuses for bioweapons.
If he is smart he will see he is at that line...
Fox certainly had cause to cancel his show!
Dream on and WOW what a twist....................
How so? What limits? Be specific
It's political propaganda, the same as The Daily Beast. If one is protected they are all protected. You and Vic are making the same incorrect argument.
Good luck. As a private business they can do as they see fit, but I though I read it's the highest rated show on Fox News these days.
Certain posters provide comedic relief on a daily basis
So what happened 50+ years ago is open to discussion but 5+ years ago is not ...
and the painted ponies go up and down,
we're captured on Vic's carousel of time.
(apol. to Ms. Mitchell)
Post 11.2.1
You're captured by your own ideology.
I dumped 'my' ideology after reading B. Traven in my late teens. You should try some.
I don't think so.
He's never going to give us a straight answer.
And some are just boring beating the same drum every day, Liberals....Good. Everyone else...Bad.
Go get your elders....I'll give them an answer.
What are you doing that is different?
Your loss, Traven is a great author.
Hyperbolic nonsense?
Is that anything like incredible stupidity?
(Or is it oerhaps even worse?)
So many pixels must be crying tonight...
Fox News could be declared a US Public Menace!
Absolutely! Why Not? "Giving Aid To Enemies".
Is that anything like giving coals to Newcastle?
It is kind of amusing. I am not a fan of Tucker and therefore I do not watch him. That would mean the only way I hear about what he does or does not say/mean with regards to any issue is what others seem to be wanting to make me believe is the truth based on their interpretations and context (or lack of context). I have to wonder how many people screaming for his head actually watch alot of his shows or just listen to people tell them what they should think about what he says and believe it due to some preconceived notion. I also wonder if they don't have an axe to grind with Tucker since his ratings would dictate he is cleaning their clocks on a regular basis.
The fact that Russia might take what someone says out of context to make people believe their propaganda should come as no surprise.
As for me I don't watch him so I have no opinion on if he is sympathetic toward Russia. What I do believe is he has first amendment rights and if people don't like it they can watch something else.
Nowadays one doesnt have to watch a show to get a good understanding of what it is. There are many many clips of every show, which are everywhere and readily available, if not foisted on people who consume news every day.
I think Tucker Carlson is better when he is taken out of context, btw. His context is white grievance and racial animosity so its better to get him out of his context.
All I can say is WOW!
That may very well be the most ridiculous thing you have ever said, and that is saying alot.
By your logic Joy Reid (I have seen clips)is a raving racist who hates all white people and does nothing but spread hate every day. Oh wait.....................
Wow is right
It might be nice if that was all you said.
Ahhh.... Wouldn't it?
Tucker appears to be following 'The Apprentice' model of maintaining popularity by being even more outrageous with each successive season. He has become the Man Bites Dog story replete with staged constipated grimaces.
If one is always outrageous, it loses the shock appeal and thus, Carlson would be losing his large audience. It's not happening.
How come?
Give him another year or so ... I have a feeling that his last words will be "rosebud". In other stories, I note petrocks have become a big seller again.
It goes all the way back to Howard Stern and has shown it is effective. I think the grimace is pretty standard for all news people so the person they are talking to thinks they are listening to what they are saying. The amount of hours they must spend in front of the mirror perfecting that look is probably pretty sad.
FACTS? The left don't need no stinking FACTS, they just make up "facts" as they go along.
These are facts. Russian TV is running a loop of Lying Tucker Carlson saying the USA operates illegal bioweapons labs inside Ukraine. The only reason for that is giving Vlad Putin cover at home with the Russians for him using chemical and biological weapons against the Ukrainian cities. You got sny problem with those facts?
You're setting that bar kind of high aren't you?
You never know although that would be a first.
That comment makes absolutely no sense at all.
Can you re-phase it in common English?
Bullshit. Prove that they are running a loop. You keep typing that and have no proof. Quit spreading mis/dis information.
Can you see pyramids from that river in Egypt?
Yes, it has been widely reported in the news.
Those in the rightwing bubble know nothing.
They look foolish denying well known facts!
I bet they get Brownie Points from Trumpo.
Brown Berets, Brown Shirts, Brown Noses...
So you got nothing except deflection..............noted. If it's been widely reported in the news (suspected lie to fill the narrative) you should easily be able to post one of those widely reported videos/articles. But it's not so you can't. Maybe you two girls should pool your wisdom and come up with one.
I'm the same. I haven't watched any mass media on anything in a few years. The main source of what I hear about Carlson is usually coming from a freak out piece from the left on here. Seems the bulk of Fox viewers are the very people who cry and complain about them.
Given that I don't watch Fox, or any other idiot voices I can't say for sure that he's a sympathizer or not. There's a very good chance that the whole thing is based on cherry picked segments to fit a specific narrative. Wouldn't be the first time.
Agree. It is funny that people seem to think Putin need Tucker to be able to keep his propaganda machine rolling.
I assume then that your "sources" are mainly crackpot conspiracy sites.
You give yourself away. If you dont have any information about Tucker Carlson and dont watch or read common news sources, what are you doing giving opinions on the news on sites like Newstalkers ?
Your seeds actually.
And where does it state I have to utilize mass media outlets? I'm not permitted to use local news? If that's restricted please direct me to the exact line in the CoC or ToS.
No its not.
Sure it is.