War Criminals, money launderers and fools

This was the week that Volodymy Zelensky delivered an impassioned address to congress on Wednesday morning. He repeated his plea for a "no-fly zone" and warplanes, which the US has steadfastly ruled out. The congress is more than willing to help out with $13.6 Billion in humanitarian & military aid and after the address Joe Biden responded with another $800 Million in military assistance. Consideration is being given to Zelensky's request for the S-300 air defense system.
After 20 days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian forces are bogged down and now dug in around key Ukrainian cities. The UN claims that 3.1 Million refugees have fled the Ukraine and Russia may have lost as many as 7,000 casualties. Vladimir Putin recently made a speech in which he condemned traitors. A crackdown on the military may be coming. In the meantime Russian forces are intent on razing cities.
The Week:
The top story came in late Thursday. It involves liars and cheats. The New York Times finally admitted that the Hunter Biden laptop story was true and they always knew it and that Hunter Biden recently ponied up about $1 million in unpaid taxes, but remains under federal investigation for potentially violating tax, money laundering and foreign lobbying laws. We all remember during the 2020 election when social media censured the story. We also remember Jen Psaki calling it "Russian disinformation."
Psaki faced the music finally.
Real Clear Politics reporter Philip Wegmannn:
“The president previously said that the New York Post story about this was "a bunch of garbage" and that it was a ‘Russian Plant." Does he stand by that assessment?”
“I’d point you to the Department of Justice and also to Hunter Biden’s representatives. He doesn’t work in the government.”
Rob Crilly of the Daily Mail:
“You were asked about Hunter Biden’s laptop. You also in October 2020 dismissed it as ‘Russian disinformation.’ Do you stand by that assessment?”
“Again, I’d point you to the Department of Justice and Hunter Biden’s representatives. I’m a spokesperson for the United States. He doesn’t work for the United States.”
BTW, this one is priceless:
“We don’t know” that COVID effects older people more than younger people."
In other news:
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's words came back to haunt her. In a January 2020 lecture, titled, "Black Women Leaders In The Civil Rights Movement Era And Beyond," Jackson described Hannah-Jones as an "acclaimed investigative journalist" and highlighted Hannah-Jones’ "provocative" assertion that "the America that was born in 1776 was not the perfect union that it purported to be." Historians have flagged the project for incorrect statements and interpretations. Five academic historians signed a letter claiming the 1619 Project got several elements of history wrong, including a claim that the Revolutionary War was fought to preserve slavery. The Times has defended the project.
During the same 2020 lecture, Jackson cited the late Derrick Bell, whose works influenced the creation of CRT, and said his 1993 book, "Faces At The Bottom Of The Well: The Permanence Of Racism," was an important part of her childhood.
Let's hope she is forced to withdraw her nomination to the Supreme Court. The nation may have dodged a bullet.
House democrats blocked consideration of a Republican bill aiming for U.S. energy independence from Russia amid the Ukraine war. H.R.6858, the American Energy Independence from Russia Act, would approve the Keystone XL pipeline without a presidential permit, direct the president to commission an energy security plan, and open up oil and gas leases across the U.S. Democrats, at least in the House, seem to be as committed to Green Energy as Joe Biden.
The Federal Reserve raised it's key short term interest rate by a quarter of a point Wednesday. The Fed used to be committed to holding inflation to 2%. US inflation is currently on track to hit 10% by next year. A recession is also likely.
In another wild twist Jussie Smollett had his 150 day sentence cut short by an Illinois Appellate Court, which freed him pending appeal. His political connections run through Chicago DA Kim Foxx, all the way to Michelle Obama. How do we define liberal privilege? The liar left jail in triumph.
It was announced today that Joe Biden will hold a call on Friday with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, as there were rumblings via the "intelligence community" that China was considering military support for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Thus far, the Biden administration has issued public and private "warnings" that Beijing would face dire consequences if it provides material support to Russian President Vladimir Putin's war. I'm sure that Xi is shaking at the thought of "dire consequences" from his man Biden!
On another front Biden has Russia playing a key role in another shot at reviving the horrible "Iran Deal."
What have we learned?
First we can clearly see that House democrats are ready to walk the plank for green energy and all the other radical policies Biden has subjected the nation to. They don't care about the American people, but we knew that didn't we?
The New York Times has realized that there is no cost to finally admitting the Hunter Biden story is real.
It sees that not many cared about the Zelensky address to congress. The Ukraine flag has been put away and Americans are called traitors & Putin lovers and some get away with it. It's amazing to watch it play out. Have you ever heard the idiom ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? ’ When they get their hands caught in the cookie jar, the first impulse seems to be tarnishing the reputation of others.
Those who are totally absorbed in all things Trump hate the term TDS.
Cartoon of the Week:
Honorable Mention:
Marina Ovsyannikola
A Russian court has fined Marina Ovsyannikova 30,000 roubles (£215) for violating protest laws after she broke onto a live news broadcast on Channel One in an extraordinary demonstration against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
She called on Russians to protest the war, saying, “Only we have the power to stop all this craziness.”
She is still walking around....We hope!
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The democratic party is only months away from what may be the worst defeat in it's history.
We can only pray that it is so. I sure hope it is!
It only took them a year to destroy the economy.
Mr Supply side just advised the Feds to stop buying bonds and stop printing money!
Those morons.
The economy along with our military readiness as well. I hear Biden wants award General Milley the Congressional Medal of Woke, created just for him.
Nice call by Milley when he estimated the Russians would take Kyiv in 72 hours.
Have you talked to people in the military? It's amazing at what it's become. China should be delighted with Biden.
Yes, I have Vic on a fairly regular basis and all are lifers and in combat arms units. How about you, do you ever talk to anyone in the military?
Tell me with your vast military experience what has the military become?
The U.S. economy ? My small business is flourishing right now as are many of my clients' and colleagues' businesses.
Yes inflation is extreme right now. I had to raise my prices accordingly. When the economy slows as it will, it is cyclical, then prices will come down a bit.
Believe it or not, I do.
Tell me with your vast military experience what has the military become?
Oh you must think you're really sharp.
So therefore I can say at least I didn't come out hating anyone! Nor do I tip the scale at 400 lbs. How's That?
The answer to the question under the personal attack is that it's becoming more like a social experiment, complete with leftist pronouns.
Good for you, but you'd be voting democrat anyway, right?
Good for you and they tell you what?
A lot sharper than the dull knife that is represented by your comments.
So you say, but then again you do spout a lot of nonsense.
That's certainly sounds like you have nothing to say since there was no personal attack.
Anytime one makes it personal it's a personal attack, which is all I've known you to do.
Asking you a question (s) is a personal attack. LOLOLOL
And if they are personal attacks you can have them deleted, or you can whine about them.
Your choice
Don't make assumptions. I voted for Arnold for Gov. and I voted for the republican for state attorney general. He (Steve Cooley) lost to Kamala Harris.
I talk to them all the time, lifers, just like me, who believe the same exact thing that Vic posted.
The military has become a cesspool of wokeism, especially in the upper ranks.
That's really good to hear, wokeism offsets the comatose right-wingers in the ranks.
The fact that you think that the 'top story' of the week is about Hunter Biden tells me everything I need to know about your priorities and ideology.
I'm so glad it does. After all, the media did interfere in the 2020 election. They deserve top spot.
Jordan Boyd probably said it best:
"On Wednesday, The New York Times stealthily admitted, in an understated article focused on a federal investigation into Hunter’s taxes, that the laptop story was legitimate and that he was under scrutiny for shady relationships with Chinese and Ukrainian energy companies, which might have violated “foreign lobbying and money laundering rules.” The quiet confession that the laptop was real and not “Russian disinformation,” as many Joe Biden advocates claimed without evidence at the time, was buried in the article nearly 25 paragraphs down."
You don't get that? Allow me. The New York Times article Boyd cited makes the admission 25 paragraphs down.
That's called an understatement.
Yes they did - the day they censored the Hunter Biden laptop story!
That's why I provided a link.
To inform!
Some might say Hunter Biden’s laptop would have sunk Joe Biden’s election. The DC newsrooms knew it. They covered it up.
Get it yet?
You are one of those "we had to destroy the village to save the village" types huh?
Deflection Vic.
Your 'top story' isn't about the media, it's about Hunter Biden.
Oh and BTFW, truncation of a comment to pretend you're making a point is misleading, an MO used far too often by the cons.
A prime example of TDS
Strange how Jen Psaki was able to comment on Hunter Biden’s laptop when it was “Russian disinformation,” but dodges now that it’s confirmed by The New York Times....Sen Marsha Blackburn
That guy is good.
Great points about swing voters. The last election was not their time to be swingy, no matter what Biden’s kid did whenever.
That was hilarious.
Amazing invention that Teflon stuff isn't it?
No one with a mediocre of intelligence knows, nor do they care, who this idiot is.
The term you're looking for is 'MODICUM of intelligence', not 'mediocre of intelligence' bugsy...
So the grammar nazi has reared her [removed] head.
Yet nobody is playing gotcha here, except you!
'mediocre of intelligence'
…seems to describe so much of the discourse these daze…
You mean like claiming the FBI and CIA were investigating Trump for Russian contacts prior to 2016....without a bit of proof?
THAT gotcha?
CIA and FBI investigations of Trump's Russian ties began before Clinton's 2016 campaign...
I have provided credible proof this is TRUTH!
The same sort of proof QANON provides.
The word you are looking for here is definition, NOT grammar.
I think what you meant to say was...
"I have provided conspiracy theories that fit my leftist, hate Trump, narrative".
"War criminals, money launderers and fools," Vic?
The 'Orange Bloviator', Bannon, Stone and the rest of the Putin boot polishers fit that mold far better than the OJ Simpson glove.
Marina Ovsyannikova would spit on everything the American right wing stands for.
Is that what Madame Clinton called them?
Psaki and company might be plagiarizing some posters here, every inconvenient fact is waived off as “Russian disinformation”
"The New York Post first reported in October 2020 that a “Smoking-gun email” discovered on an abandoned laptop demonstrated “how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad.” The news was devastating enough to hurt Joe Biden’s chances to topple former President Donald Trump, so the corrupt elites who control our nation’s streams of information banded together to brand the story as misinformation that deserved to be censored and suppressed.
Shortly after the Post broke the news, Politico rushed to publish a letter signed by dozens of former intelligence heads from the CIA, Department of Defense, National Security Agency, and more smearing the laptop story as “Russian disinformation.” These so-called “experts” admitted that they had never seen the laptop nor that they had any evidence to suggest that their “Russia, Russia, Russia” theory was accurate, but the letter quickly became the basis for the left to wage a censorship war on anyone and everyone who amplified the Hunter corruption narrative.
Even when current intelligence leaders confirmed that there was never any evidence that the Hunter laptop story was disinformation, Democrats kept spreading the lies to destroy their ideological opponents."
They've admitted that it was true. Are you saying the New York Times is now lying?
It sees that not many cared about the Zelensky address to congress.
Are you getting your news from Russia Today-- and posting "Alternative Facts"?
Because what the reaction was (The "True Facts"!!!):
Addressing Congress, Ukrainian President Zelensky pleads for military aid
Set to plaintive string music, the video depicted parents crying as they kiss their children, wounded Ukrainians in hospital beds, children in tears, and bloodstained sheets over corpses. “This is a murder,” a caption read. The video ended with the words: “Close the sky over Ukraine.”
Some attendees were moved to tears by the video, according to those leaving the auditorium after the speech, and many said the images made a powerful case for further American intervention.
“Not a muscle moved, not a voice — just absolutely riveting,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), who was among a delegation of senators who traveled to Ukraine’s border with Poland over the weekend. Zelensky, he said, made the case that “we have an opportunity and obligation to take much more forceful action.”
Republicans who have spent weeks calling on the Biden administration to do more amplified those calls Wednesday, saying the United States should act posthaste to get jets and other weapons systems to Ukraine, and many Democrats joined them.
“We don’t need them just to lose more slowly, we need them to win, and to win, they need to kill Russians, and to kill Russians, they need more weapons,” said Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.). “The burden of proof should be on us about why we wouldn’t supply everything they need.”
Just re-read your comment.
Either you are deliberately trying to mislead people, or you are just totally uninformed. (I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are not trying to con us-- no nefarious intent!
But rather, you're just not very aware of the facts.
Here are the facts (I deliberately linked to Fox News, not some liberal site):
Fox News: 'Heart-Wrenching' Zelenskyy Speech Gives Congress 'Vivid Reminder' Of Putin's Brutal War
"The video really captured the moment – devastating. Hopefully people, not only our country gets to see that video, which is very graphic. The whole world needs to see it," Tuberville added. "That's the trouble we're in with these dictators trying to do what they're doing.
Fox News: 'Heart-Wrenching' Zelenskyy Speech Gives Congress 'Vivid Reminder' Of Putin's Brutal War
"The video really captured the moment – devastating. Hopefully people, not only our country gets to see that video, which is very graphic. The whole world needs to see it," Tuberville added. "That's the trouble we're in with these dictators trying to do what they're doing.
Another typical comment after the speech:
"I admire him," Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., who appeared to have been crying, said of Zelenskyy's speech. "My heart goes out to what's going on.
My heart goes out to what's going on. I wish our president would move. We need to get the planes there. We need to get more anti-aircraft equipment there. We need to get more support."
There is something you may have missed. You didn't know if I was talking about DC politicians or people right here.
Think about this line:
The Ukraine flag has been put away and Americans are called traitors & Putin lovers and some get away with it.
It's kind of vague.
Read Vic's article. OD on hypocrisy and false grace...
That's an ignorant comment.
I called it the way I read it. Elder rage on a stick!
Reckless partisan accusations sans objectivity.
Are all events not going the way you had want?
Such outrage!
I guess it's true: The pen is mightier than the sword!
That largely depends upon who is wielding either one. I doubt "our readers" have anything to worry about if it is you or I.
Maybe it will be those we influence.
Tell them to "do this in memory of me"
Thread 6.2 deleted for no value.
Hubris will not earn you a halo Vic.
So let's see how (if) you answer this.
For months, when someone would criticize Biden, you would eagerly toted out the stock market and how it was in record areas, and how Biden was responsible for it.
Now that the stock market has lost thousands of points from its high in just a matter of over a month, would you not agree, based on your logic, that Biden is responsible for the loss on points?
Market is still way up since November 2020.
Employment is up. Covid is waning. Wages are up. Home equity is soaring. Poverty is down. Our economy is growing fastest in 40 years!
Didn't ask you that.
It is several thousand points down from when the high took place.
Is Biden, by YOUR standards, responsible for that, or did you just spew BS when it was in record areas?
"Employment is up"
Because fascist left wing mayors and governors are finally lifting restrictions from COVID.
"Wages are up"
Maybe...but cancelled, and then some, by 40 year high inflation
"Home equity us soaring"
No argument there, but we can thank Trump for that since, by your logic, it started during his term.
"Poverty is way down."
See the answer to the first one above...same thing.
Sorry if you're doing poorly. I just got richer!
Sorry, but I'm just fine, and that without begging for government handouts during the pandemic.
Can't say that about most leftists.
Then you admit thing are moving along nicely?
For me and my family, yes....because we made smart decisions during the pandemic. I live in the free state of Florida, so I was never in lockdown more than a few weeks, much unlike many leftist mayors and governors kept their subjects locked down for months.
Unfortunately, inflation and wage erosion has eaten at some of that.
Biden did that.
"I know more than the generals," DJT. Suits you, right?
Me too.
When did that happen bugsy?
Here, let me answer.
In Jan. 2022.
Is Biden, by YOUR standards, responsible for that, or are you just spewing BS when the numbers are slightly lower than that high?
The 5-year LOW was in March 2020.
Is Trump, by YOUR standards, responsible for that, or are you just spewing BS, as Trump did ad nauseam, when it was in record areas?
"I'm not after Glory! I'm after Spartacus!"
Wow! Then you guys should win easily in November!
How so?
What is the point you're desperately trying to make?
Civil servants lived like kings during the Great Depression. Should they have given the rest of the country the finger and said "times are great for me?"
You got your wish. 14 months of radical policy and in another 8 months the bill comes due.
I said what I meant, without your spin on it...
Economic growth is the best in forty years. Home equity is through the roof. Retirement accounts have grown lots. Employment is up. Poverty is down. Wages are up. Plain enough?
So did I!
The dems have 8 months left.
For months, JBB would tout the record numbers of the stock market, giving credit to Biden.
I asked JBB ...
Now that those high numbers are off by several thousand, by his standards, does he blame Biden for the downfall.
I credibly answered you in 6.1.9.
Just because it doesn't fit your leftist narrative is not my fault, but reality takes priority
And your take is not reality
The stock market is only slightly below its all time high which was reached recently and the last week was the best since January. M'kay?
The index's highest price, period, was on Jan. 5, 2022: At one point, the Dow reached 36,952.65 points
Throughout the month of March, the Dow closed in the 32,000 to 33,000 ranges
To recap....
High 36000
Recent lowest 32-33,000
That is SEVERAL thousand points.
It's OK to ask for math help
Read my 6.1.26. It's for you too.
I'll even give that lesson to you free.
You're welcome
Well then, I'd expect it to include answers to my questions.
Not surprisingly, it doesn't.
Since it's an example of an utterly failed argument, that's all it's worth.
WTF does JBB have to do with the questions I asked YOU bugsy?
Yesterday the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 34,754, if you were being honest...
Recent market volatility is Putin's fault, but the return of confidence is credited to Biden...
The day Joe Biden whooped Donald Trump the DOW rose 500 points to close at 27,480 indicating investor enthusiasm for Biden's economic policies. Since then the market is up over 20% which is an outstanding return!
That's hilarious.
Biden doesn't even know what the stock market is.
His funding comes to him as the "big guy".
Then how do you explain the market growth?
You'd blame Joe if it was down, but it is up...
Well, let's look at it this way.
Trump's successes were credited to Obama 3 years into his term, with loon leftists citing that it takes a long time for some policies to see results.
Using left wing loon logic, the climb in the market is credited to Trump'
See how that works?
"Left wing loon logic" bad.
Pretend that it's an excuse for not making a cogent point.
You really cannot have it both ways Bugsy...
So then stop denying that Biden has nothing to do with the rise in the market.
So where was I wrong?
BTFW, Dulay, I noticed you couldn't refute the post.
I knew that before I posted it.
Why should I answer your question when you failed to answer mine?
There isn't enough time in the day to refute every ridiculous bias opinion posted here.
Sure you did bugsy, sure you did.../s
So you still can't refute it, however, it's obvious you are desperate for the last word.
Go ahead and take it.
Supercilious nonsense.
Extra Strength Superduper Superciliousness!
There is no use going round in Bugsy's circle.
But yet, neither of you can refute a single thing I posted.
Refute that Trump is a jagoff.
I dont think you can.
You've been soundly refuted but can't tell it.
You should realize all can read this thread...
Gee bugsy, since you are the one that made the assertions, you have the burden of proof.
Please proceed.
And this right here shows [deleted] loon left party has absolutely nothing positive to run on this year or 2024.
TDS is real and most leftists suffer from it day and night.
Obviously, there is no cure
Oh well....nobody cares.
BTW...no one has refuted a thing I have posted.
Easily done.
[ deleted ]
[ ]
Yet you don't.
You're supposed to be proving this statement bugsy:
Note that the author of your link, Larry Elder [
], doesn't quote ANYONE 'citing that it takes a long time for some policies to see results'.
Easily done.
From your link:
Utter bullshit. The reasons for the 'Reagan' recession and the 'Obama' recession are apples and oranges and NOT 'similar' in any way.
But hey, you and Elder stay in your fantasy if you wish.
So you proved my previous post.
Good job.
You can't refute a single thing I posted, so you go straight to attacking the author of the article, just as I had predicted.
The delusion is deep in that comment.
You're intentionally trying to pretend that my 'apples and oranges' statement doesn't exist. Are you trying to prove that ignorance is bliss?
Congrats to Virginia freshman Emma Weyant, the woman who would have won last night's NCAA title in the 500 meter if women’s sports were still reasonable or legitimate.
Although I didnt read all of the 1619 Project (it is tens of thousands of words in total ) I did look through it in some detail. The vast majority of the material in the 1619 Project is perfectly accurate. That is in fact why the NYT has stood behind it when Hannah-Jones came under criticism.
The chances that this will derail Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's SC nomination are zero.
That's some standard. A mostly accurate history book.
That is in fact why the NYT has stood behind it when Hannah-Jones came under criticism.
They circled the wagons out of necessity . Unless Hannah-Jones committed some cardinal sin against progressivism in her work, it's impossible for the NYT to criticize her. By its own worldview, that would make them racists.
Tell us about the 1619 Project and what you learned or didnt learn when you read it.
That comment illustrates just how little you know about the 1619 Project.
First lesson:
It is NOT a 'history book'.
The so called "1619" fable? It's a ridiculous lie told by a hate filled soul.
How's that?
I suppose many don't know about Corn-Pop either. Intelligent people can't be bothered with racist trash fables.
I feel quite confident that you know little or nothing about the 1619 Project other than what you have heard on right wing media.
Better tell amazon to stop selling it then.
The original 1619 Project material was not a book, it was a series of articles by various writers in the New York Times NEWSPAPER which were all published at once under the banner "1619 Project" . The book came a couple years later as a followup.
WTF are you babbling about now Vic. Please post replies that are relevant to my comment instead of spewing a stream of consciousness.
Intelligent people don't give credence to willfully uninformed characterizations.
Wow, you're seriously relying on an Amazon 'Editor's Pick' review to categorize literature genres?
A fantasy is still a fantasy no matter what people want to call it, and the majority of 1619 Project is still a grotesque fantasy to me. And I say this as a multiethnic minority who has read a fair portion of said publication.
The avatar tells the tale - Still promoting Madame Hillary's great lie!
No, Trump Lied! Trump was secretly negotiating with clandestine agents of Russian Intelligence Services while seeking the US Presidency. That is the reason Trump got himself investigated...
Clinton had already left her government service.
The Trump Russia Investigation began in 2014.
Not even ABC agrees with you.
Nor does The Week.
Nor does Fact Check.
Nor does Politifact.
Goebbels would be damn proud of today's left. They have repeated the same damn lies so often they actually believe them!
The truth I told and stand by surely upset you.
I thought you were averse to members criticizing avatars.
Guess not...
His own apparently. Which is a dangerous trend among the dysfunctional left.
No, Trump Jr and Rudy Giuliani are both on the record confirming that beginning in 2014 and continuing right up to election day 2016 Trump was in secret negotiations with the Russians to build Trump Tower Moscow and lying about it. That is how Trump come under the CIA's and FBI's radar initiating the investigations...
Stop lying. It's sad.
Sad you don't know what everyone else does?
Catch up!
Do you not read your own links? Or do you not understand the words you use?
Just because your link contains words like "Trump" "Moscow" and "hotel," doesn't mean you can cite it to project your fantasies upon it. The article doesn't mention anything about Trump negotiating with clandestine agents of the Russian Intelligence Services nor that was the reason "Trump got himself investigated." Your sources never claim what you say they do. Aren't you embarrassed by that?
You've been told by multiple people multiple times your claims are false yet you persist. Stop spreading lies.
The CIA and FBI don't confirm or deny stories about their investigations but rest assured they investigate when people search out and communicate with known clandestine agents of Russian State Intelligence Services. The Trump Russia investigation began in 2014 during the Obama administration but well after Hillary Clinton retired January of 2013...
Trump got himself investigated by searching out and establishing communications with multiple clandestine Russian agents. It is public knowledge. How do you explain it?
You do acknowledge Trump got investigated.
Why do you think the FBI and CIA began that?
Attached for your reading pleasure.
Show your proof
Again....for the millionth time, where is a document that lists the US as the United States of America prior to July 4, 1776?
Again, for the millionth time, why do you think that question is relevant?
"I may be Irish, but I'm not stupid" . ....Joe Biden
A belated happy St Patrick's Day
POLL) Most support Florida ban on teaching 'sexual orientation' lessons to young children in school

What kind of pervert thinks it's OK to teach kindergarten to high school about sex, sexual positions, and sexuality by those that think they are the opposite gender of what they were born?
This Just In:
Shepard Smith to fill in for Lester Holt on NBC Nightly News
http:// hill.cm/DMsFbPo
Why does Volodymyr Zelensky continue to ask for Soviet weapons? Ukraine manufactures the S-300 air defense missile system.
Biden is protecting Hunter by allowing the Russians to destroy any evidence in Ukraine and by threatening Xi Jinping because Russia. Wink, wink. Is there some sort of quid pro quo with Zelensky for military assistance?
The nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was meant to be a booby trap. Guess who the boobs are. We'll find out if the party of old, white men plays their part.
What have we learned? Nothing new, really. Extremely smart stupid people are still running things. Americans are too busy shouting bumper sticker slogans to notice. Maybe what's happening in Ukraine will allow Americans to now be proudly ashamed of the United States.
Anyone notice what isn't being talked about anymore?
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has tested positive for COVID-19 and has mild symptoms. She is vaccinated and boosted. This is the second time in five months she has tested positive. She will no longer travel with President Biden to Europe.
Hillary Clinton has also tested positive for covid.
Mr. Unity is currently repeating the “good people on both sides” lie about President Trump while at NATO headquarters.