Daily Show Runs Damning Now vs Then Supercut of Fox News Abortion Protest Outrage

Daily Show Runs Damning Now vs Then Supercut of Fox News Abortion Protest Outrage
Posted: Wed, 11 May 2022 20:26:24 +0000
The Daily Show called out Fox News for its hypocritical reporting on pro-choice demonstrators who have been protesting the Supreme Court’s potential overturn of Roe v. Wade.
The double standard was spelled out in a damning super-cut, which highlighted outrage from Fox News hosts over the backlash Supreme Court justices have been facing.
After each Fox News clip, the supercut aired examples of how pro-life activists have harassed and protested abortion providers and patients for years.
“This is how the left behaves, for 50 years pro-lifers have been heartbroken, and nobody went to the homes of Supreme Court justices,” Rachel Campos Duffy said in one clip.
The following clip showed a pro-life activist calling someone entering an abortion clinic a “murderer.” Another protester told someone seeking an abortion that their baby would be torn “limb from limb.”
Following a clip of Steve Doocy saying that pro-choice protesters are trying to “intimidate the judges,” The Daily Show added footage of pro-life activists saying that they wanted to ensure pro-choice Americans would not feel welcome in their city.
“You don’t want to leave in a country where Supreme Court justices cowere and fear for their lives,” Tucker Carlson says in another clip.
The supercut then showed video of an abortion provider explaining that he can no longer use his front office door or his driveway out of fear that a pro-life demonstrator would be carrying a gun.
“If they do not get the outcome that they want, they will literally burn it down,” Will Cain said of pro-choice activists in another clip.
The following video showed footage of a Planned Parenthood clinic burning down after it was set on fire.
Watch above, via YouTube.
The post Daily Show Runs Damning Now vs Then Supercut of Fox News Abortion Protest Outrage first appeared on Mediaite .
The phony outrage by the anti-choice extremists is pathetic. The hypocrite Republicans in the Senate are screaming their heads off about it. As the Ukrainians told the Russians: иди на хуй. Since Moscow Mitch is fluent in Russian, he'll understand perfectly.
Exactly, it's deafening.
Ted Cruz was raving like a lunatic today while he was lying his ass off.
I care nothing about Ted Cruz. He has no impact on me.
Every Senator has the potential to impact public policy. Some, like Cruz, to the detriment.
You should join in the fun in Heated Discussions, Tessy.
You're right and I misspoke. I should have said, Since I have no real ability to influence him or cause his election defeat, I don't worry about it. I would rather get worked up over things that I can effect.
It's affect. I know you have a pet peeve about proper grammar and spelling.
I would rather get worked up over things that I can effect.
You would make a terrible liberal
Nonsense, I have enormous effection for you ... ; -)
LoL, I'm a victim of a southern Ohio and East Tennessee public school education.
Fetus worship=assuring a woman can't tell a man to "Take his seed and shove it."
Even better to never take his unwanted seed at all.
They have a word for being forced to take unwanted seed from a man. That word is "Rape". Since women has no choice in being raped, then don't they deserve the right to terminate the product of being raped?
You should tell bbl-1 that, I'm not confused.
I believe so, how about you?
Confused? Not me. How about you?
Have you figured out who the Ohio congress critter was that wore a toupee which we discussed a while back? When you get that you will have more credibility.
Snap to!
No, why do you ask?
I'm sorry, but I don't recall a toupee discussion.
Sure thing, sorry to disappoint you.
Voted you up because you either honestly or dishonestly replied.
Disappointed? Slightly.
The congress-critter's name was Jim Traficant. He is now deceased.
Beam me up!
"Mr. Speaker, the Gettysburg Address is 286 words. The Declaration of Independence is 1,322 words. Government regulations on the sale of cabbage are 27,000 words. Mr. Speaker, now if that is not enough to stuff your cabbage roll, regulations cost taxpayers $400 billion a year, $4,000 per every family each and every year, year in and year out. Unbelievable. It is so bad, if a dog urinates in a parking lot, the EPA declares it a wetland." (1999)
"Madam Speaker, it started with the training bra and then it came to the push-up bra, the support bra, the Wonderbra, the super bra. There is even a smart bra. Now, if that is not enough to prop up your curiosity, there is now a new bra. It is called the holster bra, the gun bra. That is right, a brassiere to conceal a hidden handgun. Unbelievable. What is next? A maxi-girdle to conceal a Stinger missile? Beam me up! I advise all men in America against taking women to drive-in movies who may end up getting shot in a passionate embrace." (2001)
"From the womb to the tomb, Madam Speaker, the Internal Rectal Service is one big enema. Think about it: They tax our income, they tax our savings, they tax our sex, they tax our property-sales profits, they even tax our income when we die. Is it any wonder America is taxed off? We happen to be suffering from a disease called Taxes Mortis Americanus. Beam me up!" (2001)
"If you don’t get those cameras out of my face, I’m going to 8.6 on the Richter scale with gastric emissions that’ll clear this room." (2002)
"When I go to the floor for the final execution, I’ll wear a denim outfit. I will walk in there like Willie Nelson, combination of John Wayne, Will Smith – ‘Men in Black,' — James Brown. Maybe do a Michael Jackson moonwalk, right up to the stand and ask unanimous contempt to undress and revile the House." (2002)
I remember Jim if not our toupee discussion. Jim has been Beamed Up to his reward after doing time in prison.
Oxymoronic "pro-life" assholes have murdered doctors in churches.
Fox news supports the right of "pro-life" people to protest at abortion clinics butt they oppose pro-choice demonstrations at the residences of Supreme Court Justices who are going to take abortion rights away from women.
Allegedly, Kavanaugh's neighbor organized the protest around Kavanaugh's house.
Are you recycling previous outrage?
Perhaps Collins, 'The Stepford Senator', was upset because the sidewalk etchings were spelled correctly?
Why do you think that would upset her?
Oxymoronic "pro-choice" assholes are okay with murdering innocent babies in the womb but cry very large alligator tears when guilty horrendous murders are put to a death they do richly deserved.
Eric Rudolph (the Olympics bomber) also bombed a clinic. I suppose you think the security guard was a "horrendous murder".
the 1998 bombing of the New Woman All Women Health Care Clinic in Birmingham.
Killed in the Jan. 29, 1998 blast in Birmingham was Officer Robert “Sande” Sanderson, 34, who was moonlighting as a security guard at New Woman, All Women Health Care Clinic .
You seem to think people who kill doctors are somehow "right to lifers".
That's totally hypocritical.
It do don't you?
When and where have I ever said that. He was tried and convicted and sentenced to life in prison according to the law. I would not she'd a tear for him if he had been sentenced to death and executed.
That is where we differ. I will stand up and defend the innocent babies who have done nothing to deserve death and I will condemn those who cruelly and wantonly murder. Can you say the same or are you one that condemns the innocent and weep and demand mercy for the guilty.
Your stupid straw man argument is ridiculous.
Lol, what babies?
How many have you adopted?
Happily, I don't have that problem. When a person is proven guilty beyond doubt then I say execute the shit out of them. I also say that a fetus is no more a life to me than a plant or bacteria. At the point when it is viable outside the womb (except for the health of the mother) then yeah, let it be born, but before that fuck it. Is it alive? Sure, in the most literal sense of the word, but is it alive like you or I? Absolutely not.
Well you are wrong again. A fetus is alive. BTW plants and bacteria are also alive
It absolutely is. A fetus is a human life just at a different stage of development.
I guess thinking that it is not alive helps you sleep at night, doesn't it?
What is funny is no one actually believes you give a shit.
It is just the outrage de jour.
And what is really funny is how you seem to think I care what you or anyone else "thinks". I know what I believe. I am an expert in my opinions.
Says someone who identifies with a group that is all up in arms over a draft paper giving an opinion on something that hasn't even happened.
BTW. If that was supposed to insult me you have failed miserably. That doesn't even qualify for a nice try.
Expert in your opinion? I guess it is your opinion...
I am not the one trying to tell people how to live or what they can and cannot do.
This is something that you never even know about happening and it has zero impact on you.
Which fetus is a human being? 1st? 2nd? both? Neither?
All of them. It becomes human as soon as sperm and egg combine to complete the genetic code.
Biology I
When an ovum is fertilized it becomes a zygote.
A zygote is a single cell, not a "human".
It has all the necessary DNA to become fully human. It is just the first stage of human development.
BTW no one has ever had an abortion of a zygote. Not one
Morning After pill, ever heard of it ?
That's the point.
A fetus becomes "fully human" if it is born.
A fetus is not "fully human" during the first trimester.
I have flour, eggs, cooking oil, vanilla, cocoa powder, and baking soda in my kitchen.
But I don't have a cake.
I have all the components of the cake. I could make a cake, if I wanted to, from what's in my kitchen. But there is no cake.
A zygote has human DNA. But for that DNA to direct the construction of a human body, the zygote must parasitize nutrients from the woman carrying it. DNA by itself does nothing. It's basically the recipe card and one ingredient for a cake.
It is in the development stages of a human. It will be a baby. It will not be a calf or a puppy or a fish but a human baby. It is a human as soon as the human mother's ova and the human father's sperm combine and give it all the chromosomes of a human being.
It is human but I guess you have to sleep at night and that is easier for you to think it is not.
You have the ingredients for a cake but have not combined them to make a cake. The egg and sperm are the ingredients for a baby and once they combine the become a human in the early stage of development.
And the morning after pill stops the egg and sperm from combining which can take up to six days after sex. Therefore no zygote has been formed and none have been aborted. You are wrong again.
Uh, you can combine all the cake ingredients yet it is still not baked.
The American College of Pediatricians says different.
the one who has the ingredients and has to supply the power has the right of control.
The American College of Pediatricians says different.
The ingredients aren't all there. They depend on the pregnant woman restocking the kitchen by way of the placenta. Please review molecular cell biology, embryology, maternal-fetal nutrition, and the conservation of mass.
Ah, yes, the forced incubator.
Every cell in our bodies is alive. Sperm is alive too. Life does not mean personhood.
Mine is alive but has no longer has a path to go anywhere.
The thing we are discussing however is whether a zygote and embryo and fetus are human. The quote I gave 5.3.26says it definitely is at all three stages of development. I will go with that definition.
Since I am talking about when human life begins I claim that it begins at conception when the sperm and egg combine and the zygote gets the necessary chromosomes to form a human life. The quote in 2.3.26 confirms that.
Nobody's saying it's not alive. It's not a baby. It's a cell with human DNA, like a cancer cell. A cell that can only become a baby by parasitizing from the body bearing it.
And your source is biased in the extreme, and is rendering an opinion, which is proof only that they have an opinion. It advocates for conversion therapy, which frequently leads to suicide. How pro-life is that?
The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a socially conservative advocacy group of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States.[1] The group was founded in 2002. In 2005, it reportedly had between 150 and 200 members and one employee; in 2016, it reportedly had 500 physician members.[2][3] The group's primary focus is advocating against abortion and the adoption of children by gay or lesbian people. It also advocates conversion therapy.[
"forced incubator."
Like Axolotl tanks from Dune books
I have to confess that I never read the books.
One of the alien races turned females into incubators and used then to make weird people and creatures
A playbook, along with The Handmaid's Tale, for how to treat women, apparently.
Damn, a whole planet full of Retumplicans?
That's fucking scary as Hell.
By that argument, do you also claim that cancerous tumors are alive and need to be saved? Is masturbation murder as well?
Also, even the bible says that life begins at, "first breath".
If it's unborn, it's not a baby.
And biologically speaking, it is a parasite. It cannot live or grow without using the woman's body to gain nutrients. That's what a parasite does. Now, most women, myself included, choose to have children. But that doesn't change the biology.
Have you ever heard a woman say they have a baby, before it's born? Or do they say, "I'm having a baby".
There are no unborn babies, the term, "unborn babies" is nothing more than a weak attempt to get an emotional response.
Illinois Compiled Statute ch. 740 180/2 (2016) extends the statute of limitations for individuals who allegedly committed the intentional homicide of an unborn child, voluntary manslaughter of an unborn child and involuntary manslaughter or reckless homicide of an unborn child.
Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. 720 § 5/9-1.2, § 5/9-2.1 and § 5/9-3.2 define intentional homicide of an unborn child, voluntary manslaughter of an unborn child, involuntary manslaughter and reckless homicide of an unborn child, respectively. The laws define "unborn child" as any individual of the human species from fertilization until birth. The laws also specify that these provisions do not apply to acts which cause the death of an unborn child if those acts were committed during any abortion to which the pregnant woman has consented or to acts which were committed pursuant to usual and customary standards of medical practice during testing or treatment.
Perhaps you should call the police then?
Why would i? Cancerous tumors do not develope into humans and are not in any part of the development of a baby.
No there is not a complete chromosome set and will not become a baby
Since when have you started to care what the bible says.
I have heard women say both. What I have never heard is a woman say she is having a blob of cells or a fetus or an embryo and I know of no one who has. Have you?
No, but they are every bit as alive as a fetus.
But there is potential, and don't tell me that there aren't some right wing nutters out there that absolutely believe that dropping some baby gravy in a kleenex is murder. "every life..." and etc.
Since when am I the subject of the article?
No, because once it is born, it IS a baby. I mean, you did say, "having".
The only ones that have ever heard or read saying that are left wing nuts trying to make some idiotic nonsense point.
When you tried to use the Bible as an argument for your case.
Yes I did any I have heard many women say that they were having a baby even early in their pregnancy and months away from the baby actually being born. Not one in all my years have I heard a pregnant woman say she is having a blob of cells or a fetus or an embryo. Have you?
A good friend of mine (a neonatal nurse) called her baby bump "Egbert" until the baby was born.
We all thought that was appropriate.
Her baby is "Meredith" now.
I didn't write it. Sorry!
On you?
That answer is incorrect. At least 1 is not a human fetus.
The American College of Pediatricians is a socially conservative advocacy group of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States.
The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a fringe anti-LGBTQ hate group that masquerades as the premier U.S. association of pediatricians to push anti-LGBTQ junk science, primarily via far-right conservative media and filing amicus briefs in cases related to gay adoption and marriage equality.
Truth Alert: American Academy of Pediatrics v. American College of Pediatrics
Sounds like a good and intelligent group to me.
Which explains a lot about some of your comments.
So if sperm is alive then men who masturbate are guilty of murder
No they are not because sperm by themselves can not and do not and are not humans by any stretch of ones imagination. They only become human when they combine with a human egg and complete the DNA sequence of a human being.
fuck off
I told you you were on ignore. You look foolish replying to someone who treats as if you don't exist.
I'm telling you this one time. After that, you're trolling. And you're talking to a dead cow
That's genocide!
And one form of birth control is (gasp!) spermicide.
Why do you respond if you already have him on ignore? Seems to me you're just feeding the monster...
Isn't it just like spam calls? You answer the call and they know they "got cha" ... If you just hang up on the call they don't know if the number dialed is a live number or not.
I already knew that. I don't remember who or what put me on ignore. I will respond where and when I see fit. Putting someone on ignore is foolish and childlike sort of like sticking you fingers in your ears and shouting" la la la la I can't hear you la la la!"
I thought there were just adults here. [deleted]
Oh. If I am on ignore how do you know I responded to you
Eeww! How ladylike!
Because your reply shows up in her Private Notes.
Then she can just ignore them too. She doesn't have to read them
You have to open them to see who replied....but you want to talk about being childish - replying to people that do not want to talk to you. You don't have to reply to her. Be an adult.
To everyone in this thread:
The rest of this thread was removed for no value and get back on topic. Only warning.
You are correct. I see his replies in my private notes but I don't know it's him until I open it. I should just go merrily on my way and pretend he doesn't exist.
In fact, as of this moment, he doesn't. [deleted]
You are aware there is a huge difference between an abortion clinic in a commercial area and a supreme court justices home in a residential area right?
First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble , and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Funny how you are all up on the Constitution and in particular the first amendment (at least one part of it) but are fine with ignoring the part of freely exercise ones freedom of religion or the rights of conservatives to peaceably assemble or the freedom of speech for conservative speakers.
Yes, I'm "up on the Constitution".
I posted the entire First Amendment including freedom of religion.
Conservatives have the right to "peaceably assemble" butt nobody has the right to attack police and vandalize the Capitol.
You are aware that the Constitution (which includes the First Amendment) is "the law of the land".
Streets in "residential areas" are public property. Peaceful demonstrations are permitted on public streets.
That depends:
18 U.S. Code § 1507 - Picketing or parading
Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge , juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
Nothing in this section shall interfere with or prevent the exercise by any court of the United States of its power to punish for contempt.
VA Code § 18.2-419. Picketing or disrupting tranquility of home.
Any person who shall engage in picketing before or about the residence or dwelling place of any individual, or who shall assemble with another person or persons in a manner which disrupts or threatens to disrupt any individual's right to tranquility in his home, shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor. Each day on which a violation of this section occurs shall constitute a separate offense.
Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit (1) the picketing in any lawful manner, during a labor dispute, of the place of employment involved in such labor dispute; (2) the picketing in any lawful manner of a construction site; or (3) the holding of a meeting or assembly on any premises commonly used for the discussion of subjects of general public interest.
Notwithstanding the penalties herein provided, any court of general equity jurisdiction may enjoin conduct, or threatened conduct, proscribed by this article, and may in any such proceeding award damages, including punitive damages, against the persons found guilty of actions made unlawful by this section.
But you probably think that those liberals and antifa supporters that attacked and vandalized and looted property in several cities to protest the outcome of the 2016 election and all the BLM protests and the protests to stop conservative speakers were perfectly fine and did not hurt or violate anyone's rights. Remember many of those protests included the protestors destroying businesses and government properties and cause injuries to dozens of law enforcement personnel.
That is illegal and the perpetrators should be prosecuted.
Similarly, police who assault peaceful demonstrators should be prosecuted. And the "secret police" (feds with no identification) should also be prosecuted.
I guess that is why most of the lefties protesters that assaulted police and others , committed arson and rioted we're either never charged or had the charges dismissed an were never hunted for after the events. The protesters of Jan 6 were tracked down and charged using the entire might of the government and some were charged with crimes for just being in the crowd
One of the problems with Newsvine was flagging.
Anyone could flag comments.
When a comment was flagged by five different people, it was automatically removed.
SiN Moderators didn't remove comments but flagged comments were removed and site Moderators removed comments.
Yeah, these shit heads have no credibility here, their asshole supporters have been doing this shit and worse to patients and doctors for decades and not a peep from them.
Compared to a female of childbearing age a fetus is insignificant
Obviously much smaller.
What does that have to do with an abortion done for the convenience of the mother?
Convenance of the mother is more important than the fetus.
Exactly, raising a Down syndrome child can be very inconvenient.
Can somebody come into my house, eat my food, use my power, get in my way, take up space, poop in my toilet and expect me to flush it, disturb my sleep and inconvenience me if I don't want them there?
No, they can't. The example is a valid comparison
Why did you invite them in to begin with?
They snuck in past protective devices
I do have the right to make them leave
Also they were not paying rent or doing any chores
Hell, they won't do once they get outside and living next to you for 18 years
No it is not anywhere near a valid comparison.
That is a good comparison.
Now imagine this same stranger, kicking you in the guts, the kidneys, the liver, and giving you gas, heartburn and swollen feet.
Some politicians to include Trump want women punished for attempting an abortion. What about the men who got them pregnant? Why aren't they being held accountable also? These women did not get themselves pregnant.
Yep. Trump says women should be punished for for getting an abortion.
What punishments are they advocating?
You'd have to ask the ones advocating for the punishment. Wouldn't you?