The strange burglary story of Karen Bass

The link to the quote:
There is a woman running for mayor of the sad city of Los Angeles. Her name is Karen Bass and she claims that her home was burglarized. The strange part of that is that the thieves left money and other valuable items while only taking two guns. Ms Bass is a proponent of gun law restrictions. She learned about guns from her activist days when she served with the Venceremos Brigade, a revolutionary group founded by the "Students for a Democratic Society" (SDS) in 1969.
We are living in the era of the left when left wing hoaxes are common place. From Russia/collusion to Jussie Smollett to Duke Volleyball player Rachel Richardson, its been one hoax after another. We have a vice president who claims that Americans are more of a threat than the 9/11 terrorists and a president who called half the country "semi-fascists." This story by Bass makes very little sense. Our team of critical thinkers will most likely tell me not to question it. Sit back and wait for the media to bury it.
Let us see, who here believes her?
Our "critical thinkers" might say question everything.
Here is a great place to start!
I know Karen Bass. She's an awesome woman.
Do you live in LA?
Do you believe her?
Why wouldn't I?
Do you think thieves would leave cash?
It is not unusual for single or only a few select items to be stolen. This is especially true when friends, family members or the domestic help are the culprits, which is often the case.
My Dad's guns and a ring were taken from Mom's house shortly after his death. Nothing else was taken although there was thousands of dollars worth of jewelry right there...
It is extremely unusual for thieves to leave cash.
My Dad's guns and a ring were taken from Mom's house shortly after his death. Nothing else was taken although there was thousands of dollars worth of jewelry right there...
Jewelry is different from cash. It can be traced and there is a big markdown when thieves try to cash it in.
Whatever! You are intent on smearing Bass. Nothing will stop you. Where I come from slandering innocent people without any proof is still considered low down and a sin. [Deleted]
I recently had a prowler that got into my shop in my back yard. I had left it unlocked. Lots of tools in there. Expensive stuff. The prowler moved stuff around a lot. We found my neighbors' stuff in the bushes and my stuff in my shop moved around and in the yard and my neighbors' yards. NOTHING WAS STOLEN. NOTHING. In fact we found $23.00 in cash that he apparently left.
You have some evidence that Karen is lying or are you just smearing her good name because she's a Democrat? Yeah, I thought so.
How were the guns stored?
I wonder why her guns weren’t more securely stored. If they are subsequently used in a crime, is she responsible?
You would think so but, so far, the NRA has won that one. She's only responsible if she has children in the household or if someone in the household is restricted from having guns.
She told me to tell you to fuck clean off fella!
The LAPD has released a photo and description of a suspect, a Hispanic man, 5 feet, 9 inches tall and about 200 pounds. He was seen wearing dark clothing, a surgical mask, a blue baseball cap with a white logo and black Asics sneakers.
It hasn't been reported if Karen has any employed Hispanics working at her house.
You people have wild imaginations. They were not that kind of guns. They were two antique heirloom, a .410 and a .22, that have not been fired since being restored as trophy guns over forty years ago. I have no proof but am fairly confident they went straight from the wall of daddy's office/den into my brother's gun safe.
My Mom is ancient, licensed to carry, still a deadly shot and sometimes sleeps with a loaded gun. She has lived alone way out in rural Oklahoma for the last ten years. The locals love and admire her, but most of them also fear her. She had half of them in the second grade in their small rural school for forty odd years. Are there any more personal details required about me and mine?
I would trust her far more than anyone who spends all day defending the former liar-in-chief.
This seed is just more rightwing conservative assumption, biased speculation and veiled hate for anyone who disagrees with their perverse religious conservative ideology and is apparently the only thing that makes them feel good about themselves. That and dishing out an endless supply of bullshit and wallowing around in it.
Does that apply to all people who do that?
And you wouldn't be trying to, once again, defy logic to save a democrat? Yeah, I thought so.
We have a monstrous liar in the WH right now. Are you suddenly tone deaf?
This seed is just more rightwing
Maybe the day will come when everything you don't like will be censored. For now everything the left does, I shall highlight!
I knew you would enjoy that one. be beloved!
It's not slander to point out her hypocrisy when it comes to guns
Gun owners can't be gun control advocates?
You actually believe what you say here?
Please do list these supposed "monstrous lies". And as for tone deaf, conservatives who ignored more the more than 25,000 lies of the former liar-in-chief.
Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years - The Washington Post
Where did I even suggest I wanted you or any other conservative "censored"? I pointed out your seed is chock full of " conservative assumption, biased speculation and veiled hate". You of course have every right to express such beliefs just as I have every right to express my opinion about your beliefs.
Do I wish that conservatives would come join the rest of society in reality and stop pushing such ridiculous beliefs? Of course. That would great and we could finally get back to working together to make our nation an even more perfect union. But that will only be when they choose to accept the facts and reality outside their rightwing conservative alternate universe, not by censoring them.
So, because you believe, wrongly, that Trump has been unfairly accused of crimes then that justifies you slanding innocent persons?
yeah. ,most people who call the death of mass murdering dictators "a great loss" are kind, empathetic people.
Who are you referring to?
The death of her beloved Castro.
Viva la revolución!
Yea, I wouldn't know about that.
As a member of the Venceremos Brigade, she would have to be. Working in Cuba as Brigade members was challenging as they witnessed racism, sexism, and homophobia in Cuban society and within the revolutionary priorities. They struggled with how to reconcile what they learned about Cuban gender, race, and sexual politics without imposing US notions of women’s liberation, gay rights while avoiding cultural imperialism. No easy task, let me tell you.
Sounds funny to me,
Given Democrats recent spate of killing people, might be a cover story for a murder.
Damn, I must have missed the memo. What's my quota?
No report yet on make/model of the firearms. I’m sure neither were an assault rifle.
I don't she returned Tucker Carlson's phone call either
So the ONLY thing taken were two "secured" firearms? I'm calling bullshit. There is more to it than this article is stating.
It smells like 3 day old fish.
Ms Bass needs to cover her mouth when she speaks.
Yeah, this story is definitely fishy. The two guns were locked in a Brinks lock box. These boxes don't have a clear lid so how would you know what is in there? And why would a thief take a locked box in the hopes of something valuable and leave cash behind? It's reported that the guns were legally registered but that Bass never applied for the permits to carry a gun.
This story just seems strange, even for a politician who is heavily into gun control. Have to wonder how this will play out in her future politics.
It highlights the hypocrisy. I'm not sweating the registered firearms vs. carry permits. I have several firearms and don't have a carry permit. It's the "my guns were stolen but nothing else" story. Just seems to convenient. I'm willing to be that the weapons were lost or illegally given to somebody else. Which brings to question her integrity.
Maybe whoever took the guns had a search warrant. The world's gone crazy so it's difficult to discount anything.
Since only guns were stolen, doesn't it seem quite possible that whoever did this knew the guns were there? Why would someone burglarize a house for specific items motivated by random chance? For all we know, this could have been some sort of intervention to remove the guns.
"At this time, it appears that only two firearms, despite being safely and securely stored, were stolen. Cash, electronics and other valuables were not," Bass continued in the statement.
It sound jussie little fishy that someone would know about ... and then take precious minutes to only steal 2 guns that were allegedly "safely and securely stored" in a Brinks lockbox but leave easy-to-grab cash, jewelry, and electronics.
Home-use Brinks gun lockboxes aren't big or secure. They're portable and "locked" with a small padlock and/or cheap combination lock. All are available online for $30.00 to $200.00.
Isn't Karen Bass the same woman, now running to become the first black woman Los Angeles mayor, who supports:
Yep ... same woman!
Slow news day ?
"...the first woman and the first Black woman..."
The writer stole the guns.