Requiem for a young Republican
Cayler Ellingson was only 18 years old. His life came to an end Sunday morning after a heated political argument with 41 year old Shannon Brandt. Brandt killed Ellingson with his SUV in an alley. Ellingson you see, was a Republican and the president recently called certain Republicans. Biden said they were a threat to the very foundation of the Republic. Brandt has been charged with vehicular homicide and leaving the scene of a deadly accident. Brandt quickly left the scene of the incident and was arrested at his home. He is free on $50,000 bond.
Mr Brandt seems to have little remorse. He claims that he was drunk at the time as if it were some kind of excuse. Brandt didn't care for the bail amount, saying he was not a flight risk.
"I have a job, a life and a house and things that I don't exactly want to see go by the wayside — family that are very important to me," he said."
"Brandt admitted to striking the pedestrian with his car because he had a political argument with the pedestrian and believed the pedestrian was calling people to come get him," the court document continues. "
Shannon Brandt, 41, is charged in the vehicular death of a North Dakota teenager he claimed occurred after a political argument. (Foster County Sheriff)
"Brandt reportedly called 911 to report the crash, authorities said. Authorities said he was allegedly drunk at the time. Court documents said he told a 911 dispatcher the teen was part of a Republican "extremist group" and was calling people to go after him following an unspecified political argument. "
Joe Biden and his fellow democrats show little signs that they will tone down the rhetoric.
This is what comes of demonizing one's opponents.
Where is the msm on this story?
Wrong optics- so they are ignoring it.
Now a Trump supporter running over a Democrat is something they can sink their teeth into! I am sure they looked very long and hard at this to make sure that it wasn't the case. Soon as they received confirmation the story was in the recycle bin.
Can't have people seeing how hypocritical Democrats and the Jan 6th commission is after they stayed silent about Brandon's calling Republicans and Trump supporters semi-fascists; and claiming they are all violent extremists. A deranged lunatic leftist acted on Brandon's claims? Not on the MSM's watch.
they're probably too busy covering the on going drama of a seditious traitor and his criminal spawn.
You bet!
So they are making shit up again, like normal. Good to know.
no worries, you won't be exposed to it on any of your primary media choices...
Are you saying they cannot multitask?
It was an MSN headline yesterday.
And we are supposed to believe that Biden isn't a divisive President.
Funny you sang a different tune last week when the subject came up of a dem woman getting run over in Charlottesville.
that's bullshit, although my non-empathy towards any supporters of insurrectionists is accurate.
Does that include the CHAZ insurrectionists?
here's your big chance to prove it.
= you can't prove it.
It must be a sad life when your comment to somebody getting killed is "BFD". Almost like you support this kind of partisan murder.
how many times must I remind you that right wing thumpers aren't real Christians.
And what puts you in a position to make the distinction of who is and who isn't a Christian?
how ironic, but no, I don't care what happens to people that willfully chose the wrong side of american patriotism.
There is also the possibility that someone may simplify not be willing to put forth the intellectual effort required to post something non-idiotic on the subject.
Although I guess the two are not mutually exclusive.
I don't fantasize about killing Christians...
the new testament.
re: 3.2.2
And I'm supposed to believe YOU are the authority of what side of American patriotism is? Sorry. I've seen too much of your BS to even remotely believe you think let alone be in any kind of authority position.
So a book of fiction. One that you cherry pick from and that tells you to kill non-believers, women who aren't virgins when they wed and not to eat sea food.
His hate filled and violence fetishizing posts are the best refutation of "liberal tolerance" going.
One could believe he's a right winger involved in some sort deep con of left wingers for all the damage he does to the progressive image.
I see a lot of demonizing the liberals by the conservatives on this site, Vic. Surely you have to admit that you've seen it too. What has been worrying me, and I've posted my fears of it a few times on NT, is that a kind of civil war is developing in America. I started to get the impression when the lesser things were happening, like tearing down neighbours' political signs, then there were the stories that restaurants refused to serve or even seat persons whose politics differed, and then there are the stories of family get-togethers where close relatives have to be careful what they say to each other, and now there is this, and I believe it will increase, and who knows what will happen when the results of the midterms come out.
I have to disagree on that one. Most of our members here are liberals and it is their rhetoric that has been over the top. How many pictures do we see on seeds and articles demonizing Trump and his supporters? There was even one who called Republicans "white supremacists" on a daily basis. Just take a look at Post 3.
and who knows what will happen when the results of the midterms come out.
WE already know who isn't going to like those results.
Definitely. A lot of death wishing by the intolerant left.
You're entitled to your opinion, even if it differs from mine.
I only wish everyone had that attitude.
This has gotten to the point of politicians demanding this.
Sorry, Jeremy, but I can't open your link.
It's a video of Democratic representative Maxine Waters yelling to a crowd of liberal supporters encouraging them to harass members of the Trump Administration and Trump supporters in general whenever they see them in public.
Thanks, Jack.
As a nation, we've been here before.
We're basically re-living the 1970s.
We came through that and we'll come through this.
I think it was the 1960s - npr posted an article about it yesterday. (LINK) ->
I'm sticking with the 70s.
Massive black swan economic event- oil embargo/covid
Corrupt controversial president - Nixon/Trump
Followed by elderly, feeble, president- Carter/Biden
Anti-Asia bias - Japan/China
Race riots
High inflation
Spiraling real estate costs
American soccer teams hiring ancient former European stars.
It's deja-vu all over again.
Major difference between then and now?
Only the rabble rouser activists were calling for riots and burning down the cities, Democrats were calling for calm measured responses and for people to relax and let the government work... NOW, Democrat politicians in power are calling for anarchy and the government is actively working for it......
Huge difference...
My grandparent's savings accounts were earning twelve to fourteen percent in the 1970s. These last few years my savings account paid one. Unemployment in the 1970s was somewhere between seven and ten percent if I remember. Definitely not the same...
Why do some think a PotUS can control the stock market; especially when measured in such short durations?
I don't think he does, I do know that Presidents try to take credit when the market goes up or gas prices come down but distance themselves from the opposite.
Many PotUS' have taken credit for a rising stock market and deflected when it is down. It is a vicious cycle that perpetuates with the people that the president of the USA has such influence over the market. Same basic cycle with the economy. If one is PotUS' one's popularity is going to be heavily based on the economy — which they cannot control.
You do not blame Biden for a down stock market?
Is it really so scary to answer a direct question?
Your refusal to answer clearly shows that you blame Biden for a down stock market. Thus you think he can control it and has failed to do so.
You attribute far too much power to the presidency.
Your post was all deflection.
Deflecting from a simple question typically delivers the answer.
Clearly you believe a PotUS should be blamed / credited for the performance of the stock market.
I do not see any denial in your trolling comment. Just more making things personal with a silly piss and vinegar smokescreen to deflect from answering a very simple, direct question.
Well, Texan, it is incorrect and naïve to hold that a PotUS has control over the stock market. A PotUS can certainly act in ways that will adversely affect the market (e.g. declaring war) so the negative influence potential is there ... but it is not controllable. On the flipside, a PotUS has very little influence to make the market better. If they could, they would ... right? And all this goes for the economy too.
Bottom line, the stock market is an incredibly complex system that is affected by myriad planetary actions (many not even financially related). There is no point thinking that it can be controlled or even predictably influenced by anyone. We have some blunt instrument tools, but for the most part the market operates under its own volition — somewhat like a ball bouncing between irregular stone walls.
You wrote:
You speak of the stock market and then refer to Biden in a pejorative fashion related to his 'financial genius'.
If you do not think Biden has control over the stock market, why would you even mention him and his 'financial genius'.
You keep answering the question in spite of yourself. (This is now simply amusing.)
I understand that you think Biden should be blamed for bad turns in the stock market. Quite obvious given your repeated deflections.
It is naïve to think that any PotUS has predictable influence over the stock market. The market (and, more importantly, the economy) raise/lower the tide of a PotUS' popularity; it is the market (and the economy) that have significant influence over the PotUS — not the other way around.
Now let's see if for once you actually will give me the last word.
JR needs to hear you.
We can also see what kind of people support Biden.
Your statement:
So all Biden supporters are the same? That is a sweeping generalization, by definition. Biden supporters span the gamut of incomes and educational levels and, one would have to imagine, levels of wisdom from the blind follower to the studied logician.
"I see a lot of demonizing the liberals by the conservatives on this site, Vic."
OTOH.....I see a lot of demonizing of the conservatives by the liberals on this site, Buzz.
It goes both ways
Much heavier on the liberal side.
That is not true, Vic, the fact is that it DOES go both ways and the division is just getting wider and wider and tearing the nation apart and your comment just helps to exacerbate it.
It is absolutely true and btw the two sides happen to be the radical left vs the American people!
We differ, Vic, so our opinions differ as well. You're an American and a right-winger so your comments follow suit. I'm not an American, I don't live in America but I've been close to America most of my life and I'm very familiar with America and Americans but I have no skin in the game, I believe I'm centrist and I think I can be a lot more objective about what I observe.
Ahh Buzz, I only wish the world was like the movie Witness, with well defined good guys and bad guys.
Actually, just think of how peaceful the world would be if it were all Amish.
Or Nordic...
Buy up as much land in Greenland as you can afford. With global warming, it will be worth a fortune.
I hate to tell you this, but the phrase "global warming" was ditched the first year we got colder. It is now called "climate change."
The weather and the climate are different (albeit related) systems. The planet continues to warm, oceans continue to grow more acidic given they are sinks for carbon, water levels continue to rise, weather patterns continue to be affected by the changes, and the CO2 concentration in our atmosphere continues to grow at an unsustainable rate.
It is a naïve mistake to gauge climate change by observing the weather. That is like gauging the long term viability of a stock like Microsoft in 1986 by watching its hourly fluctuations during trading.
"Climate change" is a much safer term, because the cultist, manipulating, fearmongers can use the term for either colder or warmer.
And the ironic punchline
Do you actually deny that the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere are increasing (47% higher than at the beginning of the industrial age) and that our planet is almost 1°C warmer since the beginning of the industrial age and is increasing at about 0.2°C each decade and that these factors are dominant in climate change (the planetary-wide broad scale changes in climate measured by factors such as temperature, water level, extreme weather patterns, etc.)?
I reread my comment 6.1.10 but cannot find any indication of my denying or confirming anything. Your accusations are, once again , unfounded and, quite frankly ... unwelcome . Please stop.
When a sentence ends in a question mark, that is an invitation for the interlocutor to opine. In this case, I was asking you to opine on the implication of your words.
Your words imply that you deny climate change is real. Read what you wrote:
Your reference to “cultist, manipulating, fearmongers” does not leave a reader with the impression that you accept climate science.
Ergo I asked you to clear this up. I asked you a question.
Instead of answering, you deflect.
Your refusal to answer a direct question suggests that my assumption is correct that you deny the findings of science that I enumerated.
The difference between 'at' and 'with' is immense
Whatever. It doesn't change my advice.
It's not right wing to want safe streets, a secure border and equal justice.
My "whatever" referred to global warming and climate change, and my advice was to buy land in Greenland. I don't know what you're talking about.
That's the point I was making, Greg. Both Sides Now - and the division grows wider and wider.
Between the Democratic official murdering a reporter and this there seems to be a trend developing the last few weeks. .
The large percentage of "domestic terrorist" violence, over quite a few years now, is coming from the right. I believe there have been a couple dozen murders committed by far right nutjobs.
So now you got one from the other side.
Everything's even now.
Nope. As always, violence is a tool of the left, going all the way back to the "Weathermen" bombings and the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention.
We have plenty. You already forgot the day Republicans at a Baseball game were targets?
Cased the field for months. 70 rounds fired from the lefts most feared "assault rifle". Steve Scalise critically injured and several others hurt. All as a “protest” and “talk about taxes,”.
It was covered by the media as if it happened in another country.
Oh naturally. Don't want the left to look like the murderous kind. Remember the coverage of Democrat support for the 2020 riots was about the same.
Depends on what year your baseline starts, if you start in the mid-60's, it's many more than one.
Right John, there are no left wing domestic terrorists. Despite the evidence being overwhelming.
Just ignore the 2020 Summer of Love Antifa/BLM riots.
The fact that Brandt is out on $50,000 bail is ridiculous.
He murdered someone for their political views by chasing them down and running them over. He even admitted it! He shows no damn remorse of any kind for what he has done. But he is free to go about his with his life until his trial; and possibly murder someone else who doesn't agree with his political views.
Shows how fucked up our justice system is.
Still waiting for Democrats to call out Brandon for inciting this event. It is exactly what he was calling for in his hate filled speech. He got exactly what he wanted.
If Trump is guilty of inciting Jan 6th rioters; then Brandon is guilty of inciting this deranged left wing nutjob.
At least he had to pay bail. Left wing cities you get a doughnut and a ride home after murdering someone. They are busy enacting purge laws to ensure no criminal is inconvenienced.
That dipshit doesn't even know it happened as a result of his speech.
Why should he? Everyone from Biden, Harris, Maxine Waters, the Squad, Hillary, and other politicians down to Antifa and BLM have never shown any remorse for their violent, divisive, hateful words and actions and what has ensued since then and will continue.
It’s crazy how this is happening all over the country. People being murdered in cold blood by the thousands because they were mentally coerced by Biden to do so. Oh wait … it’s not. It’s just another single crazy person like always, being used by the right as the boogeyman du jour.
The irony here...
There is only one thing that will stop this crap... A sound solid defense response...
74% of the people think we are heading for a civil war... I've seen nothing to refute this....
And it's a war that will be ten time bloodier than the last one...
That is what the liberals have wrought... Starting with Hillary Clinton and her deplorable comment... The hate has been direct and palpable ever since...
Why do you think american citizens have been arming themselves at the greatest rate since the country was founded?
WE have a god given right to defend ourselves, that right is enshrined and specifically protected in our founding documents...
All we are waiting on is a spark.... And no one knows what that spark will be...
Biden sounds to me like he is working the lighter striker overtime....
I'm ready, and as an old white guy, I've got a distinct advantage.
it will be for those that still can't grasp the full width and breadth of the US Constitution, and it will be finally time to finish that incomplete job from 162 years ago. luckily for american patriots, the xtian nationalists have merged with the fascists for it.
So BLM, Antifa, street gangs, and criminals will be sure to kill you first? Especially if you live in any Democrat run bastion of stupidity.
The only fascists are on the left. Democrats in the government prove it each and every day. First they weaponized the IRS against there political opponents. That didn't work, so they branched out to the FBI and DOJ. Turning the military woke and stupid is next on their list.
sounds like you have the left all dialed in. here's a preview of the trump '24 campaign fashions.
I had no idea Ellen was a young republican.
can you look me in the eye, and pose erh that Q uestion, without leaving a mark...?
Yesterday's left wing broadcast and cable media coverage of this murder = ZERO MINUTES.
no worries, his parents can fill out his mail in ballot for the midterms.
I'm sure that your comment will give Cayler Ellingson's parents great comfort as they mourn the murder of their son by a man who was politically encouraged by a radical left POTUS and his sycophants ... especially since there no evidence that Cayler was in any way political.
meh, junior will soon be where he can do the most good for his country.
Grave-dancing comments are quite abhorrent.
No matter how carefully they are crafted.
Indeed. Twice so far.
So far today.