McCarthy Rolls Out GOP Agenda

The link to the quote:
For the first time in 28 years House Republicans have made a commitment to the American people and have put it in writing. It is known as The "Commitment to America." The Commitment is broken down into 4 major categories:
Here is the Republican plan for a new direction from what the nation has endured for almost 2 years. This is what House Republicans will be running on. The "Commitment is more than a political document. It is a governing document. It appears to be based on former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s 1994 “Contract with America.” McCarthy has matched solutions to Biden's progressive failures.
“We’ve watched what’s happened to our border — the millions of people who are just walking across, people on the terrorist watch list. Now we’re watching it create every community to be a border community,” McCarthy said.
“Fentanyl is the number one killer of Americans between the ages of 18 and 45. The poison starts in China and comes across our border. Do you realize it’s killing 300 Americans every day? It’s like an airliner crashing each day.”
No. 3 House Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York said the GOP would be “making sure that we stop the trillions and trillions of reckless government spending that we have seen under Democrat rule."
Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives will unveil plans this week to support the U.S. energy industry, fight crime and combat illegal immigration as they seek to gain the upper hand in the Nov. 8 midterm elections

Yup, the upper hand!
suck up to their largest corporate welfare receiving sponsors, ignore all the crimes of republican politicians, and promote xenophobia and white supremacy...
What are the Democrats plans for America? Why should people vote for Democrats?
They have been in power for the past 18 months. We got a good dose of their plans, put into practice.
Why should people vote for Democrats?
If one is a decent human being, you don't!
The Dems plan so far looks to be the "Hell in a hand basket plan"!
I think your videos get more views in HD s/
Pretty much attempt to destroy it.
If they are accusing Republicans of trying to destroy democracy, you can be damn sure that is exactly what they are DOING.!!!
You just called me not a decent human being. Maybe you might want to rethink that statement.
I beg to differ. Your name was never mentioned.
Btw, You told me that you were an independent. Are you?
You made a blanket comment about Dems, Vic. That decent human beings don't vote for them, yet I have voted for them, so you didn't have to mention my name. I have also voted for Republicans, which is the reason I don't make blanket statements about them. Btw... the very definition of an independent is that we vote both.
To him an Independent only votes republican or third party ticket...
Btw... the very definition of an independent is that we vote both.
That's true.
May I ask if you have ever been registered as a democrat?
Yet you don't say anything to the liberals/democrats that make blanket statements about Republicans. Hmmm!
Why should people vote for Democrats?
Free stuff. And if they don't give you the free stuff you want they won't stop you from just taking it.
I was briefly when I lived in the city. Mayor Koch was running against Dinkins in the primaries and I wanted Mayor Koch. So I registered, he lost the election and then unregistered.
And what difference should that make? If I was, and am no longer then it means I have issues either with that party, or parties in general. My issue is with parties in general and the blind devotion to them.
That's strange. I'm pretty sure I remove comments that call all Republicans Nazis on a regular basis, but hey, apparently you don't notice that.
I wouldn't know since I can't read what the comments are once you remove them but I have never seen you make a comment like the one you made to Vic when the liberals call conservatives and Republicans treasonous, domestic terrorists or deplorable
It's all context. If people make generic comments about parties I let them stand. What Vic did is make a blanket comment that could and does apply to members here, and that is offensive. I didn't remove it, though. And if I saw it the other way around, I would ask the same thing.
And my issue is with what the democratic party has become. (Not to mention the democratic party's checkered history).
And what difference should that make?
None. I was just curious and you were honest.
Yes it was a blanket comment that applies to a political party which was hijacked by the far left. It is no longer the party of Ed Koch. It is now the party of AOC and Chuck Schumer. The truth is not always pleasant.
Chuck Schumer is far left?
Your credibility means nothing to you, does it?
And if AOC is far left, then Elise Stefanik and Kevin McCarthy are far right.
Oh it does?
This may not be the proper place to discuss that. It would be Metafield, am I right? Since you say I've offended the offensive, I think it might be best if you opened the discussion. I think we can discuss it in a mutually respectful manner.
He apparently says so:
Schumer and on Sen. Ron Wyden to unveil a bill that would tie the size of unemployment benefits to the jobless rate, turning them into a so-called automatic stabilizer, previously House Speaker Speaker had ruled out as too costly.
Schumer and Ed Markey proposed a climate and social justice bill backed by activist groups, including the Green New Dealers.
Schumer and Warren released a resolution to Biden to forgive up to $50,000 of outstanding debt for student loan borrowers purely using executive authority.
Frankly, Vic, I think both parties are in bad shape. They listen way too much to their extreme branches, are afraid to speak up, and because of them, have no interest in being bi-partisan. And when talking about parties, you have to talk about the here and now.
Oh please. The same could be said about the GOP... how do you explain MTG, and Lauren Boebert. Chuck Schumer isn't far left. He is a career politician, a lot like Mitch McConnell, who blows with the wind.
Your description of far left is out of touch with reality.
Let's do that.
Did you think that Joe Biden would advance these far left policies when you voted for him?
And what is your opinion of the "Commitment to America?"
Where is that quote from? I'd like to see whose POV that is. (btw, you are supposed to put down citations)
Extreme. But McConnell and McCarthy run the party
Chuck Schumer isn't far left. He is a career politician, a lot like Mitch McConnell, who blows with the wind.
He threatened the Supreme Court.
The word is that he is afraid that AOC will run against him.
I read yesterday that 40% of the GOP candidates on the mid term ballots are people who have denied that Biden legitimately won the election.
Seriously, on what possible basis should Democrats or "moderates" try and have common ground with such people?
Once Trumpism is behind this country we can get back to being bi-partisan, until Trumpism is gone bipartisanship is a pipedream.
What are their stands on the issues?
Seriously, on what possible basis should Democrats or "moderates" try and have common ground with such people?
Then why are democrats funding them?
Theatrics. Trump did plenty of that, too.
The word from where? Not a chance AOC could win NYS.
I think that went beyond theatrics. If you recall somebody was right outside Justice Kavanaugh's door waiting to kill him.
I read the same thing, too. Kind of scary.
None with that crowd, but there is the other 60% which is still the majority of the party.
It is an issue, but the way I view it, the more we make of them, the more spotlight they get. The only good time to address them is if one of them is running for office.
I dont care about the policy positions of those who wanted Trump to stay in office illegally.
40% of the GOP candidates on the mid term ballots are people who have denied that Biden legitimately won the election.
And what do you call Jan 6 chants to kill Pence? Who gave them that idea?
And I'm sorry, I don't recall either Schumer or Trump telling anyone to kill a specific person.
That is a big problem then, isn't it?
I call them reactionary. Don't change election laws via Marc Elias & Mark Zuckerberg and you won't have reactionaries.
And I'm sorry, I don't recall either Schumer or Trump telling anyone to kill a specific person.
Apples and oranges. The democratic party is in the hands of the radical left and Joe Biden governed accordingly. How do you get around that Perrie?
The same way Republicans got around Trump. And I don't agree that Biden is governing according to the radical left, even if I don't approve of everything he does.
To you. I would rather get traitors out of American politics than worry about critical race theory.
Shutting down American energy in the name of green energy?
Soft on crime policies?
$Trillion Dollar spending bills?
Then do us all a favor and don't bother voting.
When did Republicans get around Trump? He has been dominating that party for 7 years.
Fuck off Vic.
The only reason I am not harsher on you is because NT loves "both sides".
Well they sure love the side that they allow the "Fuck Off" nonsense.
The fucking side so many have left because of!
He didn't shut down American Energy. In fact, they are making record profits.
We need border control.
Please point to a policy that Biden has done that is soft on crime.
Some of it I approve of, other parts I am not. And btw, under Trump we spent 2.3 trillion dollars in just one bill, and now we are finding out that there was no oversight over how the money was spent.
He not only shut it down, he put fear into the hearts of investors. Who would invest in operations that take years to bring to fruition when the next democrat elected to the presidency could do the same thing?
We need border control.
We won't get it from a regime that wants to bring people in.
Please point to a policy that Biden has done that is soft on crime.
"On his first day in office, Biden issued an executive order halting all interior deportations for 100 days . Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas followed up with new enforcement guidelines drastically restricting ICE agents’ ability to arrest, detain, and deport even criminal illegal immigrants."
Some of it I approve of, other parts I am not.
I see.
Well Perrie, I think you are in denial when it come to where the democratic party is these days.
Don't look now, but "we" have fled the field.
"We" have met the enemy and they is them./sarc
And with that a British naval squadron was defeated along with the plans of the leader of the Shawnee, Tecumseh.
How soon they forget.
A hilarious reference considering that the article's main character along with his in-laws is a group of wannabes.
Thanks to a senile old man enacting the left's agenda, those wannabes are about to become full-fledged rulers of the House of Representatives.
I wasn't aware that Biden tried to pass himself off as an Indian like the wannabe tribe of Kevin. LMAO
Oh, now I see what you mean. I guess, Liz Warren started something.
Nice try at a deflection but that doesn't even come close to what the tribe of Kevin did...
I have a feeling you want to tell us what they did. I'm all ears..
Kevin McCarthy is one of the biggest clowns we have seen in a position of power in Congress in modern memory.
It is scary isn't it?
Republicans providing solutions!
I think Americans know that Republicans will lower taxes on the rich, end abortion, try and sabotage the religion/state separation, curtail climate change reduction measures, try and end social safety net programs, and suborn police misconduct without a declaration of those intentions in writing.
Its not 1994 anymore and a "commitment to America" is nothing but hot air.
... to the problems they have created.
We will find out just how much Americans know, or should I say what they've been put through, come November 8th. That's when people get to vote on an ideology that was put into practice by Joe Biden.
Boy, are you in for a surprise.
Which of those potential bills would Biden sign into law?
How is some plan saying they will fight crime actually going to do anything?
What are they going to do?
What potential bills?
The ones that JR, 2.1.1. said the repubs will propose.
The things John described are going on right now. The only thing they would need a bill for is their lower taxes meme.
Oh, they have been trying to think up bills that would privatize SS and Medicare.
The one where it has to be renewed every year sound like a winner....s/
As opposed to emasculating and defunding the police? I think it's an easy comparison.
Some people prefer to live in a bubble.
Emasculating the police? Haha Is that the opposite of militarizing them?
So what is the republican plan to fight crime?
You are now on ignore
So you cannot answer me and put me on ignore. Hahaha
So long. Does not stop me from replying or posting on your seeds.
Which ones do you think that Biden will sign into law?
I know what not going to happen when the GOP take control. They won't defend law enforcement like the left wants. They won't demean LEO'S and morale in departments across the country like democrats do. They won't let criminals out of jail without bail or lessen their sentences like liberals do. Unlike the democrats, they won't let the southern border remain open so criminal aliens, terrorist and drug smugglers have free access to the country
Tell me Ender, what are the Democrats plans to lower crime. So far all I have seen since the left has taken over are fast rising crime rates especially in cities like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland Oregon, Seattle and others run by Democrats.
Great point Tessylo!
No one has defunded the police. You have never proven otherwise.
I have. Haven't you been around for that? Since Perrie and I are discussing it, I'll use the NYC example:
NEW YORK CITY (WABC) -- " City Council passed the New York City budget late Tuesday night, a budget which includes redistributing $1 billion from the NYPD budget."
Are the rules here different depending on who you are?
These US cities defunded police: 'We're transferring money to the community'
More than 20 major cities have reduced police budgets in some form, and activists are fighting to ensure that is only the start
In 2020 budget votes, advocacy groups won over $840m in direct cuts from US police departments and at least $160m investments in community services, according to an analysis by Interrupting Criminalization, an initiative at the Barnard Center for Research on Women.
Sounds like someone I used to know around here. Believe it or not. The point was made.
I guess everyone is googling.
Time for lunch.
And many more:
Defund the Police? These Cities Said Yes
Some people really do live in delusion. So you all have no plan just spout of about how the left hates cops...
Brilliant strategy. Have no plans so say the other side has no plans...
So basically your idea is to let cops run amuck and not let anyone out of jail....
That's the ticket....
And what rules would that be?
I was told if I was put on ignore, that I couldn't reply on post on the ignorer's seeds.
Is that a rule someone made up? Because that has never been a rule here.
It was too as a member requested that members she had ignored responded and it irritated her because it would show up in her PN inbox and Perrie reprimanded the “violators”.
There was a meta article about it. The rule is now if you have someone on ignore and don't want to see any PN's, turn them off.
One cannot silence another person just because they have them on ignore.
There is one member here how needs to read that.
Yes they do. I believe they are called liberals, progressives, democrats and socialists (and yes I know that that is redundant)
Telling the truth is a good strategy. Maybe the left will try it someday.
So you admit there WAS a rule
No my plan is to let the police due there jobs and discipline those that need it in proportion to their actions and to keep the criminals in jail that belong there especially those that have committed violent crimes.
Guess what. Despite all your claims, most people, even Liberals agree with that.
There is not some massive force wanting to get rid of all police.
There was a rule about responding to people on ignore, That was rescinded, never one about posting on seeds.
Restriction must have different rules because I'm not to reply to any comments made by two members nor post on or about any article or seed by them.
Read this.
Whatever they do, it certainly has to be more than the Dems have been doing for the last two years.
The deflection meter is showing maximum output again.
captun , tha dilithium crystals canna take tha strain .....
Lol, I know it!
Maybe you missed this woman
That is so fucking stupid.
You forgot Nancy Pelosi., Çhuck Schumer, AOC, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson lee.and Hillary Clinton.
He also forgot Schiff and Nadler!
Wasn’t there a ignorant congressman from Georgia who asked a General if he was afraid Guam might tip over?
That would be Hank Johnson.
Any person who supported Trump's big lie through action or inaction does not deserve to be sitting in the seats of power. They have chosen lies and provably false claims over fact and are complicit in the divisive rhetoric that cause the nation to continue to be broken apart. Elise Stefanik, Kevin McCarthy, MTG, Josh Hawley , should be held accountable before they start throwing shit at anybody else.
I don't see any shit being thrown. What I see is a commitment to the writing!
Lol finally! Only took them 7 years to come up with something that wasn't "whatever fuckhead Trump brain farts in the next 5 mins" but is still "whatever fuckhead Trump brain farts in the next 5 mins." So basically you all still have absolutely nothing except "well, let's try authoritarianism."
The commitment should state how they are going to accomplish their list.
Do you mean because the president will still be Joe Biden for the next two years?
It's quite clear as to what I mean, your deflection notwithstanding.
It's not a deflection, it's a fact. Any legislation a Republican congress passes in the next 2 years would require Biden's signature. On the other hand, to more directly respond to your "question," a Republican congress can prevent senile Joe from doing any more damage and the Bills that such a congress writes up will be right there to be used when we have a new President in 2024.
I hope that helps.
I see one glad hand extended to clasp and one full of shit to slap on the voters backs.
Is this what Republican rebranding looks like?
There is no problem with our electoral process, but that doesn't keep some from crying foul when they do not like the outcomes. And before you say "Hillary" I will point to the oversize asshole in the room whose name is Donald Trump and remind you that if he had graciously accepted the defeat he was handed in the 2020 election none of these people would be still supporting him to their personal detriment. I wonder how anybody who professes to be a good, practicing Christian can in good faith claim that there were any substantial or systemic problems with the 2020 election and that the election was stolen.
I am glad to see that many places around my home have Matt Castelli signs up in their yards. Might just give the whore Stefanik a good beating, seeing how she has lied through her teeth about everything election wise. Go, Matt!
There is little to no connection between the amount of federal spending and the rate of inflation, unless you want to look at the amount of increase in profit margins and point the finger more at greedy people on Wall St. looking to increase their bonus check and saying, "We can blame it all on Biden!" as they laugh their fat asses off all the way to the bank.
When you look at the webpage you see stupid numbers like, " In June, inflation had increased nearly 550% under this Administration " which I am sure some less than educated will read as a 550% inflation rate... Not the same thing at all. May I draw your attention to the book 200% of Nothing
They do say " Maximize production of reliable, American-made energy ", so it is nice to see that a great investment will be made in renewable energy. Hahahahahah, who are they kidding, they mean that they are going to deregulate the fossil fuel industry more, to hell with the environment.
Here is another choice bit of crap (from the same page ):
The supply chain issues that currently affect every part of the world economy are largely due to the pandemic. I know that we all want to forget that the pandemic happened, but it is still affecting the supply chain in major ways that not much but time can iron out. We should be looking at why this one plant is so much at the epicenter of the shortage. We should also be wondering what the hell we did before we had baby formula. Let babies Starve??? I doubt it.
Just a few tid-bits from the shit list. I could go on, but I have better things to do.
Since you have said that the republicans will win both the house and senate so they are able to pass bills that have riders that make it next to impossible to veto them.
BTW, I didn't ask a question I made a statement.
What I see can be summed up in one portmanteau.
Promist- A promise that disappears like the morning mist when the heat is turned on
You did neither. You were trolling...AGAIN.
Tom, we saw what Trump did and we saw what Biden did. Even without the Republican pledge, the choice is clear. It's either prosperity, safe streets and secure borders or it's the hell on earth the far left gave us with Biden. If the Republicans said nothing, we'd have people here saying "what's their solution?"
America is not a hell on earth. Take a sedative or ten for christs sake.
I was well into adulthood when the "Contract With America" was put forward. Let the "R"s put forth bills now just to show the level of commitment to these words. In other words I call their bluff.
ah c'mon, Republicans always keep their promises, and only lye while sitting up in bed...
If it's trolling than you should flag it or stop whining.
How the hell is making factual on target statements', pertaining to the posted article, trolling...?
Ask victimized, attacked, poor people who can't get out of Chicago about that.
Sorry Kavika, previous post was supposed, to be directed to Vic
Perhaps Disantis could fly them to Martha's Vineyard...
Hello? DeSantis isn't the governor of Illinois.
I swear liberal education drops IQs to low double digit numbers.
He isn't the governor of Texas either but he flew 50 immigrants to MA from Texas...DUH
In comment 4.1.16 I referenced Illinois. For some odd reason igknorantzrulz chose to deflect in comment 4.1.18 and referenced DeSantis. Hence, my comment 4.1.19 .
I hope that clarifies your DUH .
Not at all, he still flew immigrants to MA and he is now being sued since our laws are specific on who can be transported using this law the Florida legislature passed and DeSantis signed.
Perhaps you can give us your expert opinion on Florida law and if it was or was not violated by DeSantis.
can give us your expert opinion on Florida law and if it was or was not violated by DeSant
Perhaps you can provide a link to this lawsuit?
Forbes, NPR, Texastribune, and Bloomberg have articles on the different lawsuits that have been filed.
Anything the liberal Dems in DC feel is a threat to their power falls under that category.
He also had a law struck down by the courts.
So in other words, the past 18 months were "normal" to you?
Not for you. Ten miles from you there are some Americans who might say it was.
The last 18 months have seemed pretty calm to me.
Maybe not but those on the left (especially Bernie sanders, AOC and her squad, George Soros and the current administration) are doing what they can do make it one
So you are ok with abandoning American citizens and allies in Afghanistan.. you are ok with returning to dependence in foreign energy sources. You are ok with six dollar a gallon gas and 8.3% inflation. You are ok with the average American family losing over $4000 in spending ability. You are ok with the US DOJ calling parents who care about what their children are taught in school domestic terrorists.
Notice the crickets chirping loudly on that one?
Actually, yes it seems they were and just blamed Trump for Biden's foul ups in the process.
The previous 4 years are your "normal."
You should ask your self that question, oh , my bad, I see you did
I think Perrie left the Southern back door open at Newstalkers last night, and some crossed in, illegally of course.
How do Christians figure into it?
I am glad to see that many places around my home have Matt Castelli signs up in their yards. Might just give the whore Stefanik a good beating, seeing how she has lied through her teeth about everything election wise. Go, Matt!
That's all you know about him?
There is little to no connection between the amount of federal spending and the rate of inflation,
I think I'll go with Larry Summers on that, but thanks anyway.
The supply chain issues that currently affect every part of the world economy are largely due to the pandemic.
Is that why people don't want to work of women had to give up work to stay home with kids who should have been in school?
I could go on, but I have better things to do.
You best tend to them. I'll take it from here.
Can you name any?
please read this, it may help with your misconceptions.
Is The U.S. Energy Independent? (
No, but where are you paying $6 for gas now? the national average is $3.70
the average in Texas is under $3.00
Inflation is always the boogey man regardless of the rate.
Turn that frown upside down. Did you credit POTUS Obama for all of the years when
When inflation hit a 50 year low and interest rates were 0% - did you equate that to extra
spending power?
Only when those parents show up packing and/or act like domestic terrorist screaming at and threatening the elected people about books not in evidence in the school libraries or going crazy over other issues not in evidence.
SO you are okay with Americans being poorer? Somehow, because there wasn't inflation in the past, Americans should be happy to lose thousands of dollars a year?
You must be positively ejaculatory over the 7.6 trillion, a significant amount in workers' retirement funds, that's been destroyed in the stock market since Biden took office.
Man, talk about callous.
is that permanent?
Anyway, its funny that people want to make a lot of money in the stock market and have there be no risks.
What? I can only be concerned for fellow citizens if I know them personally?
Read this
Hmm! An article from November of 2021. I wonde r who was president then? Hmmm!
California for one
Today's AAA California Avg. $5.798
Price as of 9/26/22
Gee shoot me for less than 21 cents.
A whataboutisms! How very liberal of you!
Gee imagine. Parents concerned about what is being proposed to be taught to their children and whether or not it is age appropriate and protesting the proposals and being told they have no right to say anything. Why how dare them not want their children to be taught that they are racist just because of the color of their skin and that their kindergarten aged boy can be a little girl if he wants.
Gee I can't aee why that would piss them off. /s
How do they not? A significantly large portion of the non-believers in Trump's Defeat At the Hands of Biden are believers in Christianity. So, therefore, my comment follows logically.
Your choice, not mine. Inflation has many causes and situations that factor into it. Corporations had a bigger role when they gouged the public for those excellent numbers they were pulling down last year.
What are you talking about?
Not anything of mine you won't.
Link please.
Your choice
Yes, it is.
What are you talking about?
The closing of schools and damaging, ridiculous vaccine madates.
Refuted 4.1.41 in 4.1.44
No comment back? I'm shocked!
Haha.That is rich.
Since the population of the USA is still predominantly Christian, and the evangelical and other churches actively support the big lie, logically it follows that Christians are a large portion of the supporters of the big lie.
Are you saying, " The closing of schools and damaging, ridiculous vaccine mandates ," is the cause of the supply chain issues and inflation?
Three links should require imagination to make a point. Trump may have had a lot of Christian supporters, but it's still a stretch to presume that they believe that the election was stolen.
Are you saying, " The closing of schools and damaging, ridiculous vaccine mandates ," is the cause of the supply chain issues and inflation?
I'm saying what I clearly said in Post 4.1.39:
People lost busineses, people made more money staying home than working, people retired early, women in working families that had to give up their jobs because the Teacher's union demanded that schools be closed, many people forced out of their jobs or the military because they refused to take a vaccine and the people who lost their jobs during lock downs. There is no way that any of them will forget.
Three links buttress my point. And you don't need imagination, you need logic. Have some more evidence:
To quote 4.1.39 :
If you think that is clearly said, diagram the sentence.
Regardless, I did not completely understand what you meant, so rather than putting words in your mouth, I asked.
That happens occasionally. Would you rather the world just stayed open so we could have had an even larger problem than we had with the health care workers/system being pushed beyond the breaking point? As we saw, that was happening in other countries before it even got to the US. We had to do something and that is the route we chose as a country.
Good gig if you can get it
Good to hear. People work to hard anyway.
Link, Please.
Good. Taking the vaccines was the quickest way to get out of the crisis mode that we were in. I seem to remember some members kvetching about how they could not get the vaccine yet, and then they turn around and say don't get vaccinated.
Good, except the lesson that they learn will not be the nuanced one that the scientists and the members of the medical professions give, but rather it will be the one put in their heads by their favorite influencer. To hell with reason and logic when you can get somebody to vote by spreading fear, hatred and distrust. /S
Of course I would have wanted everything open. We took Fauci's word and we now know he was wrong.
Link, Please.
Taking the vaccines was the quickest way to get out of the crisis mode that we were in.
But the experts were wrong and Biden was wrong about the vaccine. He took every vaccine available and he got covid twice.
You bet!
I guess you'll know better during the next pandemic...
If it did, you would still ridicule and deny it anyway for no other reason simply because it came from the conservative right that you detest so much rather than from the hard core liberal left!
The vaccine slowed the rate of spread of Covid 19 and made cases less severe than they might have been. That is what it's supposed to do.
Vaccines don't keep one from getting the disease, Vaccines make sure that one's body recognizes and responds to the disease when it starts replicating in one's body. So to say that someone got the disease so the vaccine didn't work is pure ignorance on display.
Ok, Let's say it together: thank you President Trump!
Vaccines don't keep one from getting the disease, Vaccines make sure that one's body recognizes and responds to the disease when it starts replicating in one's body. So to say that someone got the disease so the vaccine didn't work is pure ignorance on display.
Very well said. That's exactly how Dr Fauci should have described it.
I think that he did fine.
That's why he want's to quit as soon as Biden is gone.
He's 81 years old.
Is Biden going to turn into a pumpkin in December?
Many think he's already a vegetable
Just out of curiosity how close to the Southern border do you live?
I would agree with that with regard to his performance as a physician and public health advisor.
I don't think he was ready to be a daily prime-time television personality broadcasting to panicked citizens of The Idiocracy.
So have Bernie supporters.
I didn't see rioters spurred on by Bernie.
I did hear a lot of commotion about his mittens, though .
You didn't mention anything about rioting. You just said "lies and provably false claims over fact and are complicit in the divisive rhetoric".
I love the mittens. In part because old men should get a little comfort, and in part because they make him look as silly as he is.
The scale of the lies and provably false claims are nothing in scale or scope to the "Big Lie" of Trump and the people who either actively conspired to promote it or passively shifted positions to allow it to continue up to, through, and since the January 6th Insurrection. These are obviously the people to whom I was referring, your attempted deflection notwithstanding.
I'm sure that must matter somehow in that lovely teenage fantasy world where anything liberals do is great, no matter how badly the screw up everybody else's lives.
I wouldn't know. Do you live there? The fact that you have provable difficulty in discerning the weight of consequences of different actions shows me a person who thinks they are distant from the consequences.
"Consequences"? That's hilarious.
Do explain the "consequences" of the Jan 6 riot.
The consequences of the conception and perpetuation of the big lie are several:
It is not so much the insurrection that is the problem but rather the circumstances that allowed for DJT to claim, without evidence, that the election had been stolen, and that allowed the insurrection to occur in the first place. The weight of this burden lies directly on the Republican party and their corresponding media outlets.
You forgot that such lies can also lead to, and have led to, death threats, doxing and stalking of innocent Americans who the lie falsely accuses of felonies, fraud or malfeasance and then are targeted by the believers of the lie such that they have to quit their jobs, go into seclusion or even move out of State.
Threatened U.S. election workers get little help from law enforcement (
I asked specifically about the riot.
Fair enough, but ignorant people have come to false conclusions for centuries. That's certainly not new and certainly not unique to one political view.
Why is that not a problem when displayed by liberals?
I think this is a valid point, however I think it's an exceedingly temporary idea that will be gone with Trump.
Why would we care?
The world has laughed at us for decades. We're fat, boorish, barely literate, completely innumerate, untraveled and superstitious. And yet we've been to the moon. Let the French laugh when they're not too busy going on strike or surrenduring. Who cares?
The problem was the circumstances that led to the existence of the phrase "President Trump". It started several years earlier.
Once we fell through that looking glass, there was no telling where things would go.
That said, I don't use the term "insurrection". I've seen "insurrections", and that's not what they look like. People don't walk around the Capitol, take a few selfies, and then piss off to happy hour. They don't leave their AR-15s at home (and you know as well as I do that nearly every one of those fuckers owns one).
Was it a riot? Oh yeah. Do I feel sorry for the ones who were injured or killed? Not a chance. If you're stupid enough to storm the US Capitol, you deserve whatever happens to you. Should they be arrested? Absolutely. The idea scenario is that every one of those morons spends the next 10 years in a cell with a CHAZ moron from Seattle.
It seems to meet the definition. However ill-conceived and short on execution it was, the action was taken to install an unelected leader to power. Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...
The circumstances that lead to the storming of the Capitol cannot be divorced from the preceeding event (The Big Lie) to fully understand the importance and consequences of the action. The underlying issues of that specific event (the dissolution of trust in voting, media and the government in general) were already in place, but DJT worked using just those levers and gave them much more import.
While some of the people gathered at the Capitol were just along for the ride, there were many there who had the intent of installing DJT for at least 4 more years and had plans to do so.
I agree. I do think, however, that the mistrust in government agencies will outlive Trump because the distrust of those agencies is partly what brought him to power in the first place.
Yawn, their "plan" is "whatever daddy says." The GOP platform is whatever idiotic thing spews from fat shit's mouth on a minute to minute basis. The GOP has no plan, honestly they haven't for over a decade. Their "plan" is to beat the democrats.... then shit their pants while in office because they are no longer a serious party when it comes to actually governing. For fucks sake, they are not even the law and order party anymore, apparently the democrats have to be that too.
There's nothing quite like a Saturday morning is there?
What good things, if any, have the Dems done for Americans since Biden was elected
What good things have democrats ever done for the American people period! /politics/whoops-republicans-commitment-to-america-video-features-stock-footage-from-russia-and-slovakia/
Whoops! Republicans’ ‘Commitment to America’ Video Features Stock Footage from Russia and Slovakia
michael-luciano 2-2 minutes 9/23/2022
A video accompanying House Republicans’ “Commitment to America” got a Slavic touch after stock footage from eastern European countries was included in its montage.
Republicans aim to retake the lower chamber of Congress in November. As part of that effort, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy ( R-CA ) took a page out of Newt Gingrich’s playbook and his 1994 “Contract with America” and unveiled the Republican agenda in the event the GOP prevails in the midterms.
Much of the imagery from the video is Americana boilerplate, but for the fact a few clips originate from well beyond U.S. borders.
According to HuffPost , a snippet of a little boy holding a toy airplane was actually shot in Russia’s Volgograd region by Russia-based filmmaker Serg Grbanoff .
Ditto for this oil rig, which also appears in the Republicans’ video.
Elsewhere in the montage, a shot from what appears to be a grocery store in Slovakia makes an appearance. As HuffPost noted, a small red tag on the left side of the image reads, “AKCIA,” which is a Slovak word for “action.” It is used to indicate sales in the country’s stores.
The video also appears to include footage from Ukraine. In this image, a man carries a sack on his shoulder. The caption mentions the “vibrancy of the American dream.”
Republicans hope to take back the House for the first time since 2019. Though they are expected to do so, it is unclear if they’ll be able to win a few parliaments in eastern Europe as well.
Have a tip we should know?
So the GOP national campaign group is searching Russian media for ideas.
Very interesting.
Well CPAC did have a meeting in Hungry and Orban was a speaker at CPAC in the US.
Well there is a reliable source..... NOT!
So this seems to be nothing more than their usual bullshit.
Cut taxes and build a wall....
So the GOP is pro-choice now?
They are pro-their choice which is to never allow abortion services in any instance for any reason from conception on...