The democrat's rendezvous with reality / AKA Election Day

Link to quote: ‘Fool’s Gold’: Van Jones Said Democrats Foolishly Thought Talking About Threat To Democracy Would Work | The Daily Caller
Welcome to Election Day. The American people have waited a long time. The first polls will be closing at 7:PM this evening.
Will it be a big red wave?
On the Senate side, it will only be a few seats one way or the other. In the House it will be substantial. The GOP also can expect to pick up some unlikely new Governors. We will learn much from this election. How far off is the polling? Polling, for whatever reason, has undercut Republicans for the past decade. The demographics will also tell us a story. Recently the WSJ conducted a poll showing that suburban women were breaking for Republicans. Other polls indicate that Hispanics are beginning to trend in the same direction. What about voters in the inner city? The New York Governor's race will give us part of the answer. Crime became an important issue in this election. The economy is at the forefront of all issues.
The media, which has lost all of its credibility is already raising questions about the election. The New York Times recently claimed that the Russian botts are back. Those damn Russians who only get involved in elections that democrats seem destined to lose! Stacey Abrams, who is down by about 8 points in her second bid for Governor of Georgia, claims that black men are being misinformed. It seems that so many are easily led via the internet! Nancy Pelosi has already indicated that she may retire now that she is sure to be humiliated as minority leader in the House. Her excuse was the attack on her husband. Meanwhile the radical DOJ will be monitoring elections in 24 states.
Tonight, is the night that the American people get to take their country back.
What does one wear to "the end of democracy?"
I will follow the election here.
The party begins tonight at 8:PM
Happy circle jerk.
No sir, happy pity party to you!
Let the festivities begin!
We'll find out tonight, won't we?
I have no idea what you meant.
Who knows what she really meant but I’m sure that it was something nice. Just yesterday she wrote, “I am saying be more polite to people and you will foster better conversations.”
That may just be the secret to better conversations. We got an example of that in post 1.1.2
I'm still not sure what you mean.
Could you be a little more specific?
Perhaps she feels that consistency is overrated.
It's about polite conversations. Isn't that what you want?
No, your not, but then, neither is Vic 1.1.2 and 1.1.4
I'm not, I replied to your comments and tried to be complementary in 1.1.7
Few do .....
Neither are people who vote up posts.
Why are you violating CoC?
Your punctuation needs work.
It’s a fail.
I least you got one thing right.
No, we're not feeling any pity for all those rethuglican losers.
I will most likely join you. It is 9:53 AM here on the AZ border. I voted about a hour ago. I already have my popcorn ready to pop and my soda in the fridge. I look forward to a memorable evening.
For my Republican & Independent friends:
Polls are open! Make sure to vote today, and bring a friend or two with you.
A group of us met at our voting place at 7:30AM today. No lines or delays. Then, off to breakfast to support our local diner. Election Day 2022 is off to a good start!
Amen brother!
"Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman's campaign is suing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to count undated and misdated absentee ballots."

If this man loses, I can think of a lot of "monster" roles available in horror movies that he could fit into nicely. He may have a whole new career available to him.
It's too bad his supporters don't know how to follow simple directions on dating a ballot.
Democrats looking to circumvent the rules. Pathetic.
That's exactly right. Fetterman has hired Marc Elias for the lawsuit. The state has offered a remedy, in which ballots can be corrected in a timely fashion, but what Fetterman & Elias are arguing is that the law itself should be ignored.
That's no surprise. They know that they don't stand a chance with the law enforced.
"Democrats looking to circumvent the rules. Pathetic."
SOP for the Democrat Party lately.
What's going on with the machines in Maricopa County?
In short, they are experiencing mechanical failures in 40 of their 223 voting centers. This means that the entire election process there will be under scrutiny. So, for the conspiracy nuts out there, that means that any attempt to 'rig' this election in this county is basically screwed.
didn't they decertify all the machines there from the last election because the trump conspiracy nuts tampered with them?
The answer to your question is NO.
I learned how to accurately print or write month, date, year starting in 2nd grade. We had to include it at the top of each of our homework papers and essays. If we didn't do it correctly, the teacher deducted points off our grade.
They only have trouble with days that end in “Y.”
So it's not like directions to assemble furniture?
If I failed to do it, five Nuns would probably rise from their graves to use a ruler on me!
Apparently, that is harder or more cumbersome than producing an ID. Many other countries write date, month, year and some year, month, date, maybe that's what's causing a problem for these voters.
Maybe we'll have a poll on the average IQ of the Fetterman supporters.
If they vote for him, they obviously haven't researched Fetterman's anti-American, anti-fracking, anti-cop, pro-abortion until the moment of birth, pro-convicts policy history before his stroke.
In addition to all of that, just take a look at him:
Exactly, you would never dwell on someone being overweight, or their hand size or some sort of hair procedure, right?
Bed carefulm of swimming in shallow, superficial waters.
Is that a sample of polite conversation?
I was commenting on him before his stroke.
Notice how his hoodie is always carefully positioned to conceal the massive growth on the back of his neck? Along with specific cardiological, cognitive, and neurological data testing, his "political donor" doctor never mentioned the growth in his "medical report".
Fortunately neither Fetterman, his donor/doctor, nor his medical report will be of any interest to anyone after tonight.
Yep, kiddie parties ..... he could pull off Darth Vader or even The Predator.
They are planning a remake of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame."
Lol .... dude .... that’s just not right.
You are right. I just couldn't help it!
Have you ever expressed a doubt on these pages?
Are you speaking from your own personal experience?
Then I guess it's a good thing I'm not a Republican. Nice try but no cigar.
Lol .... poor thing. That quote just illustrates her lack of a higher education. But she shouldn’t feel too bad. Few high school graduates slay in that regard.
I'll bet she lives in Scottsdale or Sedona!
They are as simple as Fetterman
Are we taking bets? Senate + 2 house + 38
Oh, that's a nice bet!
Hope you are correct.
Wish Republicans had more moderates running against the radical crazies the Democrats put out.
When it comes to radical vs radical I have less confidence on how independents will vote.
Hopefully anger over inflation, gas prices, the border, illegal immigration, parents vs public schools, and the Covid shutdowns will prevail.
"Feehery: Trump Derangement Syndrome dooms Dems"

No kidding?
Right back at ya... Happy Election Day!!!
And I'm so glad that we will get at least a couple of weeks respite before the commercials start to pound for the 24 election cycle.... (sigh)
Ahh yes, after this we can all take a breather
Most of us will. There are some that will jump right into 2024 and their obsession with a certain possible candidate. Won't be much relief from that I fear.
Sad but true.
The voters have "moved on" to the degree that Donald Trump will dominate the party's news for the next two years.
People like Feehry are in total denial. When history looks back at the 'Trump years" it is not going to blame the people who opposed him, it is going to blame the people who supported him.
He will fondly be remembered as the founder of MAGA.
It will now be up to Ron DeSantis and Kari Lake to carry the ball forward.
Next Tuesday Trump is going to formally announce he is running for the 2024 presidency. What part of that invokes how he will be "remembered"? He is still your leader, because no one has kicked him out. I feel sorry for De Santis who will be lucky to have a future national political career left after Trump gets done with him.
Kari Lake is a crank who will never play outside of her Arizona bubble. Trump succeeded because it was perceived by his fans that he was the only one who could do the job. No one feels that way about Kari Lake.
What will the DOJ do between tomorrow and then?
When ballots are all in and counted, read em and weep! I and others will be here laughing our behinds off.
Probably be in full blown panic mode.
Only by a very small subset of very conservative people.
One term presidents are almost always remembered as failures. Trump will be defended in vain by a small group of very staunch conservatives, the same way Jimmy Carter is defended in vain by a small group of staunch liberals.
Most people will acknowledge that if they were actually any good at their job, they would have been re-elected.
History will record that the leftist media hung the pandemic on him.
No Tessylo, that was the obvious plan right from day 1.
History will not give a shit. Seriously, do you think that's what they'll be teaching in schools a century from now?
Yes. I think that from 2008 until now will be described as the era of the left and hopefully it will be what Trump started that will bring that era to an end.
But nobody is going to be talking about media bias.
If they do describe the last 14 years as an era of the left, the economic numbers are going to make "left" look incredibly good. In many ways, Barack Obama was far more conservative than Ronald Reagan, so I'm not sure how "left" it's really been.
It's not over yet.
Exactly. The voters have moved on. Democrats and the left? Not so much. You all are so hyper-focused on something that really irrelevant. Yes, Trump will still be in the news. Only because those like yourself cannot move on to more important issues.
Is there something the fuck wrong with you? Trump is running for president ! You dont think that will keep him constantly in the news for the next two years?
When was that announcement made?
Your inability to move on will keep him in the news.
Last night.
Unless someone is dumb enough to think that he would call all the press to Maralago to announce that he is NOT running.
Ya, he's crafty that way.
So an announcement HASN'T been made and you are running off "what ifs", fiction. Getting your "pre-freak out" on.
He lives In perpetuity in some minds. Permanently burned into their ROM chip
Their ROM chip fried years ago.
I've never seen such incredible fear of a man running for office!
Yep, it is by definition, derangement. And it all started when he beat their chosen one.
I don't know if you have noticed, but they are also developing a similar hatred for Elon Musk.
And it all started when he beat their chosen one.
There is no doubt about it...that election took them by surprise!
I've never seen such ass sucking.
Yep and Musk is owning them just as thoroughly.
Very enjoyable to watch .....
I've never watched ass sucking.
Not since 2008?
He told people to vote Republican and he has them screaming at the sky!
Don’t let the TDS get the best of you today John. Take it like a man and hope Republican’s screw it up just as bad as Dems did the last four years.
I give that a 50-50 chance unfortunately.
And that's the thing. He isn't on a single ballot anywhere in the country. And they are freaking terrified.
It may be best not to mention his name tomorrow. They won't be in a very good mood.
You could probably broadcast his name all over the country. It won't be heard over all the crying and whining.
Its a metaphor. My bad, I didnt mean to stump you.
I'm worried about rioting
I'm honestly surprised they haven't already started.
Maybe more hyperbole than metaphor. Interesting choice, nevertheless.
try leaving the bifocals on next time...
No, I’ve been a progressive lens guy for years.
Trump, Trump, Trump, have you nothing else to talk about?
History will look back at the Trump years the way it now looks back at the Nixon years, with no thought whatsoever given to supporters.
Never once have you been right about Trump. After he announces his 2024 candidacy next week you will still be saying he's old news. Give up already.
Only if progressives get to write it.
Yes. Give up already. Move on with your life.
You have been screaming into the sky for years now about how every single thing Donald Trump does represents the end of civilization as we know it. Yet here we stand.
You have never been right about Trump, on anything. It is what it is.
No John, I have been right. You just can't admit it, because you are too personally invested in Trump-phobia.
I've said all along that his influence will wane with every day that passes. Turns out even liberal-leaning media outlets now recognize that has happened.
"We may not know all the winners of elections for a few days… That’s how this is supposed to work.”

"White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was blasted Monday for saying that waiting a couple of days for results is how elections are "supposed to work."
"We may not know all the winners of elections for a few days. It takes time to count all legitimate ballots in a legal and orderly manner," Jean-Pierre told reporters at the White House press briefing. "That's how this is supposed to work."
Twitter exploded as commentators on the platform expressed their dismay that many states can no longer tally all the ballots they receive by the end of election day itself."
Translation, we won’t know how many votes we need to “find” after the polls close to steal the election.
How many votes did they find for the loser? Zero? Proving unlike their democrat friends, republicans have integrity.
No, her plain meaning is that all legal voters matter and all legal votes will be counted, even if it takes a little longer than tonight...
Then explain 3 above.
Exactly. Why don't they count all the votes at the same time or count the election day ballots last?
Republicans used to love mail in voting, then the other party started using it too and the Republicans began attacking it. Why? Because Donald Trump told them to.
No one can point to any actual cases of voter fraud through mail in voting, the cartoonish 2000 Mules not withstanding.
Trump has ALWAYS intended to claim that he was cheated (if he lost). He was going to do it in 2016 but didnt have to. So how would he be able to frame this "cheating"? He settled on mail in voting as the patsy. So he told his minions that mail in voting was unfair to them, and told them not to use it. So they no longer use it even though Republicans had always used mail in voting (in the states that had it) before.
It all makes you wonder if people can even think anymore.
That's a lot of nonsense. Mail-in-voting once had a purpose. It was for seniors, the handicapped and the military. It has become widespread and it only benefits one party: democrats. Why is that?
Answer: democrats have an enthusiasm problem. They have many who vote along party lines based on things other than issues, which means they don't always get off their asses to go out to the polling stations. Thus, a ballot delivered to them insures their vote.
No one can point to any actual cases of voter fraud through mail in voting, the cartoonish 2000 Mules not withstanding.
A famous study warned that it makes fraud easy.
Trump has ALWAYS intended to claim that he was cheated (if he lost).
Many more democrats have made the same argument. Big deal.
I explained it to you, exactly. It is your problem if you cannot accept the truth.
Remember what Keats said about "truth."
Give me an example
And that is the honest truth right there.
It had to be said.
Name them.............................I think you will find that statement is full of shit.
Look at the link. The statement is full of shit and your deflection and denial are noted.
1 red out of 8
California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah (I'll give you that ONE), Vermont, and Washington
You know that's never going to happen. You stand a better chance of Biden saying something actually coherent.
Your excerpt does NOT refute what I said about your "majorly Republican" commentary. In fact, it belies what you posted still. And early voting was NOT brought up. Has nothing to do with mail in. Way to move the goalposts. Sorry but that would be a fail.
Majorly voted by mail is what your post said. And that's what you meant trying to prove that Vic's posit was wrong. It is there for all to see.
To some folks, any that do not vote on the "D" side of the ballot are automatically all Trump supporters/enablers and are fair game if you do not share their particular political world view. There is no middle ground or compromise. It is their way or not at all.
And Washington has had mostly democrats win by 70% majorities since, and those that are close enough to recount get recounted into democrat victories by elimination of ballots where the election peeps claim the voters intent isn't clear....
Paper ballots are the worst way to elect someone ever devised, they are insecure and unreliable.... (and on top of it they are counted by computer where several studies showed that computers cannot be secured sufficiently to ensure accurate voting totals, That's why we don't have computer voting over the internet)
WE had the most secure system in the world, and overthrew that for a system that is historically frought with fraud and abuse worldwide.... And it's why democrats love them...
I don't trust elections in this country anymore...
I remember back in the early 70's when I was in the Navy stationed overseas and mailed in my ballot. I had it returned to me opened with a noticed stamped on the front that said "Return to sender. Address incorrect." Funny thing is it was a pre printed envelope!
Now you know what happened.
Pretty much, but then again back then there was lot of anti military sentiment anyway.
I think that was outrageous.
I always wondered if my military mailed ballot was counted back then. I think that states tended to set them aside and only count them when the general ballot count was very close.
We are actually going back in time. Counting the votes on election day is how its supposed to work and has for decades.
With all this modern tech we cannot count ballots quickly? How in the hell did we ever land on the moon back in 69?
Trump wants all voting to be on paper ballots. Not very high tech.
And in person!
Except paper ballots are run thru scanners for counting so that is high tech.
Today is the day.
Time to pay the piper.
Hope all y’all are ready .......
The gop alreay has it in the bag. Start celebrating now by day drinking. Party like it is 1992. Please keep gloating and talking shit about Democrats, all day long...
We won't mind. Us Democrats will be out voting!
A lot of democrats have voted and you would be surprised to see how they voted.
There ya go! That's what I'm talking about!
You bet!
Lol...I never pretend to think!
Don’t be mad that the cuckoo for cocoa puffs progressive agenda is getting it’s just deserts from the electorate today.
Just get prepared for the pile of horseshit all y’all are going to try to push after your ass whupping.
No it isn't. I'm not much for pretense.
As I predicted, the Democrats got out and voted while the gop trolled online all day...
Too close to call. Surprisingly. Looks like the GoP could flip both the House and the Senate but if so it will likely be a very slim majority.
That is not determined yet but the red wave you've been crowing about for two years turned into a ripple in a mud puddle!
You think I was suggesting that you do not know the basics of elections??
My point was encapsulated by "surprisingly".
Any majority is still a majority.
Lol ....only a liberal could consider an estimated 20-30 seat loss in the house a success.
Bye bye Nana .... good riddance!
I was thinking the same thing while listening to all the hype about how the Democrats won.
Losing a few Governors to the Dems is not that important as Republicans taking the House and hopefully the Senate.
I take it you havent watched any of the election coverage. If the Republicans do take the house it will be by a small handful of seats. It isnt 100% sure yet that they will take it at all.
I haven’t, I watched enough of it last night.
I’ll check it out today.
We are in rare agreement.
While a handful of Trump picks won, I think he may have cost the Repubs the Senate and a much smaller margin in the House.
In addition to demonstrating his political kingmaking with winning picks, Trump wanted to show the continued power of over 300 endorsements, campaign fundraising and 30 rallies. He had a big party last not with his anointed ones to celebrate the victories of his followers.
Not only didn't that happen, but he had some big misses, Oz, Mastriano, Vega in my state, Dan Cox in MD, Majewski in OH, Leavitt in VT and Bolduc in VT. We probably won't know about Walker until Dec.
He is obviously distressed at sharing the stage with DeSantis.
The wannabe kingmaker turned out to be more of a jester maker.
Did you watch the DeSantis speech last night? The crowd was chanting "Two More Years, Two More Years". Beautiful.
Of course, but that misses the point I made. The point is that there are fundamental problems with the GoP since they should have been wildly successful given the conditions. I suggest that the core of the problem is the continued support for Trump. Hopefully this will trigger the GoP to move away from Trump.
Sounds like there is a lot of love for their Governor to me and they want him to run for PotUS.
What ya got to run against him? Well there is one. I think his name is Jack Shit.
A small handful of seats is still a win John.
No its not, not when you expected a "red wave". It's like finding out you won 5 dollars in the lottery when you thought you had won 5,000. Does the 5 dollars still look good? I dont think so.
Why, in your analysis, did the size of this majority fall so short of expectations? What is the reason for it?
Also, would you consider this a mandate? For example, should an R House pursue impeachment of Biden in support of what the people want?
You missed all the threats for months of a big GoP win in the midterms??
Amazing that you have decided to deny that Rs have been sending the "wait until the midterms ..." message for months. Don't be ridiculous.
I asked a question. You answered. I agreed with your answer. No need to get emotional ... we agree.
To a degree, I dont blame the right wingers for being defensive this morning. Human beings have that tendency when things go wrong. Had the Republicans won big last night I think we would have seen some pushback from the liberals here.
Having said that, people who will still try to defend trumpism are out they mind. The majority of the country does not want it. There is already speculation that DeSantis might suddenly become more "moderate".
You asked me to elaborate on the threat so I did: threat = "wait until the midterms ...".
Do you understand that the threat = "wait until the midterms ..."?
Do you deny that the "wait until the midterms ..." threat was repeatedly made for months?
awww.... he's so disappointed, he's tongue tied and frustrated...
Wonder what happened to 1.1.46......................
"wait until the midterms ..." = A statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.
Spelling it out for you:
The "wait until the midterms" threatened what the Rs would do once they achieved control of Congress. Specifics include impeaching Biden (as I mentioned), blocking attempts to bring Trump to justice, and curtailing the D agenda.
Faux obtuseness is a lame tactic.
Gotcha. TiG let me know too...............
You have demonstrated that you do not.
Let me see if I can get it out of the recycling bin.
OK now you can see it was a double posting.
Another lame tactic. When all else fails claim that your words have been misrepresented.
Have the Rs sent the "wait until the midterms ..." message for months? Have the Rs used this to connote that when they are back in power the Ds are in trouble?
Denying the obvious is an act of futility. You are not going to fool anyone with this profoundly lame ruse.
Right from the dictionary definition you quoted. Your futile and intellectually dishonest attempts to put up a smokescreen simply encourages me to keep pushing it aside.
A win is still a win no matter how you try spin it otherwise, and that just sticks in the craw doesn't it?
You will be right if the Dems hold the Senate and the House, otherwise it's a loss.
My opinion, abortion and lost democracy threats carried the day. Clearly people were less worried record inflation, high food and energy prices, non existent border security, school indoctrination and rampant crime. I don’t get it but c’est la vie. We’ll see how they feel when their heating costs go up 30-60% this year.
I would ..... considering the house seats that have gone red since the 2020 election. Two consecutive house elections dominated by Republican gains. Assuming they gain the house in 2022 that is.
What I took away from it was most incumbents won back their seats.
I agree with someone else (a post somewhere) that what the populace in general wants is more stability.
The crazies on either side didn't do very well.
Yep, but some folks on the left just don't handle loss very well.
oh, the irony...
set the wayback machine 2 years for a prime example of political sportsmanship.
Oprah endorsed Fetterman.....and...who did she endorse here?
"President Biden said Friday that coal plants are too expensive to operate, and "we're going to be shutting these plants down all across America" in order to shift to wind power in a comment that drew criticism from the Republican National Committee."

Just glad I voted early,like last week, knew I would be elk hunting, got her 2 days ago,I'm also remembering tonight is a full moon, will be hard to figure out which barking moon bats are doing all the caterwalling
I hope you sent them a message!
Man arrested after Cruz hit with beer can at Astros parade

OMG, look what it did to his face!
They are still talking about that speech last night in Ohio
Trump needs to learn not to mess with great comedians. Jimmy Kimmel absolutely humiliated him last night.
Jimmy Kimmel was on fire last night.
He'll be even more fired up tomorrow!
I wouldn't piss on Kimmel if he was on fire.
Did Kimmel wear black face again, or is that only for special occasions?
Why do we allow racists like Kimmel on tv?
To compliment Joy Reid???
I'm sure the 10's of people who watch Kimmel enjoyed his show.
Or do fake news for that matter!
Kimmel is a comedian and nothing else.
His best work was done on The Man Show.
And not even a very good one lately. I liked him in his early days before he let his politics interfere with his comedy routines. Read a article earlier where he complained he has lost 50% of his fan base over the years on account of political views, which he blamed on his producers. Kimmel said he was just doing what they told him to do. Uh huh right.

"Veterans and voters represented by the Thomas More Society, a conservative non-profit public interest law firm, filed a lawsuit against the Wisconsin Election Commission for allegedly mishandling military absentee ballots."
Thank you Mr Solomon
So anytime things don't turn out the way you want, we are going to go to ballot tampering?
So if they were mishandled you want nothing done?
This is the reason we have courts. Don't seem to remember Democrats bitching much about Gore taking every legal avenue in the courts to try and find enough votes in Florida. Nor Gore fighting tooth and nail in the courts to make sure military ballots weren't counted.
This is no different.
So much for election integrity. Seems it only matters when Democrats are challenging it.
No, she is obviously pointing out that the Trumpesque calls of fraud when votes do not go your way is a loser tactic.
His post was 23 hours ago. I don't think he has a crystal ball.
He is right here providing good commentary and info as usual.
Try the front page. I believe his comments are there............
That was posted before the election. I would think that you and the 10 that voted up your comment would want military ballots counted.
Hmmmm allegedly mishandling military absentee ballots?
One would think this would be at least “concerning” to our friends on the left as well. Especially any Vets who may have voted comment 17.1 up.
The story was posted before the election!
Btw, it's a game played by all sides.
Interesting, isn't it?
Not really.
Unfortunately I’m used to it.
Do you remember the 2000 election dispute when Al Gore tried to throw out all those military ballots?
Military ballots frightened democrats. I wonder why?
Democrats would later question the legitimacy of the 2000 election:
How soon they forget!
Yeah I remember. I don’t forget.
seems impossible for some to climb out of the conspiracy driven alt-media cesspool...
easy fix. just imagine it's a past oath taken to defend the constitution...
Yes, you were crying foul before the election. A tactic popularized by Trump. Establish doubt in the electoral system and then exploit that doubt if you lose.
I submitted two stories. One involved another election disaster by the Arizona election board. They have had two years to get their act straightened out. There is no reason why voters needed to be running around trying and failing to vote on election day, nor is there any reason for the nation to ways days, weeks or months for election results.
The other story involved something more egregious involving military ballots.
No, the doubt is caused by people who engage in conspiracy theories and cry foul on every little blip in the system. The wave of contemporary doubt was caused by Trump and is perpetuated by those who follow his lead.
Those are theories, they are facts and certainly not little blips. Election day came and at 9:AM in Arizona they couldn't tabulate votes in 25% of the polling places in one of the biggest counties. Hopefully they will abandon voting machines in Arizona. Paper ballots is what they need. Both Arizona and Nevada have a massive number of uncounted ballots and their no excuse for it!
Most polling place workers are not professional investigators , statisticians, or authorities on rules, or trained to repair electronic equipment. They are people trying to make a buck while at the same time serving the community for a few days.
These systems routinely have hiccups and "breakdowns". It has been happening for decades. Routinely on election day. It is only since Trump injected unhinged paranoia into affairs that we have this brouha over vote counting.
Then let's go to paper ballots.
Florida did it with a much bigger voting population and they did it all within hours.
Look at California. They no sooner closed the polls and the winners were announced.
The fix even more fundamental than that.
Don’t fuck over the people who volunteered to defend your freedom.
See there .... fixed ....
that's one of the primary reasons I never vote for republicans...
“Then let's go to paper ballots.”
The processes to accept those ballots is still the same, and always done in a bipartisan fashion.
Signature verification, curing discrepancies as required, ballot processing, and adjudication as necessary assures the validity of each ballot.
It is better to be patient in knowing the incredible task at hand and in understanding the myopic microscope these folks are under these daze.
Get it right the first time and let those that don’t comprehend the complexity either tilt away or even better, choose to become part of the process…the former playing on fear and ignorance, the latter allaying all those fears.
It's better to have votes counted in a timely manner and to be able to know who won before going to bed on election night.
“…who won before going to bed on election night.”
Lest your popcorn get cold?
Much more important to get it right than to rush, get it wrong, and thus feed the frenzy.
Big states have no problem. Arizona is a joke. Democrats seem to like it.
Similar to how we can now securely do our taxes and banking online we should be able to make online voting universal. Then we could know results immediately and voting would be easier for everyone.
Butt, you don't want that! Do you? Do tell.
Good grief, more conspiracy nonsense.
You should have replied to Vic, not me.
Yeah, Vic, some of the printed paper ballots were printed with too light ink and the mechanical tabulation machines were unable to reliably read them.
People making a big deal about glitches are simply feeding conspiracy theories — a counterproductive, gratuitous endeavor.
This problem, by the way, would not have occurred if the voting was truly automated: vote data entered on screen sent to database. No paper involved. But any glitch in an automated system creates an emotional panic that drives the technically ignorant back to paper, manual and mechanical methods.
gee, I wonder why? 'spose the 2020 election had anything to do with that? typical right wing scenario. fuck up the process, then whine about the results while blaming somebody else...
Some winners were announced by the news media. The state election officials do not announce winners until all of the votes are counted. The count is still not completed for many races.
As if votes aren't already tabulated and transmitted on vulnerable state systems. As I said, a secure universal national system could be easily be designed with safeguards and backups like we have for banking, investments and taxes already.
Why not?
Why don't we just arrest anyone who questions anything and have them sent to re-education camps?
Questioning things is healthy. What is unhealthy (and counterproductive) is to take minor, ordinary variations from the norm and presume extreme, exaggerated wrongdoing.
Every little blip in elections is now translated by some into a smoking gun of a rigged election. People need to get a grip. Trump is a lying narcissist ... nobody should follow his lead.
Yep, far right wing propaganda, voter restrictions and lies will do that.
"Poll workers at a key voting location in Arizona's Maricopa County announced Tuesday morning that voting machines at a polling station in Anthem are not working. A significant number of ballots are being misread, but election officials claim individuals are still able to cast their ballots properly. "
Who is surprised by this?
And so it begins.
"Indiana poll worker ejected for allegedly pre-selecting 'straight Dem ticket,' electioneering"

Again: Is anyone surprised?
Oh please...
And so it continues.
Vic is there only voter tampering in the states where the republicans didn't win?
"San Francisco DA refuses to turn over alleged Pelosi attacker to federal govt due to sanctuary city policy"

I think it's time for an interview with the "attacker."
You just have to shake your head in disgust...........
This guy will be lucky to get out of jail alive.
They’re gonna Weinstein his ass .....
He needs a microphone and a real lawyer
Yep and full time “independent” protection.
maybe...after this election
Lol, yeah my bad .... got the wrong perv-stein
What happened to releasing suspected criminals. Perhaps that doesn't apply to Dem politiians and their family members.
No it doesn't. He'll be in prison for the rest of his life.
That's how it works when someone tries to bludgeon someone else to death.
"Vote tabulation machines in about 20% of 223 voting centers in Arizona’s Maricopa County are malfunctioning and not accepting some completed ballots as designed, county officials said Tuesday.
Bill Gates, chairman of the county board of supervisors, said about one in five ballots are not being accepted by the malfunctioning machines. In those instances, he said, voters are being asked to deposit their completed ballot in a secure drop box on the tabulating machine. Mr. Gates said the secure drop box is a redundancy, should a tabulating machine malfunction.
“Everyone is still getting to vote; no one is being disenfranchised,” Mr. Gates said. “This is a technical issue and we have a redundancy for it.”
Ballots left in the drop box will be collected after polls close and will be taken to a central vote counting center by a bipartisan team, Mr. Gates said."
So what is your take on this, Vic? Do you see this as an attempt to "rig" the election?
Do you realize that this mechanical failure has brought substantial scrutiny on Maricopa County so any attempts at "rigging"
that might have been underway in this country are toast.
I have no take on it yet.
Do you see this as an attempt to "rig" the election?
At the very least it is something we really don't need. I can't really say what it means yet. It does screw up election day voting which tends to be REPUBLICAN.
Do you realize that this mechanical failure has brought substantial scrutiny on Maricopa County so any attempts at "rigging" that might have been underway in this country are toast.
I've lost my faith in just about every institution in this country of late. I sincerely hope this is just a mechanical failure. You do realize that incidents like this need to be avoided, right?
The machines are experiencing mechanical failures. This is known and publicized. They will figure out why the machines are failing but in the mean time there is only a miniscule chance that an attempt to "rig" the election in this county will go undetected given the scrutiny that is now at play.
Don't let a lack of confidence transform into conspiracy theories.
A question that need not be asked.
After all, Vic, who would answer your question with: " uh, nope, I think voting machine failures are a good thing and we should have more of them ".
"Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake called for election reform on Twitter after reports that voting machines were broken on Tuesday morning in Maricopa County.
The Arizona race between Lake, a Donald Trump -endorsed Republican, and Democrat Katie Hobbs, the Arizona Secretary of State, has been one of the closest-watched governor races in the nation. On Monday, polling showed that Lake was barely leading Hobbs with less than 2 percentage points."
The day is young still.
"As we monitor the developing legal issues, Arizona is now reporting extensive machine malfunctions (as much as 20 percent in some areas). That could delay voting..."
…ad nauseam
how do you like your crow?
“Any good recipes?”
Simply charred with a unpalatable gravy of unfulfilled expectations, a cup of red whine, and a healthy dose of unfounded conspiracy.
The will of the people have spoken. I may not agree with a lot of the results but I accept them. It is time to go on, hopefully stop the bickering, hope for the best, and see what happens in 2024. If somebody wants to tell people about eating crow, they are more than welcome to do so. Does not change things or make a difference to me.
Did DeSantis just tell Garland to shove his Justice department poll monitors up his ass?
Yes he did. Democrats got a taste of their own medicine.
Can you imagine if AG Barr had sent DOJ observers out to the states during the 2020 election?
He did and does every year here in NC. They just can't go in. They are there more for observing the goings on.
I want everyone to see DeSantis standing up to them.
DeSantis is posturing and you know it, putting lipstick on the cochon du jour does not make it anymore attractive.
Garland needs something shoved up his ass .
I know right? It's almost as bad as those with an obsession with Trump's penis.
Someone trying to horn in on your schtick?
Why are confused, I written nothing about his penis. Weren’t you discussing circle jerkers yesterday?
I guess some have a short memory and forget the days when the Stormy Daniels and other stories were the hit of the day. I seem to remember mushroom as a buzzword used by Trump detractors.
I read that smoking pot every day can effect memory.
Huh? Do I know you?
Obviously...................and now it's even legal in some places. But as far as I know so far, employers still forbid it.
We've never formally met.
From your comment history, its seems that shit and ass holes are more your thing.
I think you do, unlike who I was referring to.
How do you know?
Some people are just fixated on things like that.
We must never forget!

BREAKING: Maricopa County ballots 'so blotchy from the printer that the scanner could not read' them
And Hobbs is in charge of this.
How could that be allowed?
Heh heh ... she's desperate, so this isn't a surprise!
What is the over/under that Chuck Schumer will be drunk and crying like a little bitch before midnight?
Blue tsunami? That's all wet.
Not a fan of the pun, eh?
I love the reports that voter turnout is high in a lot of polling locations. From what I'm hearing the turnout could match a presidential election cycle.
Guess the Republicans really blew it with their voter suppression plans... /s
At least in the MSNBC version, Arizona exit polling looks somewhat encouraging for the Democrats. Almost as many people said abortion is their number one issue as said inflation is.
I would love for Kari Lake to lose and then watch as she has her army assault the Arizona state capitol building.
Your rampant TDS is showing.
Please show us all this mythical army she has.
Welcome to the party.
Florida results for Dade County coming in and it's coming in RED!
In Ohio: Mike DeWine is already projected the winner and JD Vance has a slight lead over Tim Ryan who practically ran as a Republican.
In North Carolina they count mail in ballots first so democrats look like they have a lead there.
Yes Beasley is ahead but, as said earlier, republicans vote mostly day of. Dems vote from the couch or early. Can’t be standing in line with perceived lessers now can they.
There are already signs that Republicans are over performing. Karl Rove is comparing the numbers to the last election.
Now there is only a 2 point difference
The Democratic senate candidate in North Carolina, Cheri Beasley, is running well ahead of the Republican with a portion of the vote counted. Under the Trumpster theory of elections, she should declare victory and tell everyone that if she loses its because the Republicans cheated.
Why? Have there been all kinds of election rule changes with Mark Zuckerberg spending millions to run local elections and turn out democratic voters? Has social media quashed an important story that could influence the results? Has the media hung the pandemic on anyone?
No, I don't see why anyone would question the results.
Look again John. As said, they count mail in and lazy assed dem votes first. Budd is now ahead. As predicted. Reps vote on election day
That’s so they can let someone else fill their ballot out for an 8-ball ....
Republicans are not only dominating Dade County, which DeSantis lost by 18 points in 2018, but they are leading in Osceola, which is only the only county in the US with a plurality of Puerto Ricans.
So much for white grievance.....
Florida has gone solidly red.
The rest of the country ought to study Florida on how to run an election.
They actually count the votes in a timely manner
It has become one of the better states for conducting elections.
PA might just be the worst
It's amazing, when you consider the entire national media spent two years vilifying him and worshipping Cuomo, and two years later his election is called immediately after the polls close and Cuomo is lucky to not be in jail.
That's a tale of two Governors, isn't it?
What a record DeSantis has established as Governor!
It should be mandated for all states. If Fla can do it, so can every other state.
It's easy to do when the races are not close.
Personally, if it's close, accuracy is way more important than speed.
He's quite the cartographer.
DeSantis and Rubio both projected winners.
The democrats wasted Val Demings in having her run against Rubio. She should have been Biden's VP.
So Charlie Crist has lost 3 times for 3 different parties.
I think that's some kinda record. Isn't it?
There's another record just set in Arkansas as Sarah Huckabee Sanders was just projected the winner.
That is I believe the only father/daughter Governor combination.
Plus she will be the youngest Governor in the country at 40.
Yes Sir. Even younger than DeSantis.
Almost all the House pickups by the GOP so far happened because of gerrymandering. I guess they cant win a fair fight.
Is that going to be your take on it?
That's been his take for seven years now Vic, It's insane to think he's going to give up his excuse mantra.... It's served him so well... /S {chuckle}
Brit Hume just read aloud the assinine comment over on MNSBC that it's all about "gerrymandering."
How did he fail to remember that it's all about voter suppression?
And it begins.
Couldn’t be that electorates all over the country are rebuking Dems actions from the last four years could it?
The state of New York was gerrymandered by democrats. Their polls just closed Lets see what happens there
No. It couldn't.
It's like being a Michigan fan. If you win, it's because you're the greatest. If you lose, it's because the refs cheated and everybody else committed recruiting violations.
Lol .... yep.
You mean like some Republican states gerrymandered their districts?
It was a mixed bag. The Republicans picked up all four congressional seats from Long Island. We kept Hochul and Schumer.
Sadly I think you miss the whole message here. This really should have been a red wave... that is what it does to Presidents at midterms who have better conditions than Biden has. What this shows is that people are rejecting these terrible candidates picked by Trump. That they rejected the SCOTUS's decision on Roe v Wade. There is a desire to move more to the middle and normalcy. And finally, to actually appreciate that the independent vote really matters.
and AOC and the crime.
Sadly I think you miss the whole message here. This really should have been a red wave... that is what it does to Presidents at midterms who have better conditions than Biden has.
It is what normally happens.
What this shows is that people are rejecting these terrible candidates picked by Trump. That they rejected the SCOTUS's decision on Roe v Wade.
It shows a good deal more than that.
There is a desire to move more to the middle and normalcy.
By voting for the most radical regime in US history?
And finally, to actually appreciate that the independent vote really matters.
It had nothing to do with independents. What it proved is that America now has a progressive majority and the country isn't worth saving.
No, the obvious lesson is, you are wrong!
Once again, you got everything all wrong.
You just use caution on the subway, because nothing is going to change out there.
Crime is worse in Oklahoma City than NYC!
AOC was voted in by her district just as you kept MTG. They both suck. And this is the problem. You can point to one side, but not the other.
As for the crime, it is a work in progress and we are still much lower than most cities in the US, be it blue or red.
No, it proves that some conservatives don't realize how much they have become contaminated by Trump's toxicity.
“America now has a progressive majority and the country isn't worth saving.”
Pretty, pretty dark, Vic. [Deleted]
New York is solid radical blue. PERIOD
As for the crime, it is a work in progress and we are still much lower than most cities in the US, be it blue or red.
It is rampant in NYC and the voters of that city decided that they want to live with it!
No, it proves that some conservatives don't realize how much they have become contaminated by Trump's toxicity.
There was no excuse for anyone who voted blue last night.
Get a grip Vic. Your election denying white grievance paradise couldnt last forever.
BTW, is Trump still the greatest president of all time? I suppose there are a lot of Republicans this morning that dont think so.
Bitter tears.
John, the radical left is in complete control.
What pronouns should we use tomorrow?
Why do you ignore the 800lb gorilla? If the GoP were not fused-at-the-hip to Trump they likely would have had the success that they expected given the current conditions of inflation and a less-than-spectacular current PotUS.
Lose Trump. Don't support DeSantis while continuing to provide cover for Trump. Lose Trump and begin the very long overdue process of healing the GoP.
there's no excuse for anyone that voted for any election denier. they're traitors to the american values of free and fair elections, the peaceful transfer of power, and the US constitution.
gee, maybe it's time to take out the trash...
So much for all the pontifical bombast, lol.
To you, everyone to the left of Attilla the Hun is a leftist radical.
Not all of New York! Staten Island is now "The Mississippi of Gotham. If you think Joe Biden, Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are the "Radical Left" you must have never met any real far left wing extremists...
America reject such hyperbolic rhetoric.
He needs to read something beyond crank conspiracy sites like Just The News.
Let's not forget the SCOTUS decision overturning Roe didn't do Republicans any favors.
I agree, but that would affect the states (governors and state legislatures) far more than federal.
That's completely fair.
And ironic, considering the people frequently referred to as 'right wing' on this forum.
It pushed a lot of Democratic turn out which may have effected some of the close federal races that may have been predicted to turn red.
Yes, but I consider the Trump factor to be dominant. Don't you?
“What pronouns should we use tomorrow?”
When your you’re entire argument is reduced to pissing about pronouns, it is time to acknowledge their, there, they’re is really no argument.
hear, here...
republicans seem to have a history of lagging behind public opinion by about 50 years...
I'm not arguing. Only pointing out that people aren't one thing and that a combination of factors are always at play.
Of course, life is complicated.
Funny thing Vic. What is Boston then?
The reality is that New Yorkers want what everyone else wants. A governor who is for open carry laws and anti-abortion even for incest and rape, and an election denyist wasn't for them.
That is utterly false. Here are the cities with the worst crime:
The twenty cities with the highest violent crime rates (number of incidents per 100,000 people) are:
I don't see NYC on that list, do you? Where is your outrage for those red cities?
Are you kidding? I have 2 daughters of childbearing age, and the man running for office doesn't believe in a woman's right to their body. Heck, he doesn't believe in the case of incest or rape. There is reason 1 since apparently governors are now deciding this for their state.
Reason 2: He was for open carry in NYC. We need more guns on our streets like we need a hole in our heads.
I don't love Hochul, but I hated him. Sad that is how we vote now. Sad that you see one side as evil and the other as white as the driven snow. That is hardly the reality of it Vic. It is far more nuanced than that.
It just isn't.
Maybe, but it definitely showed that people were not as interested in voting for shit candidates simply to support their "team" like it's a college football game.
It just isn't.
It had everything to do with independents/moderates and their rejection of the Trump hangover and the poor candidates it supplied.
Thank you, Jack!
People seem to ignore Independents at their peril.
I noticed a lot of the campaigning was what the dems could do or what the reps could do.
Never a mention of what 'we' could do.
Lee Zeldin made it close and he even got a few elected on his coattails. What would have put him over the top is all those New Yorkers who packed up and moved to Florida. That's why New York which was once the most populous state went from 1st to 2nd to 3rd and from 3rd to 4th!
I don't see NYC on that list, do you? Where is your outrage for those red cities?
Major crimes in New York City spiked nearly 60% in February compared to the same month in 2021 – a large majority occurring in a small swath of the metropolis – as Mayor Eric Adams rolled out his plan to combat gun violence and crime in the city.
The New York Police Department tracked increases across every major crime category. The city recorded a 41% increase in overall major crime through the first months of 2022 compared to the same period last year, including a nearly 54% increase in robberies, a 56% increase in grand larceny incidents and a 22% increase in rape reports, the data shows.
“We’ve got to get it right,” Adams said Friday. “Two months in, we’re executing our plan and we’re going to defeat crime. I’m clear on that.”
Are you kidding? I have 2 daughters of childbearing age, and the man running for office doesn't believe in a woman's right to their body. Heck, he doesn't believe in the case of incest or rape. There is reason 1 since apparently governors are now deciding this for their state.
Abortion has been legal under New York State law since 1970 – three years before the Roe v. Wade decision legalized abortion throughout the country. Because the right is codified in New York State law, federal decisions to limit access to abortion will not impact New York State.
What a nonsensical way to vote! NY has a law on the books!!!!!
Reason 2: He was for open carry in NYC. We need more guns on our streets like we need a hole in our heads.
NY emasculated the police and let crimals out without bail, what do you expect?
I don't love Hochul, but I hated him.
I guess that means reason # 3 was that he was a Republican. You made the same mistake with your mayor: the fake crime fighter.
Sad that you see one side as evil
You bet! Look what they did to NYC!
opinions on what a “shit” candidate is, varys a great deal
I take great exception to that ignorant comment, Vic.
This country doesn't need saving it may or may not be the greatest country in the history of the world depending on your viewpoint but it's what we have. Hundreds of thousands of men and women have died on battlefields in this country and across the world doing our best to be sure that liberty is available to all. We have not always succeeded but we have given it our all. At home, in our country, we have made a lot of mistakes and we have on the other hand we have corrected many of those mistakes and have gone on to open more opportunities to the American people. We are a country of multiple races, nationalities, religions, languages, and customs/cultures, unlike anything the world has ever seen. We have excelled in medicine, science, and the arts, We have built some of the greatest universities in the world today. We have gone to the moon and beyond. We have failed in some things but we have not given up, and we try to ''get it right'', ALWAYS.
We have had very dark periods in our history and each time we have come out of it stronger than before. In the future we will as a country face critical points in time and judging from our past we will overcome them.
On Friday we will celebrate Veterans Day, I would not want any veteran or any American regardless of political persuasion, race, or religion to ever hear that ''America isn't worth saving''.
Each time I see the Monument of the Marines raising the Flag on Mount Suribachi or see the Lincoln Memorial I feel a great sense of pride and thanks.
People [deleted] believe that the current condition of America is betraying "the western tradition". Thats not the American west, its the western European west, the civilization , mainly composed of white people, who went forward and colonized the world , and wrote a lot of the worlds great literature, developed scientific principles, invented great technological advancements, developed western philosophy, and spread the Judeo-Christian biblical principles.
The promotion of and eventually the defense of the western tradition goes hand in hand with the creation of the United States, manifest destiny, and eventually the spread of the American empire.
One can go on places on the internet and find forums and groups that lament that the US is no longer a shining example of the "western tradition". Too many non European immigrants. Too much straying from classical principles of philosophy and government and "tradition".
I dont have any issue with the "western tradition"per se. I think it provided some great advancements to the world, but it is not the only way , and more than that it is the base rationalization for racism. The western tradition is the white man's tradition, and some but not all of the people who lament the loss of "western" principles in the United States blame too much attention paid to people and cultures from other parts of the world, aka people of color.
A lot of people miss the "old days". They may not be able to put that missing into words real well, but it is the diminishing connection they are afforded to their tribe in a modern multicultural nation.
Really well said ! You exemplify the true meaning of the word "Patriot". Others try to claim that term but only befoul it's meaning.
You comment is excellent, Kavika. Thank you!
The depravity of Comment 40.2.7 is utterly reprehensible and very telling. It reeks with hatred for the American people and the American way of life.
Lee Zeldin had backers who spent 10 times what Hochul had and he wasn't close to winning. The same thing applied to local elections.
Come on Vic. Laws can be overturned, that is why Zeldin made a point of saying he was anti-abortion, when he should have said he was anti choice. Please don't insult me and call my way of voting "nonsensical ". And it wasn't only that. He is for open carry in NY and I don't want that.
First of all, the NY police are not emasculated. We never tried to defund the police and our current mayor is an ex-cop who is fighting to get the city back in order. There have been modifications to our bail, and they are not letting out violent or repeat offenders anymore. That is a BS republican talking point and had Hochul been a better debater, she would have said that.
No, reason 3 was not because he was a Republican. I voted for Republicans before. I voted for Gulliani, which I now say in embarrassment since his ties to Trump. I voted for Bloomberg when he was a Republican (then Dem, then Independent). Our mayor is trying the best and I would like you to show me what he has done wrong... or is it that he is a Dem and that's all it takes?
Again a false narrative. I showed you a list of other cities where crime is much higher and you just ignored it. Why? Was it because some of them were red? Here is a fact. Since the pandemic, crime is up all over. And btw, you seem to have noted that murder is actually down in NYC. btw, Boston's crime rate is up too, since the pandemic, and it is not a city of 8 million people.
I'd like to reply to this comment.
First of all, this is insulting not only to anyone who didn't vote the way you wanted them to vote, but it is also totally unpatriotic. I love my country, no matter who is in charge. This country is a gift and one of those gifts is that we have free elections. I accept that no matter who wins. And while I might be disappointed that a person I voted for didn't get it, I would never say that my country isn't worth saving.
And for the record, I am a proud daughter of a vet from two wars, Korea and Vietnam. He loves his country no matter what.
I don't know of any race where the Republican outspent a democrat. The margin of victory was 5 points:
Come on Vic. Laws can be overturned,
Not with your State Representatives or voters.
that is why Zeldin made a point of saying he was anti-abortion
No, he said that because a reporter asked him about it. His campaign was anti-crime.
Please don't insult me and call my way of voting "nonsensical ". And it wasn't only that. He is for open carry in NY and I don't want that.
I was talking in general terms, not about you. As for open carry, what about the crime?
First of all, the NY police are not emasculated.
They were humilitated, remember?
We never tried to defund the police
But you did:
Again a false narrative. I showed you a list of other cities where crime is much higher and you just ignored it.
And I showed you the rise of crime in NYC.
Boston's crime rate is up too, since the pandemic, and it is not a city of 8 million people.
Boston has too much crime as well.
The people of New York have spoken. Now they have to live with it.
Lee Zeldin has no jaw. Hochul has a jaw.
For anyone interested, above you will see the words of a progressive.
Now you know.
I'd like to reply to your comment, but out of respect for you, I'm not going to.
That was a mistake. That portion is now removed for context.
I appreciate everything you say because your comments exemplify the ugly nasty angry temperament of the far rightwing.
That hyperbolic nonsense turns off voters.
I know the margin of victory and 5 points is a lot.
Things change Vic. Look at SCOTUS. Look at Long Island. It has become apparent that there is no room for error.
Wrong Vic. He was pro-life in every vote before he ran in NY. His record stands. And just like our new justices said that Roe v Wade was decided law when they were applying to the job and then did what they wanted to do and reversed it, you have to go by their track record before, not what they say when they want the job.
Dead on arrival:
The “Defund the police” movement that garnered support from some Democrats in the aftermath of the 2020 police killing of George Floyd is “dead” in New York City, Bronx Congressman Ritchie Torres declared Thursday.
Torres, a first-term Democrat, made the proclamation after MSNBC’s Jose Diaz-Balart asked whether he agreed with Mayor Eric Adams’ stance against cutting police budgets .
“The defund police movement is dead in New York City — and good riddance,” Torres said. “And any elected official who’s advocating for the abolition and/or even the defunding of police is out of touch with reality and should not be taken seriously.”
And crime is up everywhere and NYC doesn't make the list of the top cities with increases in crime. Yes we know it's up and we are doing something about it.
That is true. We will see how things go in the future.
"New York City officials on Tuesday agreed to a grim coronavirus-era budget that will sharply curtail municipal services, impose a hiring freeze and, in a move meant to placate calls to defund the police, shift roughly $1 billion from the Police Department ."
"Mayor Bill de Blasio and the Council speaker, Corey Johnson, had agreed in principle to cut $1 billion from the Police Department’s $6 billion operating budget, but doing so successfully — especially when crime and shootings are rising — would be a tricky “balancing act,” the mayor said on Tuesday.
Sure enough, the details seemed to please no one, and the budget passed the City Council early Wednesday with more noes than usual, in a 32-to-17 vote."
Torres said that in 2022. The above is from 2020
Am I missing something?
Asinine unpatriotic comment.
When was the last time a republican came within 5 points in New York?
When was the last time Republicans won so many House seats in New York?
“On Friday we will celebrate Veterans Day, I would not want any veteran or any American regardless of political persuasion, race, or religion to ever hear that ''America isn't worth saving''.”
Well said.
It's always important to remember that when someone shows you who they are, believe them.
Yeah, we have a new mayor who never went through with it and our lazy ass old mayor never got it done for all his big talk.
We are actually hiring police.
Thank you for the clarification.
" Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." - Samuel Johnson
Those who support Trump have avoided that last refuge.
That's correct. Republicans believe in politicians picking their voters, not voters being able to choose who represents them. The result is the disproportionate number of Republicans in the House compared to their overall percentage of the population, which translates to minority rule.
Meanwhile, Democrats look to possibly be on track to pick up seats in the Senate.
Democrats are also likely to pick up several Governorships.
Since Doug Wilder was elected in 1990 in VA.
Oh, snap. There you go with your facts again!
Yes, it’s amusing that some stay confused when obtaining facts has never been easier. Maybe they just prefer others informing them.
I wasn’t talking to you.
I don’t think that I got you, I don’t want you.
You got that right.
No, you were talking about her, trolling...
The blame game has already started. Take lessons from Biden and you will get better at it
Indeed it has. Now Trump is turning on his own wife, Melania, for his choosing to strongly support Oz. To me, that shows just how big of a sick, self-adoring man he is.
I wonder who/what he will blame her for next.
You're too kind.
It was unintentional....
"Exit polling from Edison Research shows that only about 1 in 10 voters this year are under the age of 30, while roughly one-third are 65 or older.
Compare that to the last midterm elections in 2018, when 13 percent of voters were under 30 and about 26 percent were 65 or older."
Walker has closed on Warnock massively in the last reporting, only a few tenths of a percent separate them now.... 46% of the vote reported....
Why are you mentioning Walker's IQ ?
Do you still believe in IQ tests?
Nope, that is actually the ounces of drool emptied out of Shotgun Joe’s drool bucket each day.
Remember, Schumer's inside polling had Walker winning
Yep I know.... {smile}
Yes John AP has that last update as well... currently 57% reporting... (and according to AP it's only 3.7 %)
NBC has Warnock up 4.5% right now.
AP with 60% reported shows Warnock only up by 2.3%.... Walker isn't going away.... Warnock is losing ground...
AP has Warnock up by 1.9% with 61% reported.... Warnock is losing ground...
AP still hasn't called Georgia, Warnock is up by .9 % with 98% reporting, that's 35,300 votes... WE are not going to know for a couple of days and the almost required recount...
Final trend is Walker gaining on Warnock, the question is does the votes to overtake exist in the remaining 2%?
Will probably wind up in a 4 week runoff election...
plenty of time for a few more baby mama's and members of the walker abortion club to show up...
Abrams has lost to Kemp again! I wonder what her excuse for losing this time will be?
Its looking good for Democratic senator in New Hampshire
Not so much in a couple of neighboring states though.
North Carolina:
Republican Budd has closed on Democrat Beasley in the last update as well.... 56% reporting...
Last update shows Republican Budd leading by 2% 63% reporting...
AP now has Budd up by 2.6% with 65% reported... he might be pulling away...
Budd now up 3% with 67% reported, looks like he's pulling away...
And there is the big winner of the night!
And tonight the people of Florida have given their verdict!
So, Florida is now officially a shithole state. Congratulations.
Still better than NY, Illinois, California, Portland, and Washington.
Only in the imaginations of the seriously misguided.
"After being arrested for crashing his car into a shopping mall, a Florida man explained to police that he was trying to time travel. Which is crazy. If you want to travel 50 years into the future, just leave Florida..." - Seth Meyers
The sinkhole capitol of the world...
when did portland become a state?
CNN shows Cox leading Moore in the race for Governor of Maryland by 15 votes to 12.
That's not thousands. That's literally 15-12.
I'm not sure I've ever seen results posted with less than 30 votes in total.
Wes Moore won.
It's Maryland, so TBH I don't have any interest either way. I just thought it unusual and intersection to see results being posted in such low quantity.
Hopefully that's bye-bye Beto.
And the many Millions they spent on him.
Vance is now ahead of Ryan and Budd is ahead of Beasely
Voter suppression in Maricopa County.
Judge rules to not extend voting hours after voting machine issues reduce time allowed to vote in person.
A day later, 600,000 votes still uncounted.
What do you conclude from this?
The main conclusion is obvious.
Arizona/Maricopa counties election official are failing their electorate.
It certainly doesn’t inspire confidence in the elections they are running.
I'm not so sure about that. Arizona law doesn't allow them to start counting any early ballots before the start of election day and Arizona / Maricopa County doesn't put the money (imagine that, government not spending enough money on a system that doesn't immediately provide for their re-election) into updating and enlarging systems to handle the growth. The state legislature needs to change the laws to allow them to start processing early and mail-in ballots before election day in order to get a faster tabulation on election day but I don't trust the 90 dwarfs under the Copper Dome to actually do anything.
Fair enough.
Regardless ..... it is FUBAR and needs to be fixed.
Yes it is and yes it needs to be fixed. Elections officials have been asking / begging for years for change with no action coming from legislation.
See this is the thing many people across the country can't seem to get. Each state has their own laws on how they run elections and what it takes to count all the votes. Hell, in some states it varies widely from county to county. Mix in the populist disinformation of the last few years and things are messier than they've ever been.
So you are not concluding rigging. You conclude incompetence — not rigging.
FUBAR precludes fixing.
FUBAR is FUBAR ..... no over analyzation required.
One need not analyze; one need only understand the meaning of the expression. The expression FUBAR is used to describe something that is fucked up beyond all repair / recognition.
So did you mean to opine that the Maricopa county electoral system is fucked up beyond all repair / recognition? If so, it would not be fixable.
Bottom line, this is an example of exaggerated, emotive rhetoric the feeds conspiracy theories. Maricopa county's system has a few problems and these problems are exacerbated by the additional scrutiny that accompanies any problem. It is relatively minor and no big deal in the grand scheme of things. It is not FUBAR — not even close to that extreme condition.
And yet .... like usual ..... you do.
Hear me now and believe me later. You are possibly the last person on earth I need an explanation from regarding that acronym.
The last person.
Steve Kornacki says , so far, red wave is not happening. Democrats holding their own in contested districts.
Maddow just admitted that it still might happen.
Tomorrow's Headline - "Democrats Hold Senate - Predicted gop wave in House turned to ripple!"
AP is showing Republican Vance up by 3.6% with 49% reported....
That's a big one!
Cheri Beasley is in it in North Carolina. It will be very tight.
AP called NC for Budd a few hours ago... currently he is up by 3.6% with 96% reported...
That seat was previously held by a gopper...
That was a seat the Democrats thought they could win....
As well as defeating Vance in Ohio...................
The Georgia Senate race is almost over...95% of the vote in with Walker ahead but just short of the silly 50% threshold. Hopefully he hits the number.
Looks like it's going to be a 4 week runoff.... Neither has gotten to the 50% threshold....
If thing hold as they are right now, it will be a runoff for control of the Senate...
Its 10:10 pm eastern and the red wave has not appeared yet
if it doesnt that will be the big story of the evening
Vance is pulling away. That may be the ballgame!
Lauren Boebert is losing by 4 pts with 70% of the vote counted.
Fingers crossed.
Yet AOC won reelection by forty point margin!
So is MGT.
It just means that morons can win landslides.
Fetterman looking good.
Not called yet, but Fetterman is on track to win.
According to NBC Steve Kornacki, its starting to look very unlikely there will be a red wave tonight.
It surely has gotten quiet around here tonight...
It looks like polling was wrong again, but this time in the other direction.
The gop being so nasty turned voters off.
No, polling worked just fine. It was the talking heads trying to interpret polls that got it largely wrong. And even they hedge their bets with evasive language like, "looks like" or "maybe" and "what could be".
It seems all the right leaning posters have left...
Yes, do you think it's safe to come out and post now?
Do you think being snarky to other people is fun?
So.. in other words, you're asking me if being sarcastic is enjoyable?
Troll away.
Just trying to clarify, right?
They likely have jobs to report to in the morning.
XXX Video Arcades don't mop themselves!
I always thought Fetterman would win. Pennsylvania had a one-issue election.
I make raisins out of ‘em.
The "crime" angle seems to have been a total bust as far as effecting the vote in a big way for the Republicans.
The independent polling was already indicating that only about 15% of voters thought that was their #1 concern.
Carville was right. It's the economy, stupid.
Looks like the hate and fear angle deployed by Dems at the end might have been successful thus reinforcing the party of hate and fear.
From a Newstalkers perspective, the takeaway from last night is that the previously cackling right wing on this forum have proved to be clueless.
There are a half dozen or so "conservatives" on this forum that should have their tails between their legs this morning. They should, but they wont. Thats ok.
From a national standpoint, the country proved that it rejects big tenets of right wing MAGA ideology. If one listens to MAGA, wokeism, trans, teachers, crime, and CRT, were the major issues that would produce the red wave. Since the red wave fell on its face, America rejected the negative importance of wokeism, trans, teachers, crime, and CRT.
Opinions do vary. See 11.1.20 for mine.
Apply liberally, lather, rinse and repeat as necessary.
That's a rather clueless comment. It was the economy, inflation, immigration, and crime.
Crime fell somewhere below abortion in exit polls. What we didn't see was the southern border as a concern.
“What we didn't see was the southern border as a concern.”
Only every two years or so…as elections demand.
Otherwise, we are comfortable in having our homes built, our trash hauled, our lawns and golf courses maintained, our food cooked and dishes cleaned, our laundry cleaned and pressed, and our vacation spots fully employed.
Giving a wink, wink…nod, nod to existing immigration laws, lest employers be held responsible.
Who doesn't like cheap labor? I live in a very Blue County and all my neighbors use lawn care services with Hispanic workers and if you need painting or other handyman services, you drive tp 7-11 and pull some workers from the line outside.
Exactly, most of us prefer paying for a lower labor rate than the native born demands while we bemoan income inequality.
I think there's a word for that....
“I think there's a word for that....”
The only thing that both parties have in common.
They are so close in how they go about their business, which only serves to broaden the gap between getting anything accomplished. And ultimately, it is the people they purport to represent who languish in the want of true leadership.
There is a chance still that the GOP could end up with both the House and the Senate, by a razor thin margin. There is no red wave, at all.
Wonder how the right will spin this tomorrow.
IF they take the house, it's enough to screw Bidens agenda.
I'd like to see them get one, but don't particularly want them to get both. Gridlock is good for America.
Unfortunately, gridlock is our best bet with predominantly career politicians vs. statespersons.
I don't find it unfortunate at all.
Our system is set up to restrain government. "Congress shall make no law", etc. It works best when government is restrained.
That way we only enact legislation that almost everybody agrees on.
It is unfortunate because our career politicians have so screwed with our system (worked it) that our last remaining restraint is gridlock.
We should not need to rely upon gridlock to curtail irresponsible actions by our elected representatives.
If, as I noted, we had predominantly statespersons, our constitutional checks & balances would be the operative governing mechanisms.
Out of curiosity, when was the last time you recall a predominance of statespersons?
The 1950s and before. Every election cycle seems to move us further from statespersons. Imagine the Congress of the 1950s impeaching a PotUS largely out of spite. Imagine even the 1970s with the potential impeachment of Nixon. Nixon likely would have been convicted by the majority of his own party. Compare that with modern congresses. Andrew Johnson's impeachment (but not conviction) was a policy disagreement impeachment ... it was bogus too.
Now, consider how many of these earlier congresses would have played along with Trump's Big Lie.
I think it was designed that way.
I just think that's overly idealistic. We're just always going to have rat bastards.
I disagree. The CotUS was designed to separate powers and allow the branches of government to operate effectively but with mutual constraints so that one branch (or pairing of branches) does not dominate. The CotUS does not define and does not even mention political parties and was focused on individuals. Historically, the founders presumed representatives of the House would serve two year terms and then typically go back to their private lives as other citizens did their turn. The senate terms were made 7 years (later revised to 6) so that it could serve as a wiser, more-long-term stabilizing factor. The SCotUS terms followed that very same principle and added independence (ideally) of political concerns so that the focus would be primarily adjudication.
It is idealistic to think that we will somehow reverse course and grow more statespersons, but I have not suggested we would.
No spin John, I believe the Republicans have gained at least the one seat they needed to take control of the Senate... in fact it looks to me they have gained three... but no one is really going to know for sure tonight...
Where does the gop gain one Dem seat?
Democrats gained one in Pennsylvania...
Yep, NBC has called it for Fetterman, He's declared victory as well, AP still has it a tossup... But NBC has also called Wisconsin for the Democrat Barnes where the Republican Johnson is up by 1.6% with 96 % reported... According to the AP that is...
It will shake itself out by tomorrow night... until then we really don't know...
All we need is one....
I think the spin that JR is suggesting is that which counters the over-the-top posturing that has taken place for months. Here on NT so many Rs were repeatedly taunting the Ds with the likes of "wait until we hand your asses to you in November".
The GoP likely will take the House and could still possibly take the Senate but clearly the margins will be narrow. Given this is a midterm election with a struggling economy, etc. the GoP really should have done what the Rs had expected.
I suspect this surprisingly mild performance is due to a backlash against Trump by rational folks. Bucking the major advantages of the GoP of being the party out of power in midterms and with a struggling economy is definitely remarkable and worthy of considerable analysis.
Hopefully this will result in the GoP waking up and distancing itself from Trump.
Yet Wisconsin is not a pickup for the gop.
The gop believed they could be as shitty as possible and still win, no matter what...
Amen to that.
This election was certainly a disaster for Trump, not only did many of his high profile hand picked candidates lose, his political enemy DeSantis was a big winner in Florida.
I dont think Trump is through yet though. He has a cult following and those people will resist deprogramming. And, I dont see DeSantis as a national politician. First of all he has no charisma at all. Secondly his Christian nationalism will not be a winning message in the swing states , and maybe not in slightly purple states either.
Florida is not a microcosm of America, it is an outlier.
It's good to know Trump's influence isn't waning or anything....
Let's hope this finally wakes up the remaining Rs who continue to support Trump and the politicians who continue to align themselves with Trump — especially the election deniers.
I envision the rift in the right wing becoming even more pronounced, once the dust has settled and the blame game starts in earnest. this major loss by trump will hopefully embolden those few on the right that have any fur left on their yarbles.
Some of those people are lost causes. They're the RW versions of Bernie supporters.
A great many that supported Trump previously did so because they felt like he was the only person who would stand up to the condescending bullshit of the "pantsuit nation" and the "woke mafia". They will gladly transfer that support to a better candidate who is willing to take up that fight, especially now that better candidates seem to be emerging.
I have been waiting for that to happen for two years.
He's having a shitty day in the conservative press today. The NYP called him Trumpty Dumpty. Yikes!
Ooooooh. I love that.
It was always going to take that long.
The GoP (predominantly) should have started moving from Trump once it became clear that his Big Lie was indeed total bullshit. Not only did that not happen, but a new cult of election deniers emerged in support of Trump.
I expect you to claim that you knew that the GoP would go that far in selling its soul.
Power abhors a vacuum. In order to move from Trump, they have to move TO someone else. That person can really only be determined as the next presidential race starts to take shape. That doesn't ever happen until after the midterms. Anybody attempting to assume that leadership role ahead of the midterms would simply have been Trump 2.0, with improved maniacal narcissistic capacity.
The voters have now been allowed to speak. They have strongly endorsed several Republicans, who are now cleared to begin to build their leadership across a national level. That was not possible even 6 weeks ago.
How unfortunate for you. What you should have expected was a statement that all the nonsense about "selling souls" is melodramatic bullshit best left to 13-year-old girls.
There have always been people who are easily misled. There have always been people who cannot overcome their emotions to face the facts in front of them. That's been true on both extremes of the political spectrum for a very long time.
That is not an absolute rule; reality is often more complex than the simplicity expressed by a cliché. The GoP today is split with some supporting Trump as the defacto leader and the balance not. Given a minority (at least) can function sans a leader, it certainly is possible for the majority of the GoP to function without a defacto leader.
You, for example, have (I presume) survived as a GoP member who does not recognize Trump as the leader. You did not move TO someone else. The inability for others to do likewise does not speak highly for the current members of the GoP.
"Selling souls" is obviously a metaphor and not meant to be taken literally and thus is not "melodramatic bullshit". It is a figurative expression to succinctly connote that much of the GoP has chosen to align with Trump at the expense of integrity. I am sure you understood this but since you chose to insult me by comparing me to a 13 year old girl, and for future reference, Trump is Satan in the metaphor and those who support his Big Lie, etc. are the ones selling their souls. "Soul" is a metaphorical reference to their integrity.
Water is wet, the moon orbits the Earth, there is no Santa Claus.
The fact that current Trump supporters deny reality due to emotional (vs. objective and factual) 'reasoning' is obvious. The question is how long before reality sinks back in. With all that Trump did in his Big Lie and that which followed (e.g. classified documents), it is disappointing that he has remained as the defacto leader of the GoP.
Hopefully his supporters will attribute blame to him for the mediocre midterms and hopefully that will be the straw that breaks the camel's back (another metaphor, Jack, not to be taken literally). However, based on the evidence thus far, the GoP will likely continue with Trump as the defacto leader until a presumptive nominee emerges.
There are very few absolute rules in life, however, this one is true in this case. Given the well-documented characteristics of Trump supporters, the idea that they can function without a strong leader seems unrealistic. This is no different than the leadership void among Democrats after 2016.
It's a phrase used specifically for dramatic effect. Or in this case, melodramatic effect.
Why would we think it would sink back in? We don't expect that of angry leftists? Their emotions cause them to embrace all sorts of ideas that are totally detached from reality. Why is that only a problem when Trump supporters do it?
Several of us here on NT have been making the point for years that there is a big difference between the people who actually support Trump and the people who tolerate Trump. We're coming to the point in the cycle where even the casual observers will be able to see those groups diverging.
But hardly anybody is going to blame Trump for the midterms. His supporters will not admit it, and his tolerators don't care and are ready to move on.
As I said, that speaks poorly for those GoP members who cannot function without a leader.
No, it is used exactly as I stated: a succinct way to express a condition. Given I am the author, I am the authority on my own intent.
Because of the overwhelming facts that contradict their fantasy.
Who made that claim? It was not me.
What do you think is going to move Trump from his defacto leadership if he is not seen as faulty? DeSantis is the most likely new leader. For DeSantis to assume the role, Trump's influence must diminish. Starting with the Big Lie campaign, Trump has provided ample reason for his followers to find fault. Yet instead of faulting Trump, they double-down and repeat his bullshit. The midterm political failure is another blow to Trump's position as leader. Is this enough to turn the tide? Who knows?
The definitive event, however, will be the emergence of the presumptive GoP nominee. If that is NOT Trump then Trump will no longer be the defacto leader. It might take that to ultimately stop this insanity of the GoP. Thing is, the damage is already done. The integrity of the GoP has taken a major hit. The GoP could have side-stepped the lingering problems of having Trump as their most recent PotUS if they had disassociated when he embarked on his Big Lie campaign or at least soon after he had left office. Continuing with Trump and parroting his Big Lie was profoundly stupid.
If Trump somehow winds up being the GoP nominee, that will likely make a hard split in the GoP which will result in a further damaged GoP and the election of whoever is the D nominee. Just brain-dead stupidity (in effect since this is collective) on the part of the GoP.
Not sure you actually did say that, but I have low regard for anybody of any persuasion who needs leadership to function.
Again, we don't seem to hold angry leftists to the same standard. I wonder why that is.
Are we talking about his poor leadership or specific blame for the midterm election results? People will move on because several better leaders are emerging. That has nothing to do with the midterm results.
Most of his followers understood his faults long before his 2020 election claims. They were/are willing to accept those faults because he gives voice to the anger they feel.
“I have low regard for anybody of any persuasion who needs leadership to function.”
Function in a personal sense is solely upon the individual. Function in the political sphere demands leadership.
The dysfunction we see today is a prime example of the leadership vacuum, sucking the life out of everything in its path, thus leaving us rudderless and possibly destined to be stranded on the shoals. Time for a new generation to step up and captain the ship…2028 cannot come soon enough…as the old frogs will have croaked their last
(apologies for the mixed metaphors).
I have to ask....what angry leftists do you see basically calling a leader sent from God?
I see no leftists that hold a candle to the complete devotion some have given trump.
Who is 'we'? If a D (or any other politician of any gender, party, ethnicity, etc.) engaged in behavior similar to Trump I certainly would have the same criticism of the individual and those who irrationally supported the individual's behavior.
There are plenty of leaders vastly superior to Trump. This has always been the case. The trouble is that there are too many Trump supporters keeping him relevant and stifling the emergence of a replacement. As I noted, this phenomenon will definitively end once a presumptive nominee emerges other than Trump. But Trump should have been displaced sooner and maybe this political failure of the midterms will shock enough reality into the GoP to move beyond Trump. We will just have to wait and see.
Yes, but those faults were illustrated in a grand fashion and at a much deeper level via his Big Lie campaign. People can overlook character flaws (obviously) when a politician is perceived to be doing what the voters want. But attempting to steal a presidential election with an absurd number of ridiculous lawsuits, lies, coercion, subornation, abuse of authority, incitement, etc. especially when nothing even remotely close to this has ever been done in our history should have been proof positive that Trump should never be a political leader much less PotUS. Given he was out of office soon after, that would have been the perfect time for the GoP to move on. They did not.
While democrats currently tend to worship the party and demand conformity to the hive mind, Obama wasn’t that long ago.
this is from a mainstream newspaper about Barack Obama in 2008
From what or where I don't know.
That just sounds like some new age bullshit philosophy.
Here’s some more
I admit Obama had more of a cult of personality thing going on yet some weird blog does not a movement make.
ng going on yet some weird blog does not a movement make
It's aggregates Democrats being bizarre. It's not created by the blog.
Why would "fantasy" be limited to that?
That's the point, BTW.
Why would that be the sole qualification for "fantasy"?
BTW, many of them have done many of the same things Trump has done. Several of them have done their own terrible things.
Complete nonsense. There is a well established cycle. Complaining that new leaders have "been stifled" prior to now is like complaining that no goals have been scored when the game hasn't started yet.
As much as election denying upsets you, it doesn't alter time.
You know, Jack, that we commenters do not as a rule state every possibility in every comment. So it is odd for someone to expect that offering an example constitutes an enumeration of all possibilties.
In other words you are stating that Trump is not the only politician who had done bad things? Water is wet, the moon orbits Earth.
Complete denial of reality. Trump is relevant only because people support him.
Well it looks like if the Republicans have 47 called races according to the AP... Alaska's top two voted getters are republicans so there is one more making the total 48, If Wisconsin and Nevada hold their current situations, (Nevada Republican Laxalt up by 2.7%; 72% reported & Wisconsin Republican Johnson up by 1.2%; 99% reported) the Republicans come away with 50 seats...
The Senate remains the same...
Gotta say, congratulations to all the winners last night and over the next couple of weeks when results will truly be finalized. Well done. Well played.
No fires, demonstrations, riots? WTF?
The "environment" wasn't conducive to those happenings this time. Turn that table and **BOOM**
The real story here is how the third largest state in the union can have it’s election results done on election night and states like Arizona can’t.
FUBAR to say the least
A day later ..... still FUBAR
Remember Remember The Eighth of Rovember!
AP has just declared Republican Johnson the winner in Wisconsin... That makes 46 for the democrats and 48 for the republicans, with Alaska going Republican, that make 49 for the Republicans...
Nevada is still 2.7% for Republican Laxalt with 77% now reported...
Georgia is still holding at both candidates below 50% so that is getting closer and closer to a run-off to decide control of the Senate...
It's not over yet.....
If Walker has done this well with all the mud that has been slung at him, he stands a good chance barring anything else.... (as much of a chance as Warnock does)
Of course the democrats are going to throw a LOT of money at it like they did the last time...
yeah, that never happens on the right...
Best news of the night? Boebert lost.
The last that I saw was Boebert leading 50.1% - 49.9% with 96% counted.
Yes, but it's only 800 votes, so there is still hope.
Hope springs eternal.
At least they managed to get rid of MTG's partner in crime and Trump lost one of his prime worshipers. While MTG may think now she will have all the attention she so desperately craves, it may, in fact, not be what she expected and will work against her.
It will be interesting, and maybe even fun, to see what happens now that Boebert has lost.
As the Wizard of Oz yelled......"Not so fast not so fast"
If BoBo wins, the election was rigged...obviously.
(Did I Republican that right?)
Lol .... I guess only liberals can pull off close wins at the end..
(Did I Democrat that right?)
It’s sad that it was even close. Frankly it’s pathetic that the GOP seriously may not control both houses, and there is a real chance they won’t co tell even one still.
Ok, that was funny lol
Nah, but what is truly pathetic was Pa’s choices for Senator .... Ga’s weren’t much better.
It is sad that those choices are bette than anything the GOP and MAGA could offer.
Opinions do vary .....
Lol, well that title aged VERY badly.