The land of the woke

There is an underreported story unfolding in the city. The incident happened Wednesday! Details have been few and disclosure has been at a snail's pace.
Here is the story from Fox yesterday:
"More than 20 law enforcement recruits have been injured, at least five critically, after a driver plowed into them while out on a morning run in California on Wednesday.
The recruits have been rushed to hospitals, and authorities have detained a suspect believed to be the driver of the vehicle, according to Fox 11. The California Highway Patrol says the incident took place at roughly 6:30 a.m. local time.
The L.A. County Fire Department says five individuals had critical injuries, four had moderate injuries and another 14 had minor injuries."
Authorities have yet to release further details on the incident."
And this from CNN today:
"The man who was arrested for allegedly driving a vehicle into a group of law enforcement recruits in Whittier, California, was released from jail Thursday night, but the sheriff’s department insists they did not make a mistake.
Nicholas Joseph Gutierrez, 22, was released from custody at 9:49 p.m., according to jail records, citing an insufficient complaint.
Gutierrez is still considered a suspect in the case, and the decision to release him was made because investigators want more time to collect evidence to present to the District Attorney’s office for charges, not because they believe an error was made, said a spokesperson for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department ."
Five cadets are fighting for their lives.
The suspect is walking free today!
Originally the story was that this was an accident?
How could there be such confusion?
How could the investigators be so confused? They missed a 48 hour dedline in filing charges.
Why has this incident, which is an attack on police cadets on Wednesday, been so underrepoted?
The blood is on the hands of the left, who have demonized the police.
No kidding, demonizing the FBI, IRS, Capitol Police etc. is far more important. Sorta like going after Hunter (4 years and counting) is fixing the economy. Drool!
The FBI and IRS weren't demonized nor where they murdered by the brainwashed.
Noooo.. no one on the right has ever said anything bad about the FBI or IRS. /s
They earned their reputations.
Don't ever compare them with local law enforcement.
And he, like you, are always wrong.
How is local law enforcement not corrupt? what about the State level of investigations are they corrupt? It's usually the LOCAL Law Enforcement that gets investigated/charged with the majority of crimes and Civil Right violations. Have you heard about the sheriffs in GA?
sorry I couldn't post the link. (Lol I need to stop lurking and learn how to post properly.
The local cops risk their lves on a daily basis. Never compare the top brass ideologues over at the FBI with them.
The FBI is part of the unelected federal bureaucracy
That comment is toxic! Just divide people like a gerry-mandered map for elections, is that the mind of conservatives? There is something wrong with that! Stinkin-thinkin!
What about the right who attacked us on Jan 6?
[deleted] everyone demonizes us when it convenient for them, and assholes [deleted] who pretend to have our backs don’t help considering you are more than happy to draw your knife as soon as we hold someone you like accountable.
Far as I am concerned none of you all can be trusted, the only ones who have an LEOs back are other LEOs.
Then blood is on the hands of the right for the shooting in Colorado at Club Q who have demonized the LGBTQ community.
So said Nancy Pelosi before the bodies even turned cold.
You can't have it both ways. If you accuse the left of demonizing the police and for this incident, you have accuse the right of demonizing the LGBTQ community for that incident, so Nancy must be correct because that's what the right does to the LGBTQ community, and you can't condemn her for it since you are doing the same thing she is doing.
If you can't see the difference, I don't think I can help you.
There is no difference. Your side demonizes the LGBTQ Community constantly, and then a shooting happens at a LGBTQ bar and you throw your hands up in the air and say "it's not our fault", yet you blame the other side for something like this happening. You can feign ignorance about your side demonizing the LGBTQ community while blaming the left for allegedly demonizing the police.
“You can't have it both ways.”
As we continually lower the bar with buzzwords in lieu of addressing the difficult issues that require actual thought. Words like ‘defund’, ‘woke’, ‘grooming’, are factually void and intellectually vapid. And worse, uttered in the ugly, partisan intent to incite and divide.
That's a blatant lie
But those are the left's own words!
No it's not a lie. You're side has been demonizing the LGBTQ community constantly. If you can't see that, then you're blind.
And as for whatever Texan has to say, I don't care because I have him blocked.
So, the right accusing the LGBTQ community of being "groomers" isn't demonizing them? Get out of here with your bullshit. The right has been demonizing the LGBTQ community for decades. I would know since I am a part of it. You don't get to dictate to me my experience with right wingers.
Let us clearly correct that idea right now:
The fact that we don't go along with what someone wants does not equate to demonization.
All of those sites tied to the same story.
I've never heard of "grooming."
Assuming that certain people on social media (are they bots?) have used that term, how does that relate to me and Conservatives or Republicans in general?
You asked for proof. I supplied it. Now you're trying to move the goal post. Conservatives are demonizing LGBTQ people while you keep pretending you don't know what your side is doing. Pathetic.
May conservatives garner all inconsideration and disaffection for others they put send out!
There is your proof of demonizing cloaked in a lie. What polygamist and "many other interesting relationships" are marrying in our culture?
By the way, what is this "once only accepted. . . " remark supposed to mean to the larger scheme of discussion? Are you such a traditionalist that "once only accepted marriages. . . " ae all that you can allow? And demonizing and downplaying all other acceptable marriages flow from this?!
You didn't support your claim. You said the right has demonized gays.
You have yet to prove it.
Bullshit. I did prove it. [deleted]
Not any that I know of. Yet if there was such an interest, they would have the same right, by the same standard, that was granted to others.
The Marriage standard was 1 man and 1 woman. Once we destroyed that standard, the door is wide open.
QAnon is not representative of Conservatives. It is a tiny radical group. I doubt that more than 10% of the coutry have every heard of them.
Gays today are a protected group.
Q-Anon are not the only conservatives demonizing the LGBTQ Community. All manner of conservatives are. As for "gays today are a protected group", Conservatives want to take away protections the LGBTQ community has.
What protections would those be?
They are NOT Conservatives. They are a crazy cult.
There are people with or without any political persuasions who are prejudiced against gay people. The good news is that they represent a tiny minority of the population.
They are conservatives whether or not you believe they are a crazy cult.
Nope. They are quacks
They vote conservative so they are conservatives whether you like it or not.
Still doesn't work. I could just as easily say that BLM, antifa and the Black Panthers vote for democrats, but that doesn't make the democratic party a bunch of white hating killers, does it?
Actually, a lot of conservatives believe it does. I've been called a white hater even though I'm white. I've also been called a self-loathing white person. Again, you don't get to dictate my experiences with conservatives.
And you don't get to characterize haters. There are people on all sides that hate. The 2020 riots should have demonstrated that.
I denounced the 2020 riots as have most democrats, and I have every right to characterize haters when that hate is directed at me by conservatives.
Why would they hate you?
Because I am an outspoken member of the LBGTQ community in a very conservative area. I've even been called a "transformer" by some because they think I'm transgender (I'm not), among other disgusting comments.
Huh? You do know that the Q Anon doctrine directly involves hero worshiping Donald Trump, dont you? Is he a conservative?
The idea that QAnon is not conservative is just silly.
Such as conservative (highly probable) marriages?!
He knows it. Conservative reactionaries could consider a portion of the song:
Same Love
When I was at church they taught me something else
If you preach hate at the service, those words aren't anointed
That holy water that you soak in has been poisoned
When everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless
Rather than fighting for humans that have had their rights stolen
I might not be the same, but that's not important
No freedom 'til we're equal, damn right I support it
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Featuring Mary Lambert Produced by Ryan Lewis Release Date July 18, 2012
Yeah, Archie Bunker was a character on TV who willed the world "Archie Bunkerism" as mocking reactionaries.
Is that on your "wokeism" list above?
Protected people need help getting away from MAGA provocateurs! Those conservatives who believe in a 'country for heterosexuals—only!'
Equality and equity. Dirty words to conservatives who want to compete against those they unfairly societally and culturally cripple and handicap.
Somehow you find 'cover' for bad policyiies by pointing out bad policy/ies in others? That 'logic' on clarifies that you are highly aware of the 'hit' y'all are pulling and choose to use other bad actors as a foil to continue being 'hitty.'
Y'all are locked in on a race to the bottom!
It's the race card, They just "know" some members of society aren't able to compete based solely on the color of their skin, so they have to help them.
Not everybody here wants to kill, steal, and destroy their fellow citizens just to get and keep and hold what belongs to someone else, George. Now, can you figure out who I might be writing about?
But you're welcome to stand on low ground and shout up out of the hole about how y'all are producers and how the country can't make it without y'all and the setbacks y'all deliver to folks who otherwise would if they could ignore y'all.
You should report that to the proper authorities if you see that happening........Outside of your imagination of course.
Glory days? The Way We Were? To of your favorites songs, possibly . . . a little bit maybe?
Can you translate your free association of thoughts in something coherent? Or just fuck off, your choice.
It’s always someone else’s fault for some peoples failure at life, and the funny part, is they accuse others of living in the past while blaming something that happened 150 years ago for their failures.
Sound' it out, George. To/two/too choose the appropriate word choice accordingly.
They used to teach that a missing letter was not a big deal and not a conversation 'destroyer.' That is, an addressee would just process and understand what is meant. Oh well, when dealing with a provocateur one can't catch a break, I guess.
Discussions just become dumbed-down for no proper reason.
Please. It was more likely your ancestors failure, but continue to skim along the surface there, 'skippy'!
My family was never racist POS democrats, plus my family never sold their brothers into slavery. It's not my fault that some people look for blame, while intelligent people look for solutions to better their life.
George, please.You can't prove any of 'that' -especially as a disaffected republican in a bandied together party. Y'all threw out your fellow republicans to get a core group of "concentrated evil." Trump!
"The 22-year-old man who was arrested for allegedly mowing down dozens of Los Angeles sheriff’s recruits deliberately with his SUV, leaving several critically injured, has been released from jail to allow police to gather more evidence."

Nicholas Joseph Gutierrez (right), the man arrested for running over California law enforcement recruits, was released from jail Thursday night. KTTV
Death wishing is never acceptable.
He's a new member, something we desperately need here.
I sense trouble ahead.
Another slow day at the Ford dealership...
Oh indeed, and a huge wave of it. You should order a case of Sharpies and become a weatherman.
what is "T" bro, timing ?
So, being unenlightened is a good thing?
True only in Russia and Rightwing Land...
I'd rather be "woke", or alert to racial injustice instead of an asshole that doesn't think it important.
They forgot virtue signaling.................
Woke is actually slang in black neighborhoods and that is the context in which the left uses it.
Find out it's meaning.
There is too much virtue signaling and not enough virtue!
“Woke” was coined by the left some years ago to describe a person who had become sensitive to the left’s pet issues , especially racial and “social justice” ones. It implied that a person disagreeing with the left about those issues was not just wrong, but unconscious.",those%20issues%20was%20not%20just%20wrong%2C%20but%20unconscious.
He did post what's in it????? WTF
You consider this "enlightened"?
Go back to 2.1.16 and read the whole damn thing. It is the left in a nutshell "harmful to society".
I thought you wanted a link. Maybe you're right, I should have known better.
Why can't you just copy what's in it?
Because somebody would rightfully ask for a link.
I don't want any malicious files on my computer.
Oh, that's your computer. I thought you were at work. Ok, have a good one.
That was my first thought.
When did you make the change to being woke?
Lol, have you filed for unemployment yet?
Thank you for being the final straw Sandy.
"Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep."
-- The Tempest, Act 4 Scene 1
It sucks to be him right now. Damn! Damn! Damn!
Left wing policies at work.
Here they are!
Can't leave out the retarded "Defund the Police". These blithering idiots cried for that and in some cities funding was cut and there was a subsequent rise in crime. And the morons couldn't understand the correlation.
Oh crap. The "No one defunded the police" bullshit is coming in 3...2...
Take their word for it:
It's taking money from the police funding and putting it elsewhere. The police no longer have it. They were defunded those amounts. You've had this pointed out numerous times in the past and still refuse to see it. Not a good look.
That would be "Defund".
They cut the funding and allocated it elsewhere. That is defunding one area of funds, to feed another. Period.
Is that your woke math?
New York City passes budget with police cuts, but some say it's not enough | Reuters
DC committee approves $15 million cut to MPD budget |
After a summer of protests, Seattle cuts police department budget by nearly 17% (
In what way does this incident have anything to do with “left wing policies”? Sounds like you are using this tragedy as a way to try to baselessly bash you political opponents because you are an asshole.
This incident is bad enough. People are badly injured and using it as a pretext to add insult is tacky. In addition, there is this thing about letting law enforcement do its job of 'collaring and releasing' suspects and criminals according to the dictates of law. Why the 'hurry' to abuse and over-generalize and create unwarranted offense against liberals?
FOX? I thought they all drowned in the red tsunami. I know, I know ... that's already a week old news unlike the far more today news in your link from 2014.
I guess you don't get them up in Canada.
Btw did Chairman Xi put Trudeau in his place the other day?
Oh we get them, we just don't turn the nonsense into a religious ceremony.
As to Xi and Justin, what China is really upset about is Canada kicking China out from mining gigs.
Three separate ones and all rare earth mining.
That is a resounding ''EH'' as far as I'm concerned.
He most certainly did and Trudeau doesn't even realize it.
Where was Nancy Pelosi while this atrocity took place? Someone with her height , weight, and hair style was seen at a nearby intersection holding a walkie talkie, and looking towards the runners prior to the attack. Thus Pelosi likely directed the radical communist to commit the crime. Investigate and hold hearings Mr Jordan.
Here's what we know John. The suspect never used a horn, slowed down or tried to swerve away from the cadets. He was not intoxicated and his foot was still on the gas pedal when he was taken from the vehicle. Police didn't feel they had enough to prosecute and were careful not to make an accusation. This story was initially reported as an accident Wednesday and it took two full days t get out a modicum of facts and it has yet to be a front page story in the msm.
How come no gun sucking far right gun lovers are attributing this to "mental illness"?
For the same reason our "critical thinkers" are saying "wait for the facts to come out!"
It was on the national evening news shows on ABC, CBS, and NBC.
And Fox ... as an ACCIDENT! until now!
FOX needed a diversion to act as a tsunami dryer. They are using the story in much the same 'look-over-there' way you are ... the school of Just Shout 'Hunter' and no one will remember how wrong and crazed we were.
Ohhh, that's what it is? Kind of like saying forget all your troubles, it's all about Jan 6th.
I understand the new congress is going to call Jan 6th Picnic Day.
Normally liberal lunacy
Do you want pics or quotes?
He definitely looks like a Biden suck up illegal immy.
The story is not being reported because the police are not doing the work for the intrepid reporters. Today's reporters don't have time to actually do their own investigative reporting. Today's reporting is done by stenographers and not by reporters.
Why would the cops release Gutierrez? Probably because the cops don't trust the prosecutor and courts. Gutierrez may be on the street but I'd bet he's not walking alone. Gutierrez probably has his own personal detail. Gutierrez won't be able to take a leak without the time and place being recorded.
It seems apparent that the police want Gutierrez. And the cops are not going to let the press, prosecutor, or courts screw it up.
The police know how the California district attorney's prefer to not prosecute so I doubt they will be monitoring this guy.
McCarthy Vows to Boot Radical Libs Schiff, Omar, and Swalwell from Committees

I still say he's trying to hypnotize us!