Tucker Carlson interviews Waffle House Wendy

Here real name is Haley Booth and we are honored to have her here tonight.
There was a drunken brawl in a Waffle House in Austin Texas some time ago. As many know Austin is not quite like the rest of Texas. Things happen there that we sometmes doubt could happen in the Great State of Texas. One thing is worth noting: A Texas female single handedly protected her Waffle House from the mob. She is an unsung hero and Tucker Carlson has a way of finding them.
From last night's "Tucker Carlson Tonight : "
Ms Booth no longer lives in Texas. She has moved on to a new life. Last night Tucker Carlson finally gave her the credit she deserved.
For a Texas Gal it was all in a night's work.
In the words of the Great Poet:
“Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art”
It's a love poem and I fear the lady in question is far too young for you.
Lol..You're probably right.
Let's donate a new "sugar shaker" to the Austin Waffle House!
How about an exercise bike instead? Waffle House appears to be an emporium of butt fat.
I guess I shoud be glad we don't have them around here.
poor thing still can't clean all that grease off her face after all this time...
There must be a Krispy Kreme or 2 in your neck of the bucolic pasture.
Nice one! Insulting the looks of a young waitress on the internet…
you can feel real proud of yourself when you look in the mirror tonight
you should have watched comrade carlson's video, she said she was the cook...
From what we see on surveillance camera videos, the attackers were not only butt fat but also very drunk.
I guess waffles mask the taste of booze induced vomit.
I wouldn't know, but I'll take your word for it.
I never post insults, because doing so is very immature and picayune.
This great Texan gal is a real Texas sized hero. Only in the great state of Texas do heroes happen of this caliber. Texas is the greatest ! ! She's one great Texan. Wait... She doesn't live there anymore???
Never mind.
“Some folks are obsessed with making everything sexual.”
Indeed. Hence the homo-erotic obsession with ‘grooming’.
and when they become adults they try to legislate it with religious justification...
I watched Tucker's show last night, this was a filler piece inserted to supply some rational to the constant disdain his face expresses. His take on other events of the day was a wheelbarrow full of the usual squirrels. Someone should inform the ASPCA.
Really? You were one of the 2.87 million viewers?
this was a filler piece inserted to supply some rational to the constant disdain his face expresses.
Why not continue the piece with Gov Youngkin who is investigating Virginia's left wing school boards? No, I think it was a human interest story. Remember the point of "60 Minutes?' Don't run a story too long!
I watch 'This Hour Has 22 Minutes' instead.
Fecal comments are quite jejune.
Why? He was Hungary, ate a Turkey, slipped on Greece and broke China ... those porcelain fragments will bite your butt.
Wishing you a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year, too, Tessy!
I watched a late repeat ... Methuselah Derangement Syndrome.
I guess we all have our vices.
Other than farting dust, I'm too old to have a vice.
Anywho ... looks like your prediction of Scalise is threatening to bloom. Kevin is wilted toast.
I'm down to the simple joys of sleeping late, an occasional Steak & Cheese sandwich, a late drink on a Saturday night and strategy games.
Kevin best give it up sooner rather than later. It is getting to be embarrassing.
According to the video this happened 7 or 8 months ago. Slow news night for Tucker (and Newstalkers).
it's a misdirection intended to deflect from the GOP shit show happening in the house now...
This article is the proverbial squirrel to distract from the gop's dysfunctional Congress!
It is eye.
…shortsighted, myopic, and constantly lacking focus…
Gave up on that during the neverending Benghazi hearings ... those were Netflix level politics scripted by baboons.
The video got 14 Million views. The NBA Finals got 12 Million.
14 million suckers for Tucker.
nobody watched the NBA finals more than once...
You've become a poet.
Why not add humility to your new found virtue?
Why don't you?
I guess this is why the left is so against this girl. She stopped the mob from tearing the place apart.
"As many know Austin is not quite like the rest of Texas."
Austin does not even make it into the top ten in overall crime statistics.
I never will understand why people complain about gentrification.
I had a friend that use to call Waffle House the 'chug and puke'.
There is a meme around here that one can tell when they have left South MS. When one travels North, all the Waffle Houses change into Huddle Houses...
Send her to Florida we had a shooting at the Waffle House in Lake City yesterday.
It can't be bad there. Most are moving there.
You don't seem to know much Lake City, FL.
No, I'm a Delray Beach visitor.
TBF, they only have about 13k people, so it doesn't take much to skew that data pretty severely.
True, the city is small but if you actually review the crimes that take place there it is a very dangerous place. Since I live an hour south of Lake City and travel through it often I'm familiar with the area.
Here is a list of the most dangerous cities in Florida. Our state capital is number 9 on the list.