Tucker Carlson Obtains Jan. 6 Riot Footage, Prompting Anger From Democrats
Category: News & Politics
Via: vic-eldred • 2 years ago • 307 commentsBy: Natalie Andrews (WSJ)

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said he has possession of thousands of hours of security-camera footage from the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol, sparking anger from Democrats who called the development dangerous.
Mr. Carlson said on the air Monday night that his show has been given more than 40,000 hours of footage, and he said producers have been looking through the material and will provide coverage of its findings next week. Mr. Carlson has questioned whether investigators including the House Jan. 6 committee created to probe the attack have provided an accurate portrayal of the events that day.
Mr. Carlson said Monday night on his show that his producers have “unfettered” access to the security video from the day.
Capitol Police didn’t directly respond to questions about who provided the footage to Mr. Carlson. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger said, “When Congressional Leadership or Congressional Oversight Committees ask for things like this, we must give it to them.”
A spokeswoman for the Republican-led House Administration Committee, which oversees Capitol security, referred questions to the office of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.), whose spokespeople didn’t respond to questions.
House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D., N.Y.) said the Democrat-run Jan. 6 select committee , which issued its final report last year, had reviewed the security footage with “numerous protocols in place to protect the safety” of lawmakers, police officers and staff. He said there is “no indication that these same precautionary measures have been taken in connection with the transmission of the video footage at issue.”
A Fox News spokeswoman referred reporters to Mr. Carlson’s on-air remarks. Mr. Carlson declined to offer further comment.
On Jan. 6, 2021, pro-Trump supporters attempted to stop the certification of Joe Biden ’s electoral-college win by breaking down police barriers and storming into the Capitol, damaging property and causing a delay in the proceedings as lawmakers and Vice President Mike Pence rushed to safety. About 140 Capitol and Washington, D.C., police officers were injured as a result of the attack, according to a bipartisan Senate report.
Fox Corp. and News Corp, the parent of Wall Street Journal publisher Dow Jones & Co., share common ownership.
During hearings on the Capitol attack last year, the Jan. 6 committee showed some security video from Jan. 6, including footage of rioters roaming the building.
The committee’s final report concluded that Mr. Trump disseminated false allegations of fraud related to the 2020 election, provoking supporters to violence at the Capitol. Many Republican lawmakers disputed the findings of the Jan. 6 committee and said that Democrats who controlled the House at the time should have taken precautions to better secure the Capitol.
The Journal reported earlier this year that the Justice Department has charged more than 900 people for connections to the riot, extracting guilty pleas from at least 450 of them on crimes ranging from unlawfully parading in a Capitol building to assault, obstruction and sedition. More than 180 rioters have been sentenced to jail time.
Mr. Trump was impeached in the House on a count of inciting an insurrection. He was acquitted in the Senate. Mr. Trump has denied any wrongdoing and has continued to falsely maintain that the election was stolen.
Mr. Carlson, in his remarks to viewers on Monday about the video footage, said the show’s producers “have been looking at this stuff and trying to figure out what it means and how it contradicts or not the story we’ve been told for more than two years” about what happened on Jan. 6.

Carlson has long talked about getting this footage.
Remember: " Democracy dies in darkness" (Washington Post's motto)
I am sure Tucker will be as impartial as the Jan 6th committee.
Democrats should be scared shitless.
I can't wait for his show on this one!
“I can't wait for his show on this one!”
Like every episode, repeat episode, as it is but a scripted running monologue and the last thing but news. It will be but a shitshow of the same tired, highly edited tropes to fit the narrative.
Enjoy being duped, vic…whatever brings you and yours some warped sense of vindication and validation.
He only offers a perspective.
I'm not afraid of ideas.
As long as they think they can somehow get the Libs, is all they care about.
Even if it makes them look like idiots in the process...
“I'm not afraid of ideas.”
Nor is any reasonable citizen. He is not reasonable. He is vapid. He has an agenda. He is playing you and anyone else who is willing to buy into his brand of spreading ‘ideas’ (read conspiracies).
It certainly sounds like you're afraid
... especially seditious ones.
What do you think we have been listening to for the past 2 years.
Really, after the shit show the Democrats have put this country through for the last 7 years and counting?
Time for a very large dose of their own medicine.
The Dems were/are not the shit show.
There is a thing I call the republican blinders.
I'm afraid of armed redneck high school dropouts who believe his ideas.
I'm sorry, it's terrible to go through life afraid.
I'm afraid that I might get some of them on me...
Are there a lot living around you?
Only from the view of partisan lefties are Democrats not a complete shit show.
Or are you going to pretend Democrats weren't calling for Trump to be impeached before he even took office? That the whole Russian Collusion investigation wasn't an investigation of a hoax started for by a paid political hit piece that had no basis in reality by Hillary Clinton? That the first impeachment wasn't over hearsay pieced together by a Democrat operative in the White House? That Democrats gave more credence to an ambassador that had bad mouthed Trump in front of Ukrainian leadership; who Trump then removed. That Democrats ignored that a president can remove an ambassador at any time for any reason? That the whole rush to impeach Trump a second time was based off of Democrat feelings; w/o one damn shred of evidence that Trump had anything to do with the planning of Jan 6th? That the entire Pelosi hand picked TDS partisan Jan 6th committee that hired a tv producer to make their presentation more impactful for prime time wasn't completely full of shit? That it had no other mission than to "get Trump at all costs"?
Democrats and those that support them are the problem, period.
Past time they were held accountable.
So keeping on with the trump revenge tour I see.
As is your comment parroting PD&D
So why was it released only to Tucker? Why wasn't it made available to other news agencies?
Ask the Jan 6th Committee
The January 6th Committee did not release the footage to Tucker Carlson. McCarthy did.
Nor should they have.
Why not?
If it's being used in prosecutions, then it should not be released until after all trials are over. Conservatives want the videos released so they can do what they do best which is twist and contort everything to fit their views. What Tucker will say about the videos probably never happened in the videos since TUCKER CANNOT BE TRUSTED PER FOX NEWS ATTORNEYS.
AND with no other news agency having that footage, Tucker is free to make up whatever he wants to say, with no fear of being called out on falsehoods.
This event took place in 2016. The defendents languished in jail a long time waiting for trials.
The complete footage must be released.
Why are you getting up votes for a statement that is so obviously false? Anyone with even a basic understanding of this story, knows that it was McCarthy releasing them, not the Jan. 6th committee.
You'll never get the complete footage. Do you really think that Fox "News" and Tucker "I can't be trusted" Carlson will release unedited footage? They may tell you they are, but they won't because they are liars.
It's a factual statement, The Jan 6th Committee had every chance to release it.
I'll ask you again: Why didn't they?
In the past 6 years the "liars" turned out to be Hillary Clinton, our intell & FBI leaders, the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC and Joe Biden.
Every one else gets a shot now.
Oh, yeah, the Clintons who the conservatives have been going after for 30 years with nothing to show for it. Our intell and FBI leaders did nothing wrong except go after someone you BELIEVE is above reproach. As for the news agencies, Fox, OANN, NewsMax, Daily Mail, Just the News, etc., have done nothing but lie to conservatives and you people eat it up so don't give me your partisan bullshit. As for Joe Biden, I'm not a fan of his either, but you all ate up the over 30,000 lies spewed by the man you believe is above reproach so you have no high ground here.
Are you saying that CNN and the other liberal news agencies are too stupid or too lazy to file a freedom of information act for the footage since it has already been released?
I must be mistaken, I could have sworn the event we are talking about happened on 01/06/2021. NOT in 2016.
They lied to us. Remember?
The Russia/collusion hoax (that was the biggest one)
Hands up don't shoot (that one cost lives)
Biden presided over the largest deficit reduction in American history. (the more recent)
You made the claim that they did and they should be asked why to Tucker Carlson.
And you have already been told why they didn't .
Stay with the facts. A filing with the Freedom of Information Act, would not have been responded to by McCarthy. McCarthy did this unilaterally.
If you're talking about the media, I never said they didn't. I said your sources are just as bad if not worse. Maybe re-read what I actually said and not what you "think" I said.
I said that as a statement. They should have released all the footage and they should explain why they didn't.
And you have already been told why they didn't .
No, you gave excuses that don't hod water. They don't need excuses for showing only the footage they wanted to show.
As somebody famous said " Elections have consequences. "
Oh ya, let me give the citation:
At least one of us has to.
But you trust that the Jan 6th committee was completely honest and got it all right?
I have a slightly used suspension bridge in Michigan to sell you if you believe that.
And you trust that the Jan 6th committee used all the footage honestly?
Well of course we can. After all that's why they hired a former ABC TV News producer James Goldston. /s
Did I say that? Point out where I said that.
Again, where did I say that? Point it out for me.
Why are you asking me. I didn't respond to you.
Show me where I said you did.
You responded to a comment directed to me so I responded to you too. I am allowed to do that you know.
Just because you can do something doesn't always mean you should. A little context might serve you better in the future.
Don’t run away now. You’ve made an accusation, now back it up. Or you can maintain your chosen “run away” stance.
Your call ...
I'll do as I please and if you don't like it, then block me. So much for free speech with you people.
I'm not running away. I'm going to work. You know that place where people make money. If you don't like me replying to your commenting on a comment that was a reply to me, then block me. I don't fucking care what you do or don't do, but I'll do as I please without asking for permission from you.
That's a lie, do you have any proof?
Then you should have no trouble in providing proof, should you.
That's the response I expected from you, another 'nuh uh' reply. At least you're consistent.
Truth can be proven by facts and evidence. Bullshit, not so much.
Look up the process for your fucking self if you don't believe it.
Where Should I Send My FOIA Request?
Within the Department of Labor, each component processes its own FOIA requests. Therefore, your request will receive the quickest possible response if it is addressed directly to the disclosure officer for the component that you believe has the records you are seeking. You can find a description of Department of Labor components and the disclosure officers , including their addresses, online.
If you believe the Department of Labor maintains the records you are seeking, but you are uncertain about which DOL component has the records, you may send your request to: Office of the Solicitor, Office of Information Services (OIS), Division of Management and Administrative Legal Services, 200 Constitution Ave NW, Room N-2420, Washington, DC 20210, Attention: FOIA Request. Personnel in OIS will forward your request to the appropriate agency component.
How Long Will It Take to Answer My FOIA Request?
Under the statute, federal agencies are required to respond to a FOIA request within twenty working days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. This period does not begin until the request is actually received by the component that maintains the records sought.
Guide to Submitting Requests Under the Freedom of Information Act | U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov)
So why would a Republican congressman be responding to FOIA requests if they are sent to the labor department of the current administration?
Of course he was almost certainly responding to a rightwing conservative FOYA request (Fuck Over Your Adversary request). No doubt he's been lobbied by the crazy dipshit Qanon wing of his party wanting anything they can use to minimize the damage from January 6th even if it's to play several thousand hours of footage of some empty back hallway because with that they can proclaim "See! It wasn't chaos everywhere as the fake news lying MSM partisan January 6th committee would have you believe! Mwahahaha Mwahahahaha!". Of course these right wing conservatives and the master they grovel before and continue to serve don't give a fuck about truth, they love lies as is proven by their undying allegiance to the king of liars, their fat greasy naked Emperor who apparently makes some humans who have lost all shame and self respect want to shove their heads up his ass and lap up his taint juice like it's some nectar of the Gods. And apparently after lapping up Trumps nectar these half wit braindead dumb shits and poorly educated religious conservatives like going on social media to dispense some of the taint onto others in an attempt to infect the narrative with their brain damaging viral propaganda.
So you have no proof and just a lie, I know how freedom of information works.
Where should you send the FOI? So you are going with the media is too stupid to figure it out! That fits CNN and the other liberal mouthpiece media perfectly.
And again, if he had asked for it through proper channels it would not have been through McCarthy.
Apparently you do not, or else you wouldn't be continuing this stupid claim after Dismayed Patriot's accurate response.
Bullshit, his response was a deflection, keep hiding from the fact that they are too stupid to figure out where to get it, only a complete moron would ask the dept of Labor for a request to the DOJ for starters. FAIL!!! Since it has already been released to a media source there would be no grounds to withhold it.
So your claim is that if anyone files a FoIA request, it would be processed and release through the Speaker of the House? Is that really what you are claiming???
You're the one that keeps butting into other people's conversation. Get over it!
No you're a Trump and Putin sycophant.
No, I clearly said the DOJ, are you now simply trolling? or proving that you can't dispute the facts so are trying to deflect?
You mean they wanted to keep their TDS partisan narrative alive.
Democrats need and deserve a good swift kick in the privates. They can't be trusted at any level with any thing. They are just pissed that someone as partisan as they are now has a hold of materials they want to keep hidden because it proves how full of shit they really are.
Just like the Jan 6th committee.
We can do this all day.
Sorry if leftists are pissed that someone as impartial as Democrats are now has all of the "evidence"; and can present a highly doctored view that fits their narrative.
I said exactly what I meant. Don't ever put words in my mouth. You aren't even fucking close to qualified to speak for me.
Again, Tucker Carlson cannot be trusted per Fox News' Attorneys. You're just happy that YOUR partisan has the footage. If you believe that Fox News, or any news source for that matter whether right or left, will release the entirety of the videos, then I have a bridge to sell you in New York. Fox will edit that footage to show exactly what they want to show and nothing more.
As for your rant about Democrats, that's just partisan BS because the other side can and does say the same thing about Republicans and Conservatives and there are things that they want hidden just as much as the other side. Again, you have no high ground here.
LMAO. Anybody with a functioning brain knows it wasn't an accurate portrayal.
It played well with about 10% of the population.
And that 10% can't back up a single claim they've made but are the loudest. Even here on NT.
They're even afraid to venture out before 11AM
Vic and minions, me and others have destroyed your arguments, particularly on subjects like this one, at every turn. You live in a fantasy land.
You are NT's comic relief.
Yes, you've proven that time and again / S
Stated like a truly fearful anti Trumper......................doesn't hold water
And they have a lot to fear today!
Maybe that's why he left already?
Hey there you are!!!! One of the 10% Vic mentioned. So what's this weeks "smoking gun"?
I know you can't do it, but provide the links to back up this claim.
Several here do....
Are you making more predictions ?
And you can't answer simple questions so...
No one is afraid of you people nor the releasing of videos to a liar like Tucker.
No shit?
That's why you are calling him a liar. Hoping the stupid might listen to you.
Vic never ask me a question in 3.1. So what do you have your hair on fire for?
I didn't call him a liar. Fox News attorneys called him a liar. Again, maybe read what I actually said not what you "think" I said. And the only "stupid" are people who believe a someone whose news agency actually argued in court that he is a liar.
You have been consistently asked questions in the past and asked to back up your comments by numerous people that you refuse to answer. All you do is deflect and run around in circles rather than answer simple questions posed to you. No one should ever answer a damn question you ask.
Let me check. Oh ya, you did, right there in post 3.1.14
And the only "stupid" are people
The stupid people tune into Rachel Maddow and vote for proxys who hide in a basement and don't even campaign.
And about 70% of NTers.
Well, if Fox News' attorneys called him a liar in Court, that would make him a liar on the record, and I said he was a liar because Fox News' attorneys called him a liar so he is in fact a liar.
As for Rachel Maddow, I don't watch her or any cable news. I read my news from various sources unlike most conservatives who have to watch their so called "news" because apparently they don't understand what they read (i.e., you putting words in my mouth).
As for Biden, I already said I don't like him either so again maybe read what I actually said and not what you think I said because you are not qualified to speak for me or anyone for that matter.
As of Maddow, are you going to tell me you wouldn't have a problem if all the footage was released to just her?
It changed a lot since 2017.
What don't you like about him?
The Jan 6th Committee had all the footage. What would be the difference?
There are plenty of reasons not to like Biden, just like there are plenty of reasons not to like Trump. It's not an either or situation like you want to to be. If I list them all, I'll be here all day, but first and foremost, he's a lifetime politician who had his chance to make changes in this county.
JR and like minded worker drones. All you manage to regularly do here is shown your extreme biases. Especially when it comes to anything Trump.
You hate the term TDS because it is so spot on and cuts to the quick. Your opinions on this border on insanity and completely lack any reason.
Pretty sad really.
So now you are going to state that you wouldn't care? Uh huh, sure...
You don't think that Joe Biden has made changes in this country?
So in your mind, trump had nothing to do with any of this?
Current changes, no not really. Over the decades he's been a politician, yes he's made changes, most of which are outdated for today's society.
Oh, so you are freaking out over something completely unrelated just for the sake of freaking out.
Start with America's energy sector or the US border.
Over the decades he's been a politician, yes he's made changes, most of which are outdated for today's society.
He was a moderate until 2020. His only contribution up until then was serving credt card companies.
So you have no original thought. Just parroting something you've been told.
First, I'm not freaking out. I'm giving a warning to anyone who tries to interact with you that you will not answer any questions posed to you even if they are simple yes or no questions and that you will not back up your comments when you demand others backup their comments. The fact that you think I'm "freaking out" just shows how hysterical you get when you get called out on your shit.
Again, no big changes. We were never energy independent because we don't own the "energy". The oil and gas companies control how energy independent we are as they own the "energy". The border has been blowing up for decades and every time a Dem is elected, you people freak out about it. Trump could have had all of the money he wanted for the border wall as there was a bipartisan legislation that would have granted him the money and it was a plan that he originally said he would sign, but in the end, he wouldn't sign it. That's on him.
Biden is still a moderate.
Courts deal with facts, and the fact is that Fox News won it's court case by saying that Tucker Carlson is a liar. Facts are facts there skippy.
Any thing to do with what? Please be specific.
The seed is about 6 Jan. and you say TDS. How in the world could any talk about the day not include him and his big lie.
So lets see the actual transcript of this. Until then, I'll just write you off as parroting.
This seed is about Tucker Carlson obtaining Jan 6th video. My TDS comment spoke directly to another posters response to that.
You know I’ll answer your question if you asked one specifically so ask away if you really want an answer.
One of those mornings here...
Well, may it get better then. My offer stands.
Again, I'm not providing proof to someone who doesn't provide proof of his own comments either and can't even answer a yes or no question. I provided a link below that you can look at.
I know you will be direct with me. We may see things differently yet I always thought we could talk.
Wrong. The fact is that Fox News won their court case by saying that no reasonable viewer would believe Tucker Carlson so no it's not my "interpretation". There are a lot of unreasonable viewers here apparently.
That's a longwinded way to say you can't the actual transcript and you're just a parrot.
LOL! Says the guy to can't and won't prove anything he says, and can't even answer a yes or no question. Typical conservative bullshit.
Still don't see that link to the transcript.
I never admitted any such thing. Your reading comprehension sucks just like your listening comprehension if you believe a thing Tucker says (like I said unreasonable viewer). Right wingers are the ones always twisting the truth just like you are doing right now.
And you won't since you don't even know how to answer simple questions. You never answered any of my questions on other articles so I'm choosing not to play your fucking games. Go back and answer questions posed to you and I'll get you all of the information you want. Until then, fuck off.
Again, you bringing up unrelated bullshit because, why?
Go back there and wait. If I don't show up, wait some more.
Again, you will not demand of me things you refuse to provide when you are asked to so you can hold your breath until I post the transcript. I hope you can hold your breath for a long time. You'll get nothing from me. Again, fuck off.
Omg. That comment is hilarious and full of bullshit that's been repeatedly fact checked and debunked. And, like you all said when Trump was elected...FUCK YOUR FEELINGS. The fact that you all let your emotions lead you people to storm the Capitol says you all can't control your fucking emotions enough to not break the law. That unarmed idiot sealed her own fate and what happened to her was 100% her own fault. Meanwhile over 14,000 people were arrested in the riots and a majority of them were prosecuted under State laws not Federal. Learn the fucking difference. The fact that Fox won a lawsuit by claiming that no reasonable viewer would take Tucker Carlson seriously proves no one should take him seriously as Fox News itself would have to prove that no one should take him seriously and it did since they won the fucking lawsuit. Now, no one should take anything you say seriously after your bs rant full of debunked bullshit.
And the only fascists are the the people who attempted to subvert the results of a legitimate election to install their loser candidate while yelling hang Mike Pence. You people turn on your own in a heartbeat when they won't toe your party line. Talk about sheep.
Ashley Babbit was shot and killed violently entering a broken window panel in a barricaded and locked door that was literally a few steps from the US House of Representatives floor.
The idea that she was "murdered" is absurd. The man that shot her was sworn to protect that House chamber and its inhabitants. What was he supposed to do let her and then others inside to endanger the US Representatives?
Defense of her actions is insanity. But that is where are at now in this country.
Using this logic, EVERY protestor that illegally breaks into ANY building, can be legally whacked and stacked.
Right John?
I love that Texan keeps replying to me when HE KNOWS HE'S ON IGNORE. HAHAHAHAH.
Nah but what’s really hilarious is that you would think that is funny.
Rib splitting funny!
“EVERY protestor that illegally breaks into ANY building, can be legally whacked and stacked.”
For one, the Capitol is not just ‘any’ building. Secondly, she was attempting to disrupt and thus dismiss the normal functions of our government. Lastly, and sadly, she was egged on, implicitly and deliberately by those who would personally ‘gain’ should her actions come to fruition.
Never excusing of course, the breaking into buildings, the violence that erupts when protesting, or the property damage that occurs. That, however, is a local issue…totally separate and not to be compared or correlated. Logical?
It is rib splitting funny because he's just wasting his time commenting to someone he knows has him on ignore (and he's the only person I have on ignore).
“Is it just a lousy attempt at relevancy?”
Too, too funny, tex. Gnaturally…
Enlighten us! What is important you have to contribute?
The "Fuck Off" is more an indication that somebody can't dispute what you say and they want you to leave them alone (you're making them cry). Usually a tell that a liberal has lost an argument.
Now they are out searching for something to dispute the facts with.
We'll wait!
My money is that, just as in the past, it's fiction.
No one is crying over you or any conservatives no matter how much you'd like to believe people are. [Deleted]
and yet here you are.
Yes, I am here, and I'll be here or anywhere else that I want to without asking permission from you or anyone else on these boards, [Deleted]
Usually they are left to repeat some statement by Biden or one of his incompetent appointees
I think NT needs a John Cena, “you can’t see me” meme
Yeah well I think it’s funny that you make a point of highlighting it after you’ve “ignored” him. Thus failing to truly accomplish ignoring him.
Very funny but that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.
Well, any place of business or home is not just “any building” to the people that own it. I tire of the expectation some seem to have that our politicians somehow deserve greater protections than the people who they are supposedly serving.
That mentality is simply just FUBAR IMO.
And act the victim when all their "facts" are revealed to be fiction.
When I go through the comments, I can see is grayed out area that shows he replied to me, but I cannot see the comment at all; hence having him on ignore, so yes, you're opinion is wrong. I'm just pointing out I think it's hilarious that he's wasting his time as he knows I have him on ignore and won't read his comments, and you all went bat crap crazy.
There isn't enough Turtle Wax in the world to polish that turd!
Opinions do vary ....
Opinions are not facts...
True, so practice what you preach.
If I had a nickel for every time some here called their opinion, fact. I would be a rich, rich man.
Notice you didn't even attempt to prove me wrong. Can't say I'm surprised. It's expected.
Get back with us when you prove what we saw live on our televisions on January 6th 2020 was a Democratic "fiction"!
You have presented absolutely nothing to be proven wrong.
You man like stating that you all act the victim when your "facts" are revealed to be fiction? I'm honestly surprised I didn't see one of your 2nd grade level meme's.
I am supplying facts as I'm the one who has him on ignore so what I see is what I see and your ASSumptions on the situation are your incorrect opinions so it's YOU who needs to practice what you preach.
Okay, I’ll give you one example of that which I speak and will leave to you own devices as I’ll sure it won’t take.
You say he is wasting his time. Do you know that for fact or is that your opinion? How could you know for a fact that he thinks he is wasting his time. You couldn’t, therefore that is only your opinion. Not fact.
One nickel please .....
It's a fact he's wasting his time commenting to me since I will never see nor read his comments. I'll keep my nickel.
You have never disproven me, or ever really even tried to...
"Nunt Uh", and, "Liar", are not rebuttals. But, all you've got!
Nice attempt at an insult. He's wasting his time replying to me. End of story.
Lol, if I insult you, you’ll know it. That’s wasn’t an insult. It was an observation.
Nah but YOU have power to really end the story by stopping the passive aggressive nonsense and just stop responding. No one cares that you say you don’t care.
And by the way that isn’t an insult either. Just another observation.
Like I said ATTEMPT at an insult.
I'll deal with Texan anyway I wish to, and I'll talk to anyone here that I wish to talk to in any manner I want to and there's nothing you can fucking do about it. As to your observations, they are just your OPINION on any given situation and are meaningless.
And, finally, I stand by my comment that he's wasting his time typing out any comments to me AS I WILL NEVER SEE THEM NOR READ THEM, and if I wish to remind him that he's on ignore, that's what I'll do with or without your input.
Apparently, you care since you keep replying about it to me.
And, by the way, you could never insult me. For you to insult me, I would have to respect you first.
Look up the damn definition before you spout BS. How does one "violently" climb through a narrow broken window panel? Was she armed in any way? No, period.
You mean the House of Representatives floor that had already been cleared? That House of Representatives floor? What the fuck was he protecting? If any representative was in danger there would have been a hell of a lot more security than Barney Fife behind the door.
Watch the video. The three security guards standing in front of the door are ordered to leave. Two reasons. First is that all of the Congress critters were gone. Second a fully armed SWAT team was coming down the hall. Barney Fife with a gun was the only security with weapon drawn. None of the security behind him; or in front of the doors had their weapons drawn. The SWAT team down the hall had to duck when the shot went off; they weren't informed. It is a shame that the SWAT member with the nice assault rifle didn't show the same courtesy to Barney Fife that was shown to Babbitt. Instead of pointing his weapon at Barney, giving the thumbs up, and then telling Barney to lower his weapon twice; instead just saw an armed moron and fired.
The Barney Fife that you are so eagerly defending never should have been on Capitol Security in the first place.
Should have been terminated for it is more like it.
I’m not the one making a point about someone I allegedly ignored.
I get that you don’t get it and are not prone to listening logic though so no biggie.
Lol .... wowwie. ...... boy, you really “attempted” an insult there.
I think you hurt my last feeling ....
Tell it to Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. Most others in history are killing rookies compared to left wing crackpots like that
No attempt at an insult, just an "observation".
Damn FBI crime stats aren't organized that way.
Damnit. I was saving that for me. I never get to have any fun....
No, you're here defending one of your compatriots that I refuse to speak with, and you haven't provided any points nor logic, so no biggie.
Ah yes, the old Peewee Herman “I know you are but what am I” gambit.
Well played sir, well played....
I’ll cut it. You can have halfsies
I wasn’t defending anyone. I was calling out emotional nonsense.
Well, conservatives are the kings of projection.
If I save my half and use it on groundhog day, can I use it again? Or is that considered bad form.
No, you are defending your compatriot who I refuse to talk to. You'd love to think that I'm emotional about this, when in fact, I'm laughing at him for wasting his time and you for coming to his defense. You all are so entertaining.
Wrong again
Yes, you are wrong again.
No problem but I’m not worried. No way you make it year.
No way.
A. Double Peewee ..... Paul, is that you.
Ohh the temerity .... to call out some folks here ... the sheer audacity ...
It's my "observation" that you are wrong and have been wrong, so you will continue to be wrong in your next comment to me.
You guys routinely "call people out" on no other basis than your own say so.
Big deal. Post information instead of pointless "call outs" then we may have something to talk about. Til then it is meaningless.
And “you guys” routinely make fools out of yourselves by either not reading the posts in question or being intentionally obtuse about them.
This is one of those cases.
Okay then, you are right. But since according to you I continue to be wrong, you are in reality, wrong again ..... too bad
Anybody who was watching TV on 1/6 or since knows it was accurate.
It's all on video for christs sake! Many different videos played over and over!
The web is overflowing with videos of 1/6 taken by the rioters themselves.
Many of those insurgents are now serving time for their own idiotic selfies.
1/6 was likely the most filmed treasonous event in history
Don't believe those lying eyes!
Everything we saw live that day was all a deep fake from the deep state and any actual violence was carried out by ANTIFA and BLM and they altered the audio of the peaceful conservative protesters who were chanting "Thanks Mike Pence!" to "Hang Mike Pence!" and the 40,000+ hours of footage Tucker has hidden in his voluminous rectum will soon prove all rightwing conservatives right! /s
There really isn't any reasoning with these clearly delusional rightwing conservatives.
"House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D., N.Y.) said the Democrat-run Jan. 6 select committee , which issued its final report last year, had reviewed the security footage with “numerous protocols in place to protect the safety” of lawmakers, police officers and staff."
I call bullshit on this claim. So tell us Hakeem, exactly what protocols were put in place other than to make sure the footage you and your clown show didn't want the American public to see because it did not fit your narrative?
Going by all the comments but one on this seed, it is already clear that this is a runaway winner of the most hilarious seed of the week.
Tucker Carlson is a disgraced far right "news" fabricator who was instrumental in spreading the big lie about the 2020 election, a lie he later claimed to have never believed.
Assuming he will be fair or honest about the footage from Jan 6 is totally absurd.
I really hope the right keeps going with all this insanity, they are assuring future Democratic victories.
No, I think your distant friends here hold the Masters in that.
Tucker cannot be trusted.
Why are we paying taxes for NPR?
Nice deflection. Why did Fox argue that Tucker Carlson cannot be trusted is the question? Maybe because Tucker cannot be trusted.
You see, wishful, adults get to decide on that as well as the footage.
I'll repeat the Washington Post's slogan: "Democracy dies in darkness."
Put it all out there and let us decide.
Your reply still doesn't address to my comments. But that's expected.
They sent the footage to a partisan that admits his is only entertainment.
Yeah, they won't edit and put together their own narrative...
Hell we see right here they blame anyone and everyone else for what happened except themselves.
They blame Pelosi, the capitol police, the FBI, etc. Blame everyone except the people that gave the false narrative to begin with. They give him the footage.
I don't want editing.
“Put it all out there and let us decide.”
Apparently you did not watch the events unfolding live on January 6.
Then he should have released the footage to everyone instead of a partisan liar on an entertainment show.
I did hear the speach. I missed the radical groups who showed up.
As I said the partisan Jan 6th Committee had a chance to do just that, but they held back for some reason.
Tough shit for them.
They won’t edit and put together their own narrative ..
what do you imagine the j6 committee did? They literally hired television producers to package their presentation in the most dramatic way possible.
So what exactly do you think they will find?
What do you think will be any outcome for this?
Partisan editing so you all can say that what happened was some kind of hoax?
So do people running for congress....
I don't know. Do you?
What do you think will be any outcome for this?
Maybe a better understanding of what happened and how it happened.
Partisan editing so you all can say that what happened was some kind of hoax?
You want the censorship, right?
What better understanding do you need?
Sounds like you are just looking for a way to cast blame in other directions.
Part of this thread was removed for a slap fight. Knock it off. Only warning.
Oh, so the people who tried to bash in the barricaded door of the House of Representatives and violently enter the House chamber werent radicals, they were run of the mill Republicans. Good to know.
“I did hear the speach. I missed the radical groups who showed up.”
May have to call bullshit on this one, vic.
Of all folks, you seem to be totally invested, totally consumed by the events of that tragic day and for whatever sad reason, trying to explain it away.
I think he means there were none, or few.
A counter narrative to the highly partisan Jan 6th committee narrative. Showing everything the Jan 6th committee wants hidden.
Hopefully in 2024 the Democrats will get shit canned by the voters after being dragged through the mud for two years. That they are shown to be the real threats to Democracy.
What was the Jan 6th committee again. As repeatedly stated they hired a television producer to edit their already highly partisan presentation and present in dramatic fashion; all at the cost of US tax payers. At least McCarthy is being smart about it and having Fox News pay for their version of events; at no damn cost to US tax payers! As for a hoax- the Jan 6th committee was a complete hoax. Now you are going to see the other sides hoax. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.
Leftists are just pissed that their version of the truth is no longer going to be the only one out there.
Thanks for admitting the congressional hearings are partisan hit jobs designed to hurt people's election aspects.
Because NPR is one of the few news outlets that actually tells the truth.
Starting with their calling illegal migrants "immigrants"
As compared to the Pelosi hand picked TDS partisan Jan 6th committee- that hired a tv producer. Whose only narrative was to "get Trump at all costs".
The Brandon administration, Pelosi, Schumer doctrine is what you are talking about.
Pelosi should be blamed for the ill planned and lack of security. Funny how she didn't want the Jan 6th committee to question herself, Schumer, or Bowser.
Read Page 25 thru 29 of the same report for Pelosi's involvement and change of protocol for security.
But adequate security would never have prevented Jan 6th from occurring. The Capitol Building wasn't an easy target. Never on Pelosi's, Schumer's, and Bowser's watch!/S
No problem.
I don't expect the same from you on any of the Democrat investigations.
He will be as fair as the Jan 6th committee was.
Then no one should have any worries.
Of course that is up to the individual. I can assure you I won't be worried. I will pay as much attention to tucker as I did to the let's get trump......I mean Jan 6th commission
You call it hillarious. I call the liberal left's reaction pathetic!
I don't know if I would have given it to Tucker Carlson but I do agree that all the evidence needs to come out to the public. Perhaps had it been given to Carlson as well as others...
About all we can really guess at now is that the 40,000 hours of video will be distilled down to cast a narrative (you know, like the Jan 6th committee presented to the public). I would still like to have investigated and explained in public why some aspects of Capital security were deemed off-limits to the Jan 6th commitee.
With all the freak out by the left on this, I can only imagine how much damage these video's will do to their narrative of what happend that day.
About as much damage as you do to our narratives, which is to say none.
It appears the left is in all out panic over this, yourself included. If it didn't threaten your narrative, you all wouldn't be in CYA mode trying to deflect and distract to nonsense garbage.