The Eye of the Tiger

Last night America got to see what is without a doubt the most electrifying candidate from either party in the coming 2024 presidential election. I don't know if CNN was intending to spring some kind of trap or hoping that the former President would damage himself, but they clearly failed. The town Hall was held in the blue state of New Hampshire and clearly Donald Trump had the audience with him. He was articulate and sharp. He took on CNN's invitation and all of the questions from what is clearly an extension of the democratic party.
Kaitlin Collins (truly a nasty person)
The moderator was supposed to be CNN's most fair host, if that makes any sense. She tried her best to trip up Trump, but it was no use. We saw the old Trump from 2016 and the distinction between him and the cognitive mess in the White House was clear for everyone who watched. One thing about Trump: he does not hide from any questions, or any questioner as our current leader does.
The Town Hall was scheduled for 90 minutes but CNN shut it down after 69 minutes in a clear sign of defeat. Kaitlin Collins spent much of the 90-minute event clashing with Trump over the answers she didn't seem to like.
I think Donald Trump spoke for many Americans at the end of the Town Hall when he said: "Thank you very much, Kaitlan. Good job."
Just another day in the life of Kaitlin Collins. A truly nasty person.
the same tired string of lies from some criminal jag-off that belongs either in or under a federal prison...
I think 15 million entering the US by the end of the Biden term is probably a low estimate.
Too bad, huh?
At 10,000 per day the last few days, I would double that.
Responsible news outlets are talking about it today.
Propaganda sites are talking about George Santos.
Are you talking about Brandon and his criminal family?
Then we are in total agreement.
your comment has nothing to do with mine, as usual.
Just one more example of a heavily biased, TDS ridden news person.
It's incredible! They delivered Biden to the White House!
Can you imagine if an interviewer tried to fact check Biden?
He’d have to leave his basement first.
He at least knows not to do that. The media will run his campaign for him, though they fucked up on that CNN Town Hall.
Yep and liberal drones will vote for him regardless.
Pretty sad .....
They come out En masse when they hear the name Trump.
she started in the business at FOX, working for fucker carlson...
Fuckin-A man!
The eye of the tiger with the soul of a rabid rodent.
This is the INSANITY that masquerades as leadership in some quarters of America. Is it any wonder that people are shouting back and forth? This man is a disaster. This man is indefensible. This man is the poster 'boy' for self-righteousness (and that can not ever be a compliment!). Finally, we have a case 'study' in this one minute plus clip alone for why this man is kept out of live witness testimony in a court of law. (And that is a damnable crying shame to say about a former president of the United States and even more so for a presidential candidate in 2024.)
The Lincoln Project has it right to 'hound' Trump's every lie as what it is.
Why is she a nasty person? Sounds like you are merely parroting Trump; is that what you are doing or do you have your own reasons based on independent thought and grounded in facts and logic?
Don't you think that everyone should be treated equally?
do you have your own reasons based on independent thought and grounded in facts and logic?
The question is do you?
Like saying my tax cut was biggest?
Please stop.
hopefully he soon goes to prison for the "tax cuts" he gave himself...
Can't wait for Biden's Town Hall on FOX........................Oh wait, never mind...........LOL never happen...........unless the questioners and questions are made available in advance.......................
Nope! He can't even answer those loving softball questions from the reporters that are chosen for him.
I didn't see a script in Trump's hand last night, did you?
Nope sure didn't.
Trump's script is deeply ingrained. Same lies every time he opens his mouth.
Like him or not, you have to give trump credit for going on CNN, Biden is a fucking coward, or his handlers are afraid he will lose his temper and attack a moderator, Alzheimer suffers are known for violent outbursts in their later stages like Joe yelling at reporters.
I’d settle for regular press briefings like all Presidents before him.
Just one more bad precedent he’ll go down in history for.
It was actually Trump who stopped Press briefings. Please study reality.
Then your reality is deluded.
In his first two years Trump had nearly 4 times more than Biden. Any bets who will have more in their four year term?
Perhaps TDS is leaking into the rest of your “reality.”
You lose ..... again.
Well done Sir!
This article, to use the term loosely, is laughable gaslighting. That doesnt mean we should not take this neo John Birch presentation seriously though. America is too apathetic for anyone to just assume Trump will lose in 2024. Anyone who is on the ballot and has the money and a widespread following is a threat to win , particularly when he doesnt need a popular vote majority to do so.
Independents will decide the election. I didn't see him winning them over last night. It was good to see him again, but refusing to admit he lost an election and saying he would pardon the Jan 6th rioters will just add to the impossibility of Trump winning a general election. Hopefully he will not be the nominee.

He was at his fighting best
Every word of this is gaslighting and guess who wrote them?
The audience was Trump supporters, which means it doesnt matter what state they were in.
You arent fooling anyone. Once Trump becomes your nominee you will be all in for him. Even in the face of that national disgrace last night.
You failed to prove that. Maybe you can be more specific?
The audience was Trump supporters, which means it doesnt matter what state they were in.
At least the most vocal. New Hampshire IS A BLUE STATE . Try again, John.
You arent fooling anyone.
I stand by everything I say.
And again: "thanks"
It would take me about a half an hour to find an audience of all trump supporters here in "leftist" Chicago. What in the world are you talking about? It doesnt matter what state they were in when the only people invited were Trump supporters. I'm sure that was part of the agreement that got Trump to show up and do the thing.
CNN only invited Trump supporters?
Could we have a link?
There were 6 or 7 questions from the audience during the thing. ALL of them were softballs for Trump. Not a single audience question that was critical of him or challenging what he was saying.
None of that goes to the claim you just made.

I asked you to back up your claim that CNN invited only Trump supporters.
As for questions from the audience, didn't CNN also have a host asking questions?
BTW, why did CNN end it early?
Why did they quit?
I dont really give a shit why they quit. Maybe it dawned on them that the whole thing was a great embarrassment to the nation.
The CNN interviewer should have put a pause on the whole thing in the first minute when Trump said the election was rigged, and not started it back up again. Instead she allowed him to say idiotic things like "there is video of millions of ballots being stuffed into ballot boxes by the democrats". She should have said "we will continue this interview when you produce that video".
Why? That statement hurt Trump or don't you have any faith in the ability of people to reason?
Instead she allowed him to say idiotic things like "there is video of millions of ballots being stuffed into ballot boxes by the democrats". She should have said "we will continue this interview when you produce that video".
She need only ask what I asked of you: Proof please!
Yes, and , "we'll continue this interview when you produce proof that millions of ballots were illegally "stuffed" by the Democrats. "
No John, that's not the way you conduct an interview. You ask for proof. Trump has to respond and you proceed to the next question.
What you are calling for is a Soviet style interrogation without the torture.
This country is in a crisis. We are flirting with re-installing a traitor into the country's highest office. CNN should have relaized that and sent someone there that would confront Trump. We are already disgraced enough by this guy without giving him a platform to spew non stop lies.
Lets see him go on NBC and be interviewed by Lawrence O'Donnell. Trump would pee his pants at the thought. Or Jon Stewart, or Keith Olberman, all of which would leave trump a humiliated puddle on the floor.
The young woman from CNN was not prepared.
Trump was asked if he would accept the results of the 2024 election. His answer was "I will if I think it was fair". We already KNOW that Trump only considers an election "fair" if he wins. He has run for office twice, and in both cases he said beforehand that the election might be stolen from him. If he lost the first time he would have behaved exactly like he did in 2020. Its who and what he is.
It is well beyond that, thanks to Joe Biden and his handlers.
We are flirting with re-installing a traitor into the country's highest office. CNN should have relaized that and sent someone there that would confront Trump.
With what? A shotgun? You had a nasty bitch there. She was no match for Trump. Too bad!
Lets see him go on NBC and be interviewed by Lawrence O'Donnell.
Larry the dunce O'Donnell? Tell Larry that all he has to do is ask. Grab a number!
And you don't think people can figure that out?
I think he should be interviewed by Rachel Maddow...but that's probably beneath her dignity
I thought you respected women
why the fuck is he saluting?
Rachel would have done the same thing: fact check challenge his lies and keep firing new questions when he keeps repeating his lies.
She probably would have been more effective given her experience, but I honestly do not see what anyone could do with someone who is willing to absurdly lie.
After all, Trump literally claimed that he finished the wall. Just one of many outrageous lies.
I guess you don't have any for women, either, given your comment
Ever notice most right wing people all sound exactly the same...
the spray on tan missed a spot on his fat head.
They get their marching orders every morning so that every body has the same talking points
he's looking into a mirror
I do that's why I am right up front against men in women's sports and the ladies room.
And you say?
Funny that when it's a conservative it's gaslighting, but when it's a leftist liberal it's just fair play.
They just turned the law upside down to get Trump and they think they can restore justice after he's gone. They just had a civil case against him where all that was needed was a preponderance of the evidence to convict him of rape (51%) and they couldn't get it out of a New York jury. what judgements there were are likely to be overturned, but after the election. Then they say don't defend him. Just let us do every dirty thing we can.
The conspiracy theorist?
Is anyone still watching?
... torturing that POS would be fine by me.
While stuffing a banana and a couple of rolled up socks down the front of his pants?
Trump just repeated his same old far right wing misogynistic lies.
"Nasty person" is Trump's favorite term for a female who disagrees with him.
The other night's lesson is pretty clear:
Don't invite Trump to a Town Hall.
He just might come and build you and build you another asshole.
The only people Trump influenced are those who believe his lies. What kind of character applauds a litany of lies? Worse, what kind of mind actually believes the lies?
He is the antidote for all the bull shit lies you bought in college.
Get used to it, the America First movement is here to stay, with or without Trump!
Simple minds unable or unwilling to differentiate between lies and the truth.
So you're anti education, too, eh?
You seem to be tossing out any stereotype insult you can think of.
What do you know of my education? What do you know of what I believe? You have nothing but emotive bullshit.
You have to fit into the pigeon hole he designed for you. When you step outside of that narrowly defined range he doesn't know what to do with himself
gee, I can't figure out why the mango menace doesn't file defamation suits against all the people and news organizations that call him a liar in the public domain. surely he would enjoy a cash windfall. what a mystery... /s
You have GOT to be shitting? Unless you have a 180 degree personna offline from what you comment and post here day after day, one gets a pretty good idea. Seems you have a damned good education that could be admired by many. Your beliefs on the other hand, we know, as you attempt to force feed everyone who doesn't think like you, to think the exact same way you do.
Now flag away but sometimes the truth will set you free.
What do you know of my education? What was I taught in the Masters program? What do you know of my beliefs?
State my beliefs. What I see is that a certain group routinely substitutes their stereotype instead of going by what I write. What Vic stated (and you voted up) is that I do not acknowledge Biden's lies. Show me where I make excuses for Biden. Show me where I support him for PotUS. Then compare that to the outrageous level of excuses made for Trump by Vic (which you vote up).
Buy a vowel.
now, now, there's plenty of americans that have evolved beyond the finer points of marching in lockstep, ironing uniforms, and knowing which end of the rifle to hold. try reaching beyond your grasp once in a while...
What did I say? Well educated and to be admired by some.
Don't know and really don't care. Whatever it was you seem to wear well.
I told you. You put MANY of your beliefs out here for everyone to see. And those who disagree are subject to a short novel of why they should.
Several here, and including you I believe, have told others that by saying nothing, you agree with what was being disputed.
See ^^^^^
That is what he believes and possibly, I can agree to an extent to what he is saying. You sure do put a lot of stock in upvotes. And it seems to rub you the wrong way when others agree with what you don't. Thus the reason for your commentary to me right here. I agreed/understood with what was said.
Sorry but that is the way it is.
Invented bullshit. I have never stated that by not commenting on an issue that means agreement. Think about how stupid that is. If an issue is under debate then there are two sides. By not commenting, which side do you think is being held in agreement? Your invented fact is ill-conceived.
If you vote up a comment then you are agreeing with it. If not, then you are being duplicitous. I give people the benefit of the doubt that if they vote up a comment they are being honest and that they agree with the comment.
Is it your practice to vote up comments with which you disagree?
You have failed to state my beliefs.
in america you're free to swallow all the bullshit you wish, but there's no need to be offended when others try to warn you by pointing it out...
Bullshit is subjective and you are free to poo poo anything that doesn't fit your narrative. You usually do.
Voted you because it just seems to piss some people off.
I notice that your friend couldn't stand up for women.
Is that what Feminism means?
Anti indoctrination.
I read your comments and your inconsistencies. I know you well.
Stephan is out of work right now. There is a strike going on.
Vague allegation with no supporting facts.
You aren't inconsistent?
Show me where you ever favored a host fact checking Joe Biden?
It would have been great to have known that 51 former Intelligence officials were lying through their teeth when they wrote that letter for Biden so he could use it to counter Trump's FACTUAL ACCUSATION at their 2020 debate. We didn't ever have a host say: Joe, that's not true.
What does that tell us about your "critical thinking?"
One final note: the purpose of a Town Hall is to let the voters hear a candidates views and potential policies, not to try and trap or debate him.
CNN just double-dixied themselves!
Yup. That's what I expected.
Consistency does not mean that every comment pertaining to one faction is equally matched with one dealing with the opposing faction. Many times there are no equivalents. You are trying to hold me to absurd rules that you make up.
Consistency means holding / expressing a position that is non contradictory. So show me where my logic is contradictory.
You arguing that a host did not fact check Joe in the debate is not an argument that I am inconsistent. Get a clue.
It says absolutely nothing about my critical thinking. Again, you are apparently confused. I was not the host in the Presidential debate.
Okay, that is how you view a Town Hall. Now here is an example of your inconsistency. You claim that a Town Hall should not fact check yet you whine that Biden was not fact-checked during the debate.
Which is it? Should fact checking take place or not?
My position is this: Fact-checking should ALWAYS be part of a public forum. Not every tiny little detail, but certainly for the blatant and relevant falsehoods. For example, when Trump falsely claimed that the PRA allowed him to take the documents or that they are automatically declassified by him merely taking them, that is the exact opposite of what the PRA states and a real-time fact-check is indeed appropriate as a public service. It was a blatant lie that is easily shown as such by the PRA.
Just think about it. CNN hosted a Town Hall and the candidate was Donald Trump. They used their prized host to fact check him throughout the Q&A. Ask yourself: Would they do that to any other candidate?
Don't tell me that trump lies more than Biden. I only want an honest answer.
You arguing that a host did not fact check Joe in the debate is not an argument that I am inconsistent.
Joe Biden is not simply another democrat. He has brought some extreme radical ideas to fruition. He has weaponized the DOJ/FBI and even the Defense Department. He has also lied consistently. What is striking is how the media has covered for him. Can you envision any news organization hosting a Town Hall and trying to do to Biden what CNN tried to do to Trump? Those facts are so obvious I can't believe that someone who prides himself on being a critical thinker wouldn't notice.
Okay, that is how you view a Town Hall. Now here is an example of your inconsistency. You claim that a Town Hall should not fact check yet you whine that Biden was not fact-checked during the debate.
Which is it? Should fact checking take place or not?
You see, that is the difference between you and I. I am consistent. As I stated:
a Town Hall is to let the voters hear a candidates views and potential policies, not to try and trap or debate him.
Neither candidate should be fact checked or sandbagged. The people know what a lie is. They don't need a bunch of leftists to tell them what to believe.
My position is this: Fact-checking should ALWAYS be part of a public forum. Not every tiny little detail, but certainly for the blatant and relevant falsehoods. For example, when Trump falsely claimed that the PRA allowed him to take the documents or that they are automatically declassified by him merely taking them, that is the exact opposite of what the PRA states and a real-time fact-check is indeed appropriate as a public service. It was a blatant lie that is easily shown as such by the PRA.
Very inconsistent, because you were nowhere when 51 former intelligence officials told a huge lie about the laptop or when Karine Jeanne-Pierre said illegal immigration was down by 90% or whan Mayorkas said the border is closed or when Biden said he wouldn't give federal subsidies to solar and wind or when Biden promised to be a "unifier." Those are monster lies, yet nothing from you.
Here is another thing you need to understand: the difference between a belief and a lie.
Do you remember when then President Barack Obama mistated that Abraham Lincoln was the founder of the Republican Party? That was an easy mistake, even for a well educated man, since Lincoln was the first Republican President and the GOP had only been founded not that long before the era of Lincoln. Do you know how PBS handled that gaff? They deleted it from the text of the Obama speech.
That double standard, among other things is so obvious and I can't understand how a critical thinker could miss it.
You are now off on an entirely different topic. Hopefully you recognize that.
Trump is, to say the least, a unique individual. He has overwhelming personal negatives, was the only PotUS in our history to try to steal an election, is up to his ears in legal issues and in spite of all that, he is the clear leader for the GOP nomination.
Trump does not compare with any other candidate so I can see CNN doing this only for Trump.
You just admitted that you do not want to hear the truth. And your view is simplistic. The problem is not who lies more but rather the damage done by the individual through their lies. Surely you can comprehend that.
Non sequitur. Focus on the question you asked and the answer provided. You are running all over the map. Get a grip.
Where do you find me suggesting that they would? You have an obnoxious habit of engaging in strawman arguments. Probably because your standard arguments are feeble.
Well, Vic, I stated that fact-checking should always be in public forums and you say it should never. Somehow in your mind you deem that as me being inconsistent and you being consistent. You are confused.
Again with your stupid rules. There are plenty of things I do not comment on. The absence of a comment does not mean anything. You continue to put forth bullshit allegations with no supporting facts.
How feeble. Do you actually think Trump is so stupid that he does not understand the PRA? It is a very simple, easy to read document with very clear language. Plus, Trump has plenty of legal advisors who can explain this to him. Don't give me the utter bullshit that Trump believes lies as blatant as this.
And yet again, you claim I am inconsistent and then give examples of other people being inconsistent. Hello? Do you understand that I am not PBS?
So you have now moved the goalposts to double-standards in a partisan world and pretend that I have argued that this does not occur. How utterly slimy and desperate.
I think we are rapidly approaching the point when no one on this forum should take the right wingers here seriously. They have begun gaslighting at an astonishing rate.
I am past that point with many individuals. Non sequitur 'logic', deflection, strawman arguments, bullshit allegations, etc. It is pathetic.
Just amazing watching the desperate attempts to defend Trump ... even by those who claim they do not want him to be the nominee.
We used to care about character with politicians. Blatant lying used to be grounds for rejecting a candidate. Somehow this does not apply to Trump in the deluded MAGA minds and even in those who claim they want someone else as their nominee.
Meh, I usually have to shower after spending time here. Some days are worse than others but most days one leaves smelling like left wing bullshit.
Good on you! Congrats.
Particularly infuriating are the MAGA who seemingly keep vast notes on everything that others never said and then complain incessantly about them never saying it!
Who thinks that way?
Good, hope you like it
Agreed, especially when they have no such notes and are simply (dishonestly and incorrectly) spouting from their contrived stereotype.
Lawyers would have to put Trump on the stand and then comes the cross-examination and then the tangled web of deception and otherworldly-ness would be on full demonstration for all to see. Also, the 'cross' could take a day, days, or a week to complete depending on the obstinance of the plantiff Trump's insistence!
There you go trying to tar all with the same brush as usual. It has got to be your way or the highway and that is really sad.
Yesterday showed why Trump still has an outside chance of winning. He's able to command a discussion to the point where his enemies have to stop the show because he's doing so well. Biden can't be trusted to do interviews with his friends without scripted questions, and still make batshit claims about not letting Obama be President again. Meanwhile, his allies in the media cover up that his ne'er do well family of dependents was making millions from the CCP and corrupt Romanian oligarchs while he was Vice President. And they shriek that Trump's corrupt....
So you are left with a completely corrupt man with a pulse running against a completely corrupt senile man and the corrupt institutions willing to lie on his behalf.
It was a tremendous contrast between the two men.
It's like having Stan Laurel as president and James Bond doing a town hall event....Lol
A LOT of objective people would describe Trump as unhinged . Is unhinged better than "senile'? That is highly doubtful.
Confident you can find a lot of "objective" people who would claim they have seen alien space ships or that they have seen angels also.
I'll give CNN this much however, they probably doubled their viewership during that Town Hall. I myself partook of that very adult thing and didn't bother to watch as I had no desire to see or listen to Trump speak.
If you didnt see it you have no basis for commenting on what it was.
I wasn't commenting on the show itself, I was commenting on your comment. That you could not figure that out is rather telling.
Still following me around trying to get the last word in. It's really too bad you don't understand the written word as your drive-by snipe has nothing to do with my comment that you replied to. But keep trying, maybe someday you'll get it.
Biden is far from corrupt!
He cares about the American people and does his best for us.
Trump sold out to Putin a long time ago.
let's see that proof then ...
so, apparently you've got nothing then...
You mean like
Some people live with their head in their 4th point of contact.
let's see that evidence then...
Here is one example, others include Romania and Ukraine.
The way they have enabled the Biden grift via their defense and silence, while sky screaming about the Trumps for six years straight, is egregious and outrageous.
I provided you a link. Try reading it.
He can end the Ukraine War in 24 hours!
And the left goes nuts!
You got to love it!
You love lies that much?
It may be far fetched, but it's not a lie until he has a chance and fails. Even then it is basically a simple case of being cocky. And the left which has this country in such suffering gets all bent out of shape over his words. That I do enjoy.
The only way the war could be ended in "24 hours" would be if Ukraine acquiesced to numerous Putin demands. Which is evidently what Trump has in mind, otherwise he wouldnt have said it.
That's not true. I could think of a few ways to end that war, as a matter of fact the US already passed on at least one:
But it sounds like you still want to promote the Clinton campaign hoax?
yeah...he'll hand Ukraine to Putin in a nice box tied with a ribbon
Lol .... all y’all think his 24 hour assertion is ridiculous and yet you believe he has the power to give Ukraine to Russia?
Do you believe the MAGA crowd believes him? That really is the significant question.
Obviously Trump was full of shit on this item as well.
Is that the kind of rhetoric the GOP wants from its nominee?
Is this the kind of rhetoric you want from your nominee? Still claiming a rigged election, denying what is written in the PRA, etc.?
This is something you should have learned in elementary school.
The PotUS is not a totalitarian ruler over this nation or any other nation on the planet. The PotUS has great influence on many nations, but the nations remain sovereign.
Do you now understand? Trump as PotUS has no power to end the war in 24 hours. He might try something like fully backing Putin and withdrawing all support from Ukraine. Hard to say with Trump. But the idea that he can waltz in and negotiate peace in 24 hours is patently ridiculous.
You get that, right?
Not the one we have in the White House now.
This one has made us a laughing stock
Aren't you embarrassed that Biden has made us a laughingstock to the rest of the world?
Well hopefully you now know the answer to your question.
It is a real shame that people like you are oblivious to the damage Trump has done to this nation. All you do is deflect to Biden.
Typical bullshit from you Texan. I answer your stupid question and you continue whining. Pure trolling.
You claiming I am trolling you is the epitome of irony.
Here is the question you asked:
Here is the answer I gave you. Attempt to comprehend:
Everyone read your answer. I decided I am no longer going to engage with some people's bullshit.
Not worth it. I wouldn't even try.
Do you believe that?
why can't he do it now?
The fact that a media platform like CNN can chase ratings by giving Donald Trump a forum puts the lie to liberal Democrats' narrative. Unfortunately the political environment has become warped to such a bizarre state that it's impossible to tell if this is due to Trump's popularity or the unpopularity of liberal Democrats.
Liberal Democrats wanted to force voters to choose sides. It looks like voters are making choices. Liberals plowed the field and sowed the crop, now they are complaining about the harvest. Eat your peas, liberals.
More like Lima beans. Sour, dry Lima beans ....
Seems that CNN is no longer some sort of liberal site. New ownership and all.
I thought it never was?
You and all the dem/lib/liv/progs then it seems LOL
What would you want a host to do when an answer is factually wrong or a flat out lie?
Trump engaged in an impressive litany of lies. Some were truly outrageous. Yet you spin this as "answers she didn't seem to like" as if the host was wrong to challenge blatant falsehoods. You clearly continue to make excuses for Trump no matter what.
he still believes everything that traitorous fraud says...
You do have a case on the majority of that. I am glad that you put up a lot of what was actually said last night.
How do you rate the way Collins handled it?
I think a host can call out false statements without getting into debate. That is what people have to be careful of when they interview those whom they have an ideological disagreement with.
Falsehoods aside, Trump was a good President and Biden has been a national disaster that we may never recover from.
I doubt anyone could deal with someone who will incessantly make blatant (and sometimes outrageous) lies.
What do you do when Trump falsely claims that the PRA allowed him to take the documents? That is the exact opposite of what the PRA states! The host noted that every time Trump falsely made the claim. Etc. etc. etc. ....
You spin repeated challenges of Trump's repeated lies as the host getting into a debate.
I think she did as well as anyone could with Trump. Most people we experience in life have a governor (a limit) on the number and outrageousness of their lies. Not Trump. He is an outlier on the liar normal curve.
Your spin stands alone. Nobody has told more blatant lies than Joe Biden, the Manchurian candidate.
I think she did as well as anyone could with Trump.
It's not really that difficult. When Trump says you should have to show an ID to cast a vote, you gently nod and say you are absolutely right sir.
How lame can you get? What spin have I offered? Deliver the quote to back up your false accusation.
You pick an example of Trump offering an opinion. My point was about Trump lying. You know the distinction, why play these stupid games, Vic?
How about when he told people with your mindset for 4 years that he didn't collude with Russia.
That was the big lie.
And we heard not a peep from you!
What does that have to do with his lies last night? Focus, Vic, instead of constant deflection (and lying about what I have written).
Do you think I jumped on that bandwagon?? Further, have you heard a peep from me regarding Hunter? Your cherry-picking is pathetic. Deal with the content at hand instead of playing your stupid games.
You fucking focus. He's been right far more often than he's been wrong and your guy Biden is a perpetual liar. Are you using your critical thinking to wait and see if Joe was in on all the influence peddling as all of these BS cases are brought against a Presidential candidate, by his opponent's DOJ, no less? Focus in and tell us how one candidate gets to investigate his opponent while being in charge of an investigation of his own son. It is simply outrageous. Everything is being destroyed in this country and you are worried about Trump winning.
Your cherry-picking is pathetic.
Not mine; YOURS.
Btw your list up there is not quite right. For example: THAT IS THE DEMOCRAT POSITION ON ABORTION! The dems have gotten away with characterizing their position as well as that of their oponents. I heard what Trump said about the former Governor of Virginia. Was he right or not?
I already see the left wing media trying to cover for Northam.
And the reason you call him a liar on the tax cut because it was not the biggest. Who gives a fuck. He did it Democrats don't want to cut taxes
And your complaint with him getting on NATO was that they were aleardy starting to come around? That really petty. It was Trump who made it an issue.
More presumption. Biden is not 'my guy'. But your implication that Biden's lying is worse than Trump's is absurd. I do not think anyone can hold a candle to Trump in the lying department.
Again, you leap to Biden to deflect. I have not engaged in the Hunter saga and will likely not do so until there is some clarity. Just like I did not engage in the Russian collusion saga. See? You presume way too much and seem to operate on your stereotype instead of actually reacting to what I write.
And you continue to attempt to deflect. My post was about Trump's lying during the Town Hall. Remember? Focus.
Show me where I cherry-picked. Yet another bullshit allegation from you without any supporting facts.
That is not my list ... it is a list from CNN compiling fact checks on the Town Hall. But the quote on abortion is what Trump said. Did you not watch the Town Hall? Look it up and then get back to me when you know what you are talking about. Further, look at this to get a better feel on the D position on abortion: . They do not seem to be as gung-ho on partial-birth abortions as Trump claimed.
Again, CNN's compiled list ... not mine. But the list did indeed state that Trump's was not the biggest tax cut. He said it was, but it was not. Factually incorrect. You have a problem with them correcting a false 'fact'?
Nobody has claimed that he did not sponsor a tax cut. Get a grip.
Again, focus. You are all over the map. Calm down and collect your thoughts.
Again, not my list. And the NATO thing is probably one of the most debatable items. You deflect and cherry-pick to avoid the point.
So, Vic, when Trump claimed he had the right to take classified documents per the PRA was he stating a falsehood or not? (He was stating a falsehood. He is totally full of shit since the PRA states that all such documents immediately fall under the purview of the incoming administration. Legal custody goes to the archivist. Trump was neither. )
Was Trump correct in his claim that the documents are immediately declassified as soon as he takes them? (No, Trump is again full of shit. He had the right to declassify them but he must act to do so; he cannot just 'think it'.)
You run from the blatant lies, toss up the debatable items and deflect like crazy the rest of the time.
Absolutely. Trump propossed and passed a tax cut that took way too long because then Speaker Paul Ryan convinced everyone that the Trump legislative agenda should be carried out in specific order with repealling & replacing Obamacare first. Many Republican voters who never had (or paid into health insurance) had begun recieving Obamacare and Republicans discovered, way too late, that they couldn't do it. Thus, almost two years were wasted, yet Trump got his tax cut passed. You and CNN want to classify his passing that tax cut as "a lie" simply because Trump called it "the biggest?" Trump has zero modesty. He can call it the biggest or the best if he wants. He got it done.
Nobody has claimed that he did not sponsor a tax cut.
That's the problem. People have a hard time distinguishing between a boast and a blatant lie like the one Karine Jean-Pierre told the other day. She said there was a 90% drop in illegal immigration. That was a humungous lie. The opposite of the truth. Please show us the CNN fact checking on that.
So, Vic, when Trump claimed he had the right to take classified documents per the PRA was he stating a falsehood or not?
Wrong again. Trump believes that a President can declassify documents whenever he wants. Biden maintains that he didn't know how he ended up with classified documents in his garage and elswhere. Does Biden really believe that or is he lying?
You run from the blatant lies, toss up the debatable items and deflect like crazy the rest of the time.
The day you acknowledge the blatant lies of Biden and the deep state and those in the media is the day you get to talk like that. For now just keep ignoring the fact that Trump had the guts to show up at a CNN town hall and he got his message out despite a host who thought that she should "fact check" the man who put her to shame. It was fun to watch.
Let's see if CNN or any other leftist media site dares to invite him on again.
This is an example of why I counter your crap, Vic. You dishonestly twist what was stated.
Nobody suggested that Trump did not get his tax cuts passed. The lie is that he claimed his were the biggest tax cuts in history ... ever. Only the lie was countered.
Get a grip.
It is a blatant lie for Trump to claim he passed the biggest tax cuts in history. The contortions you go through to make excuses for him is pathetic. It is not a lie for Trump to claim he passed tax cuts; he (and you) should stick with the truth.
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. What Trump believes is irrelevant. The PRA does NOT allow him to take classified documents with him at the end of his term. It was created to do the exact opposite — to prevent the taking of documents.
You are dead wrong and instead of honestly accepting that, you absurdly and falsely claim I am wrong. Don't follow the lead of Trump and make up your own 'facts' ... especially when what you claim is provably false.
Constant deflection and nonsense. Where do you see me defending Biden's lies? Where do you see me stating that Biden always tells the truth?
Do not attempt to suggest that you are anything other than a die hard, blind Trump supporter.
Do you even recognize that his "message" was a pack of lies? You think it was fun to watch Trump blatantly lie? You dishonestly defend Trump's lies and are part of the reason why Trump is the likely nominee of the GOP.
All the above applies to JustJim and Jeremy too since they voted up your utter nonsense.
That is a boast...a Trumpism. Everything he does is the best or the biggest. Is the kind of lying that you are in a lather about.
BTW he aced that Town Hall last night.
Tell us:
What did he say when he was asked how he would cure inflation?
You chose Marxism over Trump.
That applies to 8 others here as well!
You know what it is?
Trump is the opposite of woke...
And there is nothing more evil than woke.
Of course it is a boast. That does not change the fact that it is a lie. You get that, right?
What are you babbling about now? Get a grip.
So you do not recognize that Vic is doing somersaults trying to spin away Trump's lies?
Which is worse in your mind, calling out publicly broadcast lies by a former PotUS or dishonestly making excuses for his lies?
Is this seed about Vic?
No, it is about what Vic wrote about the Town Hall.
Sure it is.
... not for the wealthy.
Most of the time, [removed] that "fact checks" Biden is simply injecting their triggered feelings into the mix and calling what they don't like a lie.
What do you expect from a natural born liar.
eeek! our military is all out of ammo... /s
Our military industrial complex loves increasing productivity.
Anybody who wants/needs more is a big + for arms manufacturers and dealers.
The right wing lie that Ukraine is taking all of America's bullets is insane.
Seems that the far right wing these days are in Putin's pocket. Trump sure is!
It was a tough night for the left, wasn't it?
"What would you do about inflation (that Biden caused) ?"
"Drill baby drill!"
My favorite line.
Like a braying jackass.
She certainly picked the right party.
I didn't think it was a rough night for the left, it simply showed once again Trump is a babbling liar.
are you talking about sarah? is she still getting drilled by that hockey player? meh, nobody's guarding that net anymore...
I just picked one issue as I don’t feel like responding to all of war and peace ......
Not completely true. While it’s true Europe/Canadian spending in aggregate was increasing under Obama, it also rose steadily under Trump but has steadily decreased under Biden’s watch.
The Euro/Canadian aggregate clearly doesn’t respect the Biden administration.
I am not surprised you picked an issue that was debatable.
The point of my post was to emphasize the volume of blatant / outrageous lies told by Trump in less than an hour.
In another reply to Vic I offered Trump's absurd PRA bullshit as an example.
Another example which illustrates how utterly stupid Trump thinks his supporters are is this response to a question on him not finishing the wall:
And of course we have the blatant lie of automatic declassification:
On and on yet people continue to make excuses for this con-man.
That spending went down under Biden’s watch, is not debatable. It’s fact. Your link is misleading in this regard.
A lie if you will......
Again you focus on an item that is debatable — the item is entitled NATO. One can, as you are doing, debate nuances and implications of this item. Given. Not the point.
You are deflecting from (and ignoring) the point I made: the volume of blatant / outrageous lies told by Trump in less than an hour.
I’m not ignoring anything. The same can not be said for you.. You ignore that I made myself clear in the first sentence, of my first post.
That said I know you like the truth.
Why did you offer up a lie?
You are trolling.
Lol, classic response when you get cornered.
Stumped on what?
Uh oh TiG ! You're stumped and cornered.
TiG isn't a moderator so how can he censor you?
The role of a journalist is not to debate people they are interviewing. Kaitlin Collins became an active participant as a news maker which is not the role of journalists.
That may be difficult to understand, so let's try to use an analogy. The functions of journalists have many similarities to the functions of scientists. A scientist that becomes embedded in an experiment, attempting to direct the experimental results, is bad science. A journalist that embeds themselves in the news as an active participant in shaping the news is bad journalism.
You translate challenging lies as debate. So what should she have done, Nerm, just accept whatever Trump says? Then you would accuse her of failing to fact check Trump.
No matter who was the host here, I predict you, et. al., would be critical of the host and deflect from the blatant liar Trump.
I see a pattern here. GOP members ignoring Trump's lies and focusing attention elsewhere.
If the intent was to debate Trump then someone else should have been on the stage to do that. Are we to believe that CNN could not find anyone willing to debate Trump?
Kaitlin Collins embedded CNN in politics as an active participant. CNN is not a news organization, CNN is a political organization because its representatives are active participants in political debate. Kaitlin Collins was not host of an interview, Kaitlin Collins was an active participant in a political debate. Kaitlin Collins is a politician and not a journalist.
If the intent was to host a debate then someone else needed to be on stage to engage in the debate. Apparently the intent was for CNN to directly debate Trump. If that was the intent then CNN is a political organization and not a news organization.
I think you need someone who is either forceful or a big personality to confront Trump. I dont think this 30 year old from CNN was either. I am sure she got this assignment because CNN wants to promote her as the next big thing. She is going to get a prime time show any day now, it has already been announced.
I do not see this as an attempt to debate Trump. You and Vic called it a debate, not me. I disagreed with that characterization.
When Trump repeatedly denies the blatantly obvious and simply repeats his lie, what would the absolute most experienced host do other than fact check and then, when that has no effect, move on to the next question?
Disagreeing with the characterization as a debate doesn't change the fact that Kaitlin Collins became an active participant in an adversarial dispute with Trump. Apparently that was Trump's intent. Kaitlin Collins did what Trump wanted her to do; apparently for political purposes.
Collins wasn't letting the facts speak for themselves. Collins was engaged in proving Trump wrong as an adversarial participant in a political discussion. That put Trump in the driver's seat and gave Trump control of the, so called, interview to deliver his political message. The facts became unimportant; the interview became a political contest between Donald Trump and Katlin Collins.
Because she fact checked him??? Because she repeated her fact checking when he repeated his lies???
Why do you make excuses for Trump?
Where orders to defend Trump come from!
I was there in 2019. Love the architecture.
Isn't that what participants in a debate do?
How old is that building?
This was not a debate, Nerm. It was a town hall with a host who asked questions and fact-checked some (most?) of the answers.
Finished in 1561
So, you've said. And I acknowledged your disagreement with that characterization. But you've doubled down on the fact checking claim. Which raises the question 'isn't that what participants in a debate do?'
Participants in a debate fact check each other. So, it seems you are attempting to make a distinction without a difference. I'm fact checking your commentary.
Part and parcel for the TDS ridden.
Stop trying to defend entertainers pretending to be journalists. If these entertainers want to be journalists then hold their feet to the fire.
Trump claims the election was rigged. That raises questions the public needs answered. As President, what actions did Trump take to ensure the integrity of the election? Why did the sitting President of the United States allow an election to be rigged?
We only need a real journalist to put those questions to Trump. Entertainers peeing down their legs over Trump's lies may be entertaining. But wet socks ain't journalism.
No, I'm accused of defending Putin. That's why the photo of the Kremlin was posted. Zelensky's ass must taste like vanilla since the Biden collective lick it like a soft serve cone.
What's hilarious is not that far distant past, leftists were stating the Ukraine was getting what they deserved because the country was full of "Nazis".
I wonder what the change of heart towards nazis came from?
It doesn't take much, does it?
China could attack us overnight and they'll still be babbling about Putin! Hillary launched the narrative that will never die!
But indirectly defending Trump because to most leftists, Trump is a Putin "puppet", while ignoring the foreign puppeteers flinging Biden around.
Maybe what we need is a big, red reset button.
BTW, China is already buying the United States so China would end attacking itself. Looks like China might have even bought a President, too. Wonder if that was wholesale or retail?
And no link!
Did you watch the Town Hall?
You need a link to see Trump make this claim?
From the transcript:
Who is deluded enough to listen to Trump's nonsense and walk away believing he kept his campaign promise and built the wall?
Finishing A wall (hundreds of miles) is not the same as finishing THE wall. Trump (obviously to any functioning mind) did not finish the border wall.
Are you going to try to spin this too?
Are you replacing the meme guy?
I'll miss him / S