
A new low for democrats


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  vic-eldred  •  2 years ago  •  127 comments

A new low for democrats
"The charges that I made these statements that were antisemitic, all of those statements are taken out of context," Kennedy told FOX News host Martha MacCallum. "And those statements themselves -- I have -- I have literally -- and I said this under oath today. I have never made a single antisemitic statement in my life or racist statement in my life. And the statements that are being twisted and distorted to make them seem like I said these controversial things are -- is simply another way...

Link to Quote: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: I Was Slandered At House Hearing And Was Not Allowed To Talk, "I Was In An Upside-Down World" | Video | RealClearPolitics

Yesterday Robert F Kennedy Jr. was testifying during a House hearing over online censorship. For those who missed it, it was a new low for the party controlled by the radical left. You may recall the former DNC Chairwoman, who sandbagged Bernie Sanders for Hillary Clinton,
Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She is now a representative from Florida believe it or not. She was the first to personally target Kennedy. She brought up comments made by Kennedy at a dinner party where he referred to a study funded by the National Institutes of Health and conducted by “Cleveland Clinic scientists, which claimed that Chinese and Ashkenazi Jewish people were less likely to get Covid-19 while Caucasian and Black people were targets of the disease. Schultz, who looked like she had been sleeping in the woods, claimed that Kennedy never cited the study and spoke as if the claim was his opinion. Kennedy and Schultz began to talk over one another as the hearing quickly degenerated into a slap fight. 

We know how democrats tend to plot and scheme, so where Schultz left off Stacey Plaskett picked up on the defamation. Here is how it went when RFK Jr tried to respond:

You can clearly see a bit of how defiant and uncivil the ranking member is from that clip. 

Btw, in case people haven't noticed, the democrats are elevating their most radical members to the position of "ranking member" at these hearings. Probably because Jamie Raskin will be retiring. The other day we saw AOC as the ranking member. Yesterday was the rabid hater from the Virgin Islands. In case you don't know, the House now allows for non-voting members from US territories!

Did we ever think we would see the day that democrats would go out and try to destroy the reputation of a Kennedy?  For today's democrats, which are the most extreme radicals in American history, it's about protecting Joe Biden, the senile fool who serves the American left. That is all that matters,  and they will do anything at this point to win the next election .


jrDiscussion - desc
Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  author  Vic Eldred    2 years ago

Robert F Kennedy Jr is a lifelong democrat from a family that was once admired by democrats.

I guess you could say: A strange thing happened yesterday.

Professor Quiet
1.1  Ronin2  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    2 years ago

It wasn't strange.

Democrats just had to prove they are bigger hypocrites than Republicans. They criticized Republicans for casting out Liz Cheney after she became Pelosi's hand picked puppet for the Jan 6th committee. At least Republicans didn't line her up in front of a political firing squad and not allow her a chance to speak or defend herself.

Kennedy Jr is done as a Democrat. It doesn't matter what his past record and achievements are. It doesn't matter he belongs to a party that has the most anti-Semitic politicians around in the squad. He had the temerity to go against a Biden; and "No one fucks with a Biden"- to use Joe's own words. 

At this point he will be lucky if he can land a job as a regularly paid for political expert on Fox. None of the leftist media will touch him after this.



Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.1.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Ronin2 @1.1    2 years ago
Kennedy Jr is done as a Democrat. It doesn't matter what his past record and achievements are. It doesn't matter he belongs to a party that has the most anti-Semitic politicians around in the squad. He had the temerity to go against a Biden; and "No one fucks with a Biden"- to use Joe's own words. 

Well done!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.1.2  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Ronin2 @1.1    2 years ago
Kennedy Jr is done as a Democrat. It doesn't matter what his past record and achievements are. It doesn't matter he belongs to a party that has the most anti-Semitic politicians around in the squad. He had the temerity to go against a Biden; and "No one fucks with a Biden"- to use Joe's own words. 

Oh please. What he said came across as totally antisemitic. Literally, every Jewish group has come out against it. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.1.3  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.1.2    2 years ago

Did he say it or was he citing a study?

I think that was the sticking point of that argument.

Professor Principal
1.1.4  TᵢG  replied to  Ronin2 @1.1    2 years ago
Democrats just had to prove they are bigger hypocrites than Republicans.

Bucking partisanship is the opposite of hypocrisy.   I understand how someone who lives party uber all might have a hard time imagining this, but party loyalty should never be the top priority;   truth, honesty, doing what is best should be the top priorities.

Hypocrisy would be to defend RFK, Jr.

Blind partisanship is the opposite of objective, honest reasoning.

Professor Quiet
1.1.5  Ronin2  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.1.2    2 years ago

There are far bigger ant-Semites in the Democrat party- namely the squad. 

Don't see them getting called to the carpet and facing a political firing squad; much the less being run out of the Democrat party.

Professor Quiet
1.1.6  Ronin2  replied to  TᵢG @1.1.4    2 years ago

Learn the definition of hypocrisy.

Did Democrats blast Republicans for running Liz Cheney out of the party for being a Pelosi puppet? Yes

Did the Democrats just run Kennedy out of the party claiming he was being used as a tool of the Republicans to promote their narrative? Yes

That is the very definition of hypocrisy. 

Democrats attacking one of their own for not toting the party line; while criticizing Republicans for doing the same. 

Politics as usual in the DC swamp.

Leftists eating their own and being proud of it. Wish they would turn their not so loving gaze to the squad. Get rid of their racist, anti-Semite, radicals that are harming the country.

Professor Principal
1.1.7  TᵢG  replied to  Ronin2 @1.1.6    2 years ago

Your posts are always emotional and extreme.  Get a grip.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.1.9  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.1.3    2 years ago

What he said was:

“Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese,”

Earlier in the week, there was an article up by a conservative source, that said he made the comment because he was a Dem and that dems are bigots, and now the complaint is that the Dems are trying to take him down because he can hurt Biden. You just can't have it both ways.

Professor Principal
1.1.10  devangelical  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.1.9    2 years ago
You just can't have it both ways.

they think they can...

example - you can't touch their ex POTUS for what he did while he was in office, while they promote the idea of prosecuting joe during his term.

Professor Quiet
1.1.11  Jasper2529  replied to  Ronin2 @1.1    2 years ago
He had the temerity to go against a Biden; and "No one fucks with a Biden"- to use Joe's own words.


PhD Guide
1.1.12  Thomas  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.1.9    2 years ago

No, no, Perrie. They have the special cake that you can keep and eat, too.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.1.13  Sparty On  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.1.9    2 years ago

Okay, let’s get in the weeds.    A more complete accounting of what he said is:

COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.” “We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact

From this link:  

Emphasis on the last sentence.    I don’t know the man but it’s clear the left is trying to manipulate his comments to achieve the greatest negative effect.   Meanwhile old hoof in mouth disease Joe gets free passes regularly.

It’s messed up and you know it.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.1.14  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.1.9    2 years ago

I understand that Perrie, but he claims he read that from a study conducted by the " Cleveland Clinic scientists."

As far as a Conservative story goes, please note that the New York Post was first to condem his anti-Semitic theories:

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.1.15  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.1.9    2 years ago
You just can't have it both ways.

You have a point.

As much as I dislike them, the dems took him down for the right reason.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.1.16  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.1.14    2 years ago


Kennedy was walking it back after he made it.

I knew about the NY Post story. It was where I read it first.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.1.17  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.1.15    2 years ago

Thanks for that, Vic. 

Professor Quiet
1.1.19  Ronin2  replied to  TᵢG @1.1.7    2 years ago


Professor Quiet
1.3  cjcold  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    2 years ago
Robert F Kennedy Jr is a lifelong democrat

Guess there's a black sheep in every family.

No anti-vaxxer is family to me.

Professor Silent
1.4  SteevieGee  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    2 years ago
Robert F Kennedy Jr is a lifelong democrat from a family that was once admired by democrats.

So...  You think that Dems should rally behind a man who believes that vaccines are a deep state plot simply because his uncle was President back in the 60s?

Would you rally behind Don Jr. after he left Guilfoyle for Dylan Mulvaney?

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.4.2  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Tessylo @1.4.1    2 years ago

What’s not to admire.  John frequently cheated on Jackie.  Jackie got $3 million up front when she married Aristotle and $150 thousand per year for life plus $25 million when he died.

Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.4.4  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  Tessylo @1.4.3    2 years ago


Professor Participates
1.4.5  bugsy  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @1.4.4    2 years ago


Professor Participates
1.4.6  bugsy  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @1.4.4    2 years ago


Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
1.4.7  Drinker of the Wry  replied to  bugsy @1.4.5    2 years ago


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2  author  Vic Eldred    2 years ago

"House Minority Leader  Hakeem Jeffries  (D-N.Y.) lambasted  Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  Thursday, accusing the long-shot Democratic presidential contender of promoting racism and conspiracy theories — and being a pawn in the Republican effort to topple President Biden."

Kennedy trying to speak

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2.1  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Vic Eldred @2    2 years ago

Not sure why Jeffries has his panties in a wad.  RFK is acting just as a good Democrat acts.  

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.1.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2.1    2 years ago

It appears that Kennedy questioned the mandates of "the experts" during the pandemic. That is another No-No!

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2.1.2  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.1.1    2 years ago

Oh that's right.  He went against the hive and now he has to pay.  

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.1.3  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2.1.2    2 years ago

And the Representative-at-large wants a rule so that certain people only get to speak in private hearings because Kennedy is expressing "hate speech" I guess.

To put it in Plaskett's own words "Free speech is not absolute."

Of course that flys in the face of the 1st Amendment, but obviously, the left sees the Constitution as an obstacle. It was written by white men after all!

Professor Quiet
2.1.4  Jasper2529  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2.1.2    2 years ago
He went against the hive and now he has to pay. 

Plus, he's doing a pretty good job running against a flailing Biden in the primaries. That scares the sh!t out of the Marxist Left Dems who need to get Biden back in for Obama's 4th term so they can move ever-forward into "transforming" the USA to a totalitarian, authoritarian state.

Professor Principal
2.1.5  TᵢG  replied to  Jasper2529 @2.1.4    2 years ago
That scares the sh!t out of the Marxist Left Dems who need to get Biden back in for Obama's 4th term so they can move ever-forward into "transforming" the USA to a totalitarian, authoritarian state.

Do you actually believe this nonsense?   Do you actually believe that genuine Marxists (these would be people who seek to dismantle capitalism) want Biden because he supports their cause of dismantling capitalism and that Biden is trying to impose a totalitarian, authoritarian (pick one) state??

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2.1.6  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Jasper2529 @2.1.4    2 years ago
he's doing a pretty good job running against a flailing Biden in the primaries.

Hell, a carcass could do that.  It's not like Biden has any successes to run on.

That scares the sh!t out of the Marxist Left Dems who need to get Biden back in for Obama's 4th term so they can move ever-forward into "transforming" the USA to a totalitarian, authoritarian state.

That would explain the "finish the job" nonsense the blundering idiot has been screeching.

Professor Principal
2.1.7  TᵢG  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2.1.6    2 years ago

(another one)   Good grief.

Do you actually believe Biden is trying to impose totalitarian rule in the USA??

Professor Quiet
2.1.8  Jasper2529  replied to  TᵢG @2.1.5    2 years ago

Believe what you wish. Your opinions do not matter to me.

Professor Quiet
2.1.9  Jasper2529  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2.1.6    2 years ago
It's not like Biden has any successes to run on.

Speaking of "run" ... have you noticed that Biden's sporting sneakers as his new fashion statement even when wearing a business suit? Maybe it helps him give that well-known Obama trot that he tries so hard to emulate that's supposed to show us how young and fit he is at 80.

That would explain the "finish the job" nonsense the blundering idiot has been screeching.

He also yells, "Watch me!" Bizarre behavior for a US president. 

Professor Principal
2.1.10  TᵢG  replied to  Jasper2529 @2.1.8    2 years ago

It is not my belief that is in question.   It is yours.

You deflected from my question.   That suggests you actually believe the nonsense you wrote yet cannot muster even a feeble support of same.

Who do you think is going to believe that Biden is trying to impose totalitarian rule (or possibly even the lesser authoritarian rule) and that he is trying to dismantle capitalism?

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
2.1.11  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Jasper2529 @2.1.9    2 years ago

That one always made me laugh.  Watch him what, fall down?  Talk incoherently?  Wander aimlessly around with no clue where he's going?  

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
2.1.12  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @2.1.11    2 years ago

Watch this...............must've been the "speech" was cutting into his nap time..................

First, the bumbling speech excerpt..........

And then, the exit, stage left

Tell me this guy has it together without "Joey's little helper" whatever they give him. Wake up Dems.....................

Professor Participates
2.1.13  bugsy  replied to  Jasper2529 @2.1.8    2 years ago


Professor Quiet
2.1.14  cjcold  replied to  TᵢG @2.1.10    2 years ago
totalitarian rule
That's always been Trump's dream.
Professor Principal
2.1.19  TᵢG  replied to  Tessylo @2.1.15    2 years ago

They are simply emotive words haphazardly inserted to fear monger.   They illustrate a fundamental lack of understand of Marxism, totalitarianism and authoritarianism.

Marxism is, at its core, anti-capitalism.   It is a philosophy for empowering workers (those who do not own the means of production and distribution) wherein they assume democratic control over the economy.   It is majority control rather than minority control by a small minority of leading capitalists.

To suggest the D party or Biden is attempted to dismantle capitalism in the USA is flat out absurd.

Totalitarianism and authoritarianism are different.   The phrasing "a totalitarian, authoritarian state" is confused.   Totalitarianism is a more restrictive (controlling) form of authoritarianism.   It is like saying, "a square rectangle".    No need to add 'authoritarian' is one is speaking of 'totalitarianism': pick one term.


The idea that the D party is attempting to impose authoritarian rule (much less totalitarianism) is demonstrably absurd.   

Further, Marxism is about economically empowering the majority whereas authoritarian / totalitarian rule is about empowering the minority (those who control the state).   

In short, if anyone sees USA politics deemed 'Marxist' or 'Totalitarian' or 'Authoritarian' one can rest assured that they are reading (confused) fear-mongering language.

Professor Quiet
2.1.20  Jasper2529  replied to  Tessylo @2.1.15    2 years ago

To be credible, you should give several examples of my saying what you claim I "always" spew.

Professor Principal
2.1.21  TᵢG  replied to  Jasper2529 @2.1.20    2 years ago

Seems easy to do:

Jasper @2.1.4 ☞ That scares the sh!t out of the Marxist Left Dems who need to get Biden back in for Obama's 4th term so they can move ever-forward into "transforming" the USA to a totalitarian, authoritarian state.
Tessylo@2.1.15He is always spewing that 'Marxist Left Dem' nonsense while never explaining just what is 'Marxist Left Dem'?

Are you claiming that this is the only time you have expressed the notion of a 'Marxist Left Dem'?  

Professor Quiet
2.1.22  Jasper2529  replied to  TᵢG @2.1.21    2 years ago

I am sure you know that several = more than one. Tessy clearly stated that I always spew.

Professor Principal
2.1.23  TᵢG  replied to  Jasper2529 @2.1.22    2 years ago

Are you claiming that this is the only time you have expressed the notion of a 'Marxist Left Dem'?  

@9 (external) This has been a very bad week for the Left's Marxists and a very good week for those who believe in upholding the US Constitution.
@12 (external) ☞ This week's SCOTUS rulings show how racist and anti-US Constitution our Marxist "leaders" are:

(As starters.)

Jasper, there is literally no way that TiG's comment could be ignoring an impasse when it was made  before  you issued an impasse.  This is frivolous flagging - sandy

Professor Quiet
2.1.24  Jasper2529  impassed  TᵢG @2.1.23    2 years ago
Professor Participates
2.1.27  bugsy  replied to  cjcold @2.1.14    2 years ago
That's always been Trump's dream.

Your unbiased source for this is what?

Professor Principal
2.1.30  TᵢG  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @2.1.29    2 years ago

Then show me the policies where Biden is trying to dismantle capitalism and introduce authoritarian (and even more ridiculous, totalitarian) rule.   Extreme exaggerations like this do nothing but harm the credibility of those who express them.

I am no fan of Biden, but I am a fan of honesty and the partisan hyperbole is over the top.

Professor Principal
2.1.32  TᵢG  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @2.1.31    2 years ago

Explain how some people can believe that Biden is trying to dismantle capitalism in the USA and how he is trying to impose authoritarian (and, more ridiculous, totalitarian) rule.

Then explain how some cannot bring themselves to acknowledge any wrongdoing by Trump.

Professor Principal
3  JBB    2 years ago

If the gop love RFK Jr so much they can have him!

His family and The Democratic Party or over him...

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
3.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JBB @3    2 years ago

So we can have him & Manchin & Sinema & everybody who may stand in the way of the dumb ass traitor in the White House?

Professor Principal
3.1.1  JBB  replied to  Vic Eldred @3.1    2 years ago

Nope, Manchin is a Democrat and Sinema is on her way out and will be replaced, kind of the way Liz Cheney is disowned by the gop!

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
3.1.2  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JBB @3.1.1    2 years ago
Manchin is a Democrat

That may change at any time.

Professor Quiet
3.1.4  cjcold  replied to  Vic Eldred @3.1    2 years ago
dumb ass traitor in the White House

That was the last president. Remember January 6th?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4  author  Vic Eldred    2 years ago


She started out as a "Republican" and was appointed by establishment Republican George W Bush to the Civil Division of the DOJ. However, during the 2008 election she switched to the democratic party, which is open to radical ideas.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1  Sparty On  replied to  Vic Eldred @4    2 years ago

Yep, free speech is not absolute.    

It’s what Dem’s like Plaskett tells you it is.

Professor Participates
4.2  Dig  replied to  Vic Eldred @4    2 years ago

No freedom is absolute.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.2.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Dig @4.2    2 years ago

The Court continues to reaffirm the right of speech:

 the Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that a former cheerleader's online F-bombs about her school is protected speech under the First Amendment.

But in an 8-1 vote, the court also declared that school administrators do have the power to punish student speech that occurs online or off campus if it genuinely disrupts classroom study. But the justices concluded that a few swearwords posted online off school grounds, as in this case, did not rise to the definition of disruptive.

Free Speech is based on all speech, especially what we don't like to hear.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.2.2  Sparty On  replied to  Vic Eldred @4.2.1    2 years ago

Yep, Free Speech is a cake walk when you agree with what’s being said.    It only gets hard when you don’t.

A lot of politicians would do well to truly understand the concept.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.2.3  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Sparty On @4.2.2    2 years ago


Professor Participates
4.2.4  Dig  replied to  Vic Eldred @4.2.1    2 years ago

That doesn't mean it's absolute. Absolute freedom is literal anarchy. You can't have civilization without rules, and rules are checks on freedoms. Weren't you aware of that? I mean, F-bombs online? Big deal.

What does your quote from NPR have to do with Plaskett, anyway? In that hearing she was talking about harmful mis- and disinformation, "hateful and abusive rhetoric." Like spreading ridiculous and completely unfounded conspiracy theories on social media that can lead to morons violently targeting one group or another, or even named individuals.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.2.5  Sparty On  replied to  Dig @4.2.4    2 years ago

And according to RFK Jr she was lying or at least misrepresenting what he said.    If I have to pick, I pick RFK as to who to trust between those three.

Professor Participates
4.2.6  Dig  replied to  Sparty On @4.2.5    2 years ago
I pick RFK as to who to trust between those three.

Honestly? Sheesh. You should go watch some clips of him on YouTube. He's a crackpot.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.2.7  Sparty On  replied to  Dig @4.2.6    2 years ago

Yes honestly.

The Progressive Industrial Complex (PIC) is attacking him.    In committee and out.    He threatens liberal votes for their chosen one so he must be removed at all costs.

That’s how the PIC rolls …..

Professor Quiet
4.2.8  Jasper2529  replied to  Sparty On @4.2.2    2 years ago
A lot of politicians would do well to truly understand the concept.

Plaskett, Schultz, Jeffries, and others shamefully proved that they definitely don't this week.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
4.2.9  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  Dig @4.2.4    2 years ago
That doesn't mean it's absolute.

Freedom of speech is absolute. 

What does your quote from NPR have to do with Plaskett, anyway? In that hearing she was talking about harmful mis- and disinformation, "hateful and abusive rhetoric." Like spreading ridiculous and completely unfounded conspiracy theories on social media that can lead to morons violently targeting one group or another, or even named individuals.

And everyone knows that it is nonsense. If we censor him, we'll have the lab leak theory censored as well.

Professor Quiet
4.2.10  cjcold  replied to  Vic Eldred @4.2.1    2 years ago
Free Speech is based on all speech

Except for outright lies which is all the far right does these days.

Professor Quiet
4.2.11  Ronin2  replied to  cjcold @4.2.10    2 years ago

The left never lies- especially Brandon the Human Fuck Up Machine (whose whole life is one massive lie); Adam Schiff (still waiting on his evidence that will take down Trump); throw in every Democrat that bought into the Russian Collusion hoax; Eric Swalwell (I am sure he told more truths the Chinese spy that was in his staff than to the American people); and far more.

Professor Principal
4.2.12  TᵢG  replied to  Ronin2 @4.2.11    2 years ago
... whose whole life is one massive lie ...

A litmus test for the slightest hint of objectivity:   to which does the above apply more?:

Biden : "whose whole life is one massive lie" ?

Trump : "whose whole life is one massive lie" ?

Biden is the leading candidate for D nomination and Trump is the leading candidate for R nomination.    So spare us all the cliché "but Trump" crap.

Professor Participates
4.2.13  bugsy  replied to  cjcold @4.2.10    2 years ago
Except for outright lies which is all the far right does these days.

Examples with unbiased sources are?

Professor Quiet
4.3  bbl-1  replied to  Vic Eldred @4    2 years ago

Deliberate lie speech, will and is destroying the freedom of free speech.

Professor Principal
5  JohnRussell    2 years ago

The idea that RFK Jr. could ever be president of the United States is absurd. 

I feel sorry for whats left of his famed family that now has the embarrassing albatross of his political career associated with them. 

RFK was a beloved figure in the mid-1960's.  To have his namesake son behave like this is sad and appalling. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
5.1  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @5    2 years ago
The idea that RFK Jr. could ever be president of the United States is absurd. 

Even if it came down to him vs Trump?

I feel sorry for whats left of his famed family that now has the embarrassing albatross of his political career associated with them. 

What is left of them?

RFK was a beloved figure in the mid-1960's.  

I never liked spoiled brats.

Professor Principal
5.1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Vic Eldred @5.1    2 years ago
Even if it came down to him vs Trump?

God help us if it ever came down to that. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
5.1.2  author  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @5.1.1    2 years ago

It would be fascinating to watch the media do a 180 on Kennedy.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
5.2  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @5    2 years ago

Opinions do vary.

Professor Principal
5.2.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @5.2    2 years ago

Thanks for yet another comment that doesnt actually mean anything. You are quite good at that. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
5.2.2  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @5.2.1    2 years ago

This article is not about me John.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
6  Sparty On    2 years ago

RFK Jr went against the hive.

Now he must be attacked.

Right Down the Center
PhD Guide
7  Right Down the Center    2 years ago

Just when you think the dems have reached the bottom they prove you wrong

Professor Principal
8  TᵢG    2 years ago

I see this as the Ds working to eliminate that which could siphon votes away from Biden. 

In that regard, this is politics as usual.

What the Ds should be doing is talking Biden out of running while trying to talk solid candidates —especially those who have served as governors— (e.g. Tim Walz) into running.

I know that will never happen, but that would be the responsible thing to do.

Freshman Silent
8.1  Sockula  replied to  TᵢG @8    2 years ago

RFK JR will siphon more votes from the Republicans. He hits all their most recent populist talking points. Vaccines, Isolationism and Federal Government accountability reform.

I'm rooting for him to take Trump votes. Now if only a cold noodle would challenge Biden for the nomination.

Professor Principal
8.1.1  TᵢG  replied to  Sockula @8.1    2 years ago

I suspect you are in a rare minority with that expectation.

Freshman Silent
8.1.2  Sockula  replied to  TᵢG @8.1.1    2 years ago

I probably should have thought this expectation through as it would require RFK Jr to run as an independent at some point. I have no idea if that is even a possibility.

Professor Quiet
9  bbl-1    2 years ago

A simple check on RFK's speeches confirms everything a non-MAGA would say about the man.  I would not be surprised if he has foreign intelligence connections designed to confuse, divide and harden the American people against each other.

Professor Guide
9.1  GregTx  replied to  bbl-1 @9    2 years ago

He's a Kennedy,  c'mon he's obviously connected to Cuba, Russia,... etc.

Professor Quiet
9.1.1  bbl-1  replied to  GregTx @9.1    2 years ago

The Kennedys are dead.

Professor Quiet
9.1.2  Ronin2  replied to  bbl-1 @9.1.1    2 years ago

Another all inclusive leftist./S

Trying to take away a man's family name, his heritage, as well as his party.

What class.

Professor Quiet
9.1.3  bbl-1  replied to  Ronin2 @9.1.2    2 years ago

Of whom do you speak?

Sparty On
Professor Expert
10  Sparty On    2 years ago

The funny thing about RFK Jr is that he should be a darling to liberals.    He has a long history of protecting waterways, fighting for indigenous rights and being a strong advocate for renewable energy but alas …. he made the mistake of going against the hive and the chosen one on mandatory COVID vaccinations.

Now he must be destroyed

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
11  author  Vic Eldred    2 years ago

"Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. changed tactics Sunday and demanded for the first time an investigation into possible corruption by President Joe Biden, his party’s standard bearer."


Freshman Silent
11.3  JumpDrive  replied to  Vic Eldred @11    2 years ago

A July 2023 poll by The University of New Hampshire of likely Democratic Primary voters asked for a one word description of Biden & Kennedy (word size relative to response frequency):


Professor Quiet
11.3.1  Jasper2529  replied to  JumpDrive @11.3    2 years ago

Since you didn't attribute this poll to its source, I am happily doing it for you. The authors requested that we do this on page 1 of 18.

I encourage all interested readers to read the entire link before making an educated assessment of this poll. Comment 11.3 is a mere snippet of an 18 page poll.


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