Biden on climate

The other day our idiot leader, Joe Biden was in Arizona, not to see the wide-open border of course, but to talk climate with weather channel meteorologist Stephanie Abrams. After telling people that the Grand Canyon was one of the "nine wonders of the world," Biden pandered to his radical climate supporters. Just think, Biden believes there are nine wonders of the world. The real wonder is that Biden knew he was in Arizona.
During the interview Abrams asked about Biden calling climate change a code red for humanity and asked if he was prepared to declare a national state of emergency over it?
Biden: "We've already done that."
Abrams: "So you've already declared that national emergency?
BIDEN : "In a practical— you have a bug on you"
That is when Joe Biden put his hand to Abrams upper chest to remove a bug: " you have a bug on you.”
It was almost a reflex action because both Biden and Abrams knew what he just said wasn't true. Thus Abrams pressed him on it:
Abrams: “So you’ve already declared that national emergency?”
Biden: “practically speaking,” they had declared the emergency.
The audience to this travesty must be wondering about the “$368 billion climate control facility” he claims to have "passed."
This is what happens when the naive vote against a candidate based on personality.
Trump is off topic.
More to be found here:
The Weather Channel talks climate change with President Biden in exclusive interview | National |
You get what you mail order LOL
No that is not a hook you can use.
It may be time to go back to a five-word condemnation of misogyny.
Have a good one.
When the author starts an op-ed with "our idiot leader, Joe Biden" I immediately think "biased article" and just don't read it.
More here:
"368 billion dollar climate control facility", exactly where is that at?
That's the question of the day.
If only William F Buckley were here.
Why, so the 'modern' breed of republicans could excommunicate him?
Wrong word.
You meant Conservative.
I'm afraid I have to give you a D- today.
When Bill was still romping about Republican and Conservative were fused at the hip.
But now is now.
It is? I've never noticed that ... thanks! @!@
and JFK would be a Republican!
It is interesting how Republicans, being embarrassed by dismal quality of their own leaders, love to claim that JFK would be a Republican.
No, JFK would not be a Republican. He was a patriotic American and he was not insane.
Really degrading JFK's legacy.
Speaking of dismal Republican leaders...
He was an amoral doucebag who couldn’t keep the tenants of his chosen faith, couldn’t honor the commitments and promises to his wife and came from a crime family run by godfather Joe.
So I’m in rare agreement with you, he is a democrat poster child.
Given your opinion of JFK, it's no wonder that Republicans want to adopt him as one of their own.
Joe Kennedy's tenure as Ambassador to the U.K. was a disgrace. That's clear.
Wow, way to forfeit a position. I guess we have different definition of patriot.
The rest of this thread was removed for a slap fight. Knock it off. Only warning.
So, no they didn't declare a damn thing. Not like they were going to actually do anything outside of additional taxes.
And he gets away with it!
That's all his lemmings.
The media, the FBI and his DOJ. No wonder he isn't afraid of ever being investigated.
Thus far. Even self-proclaimed "Republican" FBI Director Christopher Wray is now in the cross-hairs for lying under oath.
Where did you find those stats?
Unlike so many on the far right, Biden actually cares about AGW.
It's gotten to the point where its just surreal. It's like some galactic joke that a man too addled to run a small business is nominally in charge of the most powerful country in the history of the world. Although Garrow could be correct in that Biden is just a puppet while Obama pulls the strings behind the scenes. Hard to believe Biden is actually making any sort of consequential decision beyond picking ice cream flavors at this point.
Every time you think it can't get worse when Biden speaks in public, it does.
The corruption & stupidity I could have lived with.
It is the radical policies that I can't take!
you continue to defend it...
You voted for it.
Is Trump is off topic hard to understand?
I voted against corruption and stupidity...
No, you didn't!
I'm not the person that made the statement and then moved the goalpost...
Perhaps it is uncontrollable.
That is becoming more apparent every day.
Joe's handlers should never put him in front of the media, because his vocabulary has become so diminished that the only words he can use to attack the messenger against mildly pointed questions are "stupid" and "lousy". Sundowning is often a 24 hour erratic, hostile behavior.
A gaffe is defined as a social or diplomatic blunder ... a mistake. Biden has a history of repeating his "gaffes" (think about how many times he's erroneously repeated how Beau died but the MSM still calls it a "gaffe").
My guess is the same as 2020 - short, scripted videos - with the addition of proxies from TikTok influencers and other paid off lemmings. I doubt he's capable of holding a 2 hour rally or town hall for 100 people.
She's headed to Martha's Vineyard this weekend for a "grassroots" fundraiser. They had to lower the ticket prices down to $50.00 because they didn't have many takers at the original prices, but some still go all the way up to $50,000 for the elites.
Correction: Top ticket price is $10,000 --- not $50,000.
It would be nice to have one of the buses filled with illegals from Texas or Florida to arrive at the venue at that time.
It sure does. But don't forget that not everyone owns mansions there. A lot of people are in the working class ... like the servants, chefs, landscapers, shop owners. They're most likely in the $50 ticket range - if they can even afford that much or are even interested.
Once again, Biden proves to the world than he's dumber than ever before. He doesn't even know that none of the seven wonders are in the USA.
Even "Corn-Pop" knew that!
How pety can you guys be? The Grand Canyon is one of the "Seven Natural Wonders of the World".
Only the Great Pyramid exists of the original, "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World", which we can only surmise are all that you ever heard of.
I was going to ask how biased people could be. What are the other two Wonders that your leader spoke of?
How outrageous that he said nine instead of seven!!! I don’t know about you but I am beside myself with disgust!! Impeach him immediately!!
[ Deleted ]
He is your president. Now he has a record.
Now if people vote for him, I shall condemn them.
Why do you keep covering for a guy that has his head up his ass?
The rest of this thread removed for slap fight. Knock it off. Only warning.
And there is now a McDonalds near the base of the valley of the gods.
I would imagine there are quite a few McDonald's in Silicon Valley.......
I hate to piss in your corn flakes, but what the hell
Hate to correct you- he didn't say "7 natural wonders of the world".
He said "Nine wonders of the world". Which is absolutely false. First there are only Seven wonders of the world. Second the Grand Canyon isn't one of them.
You would be losing it right now if Trump, or any Republican, had said this.
Thank you, Ronin2. You clarified what I said in comment 7 and in comment 8. There is a vast difference between " natural wonders of the world" and "wonders of the world" .
That comment is just pure comedy.
Only leftist loons take offense to it.
That's an asinine comment. Any normal person finds the reference to President Biden as "Brandon" completely idiotic.
It is childish. Mangling names is what one would expect in elementary school. Hard to take seriously any adult who engages in that nonsense.
1. Your opinion is of no value whatsoever.
2. Trump engages in classic fascist demagoguery and tactics, and promotes numerous neo-fascist policies, a fact well-recognized by knowledgeable historians and political scientists. Your ignorance of, and complete lack of education regarding the topic of fascism - its history and antecedents, philosophy and tenets, contemporary practitioners and permutations of the philosophy - is noted. You have never read or studied anything about the subject of fascism or neo-fascism, and have petulantly refused to read valid and essential source materials recommended to you by those who are informed and knowledgeable.
I have all the information I need. You, however, are totally devoid of any. [deleted]
I'm sure you can list these "neo-fascist policies".
Oh, we both know that they can't list these policies.
I dare you to engage in a thoughtful debate with G2 on the question: Does Trump deserve to be labeled a fascist?
Thus far your replies have shown no hint that you could hold a candle to him.
You would think they would at least know what it means. But then again, most of them do think Geriatric Joe is doing "just fine".
They base it on the unfounded claims that Trump is a racist and a fascist so his supporters are racists and fascists. Which begs to question. Wouldn't that make those who support Biden child molesting bumbling idiots?
What a surprise.
Is that what 'they' do? Argue that anyone who supports Trump is ipso facto a racist and a fascist? Where do 'they' do this?
They are good for a laugh.
Yet you routinely run away from my questions instead of engaging in debate which makes it look as though you have nothing to offer.
You mean like asking the same questions over and over and over? I answered your questions. Just because YOU don't like them doesn't mean I didn't answer them and make it my problem.
Instead you troll me and others with the same worn out unfounded shit time and again and for what? To give you a warm and fuzzy feeling? Sorry. Take your games elsewhere.
You have never answered my questions about Trump's wrongdoing; you deflect. You cannot even bring yourself to acknowledge that it was wrong for Trump to lie about the 2020 election being rigged, that Biden is illegitimate and that millions of voters were disenfranchised.
Now dig through all you comments asking me about this and you'll find my answer. Again, it wasn't to your liking and the same hissy fit you are having now, you had then. All because my answer didn't fit what you wanted me to say.
Now, once again - Take your games elsewhere.
I will find only deflection.
Was it wrong for Trump to lie about the 2020 election being rigged, that Biden is illegitimate and that millions of voters were disenfranchised?
You will not even answer this obvious question ⇡ . Your 'answer' was a demand that I prove Trump did this. I delivered a video of Trump doing exactly this (election night). You ignored it.
Answered a month ago. Do your research.
Set the record straight now. Real easy:
Was it wrong for Trump to lie about the 2020 election being rigged, that Biden is illegitimate and that millions of voters were disenfranchised?
Either answer the question 'yes' or make an argument as to why Trump was not wrong to do those things.
Was set straight a month ago.
Do. Your. Research.
Yeah, I don't give in to "hive think". Look what it's done to them. I'm not subjecting myself to that level of mindlessness.
Hell, it's been going on for over a month now. Same question over and over and over and over. And to several people regardless of the subject of the article.
Clearly you will continue deflect. What you have been doing here is all you have ever done.
With your refusal to set the record straight right here, right now, I rest my case.
The record set straight a month ago.
Do. Your. Research.
Educate yourself. [ deleted ] Here is a start:
So instead of listing the actual policies you list what other people are telling you. 1/2 credit for trying.
I know you can't show me the policies. That's evident from 7.3.47.
Yeah, I took the time and went through all those links and found them to be all the author's opinion and their trying to install fear about fascism by siting possible future policies that would all need to go through the other two branches of government and get past the states, so no Trump being fascist wasn't proven.
Back in the NV days, a member here of the liberal side, once posted an article and quiz about where you stood politically on a graph. You had Hitler in near the right hand upper corner and Gandhi in the opposite corner. I took the quiz and like you and others we were pretty much in the center of the graph, me one up and one and a half to the right. The poster and several others were taking pride in their positions near Gandhi and chastising us for being "close to Hitler", so I tried to answer the questions to get to Gandhi, that's when I realized that the graph was wrong, instead of being a flat plane it needed to be a sphere with all the corners meeting, because to get to Gandhi you needed a strong authorial centralized government to force those that didn't abide into compliance, those in the center of the graph were actually the furthest from Hitler.
Honestly, what is in 7.3.47 is exactly what I expected. [deleted] Just more hyperbole.
I remember those. I always wrote it off as BS because of (1) the Hitler / Ghandi comparison and (2) the moronic questions. Obviously written by some liberal numbskull.
Which part of it is not true?
I am providing you with some fairly comprehensive preliminary source material from which you can become educated in the topic.
From your comment, it can only be concluded that you did not read any of it.
Apparently, you were unable to understand Reich's summary.
You're providing me what people are telling you to think. You provided "news articles" when I ask you to provide the POLICY. 2 different things.
I read them and still come to the same conclusion. You can't provide the policies you claim are "neo-fascist".
Oh yeah, I understood it, he is taking the 1930's Germany example and assuming that is what is needed for fascism to take over the present day US and taking scenarios of his own opinion to put fear into people who do not think as he does, which in a way is fascism.
An example of fascism would be what we are seeing in the climate debate or as we are now seeing the debate has been declared over, if you don't agree with AGW or even question it you are a "climate denier" and "anti-science" and therefore marginalized and you are not even to be listened to and, as some have alluded to, you should be jailed for your belief. Well I tend to take that as fascism, the same goes for the gender issue, the covid pandemic and others that we are told if you don't agree with us you are a "conspiracy theorist" or some kind of -phobic just to marginalize someone. Fascism doesn't have to follow some set guidelines of a country in the 1930's.
For Trump and MAGA folk, using juvenile derogatory nicknames is just another school day on the playground at recess.
Some folks have a more selective memory.
No one has said that the Grand Canyon is not one of the "Seven NATURAL Wonders of the World" but keep in mind that Biden clearly said that it was one of the " WONDERS of the World" .
There is a difference between natural and manmade. But, whether one discusses ancient or new lists, the Grand Canyon isn't acknowledged as a "Wonder of the World" .
Thank you
You're very welcome, Jim. Facts always succeed over emotionally personal attacks.
Are you fond of embarrassing yourself?
Are you?...... perhaps you meant to link a list that included it.
Hiked and rafted the Grand Canyon over the years a few times.
Make one mistake and that canyon WILL kill you in a variety of ways.
Much like Yellowstone, the canyon doesn't suffer fools.
Because of this, do you think the Grand Canyon is a far right fascist?
Yes, I know ... and have posted them in my comments. I'm glad you know it, too.
I haven't argued with anyone.
Enjoy your Sunday, Tessy!
So you disagree that facts supersede emotional outbursts and responses? Interesting!
What is really sad is the people that can't seem to bring themselves to admit Biden made a mistake.
And the Grand Canyon is on the list of top 7 Natural Wonders.
Pretty sure that top7 is even better than top 9.
Yeah, Biden totally blew it this time.
He referred to the Grand Canyon as one of the 9 wonders of the world when he should have said one of the 7 natural wonders of the world.
Although I personally like "W", he also made verbal mistakes such as:
Oh the horror!
Petty partisan bullshit.
Biden has plenty of legitimate points of criticism, why do people leap to chickenshit criticism like this?
One mistake is no big deal but they do seem to be adding up so quickly that it might make a rational person at least question if there is not some issue. Especially since many of his speeches are canned and he doesn't seem to go off script often but it seems when he does he has a tendency to talk gibberish. Maybe he is just trying to make Kamala look good, who knows?
What I do find amusing are all the Biden protectors twisting and trying to spin this as "he really didn't make a mistake".
The nature of the mistake matters. This is petty partisan bullshit.
Is that what they are saying? That he did not make a mistake? They seem to be arguing that this is petty and pointing out why it is petty.
Obviously he made a mistake since the Grand Canyon is absolutely NOT one of the 9 wonders of the world. What value would it be to deny he made a mistake??
The quantity and pure stupidity matter too. Details matter when the President is speaking. All the time, not just sometimes.
Blaming everything someone doesn't like on partisan bullshit is getting to be pretty weak.
There are plenty of things on which to criticize Biden. The petty, meaningless criticism is partisan.
Ignoring Joes constant gaffs and dementia signals is intellectually dishonest and partisan bullshit.
I do not ignore his gaffs, I acknowledge them.
What I do not do is exaggerate a basic factual mistake in qualifiers into an issue.
It is a common theme among partisans to exaggerate the bad in political opponents and ignore the bad in those of their party. Nowadays this practice is off-the-charts and often utterly ridiculous.
Do you recognize how ridiculous it is to make a big deal about Biden stating 7 instead of 9 and not including the adjective natural?
He is good for another couple for the day after he wakes from his nap and gets his depends changed.
I'm going to nominate this as the dumb fuckest comment of the year
This type of "thinking" suggests that the only reason people vote against [deleted is because of deleted] personality. I guess this represents a moving on from the idea that the only reason people oppose [deleted Progress?]
bye folks.
And here was our compassionate leader on the Hawaii fires:

After a couple hours on the Rehoboth beach, Joe Biden was asked about the rising death toll in Hawaii
“No comment, ” he said before heading home.
Justin Sink on Twitter: "After a couple hours on the Rehoboth beach, @potus was asked about the rising death toll in Hawaii “No comment,” he said before heading home" / X
"No Comment" on about 100 Americans dying in a disaster.
Mr. Compassion right there.
Not quite what they sold us in the 2020 election.
All the media coverage goes back to an "X" tweet as the source.
What was the question asked of Biden? What were the circumstances of the question? Anyone know? I ask because such a response makes no sense. There is more to this story than what we are hearing.
On August 9th, this was posted:
On August 10th Biden gave this announcement:
Your reply has nothing to do with my post.
This story certainly sounds fishy, right? We can see the normal actions taken by Biden (what any PotUS would do) yet because of a Tweet that does not even offer the question and the circumstance of the question, the media is claiming that Biden is ignoring Maui. They are all ignoring his public statements and actions in support of Maui.
Does that not raise any questions with you?
Bloomberg's White House correspondent tweeted that he asked Biden on the beach about the rising death toll in Hawaii and was told "no comment" in response.
Yeah, I read that in Bloomberg too, Sean. What is the question and what were the circumstances?
We can see the normal actions taken by Biden (what any PotUS would do) yet because of a Tweet that does not even offer the question and the circumstance of the question, the media is claiming that Biden is ignoring Maui. They are all ignoring his public statements and actions in support of Maui.
Does that not raise any questions with you?
Yes, the normal reactions a prepared statement and a speech read off the teleprompter, so he already has the talking points for the Maui wildfires. So why did he say "no comment" when asked about the tragedy in Maui? He could've adlibbed and talked about it no matter what the question was, but instead he has been let know to no longer take any questions. Doing an answer off the cuff it seems he can no longer do, all answers and statements have to be prepared. Does this not raise any questions with you?
What was the question and under what circumstances was it asked?
Given Biden had already expressed his sorrow and initiated actions to help the people of Maui prior to the question, why would anyone think that he turn an abrupt about-face and how has no concern for Maui?
Yes: What was the question and under what circumstances was it asked?
Exactly, and he’s extended his thoughts and prayers, Jill too.
It doesn't matter the question or circumstances, all he had to do is reiterate his previous statements about Maui, he could've kept it short with his actions and concerns. So why didn't he? Was it that he wouldn't or even worse, he couldn't formulate, on the spot, a coherent answer.
Of course it matters. Context always matters. Details always matter. Especially when it makes no sense that someone would publicly speak of the tragedy and initiate actions to help and then flip to total disregard. That makes no sense. When things do not make sense, objective minds seek objective facts that can clear the matter up.
Your reply has your typical pattern where you say "Exactly" and then make a sarcastic remark that suggests otherwise.
Here you add that Biden extended his thoughts and prayers. So is that supposed to be sarcasm or are you adding something? If so, what is your point?
The president’s non-comment came after he finished sunning himself on a beach near his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.
“Mr. President, any comment on the rising death toll in Maui?” a reporter in the press pool shouted Sunday at Mr. Biden as he left the beach, where he had spent an afternoon of rest and relaxation.
“No. No comment,” Mr. Biden responded.
A second reporter asked Mr. Biden if he would come over and talk about the Hawaii response, but the president walked away without commenting.
question and circumstances.
Okay, let's go with your scenario and consider it the truth and assume there are no other details.
Biden was asked if he had a comment and he said no. He responded that he did not have a comment to make at that moment. This was after he had publicly expressed his condolences and announced actions to help the people of Maui — after he had already publicly weighed in on this tragedy several ways and took appropriate action.
So does this mean he does not care? Does it mean that he had nothing further to say ... nothing prepared? Does it mean that he was not ready to take questions?
Is it your position that what Biden did prior to this interaction should be ignored??:
On August 9th, this was posted:
On August 10th Biden gave this announcement:
It’s not my scenario, you asked for the facts and I merely provided them.
How heavy is the water you are carrying for the Biden’s? That’s the question that needs to be answered by an alleged “independent”.
Do you find a way to misinterpret everything in the negative? I meant that I took your facts as you presented them. Get a grip.
A predictable response. When someone's biased reasoning is pointed out they leap to bullshit notions like you did.
I stand for truth (as best we can ascertain it) regardless of party. You clearly do not since you apparently cannot even conceive of the idea of someone being politically independent and able to apply critical thinking regardless of politics.
How could you possibly think that Biden does not care about Maui given what he did prior to the interaction? By what fucked up reasoning do you conclude that Biden does not care — other than blind partisanship?
I am harsh with comments that are intellectually dishonest and/or low-grade trolling. Clean up your act if you want me to provide a respectful reply.
Now explain to readers how you can possibly conclude that Biden does not care about Maui after he delivered public posting and a speech expressing his condolences and outlining the actions he is taking to help the people of Maui (see: 13.2.13).
You cannot because it makes absolutely no sense that Biden would takes such actions and then do a 180 degree turn. To what end? Think critically, drop the partisan blinders.
Can't believe any of the lies that far right wingers tell at all.
Especially the ones who post lies here over and over.
As a result, for the first time ever, I have put someone on ignore.
I now have every far right winger here on ignore.
Not reading their fascist posts makes me a much happier person.
Much rather just talk to folk like you Tessy and hear your take on things.
I get too many tickets responding to the hate mongers here.
So you hate differing opinions and would just rather be in an echo chamber? Makes one wonder why you are even here. And please, PLEASE learn what a fascist is. Thanks.
You should try it. It's kind of fun. Should have done this years ago.
Nothing wrong with having fun.
"The President and First Lady will travel to Maui on Monday, August 21 to meet with first responders, survivors, as well as federal, state, and local officials, in the wake of deadly wildfires on the island," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement.
Bidens to visit Hawaii on Monday following Maui wildfires - CW Atlanta (
Why so soon? / S
Normal protocol for a PotUS is to act from afar with declaration of a natural disaster, rallying support, oral / written communication expressing sympathy and help, etc.:
It is typically later when the PotUS shows up.
Biden —not his V.P.— is traveling to Maui in four days to provide support and give attention to the Maui disaster.
Instead of acknowledging he is making the trip personally you criticize that this is not fast enough for you.
Correct. The standard was set during Hurricane Katrina.
'Standard'? You illustrate why there is such divisiveness in modern politics. Each side engages in counterproductive tit-for-tat. "They did it to us so we do it to them."
It is pathetic and irresponsible .. the partisans continue to fuck things up.
Then I guess one side should stop breaking from the norms of decent behavior.
It is pathetic and irresponsible .. the partisans continue to fuck things up.
They really fucked things up this time.
Whatever that is supposed to mean ....
You can start with two bogus impeachments
The first impeachment was, IMO, far too weak. The Ds should NOT have engaged in impeachment given the case they had.
The second impeachment would have been SPOT ON if it was not at the end of Trump's term.
You can make a decent case that the first was 'bogus' or at least an overreach. But I disagree on the second in terms of content. If Trump's efforts to steal the election would have worked and he had a second term, that impeachment would be exactly right.
Do you think that the second impeachment was without merit?
Do I think he incited a riot?
Of course not, Trump never attempts to agitate his supporters to do his bidding against the ' very bad people '.
I would have voted to convict. But, as McConnell noted after conviction fell short, Trump is morally responsible and can still face criminal prosecution. We shall now see how that fairs.
How could you possibly think that Biden does not care about Maui given what he did prior to the interaction? By what fucked up reasoning do you conclude that Biden does not care — other than blind partisanship?
I never said or even implied anything of the kind. I merely presented the facts of what was done. I was responded to with accusations, and claims I never made.
Bullshit, you accused me of carrying Biden's water. You cannot play that game and then pretend that you are not trying to argue that Biden does not care about Maui.
Context matters.
If your attempt to argue a point is shattered, whining does not help.
So, clear this up.
Do you think Biden cares about Maui people in the context of their recent tragedy? If yes, then why are you arguing with me? If no, then my responses to you are correct.
Take a stand.
Are you going to take a stand or simply whine?
Do you think Biden cares about Maui people in the context of their recent tragedy?
See Biden's actions for the people of Maui @13.2.13
I'm not going to give you the answer simply because it seems to irritate you so.
In short: you realize that Biden has taken the appropriate actions that we expect from our PotUS' in situations like these and you have no argument to support the claim that he does not care about the people of Maui.
Except he never said that. The ole in absence of facts just make shit up. Great example of intellectual dishonesty
Being vague is a tactic to give wiggle room when one is cornered.
I even formulated a direct question to deliver clarity: "Do you think Biden cares about Maui people in the context of their recent tragedy?" which he refused to answer.
I gave a natural conclusion of the refusal, cutting through the vague bullshit, to see if there was a denial.
If that conclusion was wrong, all one need do is say so. Nada.
Did Biden take the appropriate actions that we expect from our PotUS' in situations like the Maui disaster? Did he express concern, sympathy and promise Federal aid?
How do you ignore that and claim that he does not care?
Yes, you made shit up in hopes of getting the answer and the exact wording you want. An intellectually lazy tactic. It seems people are getting tired of the game.
Play vague games and I will formulate probative questions. Run away from the questions and we will all draw a conclusion from that.
Did Biden take the appropriate actions that we expect from our PotUS' in situations like the Maui disaster? Did he express concern, sympathy and promise Federal aid?
How do you ignore that and claim that he does not care?
Thank you for admitting if you don't get an answer you like you will draw conclusions based on nothing other than someones refusal to play along
Another lie. There is substantially more information than a mere refusal to answer. You conveniently omit that.
I described the common cowardly tactic of arguing a point while being vague; used by those who feel the need for wiggle room when their argument fails.
One way to respond to that kind of non-answer is to present an appropriate probative question, which, if unanswered, illustrates the failed position. Every reader can draw their own conclusion from the refusal to answer and every poster always has the opportunity to set the record straight.
Those who are do not want to admit a failed argument typically do not answer the question.
And now you refuse to acknowledge that Biden took the appropriate actions that we expect from our PotUS' in situations like the Maui disaster. That he did express concern, sympathy and promise Federal aid.