Doomsday for George Santos

Link to Quote: George Santos expulsion vote: Who else has been expelled from Congress? (
There should be enough Republican votes to expel him, and Democrats will vote as they're told Deleted as inflammatory - sandy Today is the day of reckoning for George Santos. He faces fraud allegations as well as the non-criminal charge of lying during his campaign. Although he has survived two previous attempts at removal, this time there seems to be enough Republican votes to expel him.
It will take a two thirds majority to expel a House member. If it happens, Santos will be removed from office. The House is expected to vote today on an effort from House Ethics Committee Chair Michael Guest, R-Miss to oust Santos. The obvious political component is that it will make the slender Republican majority even smaller. A retired NYC detective is waiting to run for Santos's job, but in the meantime the House may be stuck with another democrat.
According to House rules , the staff of an expelled member is supervised by the clerk of the House, who also manages the office until a successor is in place. The expulsion also takes effect immediately, and the whole number of the House — the number of representatives "chosen, sworn and living whose membership" has not been terminated — is adjusted to account for the change, the chamber's rules state. Asked by Killion whether he'd leave immediately if the House votes to expel him, Santos responded, "I have to, that's part of the process. I respect the process.
George Santos expulsion vote: Who else has been expelled from Congress? (
In other news:
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre angrily stormed out of Thursday's press briefing after being pressed by an African reporter on why he wasn't being called on to ask a question.
The clash marks the latest run-in between Jean-Pierre and Simon Ateba of Today News Africa, who accused the White House in June of discrimination for not allowing him to ask any questions during the briefings.
WATCH: Karine Jean-Pierre abruptly ends White House press briefing, leaves when pressed by African reporter (
Thus, we have gone from non-answers to refusal to answer questions.
Israel renewed its assault on the Gaza Strip early Friday after the end of a weeklong truce with Hamas, pummeling the Palestinian enclave from the air while warning civilians to leave parts of southern Gaza in a sign that it intends to expand its ground offensive .
Israel resumes Gaza military operation after cease-fire with Hamas ends (
The child's play ends after 7 days.
Good morning.

We are now into the month dominated by a single day.
There was a violent pro-Palestinian riot yesterday in NYC which ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN (all headquartered in NYC) refused to cover.
Good for the networks for not wanting to spread hatred and ignorance and fuel for hate crimes.
"spread?' I would think that an honest news organization would want to expose it.
This group seems to be well organized. I don't want to put you on the spot, but do you think somebody if funding them?
Two dozen protesters were arrested. NY's Finest shut it down...
Funding them? I have no idea. I'm sure that they would have LOVED the publicity that the networks could have given them. Why else do groups demonstrate? Check your PNs, Vic.
Perhaps something a little more nutritious from Eggsfrutti ...
Santos should have his day in court before being expelled. At any rate, it takes a 2/3rd majority to fully expel him.
It is interesting that he's the first Representative expelled from the House since the Civil War who was not first convicted in federal court. I don't mind him being expelled; I believe his actions well deserved this action. But it does open up a can of worms, how much pressure can now be put on the Senate to at least investigate Menendez?
Congress has been tilted way too far on the side of lenience with members. I favor moves that encourage members of Congress to be more ethical.
That is definitely nutritious. Unfortunately, I don't like the berries.
I agree. And yes, it opens up a can of worms about Menendez. Also, has anyone investigated Swalwell? He had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy. He's served on the House "Intel" Committee. How much did he share with Fang Fang?
Then it is not without precedent. However, he was not only an embarrassment for the Republican Party, but an embarrassment for American Democracy and his removal was not soon enough.
Still isn't the topic of the article.
Rep. Loudermilk confirms all videotapes from Jan. 6 Committee depositions are gone.
Does anyone find that interesting?
More and more this is appearing like a Democrat cover up.
It is right in the article:
“But according to House rules, you have to preserve any data and any information and documents that are used in an official proceeding.”
How long before [deleted] call it a "conspiracy theory?"
House rules only matter to Democrats when they benefit them. More and more we are seeing proof of what we've already known - The J6 committee was a partisan clown show with doctored evidence with only one purpose (and it wasn't even the stated purpose).
have you noticed that much of what they call "conspiracy theories" have turned out to be fact?
Do you think Garland will enforce House subpoenas now the same way he did then?
We stand more chance of Mayorkas doing his job.
Yup. So many moral questions with him as well.
We won't get any answers though.
We'll get the circular talking like you are currently seeing somewhere else.
I'm afraid so.
the defense has likely been provided all of them in discovery for trump's DC trial. why wouldn't the indicted ex-POTUS share that information with his supporters in congress if they wanted to inspect them? he's had no qualms about sharing discovery provided information before.
There is no defense for violating house rules. Regardless of who is on trial and for what.
No good. They are in violation of House rules.
republicans lost that high moral ground many legislative sessions ago...
What a pathetic excuse.
Does the left have any other kind?
According to the author of this seed, saving lives is "child's play".
Ending them is the adult job.
The hostages were taken to buy time to resupply and redeploy Hamas fighters.
The west responded like children.
BTW, it is 2 days to the big game.
Delusional. Hamas ability today to resist Israel is no greater than it was two weeks ago. Bloodthirst is behind the rush, by American conservatives, to resume the killing. Many of them want the Palestinians, as a people, to simply vanish.
The IDF has lost the initiative. It must regain it.
Supplies have gone into Gaza as "humanitarian aid." Hamas controls who gets that.
The big game started a year ago, Netanyahu fumbled:
I doubt you know what the big game is.
For your information it is times like these that bolster Netanyahu. Only Israelis get to choose.
Your assessment of the IDF is weak. They simply started air bombing Gaza this morning. Their shear size and scope compared to Hamas makes your statement almost laughable.
You are free here to say anything you want. The fact is that there will be no more resistance by Hamas today than there was two weeks ago. Everyone knows that but few will say it. We are supposed to believe that a pause of a few weeks will make Hamas a threat to the Israeli military when 17 years of Hamas rule in Gaza could not make them anything other than helpless against Israels military might. It is absurd.
Ah, that must explain his 'massive' 4% approval rating.
Many of them want the Palestinians, as a people, to simply vanish.
So you think they feel the same way about Palestinians as the Palestinians feel about israel.
The fact is that there will be no more resistance by Hamas today than there was two weeks ago
How do you know this is true? And please don't say because everyone knows it.
Yes, 100 hostages were released.
”Only Israelis get to choose.”
Perhaps part of the problem…decades of segregation without representation. Never to excuse the murderous reaction, but a better solution surely exists in some better world. Regardless of the Kissinger wannabes all around.
I guess that is the point where reasonable discussion ends.
We should always have links
Hamas has 40,000 well-armed fighters waiting in ambush for IDF soldiers. The IDF is taking great pains to not kill the Hamas shields AKA the Palestinians.
Segregation? There are many of Palestinians living in Israel and enjoy all the fights and privileges of any other Israeli citizen. Many are in the Kenesset as well as in the the IDF.
Gaza is a self governing area. They chose Hamas to govern. Instead of helping their own citizens they chose to arm themselves and continually attack Israel.
It was Hamas that started the current conflict by shooting thousands of rockets into Israel from Gaza and by committing terrorist attacks in Israel.
How about we put the blame for all the death and destruction where it truly belongs. Right on the head and shoulders of Hamas.
If we are talking about segregation, how many jews are left in Gaza since Hamas took over?
Though I guess that's more ethnic cleansing, than segregation....
A similar question could be asked concerning just about any other Muslim controlled middle east countries and the answers would all be the same.
Crazy how ethnic cleansing only matters sometimes
I have a hard time understanding why anyone cares about George Santos. He should have been kicked out of Congress months ago. The seeded article seems to lament his loss to the GOP, otherwise why comment on it at all in the seed ?
Where do you see the "lament?"
I saw it here: Removed for context - sandy
It is Republicans who will expel Santos..
It will be a combination of "Sieg Heil" Dems and "Sieg Heil" Repubs.
It was a direct quote from the author.
[I'm aware. I deleted it from the article because it was inflammatory, and therefore removed from your comment without a ticket.]
Donald Trumps existence as a presidential candidate is inflammatory.
What is an existence period?
Gee, I think I'd like to know too.
it will be interesting to see which rwnj's vote to save santos.
It will be even more interesting to see what happens here today.
So ... Menendez would be a whataboutism you approve of.
Such as?
That's rather sad that you ignore what's right in front of you.
Santos was indicted, Menendez was indicted.
Santos plead not guilty and refused to resign, Menedez plead not guilty and refused to resign.
House Ethics Committee investigated Santos and determined there is sufficient cause to expel Santos, Senate Ethic Committee has so far refused to investigate Menendez.
Santos has been expelled from the US House, no action done against Menedez by the US Senate.
Does it now, I have never written a word of approval for Menendez nor any hint of an apology for his actions ... there are none. [Deleted]
The complaint in the Santos expulsion could be that he has yet to be convicted of anything. That is quite a precedent. Will the other party do the same to one of theirs?
If it wasn't for the double standard, we've had no standard at all.
And sadly it will remain that way. The hypocrisy must stand at all costs!!!!!
If you are taking your talking points from Matt "Rapey McForehead" Gaetz, you must be getting pretty desperate.
... some ex-POTUS traitor would be parking his fat carcass in jail awaiting trial.
first things first. after 7 years, trump is still awaiting several trial dates on his state and federal indictments.
George Santos? She Gone...
Yes HE is. He maybe a bad person who deserved what he got, he is not a Democrat "male" and I am pretty sure he still has his balls.
Correct, George Santos is a republican...
To the best of my knowledge, he was over 18and an adult when he did that. That's ok with me because because I don't care what he or anyone over 18 does. [deleted]
Yet, George Santos IS A REPUBLICAN!
Yes he is and he if free do do what he likes.
Yes, and most of the gop voted to keep Santos in Congress!
And you point is? They weren't voting to expell him for how he dressed in years passed but for misdeeds he has done lately. Besides I thought that you lefties didn't mind cross dressers
We probably need to wait for them to vote before we count the votes.
I suspect the point is that more than half of the GOP members voted to keep that slimy con-man in the House (almost certainly because they did not want to lose a vote given their slim majority).
Good to hear.
The Menendez case is much newer than that of Santos. Congress moves slowly when dealing with expelling members. It is also dealing with a very senior Senator as opposed to a newly elected congressman. The Senate has a very deliberate way of operating so you should expect that they will try to get Menendez to step down (he refuses thus far). Next they will move to the Senate Ethics committee. They will then likely call for him to be convicted of crimes before they take an expulsion vote.
This is how they would operate if Menendez was an R.
Note that the last time the Senate expelled a member was 1862 for supporting the Confederacy. History should give you a decent clue on how this body operates.
Then you will have no reason to compare the Menendez to the Santos case any further.
You "know how it works" so naturally you will let the process continue as it has done historically and hold off your explicit or implicit cries of hypocrisy until there is just cause to do so?
What bullshit. If you were being sarcastic then your post is illogical:
You claim that this is sarcasm ⇡
If serious (not sarcasm), you are comparing the D votes against Menendez to the R votes against Santos. If the Ds had held a vote and most of the Ds had voted to NOT expel Menendez, your comment would be a logical rebuttal. Under those conditions, it would actually make logical sense.
But you claim you were being sarcastic, not serious. So what point would you be trying to make here with your sarcasm? Sarcasm connotes irony and irony suggests the opposite meaning of what is literally written.
Sarcasm in this case would be an argument against the GOP since (unlike the GOP where most voted to NOT expel Santos), no Ds have (yet) voted to NOT expel Menendez.
Go ahead, Texan, clear this up. What point were you trying to make with your "sarcasm"?
The question mark is a clue.
How long are we expected to wait for them to vote on Mendez? Are the Democrats afraid they might lose their majority in the Senate? I wonder what Schumer is getting to stonewall it.
I do not believe they have published a schedule. I guess we will all have to be patient.
Of course. When the majority is slim they will always be concerned.
Conspiracy theory.
How is he the topic of the article? You seem to be really triggered by this person.
Not even a little LOL
Finally he has been booted. Says something very sad about the current state of our institutions when it took all this to expel a member. The guy literally lied about virtually every aspect of his life on the campaign trail, was found to have violated numerous federal laws by the ethics committee, had 2 of those closest to him plead guilty to fraud or whatever, is facing 23 charges, and yet still over 100 members voted not to expel him.
I am sure they want to keep the bar higher than this to protect their own asses.
He's also the first member of the House to be expelled without conviction in federal court since the Civil War. While I agree that he deserved to be expelled, this also sets a precedent for Congress. Perhaps some good can come from this down the line where the Senate fixes their problem with their Ethics Committee.
Hopefully there is only one George Santos.
He is so outrageous that this becomes a unique case. Good riddance and it took too damn long as it is.
But he's not unique, he just took it further than others have. There are too many in Congress who lie to get elected and use their position to enrich themselves. How many in Congress come in as regular people and leave as multi-millionaires? And I don't believe he will be the only one like this, there will be other George Santos's.
Unfortunately it seems as though congress is viewed by far too many members as a get rich quick scheme. You can tell who they are because they are the ones who won’t shut the fuck up on social media. The ones you never hear from on social media are the ones actually trying to do the real work, the others are there to try and translate social media popularity into $ after they move on from congress.
Seems very few are interested in actual good governance.
Yeah, it was sad when Santos falsely claimed to come from a family of coal miners, to have won academic scholarships law school, to have graduated at the top of his law school class, that he was arrested with nelson mandela, that his family was killed by a drunk driver, that he was appointed to the naval academy, that he witnessed a bridge collapse in person etc...
Didn't he also say he took on the neighborhood bully named Puff Cheese, or Pop Jiffy?
Santos is a republican.
The legendary Corn Pop.
You mean your deflections...i'll pass.
So much angst,... I'm sure the Democrats will hold Menendez to the same standards..... /S