The Political Power of detention

Martin Luther King knew it, Nelson Mandela knew it and Donald Trump has finally realized it. When a judicial system becomes a rotten door waiting to be kicked in, the way to overcome the biased judges & juries who have weaponized the law, is to succumb to jail time. If you want to highlight corruption you must be willing to go to jail. Donald Trump has reached that point.
In a trial which has completely denigrated the New York State justice system, One in which a judge defies state law, where the indictment doesn't not indicate what the crime is and where the prosecution is told is doesn't have to tell the defense who the witnesses are, Donald Trump is standing in clear defiance of a gag order which allows witnesses to talk about him, yet firmly denies him the same right.
Today the judge in Donald Trump's bogus criminal trial fined him $1,000 and held him in contempt of court for a 10th time for violating a gag order and warned that further violations could land the former president in jail. Judge Merchan warned Trump this morning: “I do not want to impose a jail sanction and have done everything I can to avoid doing so. But I will if necessary.”
Trump told reporters the same thing he has been saying everyday:
"He's taken away my constitutional right to speak."
Translation: BRING IT ON!
I never thought I'd say it but bring on the jail time.
the usual false equivalencies and judicial misinformation. if trump does go to jail, he'll be among more of his peers ...
The above are called FACTS.
if trump does go to jail, he'll be among more of his peers ...
If Trump goes to jail, he will become unbeatable in November. Even those who dislike him will vote for him on principle.
That's an opinion! Why is it that opinionists always think their musings are facts? Bunch of phucking partisan primadonnas.
So if he is proven guilty and goes to jail, you'll like him more? Wow. The GOP is DEAD.
he could be trying to cover up some other damaging sex scandals before then. no secret service detail is needed in a locked room environment. the worst part of incarceration for trump will be the lack of fast food. I recommend sending him some soap on a rope if he gets placed in custody for failure to stfu.
The judge said the prosecution did not have to tell the defense who the witnesses were.
Is that not a fact?
Many who have yet to decide will see it as standing for principle. People do go to jail for principle.
if there really was equal justice in america, that asshole would've already been sitting in jail for close to a year ...
Nah, it just provides for the empty apples/oranges comparison award.
I expect so much more.
Meaningless drivel.
Just the response expected from reactionary propagandists.
No, they go to jail because they're GUILTY.
no, it's a deflection...
That's an interesting theory.
On Newstalkers, there are those who like him, those who don't like him-- and probably a few who don't care either way (lol?)
Why not do a real test of reality-- and ask a few from each side?
And Trump will get elected by a large majority because of his role is overturning Roe v Wade.
“People do go to jail for principle.”
And if one has no principles, one is left to run for the sole purpose of excusing oneself of all accusations.
How low can one go? How low can those that excuse it go? Why is his relevancy even increasing in some circles?
“We have met the enemy and he is us.”
How low can one go? How low can those that excuse it g
bill Clinton perjured himself, obstructed justice, sexually harassed a staffer, was credibly accused of sexual assault and rape and his support among democrats went up. Clinton changed the game.
I would think current events have alot to do with it...
But supposedly the GOP are "do-gooders." And, not inclined to race to the bottom like those they criticize. . . . /s
What we have here is a case of if you can't beat them, join them! Whataboutism.
What we have here is a case of if you can't beat the
yes, that’s what happens. Norms get destroyed
“Clinton changed the game.”
Sad that instead of making him a pariah, he has become an excuse for even worse behavior.
Then, nobody is better at 'all' and worth mentioning to the other. Let the chips fall where they may. Donald has a court day for his activities as he should because the law is holding him to truth or consequences. The legal system in individual states plays itself out in a variety of ways. Get over it!
Yep. Might makes right. You got it.
don’t bitch when democrats start getting arrested for ridiculous, made up crimes. And someday when some president declines to ever give up power to avoid criminal charges. It was the logical play for Caesar and if won’t be long until an American president makes the same choice.
Sad that instead of making him a pariah, he has become an excuse for even worse beh
I agree, but once the playbook worked, it was inevitable that it would be copied.
How different the world would be if Al gore became president in 98. He almost certainly wins in 2000 and trump would be unthinkable as a candidate.
Pathetic. Really unfortunately sad. The greatest country to inhabit on the planet (in a lot of ways) is taking a sick turn to try and 'murder' itself with its own undoings! Sorry is this continuing race to the bottom. . . but remember Melania: "Be Best!"
One more thing: Not all of 'us' liberals supported Clinton's public failings, especially the one we were all made witnesses to it happening in the White House. We did not ask for it, we did not play a role in its dissolution. We merely were observers of its proceedings and outcomes.
By that reasoning, the same would and should apply to Joe Biden as well, but the hard core liberal left would rather chew on a mouthful of maggots than agree to that.
And still remained in office.
I think going to jail for the Constitution is a noble cause.
Trump will be judged by his overall performance as President and unfortunately for Joe Biden the same will apply to his performance.
Just think, if we conducted elections as we did in 1980, Trump would be ahead by double digits already.
We kind of hear from everybody on the overabundance of Trump articles. What is noteworthy is that the supporters tend to talk about performance and policy and the Trump haters tend to use memes and smears. As for people in the middle, too many of them get driven out.
It is a FACT:
Judge Juan Merchan ruled that prosecutors will not have to give advance notice of the witness list to Donald Trump’s legal team, because the former president cannot be trusted not to post about them.
Judge Won’t Force Prosecutors to Give Advance Notice of Witnesses Because Trump Can’t Be Trusted Not to Post About Them (
Thanks for playing.
Sure got that right... snicker
You can't dispute the one highlighted in post 1.1.38 either.
Thank you too.
when did hypocrisy become a noble cause?
Who made you god? You just say something is and make it so?
I hope you won't be too despondent to admit loss when Trump loses in November.
Trump is a loose cannon and if he were any normal person he would be cooling his heels in jail already. He has played the "ex-president" and "candidate" cards until they are ready to burst into flames from misuse. He is not special. He is bad for the country. He is a traitor to the Constitution and the Oath of Office.
The gag order was put in place because of Trump's history of attacking anyone who may say something bad about him. That is the same reason that Trump's attorneys were denied access. Whine all you want. Trump is finally getting justice.
“He has played the "ex-president" and "candidate" cards until they are ready to burst into flames…”
We are witnessing an example of self immolation. And in his sociopathic ways is only so willing to burn it all down.
You are entitled to spin all you wish. Donald is not a fan of the constitution when he is driven by his self-serving demons.
Your version of the truth?
As I said, your version.
Trump is breaking every law he can so a judge will send him to jail.
He thinks it will make him seem a martyr.
All it is making him seem is stupid.
Thank you for continuing prove my point in that only your version matters to you and any that disagree with you are by default wrong. Have a good day.
Actually, I think Trump WANTS it, because then he can emulate Mandela and exit jail as such a hero to his minions.
I agree and I think Alvin Bragg even realizes that.
Mandela was always a good man fighting injustice.
Trump has always been an evil man fighting justice.
Using a state party to Imprison rivals on a purely political charge is not something I imagined Democrats could stoop to even a decade ago.
The democrat party has had its low points, but this is its lowest.
They threw Debbs in prison in 1920 to protect their left flank, but going after the actual leading candidate is definitely a new low.
Now they are in Putin territory.
The dems aren't the ones supporting a criminal rapist.
Show us where Trump was convicted of rape?
Should we tell him that a Civil finding has a very low bar. All you need is for a woman to tell her friend that she was sexually harassed ages ago in the middle of a NYC department store and have the defendant's name be Trump.
She told her friend, the witness, about it right after it happened.
When did it happen?
She testified under oath. That is the way it works.
That's no guarantee she told the truth.
Something Trumpists find admirable.
Did trump testify under oath?
I don't know. Can you get lower than slavery and Jim Crowe?
Trump announced in Nov 2022, two years before the election, in order to ward off indictments by claiming they would be political persecution of a presidential candidate.
If he thought indictments were imminent in 2021 he would have announced his presidential candidacy in 2021.
But if they indicted him in 2021, for which there was no reason not to, particularly for a “crime” that took place in 2017, they’d have had no chance to synch the trials up with election season,
Trump has stalled ALL of his trials.
I think one could argue that Marxist indoctrination and the weaponization of government is a lower point that slavery.
It is a conundrum.
That's a good counter measure against people who are trying to deny him due process and freedom of speech. Especially with fraudulent charges.
How did he “stall” trials when he wasn’t indicted? The democrats wasted years in order to try and time the trials with the election and now are mad trump isn’t helping them by waving procedural rights.
The J6 trial would have been over already if not for his stalling.
Not with a straight face.
King and Mandela really WERE political prisoners. Trump is a criminal. Big difference.
Not true, (I know, trump lied, how shocking.../yawn/), trump is free to say whatever he wants, but his speech has consequences and the judge has been MORE than fair in just making trump pay a fine. If it was ANYONE else, they would be doing 30 days for every offence.
What crime did he commit?
trump is free to say whatever he wants, but his speech has consequences
And Michael Cohen has no consequences. That seems a little screwed up, don't you think?
He went to prison Vic!
He was found liable for rape, for starters.
Wrong, he was found liable for "sexual abuse" based on hearsay.
Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll
If trump was so innocent, why did he refuse to submit his DNA, since that would have completely cleared him?
Because he was fucking guilty, that's why.
Except the jury literally found him not guilty of rape when asked,
Still repeating that blatant lie?
Moral of the story don't ever set foot in a Democrat run bastion of stupid city or state. You never know what those TDS mighty mental midgets will charge you with.
By the way- Carroll's bought and paid for Democrat human POS attorney's did almost as good of a job as the TDS driven judge did in making sure facts didn't matter. Carroll couldn't get the when correct- but at least she stuck with the who and where doggedly.
A day like that should "Live in infamy" in her mind.
Please read all of Carroll's witnesses testimony- every last bit of it is hearsay from her friends. Then there was the testimony of former accusers. Funny how her friend had no problem remembering the month and year- almost like she was coached on what to say.
I think I heard that it came out in court today that Trump "reimbursed" Cohen double the 130,000 hush payment so as to make Cohen whole after the 50% tax he would pay on the 130,000.
I might be slow but that sounds pretty incriminating.
If all Trump wanted to do was keep the scandal from Melania why didnt he pay with his own money?
What do you think the consequences for Trump should be for covering up a scandal that would hurt him two weeks before the election ?
Was DNA ever collected from her?
She didn't need to.
And the friend just conveniently forgot to tell anyone until the trial.
“…he was found liable for "sexual abuse"…
Presidential material this?
By a TDS driven judge and jury selected from a heavily Democrat bastion of stupidity.
Outcome was predetermined before the trial was even started.
You know that there are many on the left that can't comprehend the differences between the two.
Oh bullshit.[✘]
The reason that Trump was not found guilty of rape is definitional in nature. Specifically, when he committed sexual assault (like that is any better!), the law defined rape as non-consensual sexual intercourse. Link
New York has this year expanded the definition of rape to encompass " nonconsensual vaginal, oral and anal sexual contact ". Link
I believe that he was found to have digitally penetrated her. Unfortunately, the updated law does not take effect till this September.
And just what would that accomplish? Did she also have a blue dress that she kept from the day of the supposed attack?
You should be asking what crime was he found guilty of committing. The answer would then be definitively none since this was a civil case.
Now, assuming Trump is found guilty of a crime in a criminal case, will you claim a travesty of justice? That is, do you recognize wrongdoing by Trump that could legitimately be determined as criminal guilt? Or is every alleged wrongdoing a brilliantly orchestrated falsehood by Joe Biden? Did Trump not really obstruct the return of classified documents? Did Trump not really create fake electors, attempt to suborn Pence to table certified results from states he lost in order to put the election in the hands of Congress and hopefully declare him the winner? All bullshit ... Trump has done nothing wrong?
So by your argument, since Cohen went to prison, Trump should go to prison as well.
And then there were all of those other women Trump raped who were too intimidated to follow through with the charges.
[Deleted] [✘] You seem to admire Trump.
It's hilarious that you cry that at every chance yet none of those claims have any substantial proof that can stand in a court of law.
Hillary Clinton
Trump and his billions have been able to buy off substantial proof for his whole life.[✘]
Hillary committed a real fucking crime- just like Brandon.
But thanks to our two tier just system Comey and Hur let both off the hook. Though given how Democrat run Bastions of stupidity work both would have been probably acquitted if brought to trial. Granted a Democrat appointed judge; and a heavily Democrat jury pool.
Again. Unproven accusations.
It's taken 7 YEARS to inflate a misdemeanor into a felony and even that looks like is yet failure by the left.
And all the while, you and your little band of useless idiots ignore:
And a new addition (because we know nothing will be done about it):
Things these people have in common is
Now, before any of you start bitching and whining "that's a deflection". Pointing out the hypocrisy you openly support is far from a deflection. Additionally, it's not in any shape or form, a declaration of supporting Trump. It's supporting, what should be, an equal justice system. Some people here, just can't understand that fact.
All Trump supporters are delusional?
The very supporting of Trump is delusional.
Those who still support Brandon have no room to talk about delusional.
Brandon Lee? Phillips? Which one?
Google is your friend. Try using it.
That's what I used, those were the top two.
He was damn near as good as his dad!
What happened in the Crow was very suspect.
The Triads hold a generational grudge.
Can't even use Google properly?
Typed in Brandon- very first article at the top of the page.
It has only been around since 2021 and used frequently.
Brandon is so stupid he has even adopted "Dark Brandon" to try and sell campaign merch. That is after someone had to explain what Brandon was to he and Jill after he said "Let's go Brandon. I agree" on live tv.
Have to love Brandon supporters wearing "Fuck Joe Biden" merch. And Brandon even agrees.
Brandon Biden. Surprised you didn't know that.
I don't have the maturity of a 12 year old, so there ya go.
Try to remember that as you throw names at Donald.
He kind of tip toed around the gag order after the trial today
Thank you, John. That is the key quote.
You sound like you are in favor of him violating the gag order.
He's already playing the martyr card and his supporters will just eat it up..
The only problem is there hasn't been proof to support that.
Hopefully he goes to the prison where getting shivved in GenPop is reality.
Fuck the judge, the DA, and the Democrat paid for hit man prosecutor.
They should all be disbarred after this is over for the shit show they are putting the country through.
That is if the law still has any meaning in Democrat run bastions of stupidity.
“Fuck the judge, the DA, and the Democrat paid for hit man prosecutor.”
While you’re at it, fuck the Constitution, the rule of law, and the Republican paid for apologists.
At some point, this bullshit has to stop.
They are following the law, trump is the one that isn't.
Really, what law is that?
Please explain in detail how they are turning an NDS, which is legal; and an accounting issue- which Trump isn't directly responsible for- into a violation of federal (not state) election law?
The only reason these charges were brought is Bragg and the Brandon administration are counting on a leftist TDS driven judge (which they got); and a jury pool taken from a dominant Democrat controlled bastion of stupidity.
If this is election interference then so is Brandon's cover up of Hunter Biden's lap top.
That is the very definition of using the federal government to influence an election in 2020. Since it was a federal election charges could be brought in any Trump stronghold, with a far right judge (preferably a Trump appointee; and a complete pro Trump jury. You would be all for that because you are for the rule of law right? At least the charges wouldn't be bogus unlike Bragg's.
The Democrats already are doing that- so they can fuck off as well.
Either the law applies equally to everyone or no one.
Democrats don't give a shit about equal application of the law- they have proven that repeatedly ever since the Summer of Love riots.
The buillshit will stop once Democrats end it. Until then we will have a two tier justice system that is the envy of Russia, China, Ukraine, and every other dictatorship posing as a Democracy on the planet.
Trump has been a life-long scofflaw and is past due for a time-out in prison.
So have Bill, Hillary, and Brandon.
Yet all three are still walking free. Not one of them have been charged.
And that after 25 years of fake investigations by repubes.
BDS and CDS... Sad.
It will when Biden is voted out of office.
lock him up!
And throw away the key.
Xi and Zelenskyy are both offended by that.
Putin is a wannabe as compared to them; so stop omitting his betters.
Where were they mentioned in the article?
Noone should delude themselves into thinking that Donald is Martin or Nelson. . . starting with the obvious: "Orange" is definitely Not the new Black.
The people screaming and bitterly complaining about Trump facing possible detention for violation of a lawful court order are the same people that, regarding Hillary Clinton, wanted Lock Her Up, well... because.
that's what we're all afraid of
I am America and don't deserve far right wing fascism.
Have been fighting against it for decades. Since Nam.
I just don't have the money. Nobody does.
The military industrial complex still owns democracy.