God's Gift to the Right

First let me say that our prayers are with the family of the person who was killed yesterday and the families of those who were injured. As many know and as the FBI has confirmed there was an assassination attempt on the former President. It took a long time find out exactly what happened after the FBI took over the case.
The shooter was killed and here is what we know:
Crooks was a registered Republican, according to voting records, but he only participated in the Nov. 8, 2022, state election due to his age. Records show he made a $15 donation to Progressive Turnout Project, a Chicago-based political action committee that supports Democrat candidates for public office and claims to advocate for "key Democratic constituencies: young people, minorities and low-income people."
Thomas Matthew Crooks identified as Donald Trump’s attempted assassin | Fox News
Those are the morning after statistics, but politically speaking this has really damaged the Biden campaign. Last night, for the first time Joe Biden publicly referred to the former President as "Donald" and later called him. There were millions of dollars in attack ads ready to roll against Donald Trump, but the Biden campaign has put a halt to them. The Biden campaign knows that all that would immediately backfire now. The demonizing of Donald Trump has come to an end and with it just about the last hope of anti-Trump democrats.
As Jane Fonda once said of the pandemic: " It is God's gift to the left", so can it also be said of an assassin's bullet, which barely missed its intended target being God's gift to the right.
Election day cannot come soon enough
Well we can all be happy the trump shooter cannot vote...
They decided to focus on religion.
Get with the program.
So trump isn't religious now?
Yes, every Republican gives to far left Democrat organizations.
Haven't you heard?
Somebody told us that he changed his mind on that. Evidently, he swung from one extreme to the other.
In the end he heard the call to save democracy.
The shooter was a registered republican. Get with the program.
From trump....got it.
Let the spin begin. Registered ACTIVE republican. One of yours, own it.
“The shooter was a registered republican. Get with the program”
He also donated to a liberal cause. Maybe he’s one of those dems that register as a repub to screw with repub primaries? So, get with the program, frost.
“Records show that he made a $15 donation to Progressive Turnout Project, a Chicago-based political action committee that supports Democrat candidates for public office and claims to advocate for "key Democratic constituencies: young people, minorities and low-income people."”
What is up with all the far right nuts dragging God into this.
Have they no shame?
Ask Jane Fonda
What is up with all of the Democrats and leftists still continuing with the very over the top dangerous rhetoric that contributed to this.
Have they no shame?
It will only turn decent people against them.
It’s really amazing to watch people who can’t wait even wait 24 hours before blaming trump for almost being assassinated. Truly sick behavior.
which pales before the last nine years of trumps sick behavior
did Trump, or any Republican, claim Giffords deserved it or express anger that the shooter failed to kill her?
Not just sick loons on the internet are doing that today, but staffers of Democrats in Congress, FBI employees etc..
Al ot of Democrats and Progressives have embraced violence to solve their political problems. Their blood lust is sickening and creates a problem for the sane among us. Cheering for and then subsequently justifying an assassination attempt is about as low and un-American as you can go. The idea that people who do this are "better" than Trump is delusional.
5 days later:
Do the math
Maybe you should look up what meanings putting someone in a bullseye means. You obviously don't know
God would be shaking his head, saying he sent the wrong kid to do the job.
I guess you missed the message.
I think you've misinterpreted the message.
this event was a warning from god to trump...
I did?
This doesn't hurt democrats?
Explain please.
You have very selective message decoding capabilities. Perhaps the message is that your god wants Trump dead, but since mister omnipotent can’t do anything for himself he sends a mortal human to do it for him.
Evidently it was Jane Fonda's God when she decided to invoke God.
I still want to know why God would intervene to protect Trump but would not intervene to save the lives of the dozens of young kids, many 6 or 7 years old, who have been massacred in school shootings.
maybe vic will answer that for us.
You'll have to ask whoever made the statement.
My message is the same as Fonda's.
It would indeed be nice if god were taken out of this conversation. But hey, Republicans want god in all conversations so I’m happy to shed light on the myriad of possibilities for what our supposedly omnipotent, omnipresent, infallible, and eternally noncommunicative creator intended.
It is a three-man strategy.
In that case you all failed.
Marco Rubio tweeted today that God saved Trump.
Why do god and Marco Rubio hate innocent Trump supporters?
Nancy Pelosi: "I thank God that former President Trump is safe"
Ask her.
Of course, earlier in the week Ms Pelosi said:
“He can not be president. He must be stopped “
And I would like to know why people expect other people to know the answer to this sort of thing, as if God sends out memos on everything He does or doesn't do. What He allows and doesn't allow. Do people explain all their actions to their pets? Would they understand even if you did? Do you have some obligation to explain yourself to them?
Do you believe God particularly protected Trump, or not ?
Apparently many on the right would answer that question "yes".
I am asking why? Is God a right wing Republican? How can you say "we dont know" and then claim it is possible God loves Trump more than he loves 6 and 7 year old mass shooting victims.
It makes very little to no sense.
"Thank god" is a very generic expression of approval and gratitude. It is not at all the same as "God protected Trump " (but not the others).
Are you serious? Trump proposed that Liz Cheney be tried by a military court for treason. Evidently you have forgotten that (and about a thousand other things he has said).
I don't have a clue.
And you seem to understand, on some level at least, that they can't know that.
God loves us all but that doesn't mean He won't allow bad things to happen if it serves His purpose. He allowed bad things to happen to his Son, for example. He isn't here to help us achieve our goals, He's here to help us achieve His. Therefore, our politics are only relevant to Him to the extend they serve His purposes.
To my mind, it makes much more sense than humanity's stumbling from one disaster to another because we think we know what needs to be done. That we are basically good and so, know what needs to be done and how to do it. History says otherwise.
The implication of this sort of thinking is that Trump is the instrument of Gods wisdom. I find that to be unsupportable nonsense used to dupe very religious people into supporting him.
God loves us all but that doesn't mean He won't allow bad things to happen if it serves His purpose.
I don’t know why you even try this line of logic. A shit ton of believers are more likely to come to the conclusion that “His purpose” was to eliminate Trump. It is useless to make any connection of this event and your god.
That post exhibits a gross misunderstanding of what others may believe.
File this under irony.
Hoards of people hate Trump (yourself included, if anyone is to believe you). If the religious ones can be deluded enough to think that a god exists and works in such mysterious ways that lead to innocent children suffering horrible deaths from disease, starvation, weather, etc., then certainly they could form similar bizarrely religious opinions on why this event happened. I don’t need to go out and interview them.
The Dem PA Gov solicited thoughts and prayers for the Butler Co shooting victims. He forgot how deplorable they are for attending the rally.
Does any of that apply to religious Democrats?
Absolutely. Religion is an equal opportunity farce.
Since that was basically my point, I'm not sure what your problem with my logic is.
Claiming that God may have been particularly protecting Trump, which is the implication of your comments, is nothing but shoehorning real life events into a preconceived personal determination of God's purposes.
Really? Would you mind quoting the portion of what I said that leads you to believe this to be true?
CLEARLY, the implication of your comments is that God may have been protecting Trump but not kids.
If you cant see that, then well, we will have to disagree.
The lord works in mysterious ways.
I can't see that because it isn't there. The comment I made is literally the opposite of what you are claiming it says. There is no way, short of God actually telling us, whether God is taking a specific action or not, be it Trump or kids, or why He acts or doesn't act. Put another way, claiming that one has specific knowledge that God helped Trump or anyone else, or took some specific action (because whatever) is no more than a claim. A guess.
How you can turn what you quoted into what you do is beyond me.
why wasn't his other hand on the 3 people in the background that caught the strays?
Do you believe in God?
why dont you answer his question
How can I defend a faith which I am not a part of?
That is what you and he are looking for, right?
How about we discuss what this just did to the election?
why would god protect a man that thinks the 10 commandments are a to-do list, while some gullible moron in the background collects a head shot?
you always try to change the topic.
YOU wrote an article heavily implying that Trump's survival was due to God. Now, a half hour later, you cant even defend what you said ?
Did you really think you could deflect from the article?
not yours apparently. mine has common sense rules for living an honorable life and administers severe punishment to hypocrites...
... oh wait...
do you believe in divine warning shots?
I dont want to deflect from the article, I want you to explain why God saved Trump, but not the other three people from the audience who were shot, and why God doesnt protect children who are killed by gun violence.
But I never said that so why do you keep trying to derail the article?
You said that hours after he was the victim of a gunshot wound.
Who are you trying to kid?
Show me
Show you what?
It is your article and it says God had his hand on Trump.
Were you referring to something other than the shooting?
That is an anonymous quote in the quote line. It is not mine!
Indeed, why did God let the shooter (R), shoot in the first place?
Their argument on God is so weak it's comical.
divine omnipotence seems to have few holes in it's logic ...
I think we are looking at a picture that will be the basis of the campaign from now until November
Absolutely and next week Republicans go into their convention more unified & energized than ever.
Meanwhile the Biden age question continues.
good, now you can vote for trump with a clear conscience
Along with a lot of independents who are totally repulsed by the words & deeds of democrats.
Like calling people vermin and claiming they are "poisoning the blood of the country"? Or stealing children from their families with no possibility of ever being reunited?
A Saturday Facebook post associated with a staff member of Mississippi's Democratic U.S. House Rep. Bennie Thompson seemed to support an assassination attempt on Former President Donald Trump.
The post has since been deleted but has drawn rapid ire from Mississippi Republicans.
Following the attack, Thompson's Case Manager and Field Director Jacqueline Marsaw's Facebook page had the following post:
"I don't condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time oops that wasn't me saying that," the post read.
Bennie Thompson staffer's Facebook page posts 'don't miss next time' after Trump shooting (msn.com)
It is who they are.
Not a surprise.
“Political violence has no place in our country.”

Says the leftwing scumbag who urged a mob to go after Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh…
This past week, Joy Reid said: we must keep “Hitler out of the White House.”

There is a clear and obvious way to do that. This ain’t it.
Well Democrats trying to keep Trump off of state ballots didn't work.
Lawfare doesn't seem to be working.
So all they have left is their over the top dangerous political rhetoric against Trump and MAGA to try and stoke a fanatic to try and take Trump out. It took a while; but they finally found their nutjob it seems. Now many Democrats/leftists are pissed because the nutjob didn't get the job done. Their rhetoric will continue- maybe they can get a better trained and more capable nutjob for the next attempt.
Nothing will change the fact that trump is a convicted felon, rapist and pedophile.
Trump would have been dead and gone long ago if what you think were actually true.
Nothing will change the fact that millions would still rather have him as president instead of Brain Dead Biden
Left wing activist claims it was staged because trump handled it too well..
He is so much stronger than Biden or any of them.
You and Trump need to get a room.
Is anyone else sick of the hate we are hearing from certain democrats?
[removed] [✘] the [✘] "hate" is coming from both sides; [removed][.][✘]
Slippery wet ramp. Next meme?
It wasn't. Next excuse?
Learn how to follow a thread.
Trump should say what Teddy Rosevelt said “It takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose.”
[✘] I think Trump said it in the best way he could when he lifted his fist moments after being shot.
You got that right, the iconic photo will be used many times in this campaign and beyond.
you seem to be obsessed with that photo
It will raise millions of dollars while Joe is getting millions of doner dollars locked
Obsessed, no, but I recognize that the campaign will use it, big time.
Photo-op? That would indicate that you think he's "sharp", wouldn't it? I mean to go through that and still have the presence of mind to recognize the photo-op, amazing. I wonder how Biden would have reacted....
Do recognize the irony of you finding someone else obsessive?
He even got the huge US Flag in the background. He can work the camera in all conditions.
So cognitive then....
I’m sure that will be part of the revised themes in Milwaukee.
Tragedy has become just another day in America. We begin every morning with thoughts and prayers. No peace in our time, inured to the need for grim determination, awaiting our turn on the firing line. We've been told we're warriors for democracy but that reality is so very, very harsh.
Every prominent Democrat, including the President, has called for unity. But Donald Trump is at the focal point of the unity. Trump is the survivor and now Trump is the unifier. How does the Biden campaign recover from this? A chorus of but, but, but won't turn our gaze from the bloodied Trump, with fist raised, calling for us to fight on. Warriors for democracy. Warriors for the American way of life. The RNC convention may well become a rally point for grim determination. A sign of our times.
IMO it is really difficult to imagine a Joe Biden in this situation, standing bloodied but defiant, rallying his supporters to fight. The Presidential moment, carefully staged, failed to comfort, failed to unify, failed to impress.
Our political season has turned topsy turvy in a moment. Something must change. Of that much the country is certain. We don't know how, we don't know what, and we're not certain who but we now have a grim determination to see it through. Another shot heard round the world has unleashed forces too big for political spin.
Donald Trump had better rise on this tide or he will be washed out to sea along with the rest of us. For Joe Biden it is too late; there aren't enough life lines to save him now. Mr. Trump, we expect you to be a President and you damned well better deliver. The country is now grimly determined that something has to change. And our political system has left us no other choice.
I cant believe you actually typed that out and posted it.
At 10 grams of sugar for .75 cup I will pass
Now Trump himself is claiming that God alone saved him.
So, what?
Trump doesn't even go to church, Vic! On Easter while Biden was in church, Trump was...wait for it...GOLFING. The man doesn't even believe in God!
Always pandering for evangelical votes. The grift is real.
Exactly, and Biden campaigned at a Sunday service Black church, why?
Why dont you just say you are a Trump supporter and end the "suspense".
I don’t have a need to lie about it. I loath DT, but I know great campaign footage when I see it. Only a fool a someone with their mind wired shut can’t see the obvious.
Luckiest candidate ever.
LOL. I have stated quite clearly on this forum I would prefer that Biden step down.
I am a center left Democrat on social issues , and more liberal on economic issues such as income inequality . I have never concealed that, why would I?
You are the one with the pretenses.
My guess is that the Dems will know rally around Biden. They can see that this will only help Trump and that they are now in serious danger of losing. A united Party with high turnout is their only hope.
It prevents some from being able to think clearly. We are a species that respond to certain algorithms, seems some more so than others.
Get back to me when you are actually able to debate some of these topics.
So what you're saying is Biden went to church. Wouldn't it be cool if trump could even spell, "church"?
Wouldn't it be cool if Biden respected the separation of church and state?
How do you campaign in a church without going to church? That literally makes no sense at all.
Right so it was Biden who pushed to have the 10 commandments in schools... Silly me...
Silly you, you’ve confused state actions with federal ones.
It is nice that you see no difference between black and white but there were definitely both in the group
Traumatic experiences can sometimes change people's way of thinking. I saw it on numerous occasions during my Naval career while treating wounded Marines.
Earlier this year Trump said there would be a "bloodbath" if he didnt win. When Democrats complained they were told "bloodbath" has a second meaning unrelated to violence.
Now we are told that "bullseye" only means Biden was encouraging violence against Trump. But bullseye has secondary definitions
"We hit the bullseye on our targeted earnings projections".
The cognitive dissonance is startling .
The cognitive dissonance is startling .
that’s not cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is demonstrated in people who blamed the tea party and palin because a lunatic angry about dreams shot Giffords and now refuse to condemn Biden and accuse him of attempted murder for using the exact same language.
An honest democrat who blamed palin or the tea party would blame Biden. But again, that would take someone who is honest and principled.
The Dem Gov of PA just said some comforting words about Corey Comperatore, killed yesterday. He was a fire chief who throw his family down and shielded them as the shots rang out. The Gov encouraged all to pray for the family and the two victims fighting for their lives.
Others here have called them collectively as part of the deplorable.
I've got one maybe stupid question. How did a guy get to be only 150 yards away from Trump with an AR-15? Oh, wait, it wa a Republican event.