Taylor Swift Harris Endorsement 'Likely,' Says Expert
1. Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour Could Generate $4.6 Billion For Local Economies
2. Taylor Swift Fans Make the Ground Shake, Seismic Activity Detected During Concerts
3. . What Do Terrorists Have Against Taylor Swift Fans? Everything.
While Taylor Swift is yet to endorse anyone for the upcoming election, a PR expert has told Newsweek the singer is likely to throw her support behind Vice President Kamala Harris .
As Harris' showdown with former President Donald Trump—the GOP nominee—dominates the news cycle, a host of Swifties have publicly declared their support for the Democrat, with some urging the singer to do the same.
Luana Ribeira, founder of Dauntless PR, said the buzz surrounding Harris as a presidential candidate is palpable and clever social media posts and support from celebrities are crucial to creating this atmosphere of optimism and excitement. Ribeira believes that Swift's endorsement is imminent.
"The trending hashtag #SwiftiesforHarris is a great sign for Kamala as we all know Taylor Swift fans know how to pull together and organize," Ribeira told Newsweek .
"Although Taylor Swift hasn't yet publicly voiced her support for Kamala, she backed the Biden-Harris campaign in 2020 so her endorsement is likely. The biggest advantage this will have is possibly getting people interested in the election who previously had no intention of voting.
"The key to success for Kamala is not to convert committed Republicans, they won't vote for her no matter what she says and does. Her focus needs to be on encouraging people who typically don't vote to come and support her at the ballot boxes."
A TikTok account called @Swifties4Kamala launched soon after Biden backed Harris for the nomination. The account, which is not affiliated with Swift, describes itself as a "Coalition of Swifties mobilizing to get Dem candidates elected nationwide." At the time of writing, the account had 104,800 followers and more than 465,000 likes.
"Swifties for Harris is a coalition of Taylor Swift fans committed to protecting the United States of America's historical democracy by working together to help elect progressive candidates in local and national elections, including Vice President Kamala Harris for our country's next president," one of the posts on the account reads.
An X, formerly Twitter, account and Instagram account with the same name were also launched. At the time of writing, the X account had 58,100 followers and the Instagram account had 37,600.
Ribeira explained that the reason celebrity endorsements are so important is because they are the ultimate brand people trust and recognize.
A "word to the (not so) wise: "Its better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt"
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Will she endorse Harris?
Is a pigs ass pork?
At first it seemed obvious she would. After all, she meets two criteria: she's childless-- and she certainly is one helluva cat lady!
But OTOH I'm not totally sure about #TaylorSwift stand on the crucial issues of the day. You know-- the things the voters really care about:
For example-- should Tampon dispensers be placed in the Boy's room? Did her running mate actually tell a lie some forty year's ago? Etc.
lol ….. gentleman’s bet?
Wow-- wait a minute!
Isn't gambling on NT a violation of the CoC? (it's been a while since I've read it-- will have to read it again!)
Isn't that the fact about (almost) anything? Judgement-- and variations in perception rule.
Here's a story that deals with that sort of thing:
Three baseball umpires went out for a beer after the game. They were complaining (and rightfully so) about the abuse umpires get. Much of which says that they're are biased towards one team or another.
The first umpire says:
I'm totally fair-- I calls 'em as they are.
The second umpire says:
I calls 'em as I sees 'em.
The third umpire says:
I calls 'em as I think I sees 'em.
I've always found it interesting how some people rerally don't care how often they get suspended-- while some other appeared to be really scared of the prospect of a suspension (even of a 1 day suspension!)
I heard that Beyonce is in her corner as well.
I don't know about those, but one thing i AM sure about is that nobody speaks for me and there is no way that I surround Harris.
Could it be possible that they are referring to a different Buzz? (Do you have a twin brother?)
Well, when my mother gave me that nickname when I was 4 years old she was thinking of Teddy Roosevelt's grandson (great grandson?) but not about Buzz Aldrin or Buzz Lightyear. It was during WW2 and she saw me running around the schoolyard with other kindergarten kids holding our arms straight out and making buzzing sounds imitating Spitfires. The nickname stuck, used by all relatives and friends to this day. I never knew another person who used that nickname.
Very interesting!
Whoops--- I almost forgot the soundtrack that goes with that:
Rowan & Martin's Laugh In
Very Interesting
Arte Johnson and Ruth Buzzi
(Apologies to Buzz-- I know you probably can't view what's on most of these links-- perhaps you can search for them on the search engine you use?)
"Buzz" was the nickname of someone I knew since kindergarten. His real name was Bryan. I don't know how he acquired the nickname. He was a musician/entertainer. He died a few years ago. Way too young.
It's okay I remember the Arte Johnson "Verrrry interesting" scenes very well.
To be fair, her running mate’s lies are recent via his bios on his governor page and on the Harris page.
And he never corrected anyone when they referred to him as CMS even while he was a Congressman. Ask Pelosi. Hardly 40 years ago.
Taylor doesn't even have to endorse Kamala and she probably won't. Her remarks and her actions tell us that she is a Progressive/Liberal/Democrat and a billionaire. She donates millions to the foodbanks where she performs. She is a very altruistic and intelligent, talented, and, not that it matters, beautiful. trump must hate her.
Also, her fans and their families I imagine lean Democrat as well. It's definitely going to be a BLUE WAVE.
Beat that fuggiung horse until it's dead again.
He was a CMS. He was a CMS in 2003 when they deployed to Italy and Turkie.
He was a CMS when they came home April 2004.
He was a CMS sometime in late 2004 when he turned in his request to retire.
He was a CMS the last day he wore the uniform in May 2005.
He retired as a CMS according to the MNG.
He had 5 to 7 months to do the 750 hours of training he owed and chose not to knowing his benefits would be that of an E8.
It seems to me that only a few other non coms have their panties buched.
CMS Jalpin said he never would have approved the paperwork. Good thing it was out of his hands, anyone with their 20 in can retire at any time regardless of their enlistment contract.
CMS Behnard and the other knuckle head had to step up when Walz retired and said nothing for 12 years.
He was a CMS.
get over it already, what's he going to do explain 600-8-19 to everyone who addresses him as his last rank.
First rule. Respect the rank.
I don't know why some choose to continue with the lie about someone else's service. Me thinks some doth protest way too much and defend the indefensible.
That is not a Kosher comment, not even Halal.
Thanks for the reminder of those two terms
'll have to remember to use them the next time I'm wondering what to put in my RED BOX RULES!
Good idea.
Of course "Red Box Rules" have their function. But personally I sometimes find them boring and repetitive. So why not try to make them as entertaining as the other content here?
New rule for my Red Box: All comments that are Treif or Haram may be deleted without warning!
And how about ones that cause allergic reactions, like peanuts do for some people?
Gotta luv Peanuts!
While Taylor Swift is yet to endorse anyone for the upcoming election, a PR expert has told Newsweek the singer is likely to throw her support behind Vice President Kamala Harris .
Why would she bother?? It seems like a lot of blowback would not be worth it. I mean, she is arguably more popular than both of them put together.
Well there are some people who do have principles.
While some folks have big egos and only care about themselves, there are others who do care about their own life-- but also care about other people-- even society as a whole!
Heck-- strange as it may seem, in some future time there might even be someone like that would run for president!
People are different.
For some folks, what you just described might make sense-- they're already so popular (and so rich!) that they wouldn't bother to comment on politics.
OTOH, there are some people with different values-- perhaps it was the way their parents brought them up. Or maybe it developed later in life . . .
But their values go beyond their Ego-- and they do genuinely care for other people-- even for what's good for society as a whole!!!
There really is no need. Her Swifties will take care of that. Hard to imagine that any Taylor Swift fan would think she would ever vote for Trump but easy to see her voting for Harris. I do not see how an endorsement would make that much of a difference.
I think you're right-- an endorsement by Swift might not be important in changing over any Trump voters to Harris voters.
But here's what it might do: for her fans who aren't interested in politics (and perhaps never vote at all)-- it might motivate them to go to the polls!
What would your response be if she endorses Trump?
Highly unlikely but anything is a possibilty.
If Taylor Swift endorsed Trump my reaction would be the same as for anyone who supports Trump. It is not as if we do not have plenty of examples of people supporting this scoundrel. You know my position.
What would be more interesting than my reaction would be the reaction of the Swifties. I think their heads would explode.
One of the terms leftists need to come to terms with is acceptance. Most of them have zero tolerance for anybody else’s opinion, especially in politics.
If Swift decides to give her support to Trump, then the left, many of those her fan base, and many who absolutely hate Trump, but can’t define why except he puts out mean tweets, will have to accept her opinion.
Sadly, I fear they will not and go into perpetual tantrum mode.
Taylor Swift would never endorse Trump, of course. She's too intelligent and she doesn't think America is a third world shithole like Trump does.
One of the things right wing reactionaries need to do is come to terms with reality, but that's just not going to happen. Most of them have zero tolerance for anybody else's opinion about anything, in politics or otherwise. They prove that daily. That's a product of the fact that so many of them are as ignorant as they are arrogant.
Most of them have zero tolerance for anybody else's opinion about anything, in politics or otherwise
That is the most hilarious thing I have heard in a very long tine.
When was the last time you saw conservatives burn buildings, loot stores, kill others and take over college campuses all because of their racism and most importantly, their feelings were hurt?
It’s never easy to
The PD&D+delusion and hypocrisy are today's gop/maga/magacult
No way in hell does Taylor Swift endorse that traitor.
Good grief man:
Some people resort to violence; this is true across ideology, party affiliation, race, geography, etc. Trying to paint those who do not meet your definition of 'conservative' as violent and pretend that your specially defined group is so much better is naive.
Then you need to get out more.
That's it right there - a new word was coined regarding the cult and maga- agnorance. So true.
What would your response be if she endorses Putin?
Aw c'mon-- I don't think Bugsy is the type of person who would actually burn buildings when he goes out!
Then I would agree she is a full blown liberal.
Well, what should our response be if she priases Hilter--or Stalin?
(Also highly unlikely of course...)
I don’t know. Maybe you would praise her for doing so, maybe you wouldn’t.
I’m not a mind reader
Maybe Trump should steal one of her songs for his rallies - he's already been sued by other musicians for that.
Here's some that would be fitting for the purpose:
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Fresh Out of the Slammer
False God
I Knew Youi Were Trouble
Bad Blood
Illicit Affairs
I Did Something Bad
How about "Sympathy for the Devil"
That one was written by The Rolling Stones (when they came back from their trips to gather Moss).
How about Johnny Cash's 'In the Jailhouse Now'?
As Harris' showdown with former President Donald Trump—the GOP nominee—dominates the news cycle, a host of Swifties have publicly declared their support for the Democrat, with some urging the singer to do the same.
Luana Ribeira, founder of Dauntless PR, said the buzz surrounding Harris as a presidential candidate is palpable and clever social media posts and support from celebrities are crucial to creating this atmosphere of optimism and excitement. Ribeira believes that Swift's endorsement is imminent.
BTW, many thanks to all who comment here. I'm trying to take a page out of Buzz' most excellent movies quizzes-- trying to keep this article on the front page. (So unless a comment is extremely nasty, my intention is to be rather lax in moderation-- especially re: "Off topic" comments.
So please-- comment away!
Try and stop me. LOL
I looked over most of the clues. I think I know most of them. I will submit them tomorrow.
(That comment has absolutely nothing to do with the topic here-- But I was just trying to take inspiration from your movies quizzes, and slyly trying to help keep this article on the front page. Heh
By the way, it's the "likes" or "votes up" of the article at the top left of it that count the most in keeping your article on the Front (Home) Page. As I'm typing this, your article has 6.
However, I think it is arrogantly egotistical to vote up seeds and one's own articles and comments one posts, and I don't do it.
That's what I had thought. But on your movie quizzes it seems there are often people making comments and saying they want to help keep it on the front page, eh?
My movie games have not been movie quizzes for some time. Now it's not necessary to have seen the movie or even know the story in order to get a perfect score - the game is more related to a treasure hunt than to a quiz. You should try it sometime - you might enjoy the distraction, fun and mental exercise that it is considered by the participants. Most members here are not interested in such benefits, but get their kicks from arguing politics and insulting other members. I have not posted one for a while due to the impossible competition with American politics these days, but I'll let you know when I get around to posting one.
No stone is to be left unturned.
Your boy is getting desperate Vic...
Due to my age my eyesight is failing, and I have to use a magnifying glass from time to time to read what someone posts. However, with respect to your comment, I'm sorry but I don't have a microscope. It is the reason I increase the font of my own comments from 12 point to 14 point, so I can read them over to check my spelling, grammar, typos, etc. before posting them, and even then some escape detection.
My vast psychic powers tell me you are using a PC (Windows) cmptr not a MAC. So hold down the Ctrl key then keep hitting the + sign to enlarge entire page.
To decrease the font size you are viewing, hold down the Ctrl key and keep hitting the - key (Its on the key to the left of the +)
Of course when you enlarge the page too much you won't be able to see the entire page.
I should have remembered that - I think TiG told me to do that when I was having a related problem before. What I had been doing was copy the comment, paste it on a word document and enlarge it. But using the + and - keys is easier.
I also mentioned that -- but it was a while back so you may have forgotten.
Funny thing is that I can remember things all the way back to when I was 2 years old, but when it comes to something as recent as 5 minutes ago... My most poignant experience with that is when I told my wife I couldn't find my glasses and she pointed out that I was wearing them.
As people get older their short term memory can fade. But what I've always found interesting that happens much less with long term memory.
Good advice!
(Especially if you're running a political campaign).
That's probably because we don't want them to gather no moss?
Didn't you mean "gather moss" rather than "gather no moss"?
I suppose grammatically "we don't want them" and "gather no Moss" would be considered incorrect. (a "Double Negative").
An error grammatically-- but perhaps interesting "styilistically" I like to occasionally break the rules (for example I like to often split infinitives).
Sometimes it can be very "attention getting"-- which can be useful in certain situations in a discussion on social media.
And then, of course, I do have a mischievous streak.....
IIRC we were brought up in an era where is was almost a sin to split an infinitive. From some of the things I've been reading, for a while now it appears in many circles its considered OK (to split infinitives).
Although I was actually referring to the saying:
A rolling stone gathers no Moss
Of course the opposite might be
A rolling stone gathers Moss
You're the best when it comes to that.
I've often split infinitives notwithstanding I even intentionally majored in English to thankfully receive my B.A.
believe it or not, I did not, but somehow on occasion get a point across
Its an ENTP thing!
(Click or double click to enlarge image)
Here's the original seed on NT (from a while back):
What Personality Type Are You? The MBTI ("Myers Briggs Typology Indicator") - PART I of V
LOL I enjoyed reading some of the comments from back then. Someone called me a crochety old geezer and I agreed with him. That was seven years ago and I'm I much more crochety old geezer now.
Speaking of The Stones, this is one on my favourite videos! I know its off-topic, so I hope it doesn't annoy people too much. (Watch 'till the end):
Muddy Waters & The Rolling Stones - Baby Please Don't Go - Live At Checkerboard Lounge
You never know what could be revealed.
Isn't it obvious?
When the stone is actually finally turned, what is revealed is...a growth of Moss!
A rolling stone can be other things besides the obvious, such as a musician or a news medium, or a description of a person who cannot settle down.
I wish she would hurry and make an endorsement so I know who to vote for. /s
I myself never decide who to vote for before I read comments from the experts on NT!
I doubt the vast majority of her fans are not old enough to vote or have any interest in politics.
How often to you use Zoom?
Or TikTok.
Especially Tik Tok!
When I first discovered it I spent a lot of time watching it-- trying to figure out what was going on. Now I no longer watch it.
I used to watch IGM a lot-- to keep in touch with younger friends. But rarely look at that anymore.
Still use Zoom a fair amount-- for regular meetings of groups I belong to, occasionally I take a course so use Zoom for that.
Taking into consideration that there are SO MANY TikTok users of all political bents who enjoy using that app, and many who even make a living using it, since the Democratic government has indicated that it will be banned in America, I think Bytedance should refuse to sell it, and if Trump should promise that he will not allow it to be banned, or will reinstate it if it is, he could get the voting support he's looking for.
"Been there, done that":
In March 2024, Trump reversed his position on banning TikTok, and began advocating against banning the app. Trump argued that while the app's national security and data privacy concerns should still be addressed, banning TikTok would empower Facebook , which he labeled the "enemy of the people." [ 83 ]
Actually when I read that my first though was about what he did re: Bitcoin!
Bitcoin has been controversial. But he had never mentioned before (as far as I remember). Suddenly he came out strongly in favour of it!
Bitcoin has some strong detractors as well as some strong (extreme supporters. (For some its almost like a religion!!!) It was obvious he could care less about Bitcoin either way-- but that this was merely a ploy to get a new group of supporters!
(He even went to a Bitcoin convention where he got a very friendly reception!)
Well, Tess, in my opinion the ultraparanoid "Yellow Peril" fraidy-cat Democrats need to know that banning what half the American Public enjoy could be a big mistake. Why is it so fucking necessary for Americans to create an enemy when it's a rare occasion that they don't have one? Is it in order to make sure a strong military is maintained or just to scare the rest of the world that it can be its bogeyman?
I don't think TikTok is going to be banned. I don't keep up with it much but I do use it now and then and will post and share them on Facebook.
That's a new one on me 'the ultraparanoid 'yellow peril' fraidy-cat Democrats'
I think you're making a big to do about something I don't see happening
Well, if it's just a bluff on the part of the administration I hope ByteDance calls their bluff.
Then you're not aware of all the roadblocks America is throwing in the path of China's advancement, including recruiting other nations and trying to convince them to contain China - such unbelievable paranoia on the part of America that it thinks China might actually surpass it to become the number one nation in the world.
Do you know Bob Dylan's song, The Times They Are A-Changin'? I'll amend one of its verses.
Again, I don't see it, despite all your protestations
Actually I'm thinking that if any American politician did advocate banning Tik-Tok-- they would make enemies. But I not thinking of the Chinese but rather the younger cohorts in the U.S. (I think that's Gen Z but I don't remember the label)-- say those in their 20s! Most of them love Tik Tok, in many cases its their favourite site!
And many make their living by using it.
Yes, a lot of people(many still in their 20s) make large amounts of money on Tik Tok. Some of them also post tutorials on how to produce content that is the most lucrative. (I watched one— it was amazing!)
Are they worried about the Chinese Bogeyman destroying America?
Enemy of The People?
Trump;s jargon as of late seems to be sounding more and more like Stalinist slogans!
You might be surprised. Here's an article from what happened not so long ago:
More than 35,000 people register to vote after Taylor Swift post
Taylor Swift called out to fans to register on National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday and Swifties answered in droves.
Swift posted an Instagram story directing her 272 million followers to Vote.org, a nonprofit organization that offers voter registration services.
"Are you registered to vote yet?" Swift wrote. "I've been so lucky to see so many of you guys at my US shows recently. I've heard you raise your voices, and I know how powerful they are. Make sure you're ready to use them in our elections this year!"
How successful was Swift's message?
Vote.org averaged 13,000 users every half hour after Swift's post, Nick Morrow, the website's communications director posted on X, the social media site formerly known as Twitter.
"Let's just say her reputation for being a mastermind is very well-earned," Morrow said.
Undoubtedly some are not old enough to vote. But many are-- and are greatly influenced by #TaylorSwift!
Undoubtedly some are not old enough to vote. But many are-- and are greatly influenced by #TaylorSwift!
There's a relatively (new?) word for people like her. (I've been coming across it a lot on various social media platforms).-- she can be called "an influencer"!
One who exerts influence : a person who inspires or guides the actions of others
The old theme of laziness and mellowness runs counter to today's influencers, who are businesspeople and upscale inspirational promoters of a go-getter way of life.—John C. Dvorak
Often, specifically : a person who is able to generate interest in something (such as a consumer product) by posting about it on social media
Excellent Krishna - I was going to point out that she most likely encourages her fans, those old enough of course, to register to vote and to vote, if they had not done so already.
Most of her friends are pretty young--- but many are over 18.
That's so funny. I lol'd at that
Just the opposite apparently.
she's a marketing genius and my gut feeling is that she's got something big up her sleeve...
From a simple internet search:
she's definitely a cultural icon that crosses over a lot of lines. I'm not a big fan of pop music, but it wouldn't surprise me if she did something that would cause significant damage to the trump campaign before the election. she is a unifying force to young women and her tour is making positive social change in the cities she appears, as well as boosting their local economies. my own personal observation was 2 latinas at my favorite breakfast burrito place sporting their swifty gear after her appearance in denver, and a female acquaintance willing to pay any price for tickets to attend any era's tour date in the US for her daughter and herself. IMO there would be no commercial downside for swift to endorse the harris/walz ticket.
I predict taylor swift will do something politically epic in the next 30 days...
... especially with trump taunting her now.
I doubt the vast majority of her fans are not old enough to vote or have any interest in politics .
#DakotaJohnson Shows You How to Make a Taylor Swift Joke:
The endorsement would not be that interesting, although many entertainers do shy away from that sort of thing for fear of alienating fans.
What could make a difference would be if she actually encouraged people to go out and vote - possibly by talking about it at her shows or doing ads.
I had thought of that. But I think many are not that political-- and they worship her!
And she is tremendously popular with her fans-- so much so that (even without politics) she impacts the world.
For example:
Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour Could Generate $4.6 Billion For Local Economies
Another example:
Taylor Swift Fans Make the Ground Shake, Seismic Activity Detected During Concerts | THR News
Anyone who votes for a candidate, simply because someone like Taylor Swift endorses them, isn’t intellectually qualified to vote.
Well, we do have laws in this country. (And of course also lawbreakers).
But while there are legal qualifications in order to vote, intelligence is not one of them.
Or, let me fix that. A more accurate way to put that would be:
But while there are legal qualifications in order to vote, your judgement of a person's intelligence is not one of them.
Oh I understand. I used to ask my union staff who they were voting for. The most common answer I got?
Whoever the union tells me to.
Generally speaking, these were intelligent individuals, except when it came to things like this. No individual evaluation at all. It’s an interesting duality to say the least.
Sounds like an assumption on your part.
Perhaps many of them did try to evaluate the situation on their own-- but they felt that while the issues were very important, and the outcomes would greatly effect their lives, they weren't sure which candidate would be most effective at making the gov't move toward toward their position (the union position).
And that in your position you might have the opportunity to know more facts about the candidates. that they didn't.
Actually if you re-read the above comments, there was another issue raised. And that is for many of them the issue wasn't who they would vote fore-- but rather if they should vote at all. (Taylor Swift has already, fairly recently IIRC, told them the election was important ant that they should register and vote. (In that instance she did not tell them who to vote fore-- just that they should vote)
Taylor Swift has more intelligence than those who are doubting her fans' intelligence and I'm sure her fans as well.
EXACTLY, we know who Taylor and her fans will vote for (those who are of age) and Taylor didn't even have to say who that is.
To further elaborate on one of the things we've been discussing:
She has urged her fans to vote but has not endorsed any candidate. But if, for any reason she doesn't want to endorse any specific candidate she doesn't have to.
All she has to do is to take a stand on any important issue (without saying anything about any candidate).
On an issue that's probably important to a lot of young woman (as well as other groups as well of course).
Say, for example, (to pick an issue at random) the abortion issue. Swift can discuss how bad the current situation is, and how important it is to do what we can to change the situation for the better-- especially by voting for any candidates that might have enlightened views on the subject.
(But of course not mentioning any candidates' names-- and not asking them to vote for or against) any specific candidate)
"The key to success for Kamala is not to convert committed Republicans, they won't vote for her no matter what she says and does. Her focus needs to be on encouraging people who typically don't vote to come and support her at the ballot boxes."
You mean there are people who would cast a vote for a Presidential candidate simply because a performer endorses a candidate?
That is about as stupid as stupid gets.
Committed is right or need to be. . .
What performer has endorsed Kamala?
I see you have no problem with kid rock, ted shits his pants nugent, or hulk hogan.
IIs it any more stupid when someone buys a brand of toothpaste-- or even when someone buys a particular brand of car-- or when a star athlete recommends buying a particular brand of soft drink and they buy lots of it?
How about people who would cast a vote for a Presidential candidate simply because someone on NT endorses a candidate?
In actual fact, its less stupid than its gets!
Lol I just can't understand this fascination people have with the opinions of musicians, actors and atheletes. I mean it's not like their celebrity status gives any special insight into the political landscape
I've always felt the same way.
And I used to be much more judgemental of people...
Although more and more I've come to realize that people are different. Many people have very different values than I do, and different opinions.
Actually I used to let that upset me.
Now I usually just laugh at some of the nuttier one-- and occasionally (just for fun!) decide to mick thempublically.
Never in my life have I ever bought a product or service because a celebrity endorsed it. And I would apply that to politics too. Although it was tempting to switch to Trump when Kid Rock and Chachi endorsed him. /s
the GOP is now the party of has beens, thumpers, and felons...